College Exam in Good Manners and Right Conduct

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College Department


Name: _______________________________________ Year and Section: _____

Date: __________________ Score: __________


General Directions: Read each item carefully. Encircle only the letter of your choice.

1.The set of behavior which mark someone as a civilized and cultured member of society is

A. good habits
B. good manners
C. etiquettes
D. right conduct

2. This is a code of polite conduct based on social acceptance and efficiency.

A. good habits
B. good manners
C. etiquettes
D. right conduct

3. What is the difference between etiquettes and good manners?

A. Etiquettes can either be good or bad, manners are purely good.

B. Good manners are acquired later while etiquettes are imbibed by birth.
C. Etiquettes are based on personal preference, manners based on social acceptance.
D. Manners are taught at very young age; etiquettes can be trained through situations.

4. When manners are practiced consistently, a person develops __________.

A. desires
B. habits
C. reflexes
D. traits
5.Which of the following rule set is NOT based on the principle of etiquettes?

A. burial rites
B. royal protocol
C. table courtesies
D. traffic laws

6. These are the rules by which we make decisions about right or wrong, good or bad.

A. ethics
B. manners
C. morals
D. values

7.The following are considered as good habits EXCEPT: _________________

A. Become a trusted friend to someone.

B. Go to bed early or in a reasonable time.
C. Reserve family and personal time for recreation.
D. Take a regular exercise to become fit and sound.

8. This moral principle includes being honest to commitments and keeping an initiative to
improve and learn new skills.

A. Citizenship
B. Fairness
C. Responsibility
D. Trustworthiness

9. Which moral principle is exhibited when Marian students do religiously the flag raising
ceremonies and observe other nationalistic activities?

A. Citizenship
B. Fairness
C. Responsibility
D. Trustworthiness
10. Which moral principle is manifested when students take and perform their individual
roles in order to accomplish team targets?

A. Citizenship
B. Fairness
C. Responsibility
D. Trustworthiness

11. If you want to get to the head of the line so you will not be late, but you want to use good
manners you can ____________.

A. Barge in front of the first person.

B. Get mad and stomp away
C. Make a scene to confuse people.
D. Approach one person if you be first on the line.

12. If you are running, and you bump into someone, good manners would be to _________.

A. Do nothing.
B. Pretend that nothing happened.
C. Ask apology for carelessness.
D. Put the blame to the person.

13. If you are eating with people, and you burp, it would be good manners to __________.

A. eave and never come back.

B. Laugh and make fun of yourself.
C. Say “excuse me.”
D. Do nothing.

14. Your friend has been staying at your house all day. It is time for him to go home. You
should say___________.

A. “I’m glad you’re leaving.”

B. “I’m glad you don’t live around here.”
C. “I’m glad this day is finally over.”
D. “I’m glad you came.”
15. Leaving the library, you let go of the door right in some people’s faces. Instead, you
should have_______________.

A. Held the door for them.

B. Slowed down a little.
C. Been more careful.
D. All of the above.

16. You accidentally knock over a neighbor’s vase. You should say________.

A. Ask a sincere apology

B. Do nothing about it
C. Clarify that it was not your fault.
D. Blame it to the cat or who else.

17. Someone has just given you a birthday present that you don’t really like. You should

A. “I didn’t want this!”

B. “I’m sorry!”
C. “Thank you!”
D. None of the above

18. You notice a friend looking very sad and tired. You realize this would be a good time

A. Ignore your friend.

B. Cheer your friend up.
C. Share your problems with her.
D. Plea if your friend can give you an advice.

19. An example of good manners is __________________

A. Someone making fun of someone.

B. Someone laughing at someone.
C. Someone kicking someone.
D. Someone treating someone kindly.
20. You and your friends are having fun walking through the mall. Good manners

a. running into people.

b. walking on the right-hand side.
c. being loud and boisterous.
d. stealing things.

21. Your mother is on the telephone, but you want to ask for allowance. Good manners

A. You keep bugging her until she gives you the money.
B. You keep calling her name until she looks at you.
C. You keep jumping up and down in front of her.
D. You wait until she hangs up before you ask for the money.

22. In the canteen, Joshua and Shara were at the table eating. Shara wiped off her dirty mouth
with a napkin and Joshua wiped his mouth off with his sleeve. Which student used good
manners to clean their face?

A. Shara, she used a napkin.

B. Joshua, he used his sleeve.
C. Shara, because girls are cleaner.
D. Joshua, because he had more to clean up.

23. Yesterday, when Aaron was eating his food he was taking one bite at a time. Today, Aaron
is hungry and takes three bites at a time. Why was Aaron’s behavior good the first time?

A. Aaron wasn’t hungry yesterday.

B. He took three bites at a time.
C He was too excited.
D. Aaron took one bite at a time.

24. What should you do with your plate when you finish eating?

A. Leave the plate on the table.

B. Ask someone to take it.
C. Put it in the sink.
D. Stick it in the refrigerator.
25. There is a bowl of crackers in the middle of the table. It is out of the children’s reach.
Kadence and Sam would like some more. Sam tells the teacher to give him some more
crackers and Kadence asks the teacher to please grab some for her. Which child used good

A. Sam, he tells the teacher to get some more.

B. Kadence, she says please.
C. Sam, he is really hungry.
D. Kadence, she is a good friend.

26. The government wants to revive death penalty to punish criminals. However, this idea
was strongly refuted by the church. Which moral ground does this move deviate?

A. Justice for all

B. Invasion of privacy
C. Respect to authority
D. Respect to life

27. Plagiarism is owning someone’s work without permission. Which personal value do
plagiarists lack?

A. Integrity
B. Generosity
C. Honesty
D. Concern for others

28. Some students value physical appearance more than their performance in the classroom.
This happens due to lack of initiative and priorities to more important things. This personality
problem is called _____________.

A. Face before others

B. Porma over substance
C. Physical over Essential
D. Fad over Studies
29. The passivity of President Rodrigo Duterte over the issue of the West Philippine Sea is seen
by critics as a failure to his commitment during the elections, which is to raise the utmost concern
and welfare of the Filipino people in that given territorial dispute. Such action is rooted on the
lack of__________________.

A. Competence
B. Integrity
C. Patriotism
D. Nationalism

30. Which of the following modern activities promote Patriotism and Nationalism in the

A. fangirling Korean pop music over authentic Filipino songs

B. consumption of foreign products and services
C. online campaign of local products to attract global market
D. cultural appropriation of foreign models to endorse local products

II. ESSAY (31-50)

The questions that follow relate to the importance of good manners and right conduct. Be able to
answer it by writing at least one paragraph. Each item matters 5 points in which your score will
be determined by the rubric. You can write your answers in any available space of this page.

(Rubric: Quality of Thoughts- 3 points Mechanics in Writing- 2 points)

1. A lot of teenagers become pregnant nowadays. This is due to their early exposure to sexual and
risky activities. As a Marian, what moral advice can you give them?

2. In the school, punctuality is a common problem for some students. How will you encourage
tardy students so that they will value punctuality?

3. There is an old woman with a heavy bag standing before you inside a train. While you are
seated, you offer your seat to her, but she refused, what is the next thing that you will do?

4. One day, an angry storeowner mistakenly identified you as one of her delinquent debtors. The
storeowner is about to confront you in public, what will you do?

5. Garbage disposal continues to become a threat in the community. Do you think this problem is
based on the lack of policy or discipline? Why?

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