Agroecology: Ecological Processes in Sustainable Agriculture 2000

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Book Reviews cropping systems such as polycul-

tures and agroforestry systems?

Gliessman makes it clear that eco-
The Tallgrass Restoration
Handbook for Prairies, Savannas,
and Woodlands
system processes in agriculture re-
quire an understanding of small- and Stephen Packard and Cornelia F. Mutel,
large-scale (landscape-level) interac- editors. 1997. Island Press, Washington,
tions between crops, arthropods, mi- D.C., 463 pages, $25.00, ISBN 1–55963–
croorganisms, and their environment. 320–4 (paperback).
Agroecology: Ecological Processes
in Sustainable Agriculture This is why a landscape perspective

Stephen R. Gliessman. 1998. Ann Arbor

Press, Chelsea, Michigan, 357 pages, $49.95,
is required and why agroecologists
should borrow tools from the emerg-
ing science of landscape ecology to
S ince prairie restoration began only
a half century ago at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin at Madison Ar-
ISBN 1–57504–043–3. analyze the dynamics of agroecosys- boretum, considerable progress has
tems and their interactions with nat- been made in the realm of ecological

A s the title implies, this book of-

fers an ecological viewpoint of
agriculture. The reader will come
ural systems.
One of the final chapters delin-
eates the ecological basis needed to
restoration as a science. The scope of
restoration has expanded both eco-
logically and geographically since
away with an understanding of the guide the conversion of agroecosys- these humble beginnings, now in-
basic ecological processes and prin- tems to sustainable management. cluding various ecosystems through-
ciples that govern the structure and After going through the initial steps out the world. The Tallgrass Restora-
function of agroecosystems, and— of input use efficiency and input tion Handbook for Prairies, Savannas,
more importantly—an awareness of substitution, the final goal of the and Woodlands attempts to consoli-
how these principles can be applied conversion process is the design of date the progress made in restora-
to solve the environmental and sus- diversified farming systems that can tion ecology and to provide a basic
tainability crisis of modern agriculture. sponsor their own fertility, protec- framework for the restoration of these
Guided by his plant ecology back- tion, and production. Parameters that fire-dependent upland communities
ground, as Gliessman explains in the could measure the level of sustain- throughout the midwestern United
preface, the first part of the book is ability attained after the conversion States and adjacent Canada. A lim-
basically an autoecological treatise. are offered, but methodologies on ited amount of information on asso-
It describes the interactions of crops how to use them are lacking. ciated wetlands also is included.
and abiotic factors such as tempera- Finally, Gliessman argues that we The call to restore native tallgrass
ture, radiation, fire, and soil, all im- need to focus beyond ecological sus- prairies, oak savannas, and wood-
portant relationships that regulate tainability at the farm level and lands is certainly warranted. Tallgrass
water, light, and nutrient use in crop move toward a sustainable food sys- prairies once covered an area in cen-
communities. Perhaps some readers tem. Processing, distribution, mar- tral North America extending from In-
would have liked a deeper look at keting, and access are all key issues diana southwest into Texas and north
the ecophysiological responses of in addition to food production. Al- into Manitoba, while oak savannas
crops to environmental factors. For though the book depicts the varied and woodlands existed as a transition
example, can guidelines be devel- interplay in defining the global food zone between prairies and eastern de-
oped on how to optimize photosyn- system, no scenario is offered of an ciduous forests. Today, these ecosys-
thesis at the crop field level rather alternative social organization, pol- tems occupy less than 1% of their orig-
than at the level of an individual icy framework, or economic system inal area. Although many people are
plant? that could make such global food aware of the demise of tallgrass prai-
The second half of the book is a systems more equitable. ries, fewer know about the scarcity of
synecological treatise that delves into Overall, the book is an important oak savannas and woodlands. These
aspects of community ecology at the contribution; if the price does not areas have become so degraded that
agroecosystem level and focuses on impede it, Gliessman’s book should they now surpass prairies as primary
questions such as How complex are become a major agroecology text- restoration candidates.
biotic interactions in agroecosystems? book throughout the United States. Although restoration ecology at-
What are the ecological roles of bio- tempts to base its application on ob-
diversity and genetic diversity? What Miguel A. Altieri, ESPM-Division of jective knowledge, applied restora-
is the relationship between agroeco- Insect Biology, University of tion is actually as much of an art as a
system diversity and stability of pro- California, Berkeley, 201 Wellman- science. Because restoration ecology
duction? What are the ecological 3112, Berkeley, CA 94720–3112, is a young science, relatively little re-
effects and benefits of diversified U.S.A. search has been conducted. For this

212 Restoration Ecology Vol. 7 No. 2, pp. 212–214 JUNE 1999

Book Reviews

reason, restoration ecologists have the historical role of fire in presettle- cation for invasive plants. Appendi-
come to rely on intuition as well as ment times, but many are unsure of ces provide comprehensive informa-
scientific experimentation. Although how to mimic the spatial and tempo- tion on the geographic distribution
some may argue that this lack of sci- ral variation of historical fire, and and habitat requirements of vascular
ence removes credibility from the some question whether prescribed plants and vertebrate animals of tall-
profession, the rate at which de- fire is useful in all restorations. The grass prairies and on the ecology
gradation occurs necessitates the ap- advocacy of prescribed fire that is and status of natural communities of
plication of some techniques not prevalent throughout the book is the tallgrass region. Useful to the
yet tested by science. Fortunately, countered by a chapter on insects. nonbotanist or to those using older
an increase in current research and Unfortunately, insects are often ig- plant identification guides is an ap-
publication is allowing restoration nored when prescribed fires are im- pendix that cross references common
ecologists to incorporate scientific plemented. Ignorance of the biology and synonymized plant names. For
knowledge into everyday manage- of this component of native tallgrass those beginning a restoration project,
ment decisions. prairies can lead to the demise of other appendices provide contacts
While largely an application man- many insect species. Exotic plant for equipment and seed supplies,
ual, The Tallgrass Restoration Handbook control with the use of herbicides is and for guidance from restoration
for Prairies, Savannas, and Woodlands another controversial area. Again, organizations.
does attempt to unite the divisions few will argue against the need for The book does have a few short-
of restoration science and applica- exotic plant control in natural-area comings, however. One may notice a
tion. The result is a compilation of restoration, but many are unsure of lack of material on the role of ani-
reports from over 20 practicing res- the most efficient and ecologically mals in the restoration process. Al-
torationists, including some in aca- sound method for control. Reflecting though individual chapters and an
demia. This book is appropriately the controversial status of these sub- appendix discuss the ecology, distri-
named because it truly is a hand- jects, the authors do not necessarily bution, and restoration of insects,
book that spans the restoration pro- advocate any one technique but reptiles, amphibians, birds, and bi-
cess and includes information appli- rather provide information on com- son, the book is primarily plant ori-
cable to everyone from a backyard monly used methods for natural- ented. Perhaps this approach is taken
gardener to a natural area manager. area management. The ultimate de- because the restoration of communi-
The book’s 21 chapters encompass cision to use the described methods ties starts from the ground up. In ad-
many aspects of restoration, including is left to the restoration practitioner dition, the authors realize that the
the abiotic and biotic components and should be based on personal role of animals in restoration is less
of native prairies, oak savannas and philosophy and restoration objec- well understood than that of plants.
woodlands; restoration planning; ob- tives. Nevertheless, if restoration is to be
taining, treating, and mixing seeds; Because the book is written as a based on ecological accuracy and au-
planting methods; monitoring; and compilation of nontechnical reports, thenticity and if it is to result in dy-
the protection and inclusion of ani- it is easy to read. It provides a re- namic interacting systems, animals
mals in restoration. A few chapters laxed forum of science, opinion, and need to be considered in the process.
cover specific restoration situations, passion to keep the reader capti- Readers may also discover a lack
including remnant restoration, rare vated. A student of restoration ecol- of consensus among authors on meth-
plant restoration, and hand-planted ogy may choose to read the book odologies and the philosophies that
prairies. As a vehicle for further in- from cover to cover to gain an un- underlie them. Disagreements among
vestigation, each chapter contains derstanding of the restoration pro- authorities are common in many
several references that provide in- cess as a whole, while the practicing rapidly growing fields, however, and
sight into scientific and applied liter- restorationist may read individual this is not surprising of a science in
ature. In addition, the appendices chapters to obtain advice on man- its nascent stages. In addition, the
include useful information on a vari- agement decisions. lack of research in many controver-
ety of subjects of interest to the expe- Perhaps the best resources of the sial areas of restoration science, such
rienced restorationist as well as those book are the many tables in the chap- as prescribed burning and exotic
curious about the basic ecology of ters and appendices. Many describe plant control, does little to consoli-
tallgrass prairies, oak savannas, and seed mixes for use in various resto- date management techniques. Most
woodlands. ration projects. Others include plant authors are quick to point out this
The book also includes chapters lists for savannas and woodlands, lack of research and are calling for
on controversial areas in restoration seed collection dates, propagation future work in these areas.
ecology such as prescribed fire and methods for prairie and woodland The Tallgrass Restoration Handbook
exotic plant control. Few will argue plants, and herbicide use and appli- for Prairies, Savannas, and Woodlands

JUNE 1999 Restoration Ecology 213

Book Reviews

will be valuable to a variety of audi- communities and to those charged in the many facets of tallgrass resto-
ences. Not only is the book of great with educating the public about con- ration.
value to those directly involved in servation. Although the book em-
restoration, including natural area phasizes application rather than the- Todd A. Aschenbach and Kelly
managers, consultants, agency per- ory, it does elucidate research ideas Kindscher, Kansas Biological Survey,
sonnel, restoration volunteers, and for those in academia. Overall, this University of Kansas, 2041 Constant
backyard gardeners, but also to those book is a useful resource and a worth- Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66047–2906,
interested in the ecology of natural while investment to anyone engaged U.S.A.

214 Restoration Ecology JUNE 1999

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