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a att sTeTU TBE aes) P is un Z 5 SECRETS TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION How f Use this Book Using the WW Timeline of Events, THE DRAGON'S LAST DANCE THE LAST TESTAMENT OF DUNKELZAHN |, DUNKELTAHN (On the Execution of My Will Who killed Duiketealin? Treasure Han The Dragon's Hoard The Corporate Connection The Draco Foundation Nadja Davlar—Lady of Mystery And Trouble for All Dunkelzahn the Martyr THE PLAYERS Ares Macrotechnology th Brackhaven ‘Atlantean Foundation Carras Comm Cross Appited Technologies The Draco foundation Gunderson Corporation Mumanls Policlub Mluminates of the New Dawn The John Timmons Memorial Fund Manadyne Corporation MegaMedia Frotees Subsystems Retlable imaging Sterra, Inc "1 21 2 2 a3 ar a9 st 33 57 st 58 59 00 61 6 ot 6 65 « Waxing Incomporated Yakashima Technologies SHADOWLAND ON PARADL THE SLEEPING DRAGON Gruntwork 1e Dragon's cares The Jade Dragon of Wind and fire Secret Will The Dragon Lines The Four Catns of Luck WHO WATCHES THE WATCHERS? Business, Just Personal My Defense Answers ane Questions kinda Far-Fetched, Isn't IN THE CARDS, Death Comes Knocking Fire a d Brimston he Dien Daitling the Demon tpitogue or 68 69 nw n n 1 83 a oa 100 192 102 105 12 CREDITS ns PORTFOLIO OF A DRAGON: DUNKELZAHN’S SECRETS Visit our World Wide Web site at http://www AWORD FROM OUR SPONSOR: ‘A won from our sponsar: Evan today, | can still be shacked by the speod of events. | signed on to anmowice our new on-line format—easier on the eyes, simpler to reat, and! much mare user trendy. instead, | have to ylve you some really bad news, Qur friend Qunkelala was pronounced dead by the BEAS Boversment at 11:58:59PM. As if we di all see ee ‘our td sels, As if same of us weren't there. As ifthe world did't just become darker; blacker, colder We here at Shadowiand will be observing 2 moment of on-ine sitance trom 0:00:00 August 11 10 BU:01:00 Aupast 11 for ur departed Tien, Please walt our ace {ook dav one of our owvn, nt wwe wind out wer af. THE BACK stock Download (The Awakened World aif speltes cut aanoia, conspiracies, atel secret sti) ree State [From Tir to Azsan and everything In between) aign 2057 (Yate early, vore often!) GO TO COMPLETE LIBRARY ARCHIVES ‘Specifically, Shacowland ‘Work, Mage, and into the penthouse ing. acelitional ttt, GO TO COMMETE LIBRARY ARCHIVES COMING SOON (Ongenizad Crinie (Exposing, the secrets!) Flash Pins ‘Mot spats for those who live on the edge) s Need Help! (Drones, drones ancl more: GO TO COMPLETE LIpRARY ARCHIVES CONCESSION SPEECHES UCAS MILITARY ON RED ALERT It’s 13:54:06, Do You Know Where Your Meat Body Is? ARTHUR VOGEL To my vietonous opponent, Presidentetsct Dunkelzan, | offer my congratulations... along ANNE PENCHYK “OM behalf of che Republican Party, and o ail he good citizens h the sincere hope votes for ime. F heart this administration il follow policies that Uetory, We treat Mother Earth with 2 good fight ane | the fespect she deserves sn squire—so have a Garyianel |, anc may of Sea Ih. your new cha uy fellow citizens wh Mi Present, anct do ave abou! the workd we your best od for every 11 IVE in stand rearly co ald the Presiden should he call on us ‘ne the UCAS, DR. ROZILYN KENNETH HERNANDEZ BRACKHAVEN ‘just hore all you pebple how what you're >« hour Snes [ust soln, vou hagor elore dawn. This & tha In@affice when you Beicscialke 5 reads EQUIY have ‘had... ior usand ‘or our forget it; just don’t come crying to me wien things Comet We keep faith cont Work out quite lice We have fost this bate you expected 1. We wall-—we mst onto Ho fight Yo Trt we wall eval JAMES BOOTH ames Booth dil’ waste all these years: bic offce to met bicsee! by some over ‘grown chamelegnt james [Booty demands a DUNKELZAHN This is Wot my vieto fy. It belongs to every one who Voter! for what reptesent— hope. progresssal brighterfature for us all, Maty oF you let hoe find ie easy 40 accept a diagon as a Fellow citizen, let aione as the leadlerof ou nation a yetyeu Is tened 19 me wkh open minds and opeat haastS ane 10 the ‘overcame your feays to take a stand ‘Or R@pe, I fpramise you this halon who case rei atulate Duinkelzain 1 agi hate a ation, But the dawn wi oonkeezan a seeners 1 IntRoDpUcTION Who Wache: USING THE WILL Dunkelaab Shadowrun 330 TIMELINE OF EVENTS. srely 2057—Dunketzahi ainounces nis intent in to nit on a historic broadcast of "Wyetn Talk Marchuly campaig yn rocks’ the UCAS, Five ‘ontencl and forth for the winning position: wit 10 judy 2057 Ger 1 August 2057—Deadline fo B August 2057—Metahurnans and other pro-Awekened citer -eebrate Dunkelzahn’s victory in iles across the UC 9 August 2057—Presklent Dunkelzahn andl Vice-Presiden Haeffne: are formally sworn. int Foc 1uguration parties galore are. held thi to FDC spraw 10.23.08 PAA (EST)—Dunkelzahe | in alii ee Q LHS a THREE-QUARTER IROPILE OF D'S NAYLOR: How does i¢ fee! to be Presitent, si DUNKELZAHN {CUT TO: CROWD SHOT, IRENA Fe Cur TO. JANE FEEL VOGIL: te wits quit Udon fee i Dunketzay DY/VOGEL AP KITCHEN TAB one ie Sa we yaaa Gon SLAST Dance ' WING FILES, INCLUDE DISCLAIMERS OF VERACT Death of a Dragon: The Assassination of Dunkelzahn clio town, F shoul be bitiag, he ra DULETE COUNIERTEX), DELETE COUNTERTEXT No, chur hat an’ right Fm tel’ yay 1 saw it, The: bomb 8 at the shelee Hf Ie but it in’ back down an” hie the stil n Know. | gat papers. ¥ M You guys'te f ‘ ‘member a irate vidgr surnpin’ huh Inn ADELETE COUNTERTEXT appened (DELETE COUNTERTEXT ounneLzanns + | THE DRAGON'S cane ' i rite sed trl? Sit chil: co vou think rita port, this is N BAK We day Ins ny lifetime. (ve watthed alr : lah FILED 2ENOITRLLAZ/ wh ¥PT-Encot cone // Wor ID PILE, / ack fal, and Finchedl away i : vie and He ike o dragon st ; 1 coukt have’ had ICOUNTERTEXT DELETED, or HeLzaH t i ° \ vont re ol 5 seeners 0 TT wes Fugue LAIR Ee WU HEL Z AH Yo para ‘one hane, s37en8,” while ulation ‘As some of you may already suspect, the werid despoil the Earth in the name of prot. Nation 0 magically talented, humans have tured ca. there melahaman brothers and vice vi inchanged, ifs all going to come crashing cown, probably sooner rather tha’ youl all ge the proverbial Bue good! news 6 that youn eadly sai, you've achieved level of recnolegica sreciecessers would ehh, Plus, you're rapicly rediscovering the ancient ar of key. For wih the twin ats of slence ane! magic at your contro, you tr wetld in some fuiamental ways: Of couIse. this power cout just as easily be v “ven futher ait of ba ‘sess likely to happert because oF the very hislivits. He ows that his power comes from the natural onde oF the universe eather than against it, And t's that kind ‘of wictrt that wil help recat ‘in things around. {Quite simpy, I'm tell you to GROW UTP. In this age, you've got more pewer at your fingertips shan your ancestors ever cieamed! was possible, ContFiue to push We enwvesofe o iream the big ereams, Yy all means, But you must begin using, your knowted because thousands of years may pass belore merahumanity regains the strength and tools needed 10 successhilly weather the coming sterms—ard you may not get another chance. Torpunk -2Aann FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 15 August 2057 For more information, contact Sandia Davie! ar the Diaco Founclation Nadja Daviar Pledges To Execute Dunkelzahn’s Last Wishes For muck anity. Though Dunkelzahn’s uncimels From pursuing his goals and plans personally, the Draco Founclation will z His gs F As directed In his will, the Draco Founclation will be solely responsible executing the provisions of Dunkelzahn's will. The Founciation, ia tain, w operate under my personal direction, and | pledge to carry out my duties to the | As is evident in Dunkelzahn’s vestament, he hada high regard for and felt a kinship: with Alone arm nnkine he e zed the stre acterize Our race, comiinued to fascinate and delight him. while ou ive sightedness and jrrespon: sibility continued to concern him, Even as he studied! our actions andl reactions, he generously funded a myriad of enterprises that he believed would benefit metahumanity ia both the short ancl long ceet Dikiketzane's bast wishe and social enterprises that Dunkelzahn himself deemed necessary to the survival of ou doing so. we hope [LADY OF THE COURT! As the humans say. what a eo plete load of drek! How éare he post suck lis and ceil he's etviously doing it ust to embarrass the rest of us i you've achieved a level of technological end intellecal ayers development anequaled by any ofthe civilizations tht fw 10 rer F QM passed netore you." How car he say such things wit straight lace? By the Paths! He was a dragon! Mis pinay) ierest in humadity was as a tasty snack! Ot the decepti that have heen pergetrated on the lesser races, this ri therm all as the most thorough and least amusing. We aa i well cid of him ounne zanna WORDSMYTH) My dear, you are deceiving yourselt if you believe Dunkelzabw's imflvence at an end. His interest in the metic! ana spint of te human race was completely sincere You would have no way of knowing, Dui ne was a strange nae ven in the cid world, always nursuing inierests that seemed Contrary tothe other dragons’ goals an¢ insisting on including the oiher races inthe big decisior. | believe the wyem finally tet his way, even though he had to accormplsh it from wher: ‘aver dragons go whan they tie That he created a will fr disposal of his praperty is strange im itsell. My understanding at th ing death in the dragen ra behind belongs to the dragon thet proves itsell superior in a cantest of will and sireagt. That oddity aside, if you look clasely at his will you can see his plan in quite amazing detail simply by tracing the bequests he made. Durkeizaln beat us at our own game Long betore we chose fo play that same, ritual nd (LADY OF THE COURT] You've always been a bit waive ‘ld man, ant a hit top fond of eanspiracy Weories. The only ‘hing | seo inthe dragon's will is the same ovarwoening pride for which | always despised hi, and which was ultimately his downtai, Attempting te force our hand using the pathetic Dlcy of worming fis. way inte Muyran actions by playing according to their rules, and ruling them tram platn sight rather than from behind the scenes simply shows that he never really understood our intentors, or the taseness of mmetzhumankind. The only threat he ever posed ta ous future pans was the potential or unnecessarily panicking the co {ng agains! as—for though we are their bet ters in avery way, there still is sirength in cumbers [WORDSHYTH) Lady, please liston while try 1¢ oxplain wwhal see, The pattern of Dunketzah’s bequosts weaves 3 complex tapesty ef encouragement, rivalries, rewards, pay | offs, revenge, whimsy and wiles that was many centuries i | lanning and many more in execution. No matter how many | times. we rebutted his plans, ignored is pleas and even forced him to bow to out terms, inthe long run, it seems, we were duped: he simply anticipated our objections and switched fo plan B oF plan C oF whatever version of his mas ter gattarn we fit into. | think he has always hetieved that rmetahumanity held the kay tothe fi ‘and has always worked te holp mitahumankind realize ite al defeat of our enenbies, | tutit wasn to anyone's advanfage tut his own, He thought and tulure generations af metahumanity, he could eventual: ly oestroy the others thats 04 i his way and remake the fost world in his own image, All his apparent cancorn for oe rmight-makos-right strategy the dragons have always [WORDSMYTH) 1! you will not heay my words regarding Ts (ntemtioss and his efforts to preserve the world as we iow i, then consicer this: wit Dunkelzain yave away in his will was only a tiny Irzction uf his wealth (as you know), and his knowledge was vast beyond the imagining of any of ‘aur race. A committee of those you consider toe the equiv alent of cattle vantro al that wealth and the power such rich: 5 bring, and at least one of them has access 10 whatever hnowledye, opinions, speculation, instructions and schemes he those to record, Have yo tlly grasped what that simpt fact means, my Lady? :WORUSMYTH} Lay of the Court ILADY OF THE COURT] | ad not considered this ramiti tion, I seems | have been Icokiag only at the snort view, at feast es far as the dragons are concerned, and we may fave clebrated the death of our adversary premalirely. | cannot take everything you say at face value, Wordsmyth, hut you have given ine focd tor theught ut what of you? Do you undertake the plans he obi tuisly had ter you? WOROSHAYTH) | wit gladly uli my appotetmen’ tothe Dunketzann institute of Magical Fesearen, Hf tal is weat you are asking. | cannot pretend to understane what Dunkelzann intended to accomplish, but | am curious te fears more at his, ‘vals and will do my pat! te help forward his wishes out cf friendshia, from no other motivation. To be honest. when ‘we were last tagather | sided acainst our tate fiend with great reluctance, Now soe that, ualite the rest of us, he really meant what he wae saying. He believe so strongly in the validity of his position thal he set in mation plans thet even we may not live te see tililled, Quite possibly, my yourig One, Dunkelzahn was righ, That possibility 1s worth iy time, my effort anc: my Joyal, And, oddly enough, | thine he counted on me recognizing tha! {LADY OF THE COURT) Then we must part as adversaries, lor wilt not so easily abandon all ave ave worked for andthe rewards we have gained through our eons [WORDSMYTH | think the wily oid wyer even knew that Sleep well 5 secnets | i DUNKGLZANN.. | ON THE EXECUTION OF MY WILL WAS iin SNE WAS win "SNE, WS iin OE SFR rye Laie ay WAS ii iv ENE) SSS Fugue fam ay WAS Wi rai BAS wi its Frye rue Lame SAS viniishin ENE SAS wi Fegmrye Large Ne TV KEL ZAWN [WAS nin Koos WAS Wiis" NE, m/f . k Le Ss Wee ae loUnKEL ZAHM. ra a E © hoe aie mney ferred tain the wil The teat that apipsails on the Mais poh it erry, WHO KILLED DUNKELZAHN? eho x anti BY DC INSIDER y fatleheusie FALLOUT f ° ° ° ° | ori TREASURE HUNT THE DRAGON’S HOARD BY TALON DUNKEL Zann’ Ss SECRETS meee Sl ° ° tb 7 : x ° : ° : PalLaut DUNKEL ZANN’S SECnE rs FALLOUT THE CORPORATE CONNECTION 6 itinoleen WW THE CHROMED ACCOUNTANT HE DRACO. FOUNDATION ake cor FALLOUT 4g puntie-=na Se é pos raccoum tiki ® ° ° tf FatLtour AND TROUBLE FOR ALL BY SOCIOPAT r FaLLou ¥ 7: j FALLOUT FALLOUT s DUNKEL ZAHN S SECRETS Ff Tieruavens THE PLAYERS ARES MACROTECHNOLOGY Tresiden raeman c Headquan THE ATLANTEAN FOUNDATION . . THE PLAVERS § BRACKHAVEN INVESTMENTS : alk ° , ‘ f nd ° t ih c ; i 1 tee i a . ° CROSS APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES | ° 1 1 President/CEO: Dr. eno Headquarters: Mort uh 1 7 r thet Business Profile * exechinolog . H cake troubie al small high na. wel © companies (og F 1. He 4 mp 1 y Cros ea | hr 4 Biacehavoril Hee Heyer eke gest bike 4 CARRAS COMMUNICATIONS Principal Divisions: Divistor ntti Technolog | The fi he "go figure” ceparame These guys Location: ge 4 small-ime Bymt based out-of Minot, North Dake Division H See harged low-frequency « Chief Products/Services: 5 sliltes, computer atlons. Awh a small he at bare ware (such a the CMT Babel riper | 1 alvision put . in bo es. cyberwave an nt equipment \ ‘ r anymor ‘ t fi i Division Name: Crc need F ‘ Location: Seatte UCAS | Divista tal ‘ . i vision h nouselio \ m. gaene players, muste chip WETS bE Chief Products/Services: T jon crank I the si a " ° ° e a A ile wicte : : Head: “Gal a iicts/Sericest The Seraphiny ave Cross Corp's best FOUR THE DRACO i i Oy "24, FOUNDATION zs Zo, Dkeetor Nac 0: THE PLAVERS Draco Foundation: Nadi 0: Board Member: Board Member: if ° Board Member: Grace frie ° The fr ' Foondat jenedl to go over ° of imp . ° THE GUNDERSON CORPORATION om President/C£O: jornes johan Harvin the Headaquasters: Mii : " . Business Profile r . k get uo } HUMANIS POLICLUB Heailquarters: Unk J} Dwision Head: Dx Alber rom | Chief Products/Sentces: Morte! in itiow I sai tt the Catllornia F f 1 didn't B Diision Name: Taiise the: presidental : Chief Products/Seryices: Thvs division h THE PLAVERS THE JOHN TIMMONS MEMORIAL FUND PLAYERS MANADYNE CORPORATION President: Dr. C mint Headquarters: Boston. | Business Profite ° MEGAMEDIA ecient CI ‘Offic MEYNT-ZAI INDUSTRIES t/CIO: Viet al me Office Location: ( Anns ener fi > ae PLAYERS aa PHOENIX BIOTECHNOLOGIES President/CEO: Business @ Cami ' PROTEUS SUBSYSTEMS (ome Othce Location Des omnes, wa Business Profile: P ‘ ith RELIABLE IMAGING TAN TIEN INCORPORATED ° ° kek ¢ ‘Office Location: Baling, & j ¥ q r q i ° TELESTRIAN INDUSTRIES President: james Telest Headquarters: Poriand. T 6 punnenzaun’s ° . f 7 f 7 fist enous UCAS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT F al in the FedGov following presidency just Speaket of the House: Becty jo Pritcharcl iDe President Pro Tem of the Senate: Secretary of State: Nell Har Secretary of the Teeasury: Secretary of Defense Maykeant Secretary of Agricu Secretary of B Secretary of Resour etary of Human Ser punneeze Sucners Secretary of I THE PLAVERS UNIVERSAL OMNITECH Presictents Hamilton Grim Headquar ouvert, Selish - payee Divisio 1 ir ° ° " ‘ on VISIONQUEST ENTERTAINMENT * sideni/CEO: Holly Brighton Business Profile > 1 establish > r ; oH pUAKELZenn Ss SeenE TS 1 THE LAVveERS WARPDRIVE SYSTEMS President: Steven 2. hi Headquarters: Denver Front Range free Zonk Business Profite WUXING, INCORPORATED Presklent/CEO: Wu Lung YAKASHIMA TECHNOLOGIES: PLAVERS, ° estima rig ore Fate ot ‘ : i , é meweeicceut aot : é ° hima’ F ges that the oe a iia wont Iapantee doscont ures supe, OR. ENTERTAINMENT \ a sumors than the ‘esident: Det on con jou compeniesieuth sagged) Mandates Sa ; J cought ony kd of ect net A cece lao a uss 2 a cg Publeatons tox Gale S © 201 Emencinmer ny te 9g wows Durwoc : seceiora rine on thoor? het asta pen oc © Nota ot hom Se. Zo i set i ine. has numerous cisions. I'v ete: Desk koge are oun a : m | ice recent acquit below fhe deaderd bao be chappocrer agar i; Division Name: Biogene Technol ili : . Locatten: Sav Dieg OC ss o 205220) op My Ha WME oor ONT CU eC OR | motion clsarng-hous collect. sort. inciex, manipulate eee nee ARR srg, bury ana otherwise rl & way to Stone Cond rete w Necesory) all types of information ct to out Bye veer eee yen mae most Jove WeE-aNd others with the cojones, deck ond IC pe TOS CRED or PONS Sin thar uae Peete factor Conca lec ls i lore Fs lance onaianem Serge eta an angina fem the arraiingly lame ta the setingh Inagrtu "ve pésted yee ofthe mot! unieatng-—consk Hhree.cinc mar ola Dusskeleaty whe wes for Shs could havaigs WV means tat in the sha The ‘ues have char vitudy Unimited! (pun intended) glaapul and the better pe > sural. youhove your devas good pur hose Transpnitiess 2 Octeber 2087 a! 145631 (EST ! THe SLEEPING DRAGON G ORAGOR fy ie en svat oon , ee 1 ite Su i skis, Ant rere ate «i i ng Wr be The frst parcor : i ‘ult get about Wuxi thing else relat " sine ea z Tiger sericoue scads of knowbe but He ares i " i ta sling and organi 1 he ca nel on che will With an. empha volved 7 ‘Waxing Inc: The search pr anal af ows articles and pull dat whic weve! waltng for a6 ‘a Gloaly. his guy was taking nachaneesthat gy / . t ecuna Took ke In GRUNTWORK onl ie ‘ough fal Fom ‘mere fico el. 2 os - ° THE DRAGON’S GIFTS tis Bw vs right THE JADE DRAGON OF WIND AND FIRE raphe . aod Finetin, In the jade Drag K some serious digging if t taning ers teacs, |r to more conventional eth ie bua calling it Y ° ' - e ai-orettit 2 7 agiciar att bi The he hat like this. * named Char Lo, T pers acqui a ° t i Gecotate the Imperial Palace. He sun than L ved P ng im to catve the jade into a dragen of W Ke Chan Lo carefully considered how sult th Me DUNKEL ZHAN Ss 3B q punheLznnn-s secners From Io tsakaveresearch wining Fe, Chan Lo search OUNKEL ZnO Ss SeGRETs —_ , THe THE DRAGON LINES ° © Libel osu aa hich © Ferg shul ane lt sei c " Wuxing’s HQ was desig to take maim: » advantage of the | Nos i he © x ° i through thek world” s--hat 1 two sidewwews, thet magical energy. e. ZEPInG onan ’ 4 r | ; i ° = los vot! : ° ‘i 1 i r c Wr armed! up in Dunkel n Goin of Luck went to the diagon Lung Dorike sated the Fist Coin of Luck 0 Heliast person! ‘anybody fect—a fisherman named Sun Yat-sun wha lived In Hong Kone Chinese warlord full of jun ut spry for sage. He ounKeEL zann's seeneTs ee T SE SLEEPING ORF ~LWHO WATCHES THE WATCHERS? =RSF pero com NOTHING BUSINESS, vs ely pe coat opens Sock JUST PERSONAL jes iy iy the glo Ror eso a stp a by Hawke nly jet es. tae U was , happens Veh enews Hog norty tags imp atrange the fles in order of the tr Used one mall chister af thern heel a {accessed on the night that Beate ws killed. { J up those files and started ceading. After te thic Ale 1 and’'s death. How oF why | don € Friow, but Ic) apprecae any ny what the fi an give te about these indivicuals. And going oh here TOSHI AKIMURA Physical Description: Caucasini/fa unary slight through caemet slice andl bust \gel tattoo On right arm hikers under elothing, Area nke.zaun's secrets Q Sk Description Contact Code: Dave Alpha Code 4 BHO WATCHE ° " ‘ f wt Alpha Cod BEATRICE WILDER ° nh r Physical Description; Vi A r . p sherng Contact Code: silly Hol Alpha Code: ———— HENRY HIGGINS . | Physical Descriptio a « re Contact Code: Sarah Vous oe. an Alpha Code nth Las of , " Men Hasy ° ° att K in Nu é AKIRA KAGEYAMA " 1h ; : Ihysical Deserpe Teka fon his ab ° : . g punn ° ° ‘ 7 Diotsoen c t pe } c ANSWERS AND QUESTIONS I hort by Diabolique MY DEFENSE by Silveryk Brand 3h prot the nar © Wa, Ah he organi 7 he A f ing : Ip foot ton ge tach of n x q tice: Without [ustice. uth Is subjective © Diatot 10 eats peopl : : ron ° punne.zanns { waHo uw te folk i ° cd. u to me presidential ° s e ° ° isa ie i Probably ihe biggest fact siti ETS Sas THE: t vey hes i at way. He di har i st oe} : ° “ r ounnkeezean 6 WHO WATCHES TH the usual ways, Big:time employers=slike: Dunkelzabn—neeel ° ‘1 inkelzenn toa tee sf aren some other way to manage their shaclowiunalng asse : " ang sacneis—h i tabs on the shaclow world, That's where te water n eae scontle ue WATCHERS THE wearer 1 Ing, toler \ he estab f FIXERS i Ha i : han they have te ° h ‘ hat f pay eveirgh ° KINDA FAR-FETCHED, ISNT IT? Th a“ a fect groups in the shadow commun punHeEL? ; SECRETS HH

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