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From: (b) (6)

To: (b) (6) ADAMS, ROWDY D; (b) (6)
Cc: (b) (6)
Subject: RE: Vehicle barriers
Date: Monday, August 13, 2007 2:41:05 PM

I just talked to (b) and he said that he is pretty sure he doesn't have the final numbers yet because
they are re-measuring
(6) with the tremble. (b) will be back tomorrow and we should be able to get some
form of an answer. I will do my best to follow
(6) up tomorrow morning.
(b) (6)

-----Original Message-----
From: (b) (6)
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 2:04 PM
To: ADAMS, ROWDY D; (b) (6)
Cc: (b) (6)
Subject: Re: Vehicle barriers

(b) (6) has these numbers doesn't he?

----- Original Message -----

To: (b) (6)
Cc: (b) (6)
Sent: Mon Aug 13 13:50:27 2007
Subject: RE: Vehicle barriers


Do we have the below info on vehicle barriers? Can we get a quick confirmation on the numbers?


-----Original Message-----
From: (b) (6)
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 1:48 PM
To: ADAMS, ROWDY D; (b) (6)
Cc: (b) (6)
Subject: FW: Vehicle barriers
Importance: High

Per our conversation, here is the official tasker.


-----Original Message-----
From: (b) (6)
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 12:10 PM
To: (b) (6)
Cc: (b) (6)
Subject: FW: Vehicle barriers
Importance: High

(b) (6)

The following is a (b) tasker. I need the information (b) has requested NLT NOON Tuesday, August
14. (6) (6)

Please let me know if I can be of assistance.

Thanks much,

(b) (6)

-----Original Message-----
From: (b) (6)
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 11:47 AM
To: (b) (6)
Cc: (b) (6) ADAMS, ROWDY D
Subject: Vehicle barriers

(b) (6)

In order to facilitate the achievement of (b) (6) direction, we need to send out a specific tasking to
SBInet. (b) is looking for the following:
Provide the updated number for miles of vehicle barriers in place along the southwest border, including
both permanent and temporary (which I believe we are going to start calling fixed and moveable).
Currently we are only reporting permanent (fixed), but (b) has discussed with S2 and we need to
include all. In order to achieve this, we must answer the (6) following:

1. What is the number of miles in place for temporary vehicle barriers.

2. What miles, if any, are currently being included as vehicle barrier miles but will be converted to
fence miles. If they will serve both purposes can/should we include them in both counts?
3. What is the status of OBP GIS baseline?

In order to walk from the numbers, please use either the June 30th White House Dashboard figure of
81.2 or the July WH dashboard figure which reflected 82.6 miles.

(b) (6)
Director, Management Operations
Secure Border Initiative
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(b) (6)

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2007 7:09 AM
To: (b) (6)
Cc: (b) (6) ADAMS, ROWDY D
Subject: SBI vision paper

I need a session with (b) by Wed on closure of temp vs permanent vehicle barriers.
Greg G

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