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DESIGN PARAMETERS INELUENT To meBR zion Anal Average Flow (SAF) 9.0 mco ‘sing water Design MBER Infuent BOD, = Smt, 7B rat ‘Design MABR influent CBO, = Samo S4mel 47 mot ‘Design MBBR Inluent S800, 30 mat 2omot 40 mot Desigh MEER intuent TSS = SompL 100mg TO mL 68 ma Design MBBR influent NA, 28 mg (al saasons) Design Minimum Cel 8" Extvent Temperature ss:c sec sco arc Design Maximum Cal"B EMluentTemperaure = 244°C 306°C 81°C 170" DESIGN EFFLUENT PARAMETERS (ALL SEASONS) Design fluent C500, = 20m, Design Eten TSS = omet Design Emuent Ny 5 mo KRUGER Kruger, Inc. DESIGN MEMO Submitted To: McGoodwin Williams & Yates For a Kaldnes Moving Bed™ biofilm technology ANOXKALDNES LagoonGuard™ Treatment System at: Batesville WWTP Batesville, AR Revision 2 26 May, 2010 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TiS DOCUMENT CONTAINS ANOXKALDNES! /-VEOLIA PROPRIETARY INFORMATION AND NEITHER THIS DOCUMENT NOR SAID PROPRIETARY INFORMATION SHALL BE PUBLISHED, REPRODUCED, OF COPIED, DISCLOSED, OF USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN CONSIDERATION OF THIS PROPOSAL, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF ANOXKALDNES i Qveoua KRUGER Our rot. Date 42040801 26 May, 2010 Ms. Jessica Keahey, P.E. MeGoodwin Willams & Yates 302 E. Milsap Fayettevile, AR 72703 Re: AnoxKaldnes Kaldnes MBBR technology Batesville, AR LagoonGuard™ Design Memo Ms. Keahey, Below are our revised detailed design calculations for the Batesville WWTP application for our Moving Bed™ Biofim Reactor (MBBR) process for BOD removal and nitification of In general, the existing lagoons will provide adequate removal of large particulate matter ‘and no additional fine screening ahead of the MBBR is required. Facies that lack primary treatment will require screening with a maximum of 6 mm (1/4 inch) openings for removal of this particulate matter (rags, debris, etc) prior to entering the AnoxKaldnes LagoonGuard™ roactors. ‘The proposed design wil incorporate the AnoxKaldnes MBBR process for helping to maintain an effluent quality of < 10 mg/L Soluble BOD and < 8 mg/L NHyN at 5“ PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ‘ poousey conan unaaLones /TEOUA PROPAETARY BEORMATON AND NEITHER THS DOCUMENT NOR SAD PROPRIETARY nrcrwATION SHAL 8 PUBLISHED, AEPROCUGED, OF COPIED, DiSCOSED, OF USED FON ANY PURFESE ‘OTHER THN CONSDEFATION OF THs PROPOSAL, WITHOUT TM WITTEN APPROVAL OF ANORKALDNES/VEOUA QOveoua KRUGER A. Design Basis ‘Below are the design conditions that the MBBA™ biological treatment system was designed around Paaor 1] ana [Spang Sune [Lea [We Flow, Amualave | wed | 00 [| 20 [00 | 0 Flow, Max.0ay | wad | 100 | 100 [100 | 100 00, eign | mgt |e | | se | 70 ©00,,Devan | mot | se | os | a | a7 2800, desin | mot | 20] se] 90 ao 738,088 | mot | 60] 100 70] os Tee, Desn | not [ss] 33 as Anmaria, Ossi | not [28 | 28 [8 | as wax Tempers | _o| 204 | moe [25a | 170 vin-Tenporauro | “© [ee | 180 [08 [a7 “Tis asad 100s of oF CBE WTO} THD on AORN ‘AnoxKaldnes MBBR Biolosical Treatment System Proposed desian + Toll ark volun re.768 i + Number of process trains + Number of reactors per train + Overall Tank dimensions ftlong x62 ft wide x 18 side water depth ‘+ Flocommended freeboard 3. minimum + Design fil of bot carrer elements = 569% + Design air requirement 919 SOM, + Maximum fillofbifim cartier laments = 67% + Flow at max. il Aa at max. fl + Aeration system = AnoxKaldnes Medium Bubble + Residual 0.0. evel 2.8.6 mglL depending on wastewater temp + sonar daageesvestiietse =81 530 Bearers er sce nee Sa Se te Qveoua KRUGER Surface Area Loading Rate Calculations The following loading rate is for BOD removal in aerobic MBBR's only. The percent reduction is expressed as the ratio of the difference between the total BOD in the influent to the MBBR and the soluble fraction of BOD in the MBBR outlet to the total BOD in the influent to the reactor. Based upon AnoxKaldnes’ experience with organic removal and ritification at over 100 facilities, the BOD: and Nitrification design surface area loading rate (SALR) in order to meet < 10 mglL of soluble CBODs and < @ mglL ammonia at 4.7 °C is 2.86 g Total BOD/m?-day and a removal rate for nitsfication of 0.6155 g NHy-Nimday. ‘A major factor in the nitfcation design is the net nitrification rate, This rate decreases as the effluent NHN concentration from the reactor decreases from 3 mall down to 0.5 magi. As this system is targeting an effluent ammonia concentration of < 8 mgiL, this application vil fallin the non-limiting range of process design. ‘As the base nitrification rate equations from AnoxKaldnes are based on 10 °C and the process design is at 4.7 °C, the ammonia-niogen removal rate does need to be corrected {or temperature thus the calculated removal rate below will be used for the process design “The nitrification rate is also documented to have a relationship to the bulk tluid dissolved ‘oxygen concentration inthe reactor. ‘The calculation for the amount of media required is based upon the SALR selected & the cffoctive surface area of the media in the basin. The effective surface area of AnoxKaldnes’ KS biomedia available for biomass growth is 500 m’/m® (152.4 f/f’). ‘The total effective surface area of an MBBR is calculated by multiplying the effective surface area of the biomedia by the MBBR reactor volume and the volumetric fil fraction of the blomedia in the reactor. The process design uses a percent fil of 56% in all reactors, so the total effective surface area (SA) of the reactors, when the volume of each reactor is 1,959 m° (69,192 ft?) is: [PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Tis pocunen conan ANOKKALDNES / DUK PROPRIETEY NFOHUATON AND NETHER 148 DOCUMENT NOR SAD PACeRETARY INCOMUATION SAL Be PUBLIED, REPrODUCED, OF COPIER ILOSED. ON USED FOR Ay PURPERE ‘OINER HAN CONSOEAATONGF TH PROPOSAL WITHOUT THE ATTEN APPHOVALOF ANERKALONES VEGUA Qveoua KRUGER EACH REACTOR SNe “(S289 asm sions, B. Aeration Caloulations ‘Aeration calculations based on pollutant removal have been performed using the following Standard aeration equation sor= en =a Cg" (C.*D.) Where SOR = Standard Oxygen Requirement (th) AOR = Actual (Process) Oxygen Recuirement (ty) = Ratoofongen transfer coefcient (ofthe wastewater to that of an water Ratio of oxygen saturation of the wastewater to that of clean water ‘Surface saturation dissolved oxygen concentration in clean water at the influent design temperature (Tj) and basin elevation (mglL) Depth Correction Factor = (Diffuser Depth’ 100)+4 Residual Dissolved Oxygen concentration in the reactor (mg/L) = Surface saturation DO cone. in clean water at 20 °C and 760 mm Hg 9.09 mgl (per ASCE) ‘Temperature correction coefficient = 1.024 Wastewater Temperature (°C) ‘PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Qveoua KRUGER Air Required For BOD and Ammonia Removal Winter BOD; Removed = 5,564 Ibsiday (79 mg/L down to 5 mglL at 9.0 mgd) Winter AOR =| [5.5541 BOD gan ]q_1-OlDO ras [22] 231.4160, aay TBODypvon0 | [24n5 |" br ‘Spring BODs Removed = 5,855 lbs/day (&3 mg/L down to S mglL at 9.0 mgd) Spring BOD; AOR = 243.9 Ib Oyhhr ‘Summer BODs Removed = 3,608 lbs/day (53 mgiL down to 5 mg/L at 8.0 mgd) ‘Summer BODs AOR = 150.1 lb Oyhhr Fall BOD; Removed = 3,528 lbs/day (52 mg'L down to § mg/L at 8.0 mgd) Fall BOD; AOR = 147.0 ll Oxihr Given: a = 09 B= as Cwatt = 12.792 mglL @ 4:7 °C, 300 feet Elevation (Winter = 12.039 mg @ 6.9°C, 300 feet Elevation (Spring) = 10.219 mg @ 13.9°C, 900 feet Elevation (Summer) = 11.095 mglL @ 10.5 °C, 300 feet Elevation (Fall) (17/100) +1=1.17 3.0 mg 8.09 mg (per ASCE) 1.024 Tw = 47°C (Winter) 6.9 °C (Spring) = 139°C (Summer) “es pou covTas aNoMKALDNES PROPRIETAHY REORWATION SHALL Be PususeeD, RePROCUGED, OR COMED biscLoseD, On USED Fon AY PURPOSE ‘GINGA THAN CONSOEAATION OF THs PROPOSAL WITHOUT THE WHITTEN APPROVAL OF ABONKALENES/VECUA Qveoua KRUGER = 105°C (Fal) Winter BOD, SOR = Spring BOD; SOR = 3788 Ib Ozhr ‘Summer BOD; SOR = 245.4 lb Ohr Fall BOD; SOR = 234.9 lb Oyhr NHs-N Removed = Infiuent Load ~ Assimilation ~ Effluent Load Winter NHs-N Removed =2,477 — (0.04°5,554) ~ 563 6921 Ne. ]q 45710 Osu], ‘ay TNF, = 1,692 Ibid 322.21b0, hr Winter NH, AOR Spring NHN Removed =2,477 ~ (0.045.855) ~ 563 = 1,680 Ibid Spring NHN AOR =319.9 bb Ozhr Summer NH-N Removed =2,477 ~ (0.04"3,603) ~ 563 Summer NH-N AOR = 337.0 b Oyhr Fall NHN Removed = 2,477 ~ (0,043,528) ~ 563 Fall NHN AOR = 997.6 lb Ouhr 770 Ibid 773 bid Given: a = 09 B 0.95 Cwatt = 12732 mgl @ 4.7°C, 300 feet Elevation (Winter) PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Poem AY INFORIATON SHALL GE PuSED,REPHOOUCED, OR COPIED, ISLOSED, OR USED FoR ANY PURPOSE Qveoua KRUGER 12,039 mg/L @ 69°C, 300 feet Elevation (Spring) = 10213 mg/L @ 13.9 °C, 300 feet Elevation (Summer) = 11.085 mg/L @ 10.5 °C, 300 feet Elevation (Fall) De = (17/100) 4121.17 C= 86 mg/l. Winter) 74 malt (Spring) = 67 mg (Summer) = 7.0 mgt (Fall Ca = 9,09 mglL (per ASCE) 1.024 Tw = 47°C Winter) 6.9 °C (Spring) = 139°C (Summer) = 105°C (Fall Winter NH, SOR = LE ‘Spring NH-N SOR = 862.3 lb Oy/hr ‘Summer NH¢-N SOR = 989.4 b Oyfnr Fall NHs-N SOR = 948.1 lb Oyhr PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ‘Tg ocamen covrans avoxauones / YEOLIA rhe TAY NIOMUATION AND NEITHER TS DOCUMENT NOR SAD PRopmiraey nrormATioN SHALL Be PUBLISHED, ReenOQUGED, Oh COME, ISCIOSCD OR USED FOR ANY PURPOSE ‘Otres Tae CONSDEFATION OF Tas PROPOSAL, WTHOUT THE WAI TEN APPROVAL OF ANDRXALONES ECU. Qveoua KRUGER Biological Air Requirement = Fre OTE en Given: ‘SOR = Standard Oxygen Requirement (bh) Ps Densiy of ar air at 70 °F and 14.696 psia = 0.075 ft Wo = Mase fraction of oxygen in dry air= 0.232 fo Ox air > Diflusr depth = 17 OTE = Onygen transfor efficiency = 1.1% per foot SWD 352.54.985.8100: WinterBiological AirRequiremer et 023200; eras 70.2327 178 100 6,855sefim ‘Spring Biological Air Requirement = 6,357 scfm ‘Summer Biological Air Requirement = 6,325 scfm Fall Biological Air Requirement = 6,085 scfm In addition tothe biological ar requirement, the system also has an air requirement, associated with keeping the media well mixed. This equates to roughly 0.45 sci? of ‘basin area or 6,919 scfm of total mixing air. When the mixing ir requirement is greater than the biological air requirement (as is the ‘case for this design), the system is referred to as being “mixing limited. This is generally the ‘case for most LagoonGuard applications. ‘The blower discharge pressure is estimated at 8.1 psig from the top ofthe basins. spornmenceronynay TEE Ee a ne Qveoua KRUGER D. Mass Balance Calculations Basod on the Batesvile WWTP average influent characteristics and effluent requirements, the AnoxKaldnes MBBR process conditions are presented below fora falty designed to meet an effluent NHN of < 8 mglL ata design temperature of 4.7 °C. ag00n MBER for NEBR for ‘BOOINAton Nitfeaton ‘Winter Influent Parameters to MBBR: Flow = 9,000,000 gpd BOD; = 5,990 Ib/day (79 mg) TKN =2,477 bb/day (83 mg/L) We assume 100% of the organic nitrogen is going to hydrolyze into ammonia-ritrogen. If the wastewater has some non-degradable organic nitrogen in the wastewater the resulting system design is then conservative, The higher D.O. concentration allows for the use of increased nitrification rates. ‘The required amount of biomedla surface area for organic removal is obtained by dividing the organic load by the organic SALR while the surface area fornitfication is obtained by dividing the ammonia-nirogen required to be nitiied by the nitfication SALR. The total media volume is obtained by dividing the biomedia surface area requirement by the effective surface area of the biomedia, BOD + Nitrification (4.7 °C) 2,6358800/ Se eee a fa? day orgie Load Mea Votame =| 8049" nets. 1965238) Sam neil. ‘nus ooc.MEetCONTANS ANOALONES / EOLA PROPRIETARY REOTMATOW AND NETHER T48 OOCUMENT NOR SAD rors orunrion Sc Be PURE, REPRODUCED Gr COMED, MSELOSED OLED FON i PRP Qveoua KRUGER - 7677488 NAY) ifn mei) =| 7 eons ‘m?day Niwifying Load Media Volume =| 1246918 m* media_|_ > 494 m? (98,0698) Oe mesg? media. The total media volume is 4,375 m° (184,492 ft), This equates to 2,187.5 m° (77,471 ft) per reactor. {As the first reactor is designed for both BOD and partial nitifcation and the second reactor 's designed for nitification, the total media volume is 4,375 m’, Knowing the basin volume is 1,959 m' for each reactor, the media fil percentage equates to a percent fil of 56% for each reactor. Pmopmerany! ‘as oocawent covranysAuonaupnes / YEON POPRE TAFY REOFAATION AND NEITHER THS DOCUMENT NOR SAD PROPMIETAW NEORUATIN SVU Be PUBLISHED, RESRODUCED, OF COPED, USG.OSED, OF USED FOR ANY PURPOSE ‘Stren re CONSOETATIONOF THiS PROPOSAL, WITHOUT He WITTEN APPROVAL OF ANDRKA.DNES/VEOUA Qveoua E Desi In using the design requirements of soluble BOD < 10 mg and NHs-N < 8 mg/L while maintaining an equal basin size, a reactor volume chosen for this design is 62 ft long x 62 ft wide x 18 ft side water depth. This provides for a total reactor volume of 276,768 ff within a stem of (2) pronase tae of two (3) rendre sais Eee reetor fue hes volume of 69, 192 ft and a percent fil of media of 56% in each reactor. ‘+ Number of Basins 4 (2 Trains of 2 Basins in Series) ‘Basin Dimensions 62 ft wide x 62 ft long x 18 ft SWO Aeration Type ‘AnoxKakines Mediurn Bubble aeration system © Design Flow =9MGD — Dally Average oak Hydraulic Flow = 10.8 MGD — for sieve design only = Infuent BOD, =79 mall (6,990 Ibiday) + Infuent TKN = 38 mglL (2.477 Ibday) * Infuent TSS = 68 mg/L (6,104 ibay) + Temperature =47-80.6°C © Media Fill = 56% Design Air Requirements =6.919 SCFM © Max. Media Fill =67% Flow at Max. Fill =10.8MGD + AirRequirement at Max. Fil -=8,475 SCFM ‘+ Blower Pressure Required = 8.1 psig ‘Should you have any questions relating to this design memo please feel free to contact us. Regards, David Foster Process Manager - Kruger CC: Brain Jones, Glenn Thesing, Fle Tapeuran cranny ameter cues martes Bet eet trees Set ene eng Mae Qveoua Solutions for Process and Wastewater Treatment DATE: January 6, 2010 To: Glenn Thesing, Susan Roszko, Kruger FROM: Greg Parks, World Water Werks, Inc. co! Mark Fosshage, Kyle Booth, John Schnecker WWW RE: WWW Design Calculations for Batesville, AR Project ‘Frease find te attached Preliminary Design Calculations for the quoted WWW DAF syaiom for Batesvile, AR. Please note that all system sizing is subject to final system review and design, “The solids removal calculations would be as follows: 1) DAF influent Flow: “11 MGD (To be split between Two (2) DAF Units) 2) TSS In: 300 mai (Actual 76-151 mgt; 300 mil tobe used for design) 3) Iss ou ‘a) With Chemistry <20 mo b)With Out Chemisty TBD 4) Estimated Float, ‘a) With Chemistry 4, 36% TS 2. 1,288 to 102,575 GPO 2) With Out Chemistry 1. 24% TS 2. 71,7750 149,550 GPD “The chemical calculations would be as follows: 1)DAFs influent Flow: 11 MGD (To be split between Two (2) DAF Units) 2) Estimated Polymer Usage: 2. 1-5 PPM ». Polymer Density: 9.5 Ibsigal ©, 104.510 522.5 Ibsiday Usage Additional DAF Calculations: 1 ‘8. 11 MGD Flow (To be spit between Two (2) DAF Units) . Effective Surface Area: 2,566 12 Per DAF 300 mgf TSS influent 20 mgli TSS Effvent ©. 87 Dog F Max Wastewater Temp 2) AS Ratio: 0.0142 3) Hydrauiic Loading Rate: 1.49 GPM? 44) Solids Loading Rate: 5.04 IbsiDayit'2 5) Max Tum Down: 30-40% of Max Capacity; Proper Chemical mixing ‘would be the biggest concern at lower flow. iv O4F Design Casts 05-10 56

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