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4th Grade Book Report Rubic


Reports will be graded according to this form, unless specified otherwise. This form may be used as a guide to meet requirements.

Points 0 1 3 5 Score
Contains only one Introduction includes:
No introduction Contains only two elements
Introduction element of the Title(underlined), Author, and a one /5
given of an introduction
introduction sentence summary of the book.

Complete desciption of setting

Incomplete description Adequate description of includes where and when the story
Setting No setting provided /5
of setting setting takes place. Visual attributions are

No main Incomplete description Adequate description of Complete description of TWO main

Main Characters Characters of main characters characters or full description characters including: personality, /5
mentioned (names only) of one character physical traits, interests, etc.

Complete summary includes three

Includes only one Includes only two major
Major Events (Summary) No Summarization major events (beginning, middle and /5
event events

Incomplete description Complete description of one

Complete description of at least two
Moral or Lesson No moral or lesson of lesson learned by lesson a character(s) /5
lessons the characters learned.
main characters learned

Incomplete description Complete description of one Complete description of two personal

No personal
Personal Connections of connection to main personal connection made to connections you made to the events /5
characters story or characters in the story.

No Provides
Student Procides recommendation Provides recommendation and lists
Recommendation recommendation /5
Recommendations with limited reasoning three supporting reasons
provided without reason

Legible but contains Report shows good planning and

Illegible or lack of Legible with limited and
Quality of Work +10 major or minor thought, correct spelling, punction, /5
effort minor language errors
language errors and is written in cursive or typed.

Punctuality 5+ days late 3-4 days late 1-2 days late On Time. /5


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