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In some estudies, the accelerated pace of life in the people is 69.

2% while that
of women is 68.6%. This sample of the studies shows that this acceleration is
greater in people of 40 - 49 and less in people of 24-29. This accelerated pace of
life can be defined as an alteration of the daily routine in an effort to seek
efficiency, generating anguish, uneasiness and stress. It is my firm believe that
making changes in our current daily routine will contribute to the improvement of
our lifestyle that prioritize pending activities at a scheduled time reduce clutter
and stress, organization and time for scheduled activities to avoid procrastination
or loss of time and respect the time personal and professional influence in the
decrease of anxiety and anguish.

First, we must prioritize the activities that will take place in our day to day, but
projecting ourselves in the long term is the best way to reduce stress and the
desire to be more efficient. One of the main reasons why we lead an accelerated
lifestyle is we do not prioritize the activities of life by this lack of organization is
the reason that leads to a cycle of constant stress and anxiety caused by pressure
to accomplish everything. Clutter is a very important factor because it is the
generator of problems on our daily routine. Actually
Avoiding clutter in our day to day is the best way to avoid most of future problems
or activities to perform.This change in our routine will improve our quality of
personal life.

Now, another habit that we can adopt is the organization and the time needed for
scheduled activities to avoid procrastination and waste of time. Procrastination is
a way of evading responsibilities, using other activities. This habit generates that
most activities accumulate producing inefficiency in our work due to lack of focus
and last minute pressure. The lack of time organization for each activity is not
allowing us to correctly measure the entire scope of our goals. In fact 95% of
people are prone to procrastination and, of these, 20% would be frequent
procrastinators. The value of time in our rhythm of life is fundamental and must
be balanced for efficient development but at the same time it is reasonable for
the fulfillment of our activities.

Finally, the accelerated pace of life is generated by not separating and respecting
personal and professional time. In our daily life we are exposed to very easily
distracted by a number of activities and then we see the consequences as
accumulated work. We can exemplify this situation if we have programs our
activities for our day and improvised plan with your friends or an important
opportunity appers you have to use the necessary time and time you take for that
activity should be replaced to avoid procrastination. Having an emergency time
is necessary every day and the activities when we plan them should be done in
such a way that if one day, due to some situation we do not fulfill them, the final
result of our goal will not be affected, that is, it may be delayed but there must be
time to recover and comply responsibly with the planned activity. Respect for the
use of our time will help us achieve a professional and personal balance avoiding
the fast pace of life we lead.

The correct habits in our daily activities avoid the production of an accelerated
rhythm of life. Make the changes in our routines such as: Prioritize activities, plan
the time of completion and respect the programmed to improve our quality of
personal life. Efficiency in our activities is the best way to avoid an accelerated
pace of life which is just a cycle of stress without any productivity and long-term

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