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SCTE LL 2 ee ES ES ‘COMBAT TURN SEQUENCE PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES “Gane 1. Alice pools refresh Leunch Weapons 2 Determine iniatve (reaction +Itative Dice) aI ‘Compa ‘3. Characors take ations in thee Combat Phase Eons (characters actin order of highest Itai to lowost) A Decae sctons 8. Resoive actions Declare and resolve ations of remaining cheractrs 1. _Caleuat the nex Inative Pas (oy subtracting 10 from each ntiative Score) 4 Bogin nw Combat Turn Tl tamed bat RESOLVING RANGED COMBAT Tega (Occurs a Step 38 ofthe Combet Tun) > Detarmine Range (TN based on Weapon Range Table). ‘Apply Situation Target Mdirs(Stustion Modifiers Table) Torn Ree Make Atackr' Succes Tet (Sil « Combet Pol agit TN) Resolve Dadge Test Combat Pool against TN «pus modifies: Taina Con if deender'ssuceses enced tack’, the atack misses) Fars Cae Resolve Targets Damage Rosstanc Test Body + Combat Pool against “Wot Weapons Power Arman Determine the Outcome (Net successes tage wenpon dmage) Dia Ger aan Oe ‘Apply Damage Quickness (Return o Step 3 of Combat Tun) Fave Submachine Gane RESOLVING MELEE/ASTRAL COMBAT wi {Occurs at Step 38 of the Combat Tun) eae Mate tacks Sues Test (Skil Combat Pool aginst TN) Brew Make OsendersSuceas Test Skil + Combat Pool against TN 4) Since Compare Successes Net surcesses does damage ti goes to atacter |_| LGroet itt Determine Damage Winner does damage per net sucess: ver damage 2 sucenss increase weapon's poet) Resist Damage (Body + Combet Pool asin TN of Weapon's Power= Armen) {Return to Stop 3 of Combat Turn) | It VEHICLE COMBAT TURN SEQUENCE 1. Determine staring distance and speeds first Combat Tur oly Begin Combet Turn (Steps 3 4 and 5 take plece before inate is role) Foor Arca Determine Vie, eran and Speed Point foreach vehicle Vesa That Art ‘locate Control Poo! Dice Ugh nan A Arcat Determine Driver Points and calculate the final vehicle Maneuver Scores oy fore Combar ten ogi stndrd Combat Tun Sequence at Sp 2 a Beto coger ntone, ues oon orb ar of the next Ton Am dpe Como Tr en of Coma Tn On) RESOLVING SPELLCASTING = (Gears Sap fhe Combat Tu — Popaon hoot spel Fre oo dic, ges 2) HILL IMPROV Soren Tex Seer» Spel oo TN dtm y sel Knowedge! Spel estes Test get Atte gan Spl ae) Base Skil Active “Language Spe ett uceer terns spas one goes tt |_| New Skil ating i Drain estenc es tlponer Spe Pol agate ses Oran” | | Case than or equal Atibute Rating «15 Coded Less than or equal to (2 x Attribute Rating) 2 (tun to Step 3 of Combat Tr ewan ee 2 at Speciazations Defaut To: TMi Die Pool New Skil ating is. Specialization «2. =10'12 apaialaion’sbate stil | | ™ Loss than or equal to Attribute Reting sii 12 Sto 12 base ail being used Less than or equal to (2 Atbut ating) Atvbute No pool ie alowed Moe than (2 Atvibte Rating) St Body CO ee Sin sa Quickness ‘int| | 2 nn Strength Charisma Intelligence Willpower Essence Magic Essence Index Bio Index Ley am | wis ood Initiative Modifier Modifier Del Wont 1)2/3]4]4 2] 43 [6 Quickness _Ineligence [A (Other Mods Physical Reaction | | Guiskness Inteligence Wloner Other Meds ‘Combat Pool + +24 + + Reaction tative Dice Other Mods Physical Iniiative Intigence PCP Hacking Pool + + Intetigence Initiate Grade Other Mods ‘Astral Reaction ifetgence — Wponer ‘Spell Poo! l+| i+| lAsvalReacion nilatve Dice Other Mods ‘Astral nitive |+| 106 + Wibower Combit Poot Reaction Initiative Dice Other Mods Rigger Initiative | ‘Astral Poo! Reaction titative Dice Other Mods oy VOR Ba Control Fook Dataac tng Reacion +f Notes ER Wa TG VE TBE val RON Task Poo! Rating ‘Name | PRIMARY RANGED WERPOT ‘Weapon Type Conceal Mode Damage Weight Shor Medium Long Extreme Weapon Conceal Damage Type Mode Weight. Stor Medium Long __Eareme Range/TNs. = al Accessories and Modifications smartnk CSmartink 2 GSilencer Sound Suppressor Laser Sight Gas Venting (Rating__) FangelTNs | | I ‘Accessories and Modifications Smartink ChSmartink 2 Silencer CO Sound Suppressor Laser Sight Gas Venting (Rating—) Type Effect. Load. Entra Reloads Rounds Unloaded Rounds Fired Type Effect | Load | Extra Reloads. | Rounds Unloaded Rounds Fired ina ina Type. Effect. Load. Extra Reloads: Rounds Unloaded Rounds Fired Type. Effect. Load. Extra Reloads: Rounds Unloaded Rounds Fired ina ina jeapon Fype Conc fode Short Medium Long xteme Damage Modifiers/Notes. Ammo Tradition/Skil Rating Advantages. Disadvantages Maneuver Standard Laser Sight t 4 608) 3 ‘Smart Goggles ** 3 2 2 50) 50) 416) 316) Smartink Smartink-2 w/ Range Finder Image Magnification Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 4 Image Magnification with Laser Sight Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 313) * Number in paranthesis is for grenade launchers, mortars, and missile launchers. Only applicable modifier to indirect fire isthe -1 ‘modifier from a smartink2 system. + Standard laser sights have an effective range of 50 meters during daylight; 150 ot night. Extended laser sights are 150/500. ** Or any non-completely cybernetic smarting system. 516) 414) 44) 4a) 313) ‘Weight Walking (Quickness) ——| | Running (Wak x Running Modifier) Swimming (Run = 5) Climb up (QUI + STR) +8] + successes Clim down (QUI + STR) + 2] + successes Run without fatigue for (Body + 2) Standing Jump (Quickness = 3) Running Jump (Quickness) Lift kg__Lift Over head ‘mfurn mfurn mfurn m/phase m/phase ‘tums kg ight Conceal Rating jantty Essence Permanent Stress. Cyberware Implant Level Grade Cost» Stress_« Stress. «ice Notes Bio Permanent Stress. Bioware Implant Level Grade Index Stress. ‘Stress. ice Nanoware = Percentage Lost Notes ‘Genetech Lifestyle Monthly Cost. Months Paid | | Lifestyle ‘Monthly Cost Months Paid Address ‘Address Description and EdgesiFlaws Description and Edges/Flaws Lifestyle ‘Monthly Cost Months Paid ra a iy Cost. Months Pai ‘Address Address Description and Edges/Flaws Description and Edges/Flaws [EE LT Balance ‘Notes ‘Type/Rating jalance Description & Notes | UTERO CRCOSTICU SI | EN | ypetiting Balance ‘TypelRating Balance | Description & Notes Deserintion & Notes rontact Level 8 Initiative Dice Pools KarmayProfessional Rating Notes B a Initiative Dice Pools KarmayProfessional Rating Notes Contact Level Initiative Dice Pools KarmayProfessional Rating Notes eyez Initiative Dice Pools KarmayProfessional Rating tne ecenemenaey ntact Level Contact Level DE 20 Initiative Dice Pools Karma(Professional Rating Notes 8 a Initiative Dice Pools Karma/Professional Rating Notes ntact Level Initiative Dice Pools KarmayProfessional Rating Notes: Initiative _ Dice Pools Karma/Professional Rating Notes Tradition Totem Initiation Grade Totem Bonuses ‘Metamagical Techniques Totem Penalties Library Rating Media Conjuring Sorcery Enchanting Background Geasa Lodge/Circle Force (Ordeals Completed Location Description ‘Astral Pool ‘Astral Combat Poo! Combat Skill Base Damage Astral Initiative Spell Poo! ‘Appearance and Notes ‘Name ‘Type/Members Strictures: Resources/Notes R Se fane reat Form 1 } l Oe 200 ce ain We ee ne roe B a 1 WE R Fore Initia Astral Initiative Initiative Astral Initiative Attack Attack Dice Pools Dice Pools Karma Combat Astral Combat Karma. Combat Great Form Bonus Astral Combat || Power ‘Action Range Duration Effects Homunculus Material Armor Allergy Power ‘Action Range Duration Effects | ‘Appearance Weaknesses ‘SkillsRating SpelisiForce Great Form (Y/N) ] IL] B a s ¢ ' Ww E Initiative ___________ Astral Initiative —_ Attack Ti Dice Pools UTS — Gombat____ Asal Combet Karma _ Great Form Bonus ee] | Fi tsa Range Drain Eos ‘Weaknesses ‘Model Type Vehicle. ‘Anat Bulwark Sirature Manual Rigger Max Speed Acceleration BodyHul Handing Speed Piot WIS Pool Fimpoints__ Hardpoints Autoray Landing Takeof Setup! Breakdown Seating EntyPoints Fuel Economy Cargo Load esonmotition 1 ADatajack Port ‘Adaption Ci Remote Control Suess Total Cost Vehicle Condition Monitor 25% Seed Path] seoodx7s _ SRABH seoedui2 _ SOFA" ight loderate Serious Destroyed Rating Flux Rating Modified Flux Max Flux Toa Cost a) Suess ie Maiggonance + Sensors Sonar ‘Orfampe Weapons, Customizations, Notes Wh iat hele Tecan Fonts Mere is Vehicle Model ‘Type Manual ‘Amr ‘eset Soved i Acceleration odyHul Bulwark Signature Rigger Adaption Pilot IMIS Pool__Fimpoints Hardpoints ‘Autonav Fuel Economy Cargo Setuol Landingy Takeo! _Aosonmadon O Datajack Port Remote Controt Stes Total Cost Seating Entry Points hile Condition Monitor Saag rm Ver 255 Soa ram 0% Sees cay Shep in Speed 2 Destroyed ight joderate Rating Flux Rating Modified Flux Max Flux Sus Maiganance Naiyerare ‘Get Weapons, Customizations, Notes Votice Pons Tecan Pons Vehicle Medium Long Extreme Handling Body Intelligence Signature er Mises ongeiten epson sist oapessen serene an) oon jan] Rating Max Flux Current Modified Flux | Eccn Simsense Channel Ongena en ‘System Channel Meseate Encryption Module Decryption Module Protocol Emulation Module Flux. VIS Master Unit CFDOM Master Unit, Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 104 10 Distance 250m tk, km ‘km km km 12km 16m 20km 25km (2x Flux) ++10km ‘Maximum Active (RCD Rating) Drone Type Pilot Handling —_— Maximum Subscribed (RCD Rating x 2) Body ‘Armor Signature Adapt. Pool IVI Pool ‘Affiliated (V7) ‘Autosofts, Accessories, Standing Commands, and Notes Cyberdeck “heive Storage Fesponse Fea Hadering _MCP_ Mery Mematy U0 Speed_ ‘neato sist tite [ r Dgtection cor EEE (Cyberdeck ‘ctve Storage Response Hardening _MPCP Mamary Memor Increase a persona conorTion monrrar Reaction Initiative seo Resction Ute Mate Swe Manual controls (Reaction) —______ fim] Jan] an] Pure DNI (Intelligence) ase itive 2 | Reality Filter Active 2 +108 pce Response Increase +2perlevel +106 per level | | Bod Using ‘trodes 2 max +208 | | Evasion Final Matrix Iniative ——___ —_| ] masking Sensor Utilty’Complex Form Active? ae Type Size Options, Effect as Rating scription tem Rating a Detection Factor ‘Access MPCP tint + Wil + Cha) +3 pester facets Bod (wit) inser Con Evasion tnt eae Index Masking twit + Chal +2 need a Sensors int re Intative lave leon Rating Path Path Bonus: Tribe's Name Tribe's Members. Tribe's Resources Notes ane ‘Submersion Grade. Echoes Rating Notes, En ET Date Created Date First Played Dat Biggest debt — ‘Most rounds fired ina single freight Corps with bounties on your head [Number of citias lived in Biggest corps you've run against [Number of runs undertaken Biggest corp you've run for [Number of successful runs Biggest crters you've squared off with [Number of times dealing with @ dragon Largest Karma award for single game session [Number of times sewed over by Mr. Johnson Largest debt collected Worst lie told by Mr. Johnson Most nuyen acquired atone ime Worst le told to Mr. Johnson Most people killed ina single ietight Final fate DAMAGE Al Healing Stun Damage: Body or Willpower (2) Test, injury modifiers apply. Base time = 60 minutes on a per box bass. Medical Attention Required? Rol natural Body vs. Wound Le requires medical attention to hea. lo TN. Failure (or Deadly damage) First Ad: Rol Biotech on First Aid Table, modifier apply. Sucess reduces damage by 1 Level. ‘Long-Term Healing Fol natural Body on Heling Table to reduce each level. Apply Doctorng Table modifies. Wound Level Light Moderate Serious Target Number inimum 3 days 2 days 1 day 2hours 30 days Serious 20 days Moderate 10 days Light 24 hours Body Test IN imum Lifestyl 10 Hospitalized 8 High 6 Middle 4 Low La Modifier Intensive Care (hospital only) 2 Long-term magical care 2 Conditions (only one applies) ‘Not in hospital or clinic 2 Bad conditions 4 Terrible conditions 4 2 ry 40 46 1 18 2 1ormore -3 omy 40 1 2 3 Patient's natural Body is: Patient's natural Willpower is: 48 78 10 or more HE ae ted reatment. Light 4 5 Combat Turns Moderate 6 10 Combat Turns Serious 8 16 Combat Turns Deadly 10 Special Situation ‘Modi Patient is Awakened 2 Bad conditions rv) Terrible Conditions 3 Patient’s Body Attribute is 1-3 +0 Patient's Body Attribute is 4-6 4 Patient’s Body Attribute is 7-8 2 Patient's Body Attribute is 10 or more 3 No medkit available 4 Permanent Stress, Body Quickness. Strength Intelligence Willpower Reaction ESSENCE OR B Slot 1 ie Slot 4 Karma Poo! rine SaSpolee Good Karma ne Total Karma Earned vibe StSpelet. unt of km bought with karma on |bovah with karma on| AbuteSkaSpeiee amount of karma tue SkSpallet. sunt of kama bought with karma on ought with karma on| AroweSaSpele sunt of kame ne ‘Arvibae/StalSpolet: sunt of km bought with karma on ought with karma on| amount kama ‘AwibaeySaUSoolet un of Karma bought with karma on L ought with karma on| sunt ol ke ‘Artibae/SilSoolet un of Karma bought with karma on| ought with | karma on| tibet ‘mount kama AtvoweShiNSoelet unt of km bought with karma on bought with | karma on| Abate un tke rvibae/SaVSpeete unt of km bought with karma on| bought with karma on| Acroute/SiUSpelete ur of ka ruivaeSaVSpelet unt of koma bought with karma on! bought with karma on| Aree/SalSpelee unt of ka rvivae/SavSpelete unt of ka bought with karma on| bought with karma on| VANCEMENT A ARENT Designed by: Adam Jury and Jeff Macintosh The Staowrun Chactr Ooser andthe WK Game, ono are trademarks andlor registered tedemarts of Witids LLC in the United Development by: Rob Boyle . ‘States and/or other countries. Copyright© 2003 WizKids LLC. All Rights Cover Artwork by: Rick Berry and John Zeleznik (front) Reserved. No part ofthis work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval ‘Adi Granov (back) syst, of tansmited in any frm or by any means, without the prio Published by FanPro LLC 203. Fe Printing, Printed in USA. permission in wring ofthe Copyright Owner, nor be otherwise crusted in any form other than that n which its published. Mar The flowing ston Comat CompLex hee |described in $R3, Rigger 3, Matrix, Change Gun Mode Genera abe [Magic in the Shadows and the Fire Weapon (SS, SA or BF) ee CitowbosknineSRsGSoeen eee Use Comin Ot Iota fon Uae sce DF Feet i rw i _ ‘ramet Poor Sue loom fest a Atte tom uagoreton Herta ctr bore emmpe eon cy ston SatUpBonaond Fee Aragon A) Nan Dror oe Mele. Fe Spenroe rit fie NOLO re Pee tamara eet

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