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These 12 Haunting Pictures From Old Mental Institutions Search

Guaranteed to Creep You Out!
! July 19, 2019 " event & history, medical, photography, strange & WTF FOLLOW US
Psychiatry has come a long way since the days when patients were shunned from society and shackled in Facebook • Instagram • Tumblr • Pinterest •
loony bins. Psychiatrists of yore experimented with numerous techniques for treating mental disorders - Flipboard • RSS
some that paved the way for psychiatry and are even used today. But quite a few others would raise
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eyebrows today and make modern-day ethicists squirm.


1800s | 1900s | 1910s | 1920s | 1930s | 1940s |

1950s | 1960s | 1970s | 1980s | 1990s


14 of the Worst Metal Band

Promo Photos of All Time
Rock stars are supposed to be
charismatic. The gig requires
There are still many unanswered questions, and too many seemingly insurmountable medical challenges for being able to get up in front of people and
comfort, but at least science tries to point toward answers. perform convincingly, create compell...

In decades and centuries past, illnesses, both physical and mental were often treated with ineffective, 30 Shocking Historical Photos of
inhumane, and often destructive ways in old insane asylums. People with psychological conditions, the Lviv Pogroms in 1941
especially, tended to be viewed as subhuman. These unfortunate souls were born in the wrong era, and their
The city of Lvov (L’viv) in
stories are heartbreaking.
southeastern Poland was
occupied by the Soviet Union in 1939, under
1. A “Lunatics Chair” given to patients who had poor behavior or wild outbursts in a Dutch mental
the terms of the German-Soviet Pact. There
hospital in 1938.

Do You Need a Lobotomy? Just

Look at the Results From These
Before and After Photo
Comparisons of Lobotomy
Today, the word “lobotomy” is rarely
mentioned. If it is, it’s usually the butt of a
joke. But in the 20th century, a lobotomy
became a legi...

Pleasing Your Man in 23 Old

School Ways!
While Cosmopolitan has always
claimed feminist leanings, we
know that really it’s always been about
attracting the male of the species. Cos...

1940s Bike Girls: Fascinating

Photos of Female Motorcyclists
From 1949, Taken by Loomis
Dean for LIFE Magazine
These are some badass girls! In an era when
it might have been strange to see woman in
pants, their doing that while riding
motorcycles! So ...

50 Years Ago: Amazing

Photographs of Apollo Families’
Tears and Ecstasy During Moon
Landing Mission in 1969
Fifty years ago, Neil Armstrong and Edwin
“Buzz” Aldrin made history when they
became the first humans to set foot on the
moon. Their m...

Rare and Loving Photos of Frida

Kahlo From the Last Years of
Her Life in Mexico City
In 1950, photographer Gisèle
Freund embarked on a two-week trip to
Mexico, but she wouldn’t leave until two
years later. There she met the l...

The Story Behind Sophia Loren's

Infamous Side-Eye to Jayne
Mansfield Photo, 1957
A photo taken 60 years ago of
Hollywood’s two most alluring sex symbols
is still getting a lot of attention. The most
famous side-eye or eve...

Photos of John Lennon With His

First Wife Cynthia at Their
Home in 1965
After a college party to
celebrate the end of term, John Lennon asked
Cynthia Powell if she would like to "go out"
with him. She q...

25 Fascinating Photographs of
2. Patients receive treatment while restrained in a steam box in Milledgeville State Hospital in Georgia, Debbie Harry From the Period
US in 1908. Before and During Blondie’s
Huge Rise
Choosing a favorite Debbie Harry photo is
very difficult, there are so many good ones
to choose from. She’s so photogenic and
these ones by ...

3. A patient in a restraining chair at the West Riding Lunatic Asylum in Wakefield, Yorkshire, England in

4. A nurse prepares a patient for electro-shock therapy in Central State Hospital in Kentucky, US in 1951.
5. Mental patients participating in Dance Therapy in New York State Asylum, U.S in 1922.

6. A woman is restrained in an Asylum in France in 1900.

7. Two doctors show off the large electro-shock machine at St. Elizabeths Hospital in Washington, D.C. in
8. Women receiving radium therapy in the Serbian Psychiatric Hospital in Serbia in 1907.

9. Patients wrapped in large wet towels with wet cloths on their heads for hydrotherapy (continuous
showers, baths and being wet) in St. Elizabeths Hospital in Washington, D.C. in 1886.
10. Hydrotherapy was first used in the early 1900s. Immersion in a tub of water to make a patient relax
when agitated or relieve some ailment would last a few hours to overnight, 1936.
11. A patient undergoing lateral cerebral diathermia treatment in the early 1920's. Diathermia used a
galvanized current to jolt psychosis sufferers. Doctors eventually deemed it unsafe and unreliable.
12. Mechanical slapping massage device at BC sanitarium.
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