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Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 20 (2006) 216 – 223

Exercise training can modify the natural history of

diabetic peripheral neuropathy
Stefano Balduccia,b, Gianluca Iacobellisb,e,T, Leoluca Parisic, Nicolina Di Biasea,f,
Eugenio Calandrielloa,c, Frida Leonettib, Francesco Falluccad
Health Care Team, Metabolic Fitness Association, Monterotondo, Rome, Italy
Department of Clinical Sciences, Endocrinology, University of Rome, La Sapienza, Rome, Italy
Department of Clinical Neurology, La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
Department of Clinical Sciences, La Sapienza University II Faculty (St. Andrea Hospital), Rome, Italy
Center for Human Nutrition, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, TX 75390-9052, USA
St. Pietro Hospital, FBF, Rome, Italy
Received 26 August 2004; received in revised form 25 February 2005; accepted 5 July 2005


Background: Diabetes is the most important cause of peripheral neuropathy (DPN). No definitive treatment for DPN has been
established, and very few data on the role of exercise training on DPN have been reported. Aim of the study: We sought to examine the
effects of long-term exercise training on the development of DPN in both Types 1 and 2 diabetic patients. Participants and methods:
Seventy-eight diabetic patients without signs and symptoms of peripheral DPN were enrolled, randomized, and subdivided in two groups: 31
diabetic participants [15 f, 16 m; 49F15.5 years old; body mass index (BMI)=27.9F4.7], who performed a prescribed and supervised 4 h/
week brisk walking on a treadmill at 50% to 85% of the heart rate reserve (exercise group: EXE), and a control group of 47 diabetic
participants (CON; 24 f, 23 m; 52.9F13.4 years old; BMI=30.9F8.4). Vibration perception threshold (VPT), nerve distal latency (DL), nerve
conduction velocity (NCV), and nerve action potential amplitude (NAPA) in the lower limbs were measured. Results: We found significant
differences on # (delta) in NCV for both peroneal and sural motor nerve between the EXE and CON groups during the study period
( Pb.001, for both). The percentage of diabetic patients that developed motor neuropathy and sensory neuropathy during the 4 years of the
study was significantly higher in the CON than the EXE group (17% vs. 0.0%, Pb.05, and 29.8% vs. 6.45%, Pb.05, respectively). In
addition, the percentage of diabetic patients who developed increased VPT (25 V) during the study was significantly higher in the CON than
the EXE group (21.3% vs. 12.9%, Pb.05). Change on Hallux VPT from baseline to the end of the study was significantly different between
the EXE and CON groups ( Pb.05); no significant change in Malleolus VPT between the two groups occurred. Conclusions: This study
suggests, for the first time, that long-term aerobic exercise training can prevent the onset or modify the natural history of DPN.
D 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy; Exercise training

1. Introduction Poncelet, 2003) and a leading cause of nontraumatic foot

amputation (Boulton, 1998). Metabolic and vascular factors
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is a common seem to be involved in the pathogenesis of DPN. Distal
complication and quality-of-life damaging factor in diabe- symmetric polyneuropathy is the most common form of
tic patients (Boulton, Malik, Arezzo, & Sosenko, 2004; DPN, involving usually both small and large nerve fibers
(Boulton et al., 2004). Small nerve fiber neuropathies occur
T Corresponding author. Fax: +1 214 648 7150.
early in the course of diabetes and frequently develop with
E-mail address: no objective signs or electrophysiologic evidence of nerve
(G. Iacobellis). damage (Vinik, Erbas, Stansberry, & Pittenger, 2001).

1056-8727/06/$ – see front matter D 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
S. Balducci et al. / Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 20 (2006) 216 – 223 217

Although no definitive treatment for DPN has been was tested in the metabolic fitness center with heart
established yet, several studies have shown that intensive rate monitoring.
therapy and optimal glycemic control can significantly
reduce DPN (Azad et al., 1999; Dahl-Jorgensen et al.,
2.2. Exclusion criteria
1986; DCCT Research Group, 1995). Promising treatment
for DPN include metabolic treatments, autoimmune thera-
Patients carrying at least one of the following conditions
pies, and nerve growth factors (Vinik, 1999). Recent studies
were excluded from the study:
suggested that aerobic physical activity, alone or in
combination with resistance exercise, may be an effective
therapeutic modality for Type 2 diabetes (Castaneda et al., 1. Physical and electrodiagnostic evidence of DPN,
2002; Dunston et al., 2002; Maiorana, O’Driscoll, Goodman, according to the reported criteria (Feldman et al.,
Taylor, & Green, 2002). The beneficial effects of a regular 1994).
exercise on glycemic control, insulin sensitivity, lipid Exclusion criteria based on physical examination. The
abnormalities, and hypertension in diabetic patients have presence of DPN was evaluated with the Michigan
been previously described (Balducci, Leonetti, Di Mario, Neuropathy Screening Instrument (MNSI). MNSI con-
& Fallucca, 2004; Goldhaber-Fiebert, Goldhaber-Fiebert, sisted of an inspection of the foot, examination of the
Tristan, & Nathan, 2003). Achilles reflexes, and evaluation of the vibratory thresh-
Nevertheless, very few data on the effectiveness of old (VPT). Vibration perception was considered reduced
exercise treatment on DPN have been reported (Richardson, when the patients said that they did not feel any
Sandman, & Vela, 2001; Tesfaye, Harris, Wilson, & Ward, vibration, while the operator perceives the vibrations at
1992). Prescribed and supervised long-term exercise pro- the index of their own hand for another 10 s. If the final
grams may influence neuromuscular parameters in diabetic score was of 2.5 or more (MNSI positivity), the patient
patients, thereby inducing adaptive changes in the neuro- was excluded from the study.
muscular system in response to exercise training. Exclusion criteria based on electrodiagnostic exami-
In this study, we sought to examine the effects of a long- nation:
term exercise training on the development of peripheral (a) Sural response: absent or decreased amplitude
neuropathy in both Types 1 and 2 diabetic patients. (b6 AV) with a normal or minimally prolonged
distal latency (DL; b3 ms) stimulating 14 cm
from the recording site posterior to the lateral
2. Study design Malleolus. If the sural response was absent bila-
terally, the motor responses were not performed.
This was a 4-year prospective randomized intervention (b) Peroneal responses: absent or decreased in
study. Types 1 and 2 diabetic patients, from 500 consecutive amplitude (b 2 mV for peroneal), with a normal
diabetic patients admitted in our Department, without signs DL (b 6.2 ms stimulating 9 cm from recording
and symptoms of DPN and able to have a 1.6-km-distance sites over the extensor digitorum brevis).
walk were enrolled in this study. Patients who did not accept 2. A history or evidence on physical examination of
to perform the proposed exercise program were excluded significant central nervous system dysfunction (i.e.,
from the study. The enrolled participants were subsequently hemiparesis, myelopathy, and cerebellar ataxia).
randomized in two groups and followed up for each year of 3. Significant musculoskeletal deformity [i.e., amputa-
the study. All patients had their usual diet during the study tion, scoliosis, abnormality of range of motion
period. The dietary regimen was based on the Mediterranean (ROM)] that would prevent participation (b908 of
diet. In addition, no significant changes in pharmacological humeral abduction, inability to grip, b108 of com-
treatment for diabetes, lipid, and blood-pressure-lowering bined ankle inversion/eversion).
drugs during the study were applied. This study was con- 4. Lower extremity arthritis or pain that limits exercise.
ducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki guide- 5. A history or clinical evidence of severe cardiovas-
lines. Each participant gave an informed consent before the cular diseases that limit or contraindicate the exercise.
study began. 6. A history or evidence on physical examination of
vestibular dysfunction.
2.1. Inclusion criteria 7. A history of angina or angina-equivalent symptoms
(i.e., nausea, diaphoresis, and shortness of breath with
The following inclusion criteria were implemented: exercise).
8. Symptomatic postural hypotension defined as a fall in
! Type 2 and/or Type 1 diabetes blood pressure (i.e., N20 mm Hg for systolic or
! No signs or symptoms of DPN N10 mm Hg for diastolic blood pressure) in response
! Ability to walk a 1.6-km distance without assistance or to postural change, from supine to standing (Position
with a device. The ability to complete this walk-distance paper, 1996).
218 S. Balducci et al. / Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 20 (2006) 216 – 223

Table 1 – 47 diabetic participants (24 f, 23 m; age =52.9F

Patients’ clinical characteristics at baseline and at the end of the
13.4 years; BMI=30.9F8.4; 14 Type 1 diabetes and
4-years study
33 Type 2 diabetes) with a sedentary lifestyle repre-
sented the control group (CON). The CON group did
Baseline 4 years Baseline 4 years not perform supervised physical activity for the entire
n 47 47 31 31 duration of the study.
Sex (F/M) 24/23 15/16
Type 1/Type 2 14/33 14/33 7/24 7/24
diabetes 2.4. Methods
Age (years) 52.9F13.4 49.0F15.5
Onset of 43.6F16.3 40.8F15.9 2.4.1. Neurophysiological measurements
diabetes (years) Vibration perception threshold (VPT), nerve DL, nerve
Mean 9.1F6.6 8.4F5.7
duration (years)
conduction velocity (NCV), and nerve action potential
Height (m) 1.64F0.1 1.65F0.1 amplitude (NAPA) in the lower limbs were measured by
Weight (kg) 73.4F11.3 73.2F12.2 77.2F13.7 75.6F13.1 experienced specialists in neurophysiology (L.P. and E.C.)
BMI (kg/m2) 27.2F3.6 27.3F4.5 27.9F4.7 27.5F4.4 using the same methods and instrumentation at baseline
Waist 87.4F13.2 91.2F10.5 98.0F11.8 92.3F13.1 and for each year throughout the 4 years of the study. The
circumference (cm)
FM (%) 30.9F8 30F9.4 29.5F9.8 29.5F10
measurements of mean peroneal motor nerve and sural
FFM (kg) 51.2F7.7 49.6F11.5 54.5F12.2 54.7F14.4 sensory nerve were performed using a Medelec MS
HbA1c (%) 7.95F1.6 8.09F1.4 8.26F 1.2 7.84F1.1 928 Neurostar (Oxford Instruments Medical, Old Woking,
Fasting 164F68 158F83 163F58 143F43 U.K.). NCV and NAPA were analyzed for the sensory
glucose (mg/dl) sural and motor peroneal nerves, and the reference values
Total 205F43 186F44 201F37 188F44
cholesterol (mg/dl)
used were based on a large number of volunteers (Falck
Tryglicerides (mg/dl) 129F77 130F94 154F71 137F79 et al., 1991; Liveson & Ma, 1992). For NCV, the lowest
Creatinine (mg/dl) 1.03F0.2 1.02F0.3 1.01F0.2 1.01F0.2 reference value is 40 m/s ( 2 S.D.) for all nerves, and for
Systolic blood 136F19 135F17 138F19 134F19 NAPA, the lowest reference value ( 2 S.D.) is 5 AV for
pressure (mm Hg) the sural nerve and 2 mV for the peroneal nerve. In our
Diastolic blood 82F10 80F10 87F9 82F10
pressure (mm Hg)
calculations, we used 15 m/s instead of 0 m/s for the
Microalbuminuria (n) 7 (15%) 7 (15%) 4 (13%) 4 (13%) patients with NCV registered as 0 m/s because, for this
Smoking (n) 12 (26%) 12 (26%) 10 (35%) 10 (35%) type of patient, the true value probably lies between the
Alcohol intake 12 (26%) 12 (26%) 11 (36%) 11 (36%) detection limit (approximately 30 m/s) and 0 m/s. If we
b250 ml/day (n) had used 0 m/s in our calculations, the differences
Alcohol intake 4 (9%) 4 (9%) 3 (10%) 3 (10%)
N250 ml/day (n)
between the groups would have been greater; thus, the
HR at rest 71.5F7.8 71.9F9.4 73.3F9.1 63.4F5.2 use of 15 m/s instead of 0 m/s reduces the possibility of
(beats min 1) overestimating the effect of exercise training (Larsen &
VO2 max 23.5F5.3 23.1F7.1 25.4F6.8 40.7F4.6 Jorgensen, 2003).
(ml kg 1 min 1)
Data are meanFS.D.

9. A history or evidence on physical examination of

plantar skin pressure ulcer.

2.3. Participants

Seventy-eight diabetic patients (39 f, 39 m; age=

51.3F14.3 years, duration of diabetes =8.79F6.2 years)
who met the inclusion criteria were enrolled and randomized
in two treatment groups:

– 31 diabetic participants [15 f, 16 m; age=49.0F

15.5 years; body mass index (BMI) =27.9F4.7; 7 Type
1 diabetes and 24 Type 2 diabetes] formed the exercise
group (EXE). They performed a prescribed and super-
vised 4-h/week (four sessions per week) brisk walking
on a treadmill (Technogym Gambettola, FC, Italy) at 50% Fig. 1. Change in NCV (DNCV) from baseline to the end of the study;
to 85% of the heart rate reserve estimated every month. **Pb.001.
S. Balducci et al. / Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 20 (2006) 216 – 223 219

Table 2
Neurological parameters at baseline and for each year of the study
Baseline 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years Baseline 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years
n 47 47 31 31

Peroneal motor nerve

DL (m/s) 4.41F0.64 4.36F0.67 4.45F0.65 4.47F0.60 4.40F0.61 4.38F0.83 4.15F0.57 4.23F0.52 4.3F0.5 4.34F0.49
NAPA (mV) 2.93F1.68 2.95F0.95 2.77F0.98 2.72F1.0 2.70F1.07 3.19F1.99 3.07F0.7 2.9F1.0 2.9F0.9 2.81F0.98
NCV (m/s) 46.6F3.2 47.1F3.1 47.1F3.2 46.3F5.8 46F5.36 47F3.27 48.1F3.52 48.3F2.48 48.9F1.9 48.8F2.24T
DNCV (m/s) 0.6F3.3 +1.8F2.7TT
Patients developed 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 2 (4.3%) 5 (10.6%) 8 (17.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) T
motor neuropathy

Sural sensory nerve

DL (m/s) 3.43F0.54 3.30F0.46 3.32F0.39 3.33F0.50 3.27F0.52 3.40F0.92 3.29F0.40 3.30F0.38 3.21F0.3 3.25F0.50
NAPA (AV) 20.3F5.02 20.8F4.05 19.9F3.9 19.7F3.9 19.4F4.66 21.5F5.24 21.4F4.4 21.5F5.1 20.6F5.5 21.7F5.44
NCV (m/s) 47.0F3.5 46.5F5.9 45.8F7.0 45.1F6.7 44.3F7.84T 47.1F4.01 47.4F5.05 47.1F3.97 47.9F2.9 47.5F3.18
DNCV (m/s) 2.7F2.8 + 0.4F3.3TT
Patients developed 0 (0.0%) 1 (2.1%) 4 (6.4%) 9 (19.1%) 14 (29.8%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 1 (3.2%) 2 (6.4%)T
sensory neuropathy

VPT Malleolus (mV) 18.6F8.5 18.9F7.1 19.6F7.2 20.5F8.9 21.4F9.60 17.9F6.20 18F6.6 18.4F6.21 18.0F7.1 17.9F6.90
VPT Hallux (mV) 14.2F6.7 14.9F6.2 16F7.4 16.2F9.1 16.7F9.23 14.1F4.00 14.1F5.1 14.0F4.6 13.6F4.3 13.6F7.00T
Patients with 0 (0%) 1 (2.1%) 2 (4.3%) 6 (12.8%) 10 (21.2%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 1 (3.2%) 3 (9.7%) 4 (12.9%)T
VPT altered
Data are meansFS.D.
T Pb.05.
TT Pb.001.

Large-fiber sensory nerve function was quantified by 2.4.3. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA)
VPT at the Hallux and Malleolus by means of a measurements
Biothesiometer (Horwell, Nottingham, U.K.). We defined Fat mass (FM, %) and free fat mass (FFM, kg) cal-
reduced vibration detection to be a VPT test score of 25 V culations were performed using a whole body densitometer
(Abbott, Vileikyte, Williamson, Carrington, & Boulton, (Hologic QDR 2000 plus, Hologic).
1998; Young, Breddy, Veves, & Boulton, 1994).
Participants were tested in a quiet environment in closed 2.4.4. Exercise testing
room with constant temperature. The Biothesiometer was All participants were started on a walking program on a
applied to the skin surface but held lightly so that almost treadmill Technogym at baseline and for each year
its full weight was on the foot to ensure that the pressure throughout the 4 years of the study after instruction by a
was always the same during testing. The vibration qualified physical education instructor on suitable clothing,
amplitude was increased until the participants could feel shoes, and other precautions. The patients were fitted
vibration at the site that was being tested. The patients with a heart rate feature strapped to the chest, for heart
were instructed not to respond to sensation perceived in rate monitoring. Maximal aerobic capacity (VO2 max)
other parts of the foot or leg. If vibration was perceived in
was measured used a 1-mile track walk (Kline, Porcari, &
the tested area, this was indicated by the patients by a
Rippe, 1987).
verbal response. The values of VPT were determined as the
mean of three measurements (Davis, Jones, Walsh, &
Byrne, 1997). 2.4.5. Blood pressure measurements
Blood pressure was measured using a standard manual
2.4.2. Anthropometric measurements mercury sphygmomanometer for at least three measurements
Weight (to the nearest 0.1 kg) and height (to the nearest in a seated position, after at least 15 min of rest, according to
0.5 cm) were measured while the participants were fasting the NIH guidelines.
and wearing only their undergarments. BMI was calculated
as body weight divided by height squared. Minimum waist 2.4.6. Lifestyle habits
circumference (W, in centimeters; minimum circumference Information about smoking habits, use of medication,
between the lower rib margin and the iliac crest, midwaist) and alcohol was obtained through questionnaires. The
was measured while the participants were standing with Minnesota Leisure Time Physical Activity Questionnaire
their heels together. was used to obtain information on the average frequency
220 S. Balducci et al. / Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 20 (2006) 216 – 223

measured using enzymatic kits (Ortho-Clinical Diagnostic,

Milan, Italy).

2.5. Statistical analysis

All the results are expressed as meansFS.D. We

computed the changes over time in each group with paired
t test with the calculation of 95% confidence interval (CI).
Unpaired t test with the calculation of 95% CI was used to
estimate the difference between the delta in NCV for both
peroneal and sural motor nerves between the two treatment
groups during the study period. We used this t test for deltas
in NCV as equivalent to the test on the interaction term in
the repeated measures analysis of variance. Fisher’s Exact
Test was used to evaluate the percentage of number of
patients developing PDN in both groups. Two-tailed Pb.05
indicated statistical significance. Statistical analysis was
made by StatView, Version 4.5 (Abacus Concept, Berkeley,

3. Results

We obtained an excellent compliance, and all patients

completed the study and attended N90% of the prescribed
program sessions. No adverse effects throughout the entire
study were observed.

3.1. Clinical parameters

The participants’ characteristics for both groups at base-

line and for each year of the study are summarized in Table 1.
No significant difference on baseline clinical parameters
between the EXE and CON groups were found (Table 1).
Fig. 2. Percentage of patients developing (A) motor neuropathy, (B) sensory
neuropathy, and (C) VPT z25 V during 4 years of follow-up in the (– –)
control and (—) exercise group. 3.2. Neurophysiological parameters from baseline to the
end of the 4-year study

and duration of participation for a specific list of physical 3.2.1. NCV parameters
activities. Sedentary lifestyle was defined as performing no We found significant differences on D (delta) in NCV for
vigorous activity and performing no light to moderate both peroneal and sural motor nerve between the EXE and
activity during the past 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, and 1 year CON groups during the study period ( Pb.001, 95%
preceding the survey. CI= 0.53 to 2.26; Pb.001, 95% CI= 4.48 to 1.71,
respectively; Fig. 1).
2.4.7. Analytic procedures Peroneal motor NCV significantly increased in the EXE
Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and microalbuminuria group ( Pb.05, 95% CI= 0.37 to 3.22) and insignificantly
were measured using monoclonal antibody method (DCA decreased in the CON group. For sural sensory NCV, there
2000+Analyzer, Milan, Italy). Overnight urine collections was no significant increase in the EXE group (95% CI=1.53
for microalbuminuria detection were performed. Micro- to 5.11), while a significant decrease in the CON group
albuminuria was defined as urinary albumin excretion ( Pb.05, 95% CI=1.21 to 4.26) was found. No significant
between 20 and 200 Ag/min in two consecutive samples. difference in both peroneal and sural DL and NAPA
Plasma glucose was determined by the glucose oxidase between the two groups was observed (Table 2).
method [Autoanalyzer, Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA;
coefficient of variation (CV), 1.9F0.2%]. Plasma total 3.2.2. PDN development during the 4-year study
cholesterol (CV, 3.4F0.2%), triglycerides (CV, 3.1F The percentage of diabetic patients who developed
0.5%), and creatinine (CV, 1F0.4%) concentrations were motor neuropathy during the 4 years of the study was
S. Balducci et al. / Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 20 (2006) 216 – 223 221

ments on peroneal NCV in Type 1 diabetic patients

(Muller-Felber et al., 1993; Muller-Felber et al., 1991;
Navarro, Sutherland, & Kennedy, 1997), whereas others
failed to demonstrate significant changes in the progression
of somatic or autonomic neuropathy (Azad et al., 1999;
Ruiz, 2004).
Our study can provide original information of potential
interest. First, this is the first long-term follow up study on
the effect of aerobic exercise training on the development of
DPN, because only short-term studies were previously
performed (Richardson et al., 2001). We evaluated the
progression of neurophysiological parameters for each year
of the 4-year study period. Second, we studied diabetic
patients without baseline signs or symptoms of DPN. This
Fig. 3. Malleulus and Hallux VPT at baseline and after 4 years on the study design allowed us to evaluate the DPN development
control and exercise groups; *Pb.05. in two groups of diabetic patients with the same baseline
neurological condition. Third, we prescribed mild submax-
imal aerobic exercise training, as well as brisk walking, to
significantly higher in the CON than the EXE group (17.0% evaluate physical exercise easily reproducible and reliable
vs. 0.0%, Pb.05, OR= 0.07; 95% CI=0.003– 0.77). Sim- within the lifestyle of diabetic patients. Our data seem to
ilarly, the percentage of diabetic patients that developed indicate the effectiveness of a submaximal and reliable
sensory neuropathy during the 4 years of the study was exercise on DPN. Fourth, no difference at baseline on age,
significantly higher in the CON than the EXE group (29.8% duration of diabetes, BMI, waist circumference, glycemic
vs. 6.5%, Pb.05, OR= 0.16; 95% CI=0.004 –1.3). In control, smoking, alcohol intake, blood pressure, and
addition, the percentage of diabetic patients who developed nephropathy between the study and control groups
increased VPT (25 V) during the study was statistically occurred. We believe that this latter point could allow us
significantly higher in the CON than the EXE group (21.3% to evaluate the effect of exercise on DPN without the
vs. 12.9%, Pb.05, OR=0.554; 95% CI= 0.04– 0.97; Fig. 2). confounding role of the most important risk factors. In fact,
it is well known that DPN is associated with poor glycemic
3.2.3. VPT parameters control, obesity, dyslipidemia, retinopathy, microalbuminu-
Change on Hallux VPT from baseline to the end of the ria, and smoking (Boulton et al., 2004). The absence of
study was significantly different between the EXE and CON statistically significant changes on BMI, waist circum-
groups ( Pb.05); no significant change in Malleolus VPT ference, and metabolic profile could suggest a possible
between the two groups occurred (Fig. 3). direct and local effect of exercise on peripheral nerves in
No significant differences on NCV and VPT parameters our diabetic patients. This partially unexpected finding
between Types 1 and 2 diabetic patients during the study could be due to the mild intensity of the training and to the
were observed. fact that no modifications on participants’ dietary habitus
have been applied in this study. However, these data should
be interpreted with caution. Finally, this study included the
4. Discussion expertise of a highly specialized metabolic fitness assistant
who supervised on the technical aspects of the proposed
Our study shows, for the first time, that long-term exercise and took good care of the patients. The presence of
aerobic exercise training can modify the natural history of this professional figure could explain the good compliance
peripheral diabetic neuropathy or even prevent its onset. In of the patients.
fact, we found that a prescribed aerobic exercise regimen, Several exercise-induced vascular and metabolic
although of mild intensity, can positively influence and changes could be invoked to explain the effects of training
modify both motor and sensory neuromuscular parameters on DPN development. Human and experimental studies
in diabetic patients. suggest that short-term exercise stimulates endothelium-
The treatment of DPN has traditionally focused on dependent vasodilatation. Higher vascular endothelial
the control of hyperglycemia. The impact of an intensive growth factor (VEGF) expression during short-term exer-
glycemic control on DPN has been widely evaluated cise has been proposed to play a role in endoneurial blood
(Azad et al., 1999; Balducci et al., 2004; Castaneda et al., flow increase (Gustafsson, Puntschart, Kaijser, Jansson, &
2002; Dahl-Jorgensen et al., 1986; DCCT Research Group, Sundberg, 1999). Exercise may also improve abnormal
1995; Dunston et al., 2002; Goldhaber-Fiebert et al., 2003; perfusion and plasma viscosity facilitating oxygen delivery
Maiorana et al., 2002; Vinik, 1999), but with controversial (Terjung, Mathien, Erney, & Ogilvie, 1988; Fuchsjager-
results. In fact, some studies showed substantial improve- Mayrl et al., 2002). It is known that exercise training
222 S. Balducci et al. / Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 20 (2006) 216 – 223

exposes the vessels to repeated episodes of hyperemia. The on metabolic profiles in type 2 diabetic patients? Diabetes Care, 27,
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1996). The increase of NO synthesis or bioavailability may glycemic control in older adults with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care,
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& Srivastava, 2003). Exercise-induced nerve function Kierulf, P., Smeland, E., Sandvik, L., & Aagenaes, O. (1986). Effect of
near normoglycaemia for two years on progression of early diabetic
changes could be also related to an improvement of Na/K
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ATPase activity. In fact, training has been reported to Medical Journal, 8, 1195 – 1199.
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Our data are promising, but further studies on a larger Fuchsjager-Mayrl, G., Pleiner, J., Wiesinger, G. F., Sieder, A. E., Quittan,
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