10 Reasons Why Money Will Never Make You Happy

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10 Reasons Why Money Will Never Make You Happy

Money! We all need it to live, but there are people who think it will solve all their problems and
cure their misery! I can assure you it won’t! Sure it could relieve some financial stress off your
shoulders, but that won’t make you happy! In fact Biggie said it best “Mo Money Mo Problems”
and it’s very true. The more money you have, the more you buy, the more bills you have, etc…

I know, not having money to pay your bills is depressing, so you think to yourself “If I had it, I
wouldn’t have half the problems I have, I would be happy” but you wouldn’t be happy, because ‘
Money doesn’t buy Happiness’! So here is a list of 10 reasons why money will NEVER make
you truly happy!

1. Instant Gratification– This is what having money gives you, Instant happiness. But what
happens when that feeling subsides and you are back to being unhappy? Happiness is an inside
job, that’s why!

2. It Doesn’t Fix Relationships– In fact when you throw money into a relationship, it can either
make it or break it. It is one of the #1 thing couples argue about! So believe me when I say, just
because you have money does NOT mean you are guaranteed to have a healthy relationship!

3. Root Of All Evil- It has long been said that it is the root of evil, but why? Well most of the
world’s problems have ALWAYS been because of money! Wars have been started over it.
Money = Power The more money you have the more power you have and with power comes
greed, ego, corruption and more! You see where I am going with this?

4. Mental Illness- People who suffer with depression or anxiety disorders (like me) tend to think
if they had more money they would be happier. But this is false. This is a disorder or chemical
imbalance that needs to be treated the right way. Money can’t fix that!

5. Friendships- Money and friendships do not mix. Lending or borrowing money from friends
can have some serious consequences. Lot’s of friendships have been destroyed because of
money. Also if you have ALOT of money you can attract the ‘wrong’ kind of friends, if ya know
what I’m saying!

6. Family- Same as friendships, Money and family don’t mix!

7. Studies- Here is one of many studies on the Psychology of Money and Happiness.

8. Things- If you have a lot of money, you can buy a lot of the things, but those ‘things’ will
only make you happy for a little while. When the happiness is gone you start chasing it again
with materialistic delusions of happiness. It won’t work. It’s called a delusion for a reason!

9. Never Enough– No matter how many things you have or money it will never be enough! It’s
human nature. We want something, we get it, and then we want more, bigger, better! Its almost
the definition of insanity. You keep going and going, chasing a feeling that nothing you “buy”
will ever truly give you!
10. Peace- You can’t buy it, only attain it once you learn to come to peace with your decisions in
life. We only get what we give!

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying money is completely awful, it buys us our food, our
homes and much more. But it seems people put their entire lives on hold to chase money because
they think it will make them happy! I have been guilty of this, but have come to realize after
many failed attempts to buy my happiness, that what we really need is to be GRATEFUL! I
believe this is the way to happiness! Once we learn to be grateful for the things we already have,
our happiness will blossom. Do you agree or disagree, and why? Let me know in the comments
section down below!

5 Ways to Manage Your Child's Anger

Whether because of not getting a snack he wants or fighting with a playmate over a toy, even
young children get angry at times. And while anger itself isn't good or bad, the way a child deals
with anger can be constructive or destructive. As a parent, it might be tempting to send a child to
his room for acting out in anger or to yell at him to stop being mad. But it's better for your child
if you help him develop the ability to cope well with anger. Here are some strategies to use.

1. Talk it out. Calmly ask your child to explain what has caused her to become so angry.
Talking through the issue can help some children work through the anger and calm down.
If your child doesn't want to discuss it with you, she may feel comfortable "talking" to a
pet, puppet, or imaginary friend.
2. Get physical. Kids can let off some steam by stomping their feet, punching a pillow, or
pulling, twisting, or pounding on clay. Dancing around or taking a walk may also help.
Encouraging a child to do things he enjoys -- drawing, walking the dog, reading -- can
also help refocus his thoughts away from anger.
3. Give comfort and affection. Let your little one know that you genuinely care about his
situation and feelings. Toddlers can be comforted by your physical presence as can older
kids facing a frustrating situation. And never underestimate the power of a hug to make a
child feel loved and accepted.
4. Set a good example. Children mimic adults so the way you handle your own anger and
frustration is sure to affect your child. Model positive coping skills -- like doing
something that calms you or getting away from a frustrating situation -- and your child is
likely to do the same.
5. Praise good behavior. Let your child know that you notice when she deals with her
anger in a positive way.

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