THE THRESHOLD - KÜNNIS - ПОРОГ Newsletter, August 2019. E-S Sarv (Ed.)

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Ene-Silvia Sarv – The Emerson impulse for decades

1991 – 2002 – 2019

Letters from former

On eurythmy roda

On The Threshold …
The beginning
I always saw education on every level as a living
process with a lot of freedom, findings, self-discoveries. 7
As "pedagogical pensioner", I am happy that I have Seminars over the years
met such an inspiring people-colleagues all over the
world. I studied, and I taught. This is a great happiness.
The foundation for true self-realization was laid at
Emerson with its teachers, and in Wilkes's family,


Helena Rynkova
(pedagogue, first meeting in Tomsk, Siberia 1989-90, The Threshold 1991-1995, graduated eurythmist 2013)

4.08.2019: … Oгромная благодарность 4.08.2019. … Many thanks to our

нашим учителям из Эмерсона, которые teachers from Emerson, who were able to
смогли дать нам импульс шагать по give us an impulse to walk along the
антропософскому пути, и дарить детям anthroposophical path and to give
счастливое детство! children a happy childhood!
Letters. 29 July – 2 August, 2019
Moment from the
Letter from Lithuania. Ene, I Lithuanian group,
found one amazing photo, when we were 1996.
graduates from the course: Audronė,
Loreta, Ene Silvia Sarv, our teacher and Audronė
mother:) and me, Roma. Trečiakauskienė,
Audronė became a teacher in Kaunas Loreta Vaičiūtė, Ene
Waldorf School and now is working in Silvia Sarv, Roma
Vilnius Green School. She did a great Turčinavičienė
job in creating school in Kaunas. Now
she works as a class teacher in Vilnius
Green School sharing her experience
and building up young community. returned to computer programing. She did a great job as a
Loreta emigrated to GB and we lost leading person in the creating a Concept of Nontraditionall
connection... Education in the Minestery of Education of Lithuania.
I was and still am in Vilnius Waldorf
community: kindergarten teacher, class Merete Lövlie (from Sweden) was long time our school
teacher two times and now mentor mentor. Big group of school teachers took a course of
helping new teachers to land :-) in Intuitive Pedagogy with Merete Lovlie, Par Albom, Iris
Waldorfland. Johansen, Marsel Desax, Thomas Pedroly. One step by
Vilnius Valdorfo mokykla - ViVa - Vilnius another and it become an educational movement valuing
Waldorf school in September 2020 will play as a way of learning.
start the 24th school year with 300
students. So, dear Ene, you can see what a great impact was done by the courses that you led! Thank you for your
/2018/mokytojai2017.jpg lectures and all work, that you did.
Danutė Baranauskienė also is working at
ViVa: twice as a class teacher and now Roma
as a curative pedagogue.
Rita Baltrūnienė, the first teacher of the
school, last year past away... We are
thankful for her curage to start.

Rasa Kabailaitė became a priest in Vikentiev Sergey Mikhailovich. Born in 1954 in

Cristian community. The lectures of Kirovobad. Lives in Narva (Estonia). Estonian
Armen Tõugu were the key to start anthroposophist. Social teacher / pedagogue. He organized
Cristian Community in Lithuania. in 1997 the children's center "Lad" - a social institution for
Edita (Šarkienė) Kuliavaitė is active in caring for children with a severe and deep degree of health.
Waldorf kindergartens community as a Before the “Lad” those children were seen as no skilled for
kindergarten teacher and as a lecturer. any learning and kept at home. In December 2009, he
received the Pride of Estonia Prize. Another feature of this
Raminta Kazlauskienė is in ViVa school. award was the fact that before Sergey, the Russian
She works with teens as a class representatives in Estonia were not awarded such an
teacher. award.

Arūnė Baranauskienė after 3 years at

school as class teacher had a child and

Letters from Tomsk, from Helena Rynkova

Good day! Ene, how are you? How is your health?? I have already graduated from the
eurythmy-course and am now practicing. Often there are some unexpected things in the
Waldorf-branch of the school. Three sessions I worked with a new eurythmy course in St.
Petersburg. We went with the Goethe program to Weimar and Leipzig in the fall - all our
What about our seminar-group? We all see each other. Every Monday - we meet for reading
together as a group. At home with my husband Kostya we read Dr. Steiner's reports every
day. Since January of this year, I’m leading a group with eurythmy-activities for adults. I put
on plays in kindergartens and elsewhere ... I really look forward to hearing from you.
Ene, how well we all met each other some days ago. Maia-Reeta (from Estonia) arrived, with
Tanya Ovechkina ... . Yesterday we all had a wonderful circle together and recalled the
moments of our training in Tallinn and Ekaterinburg.

About Tomsk. The Waldorf community of Tomsk breathes deeply and in full! The basis is
kindergartens. There are 4 groups in municipal kindergartens (they have their own public
fund Rhythms of the Year), two private Waldorf preschool groups and one group in the
Center for Children's Creativity. The city horticultural college works. In the Eureka-
Development school, at every age level, there are Waldorf classes and a teacher's collegium
works there. Teachers have trainings at a teacher's seminar in St. Petersburg, and gardeners
at a Moscow seminar.

Some personal initiatives:

Tanya Ikonnikova leads a group of fairy-tale therapy.
Elena Rynkova (me): conducts an amateur course on eurythmy; eurythmy in kindergartens;
conducts counseling families with children with developmental difficulties, and for mothers
with children, has classes in art therapy. I am conducting family counseling in the emergency
services, for parents with very young children (these are children who need special mental
care). There are 100 consultations in this school year, plus eurythmy in Waldorf-groups. On
Saturdays, I do art therapy for difficult children. I am still participating in an art project in St.
Petersburg staging the Russian legend Kitezh grad.
Tatyana Negrey works as a music therapist.
Tanya Fisher and Tatyana Ikonnikova conduct training seminars in Novosibirsk. Almost
everyone who completed their studies in Tallinn has associated themselves with working with
On Saturdays, we gather in a small anthroposophical group, read the Philosophy of
Freedom, and work with sayings.
This is very brief about us.
Greetings from all Tomsk-people! I hug you heartily.



Studying at a seminar in Tallinn, this was the beginning of an

extraordinary time in life. I was almost 40 years old in 1990 when Ene-
Sylvia Sarv came to Tomsk ... She opened us a WALDORF
PEDAGOGY and became a Guardian Angel for years ... Emerson
College teachers were our lighthouses ... BIG THANKS!!!
I am connected with the Tomsk with my soul. According to the laws of
fate, I have been living in the village of Mirny in the city of Sochi for
almost 15 years. I participated in the organization of the Waldorf school
in Sochi (since 2011); all this time I have been conducting different
formats of conversations, meetings, seminars with parents, the
I wrote the socio-pedagogical essay “The PLACE OF THE OLD PEAR”
"The place of the old pear"
- Book One. 20 years to study (From birth to 20 years)
- Book Two. 20 years to fight (From 20 to 40 years)
- The third book. 20 years to gain wisdom (40 to 60 years)
- Book Four. Way to the Anthroposary (60 to 70 years old)
- Book Five. Aryan time (From 70 to 77 years)
- Book Six. Wisdom (From 77 years old ...)
- The seventh book. "Beyond the threshold" (and more ...)
Three adult children work in Waldorf schools. Five grandchildren - study at Waldorf schools and attend
Waldorf kindergartens.
I am currently collaborating on the forum of the anthroposophical site of BDN
- I am conducting several topics there.
In the social network VK I expose thematic materials, advise ...
I am very happy for you, ENE! For your desire to find us! Train us! And - look after us!
With best regards

Galina Rainina

Painting with parents. Tomsk, 2000.

The Parents Academy.

Letter from Komi Republic, Russia
Dear Ene!
Whenever I think of you, my heart is filled with a deep sense of immeasurable gratitude. Patience and
support always came from you even when I was drifting in my indiscretion and pride. Thanks, Ene,
thanks! For me, it was through you that Anthroposophy really opened for the first time. In It is thanks
to you that I have grown spiritually. In Estonia, I made my choice, and thanks to you; it has become
my spiritual Motherland.
Of course, I owe a lot to all teachers, including those from Emerson College and students; I still keep
in touch with some of them (with Olga Nebogatikova and Lyudmila Krylova from Perm). Special
thanks to Elsa Robertovna - she was for me a bridge, a kind of landmark connecting the past and the
present, an example of bravery and responsibility to work.
I think that you, Ene, have created an extraordinary team, consisting of talented people in love with
their work, who inspired and elevated us to the spiritual worlds. And it really was the best teacher
training in the entire post-Soviet space, because it was rigidly repelled from Anthroposophy and was
inextricable with it.
My path was as follows: working with youth, first organizing a Kindergarten, and then Steiner-school -
a school that has been living and developing in the suburbs of Syktyvkar for more than ten years. The
school is complete with its 12 classes, entirely independent of the state.
However, the main thing is not this, but the fact that Syktyvkar has become a serious center seeking
renewal of anthroposophical work and life. Caring for Anthroposophy is the main thing, it is what
nourishes the rest of our activities.
My wife Inessa and I have two children. Mikhail is almost 25; he is a lawyer and economist, studies at
the post-graduate school of Vyatka University and works as a history and social science teacher at
our school. He writes good poetry and music. Maria - our daughter is 23 years old; she graduated
from the 5th course of the Medical Academy in Kirov. She is interested in anthroposophic medicine
and art. She draws well, makes music. Both travel a lot, participate in seminars held in Russia.
Most cordial and warm greetings to Margaret, Glennis and Andrew! Good health to you, Ene, and a
lot of strength! The sun into your soul! You are forever in my heart!
With love, your Stas Kyzyurov.

On eurythmy-rods
At one session (1995-96 or earlier) Glenys needed eurythmy-rods or/and copper balls. With balls,
it seemed to be OK - I brought from home very organic, well-rounded and the same size potatoes
(from our garden). Whoo, said Glenys, I never imagined eurythmy with potatoes. However - it
worked well. But the rods we found were just wooden or very heavy metal ones. Not good at all.
At following session, Glenys arrived with the special bag and - eurythmy rods. She had made
fundraising and so for all further years our seminar could have real rod-eurythmy. After seminar's
last year (2002), the rods were occasionally in use in Maria school (curative education, Tallinn)
for a couple of years. When I moved to another apartment - rods moved with me.

In Viljandi Waldorf school (were my younger grandchildren studied) works ms. Virgi Ojap as the
eurythmy teacher. She studied in Finland. In 2016, she initiated the eurythmy-festival of Estonian
Waldorf schools on Bach. It was a great evening, especially the 6-8 grade boys' rod-
performance. One aim was to raise some funds to by eurythmy-rods for school. These were the
right place and time and purpose - half of eurythmy-rods from Glenys are now in very good use!
Another half is still waiting ... Thank You, Glenys!

The annual Waldorf-schools’

eurythmy-days became tradition
in Estonia. At Viljandi Waldorf-
school Virgi founded the
eurythmy-studio for pupils and
former pupils. They have visited
Tampere Steiner-Koulu and
Witten-Annen eurythmy forum
(with Grieg, Bizet, Lizt, Bach,
Pärt). The Glenys-rods are in use
at every lesson.

The beginning – IDRIART, Tampere Steiner Koulu, Emerson
College => The Threshold/Künnis/ Порог
In 1987-89, alongside with perestroika in the USSR in Estonia, we managed to start educational
renewal - re-creation of the national Estonian school, the national curriculum, and non-ideological,
humanist pedagogy. Western pedagogues saw the possibility and need to introduce alternative,
humane pedagogues and social initiatives. Margit Engel from Vidarosen Camphill (Norway), Tampere
Steiner Koulu pedagogues and parents (Finland), and many others contacted educational institutions
and anthroposophical circle in Estonia (that has been underground for many decades, since 1940). As
vice-director of Estonia SSR Teacher Professional Development Institute, I supported IDRIART
workshops and other seminars. Through IDRIART-seminars, Margit Engel and Tampere-school people,
I saw the pedagogue I would like to have for my own children and for children in Estonia. And through
pedagogue - I entered anthroposophy. It was natural for me as pedagogue and as the physicist.
By the end of the 2nd IDRIART in Estonia, one big Irish man said to me: Why not to go for a year or two
to Emerson? I'll write You the support letter. He did, and in 1991, I was in Emerson (with 18 pounds in
my pocket at Gatwick and leaving home two teenager daughters).
With the organizational help of Elsa Gretchkina (former minister of education, not loved by her earlier
ideological views) the seminars on Waldorf education / Steiner pedagogue were organised. Interested
people came from over the USSR. We had groups as far as from Siberia, thanks to Heureka seminars I
was invited to speak on humanist and Steiner pedagogy since 1989.
During Emerson-time, I tried to compose the curriculum for teachers' seminar. Here I had good advice
from Tampere-parents and teachers, and from A Wolpert. It worked quite well through all the 12 years.
The seminar was designed to have 9 face-to-face sessions (by 5 - 14 days each), two sessions yearly
and a lot of independent learning, homework (including artistic work). At the beginning of every session,
we tried to have the collegium-like meeting with all lecturers to have "the tuning". Every year at summer
session, we started with a new group. So it was like a school - 9 courses like nine classes. For some
courses, we had the leading teacher - like class-teacher. Jaakko Erkkonen, Merete Lövlie were the
example. As it became complicated to travel to Estonia from Russia (visa, money, etc.) - for several
years, we had summer-sessions in Tallinn and then in Jekaterinburg. So - the western lecturers did
experience real (post)Soviet trains, and no hotels, etc. (I remember Margaret and Glenys sleeping on
the floor in Jekaterinburg for some nights.) It was all voluntary work - as students from Russia, Ukraine
could not pay nearly nothing, and it was not much better for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania as well.
All homework was presented; journals kept; international team members gave their reports and
suggestion for homework and for following sessions. There were general philosophical and pedagogical
studies and lot of practice, collaborative group-works, artistry (including course plays, up to
Shakespeare), etc. This was "the breaking of paradigm". By the end of 9th session, the graduation/final
project has to be completed and performed to all the participants.
Altogether in Tallinn, Krasnodar and Jekaterinburg, more than 2000 persons participated at least once
(full session), around 800 of them participated at 3-5 sessions, 300 at 7-8 sessions and 130 –
graduated with final project.
I gathered a lot of knowledge, especially as a translator from English or Finnish to Russian, as there
were very few who understood English sufficiently. I got a lot of practical experiences and ideas for my
teaching in universities and for teachers' professional development.


Pre-history of The Threshold - courses

When? What? People Organisers

1988-89 Sept.`89 - June `90 - Course by Tampere Rudolf Steiner for 40 people - full E. Sarv,
School team 7 days every month (10 sessions), Tallinn course of 10
Teacher In-Service Centre sessions; for ca 70 K. Lukk
- 2-3 sessions

1988,89 The IDRIART (M Pogachnic) – Concerts, workshops on ca 200 (education) Support – E Sarv
music and Steiner pedagogy

1990 Sept-Oct – ca 1 week workshops in Siberia (Tomsk, Workshosp for Heureka - A. Adamsky
Mirnyi, Kogalym…) - “Heureka”- center, Moscow 69/50/69 teachers,
Steiner-pedagogy –
Nov-Dec –several 4-5 day workshops in Narva (Est) for lectures for 400
the teachers from Russia - “Heureka”- center, Moscow, A participants Ene Sarv

1991 July - workshop in Tallinn (7 days) - the Estonian Ministry around 100
of Ed, The team from Finland (Tampere and Oulu Steiner participants E. Sarv
schools). E. Gretchkina
around 100
July - workshop in Krasnodar (8 days) - the team from participants
Finland – as part of “Heureka”- center innovative
pedagogy courses,(Moscow, A. Adamsky)

Month City Sessions Team from …

1992 Jan Tallinn I, II U.K. Finland, Est


July Tallinn I, II, III U.K.-Fin-Est-USA

Aug Ekaterinburg I, II, III U.K.-Fin-Est


1993 Jan Tallinn I - IV U.K.-Fin-Est


Jan Ekaterinburg

March Tallinn V session A. Wolpert, P Ram, U.K.


Aug Tallinn, I - VI U.K.-Est

Ekaterinburg sessions

Dec Perm workshop, Perm E-S Sarv


1994 Jan Tallinn I -VII Est, U.K.-Fin-Est


Jan Ekaterinburg Ru Est-Germ

June- Tallinn, I - VIII U.K.-Fin-Swed-Est-Lat

July Ekaterinburg

1995 Jan Tallinn I - IX U.K.-Fin-Swed-Est-Lat “Threshold” Branch-seminars

in Siberia

July-- Tallinn I - IX U.K.-Fin-Swed-Est-Lat “Threshold” Branch-seminars

Aug in Siberia, Komi

1996 Jan Tallinn II - IX U.K.-Fin-Swed-Est-Lat

Aug Tallinn I - IX U.K.-Fin-Swed-Est-Lat “Threshold” Branch-seminars

in Siberia, Komi

1997 Jan Tallinn Fin-Swed-Est-Lat

July Tallinn I - IX Fin-Swed-Est-Lat-U.K. “Threshold” Branch-seminars

in Siberia, Komi

1998 Jan Tallinn II - IX Fin-Swed-Est-Lat

Aug Tallinn I - IX Fin-Swed-Est-Lat Seminars opened in Komi,

Jekaterinburg, Tomsk

1999 Jan Tallinn,Riga II-VIII Sw-Est Riga seminar by A Vilcina’s


June- Tallinn I - IX International


2000 Jan Tallinn II-VIII International

July Tallinn I-IX International

2001 Jan Tallinn, Jõhvi II-VIII International

July Tallinn Co-creation- International Radex-initiative


The beginning – IDRIART, Tampere
Steiner Koulu, Emerson College => The
Tallinn, 1992 with
Margaret Shillan, Glenys
Waters (Emerson
College) The start of The
Threshold as
International Seminar for
former Soviet Republics
Judith Cristy involved Krasnodar, 1991 with Esko Tallgren (Tampere,
many people from UK. Finland), Ene and some of our students. We
were a branch of Heureka-seminar (Moscow,
led by A Adamsky).

Tallinn, 1995, 1996 with Swedish eurythmy,

singing (Par Ahlbom), pedagogical improvisation
and intuitive pedagogy (Alexander Kieding),
drawing and class-teacher pedagogue (Merette
Lövlie), etc.

Krasnodar 1991. Tampere R Steiner School
Pirkko Helakangas speaking, Ene – translating.

Sculpture. Handwork (puppets). Nature. Eurythmy.

Steiner-pedagogy as Heureka- Music.
branch, summer 1991, Tallinn, Tampere-team had always detailed and sensitive
Kranodar curriculum (and all needed stuff).

Nature-observation – from Anne Marie
to Tallinn and Urals

1991-92, Anne-Marie and all

Foundation Year in Emerson – new
view to nature and nature-observation.

Nature observation. 1995, 1996,

Tallinn (Aina Vilcina, Latvia)

Nature-observation became the

integral part of my Philosophy of
Education course in Tallinn
University. It means 10-14 days of
observation with drawing /
painting, and reflection (individual
and as a group–work) in an
auditorium. Moreover, I created
the e-learning course "The art of

Session-preparation means: sensing the situation (session program, participants' home-works,
environment, lecturers - invited and volunteering, visas, etc); preparation of overall timetable; lot
of negotiations and tuning-conversations; team-meeting – collegium.

Margaret Shillan, Ilya

Zilberberg, Elsa Gretchkina
and Glenys Waters around
Ene’s table, Tallinn.

Ene, Susan and Barbara – all in

Estonian national costumes. They
(and Glenys) loved those so
much. I have the skirt weaved by
myself in Emerson and the blouse
from my grandmother. Ladies
bought the South-Estonia and the
island Kihnu costumes.

Sarah Kane (UK), Milan Pol (Chech

Republic) and I are following the
performance of the study group.

Tallinn, 1995.

1994, Tallinn

Teachers of teachers –
UK, Chech Republic,
Latvia, Estonia … and
some teacher-students
from Urals.

On course preparation – Urals, Ekaterinburg 1994, Tallinn 1999. Fragments of letters to

participants, team members

Lecturers, course leaders 1991 -2001

United Kingdom:
Nora and Friedwart Bock – Therapeutic, curative Pedagogy

Judith Cristy - lectures on spiritual science, consultations

Andrew Wolpert - Language and Development, Renaissance Art, L. Vinci's Last Supper - workshop

Margaret Shillan - painting, classroom work, workshops

Glenys Waters - eurythmy, workshops, performances

Sarah Kane - Speech and Drama

John Wilkes - water, geometry, flow forms

Brian Masters - pedagogy, music

Christopher Clouder - Pedagogy

Susan Lock - Painting

Peter Ram - painting, art workshop, music

Diane Flowers - Eurythmy, Art Therapy, Art

Diana Westwood - Class teacher job

Melissa Harwood - eurythmy, workshops

John Burnett, Maria Albiez, Mr Nunhofer … and many others.

Finland: Jaakko & Eia Erkkonen, Esko Tallgren, Pirkko Helakangas, Liisa & Kari Niinikangas, Leni…

Sweden: Merette Lövlie, Alexander Kieding, Ulrika Kärmann, Hugo Johansson, Gina Larusse, , A. Martinsen,
Pär Ahlbom, Eva Melander

Niederlands: R Hogervorst, E Van der Kolk,

Estonia: Inge Tael, Margus Tõnnov, Külli Lukk, Maie Poomann, Peeter Kreitzberg, Jüri Orn, Armen
Tõugu, Ene-Silvia Sarv, etc.

There were also lecturers from Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Latvia, USA.
Altogether more than 60 lecturers, 12 of them were teaching at 7+ sessions in Tallinn and Jekaterinburg
(since 1991).

Art of Speech and Drama

The Small Prince (by A Exupery), 1996 The Final Project by the Latvian
Some Course plays
group (led by Aina Vilcina)

Gilgameš, 1998, Tallinn, von Glehn park Jaakko Erkkonen’s end-of-course


The Shepherd play – 3 years Jaakko Erkkonen’s course

performances in different halls in Tallinn

The Christmas story Merette Lövlie’s course

1998 January-session

National story in English

1997 summer-session
Merette Lövlie’s course

Shakespeare “Julius Caesar” – 1999. Self-initiative (incl translation) of

summer-session, outdoor performance at course, lead by A Jaagus
Lasnamäe, Tallinn

Several small improvisations with music and According to need, every session

Art of Drama – Gilgames

Art of Drama – Julius Cesar

Performance for graduation - result and reflection of 9-11 sessions, 4,5 years +
photos together with teachers

The Threshold – on graduation and final projects





Ms Elena Rynkova
took part in 9 sessions (modulas) of the Waldorf-pedagogy Seminary from July 1991 to January 1998 .
The full programme (9 sessions) includes 640 contact hours, hometasks inbetween sessions, individual
and closing project and is equal to 64 academical subject-points .

She took part in the following programme:

general anthropology, child development & child psychology , the philosophical background of waldorf-
pedagogy, the waldorf-school curriculum, economy anmd structure of the waldorf-school, contemporary
education philosophy.

She took part in practical and artistic activities:

painting and pedagogical painting , drawing and pedagogical drawing, creative speech , music,
pedagogical improvisation, child and selfobservation, eurythmy, modelling,

She took part in seminars, study-groups and options, performed the homework and completed the
closing project/individual project/group-project
"The thresholds of childhood".
Tallinn, 10. January 1998

The programme leader of the Seminary E.-S. Sarv ("The Threshold", In-Service Centre, Estonia)
The responsible organizers E. Gretshkina ("The Threshold", Russian Private
Gymnasium "Polylog", Estonia)
A. Vilcinya (The Private University on Social Pedagogy
"Attistiba", Latvia)
Repüresentatives of the Teachers Collegium:
J. Erkkonen (Tampere R. Steiner Koulu, Finland)
A. Kieding ("The Threshold",Hermes-foundation, Sweden)
M. Poomann (Mari-kool and Estonian Seminar on
Curative Education, Estonia)
U. Kärmann (Sweden)
M. Lövlie (Solvikskolan, Sweden)
Nora and Friedwart Bock (The Camphill Waldorf-Schools
Association, U.K.)

In-Service Center: Raadiku 8, Tallinn. Phone, fax 6345328, phone 6345418.
Seminar - E-S Sarv : Viru v 2, Tallinn EE0001. Phone 372 2 42 73 74. QGSM phone 8 255 20 449.
CHE Ltd "Threshold" Office in Tallinn: E. Sarv, Linda 5 - 7, EE0004, Tallinn. Fax 372 2 597 061

Graduation 1995, winter session and 1998, winter session

The Small Prince – gift (surprise) to all The Threshold-

community from the Latvia-group (led by Aina Vilcina),

Graduation 1996, summer-session

Sergei Vikentiev, Estonia

Stanislav Kyzyrov, Komi

Maia-Reeta Trampärk, Estonia

Kadri-Ly Trahv, Estonia

The Threshold – some final projects
Reflection on Human Feelings and Natural Processes in the Artistic Sandra Kirse, Riia 1994
(1. Paintings “12 months”; 2. world in the peintings/drawings of 2-4
year children)

Working together with parents and children (Working together with Aina Vilcinya, Latvia 1994
children and their parents via winter and sunrise-happening at spring)

On Russian Fairy-Tales Tatjana Ovetškina, 1996


The closing project on teaching Kadri-Ly Trahv, Rakvere 1996

Temperament-Rhytms in the waldorf-lesson Maia-Reta Trampärk, 1996


The Social-project “Day-Center Harmony for “learning-disabled” Sergei Vikentjev, Narva 1996

Painting for home-teachers (guvernants) based on Waldorf-principles Natalia Pisarenko, Tomsk 1997?

National/ethnologic world-image Žanetta Movko, Tallinn

Psychology of child-development Natalja Gorbunova; Tallinn

Teaching as healing Aime Jaagus, 1999

Siiri Veensalu,
Anne Reinsoo, Est
Fairy-tale and drawing together with 6-year children Ilse Bertulsone, Latvia 1994

Waldorf-pedagogy (artistic work) as corrective means in the work with Jelena Nosovitš, Tallinn 2001
special needs children

Parent-teacher co-operation and relationship in the school for special Meeli Stoltsen, Seminar of 2000
needs children Maria-school, The
Threshold, Est

The Kingdom of Fairy Tales Audrone Trečiakauskiene, 2000

Vilnius, Lithuania

Implementation of waldorf-pedagogy into mainstream school. Daira Bergholtse, Latvia 1994

Learning-teaching of letters.

Educating and teaching Julia Maksimova, Tallinn 1997?

Human’s self-development. Way to perfect sculptural mask. Miroslava Veršinina, 1995


How to help 1st class children in counting Silva Lapina, Kergums, 1995

Development of my children – observed and interpretated Jelena Sdobnova,Tallinn 1999

Active methods in primary classes – summary of experience Aime Lindepuu, Tallinn 1999

Waldorf-kindregarten – opportunity/hope for contemporary children Karmen Püü, Aruküla 2000

Waldorf-pedagogy in mainstream school Alevtina Polištšuk, Tallinn 1999

The thresholds of childhood Elena Rynkova, 1998


Introduction of the ideas of Waldorf-pedagogy to the practice of state Larisa Šipunova 1998

Russian Circle-dance Liudmila Krylova 1998

“The Threshold” – generalisation of 3-year experience working with Svetlana Kiseljova, Tomsk 1999
special needs children

The attempt of creative interpretation of the learning process Vladimir Gorbatšenko, 2000
(performance: text + music + poetry of 49 poets + recorder + 50 artworks, Sillamäe, Estonia

Organization of alternative pedagogy courses in Järvamaa district Siiri Sitska, 1997

Tiia Sagar, Estonia

Short puppet-play as impulss for children play development Tatjana Ikonnikova, Perm 1998

First steps in creative, knowledge-rich personality-development Oksana Kirnitšanska, Latvia 1998

(through The Threshold process)

Pär Ahlbom – in flower-crone

Cheerful and exciting and thoughtful
Emerson - whenever you/I come or think
about it
Education course
graduation party at
Margaret’s house,

Emerson millennium-
gathering, 2000.

Ene-Silvia Sarv, Elisabeth


Valter – the sculptor.

My missing text – on entering …. journey …. gratitude ….

Former participants
meeting, 2019,
Ekaterinburg, Tomsk


Some team-
members. 1993,
March, Tallinn
Kylli Lukk (Est),
Andrew Wolpert &
Peter Ram (UK), Ene-
Silvia Sarv & Elsa
Gretchkina (Est)


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