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Llywyddir gan Heddlu Gwent

Medi’r 26ain a’r 27ain
26th & 27th September
Hosted by Gwent Police

Menywod Gwent ym
maes Plismona
Gwent Women in

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On behalf of Gwent’s Women in policing network, welcome to Gwent
Police and the South West Women in Leadership Conference 2019. We
are very proud to host you all and it has been our absolute pleasure to
widen the attendance of this year’s conference to include colleagues
across the Welsh region.
Menywod Gwent ym
The focus of the conference for 2019 maes Plismona
is “Resilience,” #IWILberesilient. Gwent Women in
We hope to provide the opportunity for you to hear about how, in the
face of adversity, some people have the ability to be positive, find
a way through dark moments and make the best out of any given
situation. How do they do this? How could this help us as individuals both in work and in our personal
lives? Some of you may well relate to this, have faced your own difficulties and have your own stories.
The intention is for this conference to offer the opportunity for you to hear about and share these stories
so we can learn from each other. To listen to inspirational speakers and attend workshops which will
provide positive practical solutions and tips to enable us to manage future challenges. The conference
also provides a rare space to pause, reflect, network and develop new friendships, which I believe is vital
for our own development.

Summed up so well by Mark Twain:

“Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never
regret anything that made you smile. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the
things you didn’t do than by the one’s you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe
harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sail. Explore. Discover. Dream.”

It is my hope that, when we all leave conference on Friday, we have a greater understanding of how
to cope and stay positive, enabling us to be more resilient, be prepared to fail and emerge from
experiences stronger than before.

My thanks to everyone who has been involved in making this conference possible and for the support of
our sponsors, Gwent Chief Officers and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Emma Ackland
T/ACC & Chair of Gwent Women in Policing

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It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the Women in Leadership
Conference 2019. This is the first conference of its kind to come to Wales
and I am proud that Gwent Police is your host this year.

As a force, we strive to create an inclusive, diverse and welcoming

workforce, in order to better reflect the communities we serve. I hope
that this event inspires colleagues to play a big part in taking this
ambition forward.

You will no doubt be inspired by the list of amazing speakers that you
will hear from during the conference. All of them demonstrate this
year’s theme of resilience, and despite how underrepresented a group
may be, with determination and resilience, they have shown that you can achieve whatever you set out
to do!

When I joined policing in 1994 female representation within the police service stood at 11%. In 2018 female
representation stood at 30%. Clearly this is an improvement, however, there are challenges that still
remain. We need to fully understand the barriers that exist for women in all forms of policing including
lateral and vertical career progression. Gwent Police has signed up to the ‘HeForShe’ campaign which
will challenge negative stereotypes and behaviours that effect gender equality. We need to celebrate
success to ensure women are recognised and rewarded. We need to ensure there is a comprehensive
support network which is meaningful and wide reaching across policing and I encourage you to use the
conference as an opportunity to develop your own network.

It is my hope that this conference will provide you with the knowledge, inspiration and support you
require and leave you feeling more equipped to deal with your career and develop your own and each
other’s personal resilience….. And don’t forget to tell yourself #IWILbeResilient.

Pam Kelly
Chief Constable | Gwent Police

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I am delighted to welcome you all to Gwent for the Women
in Leadership Conference 2019.

This event offers a fantastic opportunity to come together

to celebrate the contribution women make to keeping our
communities safe.

As Police and Crime Commissioner, it is my aim to support

Gwent Police to build a workforce which is resilient and
reflective of the communities we serve.

Here in Gwent, we are continuously working to promote the role of women in our
organisation. Just recently, I had the pleasure of appointing Pam Kelly as our new Chief
Constable, only the second female Chief Constable in Gwent’s history.

We are very lucky to be in a position where we can create opportunities to allow

others, women in particular, to have their eyes opened to new possibilities, take part
in new challenges, and to flourish to the best of their ability, both professionally and

I hope you all enjoy what we have planned for you over the next two days and that our
array of inspirational speakers and workshops give you the skills and confidence to say

Jeff Cuthbert
Police & Crime Commisioner | Gwent Police

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0900 - 1000 Registration

1000 - 1030 Hosting, Signposting & Welcome

T/ACC Rhiannon Kirk

1030 - 1130 Guest Speaker

Lowri Morgan

1130 - 1145 Coffee Break

1145 - 1245 Guest Speaker

Dr Sabrina Cohen-Hatton

1245 - 1345 Lunch Break

1345 - 1445 Workshops (See Lanyard for Details)

1445 - 1500 Coffee Break

1500 - 1600 Workshops (See Lanyard for Details)

1600 - 1615 Set up following workshops

1615 - 1645 Summary & Close

1830 Pre-dinner Reception Drinks

1900 Welcome

1915 Choir Performance

1930 Dinner (Followed by Quiz & Dancing)

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0900 - 0915 Welcome Address
Lowri Morgan

0915 - 1015 Guest Speaker

Cerys Furlong

1015 - 1115 Guest Speaker

Mica Moore

1115 - 1130 Coffee Break

1130 - 1230 Guest Speaker

Lisa Marie Brown

1230 - 1330 Lunch Break

1330 - 1430 Guest Speaker

Dr Zoe Williams

1430 - 1500 Event Closure & Raffle

DPCC Eleri Thomas

1500 Departure

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About Sparkle

As the Serennu Children’s Centre’s official main charity we have to raise

more than £600,000 every year to fund the vital services we support.
This is only possible thanks to the very generous donations and help of
the general public.

This very special centre, set in its own landscaped grounds, provides
access to lots of different services and care from doctors, therapists,
nurses and psychologists to social workers, family liaison officers and
play workers all under one roof. This means that children don’t have to
travel to lots of different places for their treatment and care, providing
consistency and support to the whole family.

More than 300 children visit the Centre every week. Children like two-year-old Harri from Cwmbran who
has Down Syndrome. Sadly, Harri has a number of health issues, but thanks to the support of Sparkle he
and his family are able to access services and support that are helping transform their lives.

“The help and support of Sparkle has totally transformed Harri’s life. We are so grateful for everything
they have done to help us as a family.”
Claire Johnstone | Cwmbran

With your help here are some of the amazing things we are able to do at the Serennu Children’s Centre:
• Provide access to psychological support for parents and siblings, family liaison support and leisure
• Activities including swimming lessons, cookery lessons and clubs for young children, teenagers and
• Access to parent support groups including a dads group and young people’s forum.
• Family activities including swimming, fun days and film screenings at the Serennu Children’s Centre’s
very own 3D MediCinema.

About the Serennu Children’s Centre

The Serennu Children’s Centre opened in April 2011 providing care, treatment and activities for children
and young people with disabilities and developmental difficulties.

Managed by the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and supported by Sparkle, this state-of-the-art
building provides treatment, care, information, consultations and leisure services from under one roof
removing the burden on individual families & providing continuity of care.

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The Centre’s guiding principle is to ensure that children with a disability

or developmental difficulty and their families are fully supported to
participate in valued childhood experiences and have access to the
same range of opportunities, experiences, services and facilities as
other children.

It does this by not only providing treatment for the child, but also family
centred services to accommodate the needs of parents and siblings
too, as well as onsite leisure & social facilities in a safe, supportive

Facilities at the Centre include:

• Multiple consulting rooms for paediatricians to run clinics.
• Purpose built hydrotherapy pool with hoists.
• A specialist physiotherapy gym.
• Large treatment rooms for therapy & leisure activities.
• Specialist sensory, technology & audiology & speech/launguage facilities.
• Family and sibling facilities.
• Plastering, splinting and orthotic facilities.
• Specialist suite for teaching supported and independent living.
• Wheelchair training facilities.
• MediCinema for children & young people with disabilities or developmental difficulties.
• Leisure and play facilities including a sensory garden & games area.

And what we offer:

• A fantastic range of activities including swimming lessons
• Regular clubs for all ages including Youth Club, Play Club, Stay & Play Club, Sibling Club, After School
Club and Minecraft Club
• Family activities including family swim sessions, family fun days and opportunities to view a film as a
family at our fully-accessible on-site MediCinema
• Access to psychology services for parents and children, family liaison support and access to parent
support groups, run by parents for parents, including the Serennu Parents’ Group T21 Down syndrome
group, Dads group and Newport Autism Support Group
• Well equipt Sensory room svailable for families to hire for sessions and parties
• A fully accessible outside park area, sensory maze, wheelchair swing, gazebo, multi use games area
and outdoor playhouse. Our specially designed disabled playground is open 24/7 for use inside and
outside of centre hours.
• Specialist and play equipment identified by therapists
• ICT and conference facility equipment

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Assistant Chief Constable Rhiannon Kirk has been a
Gwent Police Officer since 1992 and has served in a variety
of uniform and detective posts, spending 3 years at
Tarian, the Regional Organised Crime Unit as a Detective

Whilst a Chief Superintendent, ACC Kirk led the Staying

Ahead Change Programme which looked at reviewing
every aspect of the force and shaping our response to
HMIC recommendations.

Most recently, she has been working with the Local Health Board and Caerphilly Local
Authority exploring how collaboration between agencies could improve the service
received by those in our communities suffering from mental health issues.

She is a keen musician and enjoys running to keep fit.

As the only ACC for the force she has responsibility for all operational matters which

• Operational Policing
• Crime Investigation
• Custody Services and Criminal Justice Department
• Neighbourhood Policing & Partnerships

She is the Welsh lead for Substance Misuse and Child Centred Policing.

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Eleri Thomas is the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent.
She leads on children and young people issues, working with young people
who are in the criminal justice system, victims of crime, and those that are
vulnerable and require safeguarding and support.

Eleri also leads on the PCC’s work on violence against women, domestic
abuse and sexual violence and criminal justice. She is a member of the Gwent
Children and Adult Safeguarding Boards as well as the Gwent VAWDASV Board.
She is the chair of the Gwent Criminal Justice Board.

Eleri supported the PCC in developing the vision and values of the Police
and Crime Plan for Gwent. She is responsible for working in partnership with
voluntary and statutory organisations in order to develop and deliver early
intervention and prevention programmes for police and partner services.

Since becoming Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Eleri has played a crucial role in developing a
strategic grant fund that targets resources to support young people in the most deprived communities in Gwent.

In 2017 she helped to successfully launch the pioneering ‘Heddlu Bach’ Mini Police scheme in Gwent. This
programme, aimed at children between 9-11, aims to break down barriers between young people and the police by
engaging them at an early age. It teaches them positive values, skills and respect, and has already been rolled out
to more than 20 schools.

Eleri has more than 20 years’ experience working in strategic leadership and management roles in Wales,
complemented extensively by service and practice development for children and young people.
She is responsible for building strategic relationships with senior officers and managers at Gwent Police and
works with external bodies including the UK and Welsh Governments, criminal justice partners, health boards, local
authorities and the voluntary sector on joint projects and initiatives.

As a former Chief Executive Officer and Deputy Children’s Commissioner for Wales (2009 – 2016), Eleri drove
strategic policy and legislative influence to improve children’s rights, leading to national action plans on advocacy
and child sexual exploitation.

Eleri was awarded an MBE in 2009 for her services to children and young people while head of the children’s charity,
Save the Children, in Wales (2001–2009). She is chair of trustees of the Vale of Glamorgan Youth Forum and Trustee
of Kids in Museums.

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“Grief and resilience live together.”

Michelle Obama | Becoming

“Like everyone else, you want to learn the way to win, but never to accept the way to lose, to
accept defeat, to learn to die is to be liberated from it. So when tomorrow comes, you must
free your ambitious mind, and learn the art of dying.”
Bruce Lee

“You should trust the children; they can stand more than we can.”
P.L. Travers

“Adversity has the remarkable ability of introducing

the real you to yourself.”
M.B. Dallocchio | The Desert Warrior

“It takes courage and resilience to be true to ourself. We have to know that we will be okay
even if others reject or ridicule us. We have to know it won’t destroy us.”
Jeanine Joy, Ph.D

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Zoe Williams graduated from Medical school in 2007 and
currently practices as an NHS GP in London. Her portfolio
GP career means that she has multiple roles, including
Public Health England Lead Clinical champion for Physical
Activity, RCGP clinical champion - Physical Activity and
lifestyle, and CCG clinical associate - Obesity and Lifestyle.
Zoe’s ambition has always been to combine her dedication
to medicine, her passions for health and fitness as well as
succeed in a career in media.

She had her first taste of this when selected out of thousands for Sky 1’s Gladiators
and became the undefeated ‘Amazon.’ Zoe went on to become resident doctor on
ITV’s popular daytime show ‘This Morning’. She has presented across BBC network,
including BBC News broadcast, ‘Horizons’ and ‘Trust Me I’m a Doctor’. She specializes in
debunking the confusing world of medicine, in a fun and entertaining way.

In 2009 she founded the organisation ‘Sportsgirls’, which aims to increase the physical
activity of teenage girls by inspiring, educating and motivating them to be healthier
and more active. In 2013 workshops were also developed for boys and the organisation
was renamed Fit4Life.

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Cerys Furlong is Chief Executive of Chwarae Teg Wales’s
leading economic development agency for women and
charity that campaigns for gender equality.

Prior to joining Chwarae Teg, Cerys was Director for Wales

at Learning and Work Institute and has over ten years’
experience working in the education and skills sector.
Cerys is also a Governor of Fitzalan High School and Board
Member of Chapter Arts Centre.

In 2018 Cerys was appointed to the Cardiff City Region Economic Development
Board, which oversees the proposals submitted to the city region and advising the
joint Cabinet. In addition, with her business partners Cerys has set up a number of
successful businesses and runs a small group of pubs and restaurants in Cardiff
including currently The Lansdowne and The Grange pubs in Cardiff and Milkwood
restaurant in Pontcanna. Cerys was awarded an Honorary Fellowship of Cardiff
University in 2017 for her services to gender equality. Cerys lives in Cardiff with her
husband Tom and two daughters.

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Dr Sabrina Cohen-Hatton has been a firefighter since she
was eighteen years old. She is now a Deputy Chief Fire
Officer and one of the most senior female firefighters in the
UK. After leaving home at fifteen and school at sixteen, she
joined the fire service in Wales.

While climbing the ranks, she studied at the Open University

and then at Cardiff University, eventually completing a PhD
in Psychology.

Her subsequent research into incident command in the emergency services has not
only won awards but has also influenced policy at a global level. Sabrina was recently
conferred as an Honorary Fellow at Cardiff University, and authored “The Heat of the

Having experienced homelessness from the age of 15, she is now a Big Issue
Ambassador, campaigning to end poverty.

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Lowri Morgan is a BAFTA and multi award winning television presenter, a World
Class Ultra endurance marathon runner, having raced in some of the World’s
most toughest and extreme races and is a global Adventurer.
Lowri Morgan is one of only six in the World to ever complete the notoriously
difficult 350 mile non-stop footrace ‘6633 Ultra’ in the Arctic and the
challenging Jungle Ultra Marathon in the Amazon Forest.

S4C’s (Channel 4 Wales’) cameras followed her adventures in the highly

acclaimed Ras yn Erbyn Amser (Race Against Time) series, which Lowri
also produced. Both series were awarded numerous awards including the
highest accolade in the Celtic Media Festival and won Best Presenter and Best
Documentary Series at the 2012 BAFTA Awards.

The first series saw Lowri completing the Jungle Marathon in the Amazon. In the
heat and humidity of the jungle, out of the 150 top runners only 50 finished. She finished the race in the top ten in her
first ever ultra marathon.

POP1 and S4C’s cameras yet again followed Lowri’s every step for the second series in the Arctic and saw her
pushing her boundaries as she prepared for the 6633 ultra marathon - one of the toughest challenges on the
planet. In the freezing Arctic setting, competitors were pushed to their physical and mental limits as they strived to
complete the 350-mile endurance in only eight days and in -40 and 70 mile per hour winds. Lowri Morgan was the
sole survivor.

Known also as an Adventurer - sky-diving from planes, skiing some of the toughest mountains and scuba-diving
in dangerous waters, Lowri is one of 80 in the World to have dived to see the wreck of the Titanic. She has produced
and presented numerous programmes on the Titanic over the years.

June 2016 saw Lowri with four colleagues make up the first all-woman team to enter the arduous Three Peaks
Challenge. They were dismissed until the third day when they made fellow competitors stand up and take notice.
THEY WON! Lowri, once again, making her mark in the world of ultra athletics.

Following her achievements, she attended a private reception with the Queen for acknowledgement of services to
adventure and exploration and was awarded a Honorary Fellowship and Master’s Degree from Swansea University.
Lowri Morgan is an experienced TV presenter and broadcaster having worked in front of the screen for the last 15
years. She has travelled the world presenting the World Rally Championship (Ralio / S4C), with BBC Sport and is the
presenter of ITV series - Helimeds. Recently she spent a month in the Namib desert living with Namibian tribes for a
special documentary, due to be transmitted this year, for Discovery and S4C.

An accomplished musician and a music graduate, Lowri was a member of the National Youth Choir and Orchestra
of Wales. She is also a self-confessed adrenaline junkie and has represented Wales on the rugby field, athletics,
Cross Country and, despite a serious knee operation and being told she would not be able to run competitively
again, has competed in numerous marathons worldwide and completed the illustrious Ironman Challenge.

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At the age of 16 Mica’s Dad, Lawrence, became her coach and during these early
stages of their coach / athlete relationship she represented the GB Junior 4x100m
Relay Team in the European Junior Championships in Estonia.
Honours continued to accumulate including several more national medals and
titles and appearances in the UK Championships both indoors and outdoors.

After completing her A Levels Mica went to Cardiff Metropolitan University to

study Sport and PE. Whilst attending Cardiff Met Mica became one of their most
successful and medalled athletes in history winning multiple medals gold, silver
and bronze both indoor and outdoor at 60m, 100m, 200m and relays in the British
University Championships.

During this time Mica established herself as the first choice 3rd leg runner in the
Welsh National 4x100m relay team and indeed was so valued that she was made
captain of the team. After a number of outstanding performances at Grand Prix events, International Competitions
in Switzerland, the Loughborough and Welsh International and with several Welsh National relay records being
established, Mica along with her team mates was selected for the 2014 Commonwealth Games, In Glasgow, for the
4x100m relay. The girls performed well above their world ranking in finishing 7th in the final and yet again breaking the
Welsh record.

In 2016 she was invited to a bobsleigh talent ID performance day when the BBSA identified her potential as a brake
woman. Mica performed above and beyond their and her expectations and after a further testing event which she
finished in first place was accepted on to the Bobsleigh programme.

During her first season with her pilot, Mica McNeil, they won silver and bronze medals in the North America Cup, gained
top 10 places in IBSF World Cup Races and incredibly, won the IBSF World Junior Bobsleigh Championships in Winterberg,
Germany in January 2017.

This success (despite a disappointing senior World championships) meant that Olympic qualification was a real
tangible prospect. Mica, throughout a number of testing events in the summer and early autumn firmly established
herself as the #1 brake woman for the GB Team and indeed set the highest ever score by a brake woman in the
September testing event.

However, at this time the girls were issued with the devastating news that the BBSA were withdrawing their funding after
an over spend on the £5million Olympic Cycle Fund. Showing remarkable resilience, innovation, accountability and
initiative they decided to launch a crowd funding appeal to enable them to sustain their Olympic dream. Incredibly,
£40,000 was raised from incredible generosity of the Great British public and donations from around the world.

This meant that the girls could now take part in the IBSF World Cup Season in North America, Canada and Europe to
cement their qualification for the Pyeongchang 2018 Olympics. They had a successful season with an all-time record
5th place in the Calgary leg of the World Cup. In December on the European Leg of the World Cup Season they finished
3rd in the European Championships. This success confirmed their Olympic selection and all Mica needed to do was win
the final selection/test event in Bath at the end of December. She successfully did this ensuring her selection for the

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Founder of the multi award winning business Pinkspiration
which ranks on the Natwest SE100 as one of the top social
businesses across the UK. Nominated as Top 10 Business
Woman in Wales an expert working in the construction
industry, her career started by re-building one empty room
to working on Wales Largest road scheme the A465 a £400
million programme.

Leading the way to encourage diversity in business

and industry her projects are innovative and push the
boundaries. Including launching a Pink Truck with Inter-haul and Pallet Track, Building
the UK’s First Pink Beach Club with a team of young people and founded ‘The Top 100
Business Women in Wales’. Her work has reached more than 20 million worldwide.
Written, produced and directed a new TV programme Transforming Spaces: Design
Factor featured on ITV and her latest show with Cardiff TV “Lisa Talks Business” is a
huge success. Working on the regeneration of the City Centre and re-built 30 empty
spaces and empty shops whilst up skilling more than 8,500 young people and
community members supporting them into careers in industry.

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“The human capacity for burden is like bamboo -

far more flexible than you’d ever believe at first glance.”
Jodi Picoult | My Sister’s Keeper

“It is really wonderful how much resilience there is in human nature. Let any obstructing
cause, no matter what, be removed in any way, even by death, and we fly back to first
principles of hope and enjoyment.”
Bram Stoker | Dracula

“My life was my life; I would have to stare it down,

somehow, and make it work for me.”
Paula McLain

“I suppose if a man has something once,

always something of it remains.”
Ernest Hemingway | For Whom the Bell Tolls

“There’s no such thing as ruining your life.

Life’s a pretty resilient thing, it turns out.”
Sophie Kinsella | The Undomestic Goddess

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Workshop provided by Cath Allen

“Resilience: the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; the

ability to spring back into shape.”

We all need external and internal balance in our lives – how we

ensure we have it in both the good and challenging times is

This workshop will give you the opportunity to hold a mirror up to

yourself and equip you with some tools to help ensure you have
the emotional strength needed in this fast-changing world.

About Cath

Cath Allen is Director of Cath Allen Associates, which specialises in creative change and
development for individuals, teams and organisations. She worked for the BBC for 27 years,
both in production and management.

Cath spent 10 years setting up and running BBC Cymru Wales’s Political Unit in Westminster
and, following devolution, in Cardiff Bay and Westminster. A member of BBC Wales’s Board of
Management for several years, her portfolio included BBC Radio Wales, Sport, and Partnerships,
Events, Diversity & Communities.

The Board had responsibility for a budget of £155m per annum. She was responsible for
several Change initiatives at times of significant financial cuts in the organisation, under three
Director-Generals. Cath designed and delivered internal and external courses on leadership,
creativity, collaboration and innovation.

She is an EMCC accredited coach and clients include Welsh Gymnastics, Academi Wales,
Mind Cymru, BBC, Dŵr Cymru, Hywel Dda Health Board and Trivallis and Coastal housing

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Workshop provided by Ian Govier

Session Overview:
Sir Ernest Shackleton has been called ‘the greatest leader that
ever came on God’s earth, bar none’, yet he never led a team
larger than 27 people, failed to achieve nearly every goal he set
and, until recently, had been little remembered since his death
in 1922. Stranded in the frozen Antarctic sea for nearly two years,
Shackleton and his team of polar explorers endured extreme
temperatures, hazardous ice, dwindling food supplies and
complete isolation.

Despite these seemingly insurmountable obstacles, the group remained cohesive, congenial,
and mercifully alive - a fact that speaks not just to luck but to an unparalleled feat of

As a leader, you will have much to learn from this gripping and inspirational account of survival
against all odds as you strive to lead and effectively deliver services in the midst of a high
pressured, fast moving and continuously changing environment.

You will:
• understand how to instil optimism while staying grounded in reality by setting a personal
• have the courage to step up to risks worth taking whilst remaining focused and never giving
• learn how to support your team, finding things to celebrate as well as things to laugh about

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Workshop provided by Moira Morgan

Session Overview:
Mindfulness ‘practice’ is a way of training the mind to increase
levels of sustained awareness - of oneself, of others and of the
environment. In cultivating this self-awareness we can be more
skillful at using our energy – mental, emotional and physical – in
a way that increases our inner resources, rather than depleting
them. It offers us different ways of being with colleagues,
coachees, partners, friends and family, by loosening our
hardwired responses and by following our moment to moment
experience. We will see that it is possible to rest in relaxed awareness whilst being present for
the important people in our lives. This workshop offers an opportunity to explore the theory of
Mindfulness and take part in guided Mindfulness practice.

You will:
• develop keener self-awareness so that you can identify and manage the stressors in your
• manage your relationships more effectively to present yourself more authentically
• identify moments in the day when you need, and can create some ‘head space’

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Workshop provided by Allison Holland

Allison will explore the link between capabilities viewed

as traditionally female and the contemporary leadership
challenges that many complex organisations face. She will
draw on research to consider how female and male leadership
experiences can differ and the impact this can have on women
and their leadership experiences, especially in traditionally
‘masculine’ environments. She will explore how women can
develop resilience in their leadership and use the strengths of a
‘female’ way of leading, in a pragmatic and insightful way.

About Allison

Allison is a consultant, facilitator, and executive coach who works collaboratively across a
range of sectors to scope, lead and deliver personal excellence and organisational change.
This frequently involves working with senior leaders to turn strategy into action and acting in a
leadership capacity in a range organisations and cultures. Allison has an MSc in Management
and Leadership in Public Service and enjoys blending theory and research with pragmatic
approaches that improve leadership and management.

Allison has a proven track record of delivering transformational change programmes that
include learning and organisational development across the public sector – in the police force,
social services, local authorities and in central government. Over the last five years she has
worked more extensively with female leaders as an executive coach and has been the lead
facilitator on the Welsh Government Women as Leaders programme, supporting women to
move into the senior civil service to achieve the target of 50% women in the SCS by 2020. She
was also a champion for women in management in her role on the CMI Cymru board for 3

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