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Vol. III, No.

105, 11th Waning of Waso 1378 ME Saturday, 30 July, 2016

President U Htin Kyaw Comander-in-Chief Revenue authorities

accepts credentials of hold talks with collect pre-income
new ambassadors to UWSA, NDAA tax of K4b from
Myanmar (Mongla) delegations vehicle imports
Page 3 Page 4 Page 5

Government launches economic policy

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi speaks at the ceremony to release the Economic Policy in Nay Pyi Taw. Photo: MNA

THE Union government released she considered the most impor- promised to keep a balance be- infrastructures including elec- the government will draw sep-
its economic policy yesterday, tant basic point for the economic tween environmental conserva- trification facilities and ports to arate policies to attract foreign
highlighting national reconcilia- policy to achieve success. tion and the economic develop- implementing an ID card system, investment and to promote use of
tion and job creation as basic con- “Without national reconcil- ment of the country with consent the Digital Government Strategy copyright and the rule of law as
siderations for the policy which iation, we can’t move forward,’ of the people. and the e-Government System. well as establish an effective and
guarantees nationwide equitable she said. She also vow to bring The three-page announce- The announcement is intend- fair tax system.
development. equitable development to the ag- ment, released by the Ministry of ed to set economic policy to “cre- More detailed plans on en-
Speaking on the occasion, ricultural, livestock and industrial Planning and Finance, outlined ate opportunities for new gener- ergy and infrastructure will be
State Counsellor Daw Aung San sectors. 12-point policy ranging from the ations with all-round capacity”, released in future, according to
Suu Kyi stressed the importance Regarding natural resource privatisation of some state-owned according to the release. the State Counsellor.—Thein Ko
of national reconciliation, which extraction, the State Counsellor enterprises to the development of The policy also stated that Lwin & MNA

Govt,Wa, NDAA the President’s Office spokes-


(Mongla) meeting
Today’s meeting mainly fo-
cused on political stance and co-
operation. The two organisations
brings step also supported the Union Peace
Confernce—21st century Pan-
closer to peace glong and vow to try to partici-
pate, said U Zaw Htay.
Thein Ko Lwin “This is the first step with the
group. We are satisfied with the
LEADERS from the United Wa meeting,” he said.
State Army (UWSA) and the Na- To join the peace making
tional Democratic Alliance Ar- process the Wa delegation would
my-NDAA (Mongla) held talks meet with the peace making com-
with State Counsellor Daw Aung mittee today in Nay Pyi Taw and
San Suu Kyi in Nay Pyi Taw yes- the NDAA delegation will also
terday. meet the committee in Yangon,
During the meeting the lead- according to U Zaw Htay.
ers of the UWSA vowed that the Following the meeting, the
Wa Self-administered Division State Counsellor met with youth
would not secede from the coun- of the two ethnic armed organi-
try, according to U Zaw Htay, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi poses for photo with youths and leaders of Wa. Photo: Aung Shine Oo zations in Nay Pyi Taw.
2 National 30 July 2016

Electricity distribution Leave not needed to save to enjoy

dominates Amyotha Hluttaw
miles from the national grid.
Leave Preparatory for Retirement
U Pe Zin Tun said the pro-
ject would start in two years
and that the remaining villag-
es had been put in the second
phase of the national electrifi-
cation plan.
Responding to a query of
the installation of the power
grid cable in Yay township of
Mon State, the union minister
responded that negotiation was
under way with the Ministry of
Planning and Finance to car-
ry out the project using loans
from the Asia Development
Bank (ADB). When permitted,
Union Minister U Pe Zin Tun. the project will install a 230KV
power grid in the township. Dr Win Thein. Photo: MNA U Khin Cho. Photo: MNA U Kyaw Tin. Photo: MNA
Photo: MNA
The union minister also GOVERNMENT employees are degradation in the western part of Regarding the proposal, Un-
SEVENTEEN of 18 villages responded to queries relating allowed to enjoy a period of four Magwe Region. ion Minister for Natural Resourc-
in Salin, Magwe Region, were to the distribution of elec- months to prepare for their retire- In her discussion on the pro- es and Environmental Conserva-
covered in the priority phase of tricity from the national grid ment before the date on which posal submitted by Daw Yin Min tion U Ohn Win replied that the
the national electrification plan, to Maungtaw town, Rakhine they retire from service under the Hline of Gangaw Constituency, ministry has been establishing
Union Minister U Pe Zin Tun State and Paletwa town of provision stated in Civil Services Mindon MP Daw Khin Than Nu state and private-owned com-
said yesterday in response to a Chin State, pledging continued Regulations 81, Dr Win Thein, blamed chainsaw operators who munity forest plantations to min-
query at the Amyotha Hluttaw, efforts to bring electricity to Chairman of the Union Civil committed excessive unregulated imise deforestation in Magwe
explaining that the villages were those areas in the coming fiscal Service Board told a session of logging for deforestation. Region.
located within a distance of two year.—Myanmar News Agency the second Pyithu Hluttaw yes- She pointed out that the easy So far, 285,084 acres of
terday. availability of electric chainsaws plantation including teak, hard-
Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker The UCSB Chairman added
that it is not necessary for gov-
at shops in every town is at the
root of the problem of forest de-
wood and firewood have been
established up until last fiscal
meets with Japanese delegation ernment servants to save their
service leave to gain the four-
cline in her constituency, Mindon
Township, which used to be sur-
year and works are underway to
set up 1,000 acres of firewood
month LPR period while answer- rounded by dense forest. plantation and 1,557 acres of teak
SPEAKER of the Pyidaungsu ation, and party in Nay Pyi Taw ing a question raised by U Khin Likewise, Saw MP U Kyaw and hardwood plantations in the
Hluttaw and Amyotha Hluttaw yesterday. Cho of Hlaingbwe Constituency. Tin said that teak and hardwood region for this fiscal year, added
Mahn Win Khaing Than received During the call the two rep- During yesterday’s session timber production in Saw Town- the Union minister.
Mr. Ichiro Aisawa, Member of resentatives held discussions on of the Pyithu Hluttaw, parliamen- ship ended in 2007 and 2013 re- The Pyithu Hluttaw docu-
the House of Councillors and further friendship and cooperation tarians debated a proposal urging spectively due to overexploita- mented the proposal following
Chairman of Japan-Myanmar between the two parliaments.— the Union government to reverse tion during the period from 1990 the Union minister’s clarifica-
Parliamentary Friendship Associ- Myanmar News Agency deforestation and environmental to 2000. tion.—Myanmar News Agency

Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker Myanmar Parliamentary Union meeting

receives Japanese delegation
held in Nay Pyi Taw
THE Myanmar Parliamentary Than called for the formation of U Win Myint spoke on the occa-
Union -MPU- held a meeting (the Region/State Hluttaw Offices to sion.
third for this year) at a hall of the facilitate parliamentary process Those present including Re-
Hluttaw Building in Nay Pyi Taw and stressed the need of adher- gion/State Hluttaw speakers and
yesterday. ence to rules and regulations deputy speakers explained work
In his address, Chairman while undertaking parliamentary progress and draft organisation
of the MPU, Speaker of Py- activities. set-up for the formation of Re-
idaungsu Hluttaw and Amyo- Next, Vice Chairman of the gion/State Hluttaw Offices.—
tha Hluttaw Mahn Win Khaing MPU Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw Myanmar News Agency

MoHS continues to develop guideline

norms to treat hepatitis diseases
A GUIDELINE to help provide ulation are carrying hepatitis B the international day to raise pub-
effective treatment for patients virus, while two to four per cent lic awareness of the chronic dis-
with hepatitis B and C is being are suffering from hepatitis C, eases.
developed by the Ministry of she said. A spokesperson from the
Health and Sports, said Dr Kyaw Hepatitis B and C are the most non-profit Liver Foundation said
U Win Myint receiving Mr. Ichiro Aisawa. Photo: MNA Zin Thant, director-general of the common causes of liver diseas- around two million people re-
Medical Research Department. es the world over. According to ceived hepatitis B vaccines free
PYITHU Hluttaw Speaker U ed to parliamentary relations and Both hepatitis B and C vi- global research, around 500 mil- of change provided by the foun-
Win Myint received Mr. Ichiro cooperation, bilateral cooperation
ruses have the potential to lead lion people are suffering from viral dation since its establishment in
Aisawa, Member of the House of in the economic, investment, ed-
Councillors and Chairman of the ucation and health sectors and to chronic liver infections which hepatitis. The disease kills about 2012.
Japan-Myanmar Parliamentary the country’s reforms and nation- can be transmitted through con- 2.4 million people each year. Hepatitis B is a viral in-
Friendship Association, and party al reconciliation process. They tact with blood or body fluids of Myanmar has joined the fection that attacks the liver and
in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. also exchanged views on further an infected person. global programme to celebrate can cause both acute and chronic
During the call the two repre- friendship between the two coun- It is estimated that roughly World Hepatitis Day which falls disease including liver cancer.—
sentatives discussed matters relat- tries.—Myanmar News Agency 12 per cent of the country’s pop- on 28 July. 100 nations celebrate Myint Maung Soe
30 July 2016 national 3

U Htin Kyaw
of new
to Myanmar
President U Htin Kyaw re-
ceived the credentials of Mr.
Rogelio Granguillhome, the
newly-accredited Ambassador
of the United Mexican States to
Myanmar; Mr. Wouter Robert
Marie Jurgens, the newly-accred-
ited Ambassador of the Kingdom
of the Netherlands to Myanmar;
and Mr. Francisco Vaz Patto,
the newly-accredited Ambassa-
dor of Portugal to Myanmar, on
separate occasions at Presidential
Palace in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.
Also present on the occa-
sions were Minister of State for
Foreign Affairs U Kyaw Tin and
Director-General U Ko Ko Naing
of Protocol Department.—Myan- President U Htin Kyaw receives the credential of the newly accredited Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Myanmar Mr. Wouter
mar News Agency Robert Marie Jurgens at Presidential Palace in Nay Pyi Taw. Photo: MNA

Political literature reading marks Leading committee on holding of

greater transparency in politics:
Union Minister Dr Pe Myint 37th AIPA General Assembly meets
THE Ministry of Information or- cal role in promoting the Myanmar A MEETING to hold the 37th mittee for holding the 37th AIPA ed by Vice Chairperson 1 Daw
ganised a monsoon book fair in language,” he said, echoing the General Assembly of the ASE- General Assembly Deputy Pyithu Su Su Lwin, Vice Chairman 2 U
conjunction with a reading session words of wisdom by the literati of AN Inter-Parliamentary General Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat Zaw Thein and members, direc-
of political literature in the com- the pre-independence time, which Assembly was held at a hall of spoke on the occasion, and those tors-general, Police Brig-Gen Tin
pound of the Central Printing Fac- read “For Myanmar to know the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw in Nay Pyi present discussed matters related Ko Ko of No 1 Police Security
tory of the Printing and Publishing world, for the world to know My- Taw yesterday. to the 37th AIPA GA. Command and officials.— Myan-
Department on Theinbyu road, anmar and for the Myanmar people Chairman of the leading com- The meeting was also attend- mar News Agency
Yangon, yesterday. to know Myanmar”.
Speaking on the occasion, Un- Dr Pe Myint promised an all-
ion Minister Dr Pe Myint described
the development of the Myanmar
out effort to develop the Myan-
mar language, urging writers and
Migrant Resource Centre opened in Sittwe
language as one of the primary literary agents to cooperate in the THE opening of the Migrant In his address, Union the Union minister.
tasks of his ministry, stressing that process. Resource Centre, established Minister U Thein Swe elaborat- A migrant resource centre
the event marked greater transpar- The reading session of politi- by the Ministry of Labour, Im- ed on the purposes of establish- was also opened in Pathein of
ency in the country’s politics. cal literature saw influential writers migration and Population in ing the MRC and progress in the Ayeyawady Region on 17 July
Researchers and analysts read out their papers in the genre cooperation with International ministry’s efforts to ensure My- in Sittwe.
would review the sector of politi- and respond to queries raised by Organisation for Migration was anmar migrant workers have ac- According to sources, 12
cal literature in the reading session, the audience. held in Sittwe, Rakhine State cess to employment and rights. migrant resource centres have
while sizing up the whole literary The three-day reading event yesterday, attended by Union The ministry is issuing been opened in Kayin, Mon,
world of the country in a bid to find will have 18 papers on politics, Minister U Thein Swe, Rakhine identity cards to undocumented Shan States and Magwe, Yan-
out the strengths and weaknesses with six a day, while there are over State Chief Minister U Nyi Pu Myanmar migrant workers and gon, Ayeyawady, Mandalay and
of different literary genres, the un- 160 bookshops at the monsoon and Mr. Kieran Gorman Best of helping workers work abroad Taninthayi Region.— Myanmar
ion minister said. book fair.—Ko Moe, Ye Ye Myint, the IOM Regional Office. through legal channels, added News Agency
“Reading sessions play a criti- and Ohnma Thant

Appointment of Ambassador agreed

The Government of the Republic of the Union He then served in various capacities and Divi-
of Myanmar has granted Agreement to the pro- sions within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
posed appointment of Mr. Tshewang Chophel including assignments abroad at the Embassy
Dorji as the Ambassador Extraordinary and of the Kingdom of Bhutan in New Delhi and
Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Bhutan to the Permanent Mission of Bhutan to the United
the Republic of the Union of Myanmar with Nations in New York. Currently, Mr. Tshewang
residence in Bangkok. Chophel Dorji is serving as Chief of Regional
Mr. Tshewang Chophel Dorji was born Organization Division and Chief of UN Peace-
in 1969. He had served as a Lieutenant in the keeping Coordination Office in the Ministry of
Royal Bhutan Army from 1991-1995 prior to Foreign Affairs as well as a Board Director of
joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Bhutan Broadcasting Service.
Kingdom of Bhutan in 1995 as Assistant Direc- He is married with one daughter.—Minis-
tor in the Bilateral and Multilateral Division. try of Foreign Affairs
Union Minister Dr Pe Myint visits monsoon book fair. Photo:MNA
4 Local News 30 July 2016

Senior General Min Aung

Hlaing meets with Dutch
COMMANDER-in-Chief resentatives held discussions on
of Defence Services Senior more than 60 years of bilateral
General Min Aung Hlaing re- relations, democratisation in My-
ceived Ambassador of the King- anmar, the Tatmadaw’s involve-
dom of the Netherlands to My- ment in developing the country’s
anmar Mr. Wouter Robert Marie multi-party democracy and peace
Jurgens in Nay Pyi Taw yester- process and further cooperation
day. between the two Defence Forc-
During the call the two rep- es.—Myawady
Senior General Min Aung Hlaing holds talks with delegations of Wa State Army (UWSA) and National
Democratic Alliance Army-NDAA (Mongla). Photo: MNA

Commander-in-Chief holds talks with

UWSA, NDAA (Mongla) delegations
COMMANDER-in-Chief of retary-General of the UWSA, He also stressed the need for
Defence Servies Senior Gener- and the delegation of the NDAA the ethnic armed organisations
al Min Aung Hlaing held talks (Mongla) was led by U Sai Lin. to work together with Tatmad-
with leaders from the United Wa During the meeting Sen- aw with mutual understanding
State Army (UWSA) and Na- ior General Min Aung Hlaing as the country is now on the path
tional Democratic Alliance Ar- clarified the Tatmadaw’s work to democracy. The leaders of the
my-NDAA (Mongla) yesterday toward achieving peace in the two ethnic armed organisations
at the Bayintnaung Yeiktha in country and stressed the impor- discussed measures being taken
Nay Pyi Taw. tance of the role of the Tatmadaw for peace, stable and develop-
The UWSA delegation was and ethnic armed organisations ment in their respective regions. Senior General Min Aung Hlaing receives Ambassador of the Kingdom
led by U Pao Yu Yi, Deputy Sec- in achieving peace in the country. —Myanmar News Agency of the Netherlands to Myanmar Mr. Wouter Robert. Photo: MNA

Reception to celebrate 89th

Anniversary of Founding
of the Chinese People’s
Liberation Army held
A reception to mark the 89th mar Mr. Hong Liang and wife
Anniversary of the Founding of and Chinese Military Attaché
the Chinese People’s Liberation and wife at the reception.
Army was held at Novotel Hotel Next, Vice Senior
in Yangon yesterday evening. General Soe Win spoke on
Deputy Command- the occasion and cut a cake
er-in-Chief of Defense Ser- commemorating the 89th
vices Commander-in-Chief Anniversary of the establish-
(Army) Vice Senior General ment of the People’s Liberation
Soe Win and wife Daw Than Army together with the Chinese
The fourth day meeting of the Ethnic Armed Organizations in Mai Ja Yang. Photo: Pho Htaung Than Nwe, Union Minister for Ambassador and the Military At-
Information Dr Pe Myint and taché.

Political dialogue framework discussed wife, senior military officers and

officials attended the reception.
They were welcomed by
Then, the Chinese Mil-
itary Attaché and wife host-
ed dinner to those present.
on fourth day of EAO’s plenary meeting Chinese Ambassador to Myan- —Myanmar News Agency

A PLENARY meeting of ethnic 21st century Panglong. Mr. Vijay Nambiar, Unit-
armed organisations continued The fourth day of the plena- ed Nations Secretary-General’s
for the fourth day in Mai Ja Yang ry meeting, chaired by KNU Vice Special Adviser on Myanmar,
of Kachin State yesterday, with Chairperson Padoh Naw Zippo- and Mr Sun Guoxiang, Special
those present discussing a politi- rah Sein, focused on representa- Envoy on Asia Affairs of Minis-
cal dialogue framework to ensure tion, formation, decision-making try of Foreign Affairs of China,
participation of all EAOs in the methods and political dialogue in also spoke on the fourth day of
21st Union Peace Conference — the framework. the meeting.—Ye Khaung Nyunt

One law rephrased, two revoked

PRESIDENT U Htin Kyaw The parliament replaced the replaced with “by appointed
signed a law rephrasing the an- words “five members each” in members”.
ti-corruption law and two laws Section 5 of the Anti-corruption The parliament also re-
revoking the two city develop- Law with “no more than five voked the Yangon City De- Vice Senior General Soe Win and wife being welcomed by Chinese
ment laws yesterday following members each”. velopment Law and the Man- Ambassador Mr Hong Liang and wife at a reception to mark the 89th
approval by the Pyidaungsu In Section 7(a), the words dalay City Development Law. Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.
Hluttaw. “by 15 appointed members” was —Myanmar News Agency Photo: MNA
30 July 2016 5


Revenue authorities collect pre-income tax of K4b from vehicle imports

THE Internal Revenue Depart-
ment has received over K4 bil-
lion as pre-income tax from ve-
hicle importation within the past
one and a half months, according
to the department’s spokesper-
Between June and mid-July
this year the department collect-
ed pre-income tax from around
2,700 cars imported with a free
permit. According to the official
figures of the department, 1,300cc
and 1,600cc cars were imported
most from foreign countries last
The department normally re-
ceives over K100 million pre-in-
come tax from around 80 cars.
The majority of individual tax
payers are from the country.
A large number of imported
cars enter the local market every
month. Nearly 10,000 cars en-
tered the country last month.
The Internal Revenue De-
partment has been collecting four
kinds of taxes and duties, name-
ly income tax, commercial tax,
stamp duty and state lottery tax
from the 2011-2012 fiscal year
onwards.—GNLM Vehicles being seen on Strand Road in downtown Yangon on 20 July, 2016. Photo: Nyi Zaw Moe

Transportation costs to be reduced Myanmar has

30 per cent within 15 years received over $3m
be reduced 30 per cent within 15
years when the main transporta-
corporatising state-owned enter-
prises and creating a free compet-
itive market.
The National Transport Plan
has been drawn up with the assis-
tance of the Japan International
in FDI this FY
tion projects are accomplished “Transportation strategy has Corporation Agency (JICA) to MYANMAR has received over try’s economic situation. New
under the new transportation pol- been drawn up with the assis- effectuate development in trans- US$3 million in foreign direct investment is likely to flow into
icy, it has been learned from the tance of the Asia Development portation. Development projects investment from China, Singa- the country only after the gov-
Ministry of Transport and Com- Bank (ADB), and this strategy are to be implemented by linking pore, Thailand and Britain over ernment declares its new eco-
munication. is believed to be comprehen- them to the rural and urban trans- the past three months, accord- nomic policies.
In the declaration of the new sive”, said U Win Khant, perma- portation projects, it is reported. ing to the Myanmar Investment Among the 43 investor
transportation policy it is stated nent secretary of the Ministry of Currently, ADB invests only Commission. countries China remains the
that about half of rural people are Transport and Communication. 1 to 1.5 per cent of GDP in trans- Between April and the end top investor for Myanmar with
being faced with transportation This policy is expected to portation sector, and so, we have of June this fiscal year the MIC approved capital of around $18
difficulties. The new policy aims scale up Gross Domestic Products encouraged ADB to increase the has granted permission to four billion over 130 investment pro-
to promote the quality life of ru- (GDP) up to US$40 billion and all investment up to 3 to 5 per cent foreign businesspersons to op- jects, according to official fig-
ral people, formulating a cost weather roads will be available for like other developing countries, erate investment businesses in ures released by the Directorate
effective transportation system, 10 million rural people. said U Win Khant.—200 the country, its spokesperson of Investment and Companies
said. Administration.
He added that some for- FDI has been coming into
Modern slaughterhouse to be built by eigners showed greater interests
in operating joint venture busi-
Myanmar since 1988; the ma-
jority of investment went into
ness in cooperation with Myan- the country’s oil and gas sector
Myanmar Livestock Federation mar citizens.
The majority of monetary
followed by the energy sector,
manufacturing industry, real
investment by foreign-local estate industry, mining, hotels
THE Myanmar Livestock Fed- Several meetings have been the slaughter house to sell them joint venture companies went and tourism, services business,
eration plans to establish a state held between the MLF and City on through its supermarkets. into the manufacturing indus- livestock, agriculture and con-
of the art slaughterhouse in the Mart Holdings to discuss the nec- An animal disease research try followed by domestic real struction.
country to produce fresh, clean essary arrangements for the im- programme is being conducted estate market, the transporta- Myanmar has received
meat for local consumption. plementation of the new scheme. by the MLF to improve the coun- tion sector, the hotel and tour- nearly US$64 billion in FDI
“The modern slaughter house Under the new project, City try’s farming industry. Among ism industry as well as con- since 1988 up until June this
will be developed by the MLF in Mart will buy live farm animals infectious diseases found in farm struction. year and has seen over 1,100
partnership with City Mart Hold- including chickens, pigs, goats animals, foot-and-mouth disease According to economic development projects across the
ings Co Ltd.” said U Myint Thu, and cattle from local breeders as and livestock anthrax are most experts international investors 12 investment segments previ-
vice chairman of the federation. well as products manufactured by prevalent in the country.—200 are still monitoring the coun- ously mentioned.—200
6 regional 30 July 2016

Wing part found in Chinese relatives of those on MH370

Tanzania is ‘highly
ask for search to continue
likely’ from MH370 — Beijing — Chinese

Australia minister relatives of those on board

Malaysia Airlines Flight
MH370, which went miss-
Sydney — An aircraft ren Chester said in a ing two years ago on a flight
wing part found in Tan- statement. to Beijing, made an emo-
zania is “highly likely” “The experts will tional plea on Friday for the
to be part of missing continue to analyse this search to continue.
Malaysia Airlines flight piece to assess what in- Last week, Malaysia,
MH370, an Australian formation can be deter- China and Australia said
government minister said mined from it.” in a joint statement that the
on Friday, in what would Investigators have hunt for MH370 would be
be the second confirmed confirmed a piece of suspended if the aircraft
piece of the jetliner. plane debris found on the was not found in an area
Flight MH370 dis- French island of Reunion now being searched.
appeared in March 2014 in July 2015 as being part The Boeing 777, with
with 239 passengers and of MH370. 239 aboard, disappeared
crew on board shortly af- They have said in March 2014 while on a
ter taking off from Kuala several other pieces of flight from the Malaysian
Lumpur bound for Bei- debris found in Mozam- capital, Koala Lumpur.
jing. bique, South Africa and Almost A$180 million A family member of a passenger aboard Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 which went missing
Investigators believe Rodrigues Island, a ter- ($135 million) has been in 2014 reacts during a protest outside the Chinese foreign ministry in Beijing, on 29 July
someone may have de- ritory of Mauritius, are spent since then on an un- 2016. Photo: Reuters
liberately switched off likely to be parts of the derwater search spanning
the plane’s transponder missing plane. 120,000 square kilometres Lanfang, 65, whose son, missing. nothing suspicious in the fi-
before diverting it thou- A search for the Boe- (46,332 square miles) in the daughter-in-law and grand- China’s Foreign Min- nancial, medical or personal
sands of miles off course ing 777 has been going southern Indian Ocean. son were on the flight. istry did not immediately histories of pilots or crew.
over the Indian Ocean. on in the Indian Ocean About 30 family mem- Some family members respond to a request for Several pieces of air-
The wing part found for more than two years bers, some in tears, gathered held up placards reading comment. craft wreckage have washed
in Tanzania is being but no sign of the main at China’s foreign ministry “The three governments Investigators believe up on beaches in Africa and
examined in Australia. wreckage has been found. to hand over the petition, have an obligation to the the plane was deliberately been positively identified as
“It is highly likely Malaysia, China and a group were allowed world to fulfil their prom- flown thousands of kilo- coming from MH370 but
that the latest piece of and Australia said last in despite a brief stand-off ise”. metres (miles) off course they shed little light on the
debris being analysed is week the hunt would be with plainclothes security. The families of those before crashing into the mystery.
from missing Malaysia suspended if the aircraft “We oppose their deci- on board, most of whom southern Indian Ocean off The search has lasted
Airlines flight MH370,” was not found in an area sion. We don’t recognise it were from China, have Australia. more than two years but has
Minister for Infrastruc- now being searched. at all. That decision has no pressed hard for answers Malaysian investiga- found no sign of the main
ture and Transport Dar- —Reuters reason behind it,” said Boa ever since the plane went tors said in 2015 there was wreckage.—Reuters

Chief Executive Officer -Nakagawa Kiyoshi

China says to hold drills with
Russia in South China Sea
Chief Editor - Khin Maung Aye
Deputy Chief Editor - Aye Min Soe
Chief Proof Reader & Translator - Ye Myint
Expatriate Consultant Editors BEIJING — China and spokesman Yang Yujun relationship, I’m not sur- rival claims. China has re-
Alec Wilmot Russia will hold “routine” told a regular monthly prised that Russia and peatedly blamed the Unit-
Jaidan Coonan naval exercises in the news conference. China are seeking to build ed States for stoking ten-
Chief Translator & Editor South China Sea in Sep- “The exercise is not upon their military-to- sion in the region through
Kyaw Thura, tember, China’s Defence directed against third par- military relationship as its military patrols, and of
Editor Ministry said on Thursday, ties.” well,” he told a regular taking sides in the dispute.
Ye Htut Tin (Local News) adding that the drills were China and Russia are briefing. The United States has aimed at strengthening veto-wielding members China has recently sought to assert its right to
International Editors
Tun Tun Naing (Editor) their cooperation and were of the UN Security Coun- taken part in US-led multi- freedom of navigation in not aimed at any other cil, and have held similar national naval drills in the the South China Sea with
Nwe Nwe Tun (Sub-editor) country. views on many major is- Pacific and a US defence its patrols and denies tak-
Khaing Thanda Lwin, The exercises come sues such as the crisis in official said he did not ex- ing sides in the territorial at a time of heightened Syria, putting them at odds pect the China-Russia ex- disputes.
Hay Mar Tin Win, tension in the contested with the United States and ercises to affect US mili- Russia has been a
Ei Myat Mon, Tin Nwe Lynn waters after an arbitration Western Europe. tary activity or behavior in strong backer of China’s
Chief Reporter court in The Hague ruled Last year, they held the South China Sea. stance on the arbitration
Tun Aung Kyaw, this month that China did joint military drills in “We’re not concerned case, which was brought
Soe Soe Yu, Thein Ko Lwin (Nay Pyi Taw Bureau), not have historic rights to the Sea of Japan and the about the safety of US ves- by the Philippines.
Khin Mg Win (Mandalay Bureau) the South China Sea and Mediterranean. White sels in the region as long as Yang said China and
Computer Team criticized its environmen- House spokesman Josh interactions with the Chi- Russia were comprehen-
Tun Zaw (Chief of Computer Team), Thein Ngwe,
Zaw Zaw Aung, Ye Naing Soe, Nyi Zaw Moe, tal destruction there. Earnest played down the nese remain safe and pro- sive strategic partners and
Hnin Pwint, Kay Khaing Win, Sanda Hnin, Zu Zin Hnin China rejected the rul- significance of the exer- fessional, which has been had already held many ex-
Circulation & Advertising ing and refused to partici- cises even though he con- the case in most cases,” the ercises this year. “These
San Lwin (+95) (01) 8604532
Ads and subscription enquiries: pate in the case. ceded that the South China official said. drills deepen mutual trust “This is a routine ex- Sea was “a sensitive dip- China claims most and expand cooperation,
ercise between the two lomatic topic right now”. of the South China Sea, raise the ability to jointly
armed forces, aimed at “I don’t know what exer- through which more than deal with security threats,
Printed and published at the Global New Light of Myanmar
Printing Factory at No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, strengthening the develop- cises they are planning, $5 trillion of trade moves and benefit the mainte-
Bahan Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light of ing China-Russia strategic but in the same way the annually. Brunei, Malay- nance of regional and
Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No. 00510 and cooperative partnership,” United States and China sia, the Philippines, Tai- global peace and stabili-
Publishing Permit No. 00629.
China’s defence ministry have a military-to-military wan and Viet Nam have ty,” he said.—Reuters
30 July 2016 regional 7

Japan to upgrade Patriot batteries for Olympics Three Nigerians

among four
as North Korean missile threat grows executed in
TOKYO — Japan is upgrading Indonesia, 10
its Patriot PAC-3 missile defence
system in time for the 2020 Tokyo cases postponed
Olympic Games, adding range
and accuracy needed to intercept CILACAP, (Indonesia) —
more advanced North Korean bal- Indonesia executed four convicted
listic missiles, four sources with drug traffickers, including three
knowledge of the plan said. Nigerians, early on Friday as it
The move represents the pushed ahead with its “war against
most significant upgrade to Ja- drugs”, although another 10 sched-
pan’s missile defence system in a uled executions were delayed.
decade and is part of an increase As many as 14 people were
in military spending in the region, originally set to face the firing
where geopolitical tensions are squad together on Friday, but of-
rising. ficials decided a “comprehensive
The rollout of the new ad- review” was needed to “avoid
vanced Missile Segment En- any mistake” in the 10 cases, At-
hancement, which could double torney General H. Muhammad
the range of the current PAC-3 Prasetyo said.
missiles to around 30 km (19 The date for the next round
miles), will likely start next year, of executions has not been set,
said the sources, who were not au- Prasetyo told reporters in Jakarta.
thorised to speak publicly about At least two prisoners among
the project. that group of 10, a Pakistani na-
“The upgraded PAC-3 is tional and an Indonesian wom-
necessary to counter the Musu- Members of the Japan Self-Defence Forces stand guard near Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) land- an, have applied for presidential
dan,” said one source, referring to to-air missiles, deployed at the Defence Ministry in Tokyo in 2012. Photo: Reuters clemency, their representatives
Pyongyang’s intermediate-range said. They said legal proceedings
ballistic missile. potentially too fast for the cur- several Southeast Asian nations would be requested in the next could take a long time.
North Korea in June test- rent PAC-3 batteries that are the in the South China Sea. defence budget proposal for the Those executed — three
fired what appeared to be two last line of defence against mis- China is swiftly modernis- year starting April 2017, one of Nigerians and an Indonesian
Musudan rockets. The first failed, sile strikes. ing its armed forces, in part to the sources said. Funding will man — were shot during a thun-
but the second travelled 400 km South Korea’s military counter what it sees as a strate- need cabinet approval before derstorm shortly after midnight
(250 miles), more than halfway operates the older PAC-2 system gy of containment in the United going into the national budget on Nusakambangan Island in
towards the southwest coast of Ja- and has a programme to replace States’ Asian “pivot”. and additional funds would have Central Java. The government
pan and reached a height of 1,000 it with the PAC-3 system by A spokesman for Japan’s to be approved for subsequent ignored international calls for
km — enough altitude to give its 2018, a South Korean defence Defence Ministry said “nothing years. clemency and pushed ahead with
warhead a range of more than ministry official said. US forces has been decided” on the PAC-3 Japan is also considering its drive against narcotics.
3,000 km (1,800 miles). based in the country were also upgrade. purchasing the advanced Termi- “Our battle against drug
Experts said that test repre- planning to upgrade their PAC- The International Olympic nal High Altitude Area Defence, crimes is not over and it will con-
sented a technological advance 3 batteries covering the capital Committee’s decision to grant or THAAD, anti-missile system, tinue. We will maintain our com-
for the Pyongyang regime, which Seoul, the official added. Tokyo the 2020 games will help which Washington and Seoul mitment, our firmness and our
is also developing nuclear wea- Along with North Korea’s unlock funding for the PAC-3 agreed to deploy in South Korea consistency,” Prasetyo said.
pons. missile and nuclear tests, tensions upgrade despite military budget earlier this month. That decision Indonesia has become a
It puts it one step closer to in Asia are being fuelled by on- constraints, the sources told Reu- sparked a complaint from China, “business field” for the produc-
being able to lob a warhead that going territorial disputes between ters. which said it would destabilise tion, distribution, import and
could plunge to its target at speeds China and Japan in the East Chi- Around 100 billion yen the regional security balance. export of drugs, Prasetyo said.
of several kilometres a second, na Sea, and between China and (726 million pounds) in funding —Reuters —Reuters

Former Australian Monsoon deluge in Indian cities causes traffic chaos, sewage swirls
PM Kevin Rudd NEW DELHI — Persistent heavy in their homes, senior military offi-
withdraws rains have caused widespread dis-
ruption in India’s major cities and
cial Ajit Borah said.
In the state’s Kaziranga Na-
candidacy for severe floods in the rugged north-
east have killed at least 12 people,
tional Park, a sanctuary for the In-
dian one-horned rhinoceros, water
top UN job the federal government said on Fri-
levels were receding, four days
after some of the young animals
SYDNEY — Former Australian About 50,000 people from had to be rescued. Others floun-
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on southern and eastern India had to dered through the water or strayed
Friday withdrew his candidacy be evacuated as storms pushed wa- across roads, in video images
to be the next UN Secretary-Gen- ter levels to dangerous levels, dam- captured by people living nearby.
eral after current Prime Minister aging crops and causing more than Prime Minister Narendra Modi has
Malcolm Turnbull declared him 3,000 houses to collapse. announced grand designs to build
unfit for the job and refused to Flooding, an annual problem Vehicles wade through a waterlogged highway after heavy rains in 100 futuristic ‘smart’ cities, but
back his candidacy. during the monsoon season, has Gurugram, previously known as Gurgaon, on the outskirts of New this week’s floods highlighted the
Conservative leader Turn- been worsened by crumbling civic Delhi, India, on 29 July 2016. Photo: Reuters need to improve living conditions
bull denied that politics played a infrastructure, clogged drains and in cities and rein in unplanned ur-
part in his cabinet’s decision not uncontrolled urban expansion in a in New Delhi. “Our cities are a and multinationals such as Infos- ban sprawl.
to back the former Labour leader, country with a fast-growing pop- living hell in the monsoon.” ys, the business process outsourc- In neighboring Nepal, offi-
who had asked the government to ulation of 1.3 billion. Thousands Tracts of the southern tech- ing giant. Forecasters warned cials said four days of incessant
nominate him as Australia’s can- vented their anger on social media nology hub of Bengaluru, and the of a new round of heavy rains rains had left 72 people dead in
didate. after being stranded for up to 12 financial capital of Mumbai on and flooding, as the government landslides and flash floods, and
“Does the government be- hours as traffic gridlock paralyzed the west coast, were inundated by opened shelters and stepped up 12 missing. Authorities were dis-
lieve, do we believe, do I as roads in the business hub of Gur- flood waters and sewage swirled emergency rescue operations. tributing dry food items, such
prime minister believe that Mr gaon near New Delhi, the capital. in the streets. Fire officials in In the northeastern state of as biscuits and noodles, to those
Rudd is well suited for that role? Trains were also delayed. Bengaluru, formerly known as Assam, troops pressed boats and whose homes were swept away in
My considered judgement is that “It took me four hours to drive Bangalore, used boats to rescue helicopters into the effort to pull landslides or submerged by floods,
he is not,” Turnbull told reporters 6 km (4 miles),” said Randeep people stranded near Electronics hundreds of people to safety from Home Ministry spokesman Yadav
in Canberra.—Reuters Dev, a consultant at a private bank City, home to technology firms floodwaters that had trapped them Koirala said.—Reuters
8 ANALYSIS & features 3 0 J u l y 2 0 1 6 9
Abstract ucational contexts to meet the needs and needs. It provides an opportu-
Photo: Aung Shine Oo of individual students as appropriate nity for the intended users to apply
As Myanmar raises the quality of to different subject areas and stages the framework within an authentic
education system, it needs teachers of schooling. Under this domain, context and to provide feedback
with the right values, skills and areas of competence are pedagogy, and suggestions for improvement.
knowledge to be effective prac- assessment, classroom management UNESCO education specialists and
Write for us titioners. The Myanmar Teacher
Competency Standards Frame-
and learner-centered values. working group team leaders worked
together to plan the methodology
We appreciate your feedback and contributions. If you have any comments
work (TCSF) has been developed. Domain C: Professional values and design the data collection tools
or would like to submit editorials, analyses or reports please email ce@
The main objective of this frame- and dispositions for the field testing of the draft with your name and title.
Due to limitation of space we are only able to publish “Letter to the work is to establish an agreed set This domain refers to the ideas, framework,
Editor” that do not exceed 500 words. Should you submit a text longer of teacher competency standards values and beliefs that teachers hold The field testing will provide
than 500 words please be aware that your letter will be edited. to support improvement in the about education, teaching and learn- information that will make the
quality of teachers and teaching ing. It is underpinned by the values framework more relevant and use-

Nobody is destined for poverty in Myanmar. To implement this

framework, the core working group
expressed in the Myanmar National
Education Laws and reflects the
ful as a professional learning and
development tool for all teachers in
was organized. The framework mutual understanding by teachers Myanmar. Research tools for this
Kyaw Thura consists of four main areas. Each and the community about Myanmar field testing are classroom observa-
domain has competency standards teachers. The areas of competence tion, teacher self-appraisal, focus

ur country has long been wrestling with severe social ine- and minimum requirements for specific to this domain are profes- group discussion, key informant
quality and political instability since independence. A slug- teachers’ professional develop- sional ethics, service to profession interview and case study. The data
gish economy has created a situation in which life seems to ment. To ensure that the frame is and community and community collected will be used to form the
be determined by where we live. To make the matter worse, lack of useful for Myanmar’s education leadership. final development of TCSF. The
infrastructural development seems to force young people to mi- system, the draft of the framework Domain D: Professional growth draft Framework is now ready to
grate from rural to urban areas, let alone migration to richer coun- will be field-tested. Such research and development be piloted through a field testing
tries. Nobody is destined to live in poverty and never to enjoy better tools as classroom observation, This domain deals with teachers exercise. A number of school types
luck. teacher self-appraisal, interview, continuing professional growth and and teaching learning contexts will
Since we were all born and created equal, we all deserve equal etc will be used for the field-testing. development. It incorporates teach- be field tested to reflect different
opportunity and safety, no matter where we live. In other words, 75 schools are included in this field ers’ habits, motivation and actions types of schools and schooling
our locality should not determine our destiny. For this reason, it is testing. This framework will help related to their on-going learning systems where teachers work in
imperative for the government to adopt policies that focus on the to raise the quality of education and professional improvement. It Myanmar.75 different schools and
deconcentration of rural poverty and transform economically im- system in Myanmar. advocates the importance of all teaching learning contexts have been
poverished areas into economically vibrant communities. To teachers being aware of their role included in this field testing.
achieve this goal, policy makers are required to take fresh steps to Introduction as leaders within the community As the Framework provides a
enable local residents to have access to employment, education, Myanmar has commenced and highlights the need for active core set of competency standards to

The Implementation of the

transportation and health care. a process of significant changes research to support teachers’ class- be used as the point of reference or
This responsibility does not solely rest with the central govern- in political, social and economic room performance and continuing benchmark for teachers and teaching
ment alone. All the regional governments have the responsibility to affairs. So has in education. The professional development. The quality, it is hoped that this frame-
take a comprehensive approach to bridging the gap between the role of education is expected to play areas of competence specific to this work will help to raise the quality
privileged and the disadvantaged across the country. People from in the nations’ social and economic domain relate to reflective practices, of education system in Myanmar.

Myanmar Teacher
all walks of life, regardless of race, religion and gender, feel like development. As Myanmar raises collaborative learning and initiative
transforming their communities where a quality of life is secured. the quality of education system, it for research culture. References
The onus is on all of us, under the dynamic leadership of the gov- needs teachers with the right values, The framework is designed
ernment, to keep pushing our communities to a safer and more skills and knowledge to be effective for use in: Alexander, R. (2008), Educa-

Competency Standards
prosperous country as a whole. practitioners. Therefore, Myanmar - supporting teacher quality tion for All: The Quality Imperative
needs a strong system of teacher related policy design and imple- and the Problem of Pedagogy.
education, with programmes that mentation CREATE, Sussex University, UK.

Majority of Myanmar women provide the theoretical foundations

to produce graduates with the
- developing teacher ed-
ucation curriculum, training and
European Commission (2013),
Supporting teacher competence

kinds of professional knowledge, professional development programs development for better learning
susceptible to violence understanding and skills associated
with the role of the teacher and the
- guiding teachers in self
appraisal and training needs anal-
outcomes. European-Education and
Women in Myanmar are not with the Prevention of Violence process of teaching. The National ysis, and Republic of the Philippines
- assisting education super-
aware laws exist to protect them against Women Law that can carry Education Law of Myanmar also Department of Education (2010),
visors/ managers at various levels
from violence, stated Daw Naw from 6 months in prison to the legislates that all teachers need to National Competency Based Teach-
Aye Aye Myint, Yangon University of Education & Myo Win, Methodology Department, Yangon University of Education of the system to monitor and sup-
Tha Wah, director of the Depart- death penalty for the perpetrator. be qualified. It defines a teacher as er Standards.
port teachers (pre and in-service)
ment of Social Welfare, during a The Department of Social an educator who has qualifications to develop in their profession and Republic of the Union of Myan-
female violence protection train- Welfare received 27 letters of for serving at a specified level od of eight months in 2015-2016. curriculum developers responsible concise statement with accompany- edge and understanding mar, 2014 National Education Law,
improve their practice.
ing held in the Mon State town of complaint relating to violence to- of education. Under the law, the UNESCO through the Australian The following definitions of the for teacher education (pre and ing descriptors of the expected min- This domain encompasses the 30 September 2014 and Amended
Thaton. wards women during 2015, of Ministry and related ministries are aid funded Strengthening Teacher key terms were used in the study. in-service) and basic education. imum requirements to be achieved knowledge required for teaching National Education Law, 25 June
Field testing
She added that she is conduct- which the many cases were report- responsible for upgrading teachers’ Education in Myanmar (STEM) Competency standards: It The teacher competency standards by all teachers. different stages and level-appro- 2015.
To ensure that the frame is
ing such educational training edly resolved, while this year has quality. Therefore, the govern- project, provided technical assis- is defined as the expectations of refer to the expectations of teachers’ Competency standards are priate subject content competency. UNESCO (2015), Teacher Pol-
useful for Myanmar’s system of ed-
across the country for women to so far seen a total of 16 letters ment of Myanmar has prioritized tance in developing the framework. teachers’ knowledge, skills and knowledge, skills and attributes the expected professional abilities It is necessary to understand how icy Development Guide. Summary.
ucation, the draft of the framework
better understand their rights and reach the Department of Social teacher education in its education The main objective for the devel- attributes and required levels of and required levels of performance and skills a teacher should develop students learn and how they can be United Kingdom Department
will be field-tested. Field-testing
build capacity. Welfare. reform efforts, recognizing that opment of this framework is to performance at various stages of at various stages of their teaching through their initial training and as effectively taught in the key learning for Education (2011),Teachers’
will be able to use to determine how
“The majority of women don’t “The lives of women could improvement in quality of teachers establish an agreed set of teacher their teaching carrier. career and are organized in four they continue to grow and develop areas. Underpinning all competency Standards. Guidance for school
relevant and useful the framework
know there are laws enacted to become safer if those women is essential to quality education competency standards to support Educational sciences: It refers domains. in their professional service and standards in this domain is knowl- leaders, school staff and governing
and the tools are for supporting
protect them. The majority of learn about how the law can be and positive student learning out- improvement in the quality of to the theoretical foundations of A. Professional knowledge and practice (i.e. through participation edge of educational policy, school bodies
Myanmar teachers and principals to
women affected live in rural areas. used to protect them against vio- comes. The 30 -Year Long -Term teachers and teaching in Myanmar. education and includes intercultural, understanding in induction and on-going in-service curricula for Myanmar, its aims and
better understand their professional publications.
These trainings via the department lence. They can then relay infor- Education Development Plan To implement this framework, the philosophical, psychological and B. Professional skills and education and training). objectives and developments. Under
practice learning and development strengths
[of social welfare] are carried out mation to friends and family (2001-2031) also aims to uplift na- core working group which consists sociological knowledge as it relates Minimum requirements ex- this domain, areas of competence are
to inform women about how they members,” said Daw Hayman tional education through a series of of 14 members was organized. The to and informs teaching practice. C. Professional values and plain how knowledge, skills, actions educational science, instructional
can use the law if they are subject Myo San, an attendee to the reform programmes, including the members were teacher educators dispositions and desired types of behaviours may technology, curriculum and subject
to abusive behavior, which could aforementioned training. teacher education system. For these from Yangon University of Educa- The Myanmarteachercompetency D. Professional growth be expressed. These requirements matter.
About the authors
protect women against violence,” Myanmar signed the Conven- reasons, it is necessary to have a tion (YUOE), Sagaing University of standard framework Each Domain refers to a com- refer to all teachers’ professional
said Daw Naw Tha Wah. tion on the Elimination of All competency standard framework Education (SUOE), the University The teacher competency stan- plex combination of knowledge, development and cover all phases Domain B: Professional skills and
Dr. Aye Aye Myint, Acting-Rector, Yangon University of
Women who experience ver- Forms of Discrimination against for Myanmar teachers. for the Development of National dards framework explains what skills, understanding, values, at- of their professional development. practices Education, Myanmar and Dr. Myo Win, Associate Professor,
bal insults or violent behavior can Women (CEDAW) in 1997, while The Myanmar Teacher Com- Races (UDNR) and representatives are the key characteristics and titudes and desire which lead to They also cover teachers teaching This domain deals with what Methodology Department, Yangon University of Education,
report such instances to the De- the Prevention of Violence against petency Standards Framework from some Education Colleges attributes of good teaching and effective, embodied human action in different stages of schooling teachers are able to do. The teachers’ Myanmar. Correspondences regarding this paper should be
partment of Social Welfare by Women Bill was drawn up in 2014 (TCSF) has been developed by out of 22 Education Colleges, that what is expected of teachers’ pro- in the world in a particular domain. from kindergarten to grade 12 and professional knowledge and under- directed to Dr. Aye Aye Myint @
mail or phone, while the depart- that features 19 Sections compris- a group of national professional produce primary and junior teachers fessional practices at various stages Each domain is organized by Areas all systems (public and private) of standing (domain A) is complement- or to Dr. Myo Win @
ment will make timely efforts to ing 53 Articles.—Myitmakha Me- education experts and UNESCO in Myanmar. in their professional development. of Competence for which the com- education in Myanmar. ed by possession of a repertoire of
resolve the issue in accordance dia Group education specialists over a peri- Definitions of key terms It is a guide for policy makers and petency standard is expressed as a Domain A: Professional knowl- teaching strategies for different ed-
10 world 30 July 2016

Asian allies prefer Clinton to UN Secretary-General’s Message on The

International Day of Friendship
Trump, security experts say 30 July 2016

Poverty, violence, human rights abuses and other major prob-

PHILADELPHIA — Now that lems on the global agenda have in common a failure to respect fun-
Republican Donald Trump and damental norms and values developed over millennia. When greed
Democrat Hillary Clinton have supersedes concerns about the health of our planet or its inhabit-
won their respective party’s nom- ants, when fanatic attachment to ideology is pursued at all costs,
ination for November’s presiden- and when people suffer human rights violations because they are
tial election, security experts are considered somehow less than equal, the heritage of humanity is
assessing which of them would betrayed and our future wellbeing is placed in peril.
be a better choice for Japan and In confronting these crises, we must address their roots by
other US allies in the Asia-Pacif- promoting and defending a shared spirit of human solidarity. On
ic region. a global level, this can manifest in many ways, from international
At this point, Clinton, a for- assistance to political advocacy. And on an individual level, it can
mer secretary of state, appears to take the simple and timeless form of friendship.
have an edge over Trump, a busi- Friendship is a joy in itself, conferring happiness and a sense of
ness mogul and political outsider, wellbeing. And the accumulation of bonds of camaraderie around
given her deep understanding of the world can contribute to fundamental shifts that are urgently
the importance of alliances. needed to achieve lasting stability.
Trump’s threat to pull US The forces of division that actively try to undermine peace, se-
forces out of Japan and South curity and social harmony are no match for the simple but powerful
Korea unless they contribute act of extending a hand in our own personal circles and especially
more to the costs of their defence beyond. Ties of trust can weave a safety net that will protect us all.
makes US allies “nervous” and As understanding and awareness grow, we can build compassion
gets China, North Korea and Democratic US presidential nominee Hillary Clinton accepts the and generate passion for a better world where all are united for the
Russia — countries that appar- nomination on the fourth and final night at the Democratic National greater good.
ently do not wish to see firmer Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US, on 28 July, 2016. On this International Day of Friendship, let us resolve to cher-
US engagement in the region — Photo: Reuters ish and cultivate as many warm relationships as possible, enriching
“excited,” according to some of our own lives and enhancing the future.—UNIC/Yangon
the experts. ments alone do great damage to said, “It should be clear that Ms.
“To American allies, Mr. US credibility and leadership in Clinton, in my view, has views news in brief
Trump sounds like a Mafia boss, the world,” said Brad Glosser- that are better for US alliances...
not a global leader, who says
‘Pay your due, then I will pro-
man, executive director of the
Pacific Forum CSIS, a Honolu-
Mr. Trump wants to engage the
world, but solely on his terms.”
Three killed in a missile explosion at
tect you,’” said Lee Seong Hyon, lu-based think tank. Supporting his assessment, a plant in Ukraine
a research fellow at the Sejong The Washington Post simi- a recent multinational poll found
Institute, a South Korean think larly questions Trump’s foreign Clinton is seen to excel Trump KIEV — Three people died, including a NATO representative,
tank. “Countries such as North and security policy credentials, in the ability to manage interna- in an explosion at a military installation in northern Ukraine, the
Korea, China and Russia are hap- saying he offers “a series of prej- tional affairs, with 79 per cent in Ukrainian defence company Ukroboronprom said on Friday.
py with Mr. Trump because they udices and gut feelings, most of Germany and 70 per cent each in The explosion occurred on Thursday afternoon while a missile
don’t have to pay anything.” them erroneous.” Japan and Australia expressing was being unloaded from a vehicle, the company said in a state-
Such a posture — includ- “In fact, Japan and South confidence in Clinton. ment. It said two other workers were injured.
ing the GOP nominee’s contro- Korea are major contributors to In contrast, 92 per cent in Local media said the NATO representative was an Ukrainian
versial remarks about allowing an alliance that has preserved Sweden, 87 per cent in Austral- who monitors the disarming Soviet-era weapons, a process partly
Tokyo and Seoul to go nuclear a peace of enormous benefit to ia and 82 per cent in Japan have financed by NATO.
for self-defense if US troops are Americans,” the paper said in an no confidence in Trump’s diplo- Ukraine, the western-most outpost of the former Soviet Union,
withdrawn — would undermine editorial published 24 July. matic skills, according to the poll inherited thousands of tonnes of obsolete ammunition and weapon
US deterrence capabilities and In contrast, Clinton, who, as conducted by the Pew Research which is due to destroy.—Reuters
presence in the region in the face President Barack Obama’s top Centre, a Washington-based
of Beijing’s rising assertiveness
and Pyongyang’s nuclear weap-
diplomat during his first term,
promoted a US strategic “rebal-
think tank.
Views of Trump among the
Driver of bus which caught fire in
ons development. It could also ance” to Asia to counter the rise
of China, is “rock-solid com-
Chinese are mixed, with 22 per
cent saying they have confidence
Taiwan likely drunk: prosecutors
prompt Taiwan to pursue a nu-
clear deterrent against China. mitted” to US treaty alliances in in him, 40 percent saying they do TAIPEI — Prosecutors said on Friday that the driver of a tour bus,
“There are already a lot of Asia and other parts of the world. not have confidence and 39 per which caught fire in northern Taiwan last week, killing 24 Chinese
confusing projections about it,” “She will maintain those cent with no opinion. Similarly tourists, was likely drunk driving. Wang Yi-wen of the Taoyuan Dis-
Lee said, wondering how Trump, commitments the same way that divided, 37 per cent in China say trict Prosecutors’ Office told reporters that an investigation had found
if elected, would deal with US al- Democratic and Republican pres- they have confidence in Clinton, that the driver of the bus, identified by the surname Su, was driving
lies in Asia, especially as China idents have for decades — on the 35 per cent say they do not have under the influence of alcohol when the incident happened on 19 July .
flexes its muscles in pressing its basis of the premise that this is confidence and 28 per cent have Wang said the forensic autopsy of the driver found that while
territorial claims in the disputed in America’s interest, it’s in the no opinion. drugs were not detected in Su’s body, his blood alcohol concentration
South China Sea and North Ko- interest of our allies, and it’s in “Beijing is not happy with was 215 milligrams per deciliter, or 0.215 per cent. The legal limit for
rea conducts nuclear tests and the interest of global stability Ms. Clinton, seeing her as the driving in Taiwan is 0.05 per cent. “All the evidence pointed to one
missile launches in violation of and prosperity,” Jake Sullivan, source of much of the unrest and thing: Su had drunk a significant amount of alcohol within a very short
UN Security Council resolutions. a senior policy adviser for Clin- difficulty that China has faced,” period of time,” Wang said. “For a professional bus driver, it is clearly
“One scenario is that North ton’s presidential campaign, told Glosserman said, citing her hard- a criminal act.”—Kyodo News
Korea will feel freer to pursue journalists on the sidelines of the line stance on China in the South
nuclear weapons and this will Democratic National Convention China Sea issue, which also in-
destabilize the region, and spark in Philadelphia that ended Thurs- volves the Philippines, Viet Nam Nine feared killed in building collapse
a ‘nuclear domino effect’ as other day. and other smaller neighbours of
countries may be tempted to arm Asked about Trump’s threat China. in western India
themselves with nuclear weap- to abandon US commitments to Clinton angered China in
NEW DELHI — At least nine people are feared killed after parts of
ons,” he said. the defence of allies unless they 2010 by affirming that the Sen-
an under-construction building collapsed in the western Indian city of
Trump’s rhetoric, his sup- pay what he see as their fair kaku Islands, a group of East
Pune Friday, a police official said.
porters say, is merely a starting share, Sullivan said, “This is a China Sea islets administered by
“The 13-storeyed under-construction building caved in suddenly
position for negotiations with source of great concern for the Japan but claimed by Beijing and
in the morning in the city, barely 160 kms from financial capital Mum-
US allies — which Trump called American people who have been Taiwan, are covered by the Ja-
bai, when nine laborers were working at the site,” he said.
“the countries that we are pro- committed to these alliances for pan-US security treaty.
A massive search and rescue operation has been launched by the
tecting, at a massive cost to us” decades...And I think it is a gift “Any policy that would
fire brigade for the laboreres who are suspected to be trapped under the
— to “pay their fair share.” to those who would challenge the unravel or unsettle US allianc-
debris of the building, the official said.
But the problem is that “Mr. United States or those who would es in Asia is good for China, so
Local TV channels reported that the construction laborers were
Trump doesn’t know the facts choose to be our adversaries.” they probably like the Trump
probably not wearing safety gear such as helmets while working at the
of these relationships nor appre- Comparing the positions of positions,” Glosserman said.
site and so chances of their survival are minimal.—Xinhua
ciates the degree to which state- the two candidates, Glosserman —Kyodo News
30 July 2016 world 11

Up to 1 million could flee

fighting in Iraq — ICRC
GENEVA — Up to million peo- said it was seeking a further 17.1 fighting will intensify, particular-
ple could be forced to flee their million Swiss francs for its pro- ly in the Mosul area. Hundreds
homes in Iraq in coming weeks gramme in Iraq, its third largest of thousands of people may very
and months as fighting intensifies worldwide, bringing its budget well be on the move in the com-
to retake the city of Mosul from for the country to $137 million ing weeks and months, seeking
Islamic State, the Internation- Swiss francs. shelter and assistance,” said Rob-
al Committee of the Red Cross “The situation is unpredicta- ert Mardini, ICRC director for
(ICRC) said on Friday. ble but we must prepare for the the Near and Middle East on re-
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a memo- The humanitarian agency worst. There’s the likelihood that turn from Iraq.—Reuters
rial ceremony for soldiers killed during the 2014 Gaza conflict, at a
military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, on 26 July 2016.
Photo: Reuters

Israel’s Netanyahu celebrates

warming ties with Sisi’s Egypt
JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime an “anchor of stability and securi-
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on ty in our region”.
Thursday praised warming rela- “I want to thank President
tions with Egypt and its president, al-Sisi for his leadership and for
Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who ousted his efforts to advance peace be-
an Islamist government seen as tween Israel and the Palestinians
hostile to ties between the neigh- and in the broader Middle East.”
bours. Netanyahu said in a speech.
Egypt was the first of a hand- “We welcome the effort to
ful of Arab countries to recognise incorporate other Arab states
Israel, in 1979, but the down- in this larger effort of a broader
fall of Hosni Mubarak in 2011 peace between all the people of
brought to power the government the Middle East.”
of Mohamed Mursi of the Mus- Egypt’s foreign minister,
A woman walks past the site of the Karrada suicide bomb attack in Baghdad, Iraq, on 26 July 2016.
lim Brotherhood, straining rela- Sameh Shoukry, paid a rare visit
Photo: Reuters
tions with Israel. to Israel this month to meet Ne-
Cooperation has improved tanyahu, offering Cairo’s help to
since Sisi took power in 2013,
with Egypt battling Islamist insur-
gents in Sinai near its border with
revive peace talks with the Pales-
tinians. It was the first visit to the
Jewish state by an Egyptian for-
Afghan government loses 5 per
Israel and both countries wary of
Gaza’s Islamist rulers, Hamas.
At an event at the Egyp-
eign minister in nine years.
In May, Sisi urged both sides
to seize the opportunity to make
cent of territory in 4 months
tian ambassador’s residence for peace, offering Israel the pros-
WASHINGTON — The Afghan of the country’s approximately end, opting instead to keep 8,400
Egypt’s national day, Netanyahu pect of warmer ties if this were
government lost control or influ- 400 governing districts. troops there through to the end of
called the countries’ peace treaty achieved.—Reuters
ence of nearly 5 per cent of its The report cited US forces his presidency in January.
territory between January and in Afghanistan as saying the loss Obama also approved US
Syria’s Nusra Front says ending al May, the US government’s top
watchdog on Afghanistan said in
of control was because Afghan
forces were redeployed from
forces new authorities that enable
them to accompany Afghan forc-
Qaeda ties; US fears for Aleppo a report on Friday, an indication
of the challenges its forces are
lower-priority areas to “conduct
offensive operations, gain and
es, while allowing greater use of
US air power.
facing. maintain the initiative, exploit Previously, Nicholson - who
BEIRUT — Al Qaeda’s with any foreign party”.
Fifteen years after the Unit- opportunities, and consolidate commands both the NATO-led
powerful Syrian branch, the Nus- The move was being made
ra Front, announced on Thursday “to remove the excuse used by ed States invaded Afghanistan to tactical gains.” Resolute Support mission and
it was ending its relationship the international community — topple the Taliban rulers who had The commander of US Forc- a separate US counterterrorism
with the global jihadist network spearheaded by America and harboured al Qaeda militants who es in Afghanistan, Army General mission — was permitted to take
founded by Osama bin Laden, to Russia — to bombard and dis- attacked the United States, the John Nicholson, said most of the action against the Taliban only
remove a pretext used by world place Muslims in the Levant: Taliban have made major gains areas the Taliban control were “in extremis,” or when US assis-
powers to attack Syrians. that they are targeting the Nusra and are estimated to control more rural. tance was necessary to prevent a
The announcement came Front which is associated with territory than at any time since “They believed they were significant Afghan military set-
as Russia and President Bashar al Qaeda,” he said. The group 2001. going to be able to seize and hold back.
al-Assad’s government declared would now be called Jabhat Fa- Washington has been train- terrain, and they failed to do so,” A report by the Centre on In-
a “humanitarian operation” in tah al-Sham. ing and equipping Afghan secu- Nicholson told a Pentagon brief- ternational Cooperation commis-
the besieged rebel-held sector of Golani appeared in the vid- rity forces in order to withdraw ing via video link on Thursday. sioned by the United Nations and
Aleppo, opening “safe corridors” eo flanked by two other Nusra America troops from the country, The report, however, said insur- published earlier this year found
so people can flee Syria’s most Front figures, in front of a new but the Afghans remain short of gents had 10 additional districts that the government had access to
important opposition stronghold. white flag for the group. Nusra personnel and hardware. under their control or influence 61 per cent of districts in 2015,
Washington said that ap- Front’s old flag was black, the
The report, published by in the same timeframe. It was not down from 67 per cent in 2010.
peared to be an attempt to depop- color used by ultra-hardline ji-
the Special Inspector General possible to reach the Afghan gov- “The deficiencies and in-
ulate the city and make fighters hadist groups such as al Qaeda
surrender. The opposition called and Islamic State. Earlier on for Afghanistan Reconstruction ernment immediately for com- capacities of the Afghan secu-
it a euphemism for forced dis- Thursday, bin Laden’s succes- (SIGAR), said the area under ment. rity forces have really not been
placement. sor as Al Qaeda leader, Ayman Afghan government “control or Acknowledging that securi- addressed enough to avert such
In the first known video al-Zawahri, gave the Nusra influence” had decreased to 65.6 ty in Afghanistan remained pre- a scenario (of losing territo-
statement ever to show his face, Front his blessing to break away. per cent by the end of May from carious and Taliban forces had ry) in the future,” said Michael
the leader of the Nusra Front, In his message, Golani thanked 70.5 per cent near the end of Jan- gained ground in some places, Kugelman, a South Asia spe-
Mohamad al-Golani, announced Zawahri for putting the interests uary, based on data provided by President Barack Obama shelved cialist at the Woodrow Wilson
that the group would re-form of Syrians ahead of organisa- US forces in Afghanistan. plans to cut the US force in Af- Center, a Washington think-tank.
under a new name, with “no ties tional concerns.—Reuters That translates to a loss of 19 ghanistan nearly in half by year’s —Reuters
12 World 30 July 2016

Spain’s Rajoy accepts mandate to

form government, warns he may fail
MADRID — Spain’s acting ernment but not everything de- Without backing or at least an
Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy pends on me.” abstention from the Socialists, Ra-
said on Thursday he had accept- National elections in Decem- joy would find it almost impossible
ed a mandate from the King to ber and June both resulted in hung to secure a majority for a second
form a government although he parliaments, forcing the parties to term in office.
warned he might fail and left try to negotiate their way to a via- The conservative PP was the
open the date for a potential con- ble coalition — so far without suc- only one of the four main parties
fidence vote in parliament. cess, despite four rounds of formal to win more seats in June than in
Rajoy said he would now consultations with the king. December and Rajoy said that if he
A combination photo shows US Democratic presidential candidate open a round of talks with other Insiders were hoping a dead- failed to win a stable majority, he
Hillary Clinton (L) and Republican US presidential candidate Donald parties to try to convince them to line to pass a budget for 2017 by would seek to run a minority gov-
Trump (R) in Los Angeles, California on 5 May 2016 and in Eugene, vote for his conservative People’s the end of September will concen- ernment.
Oregon, US on 6 May 2016 respectively. Photo: Reuters Party. trate minds. This would require other par-
Most of them declined to But the left-leaning parties, ties to initially abstain in a con-
support plans for a conserva- the second-placed Socialists and fidence vote and then each law
Trump, Clinton to be given tive-led government in talks with
the King on Thursday and earlier
Unidos Podemos (“Together We
Can”), reiterated after the talks
would have to be negotiated on a
case by case basis, starting with

intelligence briefings this week, however, leaving the

PP with just 137 votes in parlia-
ment when 176 are needed to se-
with the King that they would op-
pose Rajoy.
Liberal party Ciudadanos
next year’s budget, which must be
passed in time for an EU deadline
in October.
WASHINGTON — US in- er the intelligence community cure a majority. (“Citizens”), which came fourth in “This period should not drag
telligence officials next week has any hesitation about brief- “Spain needs a government the June 26 election, said it would on in such a way that we would
will invite the presidential and ing Trump or Clinton, Director now, this government should be abstain in a confidence vote. not be able to fulfil our European
vice-presidential candidates of National Intelligence James headed by the PP and there is no “We want to change Rajoy’s commitments, such as the spend-
from both political parties to Clapper replied: “No, there alternative to this,” Rajoy told a government and this is why we will ing limit, the deficit target and
receive top secret briefings on isn’t.” news conference after meeting vote ‘no’ in a confidence vote,” the budget,” Rajoy said. “Before
world crises and security threats, “Both candidates will be with King Felipe. Socialist leader Pedro Sanchez told mid-October, this should be sent to
two US officials familiar with reached out to, and offered “I will try to form this gov- journalists. Europe,”—Reuters
the plans said. briefings,” although they are not
Now that their nominations mandatory, Clapper said at the
have been confirmed, Democrat
Hillary Clinton and her vice
Aspen Security Forum in Col-
orado. “We’ve got a team all
Japan, UN agree on need for united front against terrorism
presidential running mate, Sen- prepared, and have had for some NEW YORK — Japanese Foreign
ator Tim Kaine, and Republican time.” Minister Fumio Kishida and UN
Donald Trump and his running While the briefings are ex- Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
mate, Governor Mike Pence, pected to include some classi- agreed on Thursday that the inter-
will be offered identical intel- fied material, Clapper described national community need to take a
ligence briefings, the officials them as “fairly general”. Other united front against terrorism, Jap-
said. officials said they will provide anese officials said.
Candidates customarily get a broad overview of the most In the meeting at UN head-
one briefing although they may important issues, threats, and quarters, Kishida pledged Tokyo’s
ask that it be broken into seg- trends, including terrorism, Rus- support for the action plan to com-
ments. sia, and China. bat terrorism, which Ban in Janu-
Aides and advisors to the The briefings will track un- ary called on countries to carry out,
candidates will not be allowed to classified assessments that Clap- and expressed hope for its swift
attend the briefings unless they per presented to Congress earlier implementation.
have security clearances grant- this year in an annual “World- Kishida was visiting New
ing them access to Top Secret wide Threat Assessment,” one York to preside over an open de-
intelligence, the officials added. of the officials said. The brief- bate at the UN Security Council on Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida (L) and UN Secretary General
There could be questions ings will not include information peace-building in Africa earlier in Ban Ki-moon shake hands at the UN headquarters in New York, on 28
about whether Trump aides who about US intelligence sources the day. July 2016. Photo: Kyodo News
have done business in Eastern and methods or current covert Ban expressed his desire to
Europe could attend such brief- operations, both officials added. help bring to a successful conclu- and African nations, the sixth of sile development, they said.
ings, the officials said. Clinton Trump was nominated last sion the next round of the Tokyo its kind and the first to be held in Furthermore, they agreed that
aides involved in the controver- week at his party’s convention International Conference on Af- Africa. Japan and the United Nations will
sy over her private email server and his rival at the 8 November rican Development to be held in Kishida and Ban also con- work together toward putting the
also might not be eligible, they election, Clinton, is due to ac- Kenya in late August, the officials firmed the importance of continu- Paris global climate deal into force
said. cept the Democratic nomination said. Ban is scheduled to attend the ing to urge North Korea to exercise at an early date, according to the
Asked on Thursday wheth- on Thursday night.—Reuters leaders’ summit between Japan restraint over its nuclear and mis- officials.—Kyodo News

Killing TPP would hand China ‘keys to the castle’: US trade representative
LIMA — Failure to ratify the Michael Froman said he was still ration of Peruvian President Pe- opposition to it in recent days. US President Barack Obama
US-led sweeping trade pact TPP optimistic Congress would pass dro Pablo Kuczynski. Froman declined to comment wants the TPP passed this year.
would hand China “the keys to the 12-member TPP, in part be- “At the end of the day I don’t on the candidates but said the Froman ruled out renegotiat-
the castle” on globalisation and cause China has been moving think Congress wants to be re- TPP had become a “scapegoat” ing the “carefully balanced” text,
do nothing to solve the real prob- ahead with a trade deal of its own, sponsible for handing the keys to for legitimate concerns over in- but said issues were being solved
lems underlying American anx- the Regional Comprehensive the castle to China.” come inequality, stagnant wages by working on country imple-
iety over jobs, the top US trade Economic Partnership (RCEP), Froman’s defence of the and jobs lost to automation. “You mentation plans. He cited pork
official said on Thursday. that would boost its exports and TPP follows weeks of heated don’t get to vote on the next gen- producers, dairy farmers and fi-
The tariff-slashing Trans-Pa- let it set labor and environmen- attacks on the deal as anti-TPP eration of robots,” he said, “you nancial services as once-reluctant
cific Partnership (TPP) has turned tal standards in the fast-growing chants and signs have peppered get to vote on trade agreements”. stakeholders that now back the
into a hot-button topic in the run- Asia Pacific region. the Republican and Democratic But the debate over TPP TPP. “The last major issue out-
up to the 8 November US elec- “We’re one vote away from conventions. has also helped broaden support standing has to do with biologics
tion, threatening to dampen sup- either cementing our leadership Republican nominee for domestic policies, such as and intellectual property rights,”
port from lawmakers needed to in this region and in the glob- Donald Trump has called the TPP infrastructure development and Froman said. “We’re having
pass a deal critics condemn as a al trading system or ceding it to a “death blow” for manufacturing educational programmes, to help good constructive conversations”
job-killer. China,” Froman told reporters in jobs and his Democratic rival Americans adapt to rapid eco- with members of Congress.
US Trade Representative Lima after attending the inaugu- Hillary Clinton has firmed up her nomic change, Froman said. —Reuters
30 July 2016 world 13

In a country wary of migrants, Pope tells Poles to welcome refugees

KRAKOW, (Poland) — pope was blessing the altar
Pope Francis urged young at the start of the Mass, he
people on Thursday to wel- tripped on a step but was
come migrants and refugees, helped up by aides and did
putting himself in direct con- not appear to be hurt. He
trast with the government of continued the Mass and read
Poland on the second day of his homily normally. Francis
his visit there. suffers from sciatica, a med-
Francis addressed more ical condition in which pain
than 600,000 young peo- sometimes shoots down the
ple gathered in the city of leg from the lower back.
Krakow for World Youth The shrine is home to
Day, a jamboree that actual- the Black Madonna, a Byz-
ly lasts six days and has been antine icon from sometime
dubbed the “Catholic Wood- between the sixth and ninth
stock”. After watching per- centuries and brought to Po-
formances from around the land some 600 years ago.
world, he urged them in an The icon is painted on wood
address to leave their com- and covered with silver and
fort zones and be ready to jewels. The shrine has been
embrace those in need. a focal point in difficult pe-
“A merciful heart is riods of Polish history. Poles
able to be a place of refuge flocked there to pray when
for those who are without martial law was declared
a home or have lost their by the communist govern-
home; a merciful heart is ment in the early 1980s.
able to build a home and The faithful cheer as they welcome Pope Francis during World Youth Days at Blonia Park in Krakow, Poland, on 28 July The late Pope John Paul II,
a family for those forced 2016. Photo: Reuters who reigned for nearly three
to emigrate; it knows the decades until his death in
meaning of tenderness and Law and Justice (PiS) party migrants, particularly those Gora — and said outdoor in Poland, which is about 98 2005, visited the shrine often
compassion,” he said. government disagrees with from Islamic countries, fear- Mass for a congregation of per cent Catholic. during his trips to his home-
“A merciful heart opens Francis on refugees and op- ing that they will dilute Po- tens of thousands, thanking He said their faith had land and donated the blood-
up to welcome refugees and poses mandatory European land’s Christian identity. Poles for holding on to their stayed strong in many sit- stained white sash he was
migrants,” he told the youths Union quotas for accepting On Thursday morning faith in difficult times. uations throughout history. wearing on 13 May, 1981,
gathered in a large field near asylum seekers. at the shrine city of Czesto- Francis praised what he Poland is renowned for keep when he was shot in St. Pe-
the city center. Despite be- Some of the country’s chowa, Francis prayed be- called “the contagious pow- its Catholic flame burning ter’s Square at the Vatican
ing rooted in Christian val- conservative Church leaders fore Poland’s holiest icon — er of a genuine faith, passed during decades of Commu- by Turkish gunman Mehmet
ues, Poland’s conservative have also been hesitant over the Black Madonna of Jasna down from family to family” nist rule. As the 79-year-old Ali Agca.—Reuters

are Canada police conviction puts


spotlight on race relations Consignees of cargo carried on MV WEST

SCENT VOY NO ( 120n ) are hereby notified that the
vessel will be arriving on 30.7.2016 and cargo will be
TORONTO/MONTREAL the teen, who was brandish- protesters demonstrated said Michael McCormack, discharged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it will
— A six-year prison sen- ing a knife, was caught on over Abdi’s death, chant- president of the Toronto lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to
tence given to a Toronto video and led to widespread ing: “Black lives matter.” Police Association union. the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
policeman in the shooting protests in Toronto. Marlihan Lopez said that “There’s never going Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
death of a teenager three The sentencing of as the mother of a 6-year- to be any good outcome to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
years ago was a rare oc- the officer, James Forcil- old black boy with autism, from this and it’s tragic all
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
currence in Canada, where lo, who was convicted in the case hit close to home. around.”
activists say officers too of- January, came days after a “In terms of the po- Last year, a Toron- from the Vessel.
ten get off easy in brutality mentally ill black man, Ab- lice, we live in a world to police officer shot and No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
cases. dirahman Abdi, died fol- where my son’s skin color killed Andrew Loku, a the Claims Day.
The case, along with lowing his arrest by police is deemed as being threat- 45-year-old Sudanese im-
this week’s death of a black in Ottawa. ening and his mental state migrant with a history of SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT
man who witnesses say was The deaths have shone is not understood,” she mental illness. No charges MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY
beaten by police officers, an unflattering light on race said. were filed. AGENT FOR: M/S INTERAISA LINES
has brought race relations relations in Canada, which The deaths echoed Sandy Hudson, Phone No: 2301185
in Canada to the forefront. prides itself on its multi- events in the United States, co-founder of Black Lives
The 2013 fatal shoot- culturalism and tolerance, where a string of police Matter Toronto, the only
ing of Sammy Yatim, 18,
which occurred after an al-
especially in contrast to the
United States.
killings of black men and
allegations of police bru-
official Canadian chap-
ter of the movement, said
tercation on a streetcar with In Montreal, about 50 tality and racial bias have police shootings were un- MV THAI BINH 688 VOY. NO ( 05/2016 )
sparked protests. Some derreported by media in Consignees of cargo carried on MV THAI BINH
confrontations in the Unit- Canada because surveil- 688 VOY NO ( 05/2016 ) are hereby notified that the
ed States were also caught lance footage was not as vessel will be arriving on 29.7.2016 and cargo will be
on video. accessible and data was discharged into the premises of SPW-1where it will lie
Julian Falconer, a not always compiled by at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the
lawyer for Yatim’s moth- race north of the border. byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
er, said police needed “The reason for our
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
more training to deal with existence is to dispel the
mentally ill people as well myth that it is somehow to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
as lapel cameras to ensure safer in Canada, that it declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
accountability. doesn’t happen in Cana- from the Vessel.
“You have people da,” she said. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
that are not well and they The group strategizes the Claims Day.
are shot like dogs in the with Black Lives Matters’
street,” he told reporters. national chapter in Los SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT
“It’s a tragic day for Angeles, which has pro- MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY
Toronto police officer Constable James Forcillo (L) leaves the Forcillo family, for the vided organizational sup-
the court after being let out on bail in Toronto, on 20 Au- Yatim family, for the com- port for larger protests, she
gust, 2013. Photo: Reuters munity, and for policing,” added.—Reuters Phone No: 2301928
14 entertainment 30 July 2016

Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell

celebrate motherhood at
‘Bad Moms’ premiere
Los Angeles — Actresses co-stars, all of whom are mothers.
Mila Kunis, Kathryn Hahn and “I’m very type A, I’m really
Kristen Bell were in Los Angeles controlling about everything and
to premiere “Bad Moms,” a film through this movie, I’ve learned
that brings a string of female stars that I really have to step back and
together to take digs at the modern have some time for me because
day perils of parenting. you can sometimes lose your iden-
Kunis, who is pregnant with tity from trying to be perfect.”
her second child, paid homage to “The good news about this
her co-stars, saying: “This group of movie is you can take out the
women are unbelievably inspira- word ‘bad’ and put just ‘Real
tional. When I signed on to the pro- Moms.’ None of these ladies are
ject it was the first movie I decided bad moms,” said Kathryn Hahn,
to do after having Wyatt and I was who plays the most care-free of the
so nervous about going back to “Bad Moms.”
work with these 17-hour-long days “I certainly play a character,
and if not for these girls, I don’t however, who is certainly un-
know how I’d have got through it.” shackled from feeling any sort of
The film follows three ‘bad guilt or shame about her ‘me time’
moms,’ Amy (Kunis), Kiki (Bell) which is 24 hours a day.” Although
and Carla (Hahn), who decide to the film is centered on women and
break away from their responsibil- motherhood, it was written and di-
ities and have some freedom and rected by two men — Jon Lucas
fun for a change. and Scott Moore, who wrote ‘The
However, their attempt at Hangover’ film, released in 2009.
freedom is looked on with disdain “You never would have
by straight-laced Gwendolyn (Ap- known it was two guys who wrote
plegate) and Stacy (Jada Pinkett this script when you read it,” ad-
Smith). mitted Bell. “It was so authentic.
“We’re all kind of more the It was so accurate. They nailed it.”
bad moms rather than the Gwen- “Bad Moms” goes on release
Cast members (L-R) Christina Applegate, Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Annie Mumolo and Kathryn Hahn pose dolyns. I’m more of a Gwendolyn in North America on Friday, 19
at the premiere of “Bad Moms” in Los Angeles, California US, on 26 July 2016. Photo: Reuters than I knew,” Applegate said of her July.—Reuters

Star-studded lineup unveiled

for 73rd Venice Film Festival
ROME — The Venice Film Fes- hoven’s “Brimstone” and Rus-
tival revealed a star-filled line- sia’s Andrei Konchalovsky with
up for its 73rd annual edition on “Rai” (Paradise).
Thursday, featuring top Holly- Pablo Larrain’s biop-
wood names and auteur directors ic “Jackie” starring Na-
in a wide selection of US and in- talie Portman as first lady
ternational movies. Jacqueline Kennedy in
Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. Photo: PTI
The world’s oldest film fes- the aftermath of her hus-
tival will open with Damien Cha-
zelle’s “La La Land”, starring
band’s assassination was
added to the competition Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan reunite
Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling in at the last minute.
a musical romantic comedy-dra-
ma about a jazz pianist who falls
The festival’s artistic
direct Alberto Barbera said
for her directorial debut
in love with an aspiring actress in that this year’s films spoke Los Angeles — You’ve Got trailer offers a short look at the
Los Angeles. about universal themes but Mail stars Meg Ryan and Tom touching moment shared between
In competition for the top took a more subtle and less Hanks have reunited onscreen for the veteran actors, who previously
prize are 20 films, including graphic approach to depict Ithaca, which marks the actress’ starred together in popular roman-
Ana Lily Amirpour’s “The Bad day-to-day life, violence and directorial debut. tic comedy Sleepless in Seattle, re-
Batch”, a black comedy about poverty than in previous edi- Hanks is doing a cameo ported Entertainment Weekly.
cannibals in a Texas wasteland, tions. in the movie, which is adapted It took a day for Hanks to
and fashion designer Tom Ford’s “The great themes, phil- from William Saroyan’s 1943 shoot the cameo but Ryan was
thriller “Nocturnal Animals”, osophical and existential novel The Human Comedy. touched with the gesture.
featuring Jake Gyllenhaal and questions...this time are ap- The story revolves around a “He’s just so dear. He so did
Amy Adams. proached with film-makers teenage boy, Homer (Alex not have to do that. At the end of
Serbian director Emir Kus- taking a distance from the Neustaedter), who comes of his time, he says to the crew, ‘All
turica will be also be vying for brutality of reality,” he told age working as a telegraph right, gather ’round. Listen, I know
the Golden Lion award with his a press conference an- messenger in the hopes of sup- we’ve gotten to know each other
“Na Mlijecnom Putu” (On the nouncing the line-up. porting his recently widowed very well over the last 10 hours to-
Milky Road), featuring himself “So there are no mother (Ryan) after her eldest gether, but I just want to thank you
and Monica Bellucci in a story more scenes of everyday boy is shipped off to fight during for being here for my friend Meg’,”
that stretches through war, love life or footage of today’s World War II. Ryan told EW.
and living as a reclusive monk. wars, but the great themes Ryan’s real son, Jack Quaid, Ithaca an American drama
Other films in the main line- are still there. It is not an is also a part of the film besides film written by Erik Jendresen and
up include German director Wim escape from the contem- Hamish Linklater and Sam Shep- based on the 1943 novel The Hu-
Wenders’ “Les Beaux Jours porary world, it is used ard. man Comedy by William Saroyan
d’Aranjuez”, Canadian filmmak- as a way to reflect on to- Actress Emma Stone. Hanks makes an emotional also stars Alex Neustaedter, Jack
er Denis Villeneuve’s “Arrival”, day’s world in a different Photo: Reuters cameo in the film as the deceased Quaid, Meg Ryan, Sam Shepard
Dutch director Martin Kool- way.”—Reuters husband of Ryan’s character. The and Hamish Linklater.—pti
30 July 2016 lifestyle 15

Robot-themed theater production draws diverse crowd in Kyoto

OSAKA — A robot-themed ple, designer Takaaki Tsujino, to convey, through a stage without
theater production in Kyoto, west- 51, who has worked with stars words, the feelings of give and
ern Japan, has attracted packed such as Rolling Stones guitarist take as well as mutual recogni-
houses including many foreign Keith Richards, is in charge of tion,” Kohara said.
visitors and young children since costumes, while popular manga An underlying element, he
opening in 2012. artist Akihiro Yamada, 59, pro- added, is the Japanese way of
“Gear,” a 75-minute duced the image illustrations in “ambiguity” under which diverse
non-speaking performance that the show. groups of people have coexisted.
combines music, projected imag- Meanwhile, there is no actual The show is housed in Art
es and human movement, tells the director behind the production. In Complex 1928, a historic building
story of humanoid “Roboroids” fact, On Kyakuyou, the name list- that has been officially designated
who continue to make dolls at the ed as Gear’s director on its pro- by Kyoto city as a Tangible Cul-
assembly line of an abandoned gram pamphlets and website, is a tural Property. A visit to the vin-
toy factory. fictional character with its name tage building, which also includes
The show is also popular being a pun upon “okyakusama,” an art gallery and other properties,
among people with hearing im- the Japanese word for guest and is for some visitors an attraction in
pairments, with many coming in customer. itself.
groups, according to producer The crew proactively listens Nonverbal performanc-
Keito Kohara. The show has been to the comments and response es have also achieved success
performed some 1,300 times since from the audience, and revises the overseas, such as South Korean
its opening. show’s content from time to time. show “Nanta,” which premiered
The cast for the twice-a-day “Harmony” is the perfor- in 1997, became the country’s
performances that take place most mance’s theme, according to pro- most-viewed theater play of all
days of the week includes mimes, ducer Kohara, 56. time, and was staged on Broad-
break dancers, magicians and jug- “In the face of the growing Photo taken 3 July 2016, shows a scene from “Gear,” a nonverbal way. Other famous performances
glers. trends around the world such as performance staged at a theater in Kyoto, western Japan. The 75-minute include “Stomp” that originat-
Members of the produc- of marginalizing certain social performance attracted visitors from across age groups and nationalities, ed from Britain and “Blue Man
tion crew represent a variety of groups or forcibly determining combining music and images with human movements and featuring a Group” from the United States.
unique personalities. For exam- what is right and wrong, I wanted story of humanoid robots “Roboroids.” Photo: Kyodo News —Kyodo News

No winners in US Powerball,
jackpot grows to $478 million
Milwaukee (Wisconsin) Wednesday’s draw came The largest all-time lottery
(30-7-2016, Saturday)
— No one won the multi-state about 2-1/2 months after a $429.6 prize offered in North America
6:00 am 4:15 pm Powerball jackpot on Wednes- million winning Powerball ticket was a Powerball jackpot worth
• Paritta by Hilly Region • Documentary day, pushing the grand prize to was sold in New Jersey, and two nearly $1.6 billion for winning
Missionary Sayadaw 5:20 pm $478 million, the fifth largest weeks after a $540 million Mega tickets sold in California, Ten-
7:35 pm in the game’s history and the Millions lottery jackpot was nessee and Florida in January.
• Documentary
• Hypert Sports eighth-biggest lottery prize ever clinched in Indiana. —Reuters
5:35 pm in the United States, officials said.
8:35 am • NHK Program “All About The winning numbers select-
• Pan Pyo Khin Rice” (The life Cycle of ed were 10 47 50 65 68, with the
9:35 am Rice) Powerball 24. The next drawing
• Business News will be held on Saturday.
6:35 pm
10:35 am The jackpot has rolled over
• Tasty Trip 23 times since it was reset to its
• Poem For Children
7:15 pm starting sum of $40 million for a
11:15 am
• Myanmar Series drawing on 11 May, lottery offi-
• Health and Vegetables cials said.
11:35 am 8:00 pm
The Powerball game is based
• Game For Children • News / International News/ on lottery tickets sold for $2
2:00 pm Weather Report apiece. It is played in 44 states,
• Teleplay 8:35 pm the District of Columbia, Puerto
2:35 pm • What is CEDAW? Rico and the US Virgin Islands.
9:00 pm A winning ticket will be
• Weekly Entertainment
worth an estimated payout of
News • News $478 million if spread over 30
3:35 pm • Gitadagale Phwintbaoohn years, or the winner may opt for A woman holds Powerball lottery tickets outside Bluebird Liquor in
• Teleplay • TV Drama Series a lump-sum payment of $330.6 Hawthorne, Los Angeles, California, United States, on 12 January 2016.
million before federal taxes. The Powerball Jackpot has reached a record $1.5 billion. Photo: Reuters

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Conte urges
Cech trusts Wenger to buy Advertisement & Circulation — ( +95) (01) 8604532

Chelsea to carry
aggression into
right players for Arsenal tilt new season
London — New Chelsea man-
ager Antonio Conte has urged his
players to retain the aggressive-
ness they have shown during the
pre-season, saying that the com-
bative nature of the game was
essential to the style of play he
is looking to impose at the club.
Six players were booked,
while midfielder Cesc Fabregas
was shown a red card, in Chel-
sea’s feisty 1-0 victory over Liv-
erpool on Thursday after Gary
Cahill’s early header condemned
the Merseyside club to their first
pre-season defeat.
Fabregas will now be sus-
pended for Chelsea’s friendly
clash against Champions League
winners Real Madrid on Satur-
day but Conte was not ready to
criticise the Spaniard.—Reuters
Arsenal head coach Arsene Wenger (middle) with his players Petr Cech (left) and Jack Wilshere (right) during the MLS All Star Game joint
press conference at the Fairmont San Jose, in San Jose, CA, USA, on 26 July. Photo: Reuters

London — Goalkeeper Petr media reports, is actively look- the team. ($38.27 million) bid for Alexan-
Cech expects manager Arsene ing for another forward. “There is a core of the play- dre Lacazette.
Wenger to bring in the right “I think you need to buy ers who have been at Arsenal for However, Per Mertesack-
players necessary to improve players you need, you need to years, and they know that is an er’s injury, which will see
Arsenal’s bid to win a first Pre- buy players that will improve advantage as well. People get to the centre back miss sever-
mier League title since 2004 the team and not to buy players know each other, how to play al months, is likely to force
without wasting money on pan- just for buying. That’s the phi- together.” Wenger to begin the search for
ic buys. losophy of the club,” Cech told Leicester’s Jamie Vardy another defender, with media re-
Wenger has made three ad- British media. has already spurned the advanc- ports touting Valencia’s Shkod-
ditions to his squad so far in the “I’ve been here since last es of the north London club in ran Mustafi as a possible target.
close season, bringing in mid- season and you can see that favour of extending his stay at Arsenal begin their new
fielder Granit Xhaka, defender every time we bring in a play- the King Power Stadium, while campaign on 14 August, when
Rob Holding and striker Taku- er, it’s a player we need, and the Olympique Lyonnais said they they host Liverpool at the Emir-
ma Asano, and, according to manager believes he improves rejected a 29 million pound ates Stadium.—Reuters Photo: Reuters

Taekwondo — Martial art mixes it up at Rio Djokovic stands between

Bahan Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No. 00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629.”
MELBOURNE — Taekwondo’s
battle for relevance at the Olym-
Murray and second gold
pics continues at the Rio de Janeiro ISLAMABAD — Britain’s exit at Wimbledon has offered

“Printed and published at the Global New Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road,
Games, with tournament organis- Andy Murray, bristling with hope to Murray and his other
ers introducing coloured pants and confidence after ending a three- rivals that his dominance may
a mixed martial arts flavour in a year wait for another grand be ebbing.
bid to spice up the competition. slam title at Wimbledon, will “Winning medals for your
The fringe sport, which made seek to make history in Brazil country is as good as it gets,”
its Olympic debut at the 2000 Syd- by becoming the first man to said Murray, who in 2012 be-
ney Games, is assured of its place win successive Olympic gold came the first Briton in 104
until Tokyo in 2020 but is feeling medals in men’s singles tennis. years to win a men’s singles
the heat to modernise as the In- But to replicate his Lon- gold medal at Olympics.
ternational Olympic Committee don Olympics triumph Murray Three-time grand slam
looks to appeal to a younger de- will need to find a chink in the winner Murray will be hoping
mographic. Japan’s Erika Kasahara (R) fights against China’s Jingyu Wu during armour of Novak Djokovic, to improve on his 24-10 career
Taekwondo is far from a their women’s -49kg quarterfinal taekwondo match at the ExCel venue the proud Serb who has dom- match record against Djokovic
blood sport, but appears to have during the London Olympic Games, in 2012. Photo: Reuters inated men’s tennis in recent in Brazil, where the two men
taken a cue from mixed martial years and now has his eye on are favourites to take gold.
arts by changing its square fight- Rio, and will give athletes an even fitted with electric sensors in their the only major honour to elude Roger Federer’s hopes of
ing mat to an octagon, the shape of greater sense of national pride protective head gear to help ref- him. winning a men’s singles Olym-
the Ultimate Fighting Champion- as they compete for their coun- erees detect scoring shots, adding In recent years Murray has pics gold to go with the doubles
ship’s cage. tries,” World Taekwondo Federa- to the torso sensors introduced at struggled to hold his own in the title he won in 2008 look to be
Competitors will also be al- tion (WTF) president Chungwon London. rivalry against childhood friend at an end, however, after the
lowed to wear coloured pants with Choue said. Competitors will also enter Djokovic, who defeated him in 34-year-old pulled out of Rio
their national flags at the Aug. The WTF has had its critics the arena to theme music of their the 2016 Australian and French — and the rest of the season —
17-20 tournament at the Carioca in the past for being aloof and choice, adding a bit of theatre to a Open finals to became the first to undergo rehabilitation on his
Arena 3, which may upset purists reactive but earned praise at Lon- discipline which has its origins in man since 1969 to hold all four left knee.
accustomed to the starched-white don for introducing a new scoring ancient Korean martial arts. grand slam titles at once. In the women’s game, 22-
trousers of Olympics past. system and instant video reviews The improved scoring system Djokovic’s maiden French time grand slam winner Serena
“The introduction of coloured which banished much of the ref- at London saw all eight titles go Open title elevated the Serb, a Williams is hot favourite to re-
pants for athletes will transform ereeing controversy that blighted to different nations and the field is winner of 12 grand slams, to tain the Olympic singles gold
the look of competition, adding to previous tournaments. expected to be wide open again.— the pantheon of tennis greats that she won for the first time
the vibrant, carnival atmosphere in In Rio, fighters will now be Reuters but a lacklustre third-round in 2012.—Reuters

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