Minutes-August 6, 2019

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Saint Mary’s College of Law

Student Council
Tagum City


Date : August 6, 2019

Time Start : 6:37 PM
Time End : 7:15 PM
Venue : Law Room 2

Present : Erwin Sabornido – VP External (In-charge)
Elna Elnar – Auditor
Richelle Benagua – Treasurer
Ailene Ponio – Secretary
Absent Feliciana Morgan – VP Internal
Eric Dacanay – President
1. Bar Operations
a. Participants
b. Case Digest and Materials
2. Fund Raising
a. Income Generating Activities
3. Others
a. Constitution and By-Laws
b. Appointment of OIC-President
4. Next Meeting
1. The Council agreed for the following participants in the SMC Bar Operations 2019. All expenses will be
shouldered by the school, to wit;
1st Sunday – Teleron & Sabornido
2nd Sunday – Apao & Elnar
3rd Sunday – Balonga & Benagua
4th Sunday – Ponio & Palabrica
2. For the Bar Operations, the Council agreed to designate Mr. Erwin Sabornido to be the Focal Person
for the Local Case Digests and Materials Pool that will be participated by 1st Year and 2nd Year
students, as initially agreed during the Acquaintance Party 2019.

3. For the Income Generating Activities, the Council agreed for the following;

a. Strict Implementation of the Monthly Dues

b. Sale of Law Merchandise (T-shirts, Jackets, Tumblers, etc.)
The Focal Person designated for this activity are Benagua, Elnar, Morgan and Ponio. The sale of Law
Merchandise will be conducted during the SMCT Foundation Day 2019.
4. For the other matters, Mr. Sabornido suggested for the drafting of the Constitution and By-Laws (CBL)
of the Council to strengthen its policies and the proper identifications of duties and responsibilities. Ms.
Elnar was tasked to initially draft the CBL and thereafter forward it to the council for deliberation and

5. In view of the absence of the Mr. Dacanay, the student council president, the council agreed to appoint
Ms. Feliciana Morgan to be the OIC-President until matters on the absence of Mr. Dacanay has been
cleared and if in any case, a new president will be elected.

6. The Council agreed that the next meeting will be on September 2, 2019.

7. There being no additional matters to be discussed, the meeting was closed.

Prepared by:

I certify to the correctness of the foregoing minutes;

VP External

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