Torrie Haisma Evaluationofgrowth

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In this section, I am reflecting on how my understanding regarding how to teach the

different content areas has changed over the course of my experience in the teacher candidacy
program. I will reflect on my development of understanding the whole child. I will also discuss
my growth overtime as a teacher through comparing past evaluations and memories from early
field experiences to where my knowledge currently stands as I complete novice teaching.

Looking at my growth over time as I have developed as a teacher in the context of Language
Arts, I first thought that teaching reading was done by teaching the alphabet and phonics. After
taking ETE 234, ETE 322, and ETE 328, I learned that teaching reading goes hand in hand with
speaking, listening, and writing. Through these ETE courses that I have taken I learned A LOT
of information about how to teach Language Arts related concepts to young children. My hands-
on experiences during Novice teaching and completing the novice edTPA on language and
literacy development has allowed me to reflect and connect the concepts that I’ve learned. I have
had the knowledge on how to teach Language Arts and the related concepts to young children
but experiencing it and reflecting on it through Novice Teaching allowed me to connect the
material in a different way and gain a different perspective on the topic.

In Early Childhood, we view the child holistically. I understand that while I need to understand
ways to teach mathematics concepts to young children, I solely focus on how young children
develop socially, emotionally, physically….the whole child. The mathematics concepts that I
have learned through my ECE program have given me the material and concepts I need to
understand to teach this content area. However, through my other courses, I have learned other
aspects of the child and how those concepts tie into teaching the content area of Mathematics.
ETE 107 and 108 supported my understanding of mathematical concepts to teach young children
and looking at my growth over time, I never thought that young children need to learn such in
depth mathematical concepts. However, I now know that these concepts are then broken down
and taught to young children in more creative ways, ways that allow the children to not even
know they are learning. A lot of these mathematical concepts are taught through play or open-
ended questions during one-on-one interactions with students. My growth and development on
how to teach young children within this content area has allowed me to reflect on and see the
different ways in which we teach the underlying mathematical concepts that we learned in ETE
107 and ETE 108.

Going back and reflecting on my growth over time and my development within understanding
the concepts in order to teach the different content areas, I think Science is still a little confusing
to me. I had thoughts, perspectives, and reasoning behind what, how, and why we taught young
children Science concepts and although these views have changed with my knowledge acquired,
it is still hard for me to put into words exactly what growth and development I have made in the
content area of understanding how to teach Science. My Novice teaching experience and other
observation classrooms I have been placed in have focused more on language and literacy
development rather than Science. I have the knowledge behind the concepts of Science that
young children need to learn but I don’t have the hands-on experience, at least right now, of how
to better my understanding of teaching these concepts. I will continue to reflect on and deepen
my understanding of teaching the content area of Science. I plan to have gain more experiences
with Science during my Student Teaching to allow me to reflect more on my growth overtime
within the content area of Science.

Before taking ETE 115, I didn’t realize that young children need to learn such in depth concepts
of social studies. I now know that teaching social studies to young children goes beyond the
hard, confusing concepts of our history but rather includes diversity among students. Teaching
the content area of Social Studies includes the diverse needs, cultural perspectives, etc. of the
young children in your classroom. Through my oberservations and novice teaching experiences,
I have learned and experienced the Social Studies concepts that are taught within an Early
Childhood setting. These hands-on experiences have allowed me to reflect on my growth and
development regarding how to teach this content area I my own future classroom.

Thinking back on how my views have changed regarding teaching young children the Arts, I
realize I have come a long way. I first thought that it was all fun and games for the children. I
thought that allowing them to be creative and explore the Arts didn’t have a meaning behind it. I
now know that this exploration of their own interests and the play they engage in, plays a huge
role in their development. Through taking ETE 196, I gained a better understanding of The Arts
within an early childhood classroom setting. Through completing my observations and novice
teaching, as well, I was able to put this knowledge to work and experience teaching the arts first
hand. These memories of young children exploring their interests and learning about the Arts,
allowed me to see the importance of understanding the meaning behind why we teach these
concepts. I now know when teaching these concepts the importance of them and a better way to
go about teaching The Arts.
My development in the context of social/emotional development in Early Childhood has shown
the most growth overtime as I have developed as an educator. Through taking courses like ETE
328 and ETE 210, I learned the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial aspects of the development
and growth of individuals from concepts to adulthood. I first thought that caring and loving your
students was enough. However through taking these courses, I learned that having the
background knowledge of children’s developmental process is also important. I also developed
by now knowing the support children need socially and emotionally in order to succeed in the
classroom. My growth overtime and understanding of the whole child has developed to an extent
that I didn’t know was possible. The material regarding the social/emotional aspect of young
children that I have learned over time has all come together and been put into place as I have
completed my novice teaching. Being able to support these young children in the classroom,
hands on and applying the knowledge I learned about their social/emotional development and
needs allowed me to fully understand and reflect on all the knowledge I have acquired regarding
the whole child.

Although I have shown growth in my understanding of how to teach the different content areas
as well as my understanding of the whole child, I still have a lot to learn. We are lifelong learners
and we learn from our students each day. I will continue to gain experience, create memories,
and maintain my own learning within the different content areas. I strive to continue to grow and
develop my understanding of ways to teach and view the whole child as they learn and develop
academically, emotionally, physically, and socially.

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