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Turing Machines

Robin Whitty

London South Bank University

Touring Turing, Rewley House, July 2012

Robin Whitty Turing Machines

Turing Machine Architecture
Unlimited tape plus tape reader/writer plus state table

equivalent to:

automaton plus 2 stacks

Robin Whitty Turing Machines

State tables

Rules for read/writehead = state table

Rule format:
<current state>, <symbol read>, <symbol written>, <head movement>, <new state>

Robin Whitty Turing Machines

Example 1
A machine for doubling a number (written in binary) with the tape
head starting and ending at the most significant digit:

State 0: Reading through the binary digits from left to right

State 1: Reading through the binary digits from right to left
State H: Halt
Robin Whitty Turing Machines
Example 2
A machine for checking the remainder of a number (in binary) on
division by 2 and halting with the tape head reading the remainder:

State 0: Reading first digit

State 1: Scanning zeros
State 0: Scanning ones
State H: Halt (∗ means no head movement)

Robin Whitty Turing Machines

Example 3

A machine for checking the remainder of a number (in binary) on

division by 3 and halting with the tape head reading the remainder.
Recall the automaton that checked for divisibility by 3:

This becomes the state table of our Turing machine (with modifications):

This time the states are

not easy to name!
Exercise: see if you can
think of suggestive names.

Robin Whitty Turing Machines

Example 3 continued
Recall the annotation of the finite automaton which found the value
of the number (but was not part of the actual machine):

We incorporate the annotation instructions into our remainder


Robin Whitty Turing Machines

Turing machine simulators

There are many web-based simulators in which you can try out your

Robin Whitty Turing Machines

The Busy Beaver
Suppose we are given a positive integer n. Let us look for a Turing
machine which
1. has exactly n states plus a Halt state;
2. reads and writes just blanks and 1’s on its tape;
3. starts with a tape in which every cell is blank.
Among the possible machines, chose a machine which halts but which
takes the greatest number of steps before halting. This is called an
n-state busy beaver.

A 4-state busy beaver. It halts in 107 steps

Robin Whitty Turing Machines
The Busy Beaver Function
Define the function S(n) to be the number of steps taken by an
n-state busy beaver.
The function S(n) is noncomputable.
Proof. Suppose we can compute S(n) for every positive integer n.
Let M be any Turing machine with n states. We will test if it halts:
run M for S(n) steps; if M has halted then answer ‘Yes’; if M has
not yet halted then it never can since S(n) is the greatest number
of steps an n-state Turing machine can take. So output ‘No’. So
the halting problem is solved, which is impossible. We conclude
that S(n) is noncomputable.
In fact the sequence S(1), S(2), S(3), . . . grows faster than any
computable sequence! Because if S(n) never exceeds some
computable sequence T (n), say, then we can replace S with T in the
above proof.
So sooner or later S(n), n = 1, 2, 3, . . . overtakes the sequence
10, 1010 , 1010 , . . ., or any monster sequence you can construct!
Robin Whitty Turing Machines

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