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Department of Education

Region VI – Western Visayas

Division of Iloilo City
Sto. Rosario St., Iloilo City



A Quantitative Research Paper

Presented to the

Faculty of the Senior High School

Fort San Pedro National High School

Sto. Rosario St., Iloilo City

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Subject

Practical Research 2

Humanities and Social Sciences





August 201
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo City
Sto. Rosario St., Iloilo City

Chapter 1


The chapter one has seven parts: (1) Background of the Study (2) Theoretical Framework

and Conceptual Framework (3) Statement of the Problem (4) Statement of the Hypothesis (5)

Definition of Terms (6) Significance of the study and (7) Delimitation of the Study.

Part One, Background of the Study, presents the general context and introductory content

of the study.

Part Two, Theoretical Framework and Conceptual Framework, presents the theories

adopted for achieving the objectives and the research paradigm to formulate the needed direction

for this study.

Part Three, Statement of the Problem, presents the questions to be answered in the

conduct of the research.

Part Four, Statement of the Hypothesis, gives tentative solution to the problem.

Part Five, Definition of Terms, gives the conceptual and operational meaning of terms

provided by the researchers.

Part Six, Significance of the Study that presents the people and organization that will

benefit in the conduct of this research.

Part Seven, Delimitation of the Study, specifies the scope and coverage of the study.
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo City
Sto. Rosario St., Iloilo City

Background of the Study

Depression is not just a medical matter. It's a family one, too. The behaviors and mood of

a depressed person affect the whole family. There's the irritability, which sets off conflicts and

derails family dynamics. The negative thought patterns, which become a prism of pessimism for

everyone. The withdrawal that literally disrupts relationships and breeds wholesale feelings of

rejection. There are major responsibilities that get displaced. There is a general burden of stress

And yet, families can be major forces of care, comfort, even cure. They are crucial to proper

recognition and treatment of the disorder, not just at the beginning but throughout. They are the

factor caregivers, willingly or not. They contribute powerfully to the emotional atmosphere the

depressed person inhabits, and so can be agents of recovery. (REFERENCE)

The quality of our lives depends upon the quality of our relationships with others.

Relationships are the source of so much of our happiness and success, but they can also be the

cause of our pain and despair. And when we have problems with our primary relationships, it's

difficult to find joy in anything else.

Based on the research from the field of relationship psychology repeatedly shows a

strong correlation between depression and marital dissatisfaction in both directions. In other

words, relationship problems contribute to depression, and depression contributes to relationship

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo City
Sto. Rosario St., Iloilo City

For many people, it's difficult to accept the possibility that depression is the real problem. That's

because depression negatively distorts your perception and makes satisfaction with an otherwise

healthy relationship more difficult. (REFERENCE)

Depression envelops your world with a dark cloud of fog that fills your life with doubt

and despair. It influences your thinking and energy and makes it almost impossible to enjoy

anything in your life. Because depression affects your confidence and self-esteem, your

interpretations of relations with others becomes skewed. You question and criticize yourself and

become highly sensitive to criticism. Depression saps your motivation and energy level and

makes you question your worthiness at work/school or in relationships. (REFERENCES)

This study is to elucidate the meaning of major depression in family life from the

viewpoint of all parents’ background. Major depression according to Diagnostic and Statistical

Manual of Mental Disorders is common and may appear repeatedly over several years, and

affects family life. Depression in parents has a negative impact on family function and children's

health; however, studies regarding the deeper understanding of major depression in family life

are lacking. (REFERENCE)

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo City
Sto. Rosario St., Iloilo City

Theoretical Framework of the Study

Find a theories or concepts which your study is anchored.

Conceptual Framework

The concept of this study focused on the relationship of family depression and academic

performance of the senior high school students.

Input Process Output

Respondents Profile Survey

Data Gathering An Analysis on the family

Family Depression depression on the academic
Data Analysis performance of the senior
high school students.
Data Interpretation

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm of the Research

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo City
Sto. Rosario St., Iloilo City

Statement of the Problem

Generally this study will be conducted to determine the relationship between family

depression and academic performance of the senior high school students.

Specifically the study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of depression of the senior high school students when taken as a whole

and classified according to sex?

2. What is the level of academic performance of the senior high school students when taken

as a whole and classified according to sex?

3. Is there a significant difference in the level of depression and academic performance of

the senior high school students when classified according to sex?

4. Is there a significant relationship between of family depression and academic

performance of the senior high school students?

Statement of the Hypotheses

Based on the aforementioned problems, the following null hypotheses are advanced:

1. There is no significant difference in the level of depression and academic performance of

the senior high school students when classified according to sex?

2. There is no significant relationship between of family depression and academic

performance of the senior high school students?

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo City
Sto. Rosario St., Iloilo City

Definition of Terms

In order to give clarify to this study the following terms are defined conceptually and


- Academic Performance (with reference)

In this study, academic performance refers to

- Depression -

- In this study, depression refers to

- Family -

In this study, family refers to

Relationship –

In this study, family refers to

Significance of the Study

The result of the study may be beneficial to the following:

School Administrator

The school administrator is a great deal of multitasking, they may assist students, support

faculty, maintain academic records, and communicate with parents, among other tasks.
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo City
Sto. Rosario St., Iloilo City

They can help the person possibly because their role is to be compassionate, caring, and

knowledgeable. Administrators also must possess excellent organizational skills, as well as

interpersonal and problem-solving skills since they so commonly aid students in making tough

and sometimes life-changing decisions.

Curriculum Planner

The curriculum matters mainly because of its potential impacts on students. The fundamental

purpose of curriculum development is to ensure that students receive integrated, coherent

learning experiences that contribute towards their personal, academic and professional learning

and development.

The curriculum planner can help the person because of their potential impacts not only on

students but also through personal problems that may affect academics or relationships.

Guidance Counselor

The guidance counselor can help the person with depression because the counselors define as a

natural person who has been professionally registered and licensed by a legitimate state entity

and by virtue of specialized training to perform the functions of guidance and counseling. Often

help students maintain academic standards and set goals for academic success, develop skills to

improve organization, study habits, personal/social development and career development, and

time management. Work through personal problems that may affect academics or relationships.
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo City
Sto. Rosario St., Iloilo City

They can help the person because their roles are to assist the person in realizing a change in

behavior or attitude, to assist in seeking the achievement of goals, and to use their principles in



Student can help the person with depression because most of the person that has depression is the

teenagers and their schoolmates or classmates is their first choice to open up with. Most of the

students have family problems, relationship problems, friendship, etc. but not that bigger. They

have common experiences and concerns who meet together to provide emotional and moral

support for one another as a student, first, you listen to his/her side and give good advice and

motivate to lessen the sadness of that person.


Talk to your child about his/her feelings and the things happening at home and at school that

may be bothering him/her.

Tell your teen's doctor. Some medical problems can cause depression. Your doctor may

recommend psychotherapy (counseling to help with emotions and behavior) or medicine for

depression. Your child's doctor may now screen your teen for depression every year from ages

12 through 21, with suicide now a leading cause of death among adolescents. Treat any thoughts
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo City
Sto. Rosario St., Iloilo City

of suicide as an emergency. Help your teen relax with physical and creative activities. Focus on

the His/her strengths. Talk to and listen to your child with love and support. Encourage teens to

share their feelings including thoughts of death or suicide. Reassure them that this is very

common with depression. Help your teen look at problems in a different more positive way.

Break down problems or tasks into smaller steps so your teen can be successful.

Delimitation of the Study

This descriptive - correlational research, focused on the relationship of the family

depression and academic performance of the students.

The respondents of the study are randomly selected senior high school students of Fort

San Pedro National High School. The study involves dissemination of questionnaire which could

help in collecting data and information.

The statistical tools will be used are frequency count, mean, standard deviation, t-test and

Pearson r. Level of significance will be set at 0.05.

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo City
Sto. Rosario St., Iloilo City

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies which is composed of

the foreign literature and studies, the local literature and studies and the synthesis. The

researchers prefer the following literature and studies because of their simplicity and relevance to

the present study. These show their valuable views of different minds about the operational

concerns and accounting system of selected computer rental shops which will help in better

understanding of the topics. The researchers used sources such as the Internet, thesis, books and

other print materials.

Please organize you chapter 2, d ko ka getz. Plz delete ang mga graphs. Follow this format

- Foreign Literature about Depression and Family, Academic Performance

- Foreign Literature about Depression and Family, Academic Performance

- Foreign Studies about Depression and Family, Academic Performance

- Local Studies about Depression and Family, Academic Performance

- Different types of depression

- Impact of Depression

- Family Depression

- Academic Performance
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo City
Sto. Rosario St., Iloilo City

- Effect of depression

Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

Chapter three shows the type of research design utilized in this study and the

methodology implored to answer the problems. It consists of two parts: 1) purpose of the study

and the research design and; 2) methodology.

Part One, Purpose of the Study and Research Design, present the purpose and the

research design used in this study.

Part Two, Methodology, is further broken into subparts, namely: 1) the sample; (2) the

Instrument; (3) Data collection procedure; (4) Data analysis procedure.

The sample, Describes the subject of the study;

The Instrument, presents the data gathering instruments used in the study;

Data Collection Procedure, states the procedure used in the study; and

Data Analysis Procedure which explains the statistical tools used in the study.
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo City
Sto. Rosario St., Iloilo City

Research Design

The research was designed by non-experimental research wherein the quantitative

approaches were applied to fulfill and satisfy the objectives of this study with regards to the

experience or a person with depression. The goal of this study is to know how depression affects

people about family, friends etc. and how they cope up in everyday life.

The Sample

The Instruments

The data gathering instrument used in this study will be researchers made questionnaire

composed of set of questions and an additional follow-up questions that are not included in the

list of original questions. Through this can gather additional data from a respondent that may

significance to the study.

The instrument will composed of an interview guide, recorder, paper, pencil, and video

camera. The interview guide will be employed to draw information about how depression affects

people about family, friends, school etc. And what are their hopes and aspirations. In a starting

point, a draft will be prepared and showed to 1 teacher in Humanities and Social Science. The

researcher will follow the suggestions of the teacher and made some improvements on the

interview guide. Refined interview guide will be shown to the panel experts for validation and
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo City
Sto. Rosario St., Iloilo City

further refinement such time that the said interview guide will be finalized and established as

valid. When the validity of the interview guide will be established, it will be administered to the


Data Collection Procedure

A letter is written by the researchers to the principal for the conduct of the study. Upon

approval by the principal, the researchers personally administered the questionnaire-checklist to

ensure the accuracy of the response by the consumers. The respondents will be asked to place a

check mark (/) on the column that corresponds to their answer.

The instrument are subjected to content validation through jury validation. Some of the

items on the questionnaire will be revise according to the comments and suggestions of the


The researchers integrated all their comments and suggestion to finalize the instruments.

For the questionnaire, each item will be answerable by any of the following responses:

Extremely Satisfied, Very Satisfied, Moderately Satisfied, Slightly Satisfied, and Not Satisfied.

For statistical purposes, numerical values will be assigned to the respective responses as


Weight Responses
5 Extremely Satisfied
4 Very Satisfied
3 Moderately Satisfied
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo City
Sto. Rosario St., Iloilo City

2 Slightly Satisfied
1 Not Satisfied

There statements that are negatively stated, that requiring the reversal assignment of the

numerical values.

Data Analysis Procedure

The data gathered in this study will be subjected to the following statistical tools:

Descriptive Statistics

Frequency Count – This will be used to determine the number of respondents that fall in

every category.

Mean- This will be used to determine the level of family depression of senior high school


Standard Deviation – This will be used to determine the variability or dispersion of a data

set. A low standard deviation indicates that all of the data points are very close to the same value

(the mean), while high standard deviation indicates that the data are “spread out” over a large range

of values (Wikimedia Foundation, 2001).

Inferential Statistics

T-test – This tool will be used to determine the significant difference in the level of

family depression and academic performance according to sex?

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo City
Sto. Rosario St., Iloilo City

ANOVA - This tool will be used to determine the significant difference in the level of

family depression and academic performance according to strand.

Pearson r- This will be used to determine the significant relationship between the family

depression and academic performance of senior high school students.

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