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Feature India

There is evidence that practices such as bonded labour are still prevalent in India. Photograph: iStock/Boonyachoat

Ending modern
lived and some of their children were
being forced to work alongside them to
help repay the families’ debts.
The case provided a sharp reminder

slavery in India
that modern slavery – where people are
exploited and completely controlled by
others, without being able to leave –
remains a significant problem in India.
According to the Global Slavery
Although India has made huge efforts in Index, on any given day in 2016 there
recent years to end modern slavery, the were nearly eight million people living in
modern slavery in India. The Index, which
Global Slavery Index estimates that around is produced by the Walk Free Foundation,
a global anti-slavery campaigning
eight million people in India were in some organisation, says this means there
form of modern slavery in 2016. The British are an estimated 6.1 victims of modern
slavery for every 1,000 people in India.
Safety Council asked three global experts Modern slavery is an umbrella term

how India can eradicate all forms of slavery. that essentially refers to situations
where people are exploited and
completely controlled by others,
Gajal Gupta The newspapers ( without being able to leave. It includes
British Safety Council y6bkcuax), reported that many of forced labour, debt bondage (or
bonded labour), human trafficking,
those rescued had been forced to
In July 2019, newspapers forced and early marriage and the sale
work as labourers for several years to
across India featured a shocking and exploitation of children.
repay money they had borrowed from
photograph of ‘Kasi’, an elderly man Common examples include people
begging at the feet of officials who the owner of the woodcutting units. being forced to work against their
had come to rescue him and over 40 According to the news reports, the will under the threat of some form
other adults and children from being adult labourers were forced to work of punishment, in settings such as
allegedly trapped in bonded labour long hours, were rarely allowed to agriculture and domestic service; people
at woodcutting units in Tamil Nadu. leave the woodcutting units where they being held in debt bondage (bonded

6 Safety Management August 2019

Feature India

labour), where they borrow money and The Index also warns that women, ? How serious is the problem
are then required to work to pay off the especially those from economically of modern slavery in India?
debt; and women being forced to marry disadvantaged and marginalised How successful has India
against their will and to provide labour communities, still face an increased been in eradicating all forms
under the guise of ‘marriage’. risk of exploitation and abuse. of slavery compared to
The Global Slavery Index estimates For example, it says that illegal other countries
that in 2016, 40.3 million men, women Sumangali schemes – where poor Lenin: In its latest report, the Global
and children globally were victims of families sent their young daughters Slavery Index 2018 estimates that on
modern slavery – 24.9 million of whom to work in factories for several any given day in 2016 there were nearly
were in forced or bonded labour. years in return for the promise of a eight million people living in ‘modern
The Index found that 10 countries bulk payment that can be used as a slavery’ in India. However, this claim
– India, China, Pakistan, North Korea, ‘marriage dowry’ to attract a husband has been strongly contested by the
Nigeria, Iran, Indonesia, Democratic – “often result in trapping women and Indian government on the grounds that
Republic of the Congo, Russia, and girls in situations of debt bondage”. the report’s parameters were poorly
the Philippines – account for almost Safety Management asked three defined and too wide-ranging.
60 per cent of all the people trapped in experts on modern slavery for their In its report, the Global Slavery
modern slavery around the world. views on how India can eradicate Index says that the most current
In its 2018 analysis of the extent all forms of modern slavery. available data from India’s National
of modern slavery in India, the Global We interviewed: Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) indicate
Slavery Index says that, while India has • Elise Gordon, a research analyst that there were 8,132 reported cases of
criminalised most forms of modern at the Walk Free Foundation, a human trafficking across India in 2016.
slavery, research suggests that philanthropic organisation that In the same year, 15,379 people
practices such as bonded labour are campaigns to end modern slavery were trafficked, of whom 9,034 victims
still prevalent. It adds that research around the globe, and publishes the were under the age of 18. In addition,
suggests that a lack of employment Global Slavery Index that seeks to 23,117 people were rescued from
opportunities in the organised sector measure the extent of modern slavery trafficking situations, of whom 14,183
is continuing to drive people to seek • Terry FitzPatrick, communications people were under the age of 18.
employment in the unorganised sector, and advocacy director at Free Most of the rescued victims
“where withholding of wages, debt the Slaves, a non-governmental reported being trafficked for the
bondage, and physical and sexual organisation that works to end all purpose of forced labour (10,509
abuse at the workplace are common”. forms of slavery globally victims), followed by sexual
The Index adds that discrimination • Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi, founder exploitation for prostitution (4,980
against scheduled castes, Dalits and and CEO of the People’s Vigilance victims) and other forms of sexual
scheduled tribes is still a characteristic Committee on Human Rights, a exploitation (2,590 cases).
of Indian society, and this increases non-governmental organisation —
the vulnerability of these marginalised in India that fights for the rights ? What kind of measures

groups to being exploited by of marginalised people in can the Indian government

unscrupulous employers. North Indian states. take to eradicate cases of
modern slavery
Elise: The Indian government’s
response to preventing and dealing
with modern slavery was ranked
seventh out of the 36 countries in the
Asia and the Pacific region, according
to the Global Slavery Index 2018.
The Index also ranked the Indian
government’s response to preventing
and responding to modern slavery at
67 out of the 181 countries around the
world that were assessed for the Index.
The Indian government has drafted
legislation intended to address human
trafficking and provide mechanisms
for the identification, protection and
rehabilitation of victims of human
trafficking. The legislation intends to
provide a comprehensive law on all
forms of trafficking and to establish
stricter penalties for aggravated forms
Modern slavery includes people being forced to work to pay debts. Photograph: iStock/AlxeyPnferov of trafficking.

August 2019 Safety Management 7

Feature India

In its current form, the legislation Lenin: India needs to introduce a Lenin: It is a known fact that certain
has been heavily criticised for its Modern Slavery Act as the UK has (see sectors and occupations are more
potentially counter-productive and dangerous than others. Protecting
even harmful consequences – for The Indian government needs to workers in hazardous conditions –
example, punishment for activities not establish a Modern Slavery Innovation in what is often known as the ‘3D’,
necessarily associated with human Fund to experiment with new ways dirty, difficult and dangerous jobs – is
trafficking, stemming largely from its to stop this crime. The government a primary focus of the International
vague provisions and setting the bar of India also needs to work with Labour Organisation (ILO).
too high for immunity for victims from businesses to end trafficking which will Therefore, priority is given to
criminal prosecution. create a safer and more prosperous helping workers in the most hazardous
Despite these criticisms, there is world for us all. sectors and occupations – such as
a need for the Indian government to As a nation, India also needs to agriculture, construction, mining, brick
amend and pass human trafficking respond to modern slavery in its supply kilns or where working relationships or
legislation to ensure that it adequately chains. India does not have one central conditions create particular risks. The
protects vulnerable groups. legislative framework governing public priority is also on emerging risks, the
Terry: All governments need to procurement. Although government informal economy and new forms of
recognise that modern slavery must be ministries and departments must the economy.
confronted on three fronts. comply with the requirements of various Work-related accidents and diseases
Firstly, the rule of law must be guidelines, manuals and the procedures take a particularly heavy toll in India,
strengthened throughout the world. available for public procurement, none of where large numbers of workers
Police and judges in every country must these currently refer to modern slavery. are concentrated in the activities
have the training and resources they — mentioned above. India often lacks
need to enforce existing laws to turn ? How serious are the health
adequate technical and economic
human trafficking into a high-risk activity. and safety risks faced by capacities to maintain effective national
Secondly, companies must people trapped in all forms occupational safety and health (OSH)
investigate their supply chains of modern slavery in India systems, particularly regulatory and
and eliminate modern slavery. The Terry: People who don’t care about enforcement mechanisms.
economic pressure on an international human rights don’t care about the health The ILO is making use of its
scale can have a tremendous impact. and safety of workers. People who extensive experience in promoting
Thirdly, the community development become enslaved in every country are standards, codes of practice, technical
programmes in all countries must typically desperate and marginalised, guides and training materials, as well
integrate anti-slavery strategies and and slaveholders frequently treat them as developing means of practical
activities into their everyday operations. with neglect and abuse. action for the protection of workers in
By ending the things that make Beatings and humiliation are hazardous conditions.
people vulnerable to modern slavery, common; nutrition is inadequate; In South Asia generally, women and
governments in every country can have healthcare is non-existent; and escape young people, often children, work
a dramatic impact. is often impossible. ceaselessly for hours, surrounded by
highly harmful dust, and under the sun.
There is no clean air, and the health
protection system, hygiene and safety
are completely lacking.
Everyone seems to know about this
problem, but there are very few who
fight against this injustice.

? Are large companies
around the world directly or
indirectly supporting slavery
by purchasing or procuring
products and services
that are at risk of being
produced by people who
are subject to slavery, such
as forced labour? What can
international businesses do
to eradicate slavery in their
global supply chains
Terry: Companies have a vital role to
play in eradicating modern slavery by
Over 23,000 victims of people trafficking were rescued in 2016. Photograph: iStock/Tinnakorn Jorruang investigating their supply chains. This

8 Safety Management August 2019

Feature India

includes investigating the supply chain Government responses to preventing and dealing with modern slavery in
all the way down to the raw materials the Asia and the Pacific region – the top 10 rankings
and avoiding suppliers who cannot Ranking Country Total score
certify that they are slavery-free.
There is a growing momentum 1 Australia 63.8
in global trade to ban the import of
products tainted by forced labour. 2 New Zealand 57.6
Companies need to know that sooner
or later they will not be able to 3 Philippines 55.8
operate in the global economy
if they enslave workers. 4 Indonesia 50.8
Elise: There has been increased
recognition globally of the role that the 5 Thailand 48.9
private sector can play in eradicating
modern slavery. 6 Vietnam 48.1
By taking action to reduce the
opportunity for forced labour in their 7 India 45.7
operations and supply chains, businesses
8 Bangladesh 44.4
can help to tackle modern slavery.
According to the Global Slavery
9 Nepal 38.7
Index for 2018, the number of countries
that are investigating government
10 Malaysia 38.4
and business supply chains for labour
violations, including forced labour, Source: Global Slavery Index 2018.
remains low, with only 40 countries 100 is the highest possible score for the effectiveness of a government’s
globally taking any action in this area. response to modern slavery and 0 is the lowest.

15 million people are trapped in forced Lenin: More than 90 per cent of
marriage slavery. India’s total workforce is engaged
The Global Slavery Index When you look at the nature of in the informal economy in
ranked the Indian government’s modern slavery today, and how it agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining,
response to preventing and affects the products we buy every manufacturing, construction, and
responding to modern slavery day, you realise that everyone has a service industries. According to the
at 67 out of the 181 countries role to play in ending this abuse of Global Slavery Index, a lack of formal
analysed fundamental human rights. employment opportunities leads
Many people think slavery ended individuals to seek employment in the
more than a century ago. It didn’t. informal sector where the withholding
It was outlawed, not ended. Our of wages, debt bondage, and physical
Lenin: My opinion is that some big generation’s job is to finish the work and sexual abuse at the workplaces
corporations are playing a major role that earlier abolitionists started. are common.
directly in promoting or supporting Lenin: There are estimated to be Lower real wages, which are
slavery. I appeal to all big corporations around 160 million people in India who typical of the informal sector, further
to introduce a code of conduct for the exacerbate vulnerabilities. With no
are members of the lowest caste of
elimination of slavery from the world. records or contracts maintained, there
the Hindu social and religious system,
— is no accountability to hold employers
sometimes known as Dalits. These
? How extensive is the responsible for any exploitation,
people are often forced to perform the
problem of modern slavery making informal workers highly
most degrading and odious work tasks.
globally and in India vulnerable to exploitative practices.
These people are marginalised and
Indian migrant workers, who move
Terry: When people hear the words often condemned to accept a life of
seasonally from rural villages to the
‘modern slavery’, they immediately slavery, poverty and misery.
cities in search of work opportunities,
think of brothels – because that is —
have limited access to support and
what television shows and movies ? Which industries or sectors
redress in cases of exploitation due to
concentrate on. in India have the greatest risk the informal nature of their work.
The truth is that, globally, 21 of people being subject to
million people are enslaved at farms, modern slavery
factories and construction sites, on
Elise: Most forced labour exploitation The Global Slavery Index 2018,
fishing boats, in mines and in private
occurs in domestic work, construction, including the findings for India,
homes as servants. About four million
manufacturing, as well as agriculture, can be found at:
people are trapped in sex slavery and
forestry, and fishing.

August 2019 Safety Management 9

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