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Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form

Name of Employee: JULITO S. MANOSA Name of Rater: SUPERIANO A. MAGLANGIT, Ed.D.

Position: MASTER TEACHER-I Position: School Principal-II
Rating Period: JanuaryJUNE
- December
- APRIL 2018
2017 Date of Review:
Bureau/Center/Service/Division: DepEd - Lanao del Norte





Quality Efficiency Timeliness

5 5 5
Mapping was finished w/out utilizing
Has mapped 85% or higher the community's financial resources coming from school’s 5. Submitted the report on or
population of school age children MOOE before the deadline

4. mapping was finished with very

4 Has mapped 80 to 84 % or higher the 4 minimal financial resources (PhP1000- 4 4. Submitted the report one (1)
community's population of school age children 2000) used coming from School’s MOOE week after the deadline
June - December 2017

1. To conduct
community 3. The mapping was finished very
mapping for school 3% 3 Has mapped 70 to 79 % or higher the 3 minimal financial resources (PhP2001- 3 3. Submitted the report two (2)
aged children, community's population of school age children 3000) used coming from the schools weeks after the deadline
ages 13 to 18 MOOE.

2. The mapping was finished very

2 Has mapped 69 % or below the community's 2 minimal financial resources (PhP3001- 2 2. Submitted the report three (3)
population of school age children 4000) used coming from the schools weeks after the deadline

1. The mapping was finished very

1 1. Has not mapped the community's population 1 minimal financial resources (PhP4001- 1 1. has not submitted the report
of school age children 5000) used coming from the schools

5 – has enrolled & finalized EBEIS-LIS (BOSY) five (5) days before the Central Office deadline
First Semester


2. To enroll and
finalize EBEIS-LIS-

First Semester
- has enrolled & finalized EBEIS-LIS (BOSY) four (4) days before the Central Office deadline
2% 3 - has enrolled & finalized EBEIS-LIS (BOSY) three (3) days before the Central Office deadline
2 - has enrolled & finalized EBEIS-LIS (BOSY) two (2) days before the Central Office deadline
2. To enroll and
finalize EBEIS-LIS- 1 - has enrolled & finalized EBEIS-LIS (EOSY) one (1) day before the Central Office deadline
Beginning of
School Year & Year 5 – has enrolled & finalized EBEIS-LIS (EOSY) five (5) days before the Central Office deadline
End of School Year.

Second Semester
4 - has enrolled & finalized EBEIS-LIS (EOSY) four (4) days before the Central Office deadline
2% 3 - has enrolled & finalized EBEIS-LIS (EOSY) three (3) days before the Central Office deadline
2 - has enrolled & finalized EBEIS-LIS (EOSY) two (2) days before the Central Office deadline
1 - has enrolled & finalized EBEIS-LIS (EOSY) one (1) day before the Central Office deadline
5 has submitted form 2 on the deadline
4 has submitted form 2 one (1) day after the deadline
Strategic Planning

3. To submit form 2
to the school's
2% 3 has submitted form 2 two (2) days after the deadline
2 has submitted form 2 three (3) days after the deadline
1 has not submitted the form 2 at all
conducted and implemented 5 and above
programs with supporting documents, planning-
minutes of meeting implementation-program of 5 and above conducted programs are Submitted narrative reports with
5 activities, program invitation 5 monitored and evaluated, and the results 5 attendance sheets and pictures 5
are used to improve the program days after the program conducted

conducted and implemented 4 programs with 4 conducted programs are monitored and
3. To Conduct and supporting documents,planning-minutes of evaluated
Participate meeting, implementation-program of activities, Submitted narrative reports with
Programs and 4 program invitation 4 4 attendance sheets and pictures 10
Projects of the days after the program conducted
school 1.
BrigadaEskwela June -
Decem 9%
2. Summer ber
Reading Camp 3. 2017 conducted 3 programs with supporting 3 conducted programs are monitored and
Intramurals Meet documents,planning-minutes of meeting, evaluated Submitted narrative reports with
4. Foundation Day 3 implementation-program of activities, program 3 3 attendance sheets and pictures 15
5. Araling invitation days after the program conducted
conducted 2 programs with supporting 2 conducted programs are monitored and
documents, planning-minutes of meeting evaluated Submitted narrative reports with
2 implementation-program of activities, program 2 2 attendance sheets and pictures 20
invitation days after the program conducted

1 no evidence 1 No evidence 1 No evidence

5 – top 3 winner at the Division level with all the supporting documents submitted 5 – Implemented & finished all
projects on May 15-20, 2017

4. To join Brigada May

Eskwela Contest 2017 4%
(Division level)
4 4 - Implemented & finished all
joined and participated at the Division level with all the supporting documents submitted projects on May 21-31, 2017
4. To join Brigada - Implemented & finished all
Eskwela Contest May 4% 3 3
(Division level) 2017 – implemented the Brigada Eskwela with all the supporting documents submitted projects on June 1-15, 2017

2 2 - Implemented & finished all

– implemented the Brigada Eskwela without supporting documents projects on June 16-30, 2017

1 1 - Implemented & finished all

– no evidence projects on July 1-31, 2017
5 Had Drop-out rate of 0%
June 4 Had Drop-out of 1 to 5 students
6. To have a Zero 2017- 3% 3 Had Drop-out of 6 to 10 students
Drop-out rate April
2018 2 Had Drop-out of 11 to 15 students
1 Had Drop-out rate of 16 students and above
5 Had an enrollment of 648 and above
4 Had an enrollment of 645-648
7. To have an June 3 Had an enrollment of 639-643
increase of 1% 2017- 5%
from the previous April 2 Had maintained the enrollment
year's enrollment 2018
1 enrollment had decrease

5 has been observed four (4) times, had pre& post conferences and star, with highly proficient rating
1. To have Four
(4) classroom 4 has been observed four (4) times, had pre& post conferences and star, with proficient rating
observation by the 2017 -
school head/ 10% 3 has been observed four (4) times, had pre& post conferences and star, with basic rating
department head 2018 2 has been observed four (4) time, had pre& post conferences and star, with below basic rating
within the school
year 1
has not been observed

Objectives were specific, measurable, attainable,

5 result-oriented and time-bounded with 5 5
appropriate, adequate and updated Ims for
teaching Attained 96% to 100% the desired learning
Curriculum & Instruction

competencies Prepared daily lesson log.

Objectives were stated with 1 behavioral indicator

4 missing and with appropriate, adequate Ims for 4 4 failed to prepare DLL 2 times
2. To prepare daily Attained 86% to 95% and above of the
lesson log of desired learning competencies
activities including
appropriate, June
adequate and 10% Objectives were stated with 2 behavioral
2017 3 indicators missing with appropriate Ims for 3 3 failed to prepare DLL 4 times
instructional teaching
Attained 76% to 85% of the desired
materials within learning competencies
the rating period
activities including

appropriate, June
adequate and 10%
updated 2017
materials within
the rating period

Objectives were stated with 3 behavioral indicators

2 missing with inappropriate and Inadequate Ims for 2 2 failed to prepare DLL 6 times
teaching Attained 66% to75% of the desired
learning competencies

Objectives were stated without behavioral

indicator and with no Ims for teaching
1 1 failed to prepare DLL 8 times
Attained 65% and below of the desired
learning competencies

prepared test questions in every learning area prepared the Test Questions with TOS in Submit Test Questions with TOS 1
5 following the correct percentage for knowledge, 5 one draft only 5 week before scheduled periodical
process or skills, understanding and product or tests

prepared test questions in 90% of the learning prepared the Test Questions with TOS in
4 area following the correct percentage for 4 two drafts 4 Submit Test Questions with TOS 4-5
knowledge, process or skills, understanding and days before the scheduled periodical
product or performance test
3 To prepare Test 2017 - 10% prepared test questions in 80% of the learning
Questions with TOS March prepared the Test Questions with TOS in Submit Test Questions with TOS 2-3
3 area following the correct percentage for 3 three drafts 3 days before the deadline
2018 knowledge, process or skills, understanding and
product or performance

prepared test questions in 70% of the learning prepared the Test Questions with TOS in Submit Test Questions with TOS on
2 area following the correct percentage for 2 four drafts 2 the scheduled periodical test
knowledge, process or skills, understanding and
product or performance
prepared test questions in 60% of the learning
area following the correct percentage for
1 knowledge, process or skills, understanding and 1 prepared the Test Questions with TOS in 1 Submit Test Questions with TOS 1- 5
five drafts days after the periodical test
product or performance

Submitted narrative reports with

5 participated 1 INSET and more with approved 5 INSETs participated are based on the results 5 attendance sheets and pictures 5
letter of intent, training proposal, and training of the TSNA and IPPD or any assessment days after the program conducted
matrix conducted
participated 1 INSET and more with approved
letter of intent and training proposal Submitted narrative reports with
INSETs participated are based on the results
4 4 of the TSNA and IPPD 4 attendance sheets and pictures 10
days after the program conducted

June participated 1 INSET and more with approved

1. To participate letter of intent Submitted narrative reports with
one (1) INSET in a 2017 - 3% INSETs participated are based on the results 3
March 3 3 attendance sheets and pictures 15
school year of the TSNA only days after the program conducted

participated 1 INSET without supporting Submitted narrative reports with

2 2 INSETs participated without basis 2 attendance sheets and pictures 20
documents days after the program conducted

Submitted narrative reports with

1 No INSET participated 1 No evidence 1 attendance sheets and pictures 25
days after the program conducted

5 1 and above seminars attended with approved 5 5

letter of intent, memorandum or advisory and Presented certificate of Participation and Re-echoed or shared insights gained
Human Resource Development Management

travel order Appearance from the seminar five days after

4 4 4
1 seminar attended with approved letter of intent, Re-echoed or shared insights gained
2. To attend at June memorandum or advisory and travel order Presented certificate of Participation only from the seminar ten days after
least one seminar 2017 - 4%
on leadership and March 1 seminar attended with approved letter of intent,
management 2018 3 memorandum or advisory and without travel 3 3 Re-echoed or shared insights gained
order Presented certificate of Appearance from the seminar fifteen days after

2 2 2 Re-echoed or shared insights gained

1 seminar attended with approved letter of intent Presented nothing from the seminar twenty days after

Re-echoed or shared insights gained

1 1 seminar attended without supporting 1 1 from the seminar twenty five days
documents No evidence after
3. To brows 50
website related to 5
my field of Brows 50 website relared to my field of specialization
Brows 40 website relared to my field of specialization
April 4%
2018 3
Brows 30 website relared to my field of specialization

Brows 20 website relared to my field of specialization

1 No eviddence.

5 enrolled to post graduate studies and earned 24 units (with permit to study)
4 enrolled to post graduate studies and earned 18 units (with permit to study)

June 3 enrolled to post graduate studies and earned 9 units (with permit to study)
4. To enroll in Post 2017 - 2 enrolled to post graduate studies
graduate studies March 4%
1 no evidence

5 Organized classroom, Homeroom-PTA Officers within the month of June and conducted 4 homeroom meetings

1. To organized 4 Organized classroom, Homeroom-PTA Officers within the month of July and conducted three (3) homeroom meetings
Homeroom-PTA June
Officers and 2017 -
conducted atleast March 5%
four (4) 2018
1. To organized
Homeroom-PTA June
Officers and 2017 -
conducted atleast March 5% 3 Organized classroom, Homeroom-PTA Officers within the month of August and conducted two (2) meetings
four (4) 2018
meeting 2 Organized classroom, Homeroom-PTA Officers within the month of September and conducted one (1) homeroom meeting

1 Has not organized at all

5 raised and implemented the Homeroom-PTA project with proper liquidation of the funding source.
Resource Management

4 75 % has been raised and implemented the Homeroom-PTA project with proper liquidation of the funding source.
2. To raise atleast June
one (1) Homeroom 2017 -
project within the March 5% 3 50 % has been raised and implemented the Homeroom-PTA project with proper liquidation of the funding source.
school year. 2018
2 25 % has been raised and implemented the Homeroom-PTA project with proper liquidation of the funding source.

1 has not raised and implemented any homeroom-PTA project at all

has raised funds from the solicitations from stakeholders, LGU officials and other funds for homeroom or school projects
3. To raise funds
from solicitation 4
from has raised funds from the solicitations from stakeholders for homeroom or school projects
stakeholders,LGU 2017 -
officials and other 5% 3
fund raising 2018 has raised funds from the solicitations from LGU officials for homeroom or school projects
activities for
homeroom or 2
school projects has raised funds from the solicitations from the advisers for homeroom or school projects

has not raised and implemented any homeroom-PTA project at all

5 to serve as troop leader in the BSP National Encampment

4 to serve as troop leader in the BSP Regional Encampment

Tasks/Oth 1. To serve as Sept-
Troop Leader in the 5% 3 to serve as troop leader in the BSP Provincial Encampment
er Boy Scout of the Oct
Assignme Philippines 2017
2 to serve as troop leader in the BSP School-based Encampment

1 has not attended any BSP encampment

5 attended BSP National Encampment

February - May, 2018

2. To attend BSP
encampment 5%
February - May, 2018
4 attended BSP Regional Encampment
2. To attend BSP 5%
3 attended BSP Provincial Encampment

2 attended BSP School-based Encampment

1 has not attended any BSP encampment

Total 100%
* To get the score, the rating is multiplied by the weight assigned.


Ratee Rater Approving Authority

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