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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo
Leon, Iloilo

SPA Grade 7
1st Grading Exam

Instruction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. John is always entertained by Jane’s humorous remarks. The underlined word means:
a. funny b. rude c. polite d. kind
2. The cashier patiently sorts the payments and miscellaneous fees paid by the students.
a. expensive b. several c. varied d. similar
3. Folk music is less popular to teenagers nowadays.
a. Rock b. Traditional c. Modern d. Alternative
4. We could seldom find ethnic dances these days.
a. modern b. popular c. lively d. cultural
5. Philippines is a nation where there is a diversity of culture, religion, and race.
a. widespread b. mixture c. additional d. greatness
6. The Filipino is a unique blend of the East and the West where European culture is interspersed
with that of the Orientals.
a. combined b. reduced c. bound d. separated
7. The Filipinos are famous for the bayanihan or spirit of kinship and camaraderie.
a. friendship b. envy c. loyalty d. laziness
8. The Filipinos’’ piousness comes from the Spaniards who introduced Christianity to the country
in the 16th century.
a. ungodliness b. religiousness c. loyalty d. kindness
9. The Ilocanos of north are known to be frugal.
a. spendthrift b. generous c. thrifty d. envious
10. The mighty Greek gods and goddesses take their abode in the summit of Mt. Olympus.
a. office b. kitchen c. playground d. home
11. When I asked Mike about his exams, he said that “it was just a piece of a cake.” The
underlined idiomatic expression means that_________.
a. the exam was difficult b. the exam was easy
c. the exam was very long c. the exam was very confusing
12. Jemuel’s father works abroad. They see each other once in a blue moon only.
a. rarely b. often c. always d. everday
13. The teacher instructed us to pick out the correct answer from the choices.
a. erase b. encircle c. choose d. underline
14. Christine was on cloud nine when her crush smiled at her.
a. very happy b. very sad c. very irritated d. very surprised
15. The teacher told her students to pass their projects at their earliest convenience.
a. anytime b. as soon as possible c. tomorrow d. later
16. The library is adjacent to the SPA teachers’room.
a. near b. far c. opposite d. next to
17. The students were on their balls and excited when the winners were being announced.
a. bored b. uninterested c. alert d. ready
18. We look up to our parents and elders for their wisdom and experience.
a. admire b. respect c. hate d. love
19. The students were instructed to grab a seat before the program started.
a. stand b. shout c. sit down d. jump
20. The teacher asked the students to zip their mouths because they were very noisy.
a. eat snacks b. stop talking c. drink water d. kiss each other


21. The door and the window _______ stuck.
a. is b. are c. has d. does
22. Neither Mother nor Father _______ phoned.
a. has b. have c. do d. does
23. The dog or the cats ________ always howling.
a. is b. are c. has d. have
24. Both the man with the appliances and the plumber _______ arrived.
a. has b. have c. is d. are
25. Two large packages and a letter ______ delivered.
a. was b. were c. has d. have
26. Few at the conference gave _______ approval.
a. its b. their c. his d. they

27. Every one of the boys has _______ instructions.

a. his b. their c. its d. her
28. Both of my aunts sent _______ congratulations.
a. her b. their c. its d. his
29. All of the women refused to give _______ consent.
a. her b. their c. its d. his
30. Several of the men volunteered _______service.
a. his b. their c. her d. its
31. I dropped my favourite vase. It fell on the floor and ________ into hundred pieces.
a. scattered b. moved c. flew d. burned
32. When I went shopping yesterday, I ________ some light bulbs and a cooking pot.
a. brought b. bought c. stole d. paid

33. The soldiers _________ the battle through the night and into the morning.
a. talked b. slept c. fought d. read
34. I used to have a camera, but I _________ it because I needed money.
a. bought b. paid c. borrowed d. sold
35. Jane didn’t want anyone else to find her diary, so she ________ it in a shoe box in her closet.
a. kept b. found c. bought d. wrote
36. The children _________ pictures of themselves in art class yesterday.
a. drew b. looked c. talked d. smiled
37. I have a cold. Yesterday, I __________ terrible, but I’m feeling better today.
a. looked b. seemed c. said d. told
38. Sam ran the fastest, so he _________ the race.
a. fought b. won c. ran d. finished
39. Steve __________ on the campfire to make it burn.
a. blew b. watered c. whispered d. lit
40. When I went fishing yesterday, I __________ a fish right away. But the fish was too small to
keep. I carefully returned it to the water.
a. saw b. jumped c. caught d. dreamed
C. TYPES OF SENTENCES. Use the choices in the box. Write the letter of your choice on the
blank before the number.

A. Simple B. Compound C. Complex D. Compound- Complex

____B____ 41. I like to eat spaghetti and hamburger.
____B_____42. Diane went to the party and came home late.
____B_____43. Jess passed the math exams, but failed in the science test.
____D_____44. The students waited eagerly for the bus to arrive, but it did not.
____B_____45. The birthday children were dressed in festival gowns and received
congratulations from all the family.
____C_____46. September had always been such a happy month for us, but everything was
different that September.
____A_____47. Katie found the rabbit.
____C_____48. The waterway was crowded with commercial vessels.
____C_____49. A person should be careful when driving a car.
____B_____50. It was late in the afternoon and we were still reading.
51. According to Maranaw legend, these short, plump, long-haired, and magical beings inhabit the
second layer of the earth.
a. nymphs b. karibanga c. saints d. humans
52. This huge, mythical bird guards the sky day and night.
a. karibanga b. angels c. garoda d. saints
53. A monster with a thousand eyes and eight hairy heads that guards then tightly covered jars in
heaven where the souls of every person is kept.
a. walo b. karibanga c. garoda d. saints
54. The two main deities in Panayan legend about the origin of the world.
a. Malakas and Maganda b. Adam and Eve
c. Tungkung Langit and Alunsina d. Indrapatra and Sulayman
55. According to Bicol epic, this hero was the first to cultivate the fields in the rich land of Ibalon.
a. Baltog b. Handiong c. Bantong d. Hablom
56. A monstrous wild boar that attacked and destroyed the crops in Ibalon.
a. Oriol b. Tandayag c. Sarimaw d. Tiburon
57. A hero who fought thousands of battles together with his soldiers. He killed the one-eyed giants
in the land of Ponon.
a. Baltog b. Handiong c. Bantong d. Hablom
58. These are giant flying fishes which had slimy, scaly, and hardy flesh, sawlike teeth that could
crush rocks.
a. Oriol b. Tandayag c. Sarimaw d. Tiburon
59. A monster which was larger than an elephant and was very fierce.
a. Oriol b. Tandayag c. Sarimaw d. Tiburon
60. A serpent with a beautiful voice that could change its image to deceive enemies.
a. Oriol b. Tandayag c. Sarimaw d. Tiburon
61. One of Handiong’s followers who invented the plow, harrow, and other farming tools.
a. Hablom b. Ginantong c. Dinahon d. Sural
62. One olf Hnadiong’s folowers who invented the first loom for weaving abaca clothes.
a. Hablom b. Ginantong c. Dinahon d. Sural
63. One of Handiong’s followers who invented the stove, cooking pot, earthen jar, and other kitchen
a. Hablom b. Ginantong c. Dinahon d. Sural
64. One of Handiong’s followers who thought of the alphabet and started to write on white rock.
a. Hablom b. Ginantong c. Dinahon d. Sural
65. A giant who was half-man, half-beast with terrible powers.
a. Oriol b. Rabot c. Sarimaw d. Pah
66. One of the monsters fought by Sulayman which is a terrible creature with many limbs, lived partly
on land and on the sea.
a. Tarabusaw b. Pah c. Kurita d. Oriol
67. An ugly creature in the form of a man, lived on Mt. Matutum, and devoured people.
a. Tarabusaw b. Pah c. Kurita d. Oriol
68. An enormous bird, so large that its wings when fully spread, covered the sun and brought
darkness to the earth.
a. Tarabusaw b. Pah c. Kurita d. Oriol
69.What happened after Rajah Indarapatra poured “magical water” unto rajah Sulayman’s bones?
a. Rajah Sulayman’s bones got wet.
b. Rajah Sulayman’s bones turned into sands of the shores
c. Rajah Sulayman came back to life again.
d. Rajah Sulayman became a frightful monster.
70. Which is not true about the story of Lam-ang?
a. It took four people to help Namongan give birth to her son, Lam-ang.
b. As soon as Lam-ang was born, he spoke and asked to be named “Lam-ang.”
c. Lam-ang killed Ines Kannoyan
d. Lam-ang has magical pets such as a white rooster and a gray dog.

IV. FREE WRITING. Write/ express whatever comes to your mind or how you feel at the
moment. Use the space below. Express your thoughts in English. (10 pts.)

*** “Lessons are repeated until learned.”***

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