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U.P.S.C. hat do you think verent amendment 19 Potso Act 10 # Annowte Capital punish ment, Are ae gutty, Will Work, as clelervence in ied Tf nob wept ar ME Consequences of Copttal punis ment - Poteo Ack #0 was established, fo piotect the childrens ¢" offences Lfke Sexual abuse, cll [a Fars seme a LE brecestbed Grpus tenbtsonment death pouty 19 tape of gtyl Vbelow | o eAperts Hee thinks {hat Ghital, punishment wil ot work as dlelterrence but Vor the issue: d Government s Sahionales- Centye has amended this Act to detey the act of Sexual Assualt nn Oe child £ boy f put Cablial punish ment, Se° that feople wif think, hwice. before attempting. Cuch heinous Crime ° Consequences JFnot Rorkeds - Thu Could be Sweat — Consequences tke 5- 4) Punishment under Sechon 302 of LPL 1S also death penal af pee Comm’t guth hetrous Crime dike vabe, ten thetry first act will be to kil) sak chPd So Hat thers Coubte't be Ony eutence, because 15 both Cases assoulter wil a deat pea 2) dees number of (ase register if Committed by Aelatve 3 > the § Increasing nunyber of (Cases if gulahive in ‘ost decals p Vif assaultex is puns aol capi! rach he will fy manu pulate ow has the Cone, uly emohan attachment: 3) Cabital punishment 6 gasen iy pant of the Aare Cases , ag tice terrorism, bo 10 these Caset Capel punishment ill nok work os delerreme 19 ae aye age AS - 3 smn Apo AK Ts: Verma Commitee - AAW Lar Cowmmvestt | ou a { 2 = Abide the Capital puniishmnent’ because jw a : Will “4 have deterrence when thes punish iy ~ a ate " as ([24 ond ater thie Sal md hae f ~ ~~ So Gbttal punish ment wit) nol! work a 2 Suttess fay Lm britee ment Gn work ~) 5) 2 To Macchhe a PF Bachan singh Vie Stole of punjab ‘ Case, ge Als suled out ‘call Cahital punish ment a ; Should, be co 10 AoE of sayy (ase 3 Oa re Thece Should Sheedy trial Court ho will Fronoun ce gud ment I de monty fp '& jushce, tp the CA usaiy the Case foK 5-p Car ty Settle. instead of bea dolital Punichrokg E- ¢ + Goverment Should, Work on 45terna’, seause ; there, Should be. move, Surwi lance Systero to sty Came at => There should be tratntn, Cam for childrens fb seb cletbnce Ip site dustrict Co, ¢ that F chidsons Con cleend th ¢ Cf esest Gout LEAL excellent work d “ul a punkshment to Huse, people hay C fae Aleata ty Poceo Ac, but thea Aogubudl System Chek, Han | lative Ochon whobrit People Should| ‘ia punBbenen best 7 Coro lebi trial Man we Can 96 br derek achon. Hence, Gouts cufm Vos [= hut herp Ataulged Some Conhautt Cfork® ty (mprate the Sihughon, mesg rill In end ment wth her Charge Situchon. é Mew wwe lew eG a a a eS Wwe fT

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