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Design of 14 Mega Watt Solar Power Plant in Pampanga

Cabrera, King Jayson

Cruz, Rolando Jr.
Machate, Arvin Jasper

Technological Institute of the Philippines


October 2018

Approval Sheet

The design project entitled “Design of 14 Mega Watt Solar Power Plant in Pampanga” designed by Borja,
Miro Ivanne, Cabrera, King Jayson, Cruz, Rolando Jr. and Machate, Arvin Jasper of the Electrical
Engineering Department was examined and evaluated by the members of the student design evaluation
panel, and hereby recommended for approval.

Engr. Mayer Joseph S. Dizon Engr. Hualy Eiden R. Mataya

Student Design Evaluation Panel Student Design Evaluation Panel

Engr. John C. Placente / Engr. Ulysses B. Paguio


Approved By:

Engr. Marianne L. Yumul

EE Program Chair


The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance from many people
and we are extremely privileged to have got this all along the completion of our project. All that we have done
is only due to such supervision and assistance and we would not forget to thank them.

To our family - Cabrera family, Cruz family, and Machate family for all the prayers, sacrifice, unconditional
love, and unending support throughout our college life. It’s our turn now to return all the favors to you!

To Engr. John C. Placente, Engr. Ulysses B. Paguio and Engr. Gerard Francesco DG. Apolinario, our design
advisers for giving time in monitoring our project and giving comment and suggestions that undeniably
contributed in the betterment of our design. We thank you sir for your guidance and considerations!

To Engr. Mariane L. Yumul, our department chair for all the support she gave on the road to our graduation.

Our thanks and appreciations also go to our friends in developing the project and people who have willingly
helped us out with their abilities. Especially thanks to #TeamDormies who let us stay in their dorm when
doing the project.
We would like to thank those workers of Pampanga Electric Cooperative II, who shares us necessary data
for the project.
And above all else, to our God for giving us the strength to do what needs to be done. Lord God, you are the
reason for all of these!
We are thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and guidance from you all.

Table of Contents
Design of 14 Mega Watt Solar Power Plant in Pampanga ..................................................................................... i
Approval Sheet ................................................................................................................................................ ii
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................................... iii
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................................ iv
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................ vii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................ viii
Chapter 1. Project Background .......................................................................................................................... 1
Project Objectives ........................................................................................................................................ 1
The Client.................................................................................................................................................... 1
Project Scope and Limitations ....................................................................................................................... 1
Project Development .................................................................................................................................... 2
Chapter 2. Design Inputs .................................................................................................................................. 4
Single Line Diagram (SLD)............................................................................................................................ 4
Geographical View and Transmission Line Map .............................................................................................. 5
Overall Transmission Line Elevation .............................................................................................................. 5
Wind Speed................................................................................................................................................. 6
Components Used in Solar Power Systems .................................................................................................... 7
DC Side PV Plant Design.............................................................................................................................. 8
Load Forecast............................................................................................................................................ 12
Design Criteria and Constraints ................................................................................................................... 14
Chapter 3 Project Design Methodology ............................................................................................................ 16
Methodology .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Solar Power System via Overhead, Single Circuit Transmission Line .............................................................. 18
Design Option 1: Single Circuit Transmission Line via Route 1 ....................................................................... 46
Transmission line Conductor Sizing ....................................................................................................................47
Conductor Weight Calculation .............................................................................................................................47
Sag and Tension Computation ............................................................................................................................48
Transmission Line Design simulation using Simulink Sim Power Systems .........................................................62
Short Circuit Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 65
Design Option 1: Single Circuit Transmission Line via Route 2 ....................................................................... 86
Transmission line Conductor Sizing ....................................................................................................................87
Conductor Weight Calculation .............................................................................................................................87
Sag and Tension Computation ............................................................................................................................88

Transmission Line Design simulation using Simulink Sim Power Systems ....................................................... 102
Short Circuit Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 105
Design Option 1: Single Circuit Transmission Line via Route 3 ..................................................................... 126
Transmission line Conductor Sizing .................................................................................................................. 127
Conductor Weight Calculation ........................................................................................................................... 127
Sag and Tension Computation .......................................................................................................................... 128
Transmission Line Design simulation using Simulink Sim Power Systems ....................................................... 143
Short Circuit Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 146
Design Option 2: Double Circuit Transmission Line via Route 1 .................................................................... 167
Transmission line Conductor Sizing .................................................................................................................. 168
Conductor Weight Calculation ........................................................................................................................... 168
Sag and Tension Computation .......................................................................................................................... 169
Transmission Line Design simulation using Simulink Sim Power Systems ....................................................... 183
Short Circuit Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 186
Design Option 2: Double Circuit Transmission Line via Route 2 .................................................................... 207
Transmission line Conductor Sizing .................................................................................................................. 208
Conductor Weight Calculation ........................................................................................................................... 208
Sag and Tension Computation .......................................................................................................................... 209
Transmission Line Design simulation using Simulink Sim Power Systems ....................................................... 224
Short Circuit Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 227
Design Option 2: Double Circuit Transmission Line via Route 3 .................................................................... 249
Transmission line Conductor Sizing .................................................................................................................. 250
Conductor Weight Calculation ........................................................................................................................... 250
Sag and Tension Computation .......................................................................................................................... 251
Transmission Line Design simulation using Simulink Sim Power Systems ....................................................... 267
Short Circuit Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 270
Design Option 3: Underground Circuit Transmission Line via Route 1 ........................................................... 291
Underground Transmission Line Conductor Sizing ........................................................................................... 291
RESISTANCE COMPUTATION ........................................................................................................................ 292
INDUCTANCE COMPUTATION ....................................................................................................................... 292
Short Circuit Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 296
Design Option 3: Underground Circuit Transmission Line via Route 2 ........................................................... 317
Underground Transmission Line Conductor Sizing ........................................................................................... 317
RESISTANCE COMPUTATION ........................................................................................................................ 318

INDUCTANCE COMPUTATION ....................................................................................................................... 318
Short Circuit Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 322
Design Option 3: Underground Circuit Transmission Line via Route 3 ........................................................... 343
Underground Transmission Line Conductor Sizing ........................................................................................... 343
RESISTANCE COMPUTATION ........................................................................................................................ 344
INDUCTANCE COMPUTATION ....................................................................................................................... 344
Short Circuit Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 348
Final Step: Design of Solar Power System Final Step: Design of Solar Power System ........................................ 369
Simulation using PVsyst V6.43 ...................................................................................................................... 374
Chapter 4 Constraints and Trade-offs and Standards ...................................................................................... 382
Trade-off ................................................................................................................................................. 383
Chapter 5 FINAL DESIGN ............................................................................................................................ 387
Results and Discussion ............................................................................................................................ 440
Short Circuit Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 447
Design Simulation .................................................................................................................................... 468
Summary of Findings................................................................................................................................ 472
Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 473
Recommendation ..................................................................................................................................... 474
Appendix A .................................................................................................................................................. 475
Trade off Computation .............................................................................................................................. 475
Reliability ........................................................................................................................................................... 475
Economical ........................................................................................................................................................ 478
Appendix B. ................................................................................................................................................. 487
Standards.................................................................................................................................................... 487
Appendix C. Pareto Optimization ................................................................................................................... 499
Appendix D.................................................................................................................................................. 500
Sensitivity Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 500
Reliability ........................................................................................................................................................... 500
Economical ........................................................................................................................................................ 506
Appendix E. ................................................................................................................................................. 510
Grammarly .................................................................................................................................................. 510
Appendix F .................................................................................................................................................. 524
Plagiarism Checker ...................................................................................................................................... 524

List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Project Development Flowchart ......................................................................................................... 3
Figure 3.15 Short Transmission Line Equivalent Circuit ..................................................................................... 60
Figure 3.16 Design Simulation using Simulink .................................................................................................. 62
Figure 3.19 Transmission of Power from Angeles to Guagua via Route Option 2 ................................................. 87
Figure 3.20 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 1 and 2 .............................................................................. 88
Figure 3.21 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 2 and 3 .............................................................................. 90
Figure 3.22 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 3 and 4 .............................................................................. 91
Figure 3.23 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 4 and 5 .............................................................................. 93
Figure 3.24 69 kV Insulator String ................................................................................................................... 96
Figure 3.25 6/1 ACSR Penguin Conductor ....................................................................................................... 99
Figure 3.26 Single Circuit Conductors Arrangement.......................................................................................... 99
Figure 3.27 Short Transmission Line Equivalent Circuit ................................................................................... 101
Figure 3.28 Design Simulation using Simulink ................................................................................................ 102
Figure 3.29 Input of Transmission Line Parameters ........................................................................................ 103
Figure 3.30 Proposed Single Circuit Steel Tower ............................................................................................ 126
Figure 3.31 Transmission of Power from Arayat to Guagua via Route Option 3 ................................................. 127
Figure 3.32 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 1 and 2 ............................................................................ 128
Figure 3.33 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 2 and 3 ............................................................................ 130
Figure 3.34 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 3 and 4 ............................................................................ 131
Figure 3.35 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 4 and 5 ............................................................................ 133
Figure 3.36 69 kV Insulator String ................................................................................................................. 137
Figure 3.37 6/1 ACSR Penguin Conductor ..................................................................................................... 140
Figure 3.38 Short Transmission Line Equivalent Circuit ................................................................................... 141
Figure 3.29 Design Simulation using Simulink ................................................................................................ 143
Figure 3.31 Input of Transmission Line Parameters ........................................................................................ 143
Figure 3.32 Proposed Double Circuit Steel Tower .......................................................................................... 167
Figure 3.33 Transmission of Power from Porac to Guagua via Route Option 1 .................................................. 168
Figure 3.34 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 1 and 2 ............................................................................ 169
Figure 3.35 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 2 and 3 ............................................................................ 171
Figure 3.36 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 3 and 4 ............................................................................ 172
Figure 3.37 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 4 and 5 ............................................................................ 173
Figure 3.38 69 kV Insulator String ................................................................................................................. 176
Figure 3.39 6/1 ACSR Sparrow Conductor..................................................................................................... 179
Figure 3.41 Short Transmission Line Equivalent Circuit ................................................................................... 182
Figure 3.42 Design Simulation using Simulink ................................................................................................ 183
Figure 3.44 Proposed Double Circuit Steel Tower .......................................................................................... 207
Figure 3.45 Transmission of Power from Angeles to Guagua via Route Option 2 ............................................... 208
Figure 3.46 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 1 and 2 ............................................................................ 209

List of Tables

Table 2. 1 Solar Panel Specifications: SPLITMAX Framed 144-Cell Module (1500 V) ............................................ 9
Table 2. 2 Inverter Specifications .................................................................................................................... 10
Table 2. 3 Demand from year 2014 to 2017 ..................................................................................................... 12
Table 2. 4 Demand forecast from year 2018 to 2030 ......................................................................................... 13
Table 2. 5 Design Criteria and Constraints ....................................................................................................... 14

Chapter 1. Project Background

The PELCO II is serving seven (7) municipalities namely Mabalacat (City), Guagua, Lubao, Porac, Sta. Rita,
Sasmuan, and Bacolor and has also acquired services to the resettlement areas in Sta. Lucia, Magalang;
Model Community, Porac; Palmayo, Floridablanca; and Mawacat, Floridablanca, which were designed and
funded by the national government as relocation of the victims of the Mt. Pinatubo eruption in the 1990’s [1].
Based on the recent studies of Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA) the population of Pampanga in the 2015
census was 2,198,110 people [2], Pampanga is also considered as top developing province in the Philippines
this means that commercial and industrial structure also increases. With this large amount of occupancy in
the province of Pampanga, No wonder that rotational brownouts will occur in the province. Last summer
2016, areas being serviced by the Pampanga Electric Cooperative (PELCO II) experienced 12 hours of
blackout form 6 a.m to 6 p.m due to lack of electricity supply [3]. This problem motivates the proponents to do
this design project. The proposed electrical design will have its scheme focused on the solving the problem
of electricity dilemmas in the future and designing a renewable source of electricity for Guagua Substation
which is solar energy. By this project, problem will be solved and can sustain the energy needed of the
Project Objectives
Generally, this project aims to solve the additional power demand needed by the PELCO II Guagua
Substation for the year 2030. Specifically, it aims to:
 To design a 14 MW solar power system that can generate the required power in supplying the deficit
power demand of the PELCO II Guagua Substation at year 2030.
 To design a transmission lines that have an electrical power transfer efficiency of 85%, a voltage
regulation with a maximum of 5% according to the standard of Philippine Grid and Distribution Code
and have at least 70% of string efficiency.
 To design a substation to upgrade the capacity.

The Client
The client of the design project is PELCO II which is located in Guagua, Pampanga.
Project Scope and Limitations
The project study will evaluate the process of power generation by means of solar power system. It shall find
out the most suitable system to be used that will meet the demand of the community. And lastly, it shall create
a design that is in accordance with the stated constraints. The project will also be focusing on improving the
capacity of the Guagua substation. The project includes the design of a solar power system within the vicinity
of Pampanga.
The scope of the project covers the execution of power provisions in accordance to the latest edition of the
Philippine Electrical Code (PEC) and other applicable international standards used in practice of electrical
design. An energy management system integrating natural resources such as solar energy will be added to
supplement the proposed new electrical system.

The limitations of the proposed project in accordance with the stated problem and the study of the following:
The proposed project focuses on the design of most efficient scheme of transmission line. The design project
does not include the distribution load of the area. The proposed design project does not focus on structural,
architectural and aesthetical design of the solar p civil engineering works especially and other co-engineering
disciplines. Mechanical works will be within the limitations of the proposed design project.
Project Development
The flow chart shows the step-by-step flow of the project processes and how the design will come into its
finalization. This also serves as the outline of the progress and a checklist for the important aspects to be
considered for the design project.
Four different designs are to be created in developing a solution to the problem. These designs should meet
the objectives in order to continue with the next step. The design options include the design of solar power
system generation to transmission.
When all four of the designs meet the objective the calculation for trade-offs is next. Trade-offs will act as a
judge in order to know what design is going to be used for the project. The value that will be computed is
based on the constraints considered for each design. The design that will be chosen after conducting the
trade-offs will be considered as the final design or solution to the problem.

Figure 1.1 Project Development Flowchart

Chapter 2. Design Inputs

Pampanga is a developing province and with its current progress, demand for electricity continuously grows.
The load growth is statistically forecasted, resulting in a substantial increase in its peak demand. Due to the
increase of load demand, the said area is now facing energy dilemmas. Renewable energy plants are more
expensive yet the most ideal solution to this kind of predicament.
In this chapter, the data collected were presented. Previous load consumption of the municipality of Guagua
were presented from year 2014 to 2017, with these load forecasting can be done. The existing substation in
Guagua has a rated 10 MVA and 20 MVA capacity and the load forecasted for the year 2030 is approximately
13,929 kVA and 23,980 KW.

Single Line Diagram (SLD)

Figure 2.1 Showing the Single Line Diagram of Guagua Substation

Source: Pampanga Electric Cooperative II (PELCO II)

Geographical View and Transmission Line Map

Figure 2.2 Shows the location of PELCO 2 Guagua Substation

Source: Google Map
The proposed site of solar power system is located at Porac, Pampanga in XX square meter of land. Porac
to Guagua is estimated to have a distance of 14.320 km.
Environmental aspects:
1. Wild animals: No wildlife is reported to present in this area.
2. Health risk: No health hazards are caused by solar plant. In fact, the solar power plant is
environment friendly.
3. Archaeological and Historical places: There are no archaeological monuments or historical places
in this area.

Overall Transmission Line Elevation

Figure 2.3 Overall Transmission Line Elevation

In figure 2.3 it only shows the elevation of the transmission towers to be used and how high the elevation of
transmission line. The uphill distance is 7.2 km and the downhill distance is 7.1 km. The total distance of the
transmissions lines is 14.3 km.
Wind Speed
This factor has a major contribution in transmission system in terms of sag and stresses. When the wind
speed increases the wind pressure also increases which gives an impact on the transmission system. The
proportionality of the speed of the wind and sag and stresses is direct.

Figure 2.4 Average Speed in Specified Area

Figure 2-6. Shows the different wind speed in different areas which shows above. The yellow zone states
that the average speed is up to 270 KPH and the green zone states that the average wind speed is up to
240 KPH and the blue zone states that the average wind speed is up to 160 KPH respectively.

Figure 2.5 Average Temperature in the Philippines using Global Solar Atlas

Source: Global Solar Atlas

Figure 2-3 show the average temperature in the Philippines. The Philippine position just above the equator
averaging 32 degrees Celsius and has a potential for solar energy applications.

Figure 2.6 Philippine Average Climatological Solar Radiation (Peak-sun Hours)

Source: Solargis

Figure 2- 4. Gives the long term average of PVOUT from 2007-2015. The Luzon part of the philippines has
the red color that means it has the highest irridiation. Available irradiation data accuracy varies significantly
across the region where places with more complex topography subject to have a higher variations in
irradiance conditions.

Components Used in Solar Power Systems

Major Components
1. Solar PV Model
2. Power Conditioning Unit/grid tie inverter
3. Utility Grid/Grid System
Minor Components
1. DC array junction box
2. AC bus bar (LT and HT Switch gear)
3. Control room
4. Cables
5. Mounting structures

6. Earthing and lightening
7. SCADA (Supervisory control and data accusation system)

Figure 2.7 Schematic diagram of solar PV grid Connected plant

DC Side PV Plant Design
a) Modules in Series
1. Total MPP voltage at Max Module Temperature > Inverter Min MPP Voltage
2. Total Open circuit voltage at Min Module Temperature < Inverter Max Voltage
b) Modules in Parallel
1. Max current shall not be more than Inverter Max Input current
2. No. of Array combiner boxes – with or without string monitoring based on number of inputs
selected for each box
c) No. of Main Junction Boxes – based on the Number of Inverter inputs

AC Side PV Plant Design

1. AC side cable
2. LT Switchgear and MV switchgear
3. Power Transformer (LV to MV)
4. HT Switchyard, Protection and Metering
5. Transmission lines

Technical details of Solar Power System Design

1. Solar PV Technology

Solar PV Technology converts sun’s natural energy to useful electrical energy. Photo Voltaic
modules are made of mono crystalline / polycrystalline solar cells connected in series and parallel
modes. Type of solar panel used in this project is mono crystalline.
Mono crystalline solar panels are the most efficient type of solar panels but are also the most
expensive. Their performance, somewhat is better in low light conditions. Overall efficiency on
average is about 12-15%. warranted of this type of panels about 20-25 years.

Figure 2.8 Mono Crystalline PV Panels

Table 2. 1 Solar Panel Specifications: SPLITMAX Framed 144-Cell Module (1500 V)

Parameter Symbol Value Value Reference

for 350 for 380
Wp Wp
Peak power (Wp) Pmax 350 380

Maximum power voltage (V) Vmpp 38.4 39.6

Maximum power current (A) Impp 9.13 9.60
Open circuit voltage (V) Voc 46.5 48.0
MONO 365-370W

Short circuit current (A) Isc 9.60 9.99

Module efficiency (%) ηm 17.6 19.2
Voc temperature coefficient (%/ºC) TC - 0.29%/°C
Minimum operating temperature (ºC) Tmin -40
Maximum operating temperature (ºC) Tmax +85
Minimum MPPT voltage (V) Vmin_MPPT 580
Maximum permissible input voltage 1500
(V) Vmax_input

2. Inverter
GEC (Grid Export Condition) inverters are used here for suppressing the harmonics produced after
DC to AC conversion

Figure 2.9 GEC (Grid Export Condition inverter)

Table 2. 2 Inverter Specifications

KVA rating 250 kVA

Input DC voltage 864 Volts DC
Input AC voltage 500 A
Output AC voltage 240 V ac (phase voltage)
415 V ac (line voltage)
No. of Phases 3 phase
Type GEC (grid export condition)
Efficiency Almost 90-93%

3. Grid Connecting Equipments

1) Power transformer
2) Lightning arrestor, of suitable rating.
3) Switchyard consisting of Current Transformer, Potential Transformer, SF6 / Vacuum Circuit
Breaker, Bus bar, isolators, protection system etc. with incoming and outgoing feeders.

4) Isolators.
5) Aluminum conductor of suitable diameter, aluminum armored cable confirming to IS 7098
suitable for carrying current from the switchyard up to transmission towers of required

4. Switchyard
A switch yard is to be set up for power transmission/protection of the various systems as per the
detailed specification. A switch yard shall consist of current transformers, potential transformers, sf6
/ vacuum circuit breaker, bus bar, isolators, protective devices etc.

Features of a Switchyard:
a) Alternating current Circuit breakers
b) Voltage transformers
c) Current transformers:
d) AC disconnections (isolators) and earthing switches.
e) AC metal enclosed Switchgear & Control gear for rated voltages
f) Direct acting Indicating digital electrical measuring Instruments & accessories.
g) AC Energy meters
h) AC Watt hour meters
i) Electrical Relays for power system protection
j) Static protective relays
k) Push button/ switches
l) Bushings.
m) Common spec. for high voltage Switchgear & Control Gear standards
n) High voltage alternating current circuit breakers
o) Current transformers & Voltage transformers
p) Degree of protection provided by enclosure (IP code)

Figure 2.10 Side View of Proposed Switchyard Design

5. Combiner Box / Junction Box
Wires from the individual PV modules or strings are run to the combiner box, typically located on the
roof. These wires may be single conductor pigtails with connecters that are pre-wired onto the PV
modules. The output of the combiner box is one larger two wire conductor in conduit. A combiner
box typically includes a safety fuse or breaker for each string and may include a surge protector.

Figure 2.11 Junction Box

Load Forecast
Load Forecasting is used to predict or foresee the energy or power needed to meet the load demand and
generation supply equilibrium. The accuracy of this technique is of great significance for the operational and
managerial loading of a certain utility company.
PELCO II Guagua Substation has a rated capacity of 10MVA and 20MVA. With an available data from
previous years of 2014 up 2017, the annual average growth rate can be determined. The figures below show
the growth of the Guagua substation.
Table 2. 3 Demand from year 2014 to 2017
Table 2-1 shows the annual demand of the of the Guagua substation for the year 2014 to 2015. This shows
that the demand is increasing annually
2014 2015 2016 2017
Transformer Feeder Demand Demand Demand Demand
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
1 5,210 5,426 5,688 5,955
T1 (10 MVA) 3 2,345 2,442 2,560 2,680
Sub-Total 7,554 7,868 8,247 8,635
T2 (20 MVA) 2 4,808 5,008 5,249 5,496

4 2,681 2,793 2,927 3,065
5 4,776 4,974 5,214 5,459
6 233 243 254 266
7 507 528 553 579
Sub-Total 13,005 13,546 14,198 14,865
Total 20,559 21,414 22,445 23,500
Table 2-1 shows the annual growth of the demand in Guagua Substation.
Table 2. 4 Demand forecast from year 2018 to 2030
Table 2-4 shows the annual load forecast of the of the Guagua substation for the year 2018 to 2030. This
shows that the demand is increasing annually.
2018 2019 2020 2021

Substation Transformer Feeder Demand Demand Demand Demand

(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)

1 6,223 6,493 6,764 7,036

T1 (10 MVA) 3 2,801 2,922 3,044 3,166
Sub-Total 9,024 9,415 9,808 10,202
2 5,744 5,993 6,243 6,493
Guagua 4 3,203 3,342 3,481 3,621
5 5,705 5,952 6,201 6,450
T2 (20 MVA)
6 278 290 303 315
7 606 632 658 685
Sub-Total 15,536 16,209 16,885 17,564
Total 24,560 25,624 26,693 27,766

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)

7,315 7,594 7,875 8,156 8,439 8,730 9,021 9,313 9,606

3,292 3,418 3,544 3,671 3,798 3,929 4,060 4,191 4,323

10,606 11,012 11,419 11,827 12,236 12,658 13,081 13,505 13,929

6,751 7,009 7,268 7,528 7,788 8,057 8,326 8,595 8,866

3,764 3,908 4,053 4,197 4,343 4,492 4,643 4,793 4,944

6,706 6,962 7,219 7,477 7,736 8,003 8,270 8,538 8,806

327 340 352 365 377 390 404 417 430

712 739 766 794 821 849 878 906 935

18,260 18,958 19,658 20,361 21,065 21,792 22,520 23,249 23,980

28,866 29,970 31,077 32,188 33,301 34,450 35,601 36,754 37,909

Design Criteria and Constraints

Table 2. 5 Design Criteria and Constraints

Design Criteria Constraint

Construction cost P1 billion – P 1.5 billion construction cost (ESTIMATED AS OF NOW)

Life Span 20 – 25 years can be functional

Efficiency At least 20-50 % of over-all efficiency

Reliability Greater than 50% but not less than 80%

The first constraint to be considered is the cost of the project. In considering economic constraints,
proponents estimate P1 billion – P 1.5 billion construction cost. Economic constraints are a type of external
constraint. An external constraint is some factor in the power plant’s external environment that is usually out
of the its control. An economic constraint involves external economic factors that affect a power plant and
are usually outside of its control.

Another constraint that should be considered is the sustainability of the whole design, how can it be beneficial
to the client and how long can the materials be of usage. The project be functional within 20 – 25 years.
Another thing under sustainability is the maintenance work of the longevity of system designs’ effectiveness.

Efficiency is the comparison of how much power is actually produced or performed with what can be achieved
with the same consumption of resources. It is an important factor in determination of productivity. Energy
efficiency has become a very important issue to reduce the consumption of resources on the Earth. The
project will have at least 20-50 % of over-all efficiency. Now power and energy consumption has become key

concerns, especially huge number of servers are deployed in large cluster configurations that are in need of

Reliability of a power system is generally designated as a measure of the ability of the system to provide
customers with adequate supply. In order to make a reliability analysis of a power system, it is necessary to
have data on reliability of each component electrical equipment used in the system. The project must attain
reliability greater than 50% but not less than 80%. Reliability calculation for the proposed solar power system
must follow IEEE standard 493 (IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Reliable Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems)

Formula for reliability calculation:

Number of Failure
λ(Failure rate per year)=
Total Operating Time
F(t)= ∫ f(x)dx
F(t)= ∫ λe-xλ dx = [−𝑒 −𝑡𝜆 ]0 = 1 − 𝑒 −𝑡𝜆

But, F(t)+R(t)=1

Therefore, R(t)=e-tλ
Reference: IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power

Chapter 3 Project Design Methodology
The design project will provide a solution to the additional power needed to cater for power demand of
PELCO II by providing options or tradeoffs of four different types of transmission lines that will be used to
transmit bulk power harvested from solar power system to supply for the required power demand. Several
data were gathered to create the load characteristics of the system in formulating the needed power to supply
for the load demand before going through the different proposed power systems.
The design of the solar power system for an existing electrical grid requires backward computation
starting from the load to the proposed additional generating unit.

Figure 3.1 Project Design Hierarchy

The Figure 3.1 shows the flow of the Project Design. Load forecasting estimates the future power demand
which can be based on several factors including time, weather, customer’s classes, historical load, economic
and demographic data, etc.
The second stage of the project is the design of the step-down transmission substation. Step-down
transmission substation connects the transmission line to the distribution system and transforms the
transmission voltage to a suitable distribution voltage, 13.8 kV. The third stage of the project is the design of
transmission line connecting the step-up, and the step-down transmission substation. The fourth stage of the
project is the design of the step-up transmission substation. A step-up transmission substation obtains the
power from the generation side and a large power transformer is utilized to increase the voltage before
sending to long transmission lines. The fifth stage of the project is the design of solar power system that can
supply the forecasted deficiency in the year 2030.

Solar Power System via Overhead, Single Circuit Transmission Line

Figure 3.2 Solar Power System

Step 1: Load 3 Outgoing Feeder

Conductor Sizing for Load 3 Outgoing Feeder

Reserve Capacity of Load 3 Substation in 2030 (See Table 2-2)
PRC = PDC - P2030
PRC =Reserve Capacity
PDC = Dependable Capacity
IEEE Std. 1013 (2000). Load
PRC = 6223 kW – 9606 kW Computation, Future Maximum Demand,
Section 6, p.236
PRC = -3383 kW (Deficient)
3383 kW
Full Load Current= =141.5345 A
√3 (13.8 kV)

Feeder Conductor
If =141.5345 A x 1.25=176.9181 A
NEC Section 240-3: General
The size of feeder conductor should be 176.9181 A as Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be and other conductors
the full load current.

Length of Feeder Conductor going to Bus Bar 3 IEC 60634-5: Minimum

L=500 meters Cable Size

Step 2: Load 1 Outgoing Feeder

Conductor Sizing for Load 1 Outgoing Feeder
Reserve Capacity of Guagua Substation in 2030 (See Table 2-2)
PRC = PDC - P2030
PRC =Reserve Capacity
PDC = Dependable Capacity
IEEE Std. 1013 (2000). Load
PRC = 2801 kW – 4323 kW Computation, Future Maximum Demand,
Section 6, p.236
PRC = -1522 kW (Deficient)
1522 kW
Full Load Current= =66.5702 A
√3 (13.8 kV)

Feeder Conductor
If =66.5702 A x 1.25=83.2128 A
NEC Section 240-3: General
The size of feeder conductor should be 83.2128 A as Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be and other conductors
the full load current.
Length of Feeder Conductor going to Bus Bar 3 IEC 60634-5: Minimum
L=500 meters Cable Size

Step 3: 10 MVA Transformer Substation

Figure 3.2 Proposed Single Line Diagram for 10 MVA Transformer Substation Design

Figure 3.3 Proposed 10 MVA Transformer Substation Design

Switch Gear Design
IDSA = √3 V IEC 62271-102(2001) High-voltage

10 MVA
× 2.5 switchgear and control gear - Part
√3 (13.8 kV)
102: Alternating current disconnectors
IDSA = 1045.9244 A
and earthing switches
IEC standards assume that peak value of making current disconnectors is to be 2.5 times the RMS value of
rated short circuit current for MV (13.8 kV) switches and between 1.7-2.2 times for LV switches.
Use: 12 – 100 A – Medium Split-Core 1.25” (32mm) Opening

Disconnector Rating
Voltage Transformer IEC 62271-102(2001) High-voltage
69 kV switchgear and control gear - Part
VT- Primary Voltage = √3
102: Alternating current disconnectors
VT- Primary Voltage = 39.8372 kV and earthing switches
13.8 kV
VT-Secondary Voltage = √3 IEC 60099-8(2011) Part 8/IEEE C62.22
VT- Secondary Voltage = 7.9674 kV page 8 – 16; Standard for Lightning
Arrester and Ground Voltage Fault
Type: Disconnector Material: Porcelain
Rated Voltage: 13.2 kV Application

Current Transformer
IGROUNDING = 43. 7386 A
Use: Primary Current = 100 A IEC 60099-8(2011) Part 8/IEEE C62.22
Secondary Current = 5 A page 8 – 16; Standard for Lightning
Accuracy Power = 30 VA Arrester and Ground Voltage Fault
Accuracy Class = 0.5

Lighting Arrester
Voltage ×1.05
VLA = NEC (2001) Article 310, Table 310.60
Highest Voltage (C) (67) and 310.60(C) (69), page 226;
69 kV × 1.05
VLA = √3 Conductor for general wiring
VLA = 41.829 kV
Use: RP1 Primary Side Normal Duty Distribution Class (ZnO)
Philippine Grid Code PP. (32) Section 3.2.3 – the
Nominal Voltage system owner must ensure that the voltage variation
13.8 kV × 1.05
VLA = must be not more or less than +-5% of the nominal
voltage at any point during normal operation.
VLA = 11.9512 kV
Use: RP1 Load Side Normal Duty Distribution Class (ZnO)

Bus Bar Sizing Copper Development Association

(2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
for general wiring 22
10 MVA
ILF = √3 (13.8 kV)
ILF = 418.3697 A


IBUS = 418.3697 A + 418.3697 A + 418.3697 A IEEE Std Red Book C4 A4.5. Page
IBUS = 1255.1091 A 124 - 125: Solving 3 phase current
Use: 750 MCM or 375 mm2

Bus Bar Dimension

Direct in ground – ¼ x 8, ⅜ x 6, ½ x 5, ½ x Copper development association
6, ¾ x 4, ¾ x 5 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
Free air – ¼ x 6, ⅜ x 5 for general wiring
For 30˚C Rise
Copper Development Association Inc.

Resistance per Meter Copper development association

0.68 × 10
RDCBUSBAR = (0.00635) (0.125) (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
RDCBUSBAR = 7.0452 × 10-4 Ω/m for general wiring
(0.2) (0.68 × 10 )
Copper development association
RACBUSBAR = (0.00635) (0.125)
(2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
RACBUSBAR = 7.5825 × 10-6 Ω/m for general wiring

Inductance Per Meter and Inductive Reactance Per Meter

(31.9) (0.125) (0.125)
L= (0.125)
L = 3.9875 × 10-9 H/m Copper Development Association
XL = 2π (60) (3.99×10−9) (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
X = 1.5042 Ω/m for general wiring.

Capacitance Per Meter and Capacitive Reactance Per Meter

(0.225) (8.8542×10 ) (0.125)
C= (0.125)
C = 15.9376 × 10-24 F/m Copper Development Association
1 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
Xc = -24
2π (6) (5937610×10 ) for general wiring.
Xc = 1.6644 × 1020 Ω/m

ZBUS = [√ (3 9875×10−9) × (5 9376×10−2)]
ZBUS = 2.5209 × 10-16 Ω/m Copper Development Association
1.5042×10 ×5.9376×10
-2 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
Φ = tan -6 for general wiring.
Φ= 90∘
ZTOTAL = 2.5209 × 10-6 Ω/m × (10 m)
ZTOTAL = 2.5209 × 10-15∠-90
Use: Dimensions in meter: 6.35 mm × 152 mm IEEE Std Gray Book C8.3.3 page 231:
Basic insulating materials are either
organic or inorganic.
Skin Effect Ratio at 70℃: 1.18
Area in CM: 1910CM

Step Down Transformer

At Primary Winding:
Iprimary =
10 MVA
Iprimary =
√3(13.8kV) IEEE Standard C57.12.00-2010,
Standard general requirements for power
Iprimary =418.3698 A and regulation transformers

Conductor Sizing
I=418.3698 A x 1.25= 522.9622 A
The size of feeder conductor should be 522.9622 A as NEC Section 240-3: General
Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be
and other conductors
the full load current.

Earthing Conductor Sizing (as per IEEE Std 80-2000 and IEC 60364-5-54)
√TCAPx10 ln ( Ko +Tm )
tc a r ρr Ko +Ta

A = minimum conductor cross-section area in (mm2)
I = RMS current (kA)
TCAP = thermal capacity per unit volume of conductor material (J.cm-3.ºC-1)
tc = duration of current (seconds)
ar = thermal coefficient of resistivity for reference temperature Tr in (ºC-1)
ρr = resistivity of conductor at reference temperature Tr (µΩ.cm)
Ko is a parameter calculated as shown below (ºC)

Ko =ao = -T
ar r
ao = thermal coefficient of resistivity at 0ºC (ºC-1)
Tr = reference temperature for material constants (ºC)
Values of the variables used for copper, annealed soft drawn with material conductivity 100% above have
been taken to be the following (See Appendix A)
TCAP = 3.42x10-3 J.cm-3.ºC-1
ar = 0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1
ρr = 1.72 µΩ.cm
Ko = 234 ºC
Tm = 1083 ºC
Ta = 30 ºC

For MV Station earthing grid, tc =1 sec (See Appendix A)

-3 -4
√ (3.42x10 J.cm-3.ºC-1)x10 234 ºC+1083 ºC
ln ( )
(1 sec)(0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1)(1.72 µΩ.cm) 234 ºC+30 ºC
PEC part 2, Article
(b): System Grounding
A=32.8067 mm2
Therefore, use 38 mm2 for Earthing Conductor as per PEC, Article 9.1 Table, Table

At Secondary Winding:
Isecondary =
10 MVA
Isecondary = IEEE Standard C57.12.00-2010,
√3(34.5 kV) Standard general requirements for power
and regulation transformers
Isecondary =167.3479 A

Conductor Sizing
I=167.3479 A x 1.25= 209.1849 A
The size of feeder conductor should be 209.1849 A as NEC Section 240-3: General
Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be
and other conductors
the full load current.
Earthing Conductor Sizing (as per IEEE Std 80-2000 and IEC 60364-5-54)
√TCAPx10 ln ( Ko +Tm )
tc a r ρr Ko +Ta

A = minimum conductor cross-section area in (mm2)
I = RMS current (kA)
TCAP = thermal capacity per unit volume of conductor material (J.cm-3.ºC-1)
tc = duration of current (seconds)
ar = thermal coefficient of resistivity for reference temperature Tr in (ºC-1)
ρr = resistivity of conductor at reference temperature Tr (µΩ.cm)
Ko is a parameter calculated as shown below (ºC)

Ko =ao = -T
ar r
ao = thermal coefficient of resistivity at 0ºC (ºC-1)
Tr = reference temperature for material constants (ºC)

Values of the variables used for copper, annealed soft drawn with material conductivity 100% above have
been taken to be the following (See Appendix A)
TCAP = 3.42x10-3 J.cm-3.ºC-1
ar = 0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1
ρr = 1.72 µΩ.cm
Ko = 234 ºC
Tm = 1083 ºC
Ta = 30 ºC

For MV Station earthing grid, tc =1 sec (See Appendix A)

-3 -4
√ (3.42x10 J.cm-3.ºC-1)x10 234 ºC+1083 ºC
ln ( )
(1 sec)(0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1)(1.72 µΩ.cm) 234 ºC+30 ºC
PEC part 2, Article
(b): System Grounding
A=13.1227 mm2
Therefore, use 14 mm2 for Earthing Conductor as per PEC, Article 9.1 Table, Table

Figure 3.4 Proposed Earthling Layout Design
Step 4: Load 2 Outgoing Feeder

Conductor Sizing for Load 2 Outgoing Feeder

Reserve Capacity of Load 2 Substation in 2030 (See Table 2-2)
PRC = PDC - P2030
PRC =Reserve Capacity
PDC = Dependable Capacity
IEEE Std. 1013 (2000). Load
PRC = 5744 kW – 8866 kW Computation, Future Maximum Demand,
Section 6, p.236
PRC = -3122 kW (Deficient)
3122 kW
Full Load Current= =130.6150 A
√3 (13.8 kV)

Feeder Conductor
If =130.6150 A x 1.25=163.2688 A
NEC Section 240-3: General
The size of feeder conductor should be 163.2688 A as Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be and other conductors
the full load current.

Length of Feeder Conductor going to Bus Bar 3 IEC 60634-5: Minimum

L=500 meters Cable Size

Step 5: Load 4 Outgoing Feeder

Conductor Sizing for Load 4 Outgoing Feeder

Reserve Capacity of Load 4 Substation in 2030 (See Table 2-2)
PRC = PDC - P2030
PRC =Reserve Capacity
PDC = Dependable Capacity
IEEE Std. 1013 (2000). Load
PRC = 3203 kW – 4944 kW Computation, Future Maximum Demand,
Section 6, p.236
PRC = -1741 kW (Deficient)
1741 kW
Full Load Current= =72.8382 A
√3 (13.8 kV)

Feeder Conductor
If =72.8382 A x 1.25=91.0477 A
NEC Section 240-3: General
The size of feeder conductor should be 91.0477 A as Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be and other conductors
the full load current.

Length of Feeder Conductor going to Bus Bar 3 IEC 60634-5: Minimum

L=500 meters Cable Size

Step 6: Load 5 Outgoing Feeder

Conductor Sizing for Load 5 Outgoing Feeder

Reserve Capacity of Load 5 Substation in 2030 (See Table 2-2)
PRC = PDC - P2030
PRC =Reserve Capacity
PDC = Dependable Capacity
IEEE Std. 1013 (2000). Load
PRC = 5705 kW – 8806 kW Computation, Future Maximum Demand,
Section 6, p.236
PRC = -3101 kW (Deficient)
3101 kW
Full Load Current= =137.7207 A
√3 (13.8 kV)

Feeder Conductor
If =137.7207 A x 1.25=137.7207 A
NEC Section 240-3: General
The size of feeder conductor should be 137.7207 A as Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be and other conductors
the full load current.

Length of Feeder Conductor going to Bus Bar 3 IEC 60634-5: Minimum

L=500 meters Cable Size

Step 7: Load 6 Outgoing Feeder

Conductor Sizing for Load 6 Outgoing Feeder

Reserve Capacity of Load 6 Substation in 2030 (See Table 2-2)
PRC = PDC - P2030
PRC =Reserve Capacity
PDC = Dependable Capacity
IEEE Std. 1013 (2000). Load
PRC = 278 kW – 430 kW Computation, Future Maximum Demand,
Section 6, p.236
PRC = -152 kW (Deficient)
152 kW
Full Load Current= =6.3592 A
√3 (13.8 kV)

Feeder Conductor
If =6.3592 A x 1.25=7.9490 A
NEC Section 240-3: General
The size of feeder conductor should be 7.9490 A as Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be and other conductors
the full load current.

Length of Feeder Conductor going to Bus Bar 3 IEC 60634-5: Minimum

L=500 meters Cable Size

Step 8: Load 7 Outgoing Feeder

Conductor Sizing for Load 7 Outgoing Feeder

Reserve Capacity of Load 7 Substation in 2030 (See Table 2-2)
PRC = PDC - P2030
PRC =Reserve Capacity
PDC = Dependable Capacity
IEEE Std. 1013 (2000). Load
PRC = 606 kW – 935 kW Computation, Future Maximum Demand,
Section 6, p.236
PRC = -329 kW (Deficient)
329 kW
Full Load Current= =13.7644 A
√3 (13.8 kV)

Feeder Conductor
If =13.7644 A x 1.25=17.2055 A
NEC Section 240-3: General
The size of feeder conductor should be 13.7644 A as Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be and other conductors
the full load current.

Length of Feeder Conductor going to Bus Bar 3 IEC 60634-5: Minimum

L=500 meters Cable Size

Step 9: 20 MVA Transformer Substation

Figure 3.4 Proposed Single Line Diagram for 20 MVA Transformer Substation Design

Figure 3.5 Proposed 20 MVA Transformer Substation Design Layout

Switch Gear Design

IDSA = √3 V IEC 62271-102(2001) High-voltage
10 MVA switchgear and control gear - Part
IDSA = × 2.5
√3 (13.8 kV) 102: Alternating current disconnectors
IDSA = 1045.9244 A and earthing switches
IEC standards assume that peak value of making current disconnectors is to be 2.5 times the RMS value of
rated short circuit current for MV (13.8 kV) switches and between 1.7-2.2 times for LV switches.
Use: 12 – 100 A – Medium Split-Core 1.25” (32mm) Opening

Disconnector Rating
Voltage Transformer IEC 62271-102(2001) High-voltage
69 kV switchgear and control gear - Part
VT- Primary Voltage = √3
102: Alternating current disconnectors
VT- Primary Voltage = 39.8372 kV and earthing switches
13.8 kV
VT-Secondary Voltage = √3 IEC 60099-8(2011) Part 8/IEEE C62.22
VT- Secondary Voltage = 7.9674 kV page 8 – 16; Standard for Lightning
Arrester and Ground Voltage Fault
Type: Disconnector Material: Porcelain
Rated Voltage: 13.2 kV Application

Current Transformer
IGROUNDING = 43. 7386 A
Use: Primary Current = 100 A IEC 60099-8(2011) Part 8/IEEE C62.22
Secondary Current = 5 A page 8 – 16; Standard for Lightning
Accuracy Power = 30 VA Arrester and Ground Voltage Fault
Accuracy Class = 0.5

Lighting Arrester
Voltage ×1.05
VLA = NEC (2001) Article 310, Table 310.60
Highest Voltage (C) (67) and 310.60(C) (69), page 226;
69 kV × 1.05
VLA = √3 Conductor for general wiring
VLA = 41.829 kV
Use: RP1 Primary Side Normal Duty Distribution Class (ZnO)
Philippine Grid Code PP. (32) Section 3.2.3 – the
Nominal Voltage system owner must ensure that the voltage variation
13.8 kV × 1.05
VLA = must be not more or less than +-5% of the nominal
VLA = 11.9512 kV voltage at any point during normal operation.
Use: RP1 Load Side Normal Duty Distribution Class (ZnO)

Bus Bar Sizing Copper Development Association

10 MVA
ILF = √3 (13.8 kV) (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
ILF = 418.3697 A for general wiring


IBUS = 418.3697 A + 418.3697 A + 418.3697 A IEEE Std Red Book C4 A4.5. Page
IBUS = 1255.1091 A 124 - 125: Solving 3 phase current
Use: 750 MCM or 375 mm2

Bus Bar Dimension

Direct in ground – ¼ x 8, ⅜ x 6, ½ x 5, ½ x Copper development association
6, ¾ x 4, ¾ x 5 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
Free air – ¼ x 6, ⅜ x 5
for general wiring
For 30˚C Rise
Copper Development Association Inc.
Copper development association
Resistance per Meter
-6 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
0.68 × 10
RDCBUSBAR = (0.00635) (0.125) for general wiring
RDCBUSBAR = 7.0452 × 10-4 Ω/m
(0.2) (0.68 × 10 ) Copper development association
RACBUSBAR = (0.00635) (0.125) (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
RACBUSBAR = 7.5825 × 10-6 Ω/m for general wiring

Inductance Per Meter and Inductive Reactance Per Meter

(31.9) (0.125) (0.125)
L= (0.125)
L = 3.9875 × 10-9 H/m Copper Development Association
XL = 2π (60) (3.99×10−9) (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
XL = 1.5042 Ω/m for general wiring.

Capacitance Per Meter and Capacitive Reactance Per Meter

(0.225) (8.8542×10 ) (0.125)
C= (0.125)
C = 15.9376 × 10-24 F/m Copper Development Association
1 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
Xc = -24
2π (6) (5937610×10 ) for general wiring.
Xc = 1.6644 × 1020 Ω/m

ZBUS = [√ (3 9875×10−9) × (5 9376×10−2)]
ZBUS = 2.5209 × 10-16 Ω/m Copper Development Association
1.5042×10 ×5.9376×10
-2 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
Φ = tan -6 for general wiring.
Φ= 90∘
ZTOTAL = 2.5209 × 10-6 Ω/m × (10 m)
ZTOTAL = 2.5209 × 10-15∠-90
IEEE Std Gray Book C8.3.3 page 231:
Use: Dimensions in meter: 6.35 mm × 152 mm
Basic insulating materials are either
Skin Effect Ratio at 70℃: 1.18
organic or inorganic.
Area in CM: 1910CM

Step Down Transformer

At Primary Winding:
Iprimary =
20 MVA
Iprimary =
√3(13.8kV) IEEE Standard C57.12.00-2010,
Standard general requirements for power
Iprimary =836.7395 A and regulation transformers

Conductor Sizing
I=836.7395 A x 1.25= 1045.9244 A
The size of feeder conductor should be 1045.9244 A as NEC Section 240-3: General
Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be
and other conductors
the full load current.
Earthing Conductor Sizing (as per IEEE Std 80-2000 and IEC 60364-5-54)
√TCAPx10 ln ( Ko +Tm )
tc a r ρr Ko +Ta

A = minimum conductor cross-section area in (mm2)
I = RMS current (kA)
TCAP = thermal capacity per unit volume of conductor material (J.cm-3.ºC-1)
tc = duration of current (seconds)
ar = thermal coefficient of resistivity for reference temperature Tr in (ºC-1)
ρr = resistivity of conductor at reference temperature Tr (µΩ.cm)
Ko is a parameter calculated as shown below (ºC)

Ko =ao = -T
ar r
ao = thermal coefficient of resistivity at 0ºC (ºC-1)
Tr = reference temperature for material constants (ºC)

Values of the variables used for copper, annealed soft drawn with material conductivity 100% above have
been taken to be the following (See Appendix A)
TCAP = 3.42x10-3 J.cm-3.ºC-1
ar = 0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1
ρr = 1.72 µΩ.cm
Ko = 234 ºC
Tm = 1083 ºC
Ta = 30 ºC

For MV Station earthing grid, tc =1 sec (See Appendix A)

-3 -4
√ (3.42x10 J.cm-3.ºC-1)x10 234 ºC+1083 ºC
ln ( )
(1 sec)(0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1)(1.72 µΩ.cm) 234 ºC+30 ºC
PEC part 2, Article
(b): System Grounding
A=65.6134 mm2
Therefore, use 80 mm2 for Earthing Conductor as per PEC, Article 9.1 Table, Table

At Secondary Winding:
Isecondary =
10 MVA
Isecondary = IEEE Standard C57.12.00-2010,
√3(34.5 kV) Standard general requirements for power
and regulation transformers
Isecondary =167.3479 A

Conductor Sizing
I=167.3479 A x 1.25= 209.1849 A
The size of feeder conductor should be 209.1849 A as NEC Section 240-3: General
Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be
and other conductors
the full load current.

Earthing Conductor Sizing (as per IEEE Std 80-2000 and IEC 60364-5-54)
√TCAPx10 ln ( Ko +Tm )
tc a r ρr Ko +Ta

A = minimum conductor cross-section area in (mm2)
I = RMS current (kA)
TCAP = thermal capacity per unit volume of conductor material (J.cm-3.ºC-1)
tc = duration of current (seconds)
ar = thermal coefficient of resistivity for reference temperature Tr in (ºC-1)
ρr = resistivity of conductor at reference temperature Tr (µΩ.cm)
Ko is a parameter calculated as shown below (ºC)

Ko =ao = -T
ar r
ao = thermal coefficient of resistivity at 0ºC (ºC-1)
Tr = reference temperature for material constants (ºC)

Values of the variables used for copper, annealed soft drawn with material conductivity 100% above have
been taken to be the following (See Appendix A)
TCAP = 3.42x10-3 J.cm-3.ºC-1
ar = 0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1
ρr = 1.72 µΩ.cm
Ko = 234 ºC
Tm = 1083 ºC
Ta = 30 ºC

For MV Station earthing grid, tc =1 sec (See Appendix A)

PEC part 2, Article
(b): System Grounding

-3 -4
√ (3.42x10 J.cm-3.ºC-1)x10 234 ºC+1083 ºC
ln ( )
(1 sec)(0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1)(1.72 µΩ.cm) 234 ºC+30 ºC

A=13.1227 mm2

Therefore, use 14 mm2 for Earthing Conductor as per PEC, Article 9.1 Table, Table

Figure 3.6 Proposed Earthling Layout Design

Step 10: Receiving End Transformer Substation

Figure 3.6 Proposed Single Line Diagram for Receiving End Transformer Substation Design

Figure 3.7 Proposed Receiving End Transformer Substation Design Layout

Switch Gear Design

IDSA = √3 V IEC 62271-102(2001) High-voltage
10 MVA switchgear and control gear - Part
IDSA = × 2.5
√3 (13.8 kV) 102: Alternating current disconnectors
IDSA = 1045.9244 A and earthing switches
IEC standards assume that peak value of making current disconnectors is to be 2.5 times the RMS value of
rated short circuit current for MV (13.8 kV) switches and between 1.7-2.2 times for LV switches.
Use: 12 – 100 A – Medium Split-Core 1.25” (32mm) Opening

Disconnector Rating
IEC 62271-102(2001) High-voltage
Voltage Transformer
69 kV switchgear and control gear - Part
VT- Primary Voltage = √3 102: Alternating current disconnectors
and earthing switches
VT- Primary Voltage = 39.8372 kV

13.8 kV
VT-Secondary Voltage = √3 IEC 60099-8(2011) Part 8/IEEE C62.22
VT- Secondary Voltage = 7.9674 kV page 8 – 16; Standard for Lightning
Arrester and Ground Voltage Fault
Type: Disconnector Material: Porcelain
Rated Voltage: 13.2 kV Application

Current Transformer
IGROUNDING = 43. 7386 A
Use: Primary Current = 100 A IEC 60099-8(2011) Part 8/IEEE C62.22
Secondary Current = 5 A page 8 – 16; Standard for Lightning
Accuracy Power = 30 VA Arrester and Ground Voltage Fault
Accuracy Class = 0.5

Lighting Arrester
Voltage ×1.05
VLA = NEC (2001) Article 310, Table 310.60
Highest Voltage (C) (67) and 310.60(C) (69), page 226;
69 kV × 1.05
VLA = √3 Conductor for general wiring
VLA = 41.829 kV
Use: RP1 Primary Side Normal Duty Distribution Class (ZnO)
Philippine Grid Code PP. (32) Section 3.2.3 – the
Nominal Voltage system owner must ensure that the voltage variation
13.8 kV × 1.05
VLA = must be not more or less than +-5% of the nominal
VLA = 11.9512 kV voltage at any point during normal operation.
Use: RP1 Load Side Normal Duty Distribution Class (ZnO)

Bus Bar Sizing Copper Development Association

10 MVA
ILF = √3 (13.8 kV) (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
ILF = 418.3697 A for general wiring

IBUS = ILF1 + ILF2 + ILF3 IEEE Std Red Book C4 A4.5. Page
IBUS = 418.3697 A + 418.3697 A + 418.3697 A 124 - 125: Solving 3 phase current
IBUS = 1255.1091 A
Use: 750 MCM or 375 mm2

Bus Bar Dimension

Direct in ground – ¼ x 8, ⅜ x 6, ½ x 5, ½ x Copper development association
6, ¾ x 4, ¾ x 5 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
Free air – ¼ x 6, ⅜ x 5 for general wiring
For 30˚C Rise
Copper Development Association Inc.
Copper development association
(2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
for general wiring 40
Resistance per Meter
0.68 × 10
RDCBUSBAR = (0.00635) (0.125)
RDCBUSBAR = 7.0452 × 10-4 Ω/m
(0.2) (0.68 × 10 )
Copper development association
RACBUSBAR = (0.00635) (0.125)
(2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
RACBUSBAR = 7.5825 × 10-6 Ω/m for general wiring

Inductance Per Meter and Inductive Reactance Per Meter

(31.9) (0.125) (0.125)
L= (0.125)
L = 3.9875 × 10-9 H/m Copper Development Association
XL = 2π (60) (3.99×10−9) (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
XL = 1.5042 Ω/m for general wiring.

Capacitance Per Meter and Capacitive Reactance Per Meter

(0.225) (8.8542×10 ) (0.125)
C= (0.125)
C = 15.9376 × 10-24 F/m Copper Development Association
1 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
Xc = -24
2π (6) (5937610×10 ) for general wiring.
Xc = 1.6644 × 1020 Ω/m

ZBUS = [√ (3 9875×10−9) × (5 9376×10−2)]
Copper Development Association
ZBUS = 2.5209 × 10-16 Ω/m
-9 -2 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
1.5042×10 ×5.9376×10
Φ = tan -6 for general wiring.
Φ= 90∘
ZTOTAL = 2.5209 × 10-6 Ω/m × (10 m)
ZTOTAL = 2.5209 × 10-15∠-90
Use: Dimensions in meter: 6.35 mm × 152 mm IEEE Std Gray Book C8.3.3 page 231:
Skin Effect Ratio at 70℃: 1.18 Basic insulating materials are either
Area in CM: 1910CM organic or inorganic.

Step Down Transformer

At Primary Winding:
Iprimary =
30 MVA
Iprimary =
√3(34.5kV) IEEE Standard C57.12.00-2010,
Standard general requirements for power
Iprimary =502.0437 A and regulation transformers

Conductor Sizing
I=502.0437 A x 1.25= 627.5546 A
The size of feeder conductor should be 627.5546 A as NEC Section 240-3: General
Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be
and other conductors
the full load current.

Earthing Conductor Sizing (as per IEEE Std 80-2000 and IEC 60364-5-54)
√TCAPx10 ln ( Ko +Tm )
tc a r ρr Ko +Ta

A = minimum conductor cross-section area in (mm2)
I = RMS current (kA)
TCAP = thermal capacity per unit volume of conductor material (J.cm-3.ºC-1)
tc = duration of current (seconds)
ar = thermal coefficient of resistivity for reference temperature Tr in (ºC-1)
ρr = resistivity of conductor at reference temperature Tr (µΩ.cm)
Ko is a parameter calculated as shown below (ºC)

Ko =ao = -T
ar r
ao = thermal coefficient of resistivity at 0ºC (ºC-1)
Tr = reference temperature for material constants (ºC)

Values of the variables used for copper, annealed soft drawn with material conductivity 100% above have
been taken to be the following (See Appendix A)
TCAP = 3.42x10-3 J.cm-3.ºC-1
ar = 0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1
ρr = 1.72 µΩ.cm
Ko = 234 ºC
Tm = 1083 ºC
Ta = 30 ºC

For MV Station earthing grid, tc =1 sec (See Appendix A)

-3 -4
√ (3.42x10 J.cm-3.ºC-1)x10 234 ºC+1083 ºC
ln ( )
(1 sec)(0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1)(1.72 µΩ.cm) 234 ºC+30 ºC PEC part 2, Article
(b): System Grounding
A=39.3681 mm2

Therefore, use 50 mm2 for Earthing Conductor as per PEC, Article 9.1 Table, Table

At Secondary Winding:
Isecondary =
30 MVA
Isecondary = IEEE Standard C57.12.00-2010,
√3(69 kV) Standard general requirements for power
and regulation transformers
Isecondary =251.0219 A

Conductor Sizing
I=251.0219 A x 1.25= 313.7773 A
The size of feeder conductor should be 313.7773 A as NEC Section 240-3: General
Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be
and other conductors
the full load current.

Earthing Conductor Sizing (as per IEEE Std 80-2000 and IEC 60364-5-54)
√TCAPx10 ln ( Ko +Tm )
tc a r ρr Ko +Ta

A = minimum conductor cross-section area in (mm2)
I = RMS current (kA)
TCAP = thermal capacity per unit volume of conductor material (J.cm-3.ºC-1)
tc = duration of current (seconds)
ar = thermal coefficient of resistivity for reference temperature Tr in (ºC-1)
ρr = resistivity of conductor at reference temperature Tr (µΩ.cm)
Ko is a parameter calculated as shown below (ºC)

Ko =ao = -T
ar r
ao = thermal coefficient of resistivity at 0ºC (ºC-1)
Tr = reference temperature for material constants (ºC)

Values of the variables used for copper, annealed soft drawn with material conductivity 100% above have
been taken to be the following (See Appendix A)
TCAP = 3.42x10-3 J.cm-3.ºC-1
ar = 0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1
ρr = 1.72 µΩ.cm
Ko = 234 ºC
Tm = 1083 ºC
Ta = 30 ºC

For MV Station earthing grid, tc =1 sec (See Appendix A)

-3 -4
√ (3.42x10 J.cm-3.ºC-1)x10 234 ºC+1083 ºC
ln ( )
(1 sec)(0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1)(1.72 µΩ.cm) 234 ºC+30 ºC
PEC part 2, Article
(b): System Grounding
A=19.6840 mm2
Therefore, use 22 mm2 for Earthing Conductor as per PEC, Article 9.1 Table, Table

Figure 3.8 Proposed Earthling Layout Design

Step 10: Design of Transmission Line

Design Option 1: Single Circuit Transmission Line via Route 1

Figure 3.9 Proposed Single Circuit Steel Tower

Figure 3.10 Transmission of Power from Porac to Guagua via Route Option 1

Transmission line Conductor Sizing

An amperage of 313.7773 A is calculated from receiving end substation and ASCR Pigeon Conductor has
an ampacity rating of 315 Amperes, thus it is practically optional to utilize in this design.

Conductor Weight Calculation

The characteristics below are the specifications for ACSR Pigeon Conductor
Note: Specifications are based from the South wire manufacturer for the selected conductor (See Appendix
 Ampacity Rating: 315 Amperes
 Weight of conductor: 230 lbm/1000 ft = 3.3566 N/m
 Rated Strength: 6620 lbm = 29,447.2271 N
 For wind loading, the maximum recorded weather condition on Pampanga will be used for safety
purposes. Max Wind Speed for Pampanga = 67 m/s

The wind pressure can be approximated by:

Pair = (Density of air)(Wind speed)2 (Shape factor)
 The density of air is about 1.25 kg/m3.
 The shape factor (drag coefficient) depends on the shape of the body. It has order of magnitude 1
and is dimension less.

1 kg m 2 N
Pair = (1.25 3 ) (6.7 ) (1)=28.0563 2
2 m s m

Wwind =Pair (d+2t)

Wwind = Wind pressure per m2 of projected area × projected area per meter length
Wwind =Pair (d+2t)= (28.0563 ) (0.01887m+2(0))=0.5294
m2 m
t = 0, since the cable is bare conductor

N 2 N 2 N
W=√(WC )2 +(WWind )2 =√(3.3566 ) + (0.5294 ) =3.3981
m m m

For tower span, L would be 360 meters since the adopted range of span of 69 kV Transmission lines is 350
m – 360 m. But for some reason a span of 360m cannot be adopted at all times due to the road orientation.
Sag and Tension Computation
29,447.2271 N
TWorking = =14723.6136 N,

For a safety factor of 2

Analysis at Tower 1 and Tower 2

Figure 3.11 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 1 and 2

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =33 m above sea level

h=|H2 -H1 |=|33 m-30 m|=3 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (3m)(14723.6163 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (3.3981 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 143.8952 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 143.8952 m
=216.1075 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(3.3981 N/m)(143.8952 m)2 page 65
2(14723.6163 N)
= 2.3893 m
Clearance=25 m-YMax
=30 m-2.3893 m
=27.6107 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.6101 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(2.3893 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.04229 m

Analysis at Tower 2 and Tower 3

Figure 3.12 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 2 and 3

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =33 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|33 m-30 m|=3 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (3m)(14723.6163 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (3.3981 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 143.8952 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 143.8952 m
=216.1075 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(3.3981 N/m)(143.8952 m)2 page 65
2(14723.6163 N)
= 2.3893 m
Clearance=25 m-YMax

=30 m-2.3893 m
=27.6107 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.6101 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(2.3893 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.04229 m

Analysis at Tower 3 and Tower 4

Figure 3.13 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 3 and 4

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =32 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|33 m-30 m|=2 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL

360 m (2m)(14723.6163 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (3.3981 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 155.9284 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 155.9284 m
=204.0716 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(3.3981 N/m)(155.9284 m)2 page 65
2(14723.6163 N)
= 2.8057 m
Clearance=30 m-YMax
=30 m-2.8057 m
=27.1943 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.1943 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(2.8057 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0583 m

Analysis at Tower 4 and Tower 5

Figure 3.14 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 4 and 5

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =31 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|31 m-30 m|=1 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (1m)(14723.6163 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (3.3981 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 167.9642 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 167.9642 m
=192.0356 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(3.3981 N/m)(167.9642 m)2 page 65
2(14723.6163 N)
= 3.2556 m
Clearance=30 m-YMax

=30 m-3.2566m
=26.7444 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 26.7444 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(3.2556 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0785 m

Table 3. 1 Shows the calculated data gathered of transmission towers from 5 to 40

This table shows the information of the sag and tension from tower 1 and tower 2, the data is ascending from
towers 1 to 4, the negative sign in height means that the next elevation of the tower is either upward or
downward depends on the change
X1 (m) X2 (m) (m) Sag1 (m) Clearance (m) Conductor length (m)
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085
167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085
155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085
155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085
155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866

167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085
155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
228.1433 131.8567121 -4 6.006302 23.99369834 360.2672271
204.0716 155.928356 -2 4.805705 25.19429537 360.1710726
228.1433 131.8567121 -4 6.006302 23.99369834 360.2672271
192.0358 167.964178 -1 4.255555 25.74444463 360.1341463
204.0716 155.928356 -2 4.805705 25.19429537 360.1710726
204.0716 155.928356 -2 4.805705 25.19429537 360.1710726
216.1075 143.8925341 -3 5.389287 24.61071328 360.2151438
192.0358 167.964178 -1 4.255555 25.74444463 360.1341463
216.1075 143.8925341 -3 5.389287 24.61071328 360.2151438
204.0716 155.928356 -2 4.805705 25.19429537 360.1710726
192.0358 167.964178 -1 4.255555 25.74444463 360.1341463
216.1075 143.8925341 -3 5.389287 24.61071328 360.2151438
192.0358 167.964178 -1 4.255555 25.74444463 360.1341463

Computation for the total length of the transmission line from Receiving End Substation to Sending End
Total Length = 14043.82 A

. 69 kV Insulator String

For the nominal voltage of 69 kV, the number of suspended insulators is 6 discs. In a suspended insulator,
the line conductor is secured at the bottom disc and the top disc is connected to the cross arm of the tower.

The type of insulators we will use is suspension type insulator for higher voltage rating and of the flexibility of
the line and the mechanical stresses are reduced.

69 kV
Vph = =39837.1686 V
Vph =V1 +V2 +V3 +V4 +V5 +V6
V1 =V1
V2 =V1 (k+1)
V3 =V1 k+V2 (k+1)
V4 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 (k+1)
V5 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 k+V4 (k+1) The Electrical Engineering Handbook,
Second Edition. Table 61.3: Typical Line
V6 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 k+V4 k+V5 (k+1)
Insulation, page 1326

The value of the ratio of capacitance between pin and earth to the self-capacitance or K is 0.11
Solving for all the potential difference at every insulator,
V1 =3766.396 V
V2 =4180.69956 V
V3 =5054.880072 V
V4 =3401.301169 V
V5 =8433.804693 V
V6 =11310.2305 V
String Efficiency= x 100
number of strings x voltage across disc nearest to the conductor
69 kV
String Efficiency= x 100=58.7037 %
6 x 11310.2305 V

To improve string efficiency, the method that we will use is grading the insulators.
Grading the insulators is making the potential difference the same to improve the string efficiency to its
highest peak by adding earth capacitance that is adjusted to different sized insulators.

Assume, Ce =KC
C=Ce K
C2 =C(1+K)
C3 =C(1+3K)
C4 =C(1+6K)
C5 =C(1+10K)
C6 =C(1+15K)

The distribution voltages are almost equal, V1 =V2 =Vn

C=1.02235 x 10−9 F

C2 =1.09069 x 10-9 F

C3 =1.15902 x 10-9 F

C4 =1.22735 x 10-9 F

C5 =1.29568 x 10-9 F

C6 =1.364 x 10-9 F

Solving for the current at each node,

I1 =0.002723 A
I2 =0.002905 A
I3 =0.003087 A
I4 =0.003269 A
I5 =0.003451 A
I6 =0.003633 A
V1 =V2 =Vn =7065.0545 V

String Efficiency= x 100
number of strings x voltage across disc nearest to the conductor
69 kV
String Efficiency= x 100 = 93.977 %
6 x 7065.0545 V

Computing Total Resistance of Overhead Short Transmission Line Conductor

Total resistance of the conductor is computed by the formula
Rconductor =Total length of the conductor x Resistance
Resistance = Resistance of the conductor @ 75 degrees Celsius AC
ACSR Pigeon Resistance = 0.143 Ω/1000 ft = 0.143 Ω/304.8 m
Total length=14043.82 m
0.143 Ω
RConductor =(14043.82 m)( )
304.8 m
Rconductor =6.5888 Ω

Computing Total Inductive Reactance of Overhead Transmission Line Conductor

Total inductive reactance of the conductor is computed by the formula
D H 1000 m
L= (2 x10-7 ln Deq ) m x x Total Length of the conductor
S km

Based on the specification of an ASCR Penguin conductor, the stranding of the conductor is 6/1
The ACSR Penguin has the following diameters:
DiameterTotal =0.563 inch

. 6/1 ACSR Penguin Conductor
The illustration above shows the arrangement of the Aluminum and Steel conductors in an ACSR Penguin

Figure 1.13 Single Circuit Conductors Arrangement

The inductance of the ACSR Penguin can be solved by using the formula:
L=2 x 10-7 ln
GMD = Geometric Mean Distance
GMR = Radius of conductor for inductance

0.563 in 25.4 mm
D12 =1000+ * =1007.1501 mm IER (1956). Table 3.4: Vertical
2 1 in
clearance between conductors, page 25
0.563 in 25.4 mm
D23 =1000+ * =1007.1501 mm
2 1 in
0.563 in 25.4 mm
D31 =2000+ * =2007.1501 mm
2 1 in

IER (1956). Table 3.4: Horizontal

spacing between conductors, page 25
GMD=√D12 D23 D31
GMD=√(1007.1501 mm)(1007.1501 mm)(2007.1501 mm)
GMD = 1267.4264 mm

GMR of Penguin conductor is 0.0101 ft = 0.25654 mm (See Appendix A - TransPowr ACSR Bare Overhead

Substituting the values required for the formula of inductance, we have:

1267.4264 mm H
L=2 x 10-7 ln =1.3944 x 10-6
0.25654 mm m

For a 14043.82 m, the inductive reactance of this ACSR conductor is:

XL =2πfL x 14043.82 m=2π(60 Hz)(1.3944 x 10-6 )(14043.82 m)
XL =7.3825 Ω

Computation for Receiving End Voltage

Figure 2 Short Transmission Line Equivalent Circuit

VSN = sending end voltage per phase
XL = inductive reactance per phase
𝐼𝑅 = load current per phase
Cos Φr = receiving pf (lagging)

R = resistance per phase
VSN = 69kV
R=6.5888 Ω
XL =7.3825 Ω
cos Φs =0.95 (lagging)

69 kV
VRN = -(313.7773 A∠- cos-1 (0.95))(6.5888+j7.3825 Ω)
VRN =37.1823∠-2.397 kV

VR =VRN √3=64.4017∠-2.397 kV
Pf=cos θ = cos(-2.397)=0.9991 lagging


SR =√3(64.4017 kV)(313.7773 A)
SR =35.0009 MVA
VS -VR 69-64.4017
% VR= x 100= x 100
VR 64.4017

%VR=4.14 %
Efficiency= x 100
Efficiency=99.9126 %

Transmission Line Design simulation using Simulink Sim Power Systems

Figure 3 Design Simulation using Simulink

Figure 3.17 Input of Transmission Line Parameters

Data and Results

Steady State
Simscape Power Systems (Specialized Technology) Report.
generated by powergui,
12-Oct-2018 03:22:07

Model : C:\Users\Boss

[1] Steady-State voltages and currents:

States at 60 Hz :

6.9301e+02 A -11.13 ° ---> 'Il_phase_A: Three-Phase RL Load'

6.9301e+02 A -131.13 ° ---> 'Il_phase_B: Three-Phase RL Load'
6.9301e+02 A 108.87 ° ---> 'Il_phase_C: Three-Phase RL Load'

Dependent STATES: (steady state values are not computed)

1: 'Il_phase_A: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

2: 'Il_phase_B: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'
3: 'Il_phase_C: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

Measurements at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U A: Sending End Bus

V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V -8.70° ---> U A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V -128.70° ---> U B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V 111.30° ---> U C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -11.13° ---> I A: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -131.13° ---> I B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A 108.87° ---> I C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -11.13° ---> I A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -131.13° ---> I B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A 108.87° ---> I C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement

Sources at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U_A: Three-Phase Source

3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U_B: Three-Phase Source
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U_C: Three-Phase Source

Nonlinear elements at 60 Hz :

Load Flow
The Load Flow converged in 0 iterations !

SUMMARY for subnetwork No 1

Total generation : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

Total PQ load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total Zshunt load : P= 0.02 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total ASM load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total losses : P= 4205.77 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

1 : *1* V= 0.026 pu/0.0371823kV -43.23 deg

Generation : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
PQ_load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.02 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
--> *2* : P= -0.02 MW Q= -0.00 Mvar

2 : *2* V= 1.000 pu/250kV 0.00 deg ; Swing bus

Generation : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar
PQ_load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
--> *1* : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

The various electrical parameters of transmission lines are determined using Simulink Sim Power
Systems and the generated parameter values are. From the simulation results we observed
that the calculated and simulated values are almost equal.

Short Circuit Analysis
Z1 =6.49 pu
Z2 =6.49 pu
Z0 =5.7460 pu

Figure 3- 4. Fault 1 at Power CB 7

Fault 1 Power CB 7
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 335.1247 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 335.1247 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.1362 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 279.1362 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49)
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) (
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 348.990 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 348990 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 1 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 5. Fault 2 at Power CB 8

Fault 2 at Power CB 8
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 335.124A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 335.124 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 279.136 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 279.136 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
√3 (13.8 kV)
IDLG = 201. 489 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 201.489 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 6. Fault 3 at Power CB 6
Fault 3 at Power CB 6
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 335.1247 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 335.1247 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications

ILL = 279.1362 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 279.1362 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-7. Fault 4 at Power CB 5

Fault 4 at Power CB 5
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial

ILG = 134.265 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 134.265 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.9131 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 111.9131 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 140.0366 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 34.5 kV is 140.0366 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-8. Fault 5 at Power CB 11

Fault 5 at Power CB 11
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 336.201999 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 336.29199 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 280.4325 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 280.432 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
√3 (13.8 kV)
IDLG = 3506111A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 350.61156 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-9. Fault 6 at Power CB 12
Fault 6 at Power CB 12
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 323.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 279.78885 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground
3 (Z2 ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 10. Fault 7 at Power CB 13

Fault 7 at Power CB 13
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 323.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base

√3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage

ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49)
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) (
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 350.0916A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-11. Fault 8 at Power CB 14

Fault 8 at Power CB 14
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is XX A,
therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker
(See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-12. Fault 9 at Power CB 15
Fault 9 at Power CB 15
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15at 13.8 kV is 335.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-13. Fault 10 at Power CB 10

Fault 10 at Power CB 10
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 335.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-13. Fault 11 at Power CB 9

Fault 11 at Power CB 9
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245
Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 139.5961A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 139.5961 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-13. Fault 12 at Power CB 4
Fault 12 at Power CB 4
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 139.5961A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 139.5961 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-14. Fault 13 at Power CB 3

Fault 13 at Power CB 3
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (69 kV)
ILG = 67.0249A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 67.0249 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (69 kV) Applications

ILL = 55.827A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 55.827 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-20:
1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (69 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 69.7981A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 69.7981 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-15. Fault 14 at Power CB 2

Fault 14 at Power CB 2
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 5MVA
ILG = ( ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (34.5 kV) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is
134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See
Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 5MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 139.572A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 139.572 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-16. Fault 15 at Power CB 1
Fault 15 at Power CB 1
Line to Ground
3 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Applications
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (480 V)

ILG = 9634A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 9634 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL Molded
Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric: Commercial
and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50 MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 8025.166A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 8025.166 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL Molded
Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric: Commercial
and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 10033.47565A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 480 V is 10033.47565 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Design Option 1: Single Circuit Transmission Line via Route 2

Figure 3.18 Proposed Single Circuit Steel Tower

Figure 4 Transmission of Power from Angeles to Guagua via Route Option 2

Transmission line Conductor Sizing

An amperage of 313.7773 A is calculated from receiving end substation and ASCR Pigeon Conductor has
an ampacity rating of 315 Amperes, thus it is practically optional to utilize in this design.

Conductor Weight Calculation

The characteristics below are the specifications for ACSR Pigeon Conductor
Note: Specifications are based from the South wire manufacturer for the selected conductor (See Appendix
 Ampacity Rating: 315 Amperes
 Weight of conductor: 230 lbm/1000 ft = 3.3566 N/m
 Rated Strength: 6620 lbm = 29,447.2271 N
 For wind loading, the maximum recorded weather condition on Pampanga will be used for safety
purposes. Max Wind Speed for Pampanga = 67 m/s

The wind pressure can be approximated by:

Pair = (Density of air)(Wind speed)2 (Shape factor)
 The density of air is about 1.25 kg/m3.
 The shape factor (drag coefficient) depends on the shape of the body. It has order of magnitude 1
and is dimension less.

1 kg m 2 N
Pair = (1.25 3 ) (6.7 ) (1)=28.0563 2
2 m s m

Wwind =Pair (d+2t)

Wwind = Wind pressure per m2 of projected area × projected area per meter length
Wwind =Pair (d+2t)= (28.0563 ) (0.01887m+2(0))=0.5294
m2 m
t = 0, since the cable is bare conductor

N 2 N 2 N
W=√(WC )2 +(WWind )2 =√(3.3566 ) + (0.5294 ) =3.3981
m m m

For tower span, L would be 360 meters since the adopted range of span of 69 kV Transmission lines is 350
m – 360 m.

Sag and Tension Computation

29,447.2271 N
TWorking = =14723.6136 N,

For a safety factor of 2

Analysis at Tower 1 and Tower 2

Figure 5 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 1 and 2

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =34 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|34 m-30 m|=4 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (4m)(14723.6163 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (3.3981 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 131.8567 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 131.8567 m
=228.1432879 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(3.3981 N/m)(131.8567 m)2 page 65
2(14723.6163 N)
= 2.006302 m
Clearance=30 m-YMax
=30 m-2.006302 m
=27.99369834 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.6101 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(2.006302 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0298166 m

Analysis at Tower 2 and Tower 3

Figure 6 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 2 and 3

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =33 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|33 m-30 m|=3 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (3m)(14723.6163 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (3.3981 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 143.8952 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 143.8952 m
=216.1075 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(3.3981 N/m)(143.8952 m)2 page 65
2(14723.6163 N)
= 2.3893 m
Clearance=30 m-YMax

=30 m-2.3893 m
=27.6107 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.6101 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(2.3893 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.04229 m

Analysis at Tower 3 and Tower 4

Figure 7 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 3 and 4

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =31 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|31 m-30 m|=1 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL

360 m (1m)(14723.6163 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (3.3981 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 167.9642 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 167.9642 m
=192.035822 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(3.3981 N/m)(167.9642 m)2 page 65
2(14723.6163 N)
= 3.255555 m
Clearance=30 m-YMax
=30 m-3.255555 m
=26.74444463 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.1943 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(3.255555 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0785085 m

Analysis at Tower 4 and Tower 5

Figure 8 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 4 and 5

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =31 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|31 m-30 m|=1 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (1m)(14723.6163 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (3.3981 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 167.9642 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 167.9642 m
=192.0356 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(3.3981 N/m)(167.9642 m)2 page 65
2(14723.6163 N)
= 3.2556 m
Clearance=30 m-YMax

=30 m-3.2566m
=26.7444 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 26.7444 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(3.2556 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0785 m

Table 3. 2 Shows the calculated data gathered of transmission towers from 6 to 53

This table shows the information of the sag and tension from tower 1 and tower 2, the data is ascending
from towers 1 to 4, the negative sign in height means that the next elevation of the tower is either upward or
downward depends on the change
X1 (m) X2 (m) H Sag1 Clearance (m) Conductor length (m)
(m) (m)
131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
119.8209 240.1791099 5 1.656749 28.34325057 360.020332
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
119.8209 240.1791099 5 1.656749 28.34325057 360.020332
155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
119.8209 240.1791099 5 1.656749 28.34325057 360.020332

155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
240.1791 119.8208901 -5 6.656749 23.34325057 360.3282394
216.1075 143.8925341 -3 5.389287 24.61071328 360.2151438
228.1433 131.8567121 -4 6.006302 23.99369834 360.2672271
192.0358 167.964178 -1 4.255555 25.74444463 360.1341463
204.0716 155.928356 -2 4.805705 25.19429537 360.1710726
204.0716 155.928356 -2 4.805705 25.19429537 360.1710726
216.1075 143.8925341 -3 5.389287 24.61071328 360.2151438
192.0358 167.964178 -1 4.255555 25.74444463 360.1341463
216.1075 143.8925341 -3 5.389287 24.61071328 360.2151438
216.1075 143.8925341 -3 5.389287 24.61071328 360.2151438
204.0716 155.928356 -2 4.805705 25.19429537 360.1710726
228.1433 131.8567121 -4 6.006302 23.99369834 360.2672271
204.0716 155.928356 -2 4.805705 25.19429537 360.1710726
180 180 0 3.738839 26.26116105 360.1035475
155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
119.8209 240.1791099 5 1.656749 28.34325057 360.020332
119.8209 240.1791099 5 1.656749 28.34325057 360.020332
119.8209 240.1791099 5 1.656749 28.34325057 360.020332
131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
119.8209 240.1791099 5 1.656749 28.34325057 360.020332
119.8209 240.1791099 5 1.656749 28.34325057 360.020332
119.8209 240.1791099 5 1.656749 28.34325057 360.020332
119.8209 240.1791099 5 1.656749 28.34325057 360.020332
119.8209 240.1791099 5 1.656749 28.34325057 360.020332
119.8209 240.1791099 5 1.656749 28.34325057 360.020332
119.8209 240.1791099 5 1.656749 28.34325057 360.020332
131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
119.8209 240.1791099 5 1.656749 28.34325057 360.020332

Computation for the total length of the transmission line from Receiving End Substation to Sending End
Total Length = 20884.38 m

Figure 9 69 kV Insulator String

For the nominal voltage of 69 kV, the number of suspended insulators is 6 discs. In a suspended insulator,
the line conductor is secured at the bottom disc and the top disc is connected to the cross arm of the tower.
The type of insulators we will use is suspension type insulator for higher voltage rating and of the flexibility of
the line and the mechanical stresses are reduced.

69 kV
Vph = =39837.1686 V
Vph =V1 +V2 +V3 +V4 +V5 +V6
V1 =V1
V2 =V1 (k+1)
V3 =V1 k+V2 (k+1)
V4 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 (k+1)
V5 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 k+V4 (k+1) The Electrical Engineering Handbook,
Second Edition. Table 61.3: Typical Line
V6 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 k+V4 k+V5 (k+1)
Insulation, page 1326

The value of the ratio of capacitance between pin and earth to the self-capacitance or K is 0.11

Solving for all the potential difference at every insulator,
V1 =3766.396 V
V2 =4180.69956 V
V3 =5054.880072 V
V4 =3401.301169 V
V5 =8433.804693 V
V6 =11310.2305 V
String Efficiency= x 100
number of strings x voltage across disc nearest to the conductor
69 kV
String Efficiency= x 100=58.7037 %
6 x 11310.2305 V

To improve string efficiency, the method that we will use is grading the insulators.
Grading the insulators is making the potential difference the same to improve the string efficiency to its
highest peak by adding earth capacitance that is adjusted to different sized insulators.

Assume, Ce =KC
C=Ce K
C2 =C(1+K)
C3 =C(1+3K)
C4 =C(1+6K)
C5 =C(1+10K)
C6 =C(1+15K)

The distribution voltages are almost equal, V1 =V2 =Vn

C=1.02235 x 10−9 F

C2 =1.09069 x 10-9 F

C3 =1.15902 x 10-9 F

C4 =1.22735 x 10-9 F

C5 =1.29568 x 10-9 F

C6 =1.364 x 10-9 F

Solving for the current at each node,

I1 =0.002723 A
I2 =0.002905 A
I3 =0.003087 A
I4 =0.003269 A
I5 =0.003451 A
I6 =0.003633 A
V1 =V2 =Vn =7065.0545 V

String Efficiency= x 100
number of strings x voltage across disc nearest to the conductor
69 kV
String Efficiency= x 100 = 93.977 %
6 x 7065.0545 V

Computing Total Resistance of Overhead Short Transmission Line Conductor

Total resistance of the conductor is computed by the formula
Rconductor =Total length of the conductor x Resistance
Resistance = Resistance of the conductor @ 75 degrees Celsius AC
ACSR Pigeon Resistance = 0.143 Ω/1000 ft = 0.143 Ω/304.8 m
Total length=20884.4 m
0.143 Ω
RConductor =(20884.4 m)( )
304.8 m

Rconductor =9.7981 Ω

Computing Total Inductive Reactance of Overhead Transmission Line Conductor

Total inductive reactance of the conductor is computed by the formula
D H 1000 m
L= (2 x10-7 ln Deq ) m x x Total Length of the conductor
S km

Based on the specification of an ASCR Penguin conductor, the stranding of the conductor is 6/1
The ACSR Penguin has the following diameters:
DiameterTotal =0.563 inch

Figure 10 6/1 ACSR Penguin Conductor

The illustration above shows the arrangement of the Aluminum and Steel conductors in an ACSR Penguin

Figure 11 Single Circuit Conductors Arrangement

The inductance of the ACSR Penguin can be solved by using the formula:
L=2 x 10-7 ln

GMD = Geometric Mean Distance
GMR = Radius of conductor for inductance

0.563 in 25.4 mm
D12 =1000+ * =1007.1501 mm IER (1956). Table 3.4: Vertical
2 1 in
clearance between conductors, page 25
0.563 in 25.4 mm
D23 =1000+ * =1007.1501 mm
2 1 in

0.563 in 25.4 mm
D31 =2000+ * =2007.1501 mm
2 1 in

3 IER (1956). Table 3.4: Horizontal

GMD=√D12 D23 D31
spacing between conductors, page 25
GMD=√(1007.1501 mm)(1007.1501 mm)(2007.1501 mm)
GMD = 1267.4264 mm

GMR of Sparrow conductor is 0.0039 ft = 1.18872 mm (See Appendix A - TransPowr ACSR Bare Overhead

Substituting the values required for the formula of inductance, we have:

1267.4264 mm H
L=2 x 10-7 ln =1.3944 x 10-6
1.18872 mm m

For a 20884.4 m, the inductive reactance of this ACSR conductor is:

XL =2πfL x 20884.4 m=2π(60 Hz)(1.3944 x 10-6 )(20884.4 m)
XL =10.9784 Ω

Computation for Receiving End Voltage

Figure 12 Short Transmission Line Equivalent Circuit

VSN = sending end voltage per phase
XL = inductive reactance per phase
𝐼𝑅 = load current per phase
Cos Φr = receiving pf (lagging)
R = resistance per phase
VSN = 69kV
R=9.7981 Ω
XL =10.9784 Ω
cos Φs =0.95 (lagging)

69 kV
VRN = -(313.7773 A∠- cos-1 (0.95))(9.7981+j10.9784 Ω)
VRN =35915.3667∠-3.6918 kV

VR =VRN √3=68207.2399∠-3.6918 kV
Pf=cos θ = cos(-3.6918)=0.9979 lagging


SR =√3(68207.2399V)(313.7773 A)
SR =33.8082 MVA
VS -VR 69-68.2072
% VR= x 100= x 100
VR 68.2072

%VR=1.16 %
Efficiency= x 100
Efficiency=96.3920 %

Transmission Line Design simulation using Simulink Sim Power Systems

Figure 13 Design Simulation using Simulink

Figure 14 Input of Transmission Line Parameters
Data and Results

Steady State
Simscape Power Systems (Specialized Technology) Report.
generated by powergui,
12-Oct-2018 03:22:07

Model : C:\Users\Boss

[1] Steady-State voltages and currents:

States at 60 Hz :

6.9301e+02 A -11.13 ° ---> 'Il_phase_A: Three-Phase RL Load'

6.9301e+02 A -131.13 ° ---> 'Il_phase_B: Three-Phase RL Load'
6.9301e+02 A 108.87 ° ---> 'Il_phase_C: Three-Phase RL Load'

Dependent STATES: (steady state values are not computed)

1: 'Il_phase_A: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

2: 'Il_phase_B: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'
3: 'Il_phase_C: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'
Measurements at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U A: Sending End Bus

V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V -8.70° ---> U A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V -128.70° ---> U B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V 111.30° ---> U C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -11.13° ---> I A: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -131.13° ---> I B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A 108.87° ---> I C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -11.13° ---> I A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -131.13° ---> I B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A 108.87° ---> I C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement

Sources at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U_A: Three-Phase Source

3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U_B: Three-Phase Source
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U_C: Three-Phase Source

Nonlinear elements at 60 Hz :

Load Flow
The Load Flow converged in 0 iterations !

SUMMARY for subnetwork No 1

Total generation : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

Total PQ load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total Zshunt load : P= 0.02 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total ASM load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total losses : P= 4205.77 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

1 : *1* V= 0.026 pu/0.0371823kV -43.23 deg

Generation : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
PQ_load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.02 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
--> *2* : P= -0.02 MW Q= -0.00 Mvar

2 : *2* V= 1.000 pu/250kV 0.00 deg ; Swing bus

Generation : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar
PQ_load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
--> *1* : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

The various electrical parameters of transmission lines are determined using Simulink Sim Power
Systems and the generated parameter values are. From the simulation results we observed
that the calculated and simulated values are almost equal.

Short Circuit Analysis

Z1 =8.36 pu
Z2 =8.43 pu
Z0 =7.776 pu

Figure 3- 4. Fault 1 at Power CB 7

Fault 1 Power CB 7
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 255.4566 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 255.4566 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 215.7944 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 215.7944 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49)
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.43+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) (
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 1 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 5. Fault 2 at Power CB 8
Fault 2 at Power CB 8
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 255.4566 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 255.4566 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 215.7944 A

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 215.7944 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
√3 (13.8 kV)
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 6. Fault 3 at Power CB 6

Fault 3 at Power CB 6
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 255.4566 A

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 255.4566 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications

ILL = 215.7944 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 215.7944 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( ) ( ) Applications
8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) √3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-7. Fault 4 at Power CB 5
Fault 4 at Power CB 5
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (34.5 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.265 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 134.265 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial

ILL = 111.9131 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 111.9131 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 34.5 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-8. Fault 5 at Power CB 11

Fault 5 at Power CB 11
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 336.201999 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 336.29199 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 280.4325 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 280.432 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
√3 (13.8 kV)
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-9. Fault 6 at Power CB 12

Fault 6 at Power CB 12
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 323.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 279.78885 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground

3 (Z2 ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 10. Fault 7 at Power CB 13
Fault 7 at Power CB 13
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 323.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base

√3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage

ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49)
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) (
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-11. Fault 8 at Power CB 14

Fault 8 at Power CB 14
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is XX A,
therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker
(See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-12. Fault 9 at Power CB 15

Fault 9 at Power CB 15
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15at 13.8 kV is 335.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-13. Fault 10 at Power CB 10
Fault 10 at Power CB 10
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 335.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-13. Fault 11 at Power CB 9

Fault 11 at Power CB 9
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245
Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-13. Fault 12 at Power CB 4

Fault 12 at Power CB 4
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
8.36+8.43 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245
Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-14. Fault 13 at Power CB 3
Fault 13 at Power CB 3
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (69 kV)
ILG = 51.0913 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 51.0913 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (69 kV) Applications

ILL = 74.7534 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 74.7534 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (69 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 52.6307 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 52.6307 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-15. Fault 14 at Power CB 2

Fault 14 at Power CB 2
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 5MVA
ILG = ( ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (34.5 kV) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is
134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See
Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.43+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 105.2615 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 105.2615 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-16. Fault 15 at Power CB 1

Fault 15 at Power CB 1
Line to Ground
3 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Applications
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (480 V)

ILG = 7344.3767 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 7344.3767 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50 MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 6204.0897 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 6204.0897 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( )( )
8.36(8.43+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) √3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 7565.6771 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 480 V is 7565.6771 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL Molded
Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric: Commercial
and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Design Option 1: Single Circuit Transmission Line via Route 3

Figure 15.30 Proposed Single Circuit Steel Tower

Figure 16 Transmission of Power from Arayat to Guagua via Route Option 3
Transmission line Conductor Sizing
An amperage of 313.7773 A is calculated from receiving end substation and ASCR Pigeon Conductor has
an ampacity rating of 315 Amperes, thus it is practically optional to utilize in this design.

Conductor Weight Calculation

The characteristics below are the specifications for ACSR Pigeon Conductor
Note: Specifications are based from the South wire manufacturer for the selected conductor (See Appendix
 Ampacity Rating: 315 Amperes
 Weight of conductor: 230 lbm/1000 ft = 3.3566 N/m
 Rated Strength: 6620 lbm = 29,447.2271 N
 For wind loading, the maximum recorded weather condition on Pampanga will be used for safety
purposes. Max Wind Speed for Pampanga = 67 m/s

The wind pressure can be approximated by:

Pair = (Density of air)(Wind speed)2 (Shape factor)
 The density of air is about 1.25 kg/m3.
 The shape factor (drag coefficient) depends on the shape of the body. It has order of magnitude 1
and is dimension less.
1 kg m 2 N
Pair = (1.25 3 ) (6.7 ) (1)=28.0563 2
2 m s m

Wwind =Pair (d+2t)

Wwind = Wind pressure per m2 of projected area × projected area per meter length
Wwind =Pair (d+2t)= (28.0563 2
) (0.01887m+2(0))=0.5294
m m
t = 0, since the cable is bare conductor

N 2 N 2 N
W=√(WC )2 +(WWind )2 =√(3.3566 ) + (0.5294 ) =3.3981
m m m

For tower span, L would be 360 meters since the adopted range of span of 69 kV Transmission lines is 350
m – 360 m. But for some reason a span of 360m cannot be adopted at all times due to the road orientation.

Sag and Tension Computation

29,447.2271 N
TWorking = =14723.6136 N,

For a safety factor of 2

Analysis at Tower 1 and Tower 2

Figure 17 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 1 and 2

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =33 m above sea level

h=|H2 -H1 |=|33 m-30 m|=3 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (3m)(14723.6163 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (3.3981 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 143.8952 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 143.8952 m
=216.1075 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(3.3981 N/m)(143.8952 m)2 page 65
2(14723.6163 N)
= 2.3893 m
Clearance=25 m-YMax
=30 m-2.3893 m
=27.6107 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.6107 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(2.3893 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.04229 m

Analysis at Tower 2 and Tower 3

Figure 18 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 2 and 3

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =32 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|32 m-30 m|=2 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (2m)(14723.6163 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (3.3981 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 155.9284m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 155.9284m
= 204.071644m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(3.3981 N/m)(155.9284m)2 page 65
2(14723.6163 N)
= 2.805705 m

Clearance=25 m-YMax
=30 m-2.805705m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.19429537 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(2.805705 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.058311m
Analysis at Tower 3 and Tower 4

Figure 19 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 3 and 4

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =34 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|34 m-30 m|=4 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL

360 m (4m)(14723.6163 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (3.3981 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 131.8567 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 131.8567m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(3.3981 N/m)(131.8567 m)2 page 65
2(14723.6163 N)
= 2.006302m

Clearance=30 m-YMax
=30 m-2.006302m
=27.99369834 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.99369834 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(2.8057 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0298166m

Analysis at Tower 4 and Tower 5

Figure 20 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 4 and 5

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =32 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|32 m-30 m|=2 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (2m)(14723.6163 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (3.3981 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 155.9284m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 155.9284m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(3.3981 N/m)(155.9284 m)2 page 65
2(14723.6163 N)
= 2.805705m
Clearance=30 m-YMax

=30 m-2.805705m
=27.19429537 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.19429537 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.058311 m

Table 3. 3 Shows the calculated data gathered of transmission towers from 6 to 89

This table shows the information of the sag and tension from tower 6 to 89, the negative sign in height means
that the next elevation of the tower is either upward or downward depends on the change.
L (m) X1 (m) X2 (m) (m) Sag1 (m) Clearance (m) Conductor length (m)
360 143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
360 131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
360 155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
360 167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085
360 167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085
360 155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
360 143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
360 131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
360 155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
360 167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085
360 143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
360 131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
360 167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085
360 155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
360 143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
360 131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
360 167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085

360 155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
360 143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
360 167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085
360 155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
360 228.1433 131.8567121 -4 6.006302 23.99369834 360.2672271
360 204.0716 155.928356 -2 4.805705 25.19429537 360.1710726
360 228.1433 131.8567121 -4 6.006302 23.99369834 360.2672271
360 192.0358 167.964178 -1 4.255555 25.74444463 360.1341463
360 204.0716 155.928356 -2 4.805705 25.19429537 360.1710726
360 204.0716 155.928356 -2 4.805705 25.19429537 360.1710726
360 216.1075 143.8925341 -3 5.389287 24.61071328 360.2151438
360 192.0358 167.964178 -1 4.255555 25.74444463 360.1341463
360 216.1075 143.8925341 -3 5.389287 24.61071328 360.2151438
360 204.0716 155.928356 -2 4.805705 25.19429537 360.1710726
360 192.0358 167.964178 -1 4.255555 25.74444463 360.1341463
360 216.1075 143.8925341 -3 5.389287 24.61071328 360.2151438
360 192.0358 167.964178 -1 4.255555 25.74444463 360.1341463
360 180 180 0 3.738839 26.26116105 360.1035475
360 167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085
360 155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
360 143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
360 131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
360 119.8209 240.1791099 5 1.656749 28.34325057 360.020332
360 107.7851 252.2149319 6 1.34063 28.65936995 360.0133133
360 95.74925 264.2507539 7 1.057944 28.9420565 360.0082907
360 83.71342 276.2865758 8 0.80869 29.19131021 360.0048443
360 71.6776 288.3223978 9 0.592869 29.40713108 360.0026037
360 59.64178 300.3582198 10 0.410481 29.58951911 360.0012481
360 47.60596 312.3940418 11 0.261526 29.7384743 360.0005066
360 35.57014 324.4298637 12 0.146003 29.85399666 360.0001579
360 23.53431 336.4656857 13 0.063914 29.93608617 360.0000303
360 11.49849 348.5015077 14 0.015257 29.98474285 360.0000017
360 -0.53733 360.5373297 15 3.33E-05 29.99996668 360
360 -12.5732 372.5731517 16 0.018242 29.98175768 360.0000025
360 -24.609 384.6089736 17 0.069884 29.93011584 360.0000362
360 -36.6448 396.6447956 18 0.154959 29.84504116 360.0001779
360 -48.6806 408.6806176 19 0.273466 29.72653364 360.000554
360 -60.7164 420.7164396 20 0.425407 29.57459328 360.0013405
360 -72.7523 432.7522616 21 0.61078 29.38922009 360.0027633

360 -84.7881 444.7880835 22 0.829586 29.17041405 360.0050979
360 -96.8239 456.8239055 23 1.081825 28.91817518 360.0086692
360 -108.86 468.8597275 24 1.367497 28.63250347 360.0138522
360 -120.896 480.8955495 25 1.686601 28.31339892 360.0210713
360 -132.931 492.9313715 26 2.039138 27.96086153 360.0308006
360 -144.967 504.9671934 27 2.425109 27.5748913 360.0435641
360 -157.003 517.0030154 28 2.844512 27.15548823 360.0599352
360 -169.039 529.0388374 29 3.297348 26.70265232 360.080537
360 -181.075 541.0746594 30 3.783616 26.21638358 360.1060426
360 -193.11 553.1104813 31 4.303318 25.69668199 360.1371744
360 -205.146 565.1463033 32 4.856452 25.14354757 360.1747047
360 -217.182 577.1821253 33 5.44302 24.55698031 360.2194553
360 -229.218 589.2179473 34 6.06302 23.93698021 360.2722978
360 -241.254 601.2537693 35 6.716453 23.28354727 360.3341536
360 -253.29 613.2895912 36 7.403319 22.59668149 360.4059935
360 -265.325 625.3254132 37 8.123617 21.87638287 360.4888382
360 -277.361 637.3612352 38 8.877349 21.12265142 360.5837579
360 -289.397 649.3970572 39 9.664513 20.33548712 360.6918727
360 -301.433 661.4328792 40 10.48511 19.51488999 360.8143521
360 -313.469 673.4687011 41 11.33914 18.66086001 360.9524155
360 -325.505 685.5045231 42 12.2266 17.7733972 361.107332
360 -337.54 697.5403451 43 13.1475 16.85250155 361.2804201
360 -349.576 709.5761671 44 14.10183 15.89817306 361.4730483
360 -361.612 721.6119891 45 15.08959 14.91041174 361.6866346
360 -373.648 733.647811 46 16.11078 13.88921757 361.9226467
360 -385.684 745.683633 47 17.16541 12.83459056 362.1826021
360 -397.719 757.719455 48 18.25347 11.74653072 362.4680677
360 -409.755 769.755277 49 19.37496 10.62503803 362.7806604

Computation for the total length of the transmission line from Receiving End Substation to Sending End
Total Length = 32064.5 m

Figure 21 69 kV Insulator String

For the nominal voltage of 69 kV, the number of suspended insulators is 6 discs. In a suspended insulator,
the line conductor is secured at the bottom disc and the top disc is connected to the cross arm of the tower.
The type of insulators we will use is suspension type insulator for higher voltage rating and of the flexibility of
the line and the mechanical stresses are reduced.

69 kV
Vph = =39837.1686 V
Vph =V1 +V2 +V3 +V4 +V5 +V6
V1 =V1
V2 =V1 (k+1)
V3 =V1 k+V2 (k+1)
V4 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 (k+1)
V5 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 k+V4 (k+1) The Electrical Engineering Handbook,
Second Edition. Table 61.3: Typical Line
V6 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 k+V4 k+V5 (k+1)
Insulation, page 1326

The value of the ratio of capacitance between pin and earth to the self-capacitance or K is 0.11
Solving for all the potential difference at every insulator,
V1 =3766.396 V
V2 =4180.69956 V
V3 =5054.880072 V

V4 =3401.301169 V
V5 =8433.804693 V
V6 =11310.2305 V
String Efficiency= x 100
number of strings x voltage across disc nearest to the conductor
69 kV
String Efficiency= x 100=58.7037 %
6 x 11310.2305 V

To improve string efficiency, the method that we will use is grading the insulators.
Grading the insulators is making the potential difference the same to improve the string efficiency to its
highest peak by adding earth capacitance that is adjusted to different sized insulators.

Assume, Ce =KC
C=Ce K
C2 =C(1+K)
C3 =C(1+3K)
C4 =C(1+6K)
C5 =C(1+10K)
C6 =C(1+15K)

The distribution voltages are almost equal, V1 =V2 =Vn

C=1.02235 x 10−9 F

C2 =1.09069 x 10-9 F

C3 =1.15902 x 10-9 F

C4 =1.22735 x 10-9 F

C5 =1.29568 x 10-9 F

C6 =1.364 x 10-9 F

Solving for the current at each node,

I1 =0.002723 A
I2 =0.002905 A
I3 =0.003087 A
I4 =0.003269 A
I5 =0.003451 A
I6 =0.003633 A
V1 =V2 =Vn =7065.0545 V

String Efficiency= x 100
number of strings x voltage across disc nearest to the conductor
69 kV
String Efficiency= x 100 = 93.977 %
6 x 7065.0545 V

Computing Total Resistance of Overhead Short Transmission Line Conductor

Total resistance of the conductor is computed by the formula
Rconductor =Total length of the conductor x Resistance
Resistance = Resistance of the conductor @ 75 degrees Celsius AC
ACSR Pigeon Resistance = 0.143 Ω/1000 ft = 0.143 Ω/304.8 m
Total length=32064.5m
0.143 Ω
RConductor =(32064.5 m)( 304.8 m )

Rconductor =15.04338 Ω

Computing Total Inductive Reactance of Overhead Transmission Line Conductor

Total inductive reactance of the conductor is computed by the formula

D H 1000 m
L= (2 x10-7 ln Deq ) m x x Total Length of the conductor
S km

Based on the specification of an ASCR Penguin conductor, the stranding of the conductor is 6/1
The ACSR Penguin has the following diameters:
DiameterTotal =0.563 inch

Figure 22 6/1 ACSR Penguin Conductor

The illustration above shows the arrangement of the Aluminum and Steel conductors in an ACSR Penguin

Figure 3-X.

The inductance of the ACSR Penguin can be solved by using the formula:
L=2 x 10-7 ln
GMD = Geometric Mean Distance
GMR = Radius of conductor for inductance

0.563 in 25.4 mm
D12 =1000+ * =1007.1501 mm IER (1956). Table 3.4: Vertical
2 1 in
clearance between conductors, page 25
0.563 in 25.4 mm
D23 =1000+ * =1007.1501 mm
2 1 in
0.563 in 25.4 mm
D31 =2000+ * =2007.1501 mm
2 1 in

3 IER (1956). Table 3.4: Horizontal

GMD=√D12 D23 D31
spacing between conductors, page 25
GMD=√(1007.1501 mm)(1007.1501 mm)(2007.1501 mm)
GMD = 1267.4264 mm

GMR of Sparrow conductor is 0.0039 ft = 1.18872 mm (See Appendix A - TransPowr ACSR Bare Overhead
Substituting the values required for the formula of inductance, we have:
1267.4264 mm H
L=2 x 10-7 ln =1.3944 x 10-6
1.18872 mm m

For a 32064.5 m, the inductive reactance of this ACSR conductor is:

XL =2πfL x 32064.5 m=2π(60 Hz)(1.3944 x 10-6 )(32064.5 m)
XL =16.85555 Ω

Computation for Receiving End Voltage

Figure 23 Short Transmission Line Equivalent Circuit

VSN = sending end voltage per phase
XL = inductive reactance per phase
𝐼𝑅 = load current per phase
Cos Φr = receiving pf (lagging)
R = resistance per phase
VSN = 69kV
R=6.5888 Ω
XL =7.3825 Ω
cos Φs =0.95 (lagging)

69 kV
VRN = -(313.7773 A∠- cos-1 (0.95))(15.04338+j16.85555 Ω)
VRN =30.489∠5.8835 kV

VR =VRN √3=62.808∠5.8835 kV
Pf=cos θ = cos(-2.397)=0.9947 lagging


SR =√3(62.808 kV)(313.7773 A)
SR =32.69998 MVA
VS -VR 69-62.808
% VR= x 100= x 100
VR 62.808

%VR=3.68 %
Efficiency= x 100
Efficiency=92.9328 %

Transmission Line Design simulation using Simulink Sim Power Systems

Figure 24 Design Simulation using Simulink

Figure 25 Input of Transmission Line Parameters

Data and Results

Steady State
Simscape Power Systems (Specialized Technology) Report.
generated by powergui,
12-Oct-2018 03:22:07

Model : C:\Users\Boss

[1] Steady-State voltages and currents:

States at 60 Hz :

6.9301e+02 A -11.13 ° ---> 'Il_phase_A: Three-Phase RL Load'

6.9301e+02 A -131.13 ° ---> 'Il_phase_B: Three-Phase RL Load'
6.9301e+02 A 108.87 ° ---> 'Il_phase_C: Three-Phase RL Load'

Dependent STATES: (steady state values are not computed)

1: 'Il_phase_A: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

2: 'Il_phase_B: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'
3: 'Il_phase_C: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

Measurements at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U A: Sending End Bus

V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V -8.70° ---> U A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V -128.70° ---> U B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V 111.30° ---> U C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -11.13° ---> I A: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -131.13° ---> I B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A 108.87° ---> I C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -11.13° ---> I A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -131.13° ---> I B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A 108.87° ---> I C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement

Sources at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U_A: Three-Phase Source

3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U_B: Three-Phase Source
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U_C: Three-Phase Source

Nonlinear elements at 60 Hz :

Load Flow
The Load Flow converged in 0 iterations !

SUMMARY for subnetwork No 1

Total generation : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

Total PQ load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total Zshunt load : P= 0.02 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total ASM load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total losses : P= 4205.77 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

1 : *1* V= 0.026 pu/0.0371823kV -43.23 deg

Generation : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
PQ_load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.02 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
--> *2* : P= -0.02 MW Q= -0.00 Mvar

2 : *2* V= 1.000 pu/250kV 0.00 deg ; Swing bus

Generation : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar
PQ_load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
--> *1* : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

The various electrical parameters of transmission lines are determined using Simulink Sim Power
Systems and the generated parameter values are. From the simulation results we observed
that the calculated and simulated values are almost equal.

Short Circuit Analysis
Z1 =8.36 pu
Z2 =8.43 pu
Z0 =7.776 pu

Figure 3- 4. Fault 1 at Power CB 7

Fault 1 Power CB 7
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 255.4566 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 255.4566 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 215.7944 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 215.7944 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49)
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.43+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) (
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 1 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 5. Fault 2 at Power CB 8

Fault 2 at Power CB 8
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 255.4566 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 255.4566 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 215.7944 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 215.7944 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
√3 (13.8 kV)
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 6. Fault 3 at Power CB 6
Fault 3 at Power CB 6
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 255.4566 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 255.4566 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications

ILL = 215.7944 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 215.7944 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-7. Fault 4 at Power CB 5

Fault 4 at Power CB 5
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial

ILG = 134.265 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 134.265 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.9131 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 111.9131 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 34.5 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-8. Fault 5 at Power CB 11

Fault 5 at Power CB 11
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 336.201999 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 336.29199 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 280.4325 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 280.432 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
√3 (13.8 kV)
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-9. Fault 6 at Power CB 12
Fault 6 at Power CB 12
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 323.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 279.78885 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground
3 (Z2 ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 10. Fault 7 at Power CB 13

Fault 7 at Power CB 13
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 323.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base

√3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage

ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49)
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) (
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-11. Fault 8 at Power CB 14

Fault 8 at Power CB 14
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is XX A,
therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker
(See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-12. Fault 9 at Power CB 15
Fault 9 at Power CB 15
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15at 13.8 kV is 335.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-13. Fault 10 at Power CB 10

Fault 10 at Power CB 10
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 335.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-13. Fault 11 at Power CB 9

Fault 11 at Power CB 9
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245
Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-13. Fault 12 at Power CB 4
Fault 12 at Power CB 4
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
8.36+8.43 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-14. Fault 13 at Power CB 3

Fault 13 at Power CB 3
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (69 kV)
ILG = 51.0913 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 51.0913 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (69 kV) Applications

ILL = 74.7534 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 74.7534 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (69 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 52.6307 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 52.6307 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-15. Fault 14 at Power CB 2

Fault 14 at Power CB 2
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 5MVA
ILG = ( ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (34.5 kV) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is
134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See
Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.43+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 105.2615 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 105.2615 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-16. Fault 15 at Power CB 1
Fault 15 at Power CB 1
Line to Ground
3 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Applications
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (480 V)

ILG = 7344.3767 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 7344.3767 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50 MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 6204.0897 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 6204.0897 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.43+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 7565.6771 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 480 V is 7565.6771 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL Molded
Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric: Commercial
and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Design Option 2: Double Circuit Transmission Line via Route 1

Figure 26 Proposed Double Circuit Steel Tower

Figure 27 Transmission of Power from Porac to Guagua via Route Option 1

Transmission line Conductor Sizing

An amperage of 313.7773 A is calculated from receiving end substation but double circuit transmission line
utilizes 2 conductors per phase, hence 2 (313.7773 A)=156.8887 A is the amperage of each conductor.
ASCR Sparrow Conductor has an ampacity rating of 180 Amperes, thus it is practically optional to utilize in
this design.
Conductor Weight Calculation
The characteristics below are the specifications for ACSR Sparrow Conductor
Note: Specifications are based from the TransPowr ACSR Bare Overhead Conductor for the selected
conductor (See Appendix A)
 Ampacity Rating: 315 Amperes
 Weight of conductor: 91 lbm/1000 ft = 1.3280 N/m
 Rated Strength: 3180 lbm = 14145.34 N
 For wind loading, the maximum recorded weather condition on Pampanga will be used for safety
purposes. Max Wind Speed for Pampanga = 67 m/s

The wind pressure can be approximated by:

Pair = (Density of air)(Wind speed)2 (Shape factor)
 The density of air is about 1.25 kg/m3.

 The shape factor (drag coefficient) depends on the shape of the body. It has order of magnitude 1
and is dimension less.
1 kg m 2 N
Pair = (1.25 3 ) (6.7 ) (1)=28.0563 2
2 m s m

Wwind =Pair (d+2t)

Wwind = Wind pressure per m2 of projected area × projected area per meter length
Wwind =Pair (d+2t)= (28.0563 2
) (0.01887m+2(0))=0.5294
m m
t = 0, since the cable is bare conductor

N 2 N 2 N
W=√(WC )2 +(WWind )2 =√(1.3280 ) + (0.5294 ) = 1.4296
m m m

For tower span, L would be 360 meters since the adopted range of span of 69 kV Transmission lines is 350
m – 360 m.
Sag and Tension Computation
14145.34 N
TWorking = =7072.67 N,

For a safety factor of 2

Analysis at Tower 1 and Tower 2

Figure 28 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 1 and 2

H1 =30 m above sea level
H2 =33 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|33 m-30 m|=3 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (3m)(7072.67 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (1.4296 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 138.7724 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 138.7724 m
=221.2276 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(1.4296 N/m)(138.7724 m)2 page 65
2(7072.67 N)
= 1.94629 m
Clearance=41 m-YMax
=41 m-1.94629 m
=39.0537 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.6101 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(1.94629 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0281 m

Analysis at Tower 2 and Tower 3

Figure 29 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 2 and 3

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =33 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|33 m-30 m|=3 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (3m)(7072.67 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (1.4296 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 138.7724 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 138.7724 m
=221.2276 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(1.4296 N/m)(138.7724 m)2 page 65
2(7072.67 N)
= 1.94629 m
Clearance=41 m-YMax

=41 m-1.94629 m
=39.0537 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.6101 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(1.94629 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0281 m
Analysis at Tower 3 and Tower 4

Figure 30 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 3 and 4

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =32 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|33 m-30 m|=2 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (2m)(7072.67 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (1.4296 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 152.515 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1

= 360 m – 152.515 m
=207.485 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(1.4296 N/m)(152.515 m)2 page 65
2(7072.67 N)
= 2.3509 m
Clearance=41 m-YMax
=41 m-2.3509 m
=38.6491 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 38.6491 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(2.3509 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0409 m
Analysis at Tower 4 and Tower 5

Figure 31 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 4 and 5

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =31 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|31 m-30 m|=1 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (1m)(7072.67 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (1.4296 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 166.2575 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 166.2575 m
=193.7425 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(1.4296 N/m)(166.2575 m)2 page 65
2(7072.67 N)
= 2.7936 m
Clearance=41 m-YMax
=41 m-2.7936 m
=38.6491 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 38.6491 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(2.793596 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0578 m

Table 3. 4 Shows the calculated data gathered of transmission towers from 5 to 40
This table shows the information of the sag and tension from tower 5 to tower 40, the data is ascending from
towers 1 to 4, the negative sign in height means that the next elevation of the tower is either upward or
downward depends on the change.
X1 (m) X2 (m) H Sag1 Clearance (m) Conductor length (m)
(m) (m)
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
125.0299 234.9700771 4 1.579898 39.4201019 360.0184895
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
125.0299 234.9700771 4 1.579898 39.4201019 360.0184895
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
125.0299 234.9700771 4 1.579898 39.4201019 360.0184895
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
125.0299 234.9700771 4 1.579898 39.4201019 360.0184895
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
234.9701 125.0299229 -4 5.579898 35.4201019 360.2306316
207.485 152.5149614 -2 4.350856 36.64914389 360.1402218
234.9701 125.0299229 -4 5.579898 35.4201019 360.2306316
193.7425 166.2574807 -1 3.793596 37.20640439 360.1066027
207.485 152.5149614 -2 4.350856 36.64914389 360.1402218
207.485 152.5149614 -2 4.350856 36.64914389 360.1402218
221.2276 138.7724422 -3 4.94629 36.05370973 360.1812281
193.7425 166.2574807 -1 3.793596 37.20640439 360.1066027
221.2276 138.7724422 -3 4.94629 36.05370973 360.1812281
207.485 152.5149614 -2 4.350856 36.64914389 360.1402218
193.7425 166.2574807 -1 3.793596 37.20640439 360.1066027
221.2276 138.7724422 -3 4.94629 36.05370973 360.1812281

193.7425 166.2574807 -1 3.793596 37.20640439 360.1066027

Computation for the total length of the transmission line from Receiving End Substation to Sending End

Total Length = 14402.98 m

Figure 32 69 kV Insulator String

For the nominal voltage of 69 kV, the number of suspended insulators is 6 discs. In a suspended insulator,
the line conductor is secured at the bottom disc and the top disc is connected to the cross arm of the tower.
The type of insulators we will use is suspension type insulator for higher voltage rating and of the flexibility of
the line and the mechanical stresses are reduced.

69 kV
Vph = =39837.1686 V
Vph =V1 +V2 +V3 +V4 +V5 +V6
V1 =V1
V2 =V1 (k+1)
V3 =V1 k+V2 (k+1)
V4 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 (k+1)
V5 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 k+V4 (k+1)
V6 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 k+V4 k+V5 (k+1) The Electrical Engineering
Handbook, Second Edition. Table
61.3: Typical Line Insulation, page
The value of the ratio of capacitance between pin and earth to the 1326
self-capacitance or K is 0.11
Solving for all the potential difference at every insulator,
V1 =3766.396 V
V2 =4180.69956 V
V3 =5054.880072 V
V4 =3401.301169 V
V5 =8433.804693 V
V6 =11310.2305 V
String Efficiency= x 100
number of strings x voltage across disc nearest to the conductor
69 kV
String Efficiency= x 100=58.7037 %
6 x 11310.2305 V

To improve string efficiency, the method that we will use is grading the insulators.
Grading the insulators is making the potential difference the same to improve the string efficiency to its
highest peak by adding earth capacitance that is adjusted to different sized insulators.

Assume, Ce =KC

C=Ce K
C2 =C(1+K)
C3 =C(1+3K)
C4 =C(1+6K)
C5 =C(1+10K)
C6 =C(1+15K)

The distribution voltages are almost equal, V1 =V2 =Vn

C=1.02235 x 10−9 F

C2 =1.09069 x 10-9 F

C3 =1.15902 x 10-9 F

C4 =1.22735 x 10-9 F

C5 =1.29568 x 10-9 F

C6 =1.364 x 10-9 F

Solving for the current at each node,

I1 =0.002723 A
I2 =0.002905 A
I3 =0.003087 A
I4 =0.003269 A
I5 =0.003451 A
I6 =0.003633 A
V1 =V2 =Vn =7065.0545 V

String Efficiency= x 100
number of strings x voltage across disc nearest to the conductor

69 kV
String Efficiency= x 100 = 93.977 %
6 x 7065.0545 V

Computing Total Resistance of Overhead Short Transmission Line Conductor

Total resistance of the conductor is computed by the formula
Rconductor =Total length of the conductor x Resistance
Resistance = Resistance of the conductor @ 75 degrees Celsius AC
ACSR Sparrow Resistance = 0.337 Ω/1000 ft = 0.337 Ω/304.8 m
Total length=14043.82 m
0.0529 Ω
RConductor =(14043.82 m)( )
304.8 m
Rconductor =2.4374 Ω

Computing Total Inductive Reactance of Overhead Transmission Line Conductor

Total inductive reactance of the conductor is computed by the formula
D H 1000 m
L= (2 x10-7 ln Deq ) m x x Total Length of the conductor
S km

Based on the specification of an ASCR Sparrow conductor, the stranding of the conductor is 6/1
The ACSR Sparrow has the following diameters:
DiameterTotal =0.316 inch

Figure 33 6/1 ACSR Sparrow Conductor

The illustration above shows the arrangement of the Aluminum and Steel conductors in an ACSR Sparrow

Figure 3.40 Double Circuit Conductors Arrangement

The inductance of the ACSR Sparrow can be solved by using the formula:
L=2 x 10-7 ln
GMD = Geometric Mean Distance
GMR = Radius of conductor for inductance

ab=3000+17.35=3017.35 mm IER (1956). Table 3.4: Vertical

bc=3000+17.35=3017.35 mm clearance between conductors, page 25

ac=3000(2) +17.35(2) =6034.75 mm

ac'=6000+17.35= 6017.35 mm
bb'=6000+17.35=6017.35 mm
ca'=6000+17.35=6017.35 mm

IER (1956). Table 3.4: Horizontal

ab' =√6017.352 +3017.352 =6731.4859 mm spacing between conductors, page 25

bc' =√6017.352 +3017.352 =6731.4859 mm

ba' =√6017.352 +3017.352 =6731.4859 mm

cb' =√6017.352 +3017.352 =6731.4859 mm

aa' =√6034.752 +6017.352 =6125.3057 mm

2 2
cc' =√6034.75 +6017.35 =6125.3057 mm

GMD=√Dab Dab' Da' b Da' b'

GMD=√(6731.4859 mm)(6731.4859 mm)(6125.3057 mm)(6125.3057 mm)
GMD = 6421.2467 mm

GMR of Sparrow conductor is 0.0039 ft = 1.18872 mm (See Appendix A - TransPowr ACSR Bare Overhead

Substituting the values required for the formula of inductance, we have:

6421.2467 mm H
L=2 x 10-7 ln =1.7189 x 10-6
1.18872 mm m

For a 14043.82 m, the inductive reactance of this ACSR conductor is:

XL =2πfL x 14043.82 m=2π(60 Hz)(1.7189 x 10-6 )(14043.82 m)
XL =9.1005 Ω

Computation for Receiving End Voltage

Figure 34.41 Short Transmission Line Equivalent Circuit

VSN = sending end voltage per phase
XL = inductive reactance per phase
𝐼𝑅 = load current per phase
Cos Φr = receiving pf (lagging)
R = resistance per phase
VSN = 69kV
R=2.4374 Ω
XL =9.1005 Ω
cos Φs =0.95 (lagging)

69 kV
VRN = -(313.7773 A∠- cos-1 (0.95))(2.4374+j9.1005 Ω)
VRN =38.299∠-3.7036 kV

VR =VRN √3=66.1972∠-3.7036 kV
Pf=cos θ = cos(-3.7036)=0.9979 lagging


SR =√3(66.1972 kV)(313.7773 A)
SR =33.9767 MVA
VS -VR 69-66.1972
% VR= x 100= x 100
VR 66.1972

%VR=4.23 %
Efficiency= x 100
Efficiency=96.8724 %

Transmission Line Design simulation using Simulink Sim Power Systems

Figure 352 Design Simulation using Simulink

Figure 3.43 Input of Transmission Line Parameters

Data and Results

Steady State
Simscape Power Systems (Specialized Technology) Report.
generated by powergui,
12-Oct-2018 03:22:07

Model : C:\Users\Boss

[1] Steady-State voltages and currents:

States at 60 Hz :

6.9301e+02 A -11.13 ° ---> 'Il_phase_A: Three-Phase RL Load'

6.9301e+02 A -131.13 ° ---> 'Il_phase_B: Three-Phase RL Load'
6.9301e+02 A 108.87 ° ---> 'Il_phase_C: Three-Phase RL Load'

Dependent STATES: (steady state values are not computed)

1: 'Il_phase_A: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

2: 'Il_phase_B: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'
3: 'Il_phase_C: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

Measurements at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U A: Sending End Bus

V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V -8.70° ---> U A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V -128.70° ---> U B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V 111.30° ---> U C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -11.13° ---> I A: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -131.13° ---> I B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A 108.87° ---> I C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -11.13° ---> I A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -131.13° ---> I B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A 108.87° ---> I C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement

Sources at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U_A: Three-Phase Source

3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U_B: Three-Phase Source
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U_C: Three-Phase Source

Nonlinear elements at 60 Hz :

Load Flow
The Load Flow converged in 0 iterations !

SUMMARY for subnetwork No 1

Total generation : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

Total PQ load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total Zshunt load : P= 0.02 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total ASM load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total losses : P= 4205.77 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

1 : *1* V= 0.026 pu/0.0371823kV -43.23 deg

Generation : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
PQ_load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.02 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
--> *2* : P= -0.02 MW Q= -0.00 Mvar

2 : *2* V= 1.000 pu/250kV 0.00 deg ; Swing bus

Generation : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar
PQ_load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
--> *1* : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

The various electrical parameters of transmission lines are determined using Simulink Sim Power
Systems and the generated parameter values are. From the simulation results we observed
that the calculated and simulated values are almost equal.

Short Circuit Analysis

Z1 =6.49 pu
Z2 =6.49 pu
Z0 =5.7460 pu

Figure 3- 4. Fault 1 at Power CB 7

Fault 1 Power CB 7
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 335.1247 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 335.1247 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.1362 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 279.1362 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49)
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) (
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 348.990 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 348990 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 1 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 5. Fault 2 at Power CB 8
Fault 2 at Power CB 8
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 335.124A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 335.124 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 279.136 A

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 279.136 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
√3 (13.8 kV)
IDLG = 201. 489 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 201.489 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 6. Fault 3 at Power CB 6

Fault 3 at Power CB 6
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 335.1247 A

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 335.1247 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications

ILL = 279.1362 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 279.1362 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( ) ( ) Applications
6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) √3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-7. Fault 4 at Power CB 5
Fault 4 at Power CB 5
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (34.5 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.265 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 134.265 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial

ILL = 111.9131 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 111.9131 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 140.0366 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 34.5 kV is 140.0366 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-8. Fault 5 at Power CB 11

Fault 5 at Power CB 11
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 336.201999 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 336.29199 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 280.4325 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 280.432 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
√3 (13.8 kV)
IDLG = 3506111A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 350.61156 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-9. Fault 6 at Power CB 12

Fault 6 at Power CB 12
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 323.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 279.78885 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground

3 (Z2 ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 10. Fault 7 at Power CB 13
Fault 7 at Power CB 13
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 323.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base

√3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage

ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49)
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) (
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 350.0916A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-11. Fault 8 at Power CB 14

Fault 8 at Power CB 14
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is XX A,
therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker
(See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-12. Fault 9 at Power CB 15

Fault 9 at Power CB 15
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15at 13.8 kV is 335.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-13. Fault 10 at Power CB 10
Fault 10 at Power CB 10
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 335.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-13. Fault 11 at Power CB 9

Fault 11 at Power CB 9
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245
Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 139.5961A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 139.5961 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-13. Fault 12 at Power CB 4

Fault 12 at Power CB 4
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245
Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 139.5961A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 139.5961 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-14. Fault 13 at Power CB 3
Fault 13 at Power CB 3
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (69 kV)
ILG = 67.0249A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 67.0249 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (69 kV) Applications

ILL = 55.827A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 55.827 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-20:
1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (69 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 69.7981A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 69.7981 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-15. Fault 14 at Power CB 2

Fault 14 at Power CB 2
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 5MVA
ILG = ( ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (34.5 kV) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is
134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See
Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 5MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 139.572A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 139.572 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-16. Fault 15 at Power CB 1

Fault 15 at Power CB 1
Line to Ground
3 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Applications
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (480 V)

ILG = 9634A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 9634 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL Molded
Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric: Commercial
and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50 MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 8025.166A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 8025.166 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL Molded
Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric: Commercial
and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( ( )( )
6.49 6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) √3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 10033.47565A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 480 V is 10033.47565 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Design Option 2: Double Circuit Transmission Line via Route 2

Figure 36 Proposed Double Circuit Steel Tower

Figure 37 Transmission of Power from Angeles to Guagua via Route Option 2
Transmission line Conductor Sizing
An amperage of 313.7773 A is calculated from receiving end substation but double circuit transmission line
utilizes 2 conductors per phase, hence 2 (313.7773 A)=156.8887 A is the amperage of each conductor.
ASCR Sparrow Conductor has an ampacity rating of 180 Amperes, thus it is practically optional to utilize in
this design.

Conductor Weight Calculation

The characteristics below are the specifications for ACSR Sparrow Conductor
Note: Specifications are based from the TransPowr ACSR Bare Overhead Conductor for the selected
conductor (See Appendix A)
 Ampacity Rating: 315 Amperes
 Weight of conductor: 91 lbm/1000 ft = 1.3280 N/m
 Rated Strength: 3180 lbm = 14145.34 N
 For wind loading, the maximum recorded weather condition on Pampanga will be used for safety
purposes. Max Wind Speed for Pampanga = 67 m/s

The wind pressure can be approximated by:

Pair = (Density of air)(Wind speed)2 (Shape factor)
 The density of air is about 1.25 kg/m3.

 The shape factor (drag coefficient) depends on the shape of the body. It has order of magnitude 1
and is dimension less.
1 kg m 2 N
Pair = (1.25 3 ) (6.7 ) (1)=28.0563 2
2 m s m

Wwind =Pair (d+2t)

Wwind = Wind pressure per m2 of projected area × projected area per meter length
Wwind =Pair (d+2t)= (28.0563 2
) (0.01887m+2(0))=0.5294
m m
t = 0, since the cable is bare conductor

N 2 N 2 N
W=√(WC )2 +(WWind )2 =√(1.3280 ) + (0.5294 ) = 1.4296
m m m

For tower span, L would be 360 meters since the adopted range of span of 69 kV Transmission lines is 350
m – 360 m.
Sag and Tension Computation
14145.34 N
TWorking = =7072.67 N,

For a safety factor of 2

Analysis at Tower 1 and Tower 2

Figure 38 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 1 and 2

H1 =30 m above sea level
H2 =34 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|34 m-30 m|=4 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (4m)(7072.67 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (1.4296 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 125.0299 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 125.0299 m
=234.9700771 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(1.4296 N/m)(125.0299 m)2 page 65
2(7072.67 N)
= 1.579898 m

Clearance=41 m-YMax
=41 m-1.579898 m
=39.4201019 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.6101 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(1.579898 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0184895 m

Analysis at Tower 2 and Tower 3

Figure 3.47 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 2 and 3

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =33 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|33 m-30 m|=3 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (3m)(7072.67 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (1.4296 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 138.7724 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 138.7724 m
=221.2276 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(1.4296 N/m)(138.7724 m)2 page 65
2(7072.67 N)
= 1.94629 m
Clearance=41 m-YMax

=41 m-1.94629 m
=39.0537 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.6101 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(1.94629 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0281 m

Analysis at Tower 3 and Tower 4

Figure 3.48 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 3 and 4

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =31 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|31 m-30 m|=1 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL

360 m (1m)(7072.67 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (1.4296 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 166.2575 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 166.2575 m
=193.7425193 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(1.4296 N/m)(166.2575 m)2 page 65
2(7072.67 N)
= 2.793596 m

Clearance=41 m-YMax
=41 m-2.793596 m
=38.20640439 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 38.6491 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(2.793596 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0578087 m

Analysis at Tower 4 and Tower 5

Figure 3.49 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 4 and 5

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =31 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|31 m-30 m|=1 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (1m)(7072.67 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (1.4296 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 166.2575 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 166.2575 m
=193.7425193 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(1.4296 N/m)(166.2575 m)2 page 65
2(7072.67 N)
= 2.793596 m

Clearance=41 m-YMax
=41 m-2.793596 m
=38.20640439 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 38.6491 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(2.793596 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0578087 m

Table 3. 5 Shows the calculated data gathered of transmission towers from 5 to 59

This table shows the information of the sag and tension from tower 5 to tower 59, the data is ascending from
towers 1 to 4, the negative sign in height means that the next elevation of the tower is either upward or
downward depends on the change
X1 (m) X2 (m) H Sag1 (m) Clearance (m) Conductor length (m)
125.0299 234.9700771 4 1.579898 39.4201019 360.0184895
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
125.0299 234.9700771 4 1.579898 39.4201019 360.0184895
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
125.0299 234.9700771 4 1.579898 39.4201019 360.0184895
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
125.0299 234.9700771 4 1.579898 39.4201019 360.0184895
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
125.0299 234.9700771 4 1.579898 39.4201019 360.0184895

166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
234.9701 125.0299229 -4 5.579898 35.4201019 360.2306316
207.485 152.5149614 -2 4.350856 36.64914389 360.1402218
234.9701 125.0299229 -4 5.579898 35.4201019 360.2306316
193.7425 166.2574807 -1 3.793596 37.20640439 360.1066027
207.485 152.5149614 -2 4.350856 36.64914389 360.1402218
207.485 152.5149614 -2 4.350856 36.64914389 360.1402218
221.2276 138.7724422 -3 4.94629 36.05370973 360.1812281
193.7425 166.2574807 -1 3.793596 37.20640439 360.1066027
221.2276 138.7724422 -3 4.94629 36.05370973 360.1812281
207.485 152.5149614 -2 4.350856 36.64914389 360.1402218
193.7425 166.2574807 -1 3.793596 37.20640439 360.1066027
221.2276 138.7724422 -3 4.94629 36.05370973 360.1812281
193.7425 166.2574807 -1 3.793596 37.20640439 360.1066027
207.485 152.5149614 -2 4.350856 36.64914389 360.1402218
193.7425 166.2574807 -1 3.793596 37.20640439 360.1066027
180 180 0 3.274509 37.72549122 360.0794252
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
193.7425 166.2574807 -1 3.793596 37.20640439 360.1066027
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
193.7425 166.2574807 -1 3.793596 37.20640439 360.1066027
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
125.0299 234.9700771 4 1.579898 39.4201019 360.0184895
125.0299 234.9700771 4 1.579898 39.4201019 360.0184895
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
125.0299 234.9700771 4 1.579898 39.4201019 360.0184895
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596

Computation for the total length of the transmission line from Receiving End Substation to Sending End

Total Length = 21243.48 m

Figure 3.50 69 kV Insulator String

For the nominal voltage of 69 kV, the number of suspended insulators is 6 discs. In a suspended insulator,
the line conductor is secured at the bottom disc and the top disc is connected to the cross arm of the tower.
The type of insulators we will use is suspension type insulator for higher voltage rating and of the flexibility of
the line and the mechanical stresses are reduced.

69 kV
Vph = =39837.1686 V
Vph =V1 +V2 +V3 +V4 +V5 +V6
V1 =V1
V2 =V1 (k+1)
V3 =V1 k+V2 (k+1)
V4 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 (k+1)
V5 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 k+V4 (k+1)
V6 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 k+V4 k+V5 (k+1) The Electrical Engineering
Handbook, Second Edition. Table
61.3: Typical Line Insulation, page
The value of the ratio of capacitance between pin and earth to the 1326
self-capacitance or K is 0.11
Solving for all the potential difference at every insulator,
V1 =3766.396 V
V2 =4180.69956 V
V3 =5054.880072 V
V4 =3401.301169 V
V5 =8433.804693 V
V6 =11310.2305 V
String Efficiency= x 100
number of strings x voltage across disc nearest to the conductor
69 kV
String Efficiency= x 100=58.7037 %
6 x 11310.2305 V

To improve string efficiency, the method that we will use is grading the insulators.
Grading the insulators is making the potential difference the same to improve the string efficiency to its
highest peak by adding earth capacitance that is adjusted to different sized insulators.

Assume, Ce =KC
C=Ce K
C2 =C(1+K)
C3 =C(1+3K)
C4 =C(1+6K)
C5 =C(1+10K)
C6 =C(1+15K)

The distribution voltages are almost equal, V1 =V2 =Vn

C=1.02235 x 10−9 F

C2 =1.09069 x 10-9 F

C3 =1.15902 x 10-9 F

C4 =1.22735 x 10-9 F

C5 =1.29568 x 10-9 F

C6 =1.364 x 10-9 F

Solving for the current at each node,

I1 =0.002723 A
I2 =0.002905 A
I3 =0.003087 A
I4 =0.003269 A
I5 =0.003451 A
I6 =0.003633 A
V1 =V2 =Vn =7065.0545 V

String Efficiency= x 100
number of strings x voltage across disc nearest to the conductor
69 kV
String Efficiency= x 100 = 93.977 %
6 x 7065.0545 V

Computing Total Resistance of Overhead Short Transmission Line Conductor

Total resistance of the conductor is computed by the formula
Rconductor =Total length of the conductor x Resistance
Resistance = Resistance of the conductor @ 75 degrees Celsius AC
ACSR Sparrow Resistance = 0.337 Ω/1000 ft = 0.337 Ω/304.8 m
Total length=21243.48 m
0.0529 Ω
RConductor =(21243.48 m)( )
304.8 m

Rconductor =3.6869 Ω

Computing Total Inductive Reactance of Overhead Transmission Line Conductor

Total inductive reactance of the conductor is computed by the formula
D H 1000 m
L= (2 x10-7 ln Deq ) m x x Total Length of the conductor
S km

Based on the specification of an ASCR Sparrow conductor, the stranding of the conductor is 6/1
The ACSR Sparrow has the following diameters:
DiameterTotal =0.316 inch

Figure 3.51 6/1 ACSR Sparrow Conductor
The illustration above shows the arrangement of the Aluminum and Steel conductors in an ACSR Sparrow

Figure 3.52 Double Circuit Conductors Arrangement

The inductance of the ACSR Sparrow can be solved by using the formula:
L=2 x 10-7 ln
GMD = Geometric Mean Distance
GMR = Radius of conductor for inductance

ab=3000+17.35=3017.35 mm IER (1956). Table 3.4: Vertical

bc=3000+17.35=3017.35 mm clearance between conductors, page 25

ac=3000(2) +17.35(2) =6034.75 mm

ac'=6000+17.35= 6017.35 mm
bb'=6000+17.35=6017.35 mm
ca'=6000+17.35=6017.35 mm

IER (1956). Table 3.4: Horizontal

' 2 2
ab =√6017.35 +3017.35 =6731.4859 mm spacing between conductors, page 25

bc' =√6017.352 +3017.352 =6731.4859 mm

ba' =√6017.352 +3017.352 =6731.4859 mm

cb' =√6017.352 +3017.352 =6731.4859 mm

aa' =√6034.752 +6017.352 =6125.3057 mm

cc' =√6034.752 +6017.352 =6125.3057 mm

GMD=√Dab Dab' Da' b Da' b'

GMD=√(6731.4859 mm)(6731.4859 mm)(6125.3057 mm)(6125.3057 mm)
GMD = 6421.2467 mm

GMR of Sparrow conductor is 0.0039 ft = 1.18872 mm (See Appendix A - TransPowr ACSR Bare Overhead

Substituting the values required for the formula of inductance, we have:

6421.2467 mm H
L=2 x 10-7 ln =1.7189 x 10-6
1.18872 mm m

For a 21243.48 m, the inductive reactance of this ACSR conductor is:

XL =2πfL x 21243.48 m=2π(60 Hz)(1.7189 x 10-6 m )(21243.48 m)

XL =13.76598819 Ω

Computation for Receiving End Voltage

Figure 3.53 Short Transmission Line Equivalent Circuit

VSN = sending end voltage per phase
XL = inductive reactance per phase
𝐼𝑅 = load current per phase
Cos Φr = receiving pf (lagging)
R = resistance per phase
VSN = 69kV
R=3.6869 Ω
XL =13.76598819 Ω
cos Φs =0.95 (lagging)

69 kV
VRN = -(313.7773 A∠- cos-1 (0.95))(3.6869+j13.76598819 Ω)
VRN =34.67685∠2.8265 kV

VR =VRN √3=66.062∠2.82650 kV

Pf=cos θ = cos(2.82650 )=0.9987lagging


SR =√3(66.062 kV)(313.7773 A)
SR =32.642389 MVA
VS -VR 69-66.062
% VR= x 100= x 100
VR 66.062

Efficiency= x 100
Efficiency=96.95 %

Transmission Line Design simulation using Simulink Sim Power Systems

Figure 3.54 Design Simulation using Simulink

Figure 3.55 Input of Transmission Line Parameters

Data and Results

Steady State
Simscape Power Systems (Specialized Technology) Report.
generated by powergui,
12-Oct-2018 03:22:07

Model : C:\Users\Boss

[1] Steady-State voltages and currents:

States at 60 Hz :

6.9301e+02 A -11.13 ° ---> 'Il_phase_A: Three-Phase RL Load'

6.9301e+02 A -131.13 ° ---> 'Il_phase_B: Three-Phase RL Load'
6.9301e+02 A 108.87 ° ---> 'Il_phase_C: Three-Phase RL Load'

Dependent STATES: (steady state values are not computed)

1: 'Il_phase_A: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

2: 'Il_phase_B: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'
3: 'Il_phase_C: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

Measurements at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U A: Sending End Bus

V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V -8.70° ---> U A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V -128.70° ---> U B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V 111.30° ---> U C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -11.13° ---> I A: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -131.13° ---> I B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A 108.87° ---> I C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -11.13° ---> I A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -131.13° ---> I B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A 108.87° ---> I C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement

Sources at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U_A: Three-Phase Source

3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U_B: Three-Phase Source
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U_C: Three-Phase Source

Nonlinear elements at 60 Hz :

Load Flow
The Load Flow converged in 0 iterations !

SUMMARY for subnetwork No 1

Total generation : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

Total PQ load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total Zshunt load : P= 0.02 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total ASM load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total losses : P= 4205.77 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

1 : *1* V= 0.026 pu/0.0371823kV -43.23 deg

Generation : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
PQ_load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.02 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
--> *2* : P= -0.02 MW Q= -0.00 Mvar

2 : *2* V= 1.000 pu/250kV 0.00 deg ; Swing bus

Generation : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar
PQ_load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
--> *1* : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

The various electrical parameters of transmission lines are determined using Simulink Sim Power
Systems and the generated parameter values are. From the simulation results we observed
that the calculated and simulated values are almost equal.

Short Circuit Analysis

Z1 =1.44 pu
Z2 =1.44 pu
Z0 =6.49 pu

Figure 3- 4. Fault 1 at Power CB 7

Fault 1 Power CB 7
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 669.7488 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 669.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 1258.05153 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (1.44)
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) (
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide

Figure 3- 5. Fault 2 at Power CB 8
Fault 2 at Power CB 8
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 1258.05153 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (1.44) 50MVA
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
√3 (13.8 kV)
IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 6. Fault 3 at Power CB 6

Fault 3 at Power CB 6
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-7. Fault 4 at Power CB 5
Fault 4 at Power CB 5
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 267.8995 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 257.8995 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial

ILL = 503.22206 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 503.2206 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 174.0789571 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 34.5 kV is 174.078971 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Figure 3-8. Fault 5 at Power CB 11

Fault 5 at Power CB 11
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 11 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 11 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 11 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-9. Fault 6 at Power CB 12

Fault 6 at Power CB 12
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 10. Fault 7 at Power CB 13
Fault 7 at Power CB 13
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-11. Fault 8 at Power CB 14

Fault 8 at Power CB 14
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-12. Fault 9 at Power CB 15
Fault 9 at Power CB 15
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-13. Fault 10 at Power CB 10

Fault 10 at Power CB 10
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-13. Fault 11 at Power CB 9

Fault 11 at Power CB 9
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 267.8995 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 257.8995 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 503.22206 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 503.2206 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 174.0789571 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 174.078971 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Figure 3-13. Fault 12 at Power CB 4
Fault 12 at Power CB 4
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 267.8995 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 257.8995 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 503.22206 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 503.2206 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 174.0789571 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 174.078971 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Figure 3-14. Fault 13 at Power CB 3

Fault 13 at Power CB 3
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (69 kV)
ILG = 133.9497 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 13..9497 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = ( )
1.44+1.44 √3 (69 kV) Applications

ILL = 251.6103 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 251.6103 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (1.44) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1,44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( )
√3 (69 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 87.0394A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 87.0394 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-15. Fault 14 at Power CB 2

Fault 14 at Power CB 2
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 267.8995 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 257.8995 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 503.22206 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 503.2206 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 174.0789571 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 174.078971 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Figure 3-16. Fault 15 at Power CB 1
Fault 15 at Power CB 1
Line to Ground
3 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Applications
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (480 V)

ILG = 19255.2784 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 19255.2784 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50 MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
1.44+1.44 √3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 36168.98148A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 36168.98148 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (1.44) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( )
√3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 12511.92504A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 1211.92504 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Design Option 2: Double Circuit Transmission Line via Route 3

Figure 3.56 Proposed Double Circuit Steel Tower

Figure 3.57 Transmission of Power from Arayat to Guagua via Route Option 3

Transmission line Conductor Sizing

An amperage of 313.7773 A is calculated from receiving end substation but double circuit transmission line
utilizes 2 conductors per phase, hence 2 (313.7773 A)=156.8887 A is the amperage of each conductor.
ASCR Sparrow Conductor has an ampacity rating of 180 Amperes, thus it is practically optional to utilize in
this design.

Conductor Weight Calculation

The characteristics below are the specifications for ACSR Sparrow Conductor
Note: Specifications are based from the TransPowr ACSR Bare Overhead Conductor for the selected
conductor (See Appendix A)
 Ampacity Rating: 315 Amperes
 Weight of conductor: 91 lbm/1000 ft = 1.3280 N/m
 Rated Strength: 3180 lbm = 14145.34 N
 For wind loading, the maximum recorded weather condition on Pampanga will be used for safety
purposes. Max Wind Speed for Pampanga = 67 m/s

The wind pressure can be approximated by:

Pair = (Density of air)(Wind speed)2 (Shape factor)
 The density of air is about 1.25 kg/m3.

 The shape factor (drag coefficient) depends on the shape of the body. It has order of magnitude 1
and is dimension less.
1 kg m 2 N
Pair = (1.25 3 ) (6.7 ) (1)=28.0563 2
2 m s m

Wwind =Pair (d+2t)

Wwind = Wind pressure per m2 of projected area × projected area per meter length
Wwind =Pair (d+2t)= (28.0563 2
) (0.01887m+2(0))=0.5294
m m
t = 0, since the cable is bare conductor

N 2 N 2 N
W=√(WC )2 +(WWind )2 =√(1.3280 ) + (0.5294 ) = 1.4296
m m m

For tower span, L would be 360 meters since the adopted range of span of 69 kV Transmission lines is 350
m – 360 m.
Sag and Tension Computation
14145.34 N
TWorking = =7072.67 N,

For a safety factor of 2

Analysis at Tower 1 and Tower 2

Figure 3.58 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 1 and 2

H1 =30 m above sea level
H2 =33 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|33 m-30 m|=3 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (3m)(7072.67 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (1.4296 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 138.7724 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 138.7724 m
=221.2276 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(1.4296 N/m)(138.7724 m)2 page 65
2(7072.67 N)
= 1.94629 m
Clearance=41 m-YMax
=41 m-1.94629 m
=39.0537 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.6101 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(1.94629 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0281 m

Analysis at Tower 2 and Tower 3

Figure 3.59 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 2 and 3

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =32 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|32 m-30 m|=2 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (2m)(7072.67 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (1.4296 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 152.515 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 152.515m
= 207.4850386 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(1.4296 N/m)(152.515 m)2 page 65
2(7072.67 N)
= 2.350856 m

Clearance=41 m-YMax
=41 m-2.350856m
=38.64914389 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.6101 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(2.350856 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0409372 m

Analysis at Tower 3 and Tower 4

Figure 3.60 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 3 and 4

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =34 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|34 m-30 m|=4 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL

360 m (4m)(7072.67 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (1.4296 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 125.0299 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 125.0299 m
=234.9700771 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(1.4296 N/m)(125.0299 m)2 page 65
2(7072.67 N)
= 1.579898 m

Clearance=41 m-YMax
=41 m - 1.579898 m
=39.4201019 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 38.6491 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(1.579898 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0184895 m

Analysis at Tower 4 and Tower 5

Figure 3.61 Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 4 and 5

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =32 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|32 m-30 m|=2 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (2m)(7072.67 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (1.4296 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 152.515 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 152.515 m
=207.4850386 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(1.4296 N/m)(152.515 m)2 page 65
2(7072.67 N)
= 2.350856 m
Clearance=41 m-YMax
=41 m-2.350856 m

=38.6491 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 38.6491 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0409372 m

Table 3. 6 Shows the calculated data gathered of transmission towers from 5 to 89

This table shows the information of the sag and tension from tower 5 to tower 89, the data is ascending from
towers 1 to 4, the negative sign in height means that the next elevation of the tower is either upward or
downward depends on the change.
X1 (m) X2 (m) H Sag1 (m) Clearance (m) Conductor length (m)
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
125.0299 234.9700771 4 1.579898 39.4201019 360.0184895
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
125.0299 234.9700771 4 1.579898 39.4201019 360.0184895
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
125.0299 234.9700771 4 1.579898 39.4201019 360.0184895
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
125.0299 234.9700771 4 1.579898 39.4201019 360.0184895
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596

166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
234.9701 125.0299229 -4 5.579898 35.4201019 360.2306316
207.485 152.5149614 -2 4.350856 36.64914389 360.1402218
234.9701 125.0299229 -4 5.579898 35.4201019 360.2306316
193.7425 166.2574807 -1 3.793596 37.20640439 360.1066027
207.485 152.5149614 -2 4.350856 36.64914389 360.1402218
207.485 152.5149614 -2 4.350856 36.64914389 360.1402218
221.2276 138.7724422 -3 4.94629 36.05370973 360.1812281
193.7425 166.2574807 -1 3.793596 37.20640439 360.1066027
221.2276 138.7724422 -3 4.94629 36.05370973 360.1812281
207.485 152.5149614 -2 4.350856 36.64914389 360.1402218
193.7425 166.2574807 -1 3.793596 37.20640439 360.1066027
221.2276 138.7724422 -3 4.94629 36.05370973 360.1812281
193.7425 166.2574807 -1 3.793596 37.20640439 360.1066027
207.485 152.5149614 -2 4.350856 36.64914389 360.1402218
193.7425 166.2574807 -1 3.793596 37.20640439 360.1066027
180 180 0 3.274509 37.72549122 360.0794252
166.2575 193.7425193 1 2.793596 38.20640439 360.0578087
152.515 207.4850386 2 2.350856 38.64914389 360.0409372
138.7724 221.2275578 3 1.94629 39.05370973 360.0280596
125.0299 234.9700771 4 1.579898 39.4201019 360.0184895
111.2874 248.7125964 5 1.25168 39.74832041 360.0116052
97.54488 262.4551157 6 0.961635 40.03836526 360.0068499
83.80237 276.1976349 7 0.709764 40.29023644 360.0037316
70.05985 289.9401542 8 0.496066 40.50393395 360.0018228
56.31733 303.6826735 9 0.320542 40.6794578 360.0007611
42.57481 317.4251928 10 0.183192 40.81680799 360.0002486
28.83229 331.167712 11 0.084015 40.91598451 360.0000523
15.08977 344.9102313 12 0.023013 40.97698737 360.0000039
1.347249 358.6527506 13 0.000183 40.99981656 360
-12.3953 372.3952699 14 0.015528 40.98447209 360.0000018
-26.1378 386.1377891 15 0.069046 40.93095395 360.0000353
-39.8803 399.8803084 16 0.160738 40.83926215 360.0001914
-53.6228 413.6228277 17 0.290603 40.70939668 360.0006256
-67.3653 427.365347 18 0.458642 40.54135755 360.0015582
-81.1079 441.1078662 19 0.664855 40.33514475 360.0032743
-94.8504 454.8503855 20 0.909242 40.09075829 360.0061239
-108.593 468.5929048 21 1.191802 39.80819817 360.0105214

-122.335 482.3354241 22 1.512536 39.48746438 360.0169464
-136.078 496.0779433 23 1.871443 39.12855692 360.025943
-149.82 509.8204626 24 2.268524 38.7314758 360.03812
-163.563 523.5629819 25 2.703779 38.29622102 360.0541513
-177.306 537.3055012 26 3.177207 37.82279257 360.0747752
-191.048 551.0480204 27 3.68881 37.31119046 360.1007949
-204.791 564.7905397 28 4.238585 36.76141468 360.1330786
-218.533 578.533059 29 4.826535 36.17346524 360.1725588
-232.276 592.2755783 30 5.452658 35.54734213 360.2202332
-246.018 606.0180975 31 6.116955 34.88304536 360.277164
-259.761 619.7606168 32 6.819425 34.18057492 360.3444782
-273.503 633.5031361 33 7.560069 33.43993082 360.4233677
-287.246 647.2456554 34 8.338887 32.66111305 360.5150892
-300.988 660.9881746 35 9.155878 31.84412162 360.6209638
-314.731 674.7306939 36 10.01104 30.98895653 360.7423777
-328.473 688.4732132 37 10.90438 30.09561777 360.8807819
-342.216 702.2157325 38 11.83589 29.16410534 361.0376919
-355.958 715.9582517 39 12.80558 28.19441925 361.2146881
-369.701 729.700771 40 13.81344 27.1865595 361.4134158
-383.443 743.4432903 41 14.85947 26.14052608 361.6355849
-397.186 757.1858096 42 15.94368 25.056319 361.8829701
-410.928 770.9283288 43 17.06606 23.93393825 362.1574108
-424.671 784.6708481 44 18.22662 22.77338384 362.4608114
-438.413 798.4133674 45 19.42534 21.57465576 362.7951407
-452.156 812.1558867 46 20.66225 20.33775402 363.1624327
-465.898 825.8984059 47 21.93732 19.06267861 363.5647857

Computation for the total length of the transmission line from Receiving End Substation to Sending End

Total Length = 32069.44 m

Figure 3.62 69 kV Insulator String

For the nominal voltage of 69 kV, the number of suspended insulators is 6 discs. In a suspended insulator,
the line conductor is secured at the bottom disc and the top disc is connected to the cross arm of the tower.
The type of insulators we will use is suspension type insulator for higher voltage rating and of the flexibility of
the line and the mechanical stresses are reduced.
69 kV
Vph = =39837.1686 V
Vph =V1 +V2 +V3 +V4 +V5 +V6
V1 =V1
V2 =V1 (k+1)
V3 =V1 k+V2 (k+1)
V4 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 (k+1)
V5 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 k+V4 (k+1)
V6 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 k+V4 k+V5 (k+1) The Electrical Engineering
Handbook, Second Edition. Table
61.3: Typical Line Insulation, page
The value of the ratio of capacitance between pin and earth to the 1326
self-capacitance or K is 0.11
Solving for all the potential difference at every insulator,
V1 =3766.396 V
V2 =4180.69956 V
V3 =5054.880072 V
V4 =3401.301169 V
V5 =8433.804693 V
V6 =11310.2305 V
String Efficiency= x 100
number of strings x voltage across disc nearest to the conductor
69 kV
String Efficiency= x 100=58.7037 %
6 x 11310.2305 V

To improve string efficiency, the method that we will use is grading the insulators.
Grading the insulators is making the potential difference the same to improve the string efficiency to its
highest peak by adding earth capacitance that is adjusted to different sized insulators.

Assume, Ce =KC
C=Ce K
C2 =C(1+K)
C3 =C(1+3K)
C4 =C(1+6K)
C5 =C(1+10K)
C6 =C(1+15K)

The distribution voltages are almost equal, V1 =V2 =Vn

C=1.02235 x 10−9 F

C2 =1.09069 x 10-9 F

C3 =1.15902 x 10-9 F

C4 =1.22735 x 10-9 F

C5 =1.29568 x 10-9 F

C6 =1.364 x 10-9 F

Solving for the current at each node,

I1 =0.002723 A
I2 =0.002905 A
I3 =0.003087 A
I4 =0.003269 A
I5 =0.003451 A
I6 =0.003633 A
V1 =V2 =Vn =7065.0545 V

String Efficiency= x 100
number of strings x voltage across disc nearest to the conductor
69 kV
String Efficiency= x 100 = 93.977 %
6 x 7065.0545 V

Computing Total Resistance of Overhead Short Transmission Line Conductor

Total resistance of the conductor is computed by the formula
Rconductor =Total length of the conductor x Resistance
Resistance = Resistance of the conductor @ 75 degrees Celsius AC
ACSR Sparrow Resistance = 0.337 Ω/1000 ft = 0.337 Ω/304.8 m
Total length=32069.44 m
0.0529 Ω
RConductor =(32069.44 m)( )
304.8 m

Rconductor =5.565857 Ω

Computing Total Inductive Reactance of Overhead Transmission Line Conductor

Total inductive reactance of the conductor is computed by the formula
D H 1000 m
L= (2 x10-7 ln Deq ) m x x Total Length of the conductor
S km

Based on the specification of an ASCR Sparrow conductor, the stranding of the conductor is 6/1
The ACSR Sparrow has the following diameters:
DiameterTotal =0.316 inch

Figure 3.63 6/1 ACSR Sparrow Conductor

The illustration above shows the arrangement of the Aluminum and Steel conductors in an ACSR Sparrow

Figure 3.64 Double Circuit Conductors Arrangement

The inductance of the ACSR Sparrow can be solved by using the formula:
L=2 x 10-7 ln

GMD = Geometric Mean Distance
GMR = Radius of conductor for inductance

ab=3000+17.35=3017.35 mm IER (1956). Table 3.4: Vertical

bc=3000+17.35=3017.35 mm clearance between conductors, page 25

ac=3000(2) +17.35(2) =6034.75 mm

ac'=6000+17.35= 6017.35 mm
bb'=6000+17.35=6017.35 mm
ca'=6000+17.35=6017.35 mm

IER (1956). Table 3.4: Horizontal

ab =√6017.352 +3017.352 =6731.4859 mm
spacing between conductors, page 25

bc' =√6017.352 +3017.352 =6731.4859 mm

ba' =√6017.352 +3017.352 =6731.4859 mm

cb' =√6017.352 +3017.352 =6731.4859 mm

aa' =√6034.752 +6017.352 =6125.3057 mm

cc' =√6034.752 +6017.352 =6125.3057 mm

GMD=√Dab Dab' Da' b Da' b'

GMD=√(6731.4859 mm)(6731.4859 mm)(6125.3057 mm)(6125.3057 mm)
GMD = 6421.2467 mm

GMR of Sparrow conductor is 0.0039 ft = 1.18872 mm (See Appendix A - TransPowr ACSR Bare Overhead

Substituting the values required for the formula of inductance, we have:

6421.2467 mm H
L=2 x 10-7 ln =1.7189 x 10-6
1.18872 mm m

For a 32069.44 m, the inductive reactance of this ACSR conductor is:

XL =2πfL x 32069.44 m=2π(60 Hz)(1.7189 x 10-6 m )(32069.44 m)

XL =20.78131889 Ω

Computation for Receiving End Voltage

Figure 3.65 Short Transmission Line Equivalent Circuit

VSN = sending end voltage per phase
XL = inductive reactance per phase
𝐼𝑅 = load current per phase
Cos Φr = receiving pf (lagging)

R = resistance per phase
VSN = 69kV
R=5.565857 Ω
XL =20.78131889 Ω
cos Φs =0.95 (lagging)

69 kV
VRN = -(313.7773 A∠- cos-1 (0.95))(5.565857+j20.78131889 Ω)
VRN =36.5808∠-8.884006 kV

VR =VRN √3=66.059∠-8.884006 kV
Pf=cos θ = cos(-8.884006)=0.98800 lagging


SR =√3(66.059 kV)(313.7773 A)
SR =34.434281 MVA
VS -VR 69-66.059
% VR= x 100= x 100
VR 66.059

%VR=4.4520 %
Efficiency= x 100
Efficiency= 95.91137 %

Transmission Line Design simulation using Simulink Sim Power Systems

Figure 3.66 Design Simulation using Simulink

Figure 3.67 Input of Transmission Line Parameters

Data and Results

Steady State
Simscape Power Systems (Specialized Technology) Report.
generated by powergui,
12-Oct-2018 03:22:07

Model : C:\Users\Boss

[1] Steady-State voltages and currents:

States at 60 Hz :

6.9301e+02 A -11.13 ° ---> 'Il_phase_A: Three-Phase RL Load'

6.9301e+02 A -131.13 ° ---> 'Il_phase_B: Three-Phase RL Load'
6.9301e+02 A 108.87 ° ---> 'Il_phase_C: Three-Phase RL Load'

Dependent STATES: (steady state values are not computed)

1: 'Il_phase_A: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

2: 'Il_phase_B: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'
3: 'Il_phase_C: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

Measurements at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U A: Sending End Bus

V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V -8.70° ---> U A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V -128.70° ---> U B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V 111.30° ---> U C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -11.13° ---> I A: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -131.13° ---> I B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A 108.87° ---> I C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -11.13° ---> I A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -131.13° ---> I B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A 108.87° ---> I C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement

Sources at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U_A: Three-Phase Source

3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U_B: Three-Phase Source
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U_C: Three-Phase Source

Nonlinear elements at 60 Hz :

Load Flow
The Load Flow converged in 0 iterations !

SUMMARY for subnetwork No 1

Total generation : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

Total PQ load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total Zshunt load : P= 0.02 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total ASM load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total losses : P= 4205.77 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

1 : *1* V= 0.026 pu/0.0371823kV -43.23 deg

Generation : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
PQ_load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.02 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
--> *2* : P= -0.02 MW Q= -0.00 Mvar

2 : *2* V= 1.000 pu/250kV 0.00 deg ; Swing bus

Generation : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar
PQ_load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
--> *1* : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

The various electrical parameters of transmission lines are determined using Simulink Sim Power
Systems and the generated parameter values are. From the simulation results we observed
that the calculated and simulated values are almost equal.

Short Circuit Analysis
Z1 =1.44 pu
Z2 =1.44 pu
Z0 =6.49 pu

Figure 3- 4. Fault 1 at Power CB 7

Fault 1 Power CB 7
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 669.7488 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 669.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 1258.05153 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (1.44)
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) (
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide

Figure 3- 5. Fault 2 at Power CB 8

Fault 2 at Power CB 8
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 1258.05153 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (1.44) 50MVA
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
√3 (13.8 kV)
IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 6. Fault 3 at Power CB 6
Fault 3 at Power CB 6
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-7. Fault 4 at Power CB 5

Fault 4 at Power CB 5
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial

ILG = 267.8995 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 257.8995 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 503.22206 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 503.2206 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))
Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 174.0789571 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 34.5 kV is 174.078971 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Figure 3-8. Fault 5 at Power CB 11

Fault 5 at Power CB 11
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 11 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 11 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 11 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-9. Fault 6 at Power CB 12
Fault 6 at Power CB 12
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 10. Fault 7 at Power CB 13

Fault 7 at Power CB 13
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-11. Fault 8 at Power CB 14

Fault 8 at Power CB 14
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-12. Fault 9 at Power CB 15
Fault 9 at Power CB 15
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-13. Fault 10 at Power CB 10

Fault 10 at Power CB 10
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-13. Fault 11 at Power CB 9

Fault 11 at Power CB 9
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 267.8995 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 257.8995 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 503.22206 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 503.2206 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 174.0789571 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 174.078971 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Figure 3-13. Fault 12 at Power CB 4
Fault 12 at Power CB 4
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 267.8995 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 257.8995 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 503.22206 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 503.2206 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 174.0789571 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 174.078971 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Figure 3-14. Fault 13 at Power CB 3

Fault 13 at Power CB 3
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (69 kV)
ILG = 133.9497 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 13..9497 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = ( )
1.44+1.44 √3 (69 kV) Applications

ILL = 251.6103 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 251.6103 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (1.44) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1,44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( )
√3 (69 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 87.0394A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 87.0394 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-15. Fault 14 at Power CB 2

Fault 14 at Power CB 2
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 267.8995 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 257.8995 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 503.22206 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 503.2206 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 174.0789571 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 174.078971 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Figure 3-16. Fault 15 at Power CB 1
Fault 15 at Power CB 1
Line to Ground
3 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Applications
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (480 V)

ILG = 19255.2784 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 19255.2784 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50 MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
1.44+1.44 √3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 36168.98148A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 36168.98148 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (1.44) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( )
√3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 12511.92504A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 1211.92504 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Design Option 3: Underground Circuit Transmission Line via Route 1

Figure 3.68 Transmission of Power from Porac to Guagua via Route Option 1

Based on figure 3.10, the total length of the conductor to be used in this underground transmission line from
Porac to Guagua has a total length of 14043.82 m.

Underground Transmission Line Conductor Sizing

An amperage of 313.7773 A is calculated from receiving end substation and the system will use an XLPE
insulated unarmored PE sheathed Cable – single core CU/XLPE/SCW/PE cable.
The insulation resistance of the cable can be computed using the formula:
ρ r1
R= ln
2ᴨL r2
Ρ = specific resistivity of XLPE insulator (1e13 Ω-km)
IEEE Standard 43-2000,
L = length of cable in km recommended practice for testing
r2 = internal sheath of radius in cm insulation resistance, pages 1-3,
r1 = conductor radius in cm
Based on the IEEE Standard 43-2000, to compute for the insulation resistance of the XLPE cable, use the
formula above for a recommended practice for testing of insulation resistance.

ρ r1 1x1013 Ω-km 1.6 cm+1.02 cm
R= ln = ln =8599.410508 MΩ
2ᴨL r2 2ᴨ*174.596 km 1.02 cm
The insulation resistance of the XLPE cable to be used in this submarine transmission line is 8599.410508
mega ohms.
The system will use an XLPE insulated unarmored PE sheathed Cable – single core CU/XLPE/SCW/PE
cable. It has a total ac resistance of 0.069 Ω/km at 90ºC.
The total length of the cable to be used for the submarine cable will be 174.596 km
The resistance in the cable can be computed using the formula:
IEC 60228, Conductors of
0.069 Ω Insulated Cables, 2004
Resistance= *14.04382 km= 0.96902Ω

Based on the specifications, the reactance of the XLPE cable has a value of 0.101 Ω/km for a 60 Hz
transmission line.
To solve for the inductive reactance of the transmission line at 60 Hz, use the formula:
Ω μH
0.101 =100ᴨ(L)→L=321.492985
km Km
XL =120ᴨ(L)  XL =j0.1212*174.596=j1.70211 Ω

69 kV
VRN = -(313.7773 A∠- cos-1 (0.95))(0.96902+j1.70211 Ω)
VRN =39.383∠-0.6000 kV

VR =VRN √3=66.214∠-0.6000 kV
Pf=cos θ = cos(-0.6000)=0.9999 lagging


SR =√3(66.214 kV)(313.7773 A)
SR =37.072823 MVA

VS -VR 69-66.214
% VR= x 100= x 100
VR 66.214

%VR=4.20 %
Efficiency= x 100
Efficiency=94.27 %

Figure 3.69 Design Simulation using Simulink

Figure 3.70 Input of Transmission Lines Parameter
Data and Results
Steady State
Simscape Power Systems (Specialized Technology) Report.
generated by powergui,
13-Oct-2018 00:49:12

Model : C:\Users\Boss

[1] Steady-State voltages and currents:

States at 60 Hz :

1.6607e+04 A -60.35 ° ---> 'Il_phase_A: Three-Phase RL Load'

1.6607e+04 A 179.65 ° ---> 'Il_phase_B: Three-Phase RL Load'
1.6607e+04 A 59.65 ° ---> 'Il_phase_C: Three-Phase RL Load'

Dependent STATES: (steady state values are not computed)

1: 'Il_phase_A: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'
2: 'Il_phase_B: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'
3: 'Il_phase_C: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

Measurements at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U A: Sending End Bus

V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9079e-01 V -59.20° ---> U A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9079e-01 V -179.20° ---> U B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9079e-01 V 60.80° ---> U C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
1.6607e+04 A -60.35° ---> I A: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
1.6607e+04 A 179.65° ---> I B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
1.6607e+04 A 59.65° ---> I C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
1.6607e+04 A -60.35° ---> I A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
1.6607e+04 A 179.65° ---> I B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
1.6607e+04 A 59.65° ---> I C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement

Sources at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U_A: Three-Phase Source

3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U_B: Three-Phase Source
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U_C: Three-Phase Source

Nonlinear elements at 60 Hz :

Load Flow
The Load Flow converged in 2 iterations !

SUMMARY for subnetwork No 1

Total generation : P= 15788.10 MW Q= 27730.69 Mvar

Total PQ load : P= -0.01 MW Q= -0.00 Mvar
Total Zshunt load : P= 0.69 MW Q= 0.01 Mvar
Total ASM load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total losses : P= 15787.42 MW Q= 27730.68 Mvar

1 : *1* V= 0.137 pu/0.039152kV -59.48 deg

Generation : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
PQ_load : P= -0.01 MW Q= -0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.69 MW Q= 0.01 Mvar
--> *2* : P= -0.68 MW Q= -0.01 Mvar

2 : *2* V= 1.000 pu/250kV 0.00 deg ; Swing bus

Generation : P=15788.10 MW Q=27730.69 Mvar
PQ_load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
--> *1* : P=15788.10 MW Q=27730.69 Mvar

The various electrical parameters of transmission lines are determined using Simulink Sim Power
Systems and the generated parameter values are. From the simulation results we observed
that the calculated and simulated values are almost equal.

Short Circuit Analysis

Z1 =6.49 pu
Z2 =6.49 pu
Z0 =5.7460 pu

Figure 3- 4. Fault 1 at Power CB 7
Fault 1 Power CB 7
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 335.1247 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 335.1247 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.1362 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 279.1362 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49)
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) (
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 348.990 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 348990 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 1 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 5. Fault 2 at Power CB 8

Fault 2 at Power CB 8
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 335.124A

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 335.124 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 279.136 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 279.136 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
√3 (13.8 kV)
IDLG = 201. 489 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 201.489 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 6. Fault 3 at Power CB 6
Fault 3 at Power CB 6
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 335.1247 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 335.1247 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications

ILL = 279.1362 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 279.1362 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-7. Fault 4 at Power CB 5

Fault 4 at Power CB 5
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial

ILG = 134.265 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 134.265 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.9131 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 111.9131 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 140.0366 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 34.5 kV is 140.0366 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-8. Fault 5 at Power CB 11

Fault 5 at Power CB 11
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 336.201999 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 336.29199 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 280.4325 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 280.432 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
√3 (13.8 kV)
IDLG = 3506111A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 350.61156 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-9. Fault 6 at Power CB 12
Fault 6 at Power CB 12
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 323.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 279.78885 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground
3 (Z2 ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 10. Fault 7 at Power CB 13

Fault 7 at Power CB 13
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 323.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base

√3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage

ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49)
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) (
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 350.0916A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-11. Fault 8 at Power CB 14

Fault 8 at Power CB 14
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is XX A,
therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker
(See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-12. Fault 9 at Power CB 15
Fault 9 at Power CB 15
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15at 13.8 kV is 335.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-13. Fault 10 at Power CB 10

Fault 10 at Power CB 10
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 335.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-13. Fault 11 at Power CB 9

Fault 11 at Power CB 9
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245
Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 139.5961A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 139.5961 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-13. Fault 12 at Power CB 4
Fault 12 at Power CB 4
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 139.5961A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 139.5961 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-14. Fault 13 at Power CB 3

Fault 13 at Power CB 3
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (69 kV)
ILG = 67.0249A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 67.0249 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (69 kV) Applications

ILL = 55.827A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 55.827 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-20:
1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (69 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 69.7981A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 69.7981 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-15. Fault 14 at Power CB 2

Fault 14 at Power CB 2
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 5MVA
ILG = ( ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (34.5 kV) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is
134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See
Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 5MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 139.572A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 139.572 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-16. Fault 15 at Power CB 1
Fault 15 at Power CB 1
Line to Ground
3 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Applications
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (480 V)

ILG = 9634A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 9634 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL Molded
Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric: Commercial
and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50 MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 8025.166A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 8025.166 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL Molded
Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric: Commercial
and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 10033.47565A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 480 V is 10033.47565 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Design Option 3: Underground Circuit Transmission Line via Route 2

Figure 3.71 Transmission of Power from Porac to Guagua via Route Option 2
Based on figure 3.10, the total length of the conductor to be used in this underground transmission line from
Porac to Guagua has a total length of 21244.05 m.

Underground Transmission Line Conductor Sizing

An amperage of 313.7773 A is calculated from receiving end substation and the system will use an XLPE
insulated unarmored PE sheathed Cable – single core CU/XLPE/SCW/PE cable.
The insulation resistance of the cable can be computed using the formula:
ρ r1
R= ln
2ᴨL r2

Ρ = specific resistivity of XLPE insulator (1e13 Ω-km)
IEEE Standard 43-2000,
L = length of cable in km recommended practice for testing
r2 = internal sheath of radius in cm insulation resistance, pages 1-3,
r1 = conductor radius in cm
Based on the IEEE Standard 43-2000, to compute for the insulation resistance of the XLPE cable, use the
formula above for a recommended practice for testing of insulation resistance.

ρ r1 1x1013 Ω-km 1.6 cm+1.02 cm

R= ln = ln =8599.410508 MΩ
2ᴨL r2 2ᴨ*174.596 km 1.02 cm
The insulation resistance of the XLPE cable to be used in this submarine transmission line is 8599.410508
mega ohms.

The system will use an XLPE insulated unarmored PE sheathed Cable – single core CU/XLPE/SCW/PE
cable. It has a total ac resistance of 0.069 Ω/km at 90ºC.
The total length of the cable to be used for the submarine cable will be 174.596 km
The resistance in the cable can be computed using the formula:
IEC 60228, Conductors of
0.069 Ω
Resistance= *21.24405 km= 1.4658Ω Insulated Cables, 2004

Based on the specifications, the reactance of the XLPE cable has a value of 0.101 Ω/km for a 60 Hz
transmission line.
To solve for the inductive reactance of the transmission line at 60 Hz, use the formula:
Ω μH
0.101 =100ᴨ(L)→L=321.492985
km Km
XL =120ᴨ(L)  XL =j0.1212*21.24405=j2.57477Ω

69 kV
VRN = -(313.7773 A∠- cos-1 (0.95))(1.4658+j2.57477Ω)

VRN =39.152∠-0.9130 kV

VR =VRN √3=66.80626∠-0.9130 kV
Pf=cos θ = cos(-0.6000)=0.9998 lagging


SR =√3(66.80626 kV)(313.7773 A)
SR =36.85122 MVA
VS -VR 69-66.80626
% VR= x 100= x 100
VR 66.80626

%VR=3.28 %
Efficiency= x 100
Efficiency= 97.12599 %

Figure 3.72 Design Simulation using Simulink

Figure 3.73 Input of Transmission Line Parameters

Data and Results

Steady State
Simscape Power Systems (Specialized Technology) Report.
generated by powergui,
13-Oct-2018 00:30:28

Model : C:\Users\Boss

[1] Steady-State voltages and currents:

States at 60 Hz :

1.0978e+04 A -60.35 ° ---> 'Il_phase_A: Three-Phase RL Load'

1.0978e+04 A 179.65 ° ---> 'Il_phase_B: Three-Phase RL Load'
1.0978e+04 A 59.65 ° ---> 'Il_phase_C: Three-Phase RL Load'

Dependent STATES: (steady state values are not computed)

1: 'Il_phase_A: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'
2: 'Il_phase_B: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'
3: 'Il_phase_C: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

Measurements at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U A: Sending End Bus

V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
4.5666e-01 V -59.20° ---> U A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
4.5666e-01 V -179.20° ---> U B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
4.5666e-01 V 60.80° ---> U C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
1.0978e+04 A -60.35° ---> I A: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
1.0978e+04 A 179.65° ---> I B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
1.0978e+04 A 59.65° ---> I C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
1.0978e+04 A -60.35° ---> I A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
1.0978e+04 A 179.65° ---> I B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
1.0978e+04 A 59.65° ---> I C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement

Sources at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U_A: Three-Phase Source

3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U_B: Three-Phase Source
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U_C: Three-Phase Source

Nonlinear elements at 60 Hz :

Load Flow
The Load Flow converged in 1 iteration !

SUMMARY for subnetwork No 1

Total generation : P= 10436.98 MW Q= 18332.08 Mvar

Total PQ load : P= -0.01 MW Q= -0.01 Mvar
Total Zshunt load : P= 0.32 MW Q= 0.01 Mvar
Total ASM load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total losses : P= 10436.68 MW Q= 18332.08 Mvar

1 : *1* V= 0.093 pu/0.039152kV -60.77 deg

Generation : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
PQ_load : P= -0.01 MW Q= -0.01 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.32 MW Q= 0.01 Mvar
--> *2* : P= -0.31 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar

2 : *2* V= 1.000 pu/250kV 0.00 deg ; Swing bus

Generation : P=10436.98 MW Q=18332.08 Mvar
PQ_load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
--> *1* : P=10436.98 MW Q=18332.08 Mvar

The various electrical parameters of transmission lines are determined using Simulink Sim Power
Systems and the generated parameter values are. From the simulation results we observed
that the calculated and simulated values are almost equal.

Short Circuit Analysis

Z1 =1.44 pu
Z2 =1.44 pu
Z0 =6.49 pu

Figure 3- 4. Fault 1 at Power CB 7
Fault 1 Power CB 7
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 669.7488 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 669.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 1258.05153 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (1.44)
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) (
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide

Figure 3- 5. Fault 2 at Power CB 8

Fault 2 at Power CB 8
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG =699.7488A

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 1258.05153 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (1.44) 50MVA
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
√3 (13.8 kV)
IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 6. Fault 3 at Power CB 6
Fault 3 at Power CB 6
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-7. Fault 4 at Power CB 5

Fault 4 at Power CB 5
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial

ILG = 267.8995 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 257.8995 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 503.22206 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 503.2206 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))
Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 174.0789571 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 34.5 kV is 174.078971 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Figure 3-8. Fault 5 at Power CB 11

Fault 5 at Power CB 11
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 11 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 11 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 11 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-9. Fault 6 at Power CB 12
Fault 6 at Power CB 12
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 10. Fault 7 at Power CB 13

Fault 7 at Power CB 13
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-11. Fault 8 at Power CB 14

Fault 8 at Power CB 14
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-12. Fault 9 at Power CB 15
Fault 9 at Power CB 15
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-13. Fault 10 at Power CB 10

Fault 10 at Power CB 10
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG =699.7488A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 699.7488 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
1.44+1.44 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 1258.05153 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 1258.05153 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 435.197392 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 435.197392 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-13. Fault 11 at Power CB 9

Fault 11 at Power CB 9
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 267.8995 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 257.8995 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 503.22206 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 503.2206 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 174.0789571 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 174.078971 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Figure 3-13. Fault 12 at Power CB 4
Fault 12 at Power CB 4
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 267.8995 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 257.8995 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 503.22206 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 503.2206 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 174.0789571 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 174.078971 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Figure 3-14. Fault 13 at Power CB 3

Fault 13 at Power CB 3
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (69 kV)
ILG = 133.9497 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 13..9497 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = ( )
1.44+1.44 √3 (69 kV) Applications

ILL = 251.6103 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 251.6103 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (1.44) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1,44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( )
√3 (69 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 87.0394A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 87.0394 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-15. Fault 14 at Power CB 2

Fault 14 at Power CB 2
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 267.8995 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 257.8995 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
1.44+1.44 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 503.22206 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 503.2206 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (1.44) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 174.0789571 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 174.078971 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Figure 3-16. Fault 15 at Power CB 1
Fault 15 at Power CB 1
Line to Ground
3 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Applications
6.49+1.44+1.44 √3 (480 V)

ILG = 19255.2784 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 19255.2784 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50 MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
1.44+1.44 √3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 36168.98148A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 36168.98148 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (1.44) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 1.44(6.49+1.44)+ 6.49(1.44) ) ( )
√3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 12511.92504A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 1211.92504 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Design Option 3: Underground Circuit Transmission Line via Route 3

Figure 3.74 Transmission of Power from Arayat to Guagua via Route Option 3
Based on figure 3. X, the total length of the conductor to be used in this underground transmission line from
Porac to Guagua has a total length of 32045.37m.

Underground Transmission Line Conductor Sizing

An amperage of 313.7773 A is calculated from receiving end substation and the system will use an XLPE
insulated unarmored PE sheathed Cable – single core CU/XLPE/SCW/PE cable.
The insulation resistance of the cable can be computed using the formula:
ρ r1
R= ln
2ᴨL r2

Ρ = specific resistivity of XLPE insulator (1e13 Ω-km)
IEEE Standard 43-2000,
L = length of cable in km recommended practice for testing
r2 = internal sheath of radius in cm insulation resistance, pages 1-3,
r1 = conductor radius in cm
Based on the IEEE Standard 43-2000, to compute for the insulation resistance of the XLPE cable, use the
formula above for a recommended practice for testing of insulation resistance.

ρ r1 1x1013 Ω-km 1.6 cm+1.02 cm

R= ln = ln =8599.410508 MΩ
2ᴨL r2 2ᴨ*174.596 km 1.02 cm
The insulation resistance of the XLPE cable to be used in this submarine transmission line is 8599.410508
mega ohms.

The system will use an XLPE insulated unarmored PE sheathed Cable – single core CU/XLPE/SCW/PE
cable. It has a total ac resistance of 0.069 Ω/km at 90ºC.
The total length of the cable to be used for the submarine cable will be 174.596 km
The resistance in the cable can be computed using the formula:
IEC 60228, Conductors of
0.069 Ω
Resistance= *32.04537 km= 2.2111Ω Insulated Cables, 2004

Based on the specifications, the reactance of the XLPE cable has a value of 0.101 Ω/km for a 60 Hz
transmission line.
To solve for the inductive reactance of the transmission line at 60 Hz, use the formula:
Ω μH
0.101 =100ᴨ(L)→L=321.492985
km Km
XL =120ᴨ(L)  XL =j0.1212*32.04537=j3.88389Ω

69 kV
VRN = -(313.7773 A∠- cos-1 (0.95))( 2.2111+j3.88389Ω)
VRN =38.808∠-1.3895 kV

VR =VRN √3=66.21906∠-1.3895 kV
Pf=cos θ = cos(-1.3895)=0.9997 lagging


SR =√3(66.21906 kV)(313.7773 A)
SR =35.445139 MVA
VS -VR 69-66.21906
% VR= x 100= x 100
VR 66.21906

%VR=3.28 %
Efficiency= x 100
Efficiency= 97.11628 %

Figure 3.75 Design Simulation using Simulink

Figure 3.76 Input of Transmission Line Parameters
Data and Results
Steady State
Simscape Power Systems (Specialized Technology) Report.
generated by powergui,
13-Oct-2018 00:57:39

Model : C:\Users\Boss

[1] Steady-State voltages and currents:

States at 60 Hz :

7.2780e+03 A -60.35 ° ---> 'Il_phase_A: Three-Phase RL Load'

7.2780e+03 A 179.65 ° ---> 'Il_phase_B: Three-Phase RL Load'
7.2780e+03 A 59.65 ° ---> 'Il_phase_C: Three-Phase RL Load'

Dependent STATES: (steady state values are not computed)

1: 'Il_phase_A: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

2: 'Il_phase_B: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

3: 'Il_phase_C: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

Measurements at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U A: Sending End Bus

V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
3.0274e-01 V -59.20° ---> U A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
3.0274e-01 V -179.20° ---> U B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
3.0274e-01 V 60.80° ---> U C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
7.2780e+03 A -60.35° ---> I A: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
7.2780e+03 A 179.65° ---> I B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
7.2780e+03 A 59.65° ---> I C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
7.2780e+03 A -60.35° ---> I A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
7.2780e+03 A 179.65° ---> I B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
7.2780e+03 A 59.65° ---> I C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement

Sources at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U_A: Three-Phase Source

3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U_B: Three-Phase Source
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U_C: Three-Phase Source

Nonlinear elements at 60 Hz :

Load Flow
The Load Flow converged in 1 iteration !

SUMMARY for subnetwork No 1

Total generation : P= 6919.02 MW Q= 12153.07 Mvar

Total PQ load : P= -0.00 MW Q= -0.00 Mvar
Total Zshunt load : P= 0.13 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total ASM load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total losses : P= 6918.89 MW Q= 12153.07 Mvar

1 : *1* V= 0.060 pu/0.039152kV -59.82 deg

Generation : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
PQ_load : P= -0.00 MW Q= -0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.13 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
--> *2* : P= -0.13 MW Q= -0.00 Mvar

2 : *2* V= 1.000 pu/250kV 0.00 deg ; Swing bus

Generation : P= 6919.02 MW Q=12153.07 Mvar
PQ_load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
--> *1* : P= 6919.02 MW Q=12153.07 Mvar

The various electrical parameters of transmission lines are determined using Simulink Sim Power
Systems and the generated parameter values are. From the simulation results we observed
that the calculated and simulated values are almost equal.

Short Circuit Analysis

Z1 =8.36 pu
Z2 =8.43 pu
Z0 =7.776 pu

Figure 3- 4. Fault 1 at Power CB 7

Fault 1 Power CB 7
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 255.4566 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 255.4566 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 215.7944 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 215.7944 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49)
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.43+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) (
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 1 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 5. Fault 2 at Power CB 8
Fault 2 at Power CB 8
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 255.4566 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 255.4566 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 215.7944 A

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 215.7944 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
√3 (13.8 kV)
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 6. Fault 3 at Power CB 6

Fault 3 at Power CB 6
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 255.4566 A

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 255.4566 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications

ILL = 215.7944 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 215.7944 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( ) ( ) Applications
8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) √3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-7. Fault 4 at Power CB 5
Fault 4 at Power CB 5
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (34.5 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.265 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 134.265 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial

ILL = 111.9131 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 111.9131 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 34.5 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-8. Fault 5 at Power CB 11

Fault 5 at Power CB 11
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 336.201999 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 336.29199 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 280.4325 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 280.432 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
√3 (13.8 kV)
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-9. Fault 6 at Power CB 12

Fault 6 at Power CB 12
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 323.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 279.78885 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground

3 (Z2 ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3- 10. Fault 7 at Power CB 13
Fault 7 at Power CB 13
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 323.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base

√3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage

ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49)
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) (
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-11. Fault 8 at Power CB 14

Fault 8 at Power CB 14
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is XX A,
therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker
(See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)
Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-12. Fault 9 at Power CB 15

Fault 9 at Power CB 15
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15at 13.8 kV is 335.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-13. Fault 10 at Power CB 10
Fault 10 at Power CB 10
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 335.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 3-13. Fault 11 at Power CB 9

Fault 11 at Power CB 9
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245
Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-13. Fault 12 at Power CB 4

Fault 12 at Power CB 4
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
8.36+8.43 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 263.1539 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 263.1539 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-14. Fault 13 at Power CB 3
Fault 13 at Power CB 3
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (69 kV)
ILG = 51.0913 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 51.0913 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (69 kV) Applications

ILL = 74.7534 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 74.7534 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.36+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (69 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 52.6307 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 52.6307 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-15. Fault 14 at Power CB 2

Fault 14 at Power CB 2
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 5MVA
ILG = ( ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (34.5 kV) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is
134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See
Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 8.36(8.43+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 105.2615 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 105.2615 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 3-16. Fault 15 at Power CB 1

Fault 15 at Power CB 1
Line to Ground
3 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Applications
8.36+8.43+7.776 √3 (480 V)

ILG = 7344.3767 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 7344.3767 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50 MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
8.36+8.43 √3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 6204.0897 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 6204.0897 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( )( )
8.36(8.43+7.776)+ 8.43(7.776) √3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 7565.6771 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 480 V is 7565.6771 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL Molded
Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric: Commercial
and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Final Step: Design of Solar Power System Final Step: Design of Solar Power System

Figure 3.86 Dimension of SPLITMAX Framed 144-Cell Module (1500 W) Monocrystalline Solar Cells

Table 3. 7 Technical Specifications

Table 3.7 shows the technical specifications of the system.

Parameter Symbol Value for Value for Reference

350 Wp 380 Wp
Peak power (Wp) Pmax 350 380 TRINASOLAR: TSM-DE14A(II) STD
Maximum power voltage (V) Vmpp 38.4 39.6
Maximum power current (A) Impp 9.13 9.60
MONO 365-370W

Open circuit voltage (V) Voc 46.5 48.0

Short circuit current (A) Isc 9.60 9.99
Module efficiency (%) ηm 17.6 19.2
Voc temperature coefficient (%/ºC) TC - 0.29%/°C
Minimum operating temperature (ºC) Tmin -40
Maximum operating temperature (ºC) Tmax +85
Minimum MPPT voltage (V) Vmin_MPPT 580
Maximum permissible input voltage (V) Vmax_input 1500

Calculation of power dimensions of the Solar Power System
Transmission Line Losses:

Power Loss in the transmission lines = 3I2 R

Power Loss in the transmission lines = 3(313.7773 A) (6.5888Ω)
Power Loss in the transmission lines = 1.9461 MW

10 MVA Transformer Substation Losses: (See Appendix – ABB Power Transformer Datasheet)
MW - Load Loss
Peak Efficiency Index = x100%
10 MVA*0.8 - Load Loss
99.62%= x100%
10 MVA*0.8
Load Loss (Approx.) = 30.4 kW

20 MVA Transformer Substation Losses: (See Appendix – ABB Power Transformer Datasheet)
MW - Load Loss
Peak Efficiency Index = x100%
20 MVA*0.8 - Load Loss
99.66%= x100%
20 MVA*0.8
Load Loss (Approx.) = 54.4 kW

35 MVA Transformer Substation Losses: (See Appendix – ABB Power Transformer Datasheet)
MW - Load Loss
Peak Efficiency Index = x100%
35 MVA*0.8 - Load Loss
99.69%= x100%
35 MVA*0.8
Load Loss (Approx.) = 86.8 kW

Number of Inverters:
1MW Sunny Central 800CP XT Technical Data
Efficiency 98%
Power Factor 1

Power Deficit at 2030 + Approx. Losses
No. of Inverters =
Output Power of Inverter
13.349 MW+1.9461 MW+30.4 kW+54.4 kW+86.8 kW
No. of Inverters =
1 MW
No. of Inverters = 15.4667 MW ≌ 16 Inverters

Total Power to be Generated = 15.4667 MW

DC Input Power of the Inverter

15.4667 MW
PDC = =15.7823 MW

Total PV Array Power (Considering Nominal Power Ratio)

PDC 15.7823 MW
PDCGEN = = =19.2468 MW
N 0.82

String Sizing Calculations

1. More than minimum number of panels calculated as inverter minimum MPPT voltage divided by
string minimum operating voltage (Vmp at max operating panel temperature, i.e., 75ºC)
2. Less than maximum number of panels calculated as maximum permissible inverter voltage divided
by string maximum open circuit voltage (Voc at minimum operating temperature, i.e., 10ºC)

Minimum no. of Modules per String

Minimum no. of modules in series = V
mp ×(1+TC ×(Tmax -25))
Minimum no. of modules in series =
38.4 ×(1 - 0.29
×(85 - 25))
Minimum no. of modules in series = 18.2859 ≅ 18

Maximum no. of Modules per String

Maximum no. of modules in series = V
oc ×(1+TC ×(Tmin -25))

Maximum no. of modules in series =
46.5 ×(1 - 0.29
×(- 40 - 25))
Maximum no. of modules in series = 18.0946 ≅ 18

Number of PV Modules per String

nminSTR ≤nSTR ≤nmaxSTR

Therefore, 18 PV modules per String is advisable.

Number of Strings
PDCGEN 19.2468 MW
No. of Strings= =
Wpeak nSTR 380 Wpeak (18 Modules per String)
No. of Strings = 2813.8596 ≌ 2814 Strings

Battery Sizing
Total Demand in Watt-hours
Battery Capacity (Ah)=
0.85*0.6*Nominal Battery Voltage
0.85 = Battery Efficiency
0.6 = Depth of Discharge
(19.2468 MW)(24 hrs)
Battery Capacity (Ah)=
0.85*0.6*(48 V)
Battery Capacity (Ah)=18.8694 MAh

Ah of battery
No. of Batteries =
Desired Ah rating of Battery
18.8694 Mah
No. of Batteries =
3000 Ah
No. of Batteries = 6289.8039 ≌ 6290

No. of Batteries
No. of Batteries per inverter =
No. of Inverters

No. of Batteries per inverter =
No. of Batteries per inverter = 393.125 ≌ 394

Nominal Input Voltage Range

No. of Batteries in Series=
Battery Nominal Voltage
480 V
No. of Batteries in Series =
48 V
No. of Batteries in Series = 10

No. of Batteries per Inverter

No. of Batteries in Parallel =
No. of Batteries in Series
No. of Batteries in Parallel =
No. of Batteries in Parallel = 39.4 ≌ 40

Figure 3.87 Proposed Single Line Diagram of 14 MW Solar Power System

Simulation using PVsyst V6.43
Design and Estimate the results of 15MW solar power plant by using PVsyst software version 6.43. It is
possible to have preliminary and as well as post evaluation test data for the feasible power generation.
The total system performance and efficiency of each systems of plant are evaluated by entering the
specifications of a particular design. Design the system According to the above specifications of all

Figure 3.79 Geographical conditions

Figure 3.80 System Design (Solar module, inverter, array design)

Results and Discussion
Table 3-6. Monthly Meteo values

Figure 3.81 Solar Paths at Pampanga, (Lat. 15.0°N, long. 120.6°E, alt. 2 m) - Legal Time
All the parameters underlying this simulation: Geographic situation and Mateo data used, plane orientation,
general information about shadings (horizon and near shadings), components used and array configuration,
loss parameters, etc.
Main Results
Produced energy: 7624 MWh/year
Specific production: The produced energy divided by the Nominal power of the array.

This is an indicator of the potential of the system, taking into account irradiance conditions (orientation, site
location, meteorological conditions).
Specific Production= (Produced energy/Nominal Power of the array)
Specific Production=1896 kWh/kWp/year
Performance ratio: 85.59%
The yearly value can be an average like the temperature, or a sum, like the irradiation or energies. The
meaning of the different variables is the following:

Figure 3.82 Yearly Values

Figure 3.84 Normalized Productions (per installed kWp): Nominal power 4140 kWp

Figure 3.85 Performance Ratio

Figure 3.86 Daily System Output Energy
The highest power generation achieved was 27000kWh/day in the month of September. With the recorded
insulation, average module temperature, plant efficiency of 6.10 kWh/m2/day, 27.070C, and 84.4 %
The decline in the energy generation during the August and September period in Figure 3-5 was mainly due
to the higher plant downtime and more number of cloudy days during that period. The declination is clearly
visible in Figure 3-3 and Table 3-1.

Figure 3.87 Power vs. voltage
From the Figure 3.87, the maximum power reached at the incident radiation is about 1000W/m2, a voltage
34 V, and at cell temperature 25-45 C with module efficiency is 17.79%.

Figure 3.90 Efficiency Profile of Inverter

Figure 3.91 Efficiency vs. Cell Temperature

Figure 3.92 Efficiency vs Incident radiation

Figure 3.90 - 3.92 shows the variation in energy generation of solar modules with insolation and the effect of
effect of module temperature on their efficiency.
Energy generation shows direct dependent on the incident solar irradiation and reaches the maximum during
peak insolation hours, the efficiency of the modules decreases and reaches the minimum during peak hours,
the main reason is to increase in the module temperature. This negatively impacts the efficiency more during
that hours. Efficiency of the module decreases from 17.79% at 30 ˚C to 13.67% at 55 ˚C.
It also clear that the temperature of modules increases with the increase in the solar irradiation and reaches
the maximum during peak irradiation hours. in other side reduced conversion efficiency.

Figure 3.99 Characteristics of PV Module

It is clear from the Figure 3-99, that as the incident solar radiation (INSOLATION) level increases, the
maximum current for a PV array also increases and has no significant effect on voltage when the temperature
remains constant. The graph of efficiency versus the incident solar radiation under varying temperature
condition is shown in Figure 3-9, which clearly demonstrates that as the temperature increases of PV module,
the efficiency decreases at specific radiation level.

Chapter 4 Constraints and Trade-offs and Standards

This Chapter will elaborate design criteria and constraints considered for the design project based
on the client requirement from previous chapters. Also, this chapter includes the trade-off analysis of each
design options using sensitivity analysis with pareto optimization being used to verify the result of the
sensitivity analysis in determining the best design for implementation, as well as standards used in the design

The first constraint to be considered is the cost of the project. In considering economic constraints,
proponents estimate P1 billion – P 1.5 billion construction cost. Economic constraints are a type of external
constraint. An external constraint is some factor in the power plant’s external environment that is usually out
of the its control. An economic constraint involves external economic factors that affect a power plant and
are usually outside of its control.

Efficiency is the comparison of how much power is actually produced or performed with what can be achieved
with the same consumption of resources. It is an important factor in determination of productivity. Energy
efficiency has become a very important issue to reduce the consumption of resources on the Earth. The
project will have at least 20-50 % of over-all efficiency. Now power and energy consumption has become key
concerns, especially huge number of servers are deployed in large cluster configurations that are in need of

Reliability of a power system is generally designated as a measure of the ability of the system to provide
customers with adequate supply. In order to make a reliability analysis of a power system, it is necessary to
have data on reliability of each component electrical equipment used in the system. The project must attain
reliability greater than 50% but not less than 80%. Reliability calculation for the proposed solar power system
must follow IEEE standard 493 (IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Reliable Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems)

Formula for reliability calculation:

Number of Failure
λ(Failure rate per year)=
Total Operating Time
F(t)= ∫ f(x)dx
F(t)= ∫ λe-xλ dx = [−𝑒 −𝑡𝜆 ]0 = 1 − 𝑒 −𝑡𝜆

But, F(t)+R(t)=1

Therefore, R(t)=e-tλ
Reference: IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power

A systematic calculation would be done by means of trade off method. This process which is based on
constraints would determine the best design. The constraint with highest total points in the process would be
the best design. Satisfying the tabulated criterion of the trade-off would be done using Kirkwood and Sarin
1980, Exponential Family Scoring Function which are an exponential scoring function (scale of 1-5, 5 being
the highest)

1. Evaluation of ranking for ability to satisfy criterion of materials:

High Preference:
1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

2. Kirkwood and Sarin 1980, Reversed Exponential Family Scoring Function

Low Preference:
1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

Ranking Scale
For the ranking scale, Efficiency was given the highest weight thus this constraint has a criterion ranking of
5 because this will prove that the design project of the proponents will be going to be successful through
having an almost 100% efficiency. Meanwhile the other two constraints Economical and Reliability were given
a lower score of 4 and 3 compared to the first since these will just determine the manufacturing period with
a cheaper cost.

Table 4. 1 Economical
Table 4-2 summarizes all the actual constraints value of economical for all of the design options.

Designs Construction Cost (pesos)
Design 1: Solar Power System Using Single
P 10,416,507,048
Circuit Transmission Line via Route 1
Design 2: Solar Power System Using Single
P 10,426,355,296
Circuit Transmission Line via Route 2
Design 3: Solar Power System Using Single
P 10,428,314,301
Circuit Transmission Line via Route 3

Design 4: Solar Power System Using Double
P 10,433,434,985
Circuit Transmission Line via Route 1
Design 5: Solar Power System Using Double
P 10,438,136,415
Circuit Transmission Line via Route 2
Design 6: Solar Power System Using Double
P 10,444,214,184
Circuit Transmission Line via Route 3
Design 7: Solar Power System Using
P 10,439,122,281
Underground Transmission Line via Route 1
Design 8: Solar Power System Using
P 10,444,912,601
Underground Transmission Line via Route 2
Design 9: Solar Power System Using
Underground Transmission Line via Route 3

Table 4. 2 Efficiency
Table 4-3 summarizes all the actual constraints value of construction cost for all of the design options.
Designs Efficiency (%)
Design 1: Solar Power System Using Single Circuit
Transmission Line via Route 1
Design 2: Solar Power System Using Single Circuit
Transmission Line via Route 2
Design 3: Solar Power System Using Single Circuit
Transmission Line via Route 3
Design 4: Solar Power System Using Double Circuit
Transmission Line via Route 1
Design 5: Solar Power System Using Double Circuit
Transmission Line via Route 2
Design 6: Solar Power System Using Double Circuit
Transmission Line via Route 3
Design 7: Solar Power System Using Underground
Transmission Line via Route 1
Design 8: Solar Power System Using Underground
Transmission Line via Route 2
Design 9: Solar Power System Using Underground
Transmission Line via Route 3

Table 4. 3 Reliability
Table 4-4 summarizes all the actual constraints value of reliability for all of the design options.

Designs Reliability
Design 1: Solar Power System Using Single
Circuit Transmission Line via Route 1
Design 2: Solar Power System Using Single 0.5087
Circuit Transmission Line via Route 2
Design 3: Solar Power System Using Single 0.5087
Circuit Transmission Line via Route 3
Design 4: Solar Power System Using Double 0.5087
Circuit Transmission Line via Route 1
Design 5: Solar Power System Using Double 0.5087
Circuit Transmission Line via Route 2
Design 6: Solar Power System Using Double 0.5087
Circuit Transmission Line via Route 3
Design 7: Solar Power System Using 0.5087
Underground Transmission Line via Route 1
Design 8: Solar Power System Using 0.5087
Underground Transmission Line via Route 2
Design 9: Solar Power System Using 0.5087
Underground Transmission Line via Route 3

Table 4. 4 Decision Criteria Matrix from Design 1, Design 2 and Design 3

Design Options
Level of %
Criteria Design Ranking Design Ranking Design Ranking
Importance Weight
1 2 3
Economical 4 33.33% 0.5052 0.1683 0.4804 0.1601 0.4775 0.1591
Efficiency 5 41.67% 1.03 0.4292 1.00 0.4167 1.04 0.4334
Reliability 3 25% 0.1271 0.03178 0.1271 0.03178 0.1271 0.03178
Overall Rank 0.6293 0.6086 0.6243

Table 4. 5 Decision Criteria Matrix from Design 4, Design 5 and Design 6

Design Options
Level of %
Criteria Design Ranking Design Ranking Design Ranking
Importance Weight
4 5 6
Economical 4 33.33% 0.3998 0.1333 0.3727 0.1242 0.3694 0.1231
Efficiency 5 41.67% 1.01 0.4208 1.01 0.4208 1.04 0.4333
Reliability 3 25% 0.1271 0.03178 0.1271 0.03178 0.1271 0.03178
Overall Rank 0.5859 0.5768 0.5882

Table 4-7 shows the level of importance every design constraints. The proponents give the constraint
Efficiency Scale of 5 and Reliability a rank of 3 and the Economical a rank of 4. This table also summarizes
all the Trade Off values Reliability, Economical, Efficiency of every Design Options chosen by the proponents.
This shows the overall total score of every constraint. The highest-ranking score for the Reliability is the
Design Option 9. For the Economical, the highest-ranking score also is the Design Option 8. For the
Efficiency, the highest-ranking score are the

Table 4. 6 Decision Criteria Matrix from Design 7, Design 8 and Design 9

Design Options
Level of %
Criteria Design Ranking Design Ranking Design Ranking
Importance Weight
7 8 9
Economical 4 33.33% 0.6076 0.2025 0.6179 0.2059 0.6154 0.2051
Efficiency 5 41.67% 1.01 0.4209 1.05 0.4375 1.03 0.4292
Reliability 3 25% 0.1271 0.03178 0.1271 0.03178 0.1271 0.03178
Overall Rank 0.6552 0.6152 0.6661
*Reference: Daniels, P.W. Werner an A.T. Banil, “Quantitative Methods for Tradeoff Analysis, “System
Engineering”, 4(3): 190-212, 2001.


Design No.1: Option 1: Solar Power System using Overhead, Single Circuit Transmission Line via
Route 1

Figure 5-1: Solar Power System

Step 1: Load 3 Outgoing Feeder

Conductor Sizing for Load 3 Outgoing Feeder

Reserve Capacity of Load 3 Substation in 2030 (See Table 2-2)
PRC = PDC - P2030
PRC =Reserve Capacity
PDC = Dependable Capacity
IEEE Std. 1013 (2000). Load
PRC = 6223 kW – 9606 kW Computation, Future Maximum Demand,
Section 6, p.236
PRC = -3383 kW (Deficient)
3383 kW
Full Load Current= =141.5345 A
√3 (13.8 kV)

Feeder Conductor
If =141.5345 A x 1.25=176.9181 A
NEC Section 240-3: General
The size of feeder conductor should be 176.9181 A as Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be and other conductors
the full load current.

Length of Feeder Conductor going to Bus Bar 3 IEC 60634-5: Minimum

L=500 meters Cable Size

Sizing of Power Circuit Breaker (See Appendix A - Schneider Electric NW ACB Data Sheet)
Calculation of Short Circuit Current
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
The full load current is 141.5345 A and the short circuit Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
current at Load 3 is XX kA, therefore use NW08HX: 800 A, Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
XX KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker Applications

Step 2: Load 1 Outgoing Feeder

Conductor Sizing for Load 1 Outgoing Feeder

Reserve Capacity of Guagua Substation in 2030 (See Table 2-2)
PRC = PDC - P2030
PRC =Reserve Capacity
PDC = Dependable Capacity
IEEE Std. 1013 (2000). Load
PRC = 2801 kW – 4323 kW Computation, Future Maximum Demand,
Section 6, p.236
PRC = -1522 kW (Deficient)
1522 kW
Full Load Current= =66.5702 A
√3 (13.8 kV)

Feeder Conductor
If =66.5702 A x 1.25=83.2128 A
NEC Section 240-3: General
The size of feeder conductor should be 83.2128 A as Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be and other conductors
the full load current.

Length of Feeder Conductor going to Bus Bar 3 IEC 60634-5: Minimum
L=500 meters Cable Size

Sizing of Power Circuit Breaker (See Appendix A - Schneider Electric NW ACB Data Sheet)
Calculation of Short Circuit Current
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
The full load current is 66.5702 A and the short circuit Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
current at Load 3 is XX kA, therefore use NW08HX: 800 A, Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
XX KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker Applications

Step 3: 10 MVA Transformer Substation

Figure 5-2. Proposed 10 MVA Transformer Substation Design

Step Down Transformer
At Primary Winding:
Iprimary =
10 MVA
Iprimary =
√3(13.8kV) IEEE Standard C57.12.00-2010,
Standard general requirements for power
Iprimary =418.3698 A and regulation transformers

Conductor Sizing
I=418.3698 A x 1.25= 522.9622 A
The size of feeder conductor should be 522.9622 A as NEC Section 240-3: General
Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be
and other conductors
the full load current.

Earthing Conductor Sizing (as per IEEE Std 80-2000 and IEC 60364-5-54)
√TCAPx10 ln ( Ko +Tm )
tc a r ρr Ko +Ta

A = minimum conductor cross-section area in (mm2)
I = RMS current (kA)
TCAP = thermal capacity per unit volume of conductor material (J.cm-3.ºC-1)
tc = duration of current (seconds)
ar = thermal coefficient of resistivity for reference temperature Tr in (ºC-1)
ρr = resistivity of conductor at reference temperature Tr (µΩ.cm)
Ko is a parameter calculated as shown below (ºC)

Ko =ao = -T
ar r
ao = thermal coefficient of resistivity at 0ºC (ºC-1)
Tr = reference temperature for material constants (ºC)

Values of the variables used for copper, annealed soft drawn with material conductivity 100% above have
been taken to be the following (See Appendix A)

TCAP = 3.42x10-3 J.cm-3.ºC-1
ar = 0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1
ρr = 1.72 µΩ.cm
Ko = 234 ºC
Tm = 1083 ºC
Ta = 30 ºC

For MV Station earthing grid, tc =1 sec (See Appendix A)

-3 -4
√ (3.42x10 J.cm-3.ºC-1)x10 234 ºC+1083 ºC
ln ( )
(1 sec)(0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1)(1.72 µΩ.cm) 234 ºC+30 ºC PEC part 2, Article
(b): System Grounding
A=32.8067 mm2
Therefore, use 38 mm2 for Earthing Conductor as per PEC, Article 9.1 Table, Table

Sizing of Power Circuit Breaker (See Appendix A - Schneider Electric NW ACB Data Sheet)
Calculation of Short Circuit Current
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
The full load current is 418.3698 A and the short circuit Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
current at Load 3 is XX kA, therefore use NW08HX: 800 A, Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
XX KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker Applications

At Secondary Winding:
Isecondary =
10 MVA
Isecondary = IEEE Standard C57.12.00-2010,
√3(34.5 kV) Standard general requirements for power
and regulation transformers
Isecondary =167.3479 A

Conductor Sizing
I=167.3479 A x 1.25= 209.1849 A
The size of feeder conductor should be 209.1849 A as NEC Section 240-3: General
Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be
and other conductors
the full load current.

Earthing Conductor Sizing (as per IEEE Std 80-2000 and IEC 60364-5-54)
√TCAPx10 ln ( Ko +Tm )
tc a r ρr Ko +Ta

A = minimum conductor cross-section area in (mm2)
I = RMS current (kA)
TCAP = thermal capacity per unit volume of conductor material (J.cm-3.ºC-1)
tc = duration of current (seconds)
ar = thermal coefficient of resistivity for reference temperature Tr in (ºC-1)
ρr = resistivity of conductor at reference temperature Tr (µΩ.cm)
Ko is a parameter calculated as shown below (ºC)

Ko =ao = -T
ar r
ao = thermal coefficient of resistivity at 0ºC (ºC-1)
Tr = reference temperature for material constants (ºC)

Values of the variables used for copper, annealed soft drawn with material conductivity 100% above have
been taken to be the following (See Appendix A)
TCAP = 3.42x10-3 J.cm-3.ºC-1
ar = 0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1
ρr = 1.72 µΩ.cm
Ko = 234 ºC
Tm = 1083 ºC
Ta = 30 ºC

For MV Station earthing grid, tc =1 sec (See Appendix A)

-3 -4
√ (3.42x10 J.cm-3.ºC-1)x10 234 ºC+1083 ºC
ln ( )
(1 sec)(0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1)(1.72 µΩ.cm) 234 ºC+30 ºC
PEC part 2, Article
(b): System Grounding
A=13.1227 mm2
Therefore, use 14 mm2 for Earthing Conductor as per PEC, Article 9.1 Table, Table

Figure 5-3. Proposed Earthing Layout Design

Switch Gear Design

IDSA = √3 V IEC 62271-102(2001) High-voltage

10 MVA
× 2.5 switchgear and control gear - Part
√3 (13.8 kV)
102: Alternating current disconnectors
IDSA = 1045.9244 A
and earthing switches
IEC standards assume that peak value of making current disconnectors is to be 2.5 times the RMS value of
rated short circuit current for MV (13.8 kV) switches and between 1.7-2.2 times for LV switches.
Use: 12 – 100 A – Medium Split-Core 1.25” (32mm) Opening

Disconnector Rating
Voltage Transformer IEC 62271-102(2001) High-voltage
69 kV switchgear and control gear - Part
VT- Primary Voltage = √3
102: Alternating current disconnectors
VT- Primary Voltage = 39.8372 kV and earthing switches
13.8 kV
VT-Secondary Voltage = √3 IEC 60099-8(2011) Part 8/IEEE C62.22
VT- Secondary Voltage = 7.9674 kV page 8 – 16; Standard for Lightning
Arrester and Ground Voltage Fault
Type: Disconnector Material: Porcelain
Rated Voltage: 13.2 kV Application

Current Transformer
IGROUNDING = 43. 7386 A
Use: Primary Current = 100 A IEC 60099-8(2011) Part 8/IEEE C62.22
Secondary Current = 5 A page 8 – 16; Standard for Lightning
Accuracy Power = 30 VA Arrester and Ground Voltage Fault
Accuracy Class = 0.5

Lighting Arrester
Voltage ×1.05
VLA = NEC (2001) Article 310, Table 310.60
Highest Voltage (C) (67) and 310.60(C) (69), page 226;
69 kV × 1.05
VLA = √3 Conductor for general wiring
VLA = 41.829 kV
Use: RP1 Primary Side Normal Duty Distribution Class (ZnO)
Philippine Grid Code PP. (32) Section 3.2.3 – the
Nominal Voltage system owner must ensure that the voltage variation
13.8 kV × 1.05
VLA = must be not more or less than +-5% of the nominal
voltage at any point during normal operation.
VLA = 11.9512 kV
Use: RP1 Load Side Normal Duty Distribution Class (ZnO)

Bus Bar Sizing Copper Development Association

10 MVA
ILF = √3 (13.8 kV) (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
ILF = 418.3697 A for general wiring


IBUS = 418.3697 A + 418.3697 A + 418.3697 A IEEE Std Red Book C4 A4.5. Page
IBUS = 1255.1091 A 124 - 125: Solving 3 phase current
Use: 750 MCM or 375 mm2

Bus Bar Dimension

Direct in ground – ¼ x 8, ⅜ x 6, ½ x 5, ½ x Copper development association
6, ¾ x 4, ¾ x 5 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
Free air – ¼ x 6, ⅜ x 5 for general wiring
For 30˚C Rise
Copper Development Association Inc.

Resistance per Meter Copper development association

0.68 × 10
RDCBUSBAR = (0.00635) (0.125) (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
RDCBUSBAR = 7.0452 × 10-4 Ω/m for general wiring
(0.2) (0.68 × 10 ) Copper development association
RACBUSBAR = (0.00635) (0.125)
(2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
RACBUSBAR = 7.5825 × 10-6 Ω/m for general wiring

Inductance Per Meter and Inductive Reactance Per Meter

(31.9) (0.125) (0.125)
L= (0.125)
L = 3.9875 × 10-9 H/m Copper Development Association
XL = 2π (60) (3.99×10−9) (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
X = 1.5042 Ω/m for general wiring.

Capacitance Per Meter and Capacitive Reactance Per Meter

(0.225) (8.8542×10 ) (0.125)
C= (0.125)
C = 15.9376 × 10-24 F/m Copper Development Association
1 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
Xc = -24
2π (6) (5937610×10 ) for general wiring.
Xc = 1.6644 × 1020 Ω/m

ZBUS = [√ (3 9875×10−9) × (5 9376×10−2)]
ZBUS = 2.5209 × 10-16 Ω/m Copper Development Association
1.5042×10 ×5.9376×10
-2 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
Φ = tan -6 for general wiring.
Φ= 90∘
ZTOTAL = 2.5209 × 10-6 Ω/m × (10 m)
ZTOTAL = 2.5209 × 10-15∠-90
Use: Dimensions in meter: 6.35 mm × 152 mm IEEE Std Gray Book C8.3.3 page 231:
Basic insulating materials are either
Skin Effect Ratio at 70℃: 1.18
Area in CM: 1910CM organic or inorganic.

Sizing of Power Circuit Breaker (See Appendix A - Schneider Electric NW ACB Data Sheet)
Calculation of Short Circuit Current
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
The full load current is 167.3479 A and the short circuit Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
current at Load 3 is XX kA, therefore use NW08HX: 800 A, Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
XX KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker Applications

Step 4: Load 2 Outgoing Feeder

Conductor Sizing for Load 2 Outgoing Feeder

Reserve Capacity of Load 2 Substation in 2030 (See Table 2-2)

PRC = PDC - P2030
PRC =Reserve Capacity
PDC = Dependable Capacity
IEEE Std. 1013 (2000). Load
PRC = 5744 kW – 8866 kW Computation, Future Maximum Demand,
Section 6, p.236
PRC = -3122 kW (Deficient)
3122 kW
Full Load Current= =130.6150 A
√3 (13.8 kV)

Feeder Conductor
If =130.6150 A x 1.25=163.2688 A
NEC Section 240-3: General
The size of feeder conductor should be 163.2688 A as Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be and other conductors
the full load current.

Length of Feeder Conductor going to Bus Bar 3 IEC 60634-5: Minimum

L=500 meters Cable Size

Sizing of Power Circuit Breaker (See Appendix A - Schneider Electric NW ACB Data Sheet)
Calculation of Short Circuit Current
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
The full load current is 130.6150 A and the short circuit Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
current at Load 3 is XX kA, therefore use Schneider Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
Electric NW08HX: 800 A, XX KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker Applications

Step 5: Load 4 Outgoing Feeder

Conductor Sizing for Load 4 Outgoing Feeder

Reserve Capacity of Load 4 Substation in 2030 (See Table 2-2)
PRC = PDC - P2030
PRC =Reserve Capacity
PDC = Dependable Capacity
IEEE Std. 1013 (2000). Load
PRC = 3203 kW – 4944 kW Computation, Future Maximum Demand,
Section 6, p.236
PRC = -1741 kW (Deficient)
1741 kW
Full Load Current= =72.8382 A
√3 (13.8 kV)

Feeder Conductor
If =72.8382 A x 1.25=91.0477 A
NEC Section 240-3: General
The size of feeder conductor should be 91.0477 A as Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be and other conductors
the full load current.

Length of Feeder Conductor going to Bus Bar 3 IEC 60634-5: Minimum

L=500 meters Cable Size

Sizing of Power Circuit Breaker (See Appendix A - Schneider Electric NW ACB Data Sheet)
Calculation of Short Circuit Current
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
The full load current is 72.8382 A and the short circuit Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
current at Load 3 is XX kA, therefore use NW08HX: 800 A, Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
XX KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker Applications

Step 6: Load 6 Outgoing Feeder

Conductor Sizing for Load 5 Outgoing Feeder

Reserve Capacity of Load 5 Substation in 2030 (See Table 2-2)
PRC = PDC - P2030
PRC =Reserve Capacity
PDC = Dependable Capacity
IEEE Std. 1013 (2000). Load
PRC = 5705 kW – 8806 kW Computation, Future Maximum Demand,
Section 6, p.236
PRC = -3101 kW (Deficient)
3101 kW
Full Load Current= =137.7207 A
√3 (13.8 kV)
Feeder Conductor
If =137.7207 A x 1.25=137.7207 A
NEC Section 240-3: General
The size of feeder conductor should be 137.7207 A as Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be and other conductors
the full load current.

Length of Feeder Conductor going to Bus Bar 3 IEC 60634-5: Minimum
L=500 meters Cable Size

Sizing of Power Circuit Breaker (See Appendix A - Schneider Electric NW ACB Data Sheet)
Calculation of Short Circuit Current
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
The full load current is 137.7207 A and the short circuit Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
current at Load 3 is XX kA, therefore use NW08HX: 800 A, Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
XX KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker Applications

Step 7: Load 6 Outgoing Feeder

Conductor Sizing for Load 6 Outgoing Feeder

Reserve Capacity of Load 6 Substation in 2030 (See Table 2-2)
PRC = PDC - P2030
PRC =Reserve Capacity
PDC = Dependable Capacity
IEEE Std. 1013 (2000). Load
PRC = 278 kW – 430 kW Computation, Future Maximum Demand,
Section 6, p.236
PRC = -152 kW (Deficient)
152 kW
Full Load Current= =6.3592 A
√3 (13.8 kV)

Feeder Conductor
If =6.3592 A x 1.25=7.9490 A
NEC Section 240-3: General
The size of feeder conductor should be 7.9490 A as Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be and other conductors
the full load current.

Length of Feeder Conductor going to Bus Bar 3 IEC 60634-5: Minimum

L=500 meters Cable Size

Sizing of Power Circuit Breaker (See Appendix A - Schneider Electric NW ACB Data Sheet)
Calculation of Short Circuit Current
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
The full load current is 6.3592 A and the short circuit current Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
at Load 3 is XX kA, therefore use NW08HX: 800 A, XX Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker Applications

Step 8: Load 7 Outgoing Feeder

Conductor Sizing for Load 7 Outgoing Feeder

Reserve Capacity of Load 7 Substation in 2030 (See Table 2-2)
PRC = PDC - P2030
PRC =Reserve Capacity
PDC = Dependable Capacity IEEE Std. 1013 (2000). Load
Computation, Future Maximum Demand,
PRC = 606 kW – 935 kW Section 6, p.236

PRC = -329 kW (Deficient)
329 kW
Full Load Current= =13.7644 A
√3 (13.8 kV)

Feeder Conductor
If =13.7644 A x 1.25=17.2055 A
NEC Section 240-3: General
The size of feeder conductor should be 13.7644 A as Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be and other conductors
the full load current.

Length of Feeder Conductor going to Bus Bar 3 IEC 60634-5: Minimum

L=500 meters Cable Size

Sizing of Power Circuit Breaker (See Appendix A - Schneider Electric NW ACB Data Sheet)
Calculation of Short Circuit Current
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
The full load current is 13.7644 A and the short circuit Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
current at Load 3 is XX kA, therefore use NW08HX: 800 A, Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
XX KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker Applications

Step 9: 20 MVA Transformer Substation

Figure 5-4. Proposed 20 MVA Transformer Substation Design

Step Down Transformer
At Primary Winding:
Iprimary =
20 MVA
Iprimary =
√3(13.8kV) IEEE Standard C57.12.00-2010,
Standard general requirements for power
Iprimary =836.7395 A and regulation transformers

Conductor Sizing
I=836.7395 A x 1.25= 1045.9244 A
The size of feeder conductor should be 1045.9244 A as NEC Section 240-3: General
Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be
and other conductors
the full load current.

Earthing Conductor Sizing (as per IEEE Std 80-2000 and IEC 60364-5-54)
√TCAPx10 ln ( Ko +Tm )
tc a r ρr Ko +Ta

A = minimum conductor cross-section area in (mm2)
I = RMS current (kA)
TCAP = thermal capacity per unit volume of conductor material (J.cm-3.ºC-1)

tc = duration of current (seconds)
ar = thermal coefficient of resistivity for reference temperature Tr in (ºC-1)
ρr = resistivity of conductor at reference temperature Tr (µΩ.cm)
Ko is a parameter calculated as shown below (ºC)

Ko =ao = -T
ar r
ao = thermal coefficient of resistivity at 0ºC (ºC-1)
Tr = reference temperature for material constants (ºC)

Values of the variables used for copper, annealed soft drawn with material conductivity 100% above have
been taken to be the following (See Appendix A)
TCAP = 3.42x10-3 J.cm-3.ºC-1
ar = 0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1
ρr = 1.72 µΩ.cm
Ko = 234 ºC
Tm = 1083 ºC
Ta = 30 ºC

For MV Station earthing grid, tc =1 sec (See Appendix A)

-3 -4
√ (3.42x10 J.cm-3.ºC-1)x10 234 ºC+1083 ºC
ln ( )
(1 sec)(0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1)(1.72 µΩ.cm) 234 ºC+30 ºC PEC part 2, Article
(b): System Grounding
A=65.6134 mm2
Therefore, use 80 mm2 for Earthing Conductor as per PEC, Article 9.1 Table, Table

Sizing of Power Circuit Breaker (See Appendix A - Schneider Electric NW ACB Data Sheet)
Calculation of Short Circuit Current
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
The full load current is 836.7395 A and the short circuit Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
current at Load 3 is XX kA, therefore use NW10HX: 1000 A, Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
XX KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker Applications

At Secondary Winding:
Isecondary =
10 MVA
Isecondary = IEEE Standard C57.12.00-2010,
√3(34.5 kV) Standard general requirements for power
and regulation transformers
Isecondary =167.3479 A

Conductor Sizing
I=167.3479 A x 1.25= 209.1849 A
The size of feeder conductor should be 209.1849 A as NEC Section 240-3: General
Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be
and other conductors
the full load current.

Earthing Conductor Sizing (as per IEEE Std 80-2000 and IEC 60364-5-54)
√TCAPx10 ln ( Ko +Tm )
tc a r ρr Ko +Ta

A = minimum conductor cross-section area in (mm2)
I = RMS current (kA)
TCAP = thermal capacity per unit volume of conductor material (J.cm-3.ºC-1)
tc = duration of current (seconds)
ar = thermal coefficient of resistivity for reference temperature Tr in (ºC-1)
ρr = resistivity of conductor at reference temperature Tr (µΩ.cm)
Ko is a parameter calculated as shown below (ºC)

Ko =ao = -T
ar r
ao = thermal coefficient of resistivity at 0ºC (ºC-1)
Tr = reference temperature for material constants (ºC)

Values of the variables used for copper, annealed soft drawn with material conductivity 100% above have
been taken to be the following (See Appendix A)
TCAP = 3.42x10-3 J.cm-3.ºC-1
ar = 0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1

ρr = 1.72 µΩ.cm
Ko = 234 ºC
Tm = 1083 ºC
Ta = 30 ºC

For MV Station earthing grid, tc =1 sec (See Appendix A)

-3 -4
√ (3.42x10 J.cm-3.ºC-1)x10 234 ºC+1083 ºC
ln ( )
(1 sec)(0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1)(1.72 µΩ.cm) 234 ºC+30 ºC
PEC part 2, Article
(b): System Grounding
A=13.1227 mm2

Therefore, use 14 mm2 for Earthing Conductor as per PEC, Article 9.1 Table, Table

Figure 5-5. Proposed Earthing Layout Design

Switch Gear Design

IDSA = √3 V IEC 62271-102(2001) High-voltage
10 MVA switchgear and control gear - Part
IDSA = × 2.5
√3 (13.8 kV) 102: Alternating current disconnectors
IDSA = 1045.9244 A and earthing switches
IEC standards assume that peak value of making current disconnectors is to be 2.5 times the RMS value of
rated short circuit current for MV (13.8 kV) switches and between 1.7-2.2 times for LV switches.
Use: 12 – 100 A – Medium Split-Core 1.25” (32mm) Opening

Disconnector Rating
Voltage Transformer IEC 62271-102(2001) High-voltage
switchgear and control gear - Part
102: Alternating current disconnectors
and earthing switches 406
69 kV
VT- Primary Voltage = √3
VT- Primary Voltage = 39.8372 kV

13.8 kV
VT-Secondary Voltage = √3 IEC 60099-8(2011) Part 8/IEEE C62.22
VT- Secondary Voltage = 7.9674 kV page 8 – 16; Standard for Lightning
Arrester and Ground Voltage Fault
Type: Disconnector Material: Porcelain
Rated Voltage: 13.2 kV Application

Current Transformer
IGROUNDING = 43. 7386 A
Use: Primary Current = 100 A IEC 60099-8(2011) Part 8/IEEE C62.22
Secondary Current = 5 A page 8 – 16; Standard for Lightning
Accuracy Power = 30 VA Arrester and Ground Voltage Fault
Accuracy Class = 0.5

Lighting Arrester
Voltage ×1.05
VLA = NEC (2001) Article 310, Table 310.60
Highest Voltage (C) (67) and 310.60(C) (69), page 226;
69 kV × 1.05
VLA = √3 Conductor for general wiring
VLA = 41.829 kV
Use: RP1 Primary Side Normal Duty Distribution Class (ZnO)
Philippine Grid Code PP. (32) Section 3.2.3 – the
Nominal Voltage system owner must ensure that the voltage variation
13.8 kV × 1.05
VLA = must be not more or less than +-5% of the nominal
VLA = 11.9512 kV voltage at any point during normal operation.
Use: RP1 Load Side Normal Duty Distribution Class (ZnO)

Bus Bar Sizing Copper Development Association

10 MVA
ILF = √3 (13.8 kV) (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
ILF = 418.3697 A for general wiring


IBUS = 418.3697 A + 418.3697 A + 418.3697 A IEEE Std Red Book C4 A4.5. Page
IBUS = 1255.1091 A 124 - 125: Solving 3 phase current
Use: 750 MCM or 375 mm2

Bus Bar Dimension

Direct in ground – ¼ x 8, ⅜ x 6, ½ x 5, ½ x Copper development association
6, ¾ x 4, ¾ x 5 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
Free air – ¼ x 6, ⅜ x 5
for general wiring
For 30˚C Rise
Copper Development Association Inc.

Copper development association
Resistance per Meter
-6 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
0.68 × 10
RDCBUSBAR = (0.00635) (0.125) for general wiring
RDCBUSBAR = 7.0452 × 10-4 Ω/m
(0.2) (0.68 × 10 )
-6 Copper development association
RACBUSBAR = (0.00635) (0.125) (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
RACBUSBAR = 7.5825 × 10-6 Ω/m for general wiring

Inductance Per Meter and Inductive Reactance Per Meter

(31.9) (0.125) (0.125)
L= (0.125)
L = 3.9875 × 10-9 H/m Copper Development Association
XL = 2π (60) (3.99×10−9) (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
XL = 1.5042 Ω/m for general wiring.

Capacitance Per Meter and Capacitive Reactance Per Meter

(0.225) (8.8542×10 ) (0.125)
C= (0.125)
C = 15.9376 × 10-24 F/m Copper Development Association
1 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
Xc = -24
2π (6) (5937610×10 ) for general wiring.
Xc = 1.6644 × 1020 Ω/m

ZBUS = [√ (3 9875×10−9) × (5 9376×10−2)]
ZBUS = 2.5209 × 10-16 Ω/m Copper Development Association
1.5042×10 ×5.9376×10
-2 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
Φ = tan -6 for general wiring.
Φ = 90∘
ZTOTAL = 2.5209 × 10-6 Ω/m × (10 m)
ZTOTAL = 2.5209 × 10-15∠-90
IEEE Std Gray Book C8.3.3 page 231:
Use: Dimensions in meter: 6.35 mm × 152 mm
Basic insulating materials are either
Skin Effect Ratio at 70℃: 1.18
organic or inorganic.
Area in CM: 1910CM

Sizing of Power Circuit Breaker (See Appendix A - Schneider Electric NW ACB Data Sheet)
Calculation of Short Circuit Current
The full load current is 167.3479 A and the short circuit IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
current at Load 3 is XX kA, therefore use NW08HX: 800 A,
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
XX KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker Applications

Step 10: Receiving End Transformer Substation

Figure 5-6. Proposed Receiving End Transformer Substation Design

Step Down Transformer

At Primary Winding:
Iprimary =
30 MVA
Iprimary =
Iprimary =502.0437 A

IEEE Standard C57.12.00-2010,
Conductor Sizing Standard general requirements for power
and regulation transformers
I=502.0437 A x 1.25= 627.5546 A
The size of feeder conductor should be 627.5546 A as NEC Section 240-3: General
Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be
and other conductors
the full load current.

Earthing Conductor Sizing (as per IEEE Std 80-2000 and IEC 60364-5-54)
√TCAPx10 ln ( Ko +Tm )
tc a r ρr Ko +Ta

A = minimum conductor cross-section area in (mm2)
I = RMS current (kA)
TCAP = thermal capacity per unit volume of conductor material (J.cm-3.ºC-1)
tc = duration of current (seconds)
ar = thermal coefficient of resistivity for reference temperature Tr in (ºC-1)
ρr = resistivity of conductor at reference temperature Tr (µΩ.cm)
Ko is a parameter calculated as shown below (ºC)

Ko =ao = -T
ar r
ao = thermal coefficient of resistivity at 0ºC (ºC-1)
Tr = reference temperature for material constants (ºC)

Values of the variables used for copper, annealed soft drawn with material conductivity 100% above have
been taken to be the following (See Appendix A)
TCAP = 3.42x10-3 J.cm-3.ºC-1
ar = 0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1
ρr = 1.72 µΩ.cm
Ko = 234 ºC
Tm = 1083 ºC
Ta = 30 ºC

For MV Station earthing grid, tc =1 sec (See Appendix A)

-3 -4
√ (3.42x10 J.cm-3.ºC-1)x10 234 ºC+1083 ºC
ln ( )
(1 sec)(0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1)(1.72 µΩ.cm) 234 ºC+30 ºC PEC part 2, Article
(b): System Grounding
A=39.3681 mm2

Therefore, use 50 mm2 for Earthing Conductor as per PEC, Article 9.1 Table, Table

Sizing of Power Circuit Breaker (See Appendix A - Schneider Electric NW ACB Data Sheet)
Calculation of Short Circuit Current
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
The full load current is 502.0437 A and the short circuit Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
current at Load 3 is XX kA, therefore use NW08HX: 800 A, Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
XX KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker Applications

At Secondary Winding:
Isecondary =
30 MVA
Isecondary = IEEE Standard C57.12.00-2010,
√3(69 kV) Standard general requirements for power
and regulation transformers
Isecondary =251.0219 A

Conductor Sizing
I=251.0219 A x 1.25= 313.7773 A
The size of feeder conductor should be 313.7773 A as NEC Section 240-3: General
Requirements for branch circuit, feeder
indicated that the 80% ampacity of the conductor shall be
and other conductors
the full load current.

Earthing Conductor Sizing (as per IEEE Std 80-2000 and IEC 60364-5-54)
√TCAPx10 ln ( Ko +Tm )
tc a r ρr Ko +Ta

A = minimum conductor cross-section area in (mm2)
I = RMS current (kA)
TCAP = thermal capacity per unit volume of conductor material (J.cm-3.ºC-1)
tc = duration of current (seconds)
ar = thermal coefficient of resistivity for reference temperature Tr in (ºC-1)
ρr = resistivity of conductor at reference temperature Tr (µΩ.cm)
Ko is a parameter calculated as shown below (ºC)

Ko =ao = -T
ar r
ao = thermal coefficient of resistivity at 0ºC (ºC-1)
Tr = reference temperature for material constants (ºC)

Values of the variables used for copper, annealed soft drawn with material conductivity 100% above have
been taken to be the following (See Appendix A)
TCAP = 3.42x10-3 J.cm-3.ºC-1
ar = 0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1
ρr = 1.72 µΩ.cm
Ko = 234 ºC
Tm = 1083 ºC
Ta = 30 ºC

For MV Station earthing grid, tc =1 sec (See Appendix A)

-3 -4
√ (3.42x10 J.cm-3.ºC-1)x10 234 ºC+1083 ºC
ln ( )
(1 sec)(0.393 ×10-2 ºC-1)(1.72 µΩ.cm) 234 ºC+30 ºC
PEC part 2, Article
(b): System Grounding
A=19.6840 mm2
Therefore, use 22 mm2 for Earthing Conductor as per PEC, Article 9.1 Table, Table

Figure 5-7. Proposed Earthing Layout Design

Switch Gear Design

IDSA = √3 V IEC 62271-102(2001) High-voltage
10 MVA switchgear and control gear - Part
IDSA = × 2.5
√3 (13.8 kV) 102: Alternating current disconnectors
IDSA = 1045.9244 A and earthing switches
IEC standards assume that peak value of making current disconnectors is to be 2.5 times the RMS value of
rated short circuit current for MV (13.8 kV) switches and between 1.7-2.2 times for LV switches.
Use: 12 – 100 A – Medium Split-Core 1.25” (32mm) Opening

Disconnector Rating
IEC 62271-102(2001) High-voltage
Voltage Transformer
69 kV switchgear and control gear - Part
VT- Primary Voltage = √3 102: Alternating current disconnectors
VT- Primary Voltage = 39.8372 kV and earthing switches
13.8 kV
VT-Secondary Voltage = IEC 60099-8(2011) Part 8/IEEE C62.22
VT- Secondary Voltage = 7.9674 kV page 8 – 16; Standard for Lightning
Arrester and Ground Voltage Fault
Type: Disconnector Material: Porcelain
Rated Voltage: 13.2 kV Application

Current Transformer
IGROUNDING = 43. 7386 A
Use: Primary Current = 100 A IEC 60099-8(2011) Part 8/IEEE C62.22
Secondary Current = 5 A page 8 – 16; Standard for Lightning
Accuracy Power = 30 VA Arrester and Ground Voltage Fault
Accuracy Class = 0.5

Lighting Arrester
Voltage ×1.05
VLA = NEC (2001) Article 310, Table 310.60
Highest Voltage (C) (67) and 310.60(C) (69), page 226;
69 kV × 1.05
VLA = √3 Conductor for general wiring
VLA = 41.829 kV
Use: RP1 Primary Side Normal Duty Distribution Class (ZnO)
Philippine Grid Code PP. (32) Section 3.2.3 – the
Nominal Voltage system owner must ensure that the voltage variation
13.8 kV × 1.05
VLA = must be not more or less than +-5% of the nominal
VLA = 11.9512 kV voltage at any point during normal operation.
Use: RP1 Load Side Normal Duty Distribution Class (ZnO)

Bus Bar Sizing Copper Development Association

10 MVA
ILF = √3 (13.8 kV) (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
ILF = 418.3697 A for general wiring

IBUS = ILF1 + ILF2 + ILF3 IEEE Std Red Book C4 A4.5. Page
IBUS = 418.3697 A + 418.3697 A + 418.3697 A
124 - 125: Solving 3 phase current
IBUS = 1255.1091 A
Use: 750 MCM or 375 mm2

Bus Bar Dimension

Direct in ground – ¼ x 8, ⅜ x 6, ½ x 5, ½ x Copper development association
6, ¾ x 4, ¾ x 5 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
Free air – ¼ x 6, ⅜ x 5 for general wiring
For 30˚C Rise
Copper Development Association Inc.
Copper development association
Resistance per Meter
-6 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
0.68 × 10
RDCBUSBAR = (0.00635) (0.125) for general wiring
RDCBUSBAR = 7.0452 × 10-4 Ω/m
(0.2) (0.68 × 10 ) Copper development association
RACBUSBAR = (0.00635) (0.125)
(2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
RACBUSBAR = 7.5825 × 10-6 Ω/m for general wiring

Inductance Per Meter and Inductive Reactance Per Meter

(31.9) (0.125) (0.125)
L= (0.125)
L = 3.9875 × 10-9 H/m Copper Development Association
XL = 2π (60) (3.99×10−9) (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
XL = 1.5042 Ω/m for general wiring.

Capacitance Per Meter and Capacitive Reactance Per Meter
(0.225) (8.8542×10 ) (0.125)
C= (0.125)
C = 15.9376 × 10-24 F/m Copper Development Association
1 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
Xc = -24
2π (6) (5937610×10 ) for general wiring.
Xc = 1.6644 × 1020 Ω/m

ZBUS = [√ (3 9875×10−9) × (5 9376×10−2)]
Copper Development Association
ZBUS = 2.5209 × 10-16 Ω/m
-9 -2 (2014), Article 5.2, page 79: Conductor
1.5042×10 ×5.9376×10
Φ = tan -6 for general wiring.
Φ = 90∘
ZTOTAL = 2.5209 × 10-6 Ω/m × (10 m)
ZTOTAL = 2.5209 × 10-15∠-90
Use: Dimensions in meter: 6.35 mm × 152 mm IEEE Std Gray Book C8.3.3 page 231:
Skin Effect Ratio at 70℃: 1.18 Basic insulating materials are either
Area in CM: 1910CM organic or inorganic.

Sizing of Power Circuit Breaker (See Appendix A - Schneider Electric NW ACB Data Sheet)
Calculation of Short Circuit Current
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
The full load current is 167.3479 A and the short circuit Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
current at Load 3 is XX kA, therefore use NW08HX: 800 A, Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
XX KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker Applications

Step 10: Design of Transmission Line

Design Option 1: Single Circuit Transmission Line via Route Option 1

Figure 5-8: Proposed Single Circuit Steel Tower

Figure 5-9. Transmission of Power from Porac to Guagua via Route Option 1

Transmission line Conductor Sizing

An amperage of 313.7773 A is calculated from receiving end substation and ASCR Pigeon Conductor has
an ampacity rating of 315 Amperes, thus it is practically optional to utilize in this design.

Conductor Weight Calculation

The characteristics below are the specifications for ACSR Pigeon Conductor
Note: Specifications are based from the South wire manufacturer for the selected conductor (See Appendix
 Ampacity Rating: 315 Amperes
 Weight of conductor: 230 lbm/1000 ft = 3.3566 N/m
 Rated Strength: 6620 lbm = 29,447.2271 N
 For wind loading, the maximum recorded weather condition on Pampanga will be used for safety
purposes. Max Wind Speed for Pampanga = 67 m/s

The wind pressure can be approximated by:

Pair = (Density of air)(Wind speed)2 (Shape factor)
 The density of air is about 1.25 kg/m3.

 The shape factor (drag coefficient) depends on the shape of the body. It has order of magnitude 1
and is dimension less.
1 kg m 2 N
Pair = (1.25 3 ) (6.7 ) (1)=28.0563 2
2 m s m

Wwind =Pair (d+2t)

Wwind = Wind pressure per m2 of projected area × projected area per meter length
Wwind =Pair (d+2t)= (28.0563 2
) (0.01887m+2(0))=0.5294
m m
t = 0, since the cable is bare conductor

N 2 N 2 N
W=√(WC )2 +(WWind )2 =√(3.3566 ) + (0.5294 ) =3.3981
m m m

For tower span, L would be 360 meters since the adopted range of span of 69 kV Transmission lines is 350
m – 360 m. But for some reason a span of 360m cannot be adopted at all times due to the road orientation.
Sag and Tension Computation
29,447.2271 N
TWorking = =14723.6136 N,

For a safety factor of 2

Analysis at Tower 1 and Tower 2

Figure 5-10: Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 1 and 2

H1 =30 m above sea level
H2 =33 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|33 m-30 m|=3 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (3m)(14723.6163 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (3.3981 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 143.8952 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 143.8952 m
=216.1075 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(3.3981 N/m)(143.8952 m)2 page 65
2(14723.6163 N)
= 2.3893 m
Clearance=25 m-YMax
=30 m-2.3893 m
=27.6107 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.6101 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(2.3893 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.04229 m

Analysis at Tower 2 and Tower 3

Figure 5-11: Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 2 and 3

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =33 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|33 m-30 m|=3 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (3m)(14723.6163 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (3.3981 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 143.8952 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 143.8952 m
=216.1075 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(3.3981 N/m)(143.8952 m)2 page 65
2(14723.6163 N)
= 2.3893 m
Clearance=25 m-YMax

=30 m-2.3893 m
=27.6107 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.6101 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(2.3893 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.04229 m

Analysis at Tower 3 and Tower 4

Figure 5-12: Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 3 and 4

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =32 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|33 m-30 m|=2 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL

360 m (2m)(14723.6163 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (3.3981 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 155.9284 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 155.9284 m
=204.0716 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(3.3981 N/m)(155.9284 m)2 page 65
2(14723.6163 N)
= 2.8057 m
Clearance=30 m-YMax
=30 m-2.8057 m
=27.1943 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 27.1943 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(2.8057 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0583 m

Analysis at Tower 4 and Tower 5

Figure 5-13: Overhead Transmission Line for Tower 4 and 5

H1 =30 m above sea level

H2 =31 m above sea level
h=|H2 -H1 |=|31 m-30 m|=1 m

L HTWorking
X1 = -
2 WL
360 m (1m)(14723.6163 N)
= - Standard Review Plan (2010):
2 (3.3981 N/m)(360 m )
Standard height of a lattice
= 167.9642 m transmission tower, pp. 1-2

X2 =L-X1
= 360 m – 167.9642 m
=192.0356 m

WX1 2 Indian Electricity Rule (IER)

YMax = (1956): Clearance above ground of
the lowest conductor, Section 77,
(3.3981 N/m)(167.9642 m)2 page 65
2(14723.6163 N)
= 3.2556 m
Clearance=30 m-YMax

=30 m-3.2566m
=26.7444 m
Based on the Indian Electricity Rule it states that the minimum clearance allowable for high voltage system
is 6.1m, therefore the clearance of 26.7444 m satisfies the condition, because it is greater than 6.1 m.

8YMax 2
Conductor Length ≌ L+
8(3.2556 m)2
= 360 m+
3(360 m)
= 360.0785 m

Table 5. 1 Shows the calculated data gathered of transmission towers from 5 to 40

This table shows the information of the sag and tension from tower 1 and tower 2, the data is ascending from
towers 1 to 4, the negative sign in height means that the next elevation of the tower is either upward or
downward depends on the change.
X1 (m) X2 (m) (m) Sag1 (m) Clearance (m) Conductor length (m)
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085
167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085
155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085
155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
131.8567 228.1432879 4 2.006302 27.99369834 360.0298166
167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085
155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
143.8925 216.1074659 3 2.389287 27.61071328 360.0422866
167.9642 192.035822 1 3.255555 26.74444463 360.0785085

155.9284 204.071644 2 2.805705 27.19429537 360.058311
228.1433 131.8567121 -4 6.006302 23.99369834 360.2672271
204.0716 155.928356 -2 4.805705 25.19429537 360.1710726
228.1433 131.8567121 -4 6.006302 23.99369834 360.2672271
192.0358 167.964178 -1 4.255555 25.74444463 360.1341463
204.0716 155.928356 -2 4.805705 25.19429537 360.1710726
204.0716 155.928356 -2 4.805705 25.19429537 360.1710726
216.1075 143.8925341 -3 5.389287 24.61071328 360.2151438
192.0358 167.964178 -1 4.255555 25.74444463 360.1341463
216.1075 143.8925341 -3 5.389287 24.61071328 360.2151438
204.0716 155.928356 -2 4.805705 25.19429537 360.1710726
192.0358 167.964178 -1 4.255555 25.74444463 360.1341463
216.1075 143.8925341 -3 5.389287 24.61071328 360.2151438
192.0358 167.964178 -1 4.255555 25.74444463 360.1341463

Computation for the total length of the transmission line from Receiving End Substation to Sending End
Total Length = 14043.82 A

Figure 5-14. 69 kV Insulator String

For the nominal voltage of 69 kV, the number of suspended insulators is 6 discs. In a suspended insulator,
the line conductor is secured at the bottom disc and the top disc is connected to the cross arm of the tower.
The type of insulators we will use is suspension type insulator for higher voltage rating and of the flexibility of
the line and the mechanical stresses are reduced.

69 kV
Vph = =39837.1686 V
Vph =V1 +V2 +V3 +V4 +V5 +V6
V1 =V1
V2 =V1 (k+1)
V3 =V1 k+V2 (k+1)
V4 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 (k+1)
V5 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 k+V4 (k+1) The Electrical Engineering Handbook,
Second Edition. Table 61.3: Typical Line
V6 =V1 k+V2 k+V3 k+V4 k+V5 (k+1)
Insulation, page 1326

The value of the ratio of capacitance between pin and earth to the self-capacitance or K is 0.11
Solving for all the potential difference at every insulator,
V1 =3766.396 V
V2 =4180.69956 V
V3 =5054.880072 V
V4 =3401.301169 V
V5 =8433.804693 V
V6 =11310.2305 V
String Efficiency= x 100
number of strings x voltage across disc nearest to the conductor
69 kV
String Efficiency= x 100=58.7037 %
6 x 11310.2305 V

To improve string efficiency, the method that we will use is grading the insulators.
Grading the insulators is making the potential difference the same to improve the string efficiency to its
highest peak by adding earth capacitance that is adjusted to different sized insulators.
Assume, Ce =KC
C=Ce K

C2 =C(1+K)
C3 =C(1+3K)
C4 =C(1+6K)
C5 =C(1+10K)
C6 =C(1+15K)

The distribution voltages are almost equal, V1 =V2 =Vn

C=1.02235 x 10−9 F

C2 =1.09069 x 10-9 F

C3 =1.15902 x 10-9 F

C4 =1.22735 x 10-9 F

C5 =1.29568 x 10-9 F

C6 =1.364 x 10-9 F

Solving for the current at each node,

I1 =0.002723 A
I2 =0.002905 A
I3 =0.003087 A
I4 =0.003269 A
I5 =0.003451 A
I6 =0.003633 A
V1 =V2 =Vn =7065.0545 V

String Efficiency= x 100
number of strings x voltage across disc nearest to the conductor

69 kV
String Efficiency= x 100 = 93.977 %
6 x 7065.0545 V

Computing Total Resistance of Overhead Short Transmission Line Conductor

Total resistance of the conductor is computed by the formula
Rconductor =Total length of the conductor x Resistance
Resistance = Resistance of the conductor @ 75 degrees Celsius AC
ACSR Pigeon Resistance = 0.143 Ω/1000 ft = 0.143 Ω/304.8 m
Total length=14043.82 m
0.143 Ω
RConductor =(14043.82 m)( )
304.8 m
Rconductor =6.5888 Ω

Computing Total Inductive Reactance of Overhead Transmission Line Conductor

Total inductive reactance of the conductor is computed by the formula
D H 1000 m
L= (2 x10-7 ln Deq ) m x x Total Length of the conductor
S km

Based on the specification of an ASCR Penguin conductor, the stranding of the conductor is 6/1
The ACSR Penguin has the following diameters:
DiameterTotal =0.563 inch

Figure 3-X. 6/1 ACSR Penguin Conductor

The illustration above shows the arrangement of the Aluminum and Steel conductors in an ACSR Penguin

Figure 5-15. Single Circuit Conductors Arrangement

The inductance of the ACSR Penguin can be solved by using the formula:
L=2 x 10-7 ln
GMD = Geometric Mean Distance
GMR = Radius of conductor for inductance

0.563 in 25.4 mm
D12 =1000+ * =1007.1501 mm IER (1956). Table 3.4: Vertical
2 1 in
clearance between conductors, page 25
0.563 in 25.4 mm
D23 =1000+ * =1007.1501 mm
2 1 in

0.563 in 25.4 mm
D31 =2000+ * =2007.1501 mm
2 1 in

3 IER (1956). Table 3.4: Horizontal

GMD=√D12 D23 D31
spacing between conductors, page 25
GMD=√(1007.1501 mm)(1007.1501 mm)(2007.1501 mm)
GMD = 1267.4264 mm

GMR of Penguin conductor is 0.0101 ft = 0.25654 mm (See Appendix A - TransPowr ACSR Bare Overhead

Substituting the values required for the formula of inductance, we have:
1267.4264 mm H
L=2 x 10-7 ln =1.3944 x 10-6
0.25654 mm m

For a 14043.82 m, the inductive reactance of this ACSR conductor is:

XL =2πfL x 14043.82 m=2π(60 Hz)(1.3944 x 10-6 )(14043.82 m)
XL =7.3825 Ω

Computation for Receiving End Voltage

Figure 5-16. Short Transmission Line Equivalent Circuit

VSN = sending end voltage per phase
XL = inductive reactance per phase
𝐼𝑅 = load current per phase
Cos Φr = receiving pf (lagging)
R = resistance per phase
VSN = 69kV
R=6.5888 Ω
XL =7.3825 Ω
cos Φs =0.95 (lagging)

69 kV
VRN = -(313.7773 A∠- cos-1 (0.95))(6.5888+j7.3825 Ω)
VRN =37.1823∠-2.397 kV

VR =VRN √3=64.4017∠-2.397 kV
Pf=cos θ = cos(-2.397)=0.9991 lagging


SR =√3(64.4017 kV)(313.7773 A)
SR =35.0009 MVA
VS -VR 69-64.4017
% VR= x 100= x 100
VR 64.4017

%VR=4.14 %
Efficiency= x 100
Efficiency=99.9126 %

Transmission Line Design simulation using Simulink Sim Power Systems

Figure 5-17. Design Simulation using Simulink

Figure 5-18. Input of Transmission Line Parameters

Data and Results

Steady State
Simscape Power Systems (Specialized Technology) Report.
generated by powergui,
12-Oct-2018 03:22:07

Model : C:\Users\Boss

[1] Steady-State voltages and currents:

States at 60 Hz :

6.9301e+02 A -11.13 ° ---> 'Il_phase_A: Three-Phase RL Load'

6.9301e+02 A -131.13 ° ---> 'Il_phase_B: Three-Phase RL Load'
6.9301e+02 A 108.87 ° ---> 'Il_phase_C: Three-Phase RL Load'

Dependent STATES: (steady state values are not computed)

1: 'Il_phase_A: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

2: 'Il_phase_B: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

3: 'Il_phase_C: Transmission Line/Three-Phase Series RL Branch'

Measurements at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U A: Sending End Bus

V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V -8.70° ---> U A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V -128.70° ---> U B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
2.7374e+04 V 111.30° ---> U C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -11.13° ---> I A: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -131.13° ---> I B: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A 108.87° ---> I C: Sending End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -11.13° ---> I A: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A -131.13° ---> I B: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement
6.9301e+02 A 108.87° ---> I C: Receiving End Bus
V-I Measurement

Sources at 60 Hz :

3.2527e+04 V 0.00° ---> U_A: Three-Phase Source

3.2527e+04 V -120.00° ---> U_B: Three-Phase Source
3.2527e+04 V 120.00° ---> U_C: Three-Phase Source

Nonlinear elements at 60 Hz :

Load Flow
The Load Flow converged in 0 iterations !

SUMMARY for subnetwork No 1

Total generation : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

Total PQ load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total Zshunt load : P= 0.02 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total ASM load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Total losses : P= 4205.77 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

1 : *1* V= 0.026 pu/0.0371823kV -43.23 deg

Generation : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
PQ_load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.02 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
--> *2* : P= -0.02 MW Q= -0.00 Mvar

2 : *2* V= 1.000 pu/250kV 0.00 deg ; Swing bus

Generation : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar
PQ_load : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
Z_shunt : P= 0.00 MW Q= 0.00 Mvar
--> *1* : P= 4205.79 MW Q= 4712.01 Mvar

The various electrical parameters of transmission lines are determined using Simulink Sim Power
Systems and the generated parameter values are. From the simulation results we observed
that the calculated and simulated values are almost equal.

Figure 5-19. Waveform of Sending End Voltage

Figure 5-20. Waveform of Receiving End Voltage

This simulation is done for 1 sec, therefore that the waveform can be seen more clearly. By observing
the above waveform, the voltage magnitude of peak voltage at Sending End is 3.294 kV (In RMS)
and at Receiving end is 0.496 kV (In RMS). Such simulation is very useful for power quality
improvement when fixing the harmonics of a power source.

Final Step: Design of Solar Power System

Figure 5-21. Dimension of SPLITMAX Framed 144-Cell Module (1500 W) Monocrystalline Solar Cells

Table 5. 2 Technical Specifications

Parameter Symbol Value for Value for Reference

350 Wp 380 Wp
Peak power (Wp) Pmax 350 380


Maximum power voltage (V) Vmpp 38.4 39.6
Maximum power current (A) Impp 9.13 9.60

MONO 365-370W
Open circuit voltage (V) Voc 46.5 48.0
Short circuit current (A) Isc 9.60 9.99
Module efficiency (%) ηm 17.6 19.2
Voc temperature coefficient (%/ºC) TC - 0.29%/°C
Minimum operating temperature (ºC) Tmin -40
Maximum operating temperature (ºC) Tmax +85
Minimum MPPT voltage (V) Vmin_MPPT 580
Maximum permissible input voltage (V) Vmax_input 1500

String Sizing Calculations

3. More than minimum number of panels calculated as inverter minimum MPPT voltage divided by
string minimum operating voltage (Vmp at max operating panel temperature, i.e., 75ºC)
4. Less than maximum number of panels calculated as maximum permissible inverter voltage divided
by string maximum open circuit voltage (Voc at minimum operating temperature, i.e., 10ºC)

Case 1: Minimum no. of modules in series (340 W)

Minimum no. of modules in series = V
mp ×(1+TC ×(Tmax -25))
Minimum no. of modules in series =
38.4 ×(1 - 0.29
×(85 - 25))
Minimum no. of modules in series = 18.2859 ≅ 18

Case 2: Maximum no. of modules in series

Maximum no. of modules in series = V
oc ×(1+TC ×(Tmin -25))
Maximum no. of modules in series =
46.5 ×(1 - 0.29
×(- 40 - 25))
Maximum no. of modules in series = 18.0946 ≅ 18

Inverter Sizing Calculations

1. Each inverter station is comprised of 4 inverters. The calculations below are for one of the four
2. There are two different arrangements in which the PV panels are connected to the inverters. They
are the following:

Item Case 1 Case 2
Peak wattage of PV panel, P max_PV (Wp) 350 W 390 W
No. of PV panels in one string, m 18 18
No. of strings connected to each CB, n 20 24
No. of CB connected to one inverter, q 5 4

Case 1:
Min Operating Voltage
Vop_min = Vmpp×(1+TC×(Tmax-25ºC))×m (V)
Vop_min = 38.4×(1+(- 0.29/100)×(85-25ºC))×18 (V)
Vop_min = 570.9312 V

Max operating voltage

Vop_max = Vmpp×(1+TC×(Tmin-25ºC))×m (V)
Vop_max = 38.4×(1+(- 0.29/100)×(-40-25ºC))×18 (V)
Vop_max = 821.4912 V

Case 2:
Min Operating Voltage
Vop_min = Vmpp×(1+TC×(Tmax-25ºC))×m (V)
Vop_min = 39.6×(1+(- 0.29/100)×(85-25ºC))×18 (V)
Vop_min = 588.7728 V

Max operating voltage

Vop_max = Vmpp×(1+TC×(Tmin-25ºC))×m (V)
Vop_max = 39.6×(1+(- 0.29/100)×(-40-25ºC))×m (V)
Vop_max = 847.1628 V

Maximum PV module current

IDCmaxSTR =Isc (1+ )

(- 0.29%/°C)*(-318.15 °C)
IDCmaxSTR =(9.6 A)(1+ )
IDCmaxSTR =18.4572 A

Calculations for Cable Sizing

Auxiliary Transformerinverter station = 15kVA
Total Length = 40 m
System Voltage = 400 V

Power Factor = 0.9
Voltage Drop = 3%
Cable Size: 4C X 10 mm2
Cable Resistance: 2.44 Ω/km
Cable Reactance: 0.079 Ω/km
Cable Ampacity: 92 A

Full Load Current

IFL = (kVA)/(√3 × V) × cos Φ
IFL = 26.04/(√3 × 400) × cos (0.9)
IFL = 37.5901 A

Derated Cable Ampacity

Derated Cable Ampacity = Cable Ampacity × Derating Factor

Derated Cable Ampacity = 92 A × 0.8
Derated Cable Ampacity = 73.6 A

No. of Strings (14 MW)

Assuming maximum output:
(380 W × 18 modules)/10 kW = 0.6840 × 100 = 68.40%
380 W × 18 × 0.6840 = 4678.5600 W
14 MW / 4678.5600 W = 2992.37 = 2994 modules
2994 modules ÷ 18 = 166.333 = 167 strings

Fuse sizes of the Sunny String Monitors

nSTRfuse *IDCmppSTR
IDCfuseSTR =
(1)(18.4572 A)
IDCfuseSTR = =30.762 ≌ 30 A

Definition: Number of strings per fuse, nSTRfuse =1

Figure 5-22. Proposed Single Line Diagram of 14 MW Solar Power System
Simulation using PVsyst V6.43
Design and Estimate the results of 15MW solar power plant by using PVsyst software version 6.43. It is
possible to have preliminary and as well as post evaluation test data for the feasible power generation.
The total system performance and efficiency of each systems of plant are evaluated by entering the
specifications of a particular design. Design the system According to the above specifications of all

Figure 5-23. Geographical conditions

Figure 5-24. System Design (Solar module, inverter, array design)

Results and Discussion
Table 3-1. Monthly Meteo values

Figure 5-25. Solar Paths at Pampanga, (Lat. 15.0°N, long. 120.6°E, alt. 2 m) - Legal Time

All the parameters underlying this simulation: Geographic situation and Mateo data used, plane orientation,
general information about shadings (horizon and near shadings), components used and array configuration,
loss parameters, etc.

Main Results
Produced energy: 7624 MWh/year
Specific production: The produced energy divided by the Nominal power of the array.
This is an indicator of the potential of the system, taking into account irradiance conditions (orientation, site
location, meteorological conditions).
Specific Production= (Produced energy/Nominal Power of the array)

Specific Production=1896 kWh/kWp/year
Performance ratio: 85.59%
The yearly value can be an average like the temperature, or a sum, like the irradiation or energies. The
meaning of the different variables is the following:

Figure 5-26. Yearly Values

Figure 5-26. Normalized Productions (per installed kWp): Nominal power 4140 kWp

Figure 5-27. Performance Ratio

Figure 5-28. Daily System Output Energy

The highest power generation achieved was 27000kWh/day in the month of September. With the recorded
insulation, average module temperature, plant efficiency of 6.10 kWh/m2/day, 27.070C, and 84.4 %
The decline in the energy generation during the August and September period in Figure 3-5 was mainly due
to the higher plant downtime and more number of cloudy days during that period. The declination is clearly
visible in Figure 3-3 and Table 3-1.

Figure 5-29. Power vs. voltage

From the Figure 3-6, the maximum power reached at the incident radiation is about 1000W/m2, a voltage 34
V, and at cell temperature 25-45 C with module efficiency is 17.79%.

Figure 5-30. Efficiency Profile of Inverter

Figure 5-31 Efficiency vs. Cell Temperature

Figure 5-32. Efficiency vs Incident radiation

Figure 5-30 – 5-32 shows the variation in energy generation of solar modules with insolation and the effect
of effect of module temperature on their efficiency.
Energy generation shows direct dependent on the incident solar irradiation and reaches the maximum during
peak insolation hours, the efficiency of the modules decreases and reaches the minimum during peak hours,
the main reason is to increase in the module temperature. This negatively impacts the efficiency more during
that hours. Efficiency of the module decreases from 17.79% at 30 ˚C to 13.67% at 55 ˚C.
It also clear that the temperature of modules increases with the increase in the solar irradiation and reaches
the maximum during peak irradiation hours. in other side reduced conversion efficiency.

Figure 5-33. Characteristics of PV Module

It is clear from the Figure 3-10, that as the incident solar radiation (INSOLATION) level increases, the
maximum current for a PV array also increases and has no significant effect on voltage when the temperature
remains constant. The graph of efficiency versus the incident solar radiation under varying temperature
condition is shown in Figure 3-9, which clearly demonstrates that as the temperature increases of PV module,
the efficiency decreases at specific radiation level.

Short Circuit Analysis
Z1 =6.49 pu
Z2 =6.49 pu
Z0 =5.7460 pu

Figure 3- 4. Fault 1 at Power CB 7

Fault 1 Power CB 7
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 335.1247 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 335.1247 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV)
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.1362 A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 279.1362 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49)
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) (
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 348.990 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 348990 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 1 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 5-34. Fault 2 at Power CB 8

Fault 2 at Power CB 8
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 335.124A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 335.124 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILL = 279.136 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 279.136 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
√3 (13.8 kV)
IDLG = 201. 489 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 8 at 13.8 kV is 201.489 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 5-35. Fault 3 at Power CB 6
Fault 3 at Power CB 6
Line to Ground
ILG = (Ibase )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 335.1247 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 335.1247 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications

ILL = 279.1362 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 279.1362 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 6 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 5-36. Fault 4 at Power CB 5

Fault 4 at Power CB 5
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial

ILG = 134.265 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 134.265 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.9131 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 5 at 34.5 kV is 111.9131 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Applications
IDLG = 140.0366 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 34.5 kV is 140.0366 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 5-37. Fault 5 at Power CB 11

Fault 5 at Power CB 11
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV)
ILG = 336.201999 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 336.29199 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 280.4325 A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 280.432 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
√3 (13.8 kV)
IDLG = 3506111A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 350.61156 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 5-38. Fault 6 at Power CB 12
Fault 6 at Power CB 12
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 323.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 279.78885 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double line to ground
3 (Z2 ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
3 (6.49) 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( ) Applications
√3 (13.8 kV)

IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 12 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 5-39. Fault 7 at Power CB 13

Fault 7 at Power CB 13
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 323.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base

√3 50MVA IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage

ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49)
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) (
) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 350.0916A Applications

The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 13 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 5-40. Fault 8 at Power CB 14

Fault 8 at Power CB 14
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is XX A,
therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker
(See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 14 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 5-41. Fault 9 at Power CB 15
Fault 9 at Power CB 15
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15at 13.8 kV is 335.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 15 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 5-42. Fault 10 at Power CB 10

Fault 10 at Power CB 10
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (13.8 kV) Applications
ILG = 335.3151161A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 335.3151161 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 279.7828885A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 10 at 13.8 kV is 279.7828885 A, therefore it is advisable to use
15GSB1-15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider
Electric Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (13.8 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 350.0916A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 13.8 kV is 350.0916 A, therefore it is advisable to use 15GSB1-
15GYB: Vacuum Type SF6, 1200 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix - Schneider Electric Low
Voltage and Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Selector Guide)

Figure 5-43. Fault 11 at Power CB 9

Fault 11 at Power CB 9
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( )
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245
Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 139.5961A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 9 at 34.5 kV is 139.5961 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 5-44. Fault 12 at Power CB 4
Fault 12 at Power CB 4
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA
ILL = ( ) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
6.49+6.49 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 139.5961A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 4 at 34.5 kV is 139.5961 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 5-45. Fault 13 at Power CB 3

Fault 13 at Power CB 3
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILG = ( ) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (69 kV)
ILG = 67.0249A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 67.0249 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
√3 50MVA Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (69 kV) Applications

ILL = 55.827A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 55.827 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-20:
1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (69 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 69.7981A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 3 at 69 kV is 69.7981 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-72.5-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 5-46. Fault 14 at Power CB 2

Fault 14 at Power CB 2
Line to Ground
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base
3 5MVA
ILG = ( ) IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (34.5 kV) Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILG = 134.0499A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is
134.0499 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See
Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 111.6544A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 111.6544 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-
38-20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245

Double Line to Ground

3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 5MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (34.5 kV) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 139.572A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 2 at 34.5 kV is 139.572 A, therefore it is advisable to use SPS2-38-
20: 1200 A, 20 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – SIEMENS SPS2 Circuit Breaker (15 kV-245 kV))

Figure 5-47. Fault 15 at Power CB 1
Fault 15 at Power CB 1
Line to Ground
3 IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
ILG = (I )
Z1 +Z2 +Z0 base Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
3 50MVA
ILG = ( ) Applications
6.49+6.49+5.7460 √3 (480 V)

ILG = 9634A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 9634 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL Molded
Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric: Commercial
and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Line to Line

ILL = (I )
Z1 +Z2 base
IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
√3 50 MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
ILL = ( )
6.49+6.49 √3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
ILL = 8025.166A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 1 at 480 V is 8025.166 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL Molded
Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric: Commercial
and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Double Line to Ground
3 (Z2 )
IDLG = (I )
Z1 (Z2 +Z0 )+ Z2 (Z0 ) base IEEE C37.013: Standard High Voltage
3 (6.49) 50MVA Circuit-Breakers: Practical Guidelines for
IDLG = ( 6.49(6.49+5.7460)+ 6.49(5.7460) ) ( )
√3 (480 V) Overcurrent Protection in Industrial
IDLG = 10033.47565A
The Short Circuit Current at Power CB 7 at 480 V is 10033.47565 A, therefore it is advisable to use GJL
Molded Case Circuit Breaker, 100 A, 18 KAIC, 3P Circuit Breaker (See Appendix – Schneider Electric:
Commercial and Industrial Circuit Breakers for OEM Applications)

Design Simulation
Power Flow

Paladin DesignBase Power Flow Program V6.55.00


Project No. : Page :1

Project Name: Date : 10/13/2018
Title : Time : 17:57:53
Drawing No. : Company :
Revision No.: Engineer :
Jobfile Name: SLD REVISED Check by :
Scenario : Date :

Bus Result

Bus Info & Sys kV Voltage Generation Static Load Motor Load Power Flow Results
------------------------------ ------------ --------------- ------------- ------------- --------------------------------------------
Name Type kV % Mag. Ang. MW Mvar MW Mvar MW Mvar To Bus Name MW Mvar Amp % PF
---------------- ------ ------ ------ ----- ------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ---------------- ------- ------- ----- -----
Solar Power Plan Swing 0.48 100.00 0.0 1.98 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 98 1.98 0.74 2541 93.7
Busbar 1 Busbar 34.50 99.84 29.8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60 1.98 0.73 35 93.8
98 -1.98 -0.73 35 93.8
Busbar 2 Busbar 34.50 49.80 29.6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 66 -1.98 -0.72 71 94.0
80 1.66 0.62 60 93.8
82 0.31 0.10 11 94.9
Busbar 3 Busbar 13.80 48.86 -2.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Load 3 1.65 0.54 149 95.0
Load 1 0.00 0.00 0 0.0
81 -1.65 -0.54 149 95.0
Busbar 4 Busbar 13.80 49.72 -0.6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Load 6 0.00 0.00 0 0.0
Load 2 0.00 0.00 0 0.0
Load 5 0.31 0.10 28 95.0
Load 7 0.00 0.00 0 0.0
83 -0.31 -0.10 28 95.0
Load 4 0.00 0.00 0 0.0
Load 1 P_Load 13.80 48.86 -2.5 -0.00 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Busbar 3 0.00 0.00 0 0.0
Load 2 P_Load 13.80 49.72 -0.6 -0.00 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Busbar 4 0.00 0.00 0 0.0
Load 3 P_Load 13.80 48.86 -2.5 -0.00 -0.00 1.65 0.54 0.00 0.00 Busbar 3 -1.65 -0.54 149 95.0
Load 4 P_Load 13.80 49.72 -0.6 -0.00 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Busbar 4 0.00 0.00 0 0.0
Load 5 P_Load 13.80 49.72 -0.6 -0.00 -0.00 0.31 0.10 0.00 0.00 Busbar 4 -0.31 -0.10 28 95.0
Load 6 P_Load 13.80 49.72 -0.6 -0.00 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Busbar 4 0.00 0.00 0 0.0
Load 7 P_Load 13.80 49.72 -0.6 -0.00 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Busbar 4 0.00 0.00 0 0.0

Short Circuit Analysis
3 Phase Fault

Jobfile Name: SLD REVISED Page : 1

Bus Results: 0.5 Cycle--Symmetrical

Fault Current ---- A

Bus Name Pre-Flt( V ) 3P Flt. Z+(pu) Zo(pu) 3P X/R Cd Bus Description

Busbar 1 34500 25 16.6742 0.041 0.045
Busbar 2 34500 100 16.7131 0.1642 0.0571
Busbar 3 13800 249 16.8349 0.5746 0.0907
Busbar 4 13800 249 16.7717 0.2873 0.074
Load 1 13800 249 16.8349 0.5747 0.0908 LD
Load 2 13800 249 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Load 3 13800 249 16.8349 0.5747 0.0908 LD
Load 4 13800 249 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Load 5 13800 249 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Load 6 13800 249 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Load 7 13800 249 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Solar Power Plant 480 1804 16.6667 - 0.0425 PV

Line to Line Fault

Jobfile Name: SLD REVISED Page : 1

Bus Results: 0.5 Cycle--Symmetrical

Fault Current ---- A

Bus Name Pre-Flt( V ) LL Flt. Z+(pu) Zo(pu) 3P X/R Cd Bus Description

Busbar 1 34500 22 16.6742 0.041 0.045
Busbar 2 34500 87 16.7131 0.1642 0.0571
Busbar 3 13800 215 16.8349 0.5746 0.0907
Busbar 4 13800 216 16.7717 0.2873 0.074
Load 1 13800 215 16.8349 0.5747 0.0908 LD
Load 2 13800 216 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Load 3 13800 215 16.8349 0.5747 0.0908 LD
Load 4 13800 216 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Load 5 13800 216 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Load 6 13800 216 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Load 7 13800 216 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Solar Power Plant 480 1563 16.6667 - 0.0425 PV

Line to Ground Fault

Jobfile Name: SLD REVISED Page : 1

Bus Results: 0.5 Cycle--Symmetrical

Fault Current ---- A

Bus Name Pre-Flt( V ) LG Flt. Z+(pu) Zo(pu) 3P X/R Cd Bus Description

Busbar 1 34500 38 16.6742 0.041 0.045
Busbar 2 34500 150 16.7131 0.1642 0.0571
Busbar 3 13800 371 16.8349 0.5746 0.0907
Busbar 4 13800 373 16.7717 0.2873 0.074
Load 1 13800 371 16.8349 0.5747 0.0908 LD
Load 2 13800 373 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Load 3 13800 371 16.8349 0.5747 0.0908 LD
Load 4 13800 373 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Load 5 13800 373 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Load 6 13800 373 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Load 7 13800 373 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Solar Power Plant 480 0 16.6667 - 0.0425 PV

Line to Line Ground Fault

Jobfile Name: SLD REVISED Page : 1

Bus Results: 0.5 Cycle--Symmetrical

Fault Current ---- A

Bus Name Pre-Flt( V ) LLG Flt Z+(pu) Zo(pu) 3P X/R Cd Bus Description
Busbar 1 34500 44 16.6742 0.041 0.045
Busbar 2 34500 174 16.7131 0.1642 0.0571
Busbar 3 13800 437 16.8349 0.5746 0.0907
Busbar 4 13800 436 16.7717 0.2873 0.074
Load 1 13800 437 16.8349 0.5747 0.0908 LD
Load 2 13800 436 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Load 3 13800 437 16.8349 0.5747 0.0908 LD
Load 4 13800 436 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Load 5 13800 436 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Load 6 13800 436 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Load 7 13800 436 16.7717 0.2874 0.074 LD
Solar Power Plant 480 1563 16.6667 - 0.0425 PV

Protective Device Coordination of the Circuit Breakers for all Substation

Figure 5-11. PDC of 14 MW Solar Power System

Figure 5-11 shows the analysis regarding the protection and the proper coordination of it in the entire
system during the load condition (Protective Device Coordination)

Summary of Findings

A major consideration in the design of a distribution system is to ensure that it provides the required quality
of service to the various loads. This includes: serving each load under normal conditions, under abnormal
conditions and providing the desired protection to service and system apparatus so that interruptions of
service are minimized.

Under normal conditions, the important technical factors include voltage profile, losses, load flow, effects of
motor starting, service continuity and reliability. The prime considerations under faulted conditions are
apparatus protection, fault isolation service continuity and of course personnel safety.

During the system preliminary planning stage, before selection of the distribution apparatus, several
distribution systems should be analyzed and evaluated, including both economic and technical factors.
During this stage, if system size or complexity warrant, it may be appropriate to provide a thorough review of
each system under both normal and abnormal conditions.

This type of dynamic analysis is typically done using Computer Simulation Software. Selection of components
such as circuit breakers, cables, transformers, equipment motors and generators are entered into a power
flow one-line of the system. Changes to these variables, including the type of breaker as well as its trip unit
settings, the size and length of conductors, the hp of motors and kVA of transformers and generators, can
be adjusted to reflect the impact this will have on the short-circuit energy available at various points in the
power distribution system.

Short-circuit calculations define momentary and steady-state fault currents for specific points in the electrical
system. This information is used to select protective devices and to determine required equipment bus
bracing and withstand levels. These calculations are generated for both normal, emergency and alternative
system configurations.

Computer software programs can identify the fault current at any bus in the distribution system under any
number of scenarios of source and load combinations. It is often necessary to evaluate the distribution system
in all the possible operating states of sources and loads to understand available fault currents in all possible
states. The results of these calculations permit optimizing service to the loads while properly applying
distribution apparatus within their intended limits.


The client of the project design presented is the Pampanga Electric Cooperative II (PELCO II) located in
Guagua Pampanga. The purpose of the proposed design project is to evaluate the process of power
generation by means of solar power system. The created a design is in accordance with the stated
constraints. The project also improved the capacity of the Guagua substation.
The project is about designing a 14 MW Solar Power Plant and supplying the need of energy of Pampanga.
Based on parameters and data that was gathered in the process of designing and analyzing the out of the
project in designing Solar Power Plant, Geographical location is a big factor to consider. Since it is a solar
power plant, solar map or other weather monitoring system is required in order to validate whether the project
will be usable to the area. The load forecast should also be considered in order to attain the amount of power
plant output that the plant will supply to the area.
The project introduced four (3) system designs for Pampanga Electric Cooperative (PELCO II). The first
system is the design of Overhead Single Circuit Transmission (3) design options under it. The second system
is the design of Overhead Double Circuit Transmission (3) design options under it. The third system is the
design of Underground Circuit (3) design options under it. Each design has different distance, for Route 1
has 14.320 km from Magalang to Guagua, Route 2 has 21.1km from Angeles to Guagua and Route 3 has
31.1 km from Arayat to Guagua. Based on the data gathered in the process of designing transmission lines,
and considering the parameters like electrical power efficiency, voltage regulation and string efficiency, the
3 system design is compliance with the standard.
The proponents of the project considered four (3) design constraints in order to determine the best option
among the set designs. The proponents considered the following constraints of this project namely: (a)
Efficiency, (b) Reliability, and (c) Economical/Cost. These set of design constraints are what the proponents
taken into consideration for the trade-offs analysis. The over-all trade-offs shows that best design is Design
option 1 Route 1 has a distance of 14.320 km from Magalang to Guagua.


What played a crucial role of the accomplishment of the project is the use modern power system simulation
tool like the EDSA Paladin DesignBase. During the process of accomplishing the project design, the software
allowed the user to simulate and visualize all the components, processes, performance, and specifications
that made up the power system structure starting from the generating plants that provides a certain voltage
which are either stepped-down out or stepped-up using transformers and even up to the distribution systems
whose solitary function is to convey power to the consumers or the load side of the system which are linked
through transmission systems.
Another feature of the software which was noticeably helpful during the testing of the power system
constructed its advance power flow analysis feature which enables the user to simulate the system. The said
feature also checked whether there are errors existing and won’t let the system to converge until such errors
are eliminated. Furthermore, determining which components are subjected to underload condition or
overload condition was also made possible. This feature of the software makes it an invaluable tool when it
comes to AC load flow analysis. The fact that the software supports AC load flow makes it a necessary
modern engineering tool in the field of electrical design and power system reliability. The software easily
determines whether an underload component is present in the power system with its advance power flow
options. With that being said, changing existing components with the most appropriate components to be
used for the reliability and efficiency of the system can be done easily.
PVsyst software is a package for the study, sizing and data analysis of complete PV systems.It deals with
grid-connected, stand-alone, pumping and DC-grid (public transportation) PV systems, and includes
extensive meteo and PV systems components databases, as well as general solar energy tools.
In attaining the desired outcome the desired outcome of the project, the use of the EDSA Paladin DesignBase
software and PVsyst software played an important role with the various features it offers when it comes to
the simulation of power systems. The features offered of such comprehensive power systems engineering
modeling tool software proved that designing reliable electrical systems and analyzing it need not to be time
consuming and bulk calculation isn’t always required. The availability of such industry software paves way
for the insurance of the efficiency and reliability of an electrical system in a more convenient way. The user-
friendly environment of this modern industry software made the generation, interpretation and analysis of
data easier in a real time basis. This softwares is geared to the needs of architects, engineers, researchers.
It is also very helpful for educational training

Appendix A
Trade off Computation


The reliability of all of the designs are same since the only variable in our design options is the cable length
of each transmission line design. And the failure rate of any cable, feeder, and transmission line as stated in
IEEE Std 493 (IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power
Systems) is 0.0036 Failures per unit year.

1st Branch:
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.643) =1.044x10-7
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0032) =0.92312
Circuit Breaker
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0036) =0.91393
Circuit Breaker
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0036) =0.91393
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0032) =0.92312
Circuit Breaker
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0036) =0.91393
Cable / Transmission Line
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.00336) =0.91943
Circuit Breaker
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0036) =0.91393
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0032) =0.92312
Circuit Breaker
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0036) =0.91393
Total for 1st Branch = 8.25844

2nd Branch:
Circuit Breaker
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0036) =0.91393
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0032) =0.92312
Circuit Breaker
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0036) =0.91393
Subtotal = 2.75098

Circuit Breaker
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0036) =0.91393
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.00617) =0.85706
Subtotal = 1.77099

Circuit Breaker
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0036) =0.91393
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.00617) =0.85706
Subtotal = 1.77099

Subtotal for Parallel System = (1-1.77099)(1-1.77099)=0.59443

Total for Series System = 2.75098 + 0.59443 = 3.34541

3rd Branch:

Circuit Breaker
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0036) =0.91393
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0032) =0.92312
Circuit Breaker
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0036) =0.91393
Subtotal = 2.75098

Circuit Breaker
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0036) =0.91393
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.00617) =0.85706
Subtotal = 1.77099

Circuit Breaker
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0036) =0.91393
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.00617) =0.85706
Subtotal = 1.77099

Circuit Breaker
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0036) =0.91393
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.00617) =0.85706
Subtotal = 1.77099

Circuit Breaker
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0036) =0.91393
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.00617) =0.85706
Subtotal = 1.77099

Circuit Breaker
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0036) =0.91393

R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.00617) =0.85706
Subtotal = 1.77099

Circuit Breaker
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0036) =0.91393
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.00617) =0.85706
Subtotal = 1.77099

Circuit Breaker
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.0036) =0.91393
R(t)=e-tλ =e-(25)(0.00617) =0.85706
Subtotal = 1.77099

Subtotal for Parallel System = (1-1.77099)(1-1.77099)(1-1.77099)(1-1.77099)(1-1.77099)(1-1.77099)(1-

1.77099) = 0.161935

Total for Series System = 2.75098 + 0.161935 = 2.91291

Subtotal for 2nd and 3rd Branch Parallel System = (1-2.91291)(1-3.34541) = 4.48657

Grand Total = (8.25844 + 4.48657)(1-(1-0.91393))2 = 0.55971 = 55.971%

Design 1 option 1

Economical Constraint
Total Price of Conductor
Total Weight of Conductor = (Weight of Conductor) (Total Length) (Number of Lines in Tower)Pigeon’s Total
Weight of Conductor = (4.3296447 kg) (14.320 kg/km) (3)
= 705.991216 kg
Total Weight of Pigeon = 48143.3321 kg
Pigeon’s Price = (270 Dollars per cwt) (1 cwt per 50.8023 kg) = 5.314720003 Dollars per kg
Total Price of the Overhead Tower Conductor,
= (5.314720003 Dollars per kg) (48143.3321 kg) = 255.86674 $ (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar)
= 23715986.47 Php
Total price of Transformers
10MVA Transformer = $140,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) = 7.1176 MPhp
20MVA Transformer = $247,500.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =12.5829 MPhp

35 MVA Transformer = $300,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =15.252 MPhp
35 MVA Transformer = $300,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =15.252 MPhp
Total Prices of all transformer: 7.1176 MPhp + 12.5829 MPhp + 15.252 MPhp + 15.252 MPhp
= 50.2045 MPhp
Monocrystalline Solar Panel
Component Quantity Price Cost
Inverter 662 33456 22,147,87
Battery 284660 24789 7,056,436,740
Charge Controller 28466 9850 280,390,100
PV Module 200203 12000 242,436,000
Land Area 464515.2 763 354,425,097
Subtotal 7,955,835,809
Labor and installation cost 2386750743
(30% of component cost)
Total 10,342,586,550

Design 1 option 2
Economical Constraint
Total Price of Conductor
Total Weight of Conductor = (Weight of Conductor) (Total Length) (Number of Lines in Tower)
Pigeon’s Total Weight of Conductor = (4.3296447 kg) (21.1km) (3)
= 2705.991216 kg
Pigeon’s Total Weight of Conductor = (25.2242731 kg) (21.1 km) (3)
= 56090.34088 kg
Total Weight of Pigeon = 56090.34088 kg
Pigeon’s Price = (270 Dollars per cwt) (1 cwt per 50.8023 kg) = 5.314720003 Dollars per kg
Total Price of the Overhead Tower Conductor,
= (5.314720003 Dollars per kg) (56090.34088 kg) = 298104 $ (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar)
= 35523239.47 Php
Total price of Transformers
10MVA Transformer = $140,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) = 7.1176 MPhp
20MVA Transformer = $247,500.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =12.5829 MPhp
35 MVA Transformer = $300,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =15.252 MPhp
35 MVA Transformer = $300,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =15.252 MPhp
Total Prices of all transformer: 7.1176 MPhp + 12.5829 MPhp + 15.252 MPhp + 15.252 MPhp
= 50.2045 MPhp

Monocrystalline Solar Panel
Component Quantity Price Cost
Inverter 662 33456 22,147,87
Battery 284660 24789 7,056,436,740
Charge Controller 28466 9850 280,390,100
PV Module 200203 12000 242,436,000
Land Area 464515.2 763 354,425,097
Subtotal 7,955,835,809
Labor and installation cost 2386750743
(30% of component cost)
Total 10,342,586,550

Design 1 option 3
Economical Constraint

Total Price of Conductor

Total Weight of Conductor = (Weight of Conductor) (Total Length) (Number of Lines in Tower)
Pigeon’s Total Weight of Conductor = (4.3296447 kg) (32 km) (3)
= 4194.934316 kg
Total Weight of Pigeon = 4194.934316 kg
Pigeon’s Price = (270 Dollars per cwt) (1 cwt per 50.8023 kg) = 5.314720003 Dollars per kg
Total Price of the Overhead Tower Conductor,
= (5.314720003 Dollars per kg) (4194.934316 kg) = 492294 $ (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar)
= 43590898.47 Php
Total price of Transformers
10MVA Transformer = $140,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) = 7.1176 MPhp
20MVA Transformer = $247,500.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =12.5829 MPhp
35 MVA Transformer = $300,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =15.252 MPhp
35 MVA Transformer = $300,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =15.252 MPhp
Total Prices of all transformer: 7.1176 MPhp + 12.5829 MPhp + 15.252 MPhp + 15.252 MPhp
= 50.2045 MPhp
Monocrystalline Solar Panel
Component Quantity Price Cost
Inverter 662 33456 22,147,87
Battery 284660 24789 7,056,436,740
Charge Controller 28466 9850 280,390,100
PV Module 200203 12000 242,436,000
Land Area 464515.2 763 354,425,097
Subtotal 7,955,835,809

Labor and installation cost 2386750743
(30% of component cost)
Total 10,342,586,550

Design 2 option 1

Economical Constraint

Total Price of Conductor

Total Weight of Conductor = (Weight of Conductor) (Total Length) (Number of Lines in Tower)
Sparrow’s Total Weight of Conductor = (15.53644 kg) (14.320 kg/km) (6)
= 2982.99616 kg
Total Weight of Sparrow = 2982.99616 kg
Sparrow’s Price = (320 Dollars per cwt) (1 cwt per 50.8023 kg) = 5.314720003 Dollars per kg
Total Price of the Overhead Tower Conductor,
= (5.314720003 Dollars per kg) (2982.99616 kg) = 15853 $ (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar)
= 40643923.47 Php
Total price of Transformers
10MVA Transformer = $140,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) = 7.1176 MPhp
20MVA Transformer = $247,500.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =12.5829 MPhp
35 MVA Transformer = $300,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =15.252 MPhp
35 MVA Transformer = $300,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =15.252 MPhp
Total Prices of all transformer: 7.1176 MPhp + 12.5829 MPhp + 15.252 MPhp + 15.252 MPhp
= 50.2045 MPhp

Monocrystalline Solar Panel

Component Quantity Price Cost
Inverter 662 33456 22,147,87
Battery 284660 24789 7,056,436,740
Charge Controller 28466 9850 280,390,100
PV Module 200203 12000 242,436,000
Land Area 464515.2 763 354,425,097
Subtotal 7,955,835,809
Labor and installation cost 2386750743
(30% of component cost)
Total 10,342,586,550

Design 2 option 2

Economical Constraint

Total Price of Conductor

Total Weight of Conductor = (Weight of Conductor) (Total Length) (Number of Lines in Tower)
Sparrow’s Total Weight of Conductor = (20.123113 kg) (21 kg/km) (6)
= 3209.3412 kg
Total Weight of Sparrow = 3209.3412 kg
Sparrow’s Price = (320 Dollars per cwt) (1 cwt per 50.8023 kg) = 6.29003 Dollars per kg
Total Price of the Overhead Tower Conductor,
= (6.29003 Dollars per kg) (3209.3412 kg) = 224354 $ (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar)
= 45,345,353.47 Php
Total price of Transformers
10MVA Transformer = $140,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) = 7.1176 MPhp
20MVA Transformer = $247,500.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =12.5829 MPhp
35 MVA Transformer = $300,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =15.252 MPhp
35 MVA Transformer = $300,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =15.252 MPhp
Total Prices of all transformer: 7.1176 MPhp + 12.5829 MPhp + 15.252 MPhp + 15.252 MPhp
= 50.2045 MPhp

Monocrystalline Solar Panel

Component Quantity Price Cost
Inverter 662 33456 22,147,87
Battery 284660 24789 7,056,436,740
Charge Controller 28466 9850 280,390,100
PV Module 200203 12000 242,436,000
Land Area 464515.2 763 354,425,097
Subtotal 7,955,835,809
Labor and installation cost 2386750743
(30% of component cost)
Total 10,342,586,550

Design 2 option 3

Economical Constraint

Total Price of Conductor

Total Weight of Conductor = (Weight of Conductor) (Total Length) (Number of Lines in Tower)
Sparrow’s Total Weight of Conductor = (29.123213 kg) (32 kg/km) (6)

= 3932.213 kg
Total Weight of Sparrow = 3932.213 kg
Sparrow’s Price = (320 Dollars per cwt) (1 cwt per 50.8023 kg) = 6.29003 Dollars per kg
Total Price of the Overhead Tower Conductor,
= (6.29003 Dollars per kg) (3932.213 kg) = 325123 $ (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar)
= 51,423,122.47 Php
Total price of Transformers
10MVA Transformer = $140,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) = 7.1176 MPhp
20MVA Transformer = $247,500.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =12.5829 MPhp
35 MVA Transformer = $300,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =15.252 MPhp
35 MVA Transformer = $300,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =15.252 MPhp
Total Prices of all transformer: 7.1176 MPhp + 12.5829 MPhp + 15.252 MPhp + 15.252 MPhp
= 50.2045 MPhp

Monocrystalline Solar Panel

Component Quantity Price Cost
Inverter 662 33456 22,147,87
Battery 284660 24789 7,056,436,740
Charge Controller 28466 9850 280,390,100
PV Module 200203 12000 242,436,000
Land Area 464515.2 763 354,425,097
Subtotal 7,955,835,809
Labor and installation cost 2386750743
(30% of component cost)
Total 10,342,586,550

Design 3 option 1

Economical Constraint

Total Price of Conductor

Total Weight of Conductor = (Weight of Conductor) (Total Length) (Number of Lines in Tower)
Sparrow’s Total Weight of Conductor = (40.2312421 kg) (14.320 kg/km) (6)
= 4283.632 kg
Total Weight of Sparrow = 4283.632 kg
Sparrow’s Price = (430 Dollars per cwt) (1 cwt per 50.8023 kg) = 8.464183 Dollars per kg
Total Price of the Overhead Tower Conductor,
= (8.4641833 Dollars per kg) (4283.632 kg) = 793297 $ (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar)
= 46,331,219.47 Php

Total price of Transformers
10MVA Transformer = $140,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) = 7.1176 MPhp
20MVA Transformer = $247,500.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =12.5829 MPhp
35 MVA Transformer = $300,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =15.252 MPhp
35 MVA Transformer = $300,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =15.252 MPhp
Total Prices of all transformer: 7.1176 MPhp + 12.5829 MPhp + 15.252 MPhp + 15.252 MPhp
= 50.2045 MPhp

Monocrystalline Solar Panel

Component Quantity Price Cost
Inverter 662 33456 22,147,87
Battery 284660 24789 7,056,436,740
Charge Controller 28466 9850 280,390,100
PV Module 200203 12000 242,436,000
Land Area 464515.2 763 354,425,097
Subtotal 7,955,835,809
Labor and installation cost 2386750743
(30% of component cost)
Total 10,342,586,550

Design 3 option 2

Economical Constraint

Total Price of Conductor

Total Weight of Conductor = (Weight of Conductor) (Total Length) (Number of Lines in Tower)
Sparrow’s Total Weight of Conductor = (40.2312421 kg) (21.1 kg/km) (6)
= 5093.142 kg
Total Weight of Sparrow = = 5093.142 kg
Sparrow’s Price = (430 Dollars per cwt) (1 cwt per 50.8023 kg) = 8.464183 Dollars per kg
Total Price of the Overhead Tower Conductor,
= (8.4641833 Dollars per kg) (5093.142 kg) =1.0225M$ (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar)
= 52,121,539.47 Php

Total price of Transformers

10MVA Transformer = $140,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) = 7.1176 MPhp
20MVA Transformer = $247,500.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =12.5829 MPhp

35 MVA Transformer = $300,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =15.252 MPhp
35 MVA Transformer = $300,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =15.252 MPhp
Total Prices of all transformer: 7.1176 MPhp + 12.5829 MPhp + 15.252 MPhp + 15.252 MPhp
= 50.2045 MPhp

Monocrystalline Solar Panel

Component Quantity Price Cost
Inverter 662 33456 22,147,87
Battery 284660 24789 7,056,436,740
Charge Controller 28466 9850 280,390,100
PV Module 200203 12000 242,436,000
Land Area 464515.2 763 354,425,097
Subtotal 7,955,835,809
Labor and installation cost 2386750743
(30% of component cost)
Total 10,342,586,550

Design 3 option 3

Economical Constraint

Total Price of Conductor

Total Weight of Conductor = (Weight of Conductor) (Total Length) (Number of Lines in Tower)
Sparrow’s Total Weight of Conductor = (40.2312421 kg) (32.1 kg/km) (6)
= 7748.53722 kg
Total Weight of Sparrow = 7748.53722 kg
Sparrow’s Price = (430 Dollars per cwt) (1 cwt per 50.8023 kg) = 8.464183 Dollars per kg
Total Price of the Overhead Tower Conductor,
= (8.4641833 Dollars per kg) (7748.53722 kg) =1.204795M$ (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar)
= 61,251,783.47 Php

Total price of Transformers

10MVA Transformer = $140,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) = 7.1176 MPhp
20MVA Transformer = $247,500.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =12.5829 MPhp
35 MVA Transformer = $300,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =15.252 MPhp
35 MVA Transformer = $300,000.00 (50.84 Php per 1 Dollar) =15.252 MPhp
Total Prices of all transformer: 7.1176 MPhp + 12.5829 MPhp + 15.252 MPhp + 15.252 MPhp
= 50.2045 MPhp

Monocrystalline Solar Panel
Component Quantity Price Cost
Inverter 662 33456 22,147,87
Battery 284660 24789 7,056,436,740
Charge Controller 28466 9850 280,390,100
PV Module 200203 12000 242,436,000
Land Area 464515.2 763 354,425,097
Subtotal 7,955,835,809
Labor and installation cost 2386750743
(30% of component cost)
Total 10,342,586,550

Appendix B.

XLPE Conductor Data Sheet

ASTM Conductor Sizes

ASTM B 524 Standard for Concentric – Lay Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Table 3-4B, page 5

ASTM Standard for ACSR Temperature Coefficient, Table 3-6, page 9

ASTM Standard for Corrected Rac / Rdc, Table 3-8, page 10

IEC 60228, Conductors of Insulated Cables, 2004

IEC 61000-2-2, Normal Operation Tolerances are +/- 10% of the declared voltage, page 1

IEEE Std. C57.12.00-2000, General Requirements for Liquid Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating
Transformers, Section 5-4, Table 3, page 10

IER Standards for Horizontal Spacing in between Conductors, Table 3.4, 1956 and IER Standards for Vertical
Spacing in Between Conductors, Table 3.4, 1956

Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers Fourteenth Edition, International Edition, section 14, table 14.9

Appendix C. Pareto Optimization

Table C-1. Design Optimization in Terms of Total Score

1 2 3
Designs Options Total
Economical Efficiency Reliability
Single Circuit
Route 1 6.94 4.38 3.93 9.37
Circuit Route 2 2.49 3.25 9.44 7.96
Circuit Route 3 9.50 3.48 8.54 8.58

Importance Level
Weighted Factor = Total Importance Level

For Reliability Constraint, x2 = = 0.3

For Efficiency Constraint x3 = 10 = 0.2

For Economical Constraint x4 = 10 = 0.1

WPCi = x1PC1i + x2PC2i + x3PC3i + x4PC4i + x5PC5i

For The Total Score of Each Design:

WPC1 = (0.4)(9.93) + (0.3)(9.88) + (0.2)(7.43) + (0.1)(49.44) = 9.37

WPC2 = (0.4)(9.99) + (0.3)(9.11) + (0.2)(4.21) + (0.1)(3.93) = 7.96

WPC3 = (0.4)(8.94) + (0.3)(8.87) + (0.2)(7.43) + (0.1)(8.54) = 8.58

Appendix D
Sensitivity Analysis

Design 1: Solar Power System Using Single Circuit Transmission Line via Route 1

Base Value (v) = 55.971%

Standard Value (ρ) = 60%
High Value = 80%
Low Value = 50%
1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 60%
Score = | 80%-50% | =0.5087
1-e 60%

Design 2: Solar Power System Using Single Circuit Transmission Line via Route 2

Base Value (v) = 55.971%

Standard Value (ρ) = 60%
High Value = 80%
Low Value = 50%
1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 60%
Score = | 80%-50% | =0.5087
1-e 60%

Design 3: Solar Power System Using Single Circuit Transmission Line via Route 3

Base Value (v) = 55.971%

Standard Value (ρ) = 60%
High Value = 80%
Low Value = 50%
1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 60%
Score = | 80%-50% | =0.5087
1-e 60%

Design 4: Solar Power System Using Double Circuit Transmission Line via Route 1

Base Value (v) = 55.971%

Standard Value (ρ) = 60%
High Value = 80%
Low Value = 50%
1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 60%
Score = | 80%-50% | =0.5087
1-e 60%

Design 5: Solar Power System Using Double Circuit Transmission Line via Route 2

Base Value (v) = 55.971%

Standard Value (ρ) = 60%
High Value = 80%
Low Value = 50%
1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 60%
Score = | 80%-50% | =0.5087
1-e 60%

Design 6: Solar Power System Using Double Circuit Transmission Line via Route 3

Base Value (v) = 55.971%

Standard Value (ρ) = 60%
High Value = 80%
Low Value = 50%

1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 60%
Score = | 80%-50% | =0.5087
1-e 60%

Design 7: Solar Power System Using Underground Transmission Line via Route 1

Base Value (v) = 55.971%

Standard Value (ρ) = 60%
High Value = 80%
Low Value = 50%
1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 60%
Score = | 80%-50% | =0.5087
1-e 60%

Design 8: Solar Power System Using Underground Transmission Line via Route 2

Base Value (v) = 55.971%

Standard Value (ρ) = 60%
High Value = 80%
Low Value = 50%
1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 60%
Score = | 80%-50% | =0.5087
1-e 60%

Design 9: Solar Power System Using Underground Transmission Line via Route 3

Base Value (v) = 55.971%

Standard Value (ρ) = 60%
High Value = 80%
Low Value = 50%

1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 60%
Score = | 80%-50% | =0.5087
1-e 60%

Design 1: Solar Power System Using Single Circuit Transmission Line via Route 1


Base Value (v) = 18.65%

Standard Value (ρ) = 35%
High Value = 50%
Low Value = 20%
1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 35%
Score = | 50%-20% | =1.03%
1-e 35%

Design 2: Solar Power System Using Single Circuit Transmission Line via Route 2


Base Value (v) = 19.82%

Standard Value (ρ) = 35%
High Value = 50%
Low Value = 20%
1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 35%
Score = | 50%-20% | =1.00%
1-e 35%

Design 3: Solar Power System Using Single Circuit Transmission Line via Route 3


Base Value (v) = 18.23%

Standard Value (ρ) = 35%
High Value = 50%
Low Value = 20%
1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 35%
Score = | 50%-20% | =1.04%
1-e 35%

Design 4: Solar Power System Using Double Circuit Transmission Line via Route 1


Base Value (v) = 19.74%

Standard Value (ρ) = 35%
High Value = 50%
Low Value = 20%
1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 35%
Score = | 50%-20% | =1.01%
1-e 35%

Design 5: Solar Power System Using Double Circuit Transmission Line via Route 2


Base Value (v) = 19.65%

Standard Value (ρ) = 35%
High Value = 50%
Low Value = 20%
1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 35%
Score = | 50%-20% | =1.01%
1-e 35%

Design 6: Solar Power System Using Double Circuit Transmission Line via Route 3


Base Value (v) = 17.87%

Standard Value (ρ) = 35%
High Value = 50%
Low Value = 20%
1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 35%
Score = | 50%-20% | =1.04%
1-e 35%

Design 7: Solar Power System Using Underground Transmission Line via Route 1


Base Value (v) = 19.72%

Standard Value (ρ) = 35%
High Value = 50%
Low Value = 20%
1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 35%
Score = | 50%-20% | =1.01%
1-e 35%

Design 8: Solar Power System Using Underground Transmission Line via Route 2

Base Value (v) = 17.72%

Standard Value (ρ) = 35%
High Value = 50%
Low Value = 20%
1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 35%
Score = | 50%-20% | =1.05%
1-e 35%

Design 9: Solar Power System Using Underground Transmission Line via Route 3


Base Value (v) = 16.87%

Standard Value (ρ) = 35%
High Value = 50%
Low Value = 20%
1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 35%
Score = | 50%-20% | =1.06%
1-e 35%

Design 1: Solar Power System Using Single Circuit Transmission Line via Route 1


Base Value (v) = P 10,416,507,048

Standard Value (ρ) = 15,000,000,000.00
High Value = P 20,000,000,000.00
Low Value = P 10,000,000,000.00

1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 15,000,000,000
Score = | 20,000,000,000-0 | =1.83811
1-e 15,000,000,000

Design 2: Solar Power System Using Single Circuit Transmission Line via Route 2

Base Value (v) = P 10,426,355,296

Standard Value (ρ) = 15,000,000,000.00
High Value = P 20,000,000,000.00
Low Value = P 10,000,000,000.00

1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 15,000,000,000
Score = | 20,000,000,000-0 | =1.83555
1-e 15,000,000,000

Design 3: Solar Power System Using Single Circuit Transmission Line via Route 3

Base Value (v) = P 10,428,314,301

Standard Value (ρ) = 15,000,000,000.00
High Value = P 20,000,000,000.00
Low Value = P 10,000,000,000.00

1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 15,000,000,000
Score = | 20,000,000,000-0 | =1.835051
1-e 15,000,000,000

Design 4: Solar Power System Using Double Circuit Transmission Line via Route 1

Base Value (v) = P 10,433,434,985

Standard Value (ρ) = 15,000,000,000.00
High Value = P 20,000,000,000.00
Low Value = P 10,000,000,000.00

1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 15,000,000,000
Score = | 20,000,000,000-0 | =1.833723232
1-e 15,000,000,000

Design 5: Solar Power System Using Double Circuit Transmission Line via Route 2

Base Value (v) = P 10,438,136,415
Standard Value (ρ) = 15,000,000,000.00
High Value = P 20,000,000,000.00
Low Value = P 10,000,000,000.00

1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 15,000,000,000
Score = | 20,000,000,000-0 | =1.832504539
1-e 15,000,000,000

Design 6: Solar Power System Using Double Circuit Transmission Line via Route 3

Base Value (v) = P 10,444,214,184

Standard Value (ρ) = 15,000,000,000.00
High Value = P 20,000,000,000.00
Low Value = P 10,000,000,000.00

1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 15,000,000,000
Score = | 20,000,000,000-0 | =1.830929641
1-e 15,000,000,000

Design 7: Solar Power System Using Underground Transmission Line via Route 1

Base Value (v) = P 10,439,122,281

Standard Value (ρ) = 15,000,000,000.00
High Value = P 20,000,000,000.00
Low Value = P 10,000,000,000.00

1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 15,000,000,000
Score = | 20,000,000,000-0 | =1.832248897
1-e 15,000,000,000

Design 8: Solar Power System Using Underground Transmission Line via Route 2

Base Value (v) = P 10,444,912,601

Standard Value (ρ) = 15,000,000,000.00
High Value = P 20,000,000,000.00
Low Value = P 10,000,000,000.00

1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 15,000,000,000
Score = | 20,000,000,000-0 | =1.830748705
1-e 15,000,000,000

Design 9: Solar Power System Using Underground Transmission Line via Route 3

Base Value (v) = P 10,454,042,845

Standard Value (ρ) = 15,000,000,000.00
High Value = P 20,000,000,000.00
Low Value = P 10,000,000,000.00

1-e ρ
Score = | High-Low |
1-e ρ

1-e 15,000,000,000
Score = | 20,000,000,000-0 | =1.828384146
1-e 15,000,000,000

Appendix E.

Appendix F

Plagiarism Checker
For Chapter 1

For Chapter 2

For Chapter 3

For Chapter 4

For Chapter 5


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