English Year 4 Lesson Plan

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Subject : English Language

Year : 4 B1

Enrolment : 28 pupils

Date/Day : 14 August 2018 (Tuesday)

Time : 9.45 am – 10.45 am (60 minutes)

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic : Unity in Diversity (Unit 10)

Focused Skill : Grammar

Integrated Skill : Writing

Previous Knowledge : Pupils are already familiar with some of the vocabulary in the
topic which was introduced in the previous lesson.

Content Standard : 5.1 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be
able to use different word classes correctly and appropriately.

Learning Standard : 5.1.1 Able to use nouns correctly and appropriately:

(a) common nouns
(b) singular nouns
(c) plural nouns
(d) countable nouns
(e) uncountable nouns

: 5.1.3 Able to use verbs correctly and appropriately:

(a) irregular verbs
(b) verbs that do not change

Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

1. Answer the worksheet given that differentiate

between verbs and nouns
2. Read the text on page 97 from the text book and
identify the nouns and verbs from the text
3. In pair, able to produce a simple sentences
comprises of verbs and nouns based on word
randomly chosen from a jar.

Educational Emphases: (Choose from the 16 elements of EMK appropriate to the topic.)
Thinking Skills : differentiate between verbs and nouns
Resources/Teaching Aids : textbook, worksheet, a jar containing words (verbs and nouns)
Stages/Time Content Activities Remarks

To arouse pupils’ interests 1)Teacher asks the students about

Set through questionnaire. what they remembered from the last Preparation
Induction lesson. Phase
(3 minutes) 2)Remind the students on the
vocabulary related to the last lesson
- Preparation
- Analysis

1) Teacher teach the students the

Presentation To explain and expose the definition of verbs and nouns Imagination
(15 minutes) students on the definition 2) Teacher give examples of verbs Phase
of verbs and nouns and nouns
3) Relate from the last lesson and
ask students randomly which - Generating
words from the last lesson they ideas
remembered and classify them to
either verb or noun

- Synthesising
1) Teacher give the students a
Practice To demonstrate the worksheet each. Development
(20minutes) pupils’ understanding of 2) The students need to classify 10 Phase
the differentiation of verb words written on the whiteboard - Assessment
and noun either it be verb or noun.
3) The words are related from the
last lesson.

1) To test the pupils’ 1) Teacher split the students in pair. Action Phase
Production understanding of the 2) Teacher will walk from pair to pair -Implementation
(20minutes) differentiation and and ask each pair to randomly -Continuous
comprehension of choose a wordstrip from a jar that Practice
verb and noun containing words (verbs and Assessment for
nouns). learning
3) Each pair must construct a objective
sentence based on the word they
have picked.
4) The sentences must include the
word that has been chosen(verb
or noun) and in the sentence there
must contain a verb and a noun
Closure 1) To recap the lesson. 1) Teacher randomly ask any
students and give them a word
(2 minutes) 2) The student must classify either
the word is a verb or a noun

Comments by Supervisor:

Prepared by:
Mohd Nasrullah Bin Rosli

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