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Percy rea) TARGET: SMUGGLER TT ee e my 2 ROTO ee ney nua tl Oe Ninn f F iis TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION NEW ORLEANS: THE BIG EASY ‘The City and Its People Business—Legit and Otherwise Local Folks ‘The Goods (And Not-So-Goods) Vice Rackets Organlegging Arms Smuggling Talislegging Smoke and Mirrors ‘That Voudoun You Do Dwellers in the Shadows VLADIVOSTOK: THE WILD EAST History Prelude to War All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic Recent Events ‘Smuggling Routes The Trans-Siberian Railroad ‘The Seattie Sea Run Vladivostok Neighborhoods Golden Horn Bay Russky Island Popov Island North Viadivostok Khasan Coast Law Enforcement "National Supreme Soviet ucs MVD ‘The Pacific Fleet ‘The Viadivostok Underworld Vory v Zakone Seoulpa Rings The Triads ‘The Yakuza (OFF THE DEEP END ‘The Sea of Japan—Turn of the Tides Corporate Scorecard Ports of Call ‘The North Atlantic—Arkoblocks and Eco-Wars Proteus AG. ‘Other Corporations lem High-Seas Eco-War ‘The Klabauterbund ‘Other North Sea Pirates Ports of Cal TARGET. SMUGGLER HAVENS 10 2 5 5 2 au 2 a 26 30 32 Underwater Security Surveillance Systems Security Patrols Magical Countermeasures The Airlock/Decompression Chamber Internal Security Arrangements ‘SMUGGLING ON LAND Seattle to New Orleans The Northern Route The Northern Spin-Offs The Southern Route St. Louis to New Orleans Into Aztlan ‘The Rest of the Routes GAME INFORMATION Facts at a Glance New Orleans. Vladivostok Getting In/Out New Orleans. Vladivostok Cost of Living New Orleans. Viadivostok Running in New Orleans The Opposition ‘The Environment Voodoo New Loas Critters Adventure ideas Running In Vladivostok Local Color ‘The Siberian Wilderness Siberian Shamanism New Critters Adventure Ideas Running an Underwater Adventure Ports of Call Situational Briefing Undersea Security Adventure Ideas Running Land Smugglers Land versus Sea The Long Haul ‘Smuggling to Everyone Special Rules for LAV ‘Optional Vehicle Rules Running the Border Adventure Ideas 102 102 102 103 103 108 108 104 106 106 107 108 109 TARGET: SMUGGLER HAVENS Authors New Orleans by Steven Kenson Viadivostok and Off the Deep End by Jonathan Szeto Land Routes by Bill Aguiar, Chris Hussey, Linda Naughton and Michael Mulviil Product Development ‘Michael Mull with Robert Boyle Ealing Robert Boyle Tara Gallagher Sharon Turner Mulvinill Diane Piron-Gelman Shadowrun Line Developer ‘Michael Mulvihill, Editorial Staff Senlor Ealtor onna Ippolito Managing Editor ‘Sharon Turner Mulvihill Assodlate Editor Diane Piron-Gelman Assistant Editors Robert Boyle Tara Gallagher Production Staff Art Director Jim Nelson Project Coordinator Fred Hooper Cover Art Mark Zug Cover Design Fred Hooper Imuserations Jason Fellx, Fred Hooper, Scott James, John Paul Lona, any MacDougall, Mark Nelson, Steve Prescott, Shane White Layout Fred Hooper Hi to our biggest fan, Larry Bomstead!” GLER HAVENS Nai vale arg s Tal EME DIT oe i Se COR RC ae oe eee CT Sr Rea CR Mes ae ed Mel oo So Ta > A WORD FROM OUR SPONSOR: It's offcial—corporations are in season. Get ‘em now while the huntin’s good! That's right, we spend most of our time running for them, eget eee at ee eee ee {ef s, as many of them are occupied with more pressing concerns. So all you freelance entrepreneurs out there should fake this as rae Peet eet et een er et ert pra areca The Unclerworid Sourcebook (Mobs and their jobs) SC ee ee Rigger 2 (Keep up with the SOTA!) Cove eee ee eS Reker ete end Sa Una e How to Enjoy Life on the Run! Sa ue a ar eee Cres ied eens ate A ere eee SO SS ecu ae ee eres refuges—Viadivostok and New Orleans. We also inquired into. prime employment ‘opportunities, so if you're thinking of jammin’ a t-bird or doing some high-seas rakding, scan the text on favored land routes and underwater aquaspheres, Teeny eee cee eto eee ee ee tae ene Seen) See ee a ee a) La TR ene ag Pere eee te Ce ee er eee Cee ee at ee eer eta renee ie ne eat ea pee ete a ee ns He also unloaded all his Renraku stock at basement prices, all of which has significant ee nee cee allegations of database glitches and a eee Coens Croc BAD BLOOD eee aed Ce ace en eed ene eae ee eed Ree een eee eek eh anny ee ache Ercan rasan eee eae Sees) , click here. 3 Pir, Pama ade ee Wu WHO? So eres See ee tier perenne serra emer pers Rt a ee rnnrnS \ame oi eueoiein RAbraie ain peepee ete ar ronnt oe on ore er ras Legere Scene reer ee rey eh erento sient) See he rey aay) oan nny aan ee erinoaet aes peer are pein a sehen era hacer nekensp rier arta kU ke rea ec m2. ar venar etnair rio ieneneoebnenenenUn Bee ye teee rnin prise coer INTRODUCTION Target: Smuggler Havens features multiple locations that share a com- ‘mon aspect: they are each a place ‘where smuggling and shadowrunning, {go hand in hand, even if they are not ‘actually one and the same. These locations can be used as settings for a ‘smuggling campaign as outlined in ‘Gyberplrates, or they can be featured In any campaign as an exotic new location with intriguing, shadowrun- hing options, Two distinct cities, New Orleans in the CAS and Vladivostok in Russia, are highlighted, and informa: tion I provided on experimental undersea communities as well as land-based smuggling routes for those itching to pilot a tbird ‘across North America. Like previous Shadowrun sourcebooks, Target: Smuggler Havens is formatted as an electronic document from that fction- «al world. Scattered throughout the document are comments and adtions from readers who seek to correct, expand, corroborate, ‘or contradict the Information it presents. Because this “black” Information comes from characters within the game universe, players or characters cannot safely assume that these comments ave truthful, accurate, considered, or clearly thought through (though they may be all those things). The material in Target: ‘Smuggler Havens comes from a variety of sources, most unofl ial and all with their own biases built in. These different points of View give gamemasters greater scope to decide In their own _games how much of the information presented is accurate, mis- leading, oF false. This allows players and gamemasters a flexible world to set thelr Shadowrun campaigns in. ‘The two main cities under the spotlight in this product are ‘worlds apart, but very alike in that each is a nexus of all types of smuggling, piracy and shadow ops. New Orleans and Vladivostok ‘may seem like complete opposites. but both are sea ports with ‘main land routes connecting them to other markets. Both cities have strong organized criminal uncerworids and both are in prox- Imity to Awakened lands, making them focal points for the smug- sling of telesma and magical goods. Beyond these aspects, the similarity ends. While New Orleans has a very insignificant megacorporate presence, it does have a party atmosphere that makes it a focus (of pleasure seekers from around the globe—many of them sarar- men and executives. I is a city of complex ecologies, where the rich and wealthy rub shoulders with the dark and seedy, and the vibrant nightlife contrasts with the shadowy lifestyle of the Infected and the Awakened that stalk the swamps and back alleys. ‘The city Is a magnet for travelers, drawn by Its mystic atmosphere and opulent vice, As North America’s primary smuggling port of call, there are very few goods or services that can't be found. If you can't get it in New Orleans, it probably doesn't exist. Vladivostok, on the other hand, has yet to reclaim the pos!- tion and power It once hacl as the Sovlet Union's great Pacific mil- ltary and shipping seaport. The city has been riding a roller coast- er for years as the port opened and closed and Russia faltered and rove onward. Since the revolution in Siberia, Its connections to the mother country have been tenuous, but its future looks pos!- tive. Metahuman exiles from Japan, Korea, and China have flood- fed the city and created a great melting pot of cultures, lending the city a cosmopolitan air of diversity. This diversity inspired the _megacorporation Yamatetsu to relocate their headquarters there, away from the racism of Japan, This new megacorporate presence now must scratch out a niche among the omnipresent Russian military and secret police, the distinctly Russian Vory v Zakone ‘organized criminal syndicate, and smugglers by the boatload, With such an interesting mix, you can rest assured shadowrunners wil follow. {Also Included in this book Is information on undersea com= munities and experimental aquaspheres. AS the corporate world maneuvers around these locations in a fierce competition to col lect the prestige and nuyen from the late Dunkelzahn’s will pirates and smugglers target such sites for loot or hostages, or ‘even as trading ports From the North Atlantic to the Sea of Japan, these isolated communities depend on and fear smugglers and pirates. Their technological value and research innovations make them primary targets for corporations as well as more adventure- some shadowrunners. Finally, for the first time we outline some of North America’s better-known land smuggling routes from Seattle down to New Orleans. This includes tips into Aztlan, Denver, Tir Talingire and ‘Quebec. For the rigger, we offer secret stop-offs where they can share thelr stories of conquest and border runs. We also provide the gamemaster with a number of rules and options to make those {rips abit harder and more interesting than the rigger may expect. ‘Target: Smuggler Havens provides gamemasters with enough basic Information to create adventures and campaigns In New Orleans and. Viadlvostok through potential adventure hooks andl ‘story starters" scattered throughout the text. In addition, we intro- duce several game hooks and special rules to catch your players Interest and motivate them fo investigate and visit undersea loca- tons or even to stat up land-based smuggling operations, Players wil ind a wealth offacts, rumors, acvice and warnings that they can use to arm thelr characters with the knowledge they need to sur- vive, collect their pay and start out again, Al the gamemaster information appears in one section at the ‘end of the book. Included in this chapter is information and specific rules for each section, as well as adventure ideas that allow the _gamemaster to begin using any of the locations immediately. While the focus ofthis product Is on smuggling and piracy, Cyberplrates Is not needed to use this product. TARGE SMUGGLER HAVENS {5 on Introduction to the Big Easy for shadow tolont hifed trae cother connections as well, which I n't my bushess to tellyou cbou=Buth ‘mon knows his stu. With smugaing on the tsa all over, Lasked Anaradfif he wouldn't rig posting his Ite New Orleans guide on Sadowiand,as the Cresce Ely ine preferred nici name, I'm fold) just happens fo be the smuggling hub of the CAS. There's ako intel on magic. on absolute necestty to know about i you're plafning fo do in New Cleans. Check i out—and, as always you've got beter inal than we have, post A tt ight jst save someone's Ite. © Coptan Chaos Trananitted: 02-1459 at 01:22:19 (EST) New Orleans—my hometown, bles its pleasure-loving heart—s the most important city In the Confederated American States. Never mind Atlanta, which likes to all itself the captal As far as most of you folks are concerned, the “capital” of any place is where the action's at— and that’s here in New Orleans, The Crescent City Is the gateway to the Caribbean, and also the smuggling route of choice for goods coming into the CAS along the Mississippi River and through the Gulf of Mexico. I's a city of crime, firmly In the grip of one of the most ruthless Mafia dons in North America. It's a city of vice, with gambling dens, brothels, drinking estab- lishments and the revels of Mardi Gras. I's a city of magic, touched by the mysterious pow- fers of voudoun and home to Awakened critters and spirits that lurk in the dark corners and deep bayous. I's a city of shadows, filled with secret dealings behind closed doors and smug glers plying their trade along the lakes, rivers and shoreline. There's profit to be made here for those who know what they're doing. And for those who don't... wel, atleast you'l lke ly have a good time before you die. Welcome to New Orleans, bonhomme. Gulf of Mexico THE CITY AND ITS PEOPLE Fist, the background info—‘cause without it, you make mis- takes. And New Orleans can be one unforgiving slitch, as I've had ‘cause to learn. Forget the tourist image of the nonstop party town, for a minute; there's truth to It, but there's a whole lot more to New Orleans than that This place Is a smuggling hub second to none in the Gulf region, with goods passing through on thelr way to and from the Carib League, the CAS, Aztlan, the UCAS and occasionally even the Native American Nations. You can get just about anything you ‘want here, forthe right price, of course. The latest Cal hots, top ofthe-line Ares guns, pricey Awakened plants from the Everglades or the Florida Keys, even bootleg rum from the Carib {for transport to places where the powers that be never met a drink they didn’t loathe ... you name it, somebody somewhere around these parts elther has It or knows who's bringing It In and when, ‘Some of the smuggling goes hand in hand with a booming “enter- tainment” industry; plenty ofthe poor slots working the brothels and so-called nightclubs got brought here in the back ofa truck or the hold of a ship from somewhere else. (Not pretty, but there's an awful lot of goings-on in the darker corners of my city that ‘would make a hardened criminal queasy.) Part of what makes New Orleans such fa hot town for biz Is the stark division between rich and poor. The big shots throw thelr money around like cheap Mardi Gras trinkets when they want something done, and lots of ordinary folks need the cred badly enough to sell their own grandmoth- €r5 for it. You come here, you'll see what | mean. A stone's throw from the partying ‘and moneymaking in the French Quarter, say on Canal Street or in Lafayette Square, squatters beg on the street and muggers lurk in the dark, But we don’t let things get us clown for long. The famous New Orleans Jole de vivre plays out in the shadows, too, where folks keep a sharp eye out for the ‘main chance. So if you want to do biz In the Crescent City, you've got to hustle for it. Luckly for you out-of towners, there's plen: ty oF action fo go around. You just have to know where to look. © Here's @ quickie history lecture for the Ccutious (and for those smart enough to know that there's no such thing os useless Information). New Orleans began os 4 cot lection of shacks on a cisease-riddon marsh in 1718, but tts prime location along the Mississippi River soon led fo rapid develop- ment. With the fist moss Importation of Afican saves in the 1720s, the city’s unique ‘character began fo take shape. The French ‘ond Spanish who colonized the place star ‘2d out as ferce ras, but economic neces- Sty forced them to learn to Ive together. By the end of the elgh- teenth century. the Port of New Orleans was a flourshing haunt of smuggless, gamblers, prostitutes ond pirates. (How Iie things change in a couple of centuries, neh?) In the fist years of the nineteenth century. New Orleans expe- flenced two rapid changes In government. passing bock into French control in 1801 and then being sold to America under the Lousiana Purchase two yeas later. The American takeover iter 1y split the city in two. Local Creoles saw the Americans who migrated to New Orleans os cross and uncouth: the blacks, upon ‘whom they placed previously unknown restictions, hated them. ‘Unwelcome in the French Quarter the newcomers were forced to settle n the areas now known os the Central Bushess Distict ond the Garden Disict: Canal Street divided the two sectors, ond ‘even today locals call the median stip in the midale of the main rods “the neutral ground.” Creoles and Americans came together briefly in 1818 to defeat the Brith in the Battie of New Orleans, the last real battle Cf the War of 1812 (unknown to elther side, the wor had aleady lended—news tock awhile fo travel back then). New Orleans’ sub- sequent “Golden Age" as a finance center for the cotton-pro- TARGET. SMUGGLER HAVENS new oRLEANS: THE TARGET. SMUGGLER Havens ducing South lasted until the CvilWar. The flood of immigrants dur Ing this time included irish, Germans and Scilans. the latter of horn brought the Mato to the cily. By 1899, New Orleans had ‘become @ Mota stronghold, and La Cosa Nostra remains a pow- ‘erful presence today. As the North industiaized and other south- ‘en cities grew, the fortunes of New Orteans took a downturn. Both the coming of the rairoads, which diminhed the importance of the Misksippl as a trade route, and the aboition of slavery matkad the end of the glory days. [New Orleans rose again, however, os it clvays seems to do. Its new lease on life came patty from toursm, as jazz muse ‘echoed from the bars and bordellos and Moral Gras become a ‘major tourist attraction. Olt and petrochemicals made up the rest. Until ie economic sump of the 1950s pushed New Orlears well behind other US. cities. The oll crash of the early 1980s gave the city yet another battering, from which it had barely begun to recover when the various catastrophes of the early twenty-fist century stuck. Throughout It al, however, battlescarted New Cleans refused to le down and dle, New Orleans strongly backed the formation of the Confederated Americon States ond even made a bid to becorne the capital of the newly formed nation In 2034. The people of New (Orleans have never quite gotten over being beaten out by Atlanta, and they offen call ther Crescent City (somewhat sar Costicall) “he cultural and spiftual capital of the CAS." The vat: ‘Ou ile Businesses for which New Oneons has always been fomous boomed ater secession, as the CAS government gener- ‘lly hot had moxe pressing concems thon crackng down on mugging and organizes efme in a place that much of the South sill regards as “sin city" The cynical-minded (ke me) might say that the CAS government deliberately allows New Orleans fo do whatever it wants, 0 long as some of the money goes into CAS ‘coffers; the est agal opportunities are there, then all the lowites and shacowruners and other assorted criminals wil migrate to the Crescent City and leave the rest of the CAS alone. But then. that'sjust my opinion. (© Captain Chaos TWonsmited: 02-1469 ot 03:16:10 ST) BUSINESS—LEGIT AND OTHERWISE New Orleans is nota corporate city inthe same way as Seat, San Francisco oF Boston. You're not going to find giant avcolegies dominating the syne here. In fact, you're not going to find much of anything megacorporate, except for some branch offices and such drek (plus some smaller companies that they own without making a big deal out oft. mosty in biotech. The big boys keep their HO in Alana, where they can use thelr ced to grease the wheels of government. Tat lts the smaller corporat fish abourel in his pond, Petrochemical and natural gas companies have instal lations inland anc along, the Gulf Coast; major players include Unites! Oi, Gulfstar, Shiawase Petrochemical and Gaeatronics Biotechnology is another significant industry. New Orleans is basically a blo-esearcher's dreamland. Droves of these techno-