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A few important factors about water treatment process

What is water treatment process?

Clear and safe water is important for everyday life. Having hygienic water on everyday basis is important
to improve the productivity of the community. The water treatment process varies a lot from place to place.
It depends a lot on the technology that is followed. However the basic principles is generally same throughout.
Let us get a proper idea about water treatment process.
Treatment processes:

■ Coagulation or flocculation
■ Sedimentation
■ Filtration
■ Disinfection
Coagulation or flocculation-

■ Liquid aluminium sulphate or sometimes polymer is added to the water that is going
to be treated.
■ When these particles mix with the water then it basically makes all the dirt particles o
stick with each other.
■ This process is known as coagulation.
■ After this small groups of dirt particles stick together to form large and much heavy
particles which are called flocs.
■ These are easily removed by filtration or settling process.

■ After that the water and the particles of floc goes through further treatment process.
■ Then all of those are transferred to the sedimentation basins.
■ In this process the water flows slowly, which causes the heavy floc to settle down the
bottom of the basin.
■ The floc that gets deposited at the bottom of the basin is known as sludge.
■ These waste material is piped out to the drying lagoons.

■ In this process the water passes through a specially designed filter.

■ The filters are made with layers of sand and gravel.
■ The filters need to clean by backwashing system.
■ Many of the Water Treatment in Parksville include this process.

■ The water is then disinfected just before it enters the distribution system.
■ This ensures that every types of viruses, bacteria and parasites are removed from the
■ Chlorine is used in appropriate amount because this effectively disinfects the water.
■ This will also ensure that there is no such possible biological contamination during the
distribution system.

■ These are some of the important steps those are generally followed in most of the
water treatment process. So if you are worried regarding the processing of the
drinking water that you receive at your home, then you must read all these points to
know about those.
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