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Week 5 Reflections

Graham healy
Mon 19 Aug 2019
Week 4 reflection

1) problem / central concern

Thoracic outlet syndrome
2)Find information?
from lecture notes and various references
3)do I need a team approach
Personal journey
4)central concert addressed
converting data to algorithms for clarity on subjects and building up a diagnostic references
5) apply/solution
use this algorithm as a reference tool .
See the concept map created.
I’m finding if a convert the weekly lesson to C-maps or Algorithms/flow charts that apart from clarifying the
process in my mind I am building an Algorithm portfolio that can be a quick clinical reference for future use in
my practice even now I am using the Pain algorithm as a quick reference.
I’m currently working on a Thoracic outlet algorithm.


Bergmann, T., & Peterson, D. (2011). Chiropractic technique. St. Louis, Mo.:

Souza, T. (1997). Differential diagnosis for the chiropractor. Gaithersburg, Md.: Aspen

Vizniak, N. (2019). Evidence-informed orthopedic assessment. [Canada]: Professional Health

Systems Inc.

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