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3.4.1 Demographic profile
A total of 10 respondents from UUM students were given the chance to take survey on the
quality dimensions of Pantene shampoo. The description of respondents’ background analysis
involves aspects of gender, age, race, semester, college, expenses for a month and types of
Pantene shampoo used are presented in the form of tables and charts.
ITEMS No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1. Gender
Male 0 0
Female 10 100
2. Age
19-20 5 50
21-22 5 50
23-24 0 0
Others 0 0
3. Race
Malay 5 50
Chinese 2 20
Indian 1 10
Others 2 20
4. Semester
1 0 0
2 10 100
3 0 0
4 0 0
5 0 0
6 0 0
5. College
COB 3 30
CAS 4 40
6. Expenses per month
Below RM100 2 20
RM101-RM200 2 20
RM201-RM300 2 20
RM301-RM400 2 20
RM401-RM500 0 0
Above RM500 2 20
7. Types of Pantene shampoo used
Pantene Pro-V Lively Clean 1 10
Pantene Pro-V Anti Dandruff 5 50
Pantene Pro-V Hair Fall Control 1 10
Pantene Pro-V Daily Moisture Renewal 1 10
Pantene Pro-V Total Damage Care 1 10
Pantene Pro-V Silky Smooth Care 1 10

Table 1: Respondent’s Demography Data

3.4.2 Respondents’ Demographic Charts


0% AGE
19-20 21-22 23-24 Others

0 0

100% 5 5

Male Female

Figure 1: Respondents’ Gender Figure 2: Respondents’ Age


Sem 1
0, 0% Sem 2
2, 20% Malay
Chinese Sem 3
1, 10% 5, 50%
Indian Sem 4

2, 20% Others Sem 5

10, 100%
Sem 6

Figure 3: Respondents’ Race Figure 4: Respondents’ Semester


3 Below RM100
2 2 RM101-RM200
3 RM201-RM300
2 2

Figure 5: Respondents’ College Figure 6: Respondents’ Expenses per month

Pantene Pro-V Lively Clean
1 1 Pantene Pro-V Anti Dandruff
Pantene Pro-V Hair Fall Control
Pantene Pro-V Daily Moisture Renewal
1 5
Pantene Pro-V Total Damage Care
Pantene Pro-V Silky Smooth Care

Figure 7: Respondents’ types of Pantene shampoo used

From the above chart, there are several demographics in the questionnaire that the
researcher wants to know from the respondents. Among the questions that the researcher asks
are gender, age, race, semester, college, expenses per month and the type of Pantene shampoo
used. These questions were answered by UUM students who used Pantene shampoo as one of
their hair care.

Figure 1 shows that all the 10 respondents (100%) were female respondents. In this
chart, respondents' gender between male and female have much difference. This clearly shows
that gender factors affect this study as there is a big difference. According to the respondents'
description, there was no male students answered the survey. The selection of Pantene shampoo
consists of only female respondents. This shows that female students prefer to use Pantene
shampoo than the male students. This is because Pantene shampoo is more suitable for woman.

Figure 2 shows the number of respondents based on age in the study area. In this study,
the respondents selected were among university students, age range between 19 years old and
above. From the pie chart, we can see that all the surveys was answered by female students that
have a range of age of 19 to 22 years old which give the values of 5 respondents (50%) for each
section. Other range of age does not have any respondent which give values of 0 respondents

Figure 3 shows the number of respondents based on race. From the questionnaire,
several races have answered the survey. From the total of respondent, there are 5 respondents
(50%) from Malay race, 2 respondents (20%) from Chinese and other races respectively and 1
respondent (10%) from Indian race. This shows that the number of Malay respondents is more
than other races.
Figure 4 shows that respondents' demographic based on semester levels from semester
1 until semester 8. All the 10 respondents (100%) that answered this survey are from semester
2 based on the pie chart. This shows that mostly semester 2 students use Pantene shampoo as
one of their hair care.

Figure 5 shows the number of respondents based on college. There is three colleges in
UUM. There are College of Business (COB), College of Law, Government and International
Studies (COLGIS) and College of Art and Science (CAS). From the questionnaire, there are 3
respondents (30%) from COB and COLGIS respectively that had answered this question. There
are 4 respondents (40%) from CAS. From the chart, it is shown that the number of respondents
from CAS is higher than the other college.

Figure 6 shows that respondents' demographic based on expenses per month. It is

sectioned by levels of below than RM 100, expenses between RM 101 to RM 200, expenses
between RM 201 to RM 300, expenses between RM 301 to RM 400, expenses between RM
401 to RM 500 and expenses above RM 500. This study shows that all the section has 2
respondents (20%) each except for section of expenses between RM 401 to RM500 which have
0 respondents (0%). From the above chart, it is found that the use of Pantene shampoo is mostly
for students who expense levels mentioned above except for expenses between RM 401 to RM

Figure 7 shows the respondents’ type of Pantene shampoo used. The above pie chart
shows that most of the female respondents use Pantene Pro-V Anti Dandruff shampoo with
value of 5 respondents (50%) while for Pantene Pro-V Lively Clean, Pantene Pro-V Hair Fall
Control, Pantene Pro-V Daily Moisture Renewal, Pantene Pro-V Total Damage Care and
Pantene Pro-V Silky Smooth Care have 1 respondent (10%) respectively. This shows that most
female students which use Pantene shampoo has a problem with dandruff.

The conclusion that can be made from the chart above are that majority of Pantene
shampoo user is from female students that age between 19 to 22 years old which in their second
semester under one of the college in UUM and have problems with dandruff as most of the
respondent use Pantene Pro-V Anti Dandruff shampoo. Pantene shampoo is mostly used by
Malay race. All students have different range of monthly expenses whether it is below RM 400
or above RM500.
3.4.2 Descriptive Analysis
This section provides the question about the dimension of quality for Pantene shampoo. These
results are based on the number of respondents who have used Pantene shampoo as one of their
hair care. All the 10 respondents need to answer this part. Based on the answered survey, the
data obtained has been described and presented in graph so an analysis can be made from the

This part needed the respondents to make their rating for each of the nine quality dimensions
of the product according to the Likert scale, (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree,
Strongly agree).

Statement of Dimension Strongly Disagre Neutra Agre Strongly

Quality Disagree e l e Agree
1 Performances 1 0 1 4 4
2 Features 0 1 0 3 6
3 Reliability 0 1 5 2 2
4 Conformances 1 1 1 5 2
5 Durability 2 0 1 2 5
6 Serviceability 0 1 2 5 2
7 Aesthetics 0 3 3 1 3
8 Safety 0 1 1 5 3
9 Other dimensions 2 1 3 2 2
Table 2: Respondents’ rating for dimension quality for Pantene shampoo


No. of respondents


Dimension Quality

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 8: Respondents’ rating for dimension quality for Pantene shampoo

In this study, there are 9 dimensions of quality product questioned in this questionnaire.
These 9 dimensions can be used to find out and make some analysis about the product quality.
There are performance, features, reliability, conformance, durability, serviceability, aesthetics,
safety and other dimension.

Figure 7 shows the bar graph of respondents’ rating for dimension quality for Pantene
shampoo. From this bar graph, we can do SWOT analysis.

First, the strength that the Pantene shampoo have are performances, features and safety.
As we can see, the total number of respondents for agree and strongly agree for the three quality
dimensions are 8 respondents (80%) for performances and safety respectively and 9
respondents (90%) for features. For performances, researcher asked the respondents whether
the shampoo is suitable or not for their hair to overcome their hair problem meanwhile for
features, respondents were asked whether the product’s liquids texture is comfortable or not
when applied to their hand and hair. For dimension quality of safety, the researcher wants to
find out whether the user of Pantene shampoo feels safe when using the product. This three
quality dimensions got the higher vote for agree and strongly disagree. The performances get
the higher vote because Pantene’s company has a good Research and Development
Department. Each shampoo type serves a different purpose. There are at least 100 different
types of shampoos, conditioners, creams and what not, each of which are targeted towards
serving a purpose. So naturally, Pantene has an excellent consumer Research and Design
and Development Department. It has to imagine the consumers’ needs and then present the
final product to the customer meanwhile for features and safety, Pantene keeps improving its
product line with some fresh products which will ensure movement off the shelves. It is not
easy to introduce a 100 variants of shampoos and hair conditioners and still impart value from
the products to the consumers. Before any ingredient goes into the Pantene shampoos, they will
gather all the relevant safety and toxicity information on the ingredient. If they have any doubts
about an ingredient’s potential to cause harm to the consumer, then they will not use it with no
exceptions. This is why consumer of Pantene shampoo vote high for the quality dimension
stated above.

Next, Pantene’s shampoo weakness is the aesthetics and other dimension because the
total number of respondents for these two dimensions for strongly disagree and disagree are 3
respondents (30%) respectively which actually not very weak based on the researcher’s opinion
because it is not very affective to the company. Researcher wants to find out whether the design
of the bottle that actually attracts people to buy their product for aesthetics dimension and
whether they choose to buy and use Pantene shampoo because of their famous brands for other
dimensions quality. Why Pantene shampoo has weakness on the aesthetics and other dimension
is because Pantene is operating through the age old strategy of brand ambassadors while
Pantene competitors such as Sunsilk has brought in hair experts as well as brand ambassadors
and both endorse their individual style and products. This means that Sunsilk has a
stronger strategy and has to be appreciated for the fact that it has a far stronger mass market
strategy then Pantene. Thus, this makes a higher impact on the consumer thereby affecting the
sale of Pantene.

Then, Pantene opportunities is first, focusing on the wants and demands of consumers.
Pantene has covered the need part of consumer requirement very well but it needs to enter
the demand category and introduce its own like of products like L’oreal has L’oreal luxe which
is the premium range besides its normal range of consumer products. This will drive the brand
equity even further. For example, Pantene’s company can increase the reliability of the
shampoo (such as increase the suitability of the product to make sure consumer can use it for
2 to 5 years onward) because it has 70% of both agree and strongly agree. Second, changing
the marketing strategy. Pantene can take a leap out of the book of Sunsilk and change its
marketing strategy to stand out of the tried and tested methods of using brand ambassadors and
instead of using innovative marketing tactics so that the products move off the shelves on the
ground level. Off course this is risky, but it will help Pantene leap frog over Sunsilk. Third is
decreasing cost of transportation because of lower shipping prices can also bring down the cost
of Pantene’s products thus providing an opportunity to the company, either to boost its
profitability or pass on the benefits to the customers to gain market share as we know the cost
of living nowadays is higher. By decreasing the price in the market, some new customer will
try Pantene product thus make Pantene company gain more user.

Last but not least is the threats in SWOT analysis for Pantene shampoo. First of all, the
threats is product differentiation becomes difficult. With so many variants of Pantene product
and equivalent number of variants of competition brands, product differentiation becomes
difficult and customer becomes immune to differentiation and instead becomes overwhelmed
with choice. This in turn results in wastage of marketing expenditure. Next is advertising noise.
There is so much noise in the hair care segment that to stand out takes extra creative efforts or
too much frequency. For example, Parachute coconut oil and other such products which are
not shampoos and conditioners also fall under the hair care categories and these advertisements
are also a part of hair care. Thus, the advertising noise in this sector is phenomenal. Last but
not the least is Sunsilk. Sunsilk is also a hair care company and it has been a rival of Pantene
since ages and will be so for the coming several years. Both the brands are strong contenders
for top spots and either one or the other is always pushing the product in the market.


Bhasin, H. (2019). SWOT analysis of Pantene - Pantene SWOT analysis. [online] Marketing91.
Available at: [Accessed 7 May 2019]. (2019). Pantene | Safety First. [online] Available at:

first [Accessed 7 May 2019].

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