Acts Against Viptalk: Grade 1

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Acts against VipTalk

Grade 1

1.Teaching with a bad connection.

2.Teaching in a noisy environment.

3.Teaching in a dark environment.

4.Teaching without a stable camera.

Grade 2

1.Teaching not using the power point. (When the student chooses one.)

2.Closing the camera without asking student’s permission.

3.Teaching without typing the words and correcting mistakes.

4.Wearing indecent clothes while teaching.

Grade 3

1.Using profanity or obscene words during class.

2.Uncontrolled temper and discourtesy.

3.Teaching without class preparation.

4.Doing other things while teaching. (traveling, walking, driving, eating, listening something,
watching, etc.)

5.Talking about the salary or other personal issues with the students.

Grade 4

1.Showing or Exhibiting obscene materials during the class.

2.Making a personal arrangement with a student outside VipTalk.

3.Refusing to cooperate.

4.Lend your account to other teachers privately when you are busy.
Account forbids

1. Has given warning 5 times account will be permanently forbidden.

2. Violating Grade 3 offenses 5 times account will be permanently forbidden.

3.Violating Grade 4 offenses will have the permanently forbidden.

Tips: Once account is forbidden, your earnings won’t return anymore.

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