Assignment On Consolidation IVsem

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Assignment on Consolidation

1. In a consolidation test the following results have been obtained. When the load was changed from 50
kN/m2 to 100 kN/m2, the void ratio changed from 0.70 to 0.65. Determine the coefficient of volume
decrease, m and the compression index, Cc
2. A sand fill compacted to a bulk density of 18.84 kN/m3 is to be placed on a compressible saturated
marsh deposit 3.5 m thick. The height of the sand fill is to be 3 m. If the volume compressibility mvof
the deposit is 7 × 10–4 m 2/kN, estimate the final settlement of the fill.
3. In laboratory, time required for 50% consolidation is 40 seconds. The thickness of soil
sample is 12.5mm and test was under double drainage condition. Determine the time required for 50%
and 90% consolidation of a clay layer of 10m thick under single drainage condition.
4. Saturated soil of 5m thick lies above an impervious stratum and below a pervious stratum. It
has a compression index of 0.25 with k = 3.2 x 10-10 m/sec. Its voids ratio at a stress of
147kN/m2 is 1.9. Compute

i) The change in voids ratio due to increase of stress to 196kN/m2

ii) Coefficient of volume compressibility
iii) Coefficient of consolidation
iv) Time required for 50% consolidation.

5. The results of a laboratory consolidation on a clay sample are given below

Pressure (kN/m2) 23.94 47.88 95.76 191.52 383.04 766.08
Void Ratio e 1.112 1.105 1.080 0.985 0.85 0.731

Determine a) preconsolidation curve and b)compression index

6. 20 mm thick undisturbed sample of saturated clay is tested in laboratory with drainage allowed through
top and bottom. Sample reaches 50% consolidation in 35 minutes. If clay layer from which sample
was obtained is 3.0 m thick and is free to drain through top and bottom surfaces, calculate the time
required for same degree of consolidation in the field. What is the time required if the drainage in the
field is only through the top?
7. A 3 m thick clay layer in the field under a given surcharge will undergo 7 cm of total primary
consolidation. If the first 4 cm of settlement takes 90 days, calculate the time required for the first 2
cm of settlement
8. Following data were obtained from a consolidation test on a clay sample with double drainage
Void ratio at 100 kPa = 1.37
Void ratio at 200 kPa = 1.25
Thickness of the soil sample at 100kPa =20mm
Coefficient of permeability = 5x10-7 mm/sec
Calculate (i) Compression index (ii) Coefficient of volume change (iii) Coefficient to consolidation
in mm2/year
9. Explain the factors affecting the consolidation
10. Derive an expression for Terzaghi’s one-dimension consolidation theory
11. Explain the mass-spring analysis and general concepts of one-dimensional analysis
12. A 10m thick submerged clay layer which is drained at both the upper and lower boundaries is subjected
to a wide surface pressure of 50kN/m2. The water table is coincident with the top of the clay layer at
the ground surface. If the coefficient of consolidation of the clay is 1.16 x 10-2 cm2/sec determine the
pore pressure at the mid depth of the layer 50 days after the surface pressure was applied.
13. A layer of submerged soil 8m thick is drained at its upper surface but is underlain by an impermeable
shale. The sol is subjected to a uniform vertical stress which is produced by the construction of an
extensive embankment on the ground surface. If the coefficient of consolidation for the soil is 2 x
10-3 cm2/sec calculate the times when 50% and 90% respectively of the final settlement will take place.
14. The following are the readings obtained from the consolidation test Determine the pre-consolidation
Pressure(kpa) 0 50 100 200 400 800
Thickness of the sample after
19.00 18.98 18.95 18.80 18.31 17.76
24 hours (mm)

15. A deposit of cohesionless soils with a permeability of 3 X10-2 cm/s has a depth of 10m with an
impervious ledge below. A sheet pile wall is driven into this deposit to a depth of 7.5m. The wall
extends above the surface of the soil and a 2.5m depth of water acts on one side. The wall extends
above the surface of the soil and a 2.5m depth of water acts on one side. Sketch the flow net and
determine the seepage quantity per meter length

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