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Joseph J. Egan, PE; Joseph E. Seder, CCE;
and Dayna L. Anderson

Abstract: Changes during most construction projects are inevitable and can lead when the scope of work performed
to cost and schedule overruns. Effectively managing these changes can signifi- differs from the scope of work outlined in
cantly reduce the risk of disputes and claims that often result in costly litigation. the contract documents. Examples of
This article examines the various approaches to change management currently common changes encountered on
used in the industry and summarizes some of these practices. In addition, a case construction projects include the
study involving the construction of a power plant impacted by a force majeure
event that delayed the shipment of the major equipment for more than six
months is discussed. Impacts to the project were tracked on a contemporaneous
basis in order to efficiently quantify cost and schedule impacts for change order • addition or deletion of scope;
negotiations with the owner and for insurance recovery purposes. Some of the • changes to the project duration;
means and methods used on the project to track the impacts, including out-of- • revisions to material type and
sequence work, winter conditions, stacking of trades, and others, are addressed specifications;
in this article. The authors first presented this manuscript as CSC.607, at the 2011 • drawing and specification errors and
AACE International Annual Meeting in Anaheim, CA. omissions;
• late or defective owner-furnished
Key Words: Claims, change orders, construction, cost, risk, and schedules material;
• differing site conditions;
• equipment procurement and

hanges during most equipment for more than six months.
manufacturing issues;
construction projects are Impacts to the project were tracked on a
• force majeure; and
inevitable and can lead to cost contemporaneous basis in order to
• contractual non-compliance by the
and schedule overruns. efficiently quantify cost and schedule
Effectively managing these changes can impacts for change order negotiations
significantly reduce the risk of claims that with the owner and for insurance
Changes to a construction project
often result in costly disputes and recovery purposes. Some of the means
can be defined in many ways, including
litigation. This article examines the and methods used on the project to track
being generally categorized into three
various approaches to change the impacts including out-of-sequence
broad categories:
management currently used in the work, winter conditions, stacking of
industry and summarizes some of these trades, and others, are addressed in this
• directed changes;
practices. article.
• constructive changes; or
In addition, a case study involving the
• cardinal changes.
construction of a power plant is Defining Change
discussed. Construction of the plant was On many construction projects of Directed changes are changes
impacted by a force majeure event that varying size or type, changes often occur. typically issued by the owner or its
delayed the shipment of the major Changes on a construction project occur representative that are often written as


formal change orders [2]. As such, the Management of Project Change At times, large, complex projects
owner recognizes directed changes as Orders [11]; may require multiple people fully
changes to the contract documents [10]. • Change Management Best Practices dedicated to tracking and managing
Examples of directed changes include for the Engineering and change. This detailed process may
the addition or deletion of scope and Construction Industry by Oracle require additional resources and is less
revisions to material specifications. [10]; and likely to be fully employed on projects of
In contrast, constructive changes are • Proving and Pricing Construction smaller scale and scope.
typically defined as acts by the owner or Claims by Robert F. Cushman, Craig As demonstrated by these few
its representative that are not directed M. Jacobsen, and P.J. Trimble [2]. examples, there may not be one specific
changes but which still require the change management methodology that
contractor to perform work different AACE International does not have an is appropriate for all construction
from that required by the contract existing Recommended Practice for projects. However, despite the
documents [5]. Examples of constructive change management processes, perhaps differences that exist between the
changes include performance highlighting the difficulty of establishing scenarios mentioned above, each of the
interference by the owner, and untimely a widely accepted change management change management methodologies
responses by the owner to contractor industry standard. One challenge is that reviewed include certain underlying
submittals, among others. there is no one specific change consistencies and commonalities among
Cardinal changes are typically management process that is most the alternative approaches.
changes which require the contractor to beneficial and appropriate for all types
perform work that was not of construction projects. Each project Summary of Practices to Change
contemplated by the parties when they has its own unique set of facts and Management Processes
entered into the contract and is circumstances which may make As explained above, there are
fundamentally different from the scope standardization difficult, examples of numerous approaches to change
of work outlined in the contract which are discussed below. management currently being used
documents [5]. For example, the The methods and procedures used within the construction industry. The
deletion of a large portion of a for managing changes can vary based following change management process
contractor’s scope of work by the owner upon the type of construction contract. summarizes some of the practices from
could constitute a cardinal change. Detailed support of a change and its these various approaches and outlines
impact to the project may be more the steps that can be taken to effectively
Summary of Change Management beneficial on a lump sum or fixed price manage change on a construction
Approaches Being Used Within the contract compared to a cost-plus project:
Construction Industry contract.
Effectively managing changes on a Additionally, the standard contract • Address potential changes in the
project can significantly reduce the risk documents used in the construction contract documents.
of cost and schedule overruns, which industry include various methods for • Identify the potential change.
oftentimes result in disputes and claims. managing change. For example, the • Create a proposed change order and
Implementation of change management standard AIA documents and document the proposed change.
processes can aid in the effective ConsensusDOCS documents each • Review and evaluate the proposed
management of change. include language related to change, change order timely.
Currently, there are no widely including sections on change orders and • Execute the change order. And,
accepted industry standards related to interim directed changes. However, the • Document the executed change.
change management processes; methods and procedures for managing
however, numerous organizations and change differ between each [6, 8]. Address Potential Change in the
individuals have recommendations on Variances in the size, length, and Contract Documents
change management processes. The complexity of a project can also be a Effective management of change
following publications are just a few factor in how change is managed. For begins prior to the commencement of
examples: example, a large, multi-year project with construction on a project. The first step
multiple contractors, subcontractors, in the change management process is to
• Project Change Management by the architects, engineers, and other address change in the contract
Construction Industry Institute [4]; consultants may use a robust change documents.
• AACE International’s Professional management process that can As mentioned above, standard AIA
Practice Guide to Contracts and electronically track changes, notify and documents and ConsensusDOCS
Claims, which includes a number of coordinate the change among the documents each include language
AACE International Transaction parties, update the project schedule, and related to change and change
papers with titles such as, Project track the cost and schedule impacts management. In addition to this
Trends and Change Control, Change going forward through the completion of standard language, consider including in
Management for Today’s Projects – the project. the contract well-defined processes to
A Process Approach, and Effective deal with change as explained below.


Changes Clause the claim [7]. If mediation is Documentation supporting the
The changes clause in a construction unsuccessful, the contract language proposed change, including project
contract allows for changes to the scope allows the parties to select the binding correspondence, project schedules, or
of work and allows the contractor an dispute procedure (e.g., arbitration, other contemporaneous records often
equitable adjustment to the contract litigation, or some other method) [7]. accompanies the proposed change order
price or schedule as a result of a change Similarly, the ConsensusDOCS when available.
[2]. This clause defines the process contract documents outline a dispute The proposed change order should
which both parties should under take mitigation and resolution process clearly state the reason for the proposed
when a change is recognized. whereby project personnel first attempt change, as well as quantify the cost or
For example, the changes clause to resolve the dispute [9]. If these schedule impacts of the proposed
typically defines the timeframe for which negotiations are unsuccessful, change. For example, in the instance of
the contractor should notify the owner discussions between senior executives added work, the proposed change order
of the change, the timeframe for which from each party take place in a further often includes a price for all added work
the contractor should provide a cost and attempt to resolve the dispute [9]. If including direct costs and indirect costs
schedule estimate to the owner for the these attempts also fail, the parties can (e.g., labor, material, equipment,
changed work, and in some instances, go before a project review board, a contractual markups, and any time-
the timeframe for which the owner project neutral, or attend mediation [9]. related costs incurred because of
should review the contractor’s estimate If the claim remains unresolved, the schedule delay as a result of the change)
and respond to the contractor [2]. parties then have the option to either and any requested schedule extension.
The changes clause also typically litigate or arbitrate the claim [9]. There are multiple methods for
outlines the means and methods of how Clearly defined change determining the cost and/or schedule
the contractor should calculate the cost management processes, including what impacts resulting from a change to the
of the change and any associated to do if the parties cannot reach project. Many times the owner and
schedule impacts. For example, the agreement on a change, are often contractor agree on a method to price
changes clause might direct the included in the contract documents in the change prior to the performance of
contractor to calculate changes on a order to prevent disputes and claims and the work. Other times, the contractor
lump sum basis, a time and material aid in the overall success of a project. and owner may not agree on the
basis, or on a cost plus fee basis. appropriate method or cost until after
In addition, the changes clause Identify the Potential Change the work is completed. Generally
sometimes identifies the parties who are The second step in the change speaking, discretely tracking the cost and
authorized to make changes to the management process is to identify a schedule impacts will lead to a greater
contract [2]. For example, the potential change and correctly classify likelihood of recovery [2].
ConsensusDOCS outline a change the type of change according to the In order to discretely capture the
process whereby change orders can be contract documents [10]. Early costs associated with the proposed
either directed by the owner or identification of a potential change helps change, a unique cost code is often
requested by the contractor [8]. The AIA the parties to ensure that the contract created. This allows the contractor to
documents require that the owner, provisions related to the particular type more accurately price and track the costs
contractor, and architect approve of change is followed and that the of the change order.
changes to the contract [6]. contract requirements have been To help ensure that the actual costs
fulfilled. associated with the change are captured
Dispute Resolution Clause accurately, field personnel should be
In addition to the changes clause, Create a Proposed Change Order notified of the new cost code.
the contract documents often also and Document the Proposed Afterwards, cost reports and time sheets
include a dispute resolution clause which Change should be reviewed to verify the new
defines the steps the parties should Next, a proposed change order cost code is being properly used.
undertake if they cannot successfully should be created. Each proposed In addition, the project schedule can
negotiate a change. change order should be given a unique be updated to reflect and discretely track
For example, the 2007 AIA contract identification number and a log should the change ordered work if the change
documents outline a dispute resolution be created in order to track the impacts the schedule. Not only is
process that begins with an initial following: accurate cost and schedule data
decision maker (the architect on the important when pricing the change
project unless the parties appoint • proposed change order number; order, but it is also important if the
another individual) who can request • description of proposed change; change order is not approved and the
additional information, reject the claim, • date of submittal; contractor needs to pursue a claim.
approve the claim, or suggest a • date of owner approval/rejection; By discretely tracking the cost and
compromise [7]. and schedule impacts, the actual historical
Following the decision of the initial • other relevant information. costs will have been collected and
decision maker, the parties can mediate segregated in a manner that is preferred


by the courts [2]. If all of the costs impacts can be compared to the impacts Proper record keeping allows
associated with the change cannot be quantified in the proposed change order. change ordered work to be effectively
quantified at the time the proposed tracked on an individual basis, as well as
change order is created, the contractor Execute the Change Order on a cumulative basis. It also generally
can often reserve its rights to submit Once all parties have reviewed and allows for more effective project
these costs at a later date [1]. evaluated the proposed change order, management. In addition, the change
According to AIA Best Practices – negotiations between the parties order log is a useful tool should claims
The Proposed Change Order Process, a typically take place in an attempt to arise on a project. It not only tracks both
construction change directive is issued execute the change. agreed upon and disputed changes to
rather than a proposed change order if If the parties can agree to the terms the contract, but it also documents
the contractor believes, “a change is of the change, a change order is created. adherence to contractual obligations
necessary to maintain the project The change order should be dated, be including, for example, the time it takes
schedule [3].” assigned a unique number, and include a for the owner to respond to the change
Often times, because of the detailed description of the change order.
criticality of time, the cost of the change, including the revision to the contract
and any associated time extension price and/or duration. Similar to the Case Study
required as a result of the change, proposed change order, the change The following case study provides an
cannot be determined at the time of order should also include relevant example of a construction project that
issuance. Instead, the contractor often documentation supporting the change. was impacted by a force majeure event
requests that the changed work be This could include drawings, during the construction phase, which
priced on a time and materials basis. A correspondence, and other resulted in numerous changes to the
similar process to the one outlined contemporaneous documentation. project. The change management
above should be used to document the Typically, the contractor and the owner process used on the project and the
change. sign the change order as an efforts undertaken to
acknowledgment by both parties that contemporaneously monitor and track
Review and Evaluate the Proposed the original contract documents have the cost and schedule impacts are
Change Order Timely been modified. The AIA documents also explained below.
Next, the proposed change order is require the architect’s approval [6].
issued to the architect, subcontractors, If the negotiations between the Case Background
or other relevant parties for their review. parties are unsuccessful and an The project involved the design and
Suggested changes to the proposed agreement cannot be reached regarding construction of a gas fired combined
change order should then be reviewed the cost and schedule impacts of the cycle electric power plant. The owner
by the contractor and incorporated into change, the parties typically refer to the hired a firm to engineer, procure, and
the proposed change order if necessary. dispute resolution clause outlined in the construct the power plant.
The revised proposed change order contract documents. The project was proceeding along
is then issued to the owner per the slightly ahead of schedule approximately
processes outlined in the contract Document the Executed Change one third of the way through the
documents. The owner should perform After the change order is executed, construction phase when a force
a detailed review and evaluation of the the change should be properly majeure event occurred. Some of the
change documents in order to assess the documented. A change order log should major equipment was procured and
impact of the change. be created that tracks the following: manufactured overseas.
Many times this evaluation is The equipment was in route via a
performed in concert with the • change order number; cargo ship when the ship encountered a
architect/engineer for the project. The • corresponding proposed change typhoon. The equipment broke loose on
owner typically evaluates the order number; board and was tossed about in the
contractor’s entitlement to recover • description of the change; storm. The equipment was severely
additional costs or time by determining • cost of the change; damaged or completely destroyed.
whether or not a change has occurred • modified contract amount; Much of the equipment had to be rebuilt
and if a remedy for the change exists in • time extension associated with the or repaired. As a result, the equipment
the contract documents. change; was delivered to the project
If the owner determines that the • parties involved in approving the approximately six months late.
contractor is entitled to recover costs change; At the time of the typhoon, the
and/or time associated with change, the • change order submittal date; and, equipment that was in transit was on the
owner often measures the effect of the • change order approval date by each critical path for the completion of the
change by calculating the additional party. project. The contractor immediately
costs and/or time extension required as notified the owner, the manufacturer of
a result of the change. These calculated the equipment, and the insurance
carriers of the problem.


Two types of insurance were had to be changed. Work that could • For each of the subcontractors, the
involved. First, the equipment was be completed while waiting for the schedule prior to the event was
insured via cargo insurance that insured damaged equipment to be used to measure what would have
the “cargo” while in transit. Second, the reshipped was performed. been performed and when it would
contractor’s builders’ risk insurance was However, work was performed in a have been performed but for the
also put on notice of the pending less efficient manner as a result. force majeure event. Separate cost
impacts to cost and schedule. It was not • Stacking of Trades—The original codes were established specifically
known which of these parties would plan was to have only one trade for tracking the cost impacts.
ultimately pay for the cost impacts working in an area at a time. For • The actual timing and conditions of
caused by the typhoon, but it was clear example, boilermakers would first when and how the work was
that the contractor was still responsible finish their work, then the performed was compared to the
to finish the project. pipefitters, then the electricians, baseline schedule and planned
and so on until the work was conditions. For example, if certain
Impacts Caused by Change completed. However, as a result of work was planned to be performed
As a result of the anticipated six the delay, numerous trades were in September with one crew, no
month delay in receipt of the critical forced to work in the same area overtime, and with no other craft in
path equipment, the contractor simultaneously. This impacted labor the area, but was actually
recognized that the as-planned productivity and caused inefficient performed in January with two
sequence and timing of the installation use of cranes and lifts. crews working overtime in below
of the equipment was no longer valid. • Additional Overtime—The original freezing conditions with two other
The contractor explored and analyzed plan included limited use of craft in the area, these different
various options on how to proceed, overtime, but the delay caused working conditions were noted.
including delaying the project in order to overtime to be used extensively Daily observations were made for
maintain the as-planned construction after the late equipment arrived. each of the subcontractors working
sequence. • Extended Time Related Costs— in the respective week.
However, the contract with the Certain costs such as equipment • Next, various recognized
owner contained a liquidated damages rental, project personnel, and site construction industry studies that
clause requiring the contractor to pay office costs were extended because measure the impacts of weather,
damages to the owner if the power plant of the delay caused by the late overtime, stacking of trades and
was not brought on line in time for the shipment of the damaged out-of-sequence work were used to
high electricity demands of the summer equipment. measure the labor impact of the
months. As a result, the contractor changed working conditions. The
elected to implement numerous Discussion of Change Management labor impacts were calculated each
mitigation efforts to minimize the delay Process Used to Track Impacts to the week. Other cost impacts were also
of the completion of the project and Project contemporaneously tracked
accelerate the construction after the The contractor recognized early on including equipment rental, field
delayed equipment arrived. All of the that the changes to the project because office costs, incremental project
involved parties were informed of the of the late arrival of equipment were personnel costs, and others. In
options considered and the chosen going to be numerous. The contractor certain instances, change orders for
approach. also recognized the importance of subcontractors were prepared and
The delay in equipment arrival effectively managing these changes by approved.
caused numerous changes and impacts measuring and tracking the cost and • At the end of each month, a
to the project including the following: schedule impacts associated with these separate invoice summarizing all of
changes. However, the existing project the cost impacts was prepared and
• Weather Impacts—Much of the cost and schedule management system submitted to the insurance carriers
work was planned to be performed was not set up to monitor and track the for payment. The invoices included
in the summer and fall, but because myriad of increased costs. all supporting documentation
of the delay, a majority of the work One of the authors of this article including pictures of the changed
was actually performed in the was retained to assist in setting up the working conditions and the basis for
winter months. The project was means and methods to both measure each of the increased costs.
located in the US midwest and all and track the cost and schedule impacts
work was outdoors. As a result of to the project as a result of the late Lessons Learned
the cold weather, the craft labor was delivery of the critical equipment. The For various reasons, the insurance
less efficient than they would have following summarizes the efforts companies declined payment of the
been had the work been performed undertaken to measure and track the invoices for the increased costs.
as-planned during warmer months. cost and schedule impacts associated Eventually, the contractor was forced to
• Out-of-Sequence Work—Because of with the changes. litigate the matter with the insurance
the delay, the sequence of the work companies.


The contractor was able to recover significantly reduce the risk of claims 9. Consentaneous 200 – Standard
all of its increased costs but not until that often result in costly disputes and Agreement and General Conditions
after a successful trial. At trial, the litigation. ◆ Between Owner and Contractor
insurance companies tried to argue, (Where the Contract Price is a Lump
using hindsight, that the costs were REFERENCES Sum), Article 12 – Dispute
overstated and inaccurate. However, the 1. Cox, R.K., Managing Change Orders Mitigation and Resolution,
jury concluded that the costs, as tracked and Claims, Journal of Management Consentaneous, LLC, 2007.
contemporaneously, were an accurate in Engineering, Volume 10. Change Management Best Practices
measure of the impacts to the January/February, pages 24-29, for the Engineering and
contractor. 1997. Construction Industry, Oracle
The key lesson learned was that 2. Cushman, R.F., C.M. Jacobsen and Primavera, 2009, retrievedn
when faced with changes to a project, do P.J. Trimble, Proving and Pricing December 2010, from:
not wait until after the project is over to Construction Claims, 2nd Edition,
try and measure the impacts. Rather, set Chapter 8: Change in Scope Claims, es/045720.pdf
up cost codes and means and methods John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 11. Zack, James G. (Editor), AACE
to contemporaneously measure and NY, 1996. International’s Professional Practice
track the cost and schedule impacts. The 3. Hart, D.H., The Proposed Change Guide to Contracts and Claims, 4th
time and effort spent during the project Order Process, American Institute of Edition, Chapter 6, Management of
to measure and track these impacts will Architects, 2008, retrieved on Change, AACE International,
assist in recovering what is owed under a January 10, 2011, from: Morgantown, WV, 2008.
changed condition.
s/ek_public/documents/pdf/aiap03 ABOUT THE AUTHORS
Conclusion 7629.pdf

hange during most construction 4. SP43-1-Project Change Joseph J. Egan, PE, is
projects is inevitable and can Management, Project Change with Davis & Hosfield
lead to cost and schedule Management Research Team, Consulting, LLC. He
overruns. The change management Construction Industry Institute, can be contacted by
process typically includes: Austin, TX, 1994. sending e-mail to:
5. AACE International Recommended
• address potential change in the Practice No. 10S-90: Cost
contract documents; Engineering Terminology, AACE
• identify the potential change; International, Morgantown, WV,
• create a proposed change order and revised 2010. Joseph E. Seder, CCE,
document the proposed change; 6. AIA Document A201 – General is with Davis &
• review and evaluate the proposed Conditions of the Contract for Hosfield Consulting,
change order timely; Construction, Article 7.2 – Change LLC. He can be
• execute the change order; and, Orders, American Institute of contacted by sending
• document the executed change. Architects, Washington, DC, 2007. e-mail to:
7. AIA Document A201 – General
These are some of the practices Conditions of the Contract for
being used in the construction industry Construction, Article 15.2 – Initial
to effectively manage change. Decisions, American Institute of Dayna L. Anderson, is
As illustrated by the case example Architects, Washington, DC, 2007. with Davis & Hosfield
above, contemporaneously measuring 8. ConsensusDOCS 200 – Standard Consulting, LLC. She
and tracking the cost and schedule Agreement and General Conditions can be contacted by
impacts associated with project changes Between Owner and Contractor sending
will assist in the recovery of what is (Where the Contract Price is a Lump e-mail to:
owed under a changed condition. Sum), Article 8 – Changes,
Effective management of changes can Consentaneous, LLC, 2007.

Reprinted with the permission of AACE International, 1265 Suncrest Towne Centre Dr., Morgantown, WV 25605 USA.
Phone 800-858-COST/304-296-8444. Fax: 304-291-5728. Internet: E-mail:
Copyright © 2012 by AACE International; all rights reserved.


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