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2018 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA)

Nutrient Film Technique based Hydroponic System

Using Fuzzy Logic Control
Siti Mashumah Muhammad Rivai Astria Nur Irfansyah
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract— Vegetables are nutrients that are needed by the human Image processing is a way to convert image using particular
body. The Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) based Hydroponic techniques. One method of the image processing is HSV (Hue,
system is typically used to produce vegetables on small farms that Saturation, Value) histogram. The HSV is a color derived from
can accelerate the harvest time with high-quality products. One of RGB that shows good performance against changes in the light
the most important parameters in hydroponics is the providing of intensity at outdoor [8]. In this study, the Saturation value of
appropriate amounts of nutrients based on the age of the plant. In the image is used to determine the age of the plant in providing
this study, the NFT-based hydroponic system has been designed by the EC setpoint.
using fuzzy logic control. The set point value of Electrical
Conductivity (EC) of the nutrient solution is predicted by image One important factor in hydroponics is the maintaining of
processing of HSV Histogram of the pakcoy mustard plant. The Electrical Conductivity (EC) in nutrient solution absorbed by
result of the experiment showed that the fuzzy logic control has plants. This EC value will give an indication of the nutrients
been able to provide nutrients in accordance with the age of the contained in solution [9]. This EC measurement aims to find
plant with an error rate of 8.9%.
out how much concentration of nutrients absorbed by plants. A
high level of EC will result in plants not being able to absorb
Keywords— Electrical conductivity, Fuzzy logic control, HSV
Histogram, Hydroponic system nutrients well. Maintaining the EC value is an important factor
for plant growth to remain healthy [10], [11]. Monitoring the
volume of the solution plays an important role in order the
plant roots always get the appropriate concentration of
I. INTRODUCTION nutrients.
Agriculture is a very important sector in Indonesia. The The nutrient requirement of plants will be different types
population has changed drastically in recent years. According and levels according to the age of the plant. Plant growth can
to the FAO, the world population is predicted to grow by be categorized as seed, vegetative and generative phases. In
about 10 billion in the year of 2050. This trend-along with this study, the EC value and depth of water are regulated by a
other factors such as climate change where agriculture fuzzy logic controller to obtain the length of the opening of the
accounts for 13.5% of global emissions, and the loss of fertile nutrient and water valves that needs to be added based on the
land makes it necessary to find more efficient methods for age of plant growth.
agriculture without affecting the environment [1].
Agricultural land tends to decrease, while food demand II. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD
including vegetables is increasing. This encourages the
The experiments are performed on mini hydroponic with a
agricultural sector to improve the implementation of
size of 30cm x 7cm x 30cm to measure the performance of EC
agricultural systems with small land. Hydroponic is an
meter, distance sensor, and camera optimally, as shown in
agricultural cultivation with a relatively small portion of land
Figure 1. This hydroponics system is located in areas exposed
[2]. This cultivation technique uses nutrient solutions and
to sunlight. For the pakcoy plants, the EC nutrient values are
oxygen that flow into the plant in lieu of the soil [3], [4].
divided into three growth phases including the seeds with EC
Hydroponic can be worked out all the year regardless of the
value of 1mS/cm, vegetative (10-20 days) of 2.7mS/cm, and
season. Therefore, the selling price of the harvest remains
the generative (21-40 days) of 3.5mS/cm.
high. Maintenance of hydroponic cultivation can be done more
easily because the place of cultivation is clean enough, The image of the hydroponic plant leafs is captured by
moreover pest and disease attacks are relatively small. Webcam Logitech B525 camera. The RGB value of the image
Therefore, these agricultural products are higher and healthier. is then converted to HSV level. HSV color has three main
Several studies on hydroponics have been conducted, one of characteristics, namely Hue which states the original color,
which is the automatic control of electrical conductivity and Saturation shows the color strength, and Value indicates the
PH using fuzzy logic [5]. color brightness. The conversion formula of RGB to HSV
One type of hydroponic is the Nutrient Film Technique values is as follows:
(NFT). This type of hydroponic uses a nutritional solution to
irrigate to the root area of the plant directly. This nutrient
 3(G − B )  (1)
solution is essential for successful hydroponic cultivation [6]. H = tan  
In NFT-hydroponic, a thin layer of 1-3 mm of solution is  ( R − G ) + ( R − B ) 
pumped and flowed into the roots of plants continuously. The
min(R, G, B ) (2)
circulation of this nutrient solution can be used continuously S = 1−
for several days according to the needs of the plant [7].

978-1-5386-7654-7/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 387

R +G + B (3)

Currently, the digital image processing is widely implemented

in agriculture fields [12], [13]. The histogram-based feature
extraction has been successfully used in digital image
processing for many years [14]. In this study, the HSV
histogram is conducted to predict the age of the plant in order
to provide nutrients that meet their growth needs.
The analog Electrical Conductivity sensor SKU: DFR0300 (a)
is used to measure the concentration of the hydroponic nutrient
solution. This device consists of EC sensor with the measuring
range of 1-20 mS/cm and temperature sensor with a range of
5-40°C. The ultrasonic distance sensor HC-SR04 is used to
measure the volume of nutrient solution. An ultrasonic wave is
generated by piezoelectric devices with a frequency of 40 kHz.
The fuzzy logic control is applied to maintain the desired EC
value. The overall system design is shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 2 shows the block diagram of a hydroponic system
using a fuzzy logic control. The fuzzy logic controller has two
input variables including EC Error and the water volume (V) Fig. 3. The fuzzy input membership function: (a) EC Error, and (b) water
expressed as: volume.

EC Error = Setpo int − EC Sensor (4)

V = A*h (5)

where A and h are the area and depth of the water,

respectively. This parameter is expressed in a fuzzy set with a
triangular curve shape formulated with:

 0, x<a (6)
 x − a
µ [x ] =  ,a ≤ x ≤ c
 c
 b − x Fig. 4. The fuzzy output membership function: (-) nutrient valves, and (+)
 c c < x ≤ b water valve with adjustable weights.


Empty Medium Full
Short Medium Long
Nutrient Nutrient Nutrient
Zero Zero Zero Zero
Medium Short
Positive Long Water
Water Water

Fig. 3 shows the input membership function of fuzzy logic

including the EC Error and the water depth representing its
volume. The output membership function of the fuzzy logic is
shown in the Fig. 4. The mark (-) indicates the activated valves
Fig. 1. The hydroponic system design. of nutrients, and (+) for a water valve with an adjustable
aperture. The inference system uses the Sugeno method with
the rule table shown in Table I. The defuzzification process
uses the centroid method [15], [16].


The hydroponic system used for this experiment is shown

Fig. 2. The block diagram of the hydroponic system. in Fig. 5. The first experiment is an image processing using the
HSV Histogram method for various plant ages. The result of
Hue histogram is shown in Fig. 6. Meanwhile, the center of

HSV histogram values to various plant ages are shown in Fig.
7. The Saturation value has a high level of linearity to the
others with the coefficient of determination R2 of 0.97.
Therefore, the Saturation value is used to determine the set
point of EC value for the controlled system.
The second experiments perform calibration of the
ultrasonic distance and EC sensors. Fig. 8 shows the response
of the ultrasonic distance sensor to the depth representing the
volume of water with the error rate of 15.6%. The EC sensor
response has a linear relationship to the nutrient concentration
in 500 mL of water shown in Fig. 9. Fig. 8. The ultrasonic distance sensor response to the depth represents the
volume of water.
The third experiment is the overall measurement of the
controlled system. Figure 10 (a) shows the system response to
the 2-day plant age which gives the EC set point of 2.7.
Because the system has a low EC value, then the fuzzy logic
control provides the decision to increase the length of the
nutrient valve.

Fig. 9. The EC sensor response to nutrient concentration in 500mL of water.

Fig. 5. The experimental photo setup


Fig. 6. The histogram of pakcoy mustard plant.


Fig. 10. The results of the hydroponic system using Fuzzy logic control for
the plant age of (a) 2-days, (b) 10-days, and (c) 30-days.
Fig. 7. The center of HSV histogram to various plant ages

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