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Thirdly, the fact that patients have limited

OA 6091 Economic Analysis of the Public medical knowledge and experience means that
Sector health professionals are free to pursue their own
objectives where these may be different from
Poiicy Focus: How best ro organise health those of the patients. This is known as the
insurance? 'principal-agent· problem, and arises because
information asymmetry frees the agent to pursue
Health care expenditures have risen very rapidly independent objectives. This happens, for
in developed and developing countries. As a example, where health professionals show a
proportion of GDP, health care expenditures preference for expensive equipment or
have more than doubled since 1960 in OECD sophisticated treatments that may not add much
countries. There are a number of factors to a pati enc s health status, but imp rove the status
explaining this upward trend. These include of the professionals themselves. This can be
demographic changes, a sustained rise in living referred to as 'X-inefficiency' and is shown as an
standards and demand for health care, and upward shift of the supply curve. or the Barrow
scientific and technological development. In in the Figure.
developing countries. the epidemiological
. .,. . . - , � :, ·.;, ' . '• ...
transition places further pressures on health care :- : 'r ::.::-::-: •••••.••••••••••.•••• \!
provision. Given this rising trend in health

i ::�::.'�osts
expenditures, many countries have implemented
health reforms aimed at containing health costs,
improving efficiency in health systems. and
expanding access to health care. This piece
focuses on designing health insurance to ensure
containment of health expenditures.
11 I :" 11:

JV!1.1· are health care systems weak on cost


Research has drawn attention to three main I! 1 lf

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firstly, the demand for health care is largely
determined by health care professionals, rather The purchase-provider split
than by patients directly. Health care
professionals diagnose illness and identify The upward trend in costs which arises from
appropriate treatment. To the extent that these 'supply induced demand.' and from 'X-
professionals are not directly concerned with the inefficiency· can be addressed by inserting an
costs of treatment, they may no have a strong agent who is independent of providers to act on
incentive for cost containment. Moreover, in behalf of patients. This can be achieved by
situations where they are paid a fee for service separating out purchasers and provider; of heal th
the) may have an incentive to over prescribe care. In the UK's health reform, general
treatments or tests. This contributes to the rise in practitioners (GPs) are provided with per capita
COS!.S. budgets used to contract services from providers.
Providers are Health Trusts (hospitals. clinics)
This can be shown in figure 1 below. In the and private providers. Purchasers and providers
Figure, 'true supply costs and demand are negotiate renewable contracts to cover the health
shown as ss and dd. Supply induced demand may care required. There are two kinds of contracts.
result in a rightward shift of the demand curve Bloc contracts cover a given population group
shown by the A arrow. for specified services. A different type of
contracts is for a specific number of a given
Secondly, the presence of full insurance may service. GPs have incentives for cost
encourage patients to take full advantage of the containment because they are entitled to spend
services available from the health system. This is budget surpluses (residual).
because the cost to tlie patient of demanding
extra services is zero. This is shown by the new The purchaser-provider split has a number of
demand curve dd .. benefits: attention is drawn to the costs of
services, pricing and accounting mechanism for
health care arc developed, and sometimes limited
competition is possible. There are drawbacks as Sometimes, instead of specifying a fraction of
well. Markets are expensive, and contract the costs, the insurance contract may specify a
negotiation is usually seen as wasteful by health fixed amount to be paid by the insurer and the
professionals. insured. This is known as a co-payment, and
applies especially to situations in which there is a
Addressing moral hazard through co-insurance. tariff for services agreed with providers.
co-payments and deductibles
A different method is to require users to pay the
The moral hazard prob I em of insurance has a costs in ful I up to a given amount before the
different set of potential solutions. The problem insurance cover applies. This is very common in
here is that the marginal cost of services to the car insurance as a means of reducing small
insured are zero, generating excessive demand claims, and it is known as a 'deductible'. In
for services. In Figure 2 below, the costs and Figure 4 health expenditures up to d are paid by
demand for a specific treatment are shown. the user in full, but between d and d' the
Whereas the optimal level of service provision is insurance covers the costs. Above d' cover is
given by q , a fully insured person would exhausted and again the user pays the costs in
demand q'' . full. As an exercise consider the incentives for
health professionals and users generated by

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. 1/f--i
I / �
+---r-----.d-.--·· III
health expenditure �r�
Raising the marginal cost of using services can :�:�::::::::::::::::�:::::::;:::::::;::::::::::;;;::::::::::::::;:::::!!;::::::::::::::! ;·
ameliorate the impact of moral hazard. One
method extensively used in insurance is to Questions:
require th': insured to pay ,, fraction of the costs.
Th is is known as co-insurance. In Figure 3, a one I. How effective is the purchaser-provider split
third co-insurance payment is shown. As an in containing health care costs?
exercise you should find the new level of service 2. Speculate on the equity impact of
provision. introducing co-insurance. co-payments, and
deductibles in health care.
3. Is cost containment in health expenditures a
problem in developing countries?


Gertler, Paul. J. [1998] On the Road to Health

lnsuranc: the Asian Experience, in World
Development 26(4) 717-732

H Oxley and M.Macfarlan [1994] Health Care

Reform: Controlling Spending and Increasing
Efficiency, Economics Department Working
Papers I 49, OECD. Paris

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