ACTION RESEARCH Effects of Bullying in The Academic Performance of The Learners

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Bullying is redundant, monotonous, and destructive power-based behavior

of students. There are multiple forms of bullying such as name calling, hitting or

threatening others and spreading false rumor. Bullying is defined by the

Department of Education and Skills Guidelines as unwanted negative behavior,

verbal, psychological or physical, conducted by an individual or group against

another person/s and which is repeated over time.(

According to Republic Act No. 10627 Bullying is an act requiring all

Elementary and Secondary schools to adopt policies to prevent and address the

acts of bullying in their institutions.

Bullying among students not only decreased their academic performance

but also caused mental health problems and injury. To ensure school safety and

promoting positive attitude in school scenario, Anti-bullying policies may be

introduced to present bullying of any kind.

The school has ethical and legal responsibility to create safe and

supportive school environment by justifying the effects of aggression, bullying

and ensuring healthy teaching environment.



This portion presents research literature and studies which bear significant

relation to the present study.

Related Literature
Biggs (2017) in his essay stated that bullying comes in many different

forms, from cyber bulling to physical bullying. It’s all wrong and it has to stop.

Bullying has a real negative effect on the victim’s life. Those who are constantly

bullied can be pushed to the breaking point, where they could end up hurting

themselves or others.

Rothon (2011) stated that bullied adolescents were less likely to

achieve the appropriate academic achievement benchmark for their age group

and bullied boys were more likely to exhibit depressive symptoms compared to

those not bullied. High levels of social support from family were important in

promoting good mental health. There was evidence that high levels of support

from friends and moderate family support was able to protect bullied adolescents

from poor academic achievement.

Hall (2017), stated that anti-bullying policies might be effective at reducing

bullying if their content is based on evidence and sound-theory and if they are

implemented with a high level of fidelity. School policies should be implemented

religiously and with no boundaries and limitations. The policies should serve the

welfare of each and every learner.



Ouano, et al; (2013) stated that verbal-relational and cyber-bullying are

the most used bullying method among the Filipino high school students both in

public and private schools.

Santos (2013) stated that students in public schools use facebook as a

form of cyber bullying while those in top tier schools, the platform they used is

twitter and some popular apps on IOS.

Tinio (2013) stated that to consider something as Bullying, it should be

done severely and repeatedly. It should also have a hostile effect on the

environment. Whether it’s physical, verbal or cyber bullying, schools should have

their own policies and punishment for those who commit such acts. Bullies will

face sanctions and will undergo rehabilitation monitored by the school.

The reviewed literatures bore significant similarity with the present study.

These discussed information and observation relevant to the present research.

The reviewed literature also served as the framework of the research study.

Related Studies


In a study conducted by Darmawan (2010), it was indicated that proactive

and reactive aggressiveness was strongly related to bullying behavior for girls in

grade seven, but not for boys. However, among the eighth graders, neither

proactive aggressiveness nor reactive aggressiveness was related to bullying


behavior for boys as well as girls. Furthermore, it was indicated that power-

related aggressiveness was a good predictor for being involved in bullying

among girls, but not for boys. However, affiliation-related aggressiveness was a

good predictor for boys, but not for girls.

Fretwel’s (2015) study revealed that middle-school principals were able to

reduce the incidents by executing the policy with fidelity. When an allegation was

received, an immediate investigation was expected. There was also the

expectation that the allegation was document and reported to the principal or

designee, who then launched the investigation. The participants were clear that

all allegations must be taken seriously and investigated. This reinforces the

premise suggested by Hall (2017) that anti-bullying policies might be effective at

reducing bullying if their content is based on evidence and sound-theory and if

they are implemented with a high level of fidelity.

Isom’s (2014) study showed that teachers perceive the policy to be

somewhat effective. However, significant gaps exist that need to be addressed,

namely a lack of understanding of the district’s definition of bullying which leads

to a lack of proper identification of bullying, a lack of understanding of the policy

itself, leading to a lack of implementation, and a lack of administrator support. A

clear definition of bullying among teachers and administrators is very essential in

addressing the issue of bullying incidents in the school. A re-orientation on the

policy and regulations of the school must be conducted together with the



A study conducted by Gonzales (2014) explicated that social media has

become a channel (1) to bring its users in the cyber space where things that are

impossible in the real world are made possible; (2) to provide a person in the

cyber space more power through the mask of anonymity; (3) to let unwarranted

use of power dominance; and (4) to allow information to travel fast. The findings

indicated that social media can be used to do massive information dissemination

to encourage people make themselves aware of the possible impact and

consequences of using social media. It was concluded that social media possess

distinct characteristics that make it a gratifying tool for cyber bullies. The findings

prove the veracity of the statement of Santos (2013) that students in both public

and private schools school use technology such as facebook and twitters as their

platforms to bully others. Teachers and stakeholders should make an orientation

campaign on the responsible use of computers and internet and the legal issues

concerning cyber-bullying.

A study conducted by Maximo and Loy (2014) revealed that verbal

bullying/victimization is more frequent than other types. Also, more males were

involved in bullying than females. Generally, being a bully, victim, or bully-victim

is negatively related with secure parental attachment and positively related with

insecure parental attachment. Having a permissive mother and authoritarian

father predicted bullying and having an authoritarian father was related to


Sanapo’s (2017) study revealed that verbal bullying is the most common

type of bullying experienced by the children (regardless of gender) and that

reported incidents of bullying in the school are immediately attended to by the

teachers through direct sanctions such as verbal reprimand, temporary removal

from the class, withdrawal of privileges, and suspension. Her findings also

suggested that only few incidents of bullying where teachers have personal

knowledge of are reported to the committee of the child protection. This suggest

that the school have no concrete and solid intervention and prevention program

of bullying incidence.

The reviewed literature and studies helped the researchers in the

conceptualization of the present study. These served as bases in formulating

each part of the research study for the purpose of attaining its objective. The

reviewed materials enriched the essence of the present study.


The present study is similar to the works of Fretwell and Isom because all

of them were focused on the School Policies as effective means of reducing


Likewise, Maximo Loy and Sanapo concentrated on the forms of bullying.

On the other hand, their study is different from the work of Darmawan who

focused on aggressiveness related case on bullying.


Action Research Questions

Statement of the Problem:

This is an attempt to analyze the common causes of bullying inside the


Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the observable causes of bullying inside the classroom?

2. What does the teacher do to minimize bullying of learners inside the


3. What are the effects of bullying in the academic performance of the learners?

4. What school rules and regulation must be followed to prevent bullying

incidence in the classroom?

5. What implications has this study do to other schools with the same problem?


In this study, teachers served as the actual respondents. They were

interviewed and asked to answer the questionnaire. Their responses were

computed and percentage was placed on the Table. Parents and students

involved were not used as respondents because the seminar we done in an

enclosed room. But the teacher – respondent were knowledgeable about the

problems and solutions on bullying.



Research Design

Since the perception of set of respondents was the main focus of the

study, the researchers used descriptive method of research. The method created

is in accordance with the objective of the paper which is to know the observable

causes of bullying among learners.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were ten (10) teachers of Latag Elementary

School and Tala National High School. They were composed of teachers from

different subject departments and grade levels who have varied experiences and

perceptions related to the observable causes of bullying.

Data Gathering Instrument

In order to confirm the need of the study for effective answers for its

0inquiries, self-made survey questionnaires were used in relation with the stated

research problem. The questionnaire was constructed by the proponents of the

study and was checked and validated by an expert.

Data Gathering Procedure

After identifying the problem, the researchers selected the prospective

respondents of the study. In order to administer data gathering in the easiest


way, the proponents preferred to choose a set of respondents who were all

aware of the topic. The researchers then started to prepare a self-made

questionnaire in line with the statement of the problem. An expert was consulted

by the researchers in order to test the validity and reliability of the questionnaire.

Upon approval of the expert, the researchers distributed the questionnaire to the

respondents. The questionnaires were retrieved immediately for organization and

tabulation. Then, qppropriate statistical treatments were performed by the


Statistical Treatment of Data

This was used to identify the total numbers of respondents and the total

number of responses on the survey questionnaire.


This was used to rate the total number of respondents based on the total



This was used to identify the total numbers of respondents and the total

number of responses in each item on the survey – questionnaire.



Table I

Observable Causes Of Bullying Inside The Classroom

Indicators Frequency Percentage

Aggression 2 20 %

Peer influence 6 60 %

Attention seeker 2 20 %

Total 10 100 %

Table 1 shows that 6 or 60 % of the respondents favor that the causes of

bullying is the influence of peer while aggression and attention seeker obtained a

percentage score of 2 or 20 % of the causes of bullying.

Table 2

Role of Teachers in Minimizing Bullying Of Students Inside The


Indicators Frequency Percentage

Home visitation 5 50 %
Guidance and
3 30 %

Values integration 2 20 %

Total 10 100 %
Table 2 explains that 5 or 50 % respondents favor home visitation in

minimizing bullying while 2 or 20 % of respondents agree that the teachers

perform values integration in their daily lesson.

Table 3

Effects Of Bullying In The Academic Performance Of The Learners

Indicators Frequency Percentage

Lack of interest 4 40 %

Depression and anxiety 5 50 %

Absences from class 1 10 %

Total 10 100 %

Table 3 illustrates that 5 or 50 % of the respondents agree that

depression/anxiety is the effect of bullying in the academic performance of the

learners, while 1 or 10 % agrees that the effect of bullying is absences from


Table 4

School Rules And Regulations

Indicators Frequency Percentage

Awareness campaign
4 40 %
against bully
Implementation of school
3 30 %
Rewards for positive
3 30 %

Total 10 100 %

Table 4 indicates that 4 or 40 % of the respondents favor that awareness

campaign against bullying must be followed to prevent bullying incidence in the

classroom, while 3 or 30 % of the respondents favor the implementation of

school protection program similar to rewards for positive behaviors of students

which is also 3 or 30%.


Table 5

Implication Of The Study To Other Schools

Indicators Frequency Percentage

It will serve as an eye-

2 20 %
opener to other school
It will serve as a guide on
how to solve the same 5 50 %
It will serve as a reference
3 30 %
for them to follow

Total 10 100 %

It can be gleaned from Table that 5 or 50 % of the respondents favor the

implication of the study as a guide on how to solve the same problem, while 2 or

20 % of the respondents agree that the implication of the study will serve as an

eye-opener to other schools.




Meaning of Research

Value of Action Research DAY 1 (May 5,2018)

Objective of DepEd

Estimating Problem in your school

Grouping Participants

Statement of the Problem


Data Analysis

Checking of Researches from Internet

Complete Parts of an Action Research DAY 2 ( May 12, 2018)

Discussion of each Part

Samples of Finished Work


Checking of Write – Ups

Presentation of Outputs by Group DAY 3 ( May 19,2018)



MAY 5,2018


Bond paper 40.00

Ball pen 120.00

Brown envelope 30.00

Ink 290.00

TOTAL 480.00

MAY 12,2018


Load Internet 100.00

Bond Paper 100.00

Folder 120.00

TOTAL 320.00

MAY 19,2018


Bond Paper 185.00

Ink 290.00

Load Internet 100.00



Plans For Dissemination And Utilization

Statement of Findings Conclusions Recommendations

the problem
1.What are 6 or 60 % of the Majority of the Schools should
the respondents favor respondents conduct a regular
observable that the causes of selected peer bonding activity with
causes of bullying is the influence as the the learners.
bullying inside influence of peer. main cause of
the bullying.
2.What does 5 or 50 % Most respondents A regular home
the teacher do respondents favor favored home visitation should be
to minimize home visitation in visitation as conducted to
bullying of minimizing means to address ensure the success
learners bullying. bullying of the program
inside the
3.What are 5 or 50 % of the Most respondents School Child
the effects of respondents agree selected Protection
bullying in the that depression/anxiety Committee should
academic depression/anxiety is the effect of conduct diagnosis
performance is the effect of bullying in the and counseling to
of the bullying in the academic help learners boost
learners? academic performance of the self-esteem.
performance of the learners.
4.What school 4 or 40 % of the Majority of the A regular
rules and respondents favor respondents awareness
regulation that awareness favored awareness campaign should
must be campaign against campaign against be included in the
followed to bullying must be bullying should be daily lesson log to
prevent followed to prevent done to prevent orient the learners
bullying bullying incidence bullying incidence. on bullying.
incidence in in the classroom.

5. What 5 or 50 % of the The implication of The findings of the

implications respondents favor the study would study could be used
has this study the implication of serve as a guide and incorporated by
do to other the study as a on how to solve other schools in
schools with guide on how to the same problem. their policy in
the same solve the same addressing bullying
problem? problem incidence.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Nasugbu District
Tala, Munting Indang, Nasugbu, Batangas



May 5, 2018


Tala National High School
Munting Indang, Nasugbu, Batangas

Dear Madam:

We, the teachers from Tala National High School and Latag Elementary
School, are currently conducting an action research entitled “Common Causes
of Bullying Inside the Classroom: An Analysis”.

May we seek from your good office the permission to conduct the said

We hope that our request merits approval from you.


Sincerely yours,

(Sgd)Sevilla, Percival V. (Sgd)Buhay, Edgardo B.

(Sgd)Carandang, Bonifacio Jr. S. (Sgd)Laguardia, Catryn M.
(Sgd)Malabanan, Chona B. (Sgd)Manalo, Maricel C.
(Sgd)Mercado, Melanie M. (Sgd)Ocampo, Carla B.
(Sgd)Perez, Maximo (Sgd)Pon, Richelle d.
(Sgd)Ruiz, Myra C. (Sgd)Villarba, Madelline B.




Principal II
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Nasugbu District
Tala, Munting Indang, Nasugbu, Batangas



May 5, 2018


Tala National High School
Munting Indang, Nasugbu, Batangas

Dear Respondents:

Good Day!

Action Research is a study of the existing problems in school which need

immediate solutions.

In connection with that, we, the researchers are asking for your
cooperation to answer the questionnaire about “Common Causes of Bullying
Inside the Classroom: An Analysis”.

We hope that our request merits approval from you.


Sincerely yours,
(Sgd)Sevilla, Percival V.
(Sgd)Buhay, Edgardo B.
(Sgd)Carandang, Bonifacio Jr. S.
(Sgd)Laguardia, Catryn M.
(Sgd)Malabanan, Chona B.
(Sgd)Manalo, Maricel C.
(Sgd)Mercado, Melanie M.
(Sgd)Ocampo, Carla B.
(Sgd)Perez, Maximo
(Sgd)Pon, Richelle d.
(Sgd)Ruiz, Myra C.
(Sgd)Villarba, Madelline B.


Sample Questionnaire

Directions: Check the letter of your answer to each of the following

questions on the space provided.

1. What are the observable causes of bullying inside the classroom?

___a. Aggression

___b. Peer influence

___c. Attention seeker

2. What does the teacher do to minimize bullying of students inside the


___a. Home visitation

___b. Guidance and Counselling

___c. Values integration

3. What are the effects of bullying in the academic performance of the


___a. Lack of interest

___b. Depression and Anxiety

___c. Absences from class


4. What school rules and regulation must be followed to prevent bullying

incidence in the classroom?

___a. Awareness campaign against bullying

___b. Implementation of school protection program

___c. Rewards for positive behaviors

5. What implications has this study do to other schools with the same


___a. It will serve as an eye-opener to other school.

___b. It will serve as a guide on how to solve the same problem.

___c. It will serve as a reference for them to follow.


Interview Guide

Directions: Answer orally the following questions.

1. What are the observable causes of bullying inside the classroom?

2. What does the teacher do to minimize bullying of students inside the


3. What are the effects of bullying in the academic performance of the


4. What school rules and regulation must be followed to prevent bullying

incidence in the classroom?

5. What implications has this study do to other schools with the same




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