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Preconsolidation pressure of Champlain clays. Part 11.

Laboratory determination

Department of Civil Engineering, Universitt?Lnvnl, QuPDec, QuP., Cailodn G1K 7P4
Terratech, A division of SNC Inc., 275 Benjamin-Hudon Street, Montre'al, QuP., Canncla H4N IJI
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/22/14

Received October 7 , 1982

Accepted June 28, 1983

A series of conventional and special consolidation tests was carried out on clay samples from 11 sites in the Champlain sea
basin. The results show that, for a given clay at a given depth, there is a unique preconsolidation pressure - strain rate relationship
independent of the tests carried out and that the relationships obtained in different Champlain clays can be normalized.
Correlations between the preconsolidation pressure values obtained from the different special consolidation tests and the
conventional test are established, and a method of estimating in-situ preconsolidation pressure is suggested.
Keywords: preconsolidation pressure, laboratory, testing techniques, strain rate.

Des sCries d'essais de consolidation spCciaux et conventionnels ont CtC rCalisCs sur des Cchantillons d'argile provenant de 11
sites diffkrents du bassin de la mer Champlain. Les rCsultats ont dCmontrt qu'il existe, pour une argile donnCe provenant d'une
profondeur donnee, une relation unique entre la pression de prCconsolidation et la vitesse de deformation qui est indipendante du
type d'essai rCalisC; les relations obtenues pour differentes argiles Champlain peuvent &trenormalisCes.
On a Cgalement Ctabli des relations entre la pression de prCconsolidation dCterminCe par essais spCciaux et celle dtrivCe de
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I'essai cedomitrique conventionnel. Une mCthode de dktermination de la pression de prCconsolidation in situ est proposCe.
Mots-cle's: pression de prCconsolidation, laboratoire, techniques d'essais, vitesse.
Can. Geotech. J. 20, 803-816 (1983)

Introduction five sites and the results were compared with values
The preconsolidation pressure is certainly the most obtained from conventional oedometer tests (multiple
important characteristic of clays: it is the vertical stage loading tests in which each load increment equals
effective stress beyond which large strains occur, half the previous load and has a duration of 24 h) on
particularly in sensitive clays. Also, as shown by undisturbed samples taken with a 70 mm diameter piston
Tavenas and Leroueil (1979), the preconsolidation sampler. It was concluded that the in-situ and laboratory
pressure ub is the parameter that controls the overall preconsolidation pressure values ( u ~ , were
~ ~ in
~ fairly
behaviour of clay. It is thus important to determine this close agreement for soft to firm clays with OCR in the
parameter by a reliable method. range commonly encountered in Champlain clays. More
The principal difficulty in determining a representa- generally an empirical correlation was developed:
tive ub value arises from the fact that the preconsolida- [ 1I u; in sirrr = a tu; conv
tion pressure measured in the laboratory is not unique for
a given clay but depends on the type and characteristics where the empirical coefficient a, would take the fol-
of the test used (Crawford 1964, 1965; Jarrett 1967; lowing values:
Sallfors 1975; Vaid et al. 1979; Leroueil et al. 1983). a l = 1.1 for OCR < 1.2
The problem is therefore to determine which test a, = 1.0 for 1.2 < OCR < 2.5
procedure provides the best a; for use in foundation a, = 0.9 for 2.5 < OCR < 4.5
design. To answer this question, a research program was
undertaken to compare a; mobilized in Champlain This correlation is established, however, on a particu-
clays under embankments with u; values measured in lar test technique, the conventional oedometer test,
the laboratory using all known test procedures (Samson which is known to have some shortcomings: the number
et al. 1981). of experimental points is limited so that the drawing of
Part I of this paper (Morin et al. 1983) described how the oedometric curve and the estimation of the precon-
the in-situ preconsolidation pressure was determined on solidation pressure in either E-u: or e - log u: graphs
are not very accurate; about 10 days are needed to
'Present address: Faculty of Engineering and Applied complete the test, making it rather expensive. To
Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, overcome some of these disadvantages, other tech-
Nfld., Canada A1B 3 x 5 . niques have been suggested: (a) the constant rate of
804 CAN. GEOTECH. J . VOL. 20. 1983

strain oedometer test (Hamilton and Crawford 1959; Batiscan (1 1) sites are in the centre of the basin; the
Smith and Wahls 1969; Wissa et al. 1971; Sallfors St-Ctsaire (2) and Fort Lennox (9) sites are in the south
1975); (b) the controlled gradient oedometer test (Lowe near the Appalachian mountains; the Gloucester site (3)
et a / . 1969); (c) the single stage loading oedometer test is in the west part of the basin.
(Leroueil et al. 1980); (d) the anisotropic triaxial On each site at least one borehole was drilled and a
consolidation test (Tavenas and Leroueil 1977). Nilcon vane test sounding was taken nearby. Sites 1-6
All these special test procedures were used on the clay were investigated by Terratech, and the clay was
from the Gloucester site (Leroueil et al. 1983) and the sampled with a modified 70 mm diameter Geonor piston
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/22/14

following conclusions were drawn: (a) all oedometer sampler with an area ratio of 11% and inside clearance of
tests were consistent and showed a unique preconsolida- 0.9%. At the Gloucester site (3) a large diameter
tion pressure - strain rate relationship for the clay at a (300 mm) block type sample was taken at 4.1 m depth
given depth; (b) special tests yielded higher preconsoli- with the Sherbrooke sampler (Lefebvre and Poulin
dation pressure values than the conventional test, which 1979).
was consistent with their higher rates of strain. The geotechnical section of UniversitC Laval investi-
The last conclusion, combined with the findings gated sites 7- 11, where the large diameter (200 mm)
reported in Part I that there is a fairly close agreement Laval sampler (La Rochelle et al. 1981 ) was used. All
between in-situ and conventional laboratory preconsoli- samples were stored in humid rooms at 10°C at
dation pressures (eq. [I]), indicates that the special Terratech and 8°C at UniversitC Laval.
consolidation tests generally overestimate the in-situ On each site, profiles of the geotechnical properties,
a;. Can the special consolidation tests be used in including the undrained shear strength and the conven-
practice and, if so, how? tional preconsolidation pressure, were established and,
In the research described in this paper, all these at least at one depth, a series of special consolidation
special laboratory techniques were used to measure the tests was carried out to investigate the preconsolidation
For personal use only.

preconsolidation pressure of samples from 11 sites in the pressure.

Champlain sea basin. The aim of this paper is to verify Typical values of geotechnical properties at the
the general validity of the uniqueness of a preconsolida- investigated sites are given in Table 1. They show a wide
tion pressure - strain rate relationship for a given clay, variety of soil properties. The water content varies
and to develop some rules for Champlain clays allowing between 60 and 93%; the liquid limit ranges between 40
the use of special consolidation tests to determine the and 70, the lowest values being observed in the northern
in-situ preconsolidation pressure. boundary of the basin at Joliette and St-Alban; the
liquidity index varies from 0.9 at Varennes to 2.7 at
Sites investigated Batiscan. The mechanical properties also show a wide
The investigated clay deposits were formed in the range of values, between 13 and 70 kPa for the vane
Champlain sea, which occupied what is now called the shear strength and between 47 and 270kPa for the
St. Lawrence Lowlands and the Ottawa Valley from conventional preconsolidation pressure.
approximately 12 500 to 10 000 BP, until the combined Details of the sites and the tests carried out are
effects of glacio-isostatic rebound and the eustatic rise of presented in the references listed in Table 1. The data
sea level expelled the sea (Quigley 1980). from the Gloucester site have been previously described
Linked with the salt water of the Gulf of St. by Leroueil et al. (1983) and will be used here only to
Lawrence, the Champlain sea was also fed by fresh arrive at general conclusions.
water from rivers and the northern ice front so that the
salinity of the water probably varied from place to place. Testing techniques
The sedimented clays, however, are usually marine Various types of consolidation tests were carried out
clays; their grain size distribution and physical proper- during the study. The test methods used are as follows:
ties vary horizontally and vertically within the basin. (a) Conventional oedometer test: the specimens were
Therefore, while Champlain clay deposits from various loaded in steps using a load increment ratio A P I P = 0.5
sites present some similarities, such as high sensitivity, and a reloading schedule of 24 h; drainage was allowed
they also show a wide range of characteristics. at both ends of the specimen.
The 11 sites investigated are shown on Fig. 1 and (b) Multiple stage loading oedometer test (MSL),
listed with a number and a symbol in Table 1; they are similar to the conventional test but with drainage at the
widely spread in the basin of the Champlain sea and are top only and pore pressure measured at the bottom.
representative of most deposits found in this region. The Loading duration was either the time required for
Joliette (5) and St-Alban (8) sites are shoreline deposits primary consolidation to occur, (MSL),, or 24h,
at the toe of the Canadian Shield; the Ste-Catherine (6), (MSL)24, SO as to determine the effect of secondary
Varennes (4), Mascouche (7), Louiseville (lo), and consolidation on a;.
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FIG. 1. Geographical distribution of Champlain clays.

(c) Constant rate of strain oedometer test (CRS), with (f) Anisotropic triaxial consolidation test (ATC) with
the strain rate varying from test to test between 5.3 x stresses applied in equal increments, each having a
and 8.5 X lop5s-'. For the Batiscan site, rates as duration of 24 h; a stress ratio of ak/u: = 0.5 was
low as 1.7 X lo-' s- were used (Bouchard 1982). used. In these conditions yielding is reached at a vertical
(d) Controlled gradient oedometer test (CGT), with a effective stress equal to the preconsolidation pressure of
pore pressure difference Aub between the top and the the clay (Tavenas and Leroueil 1977).
bottom of the specimen, varying between 3.5 and The specimens were 12.7 mm high and 64mm in
36kPa. As shown by Wissa et al. (1971), the pore diameter for conventional oedometer tests carried out at
pressure difference Aub is related, among other para- Terratech (sites 1-6) and 19.0 mm high and 50.8 mm in
meters, to the strain rate €, of the specimen. Therefore, diameter at Universitt Laval (sites 7-11). No back
varying the magnitude of Aub in the CGT tests will have pressure was used for these tests. The CRS tests were
an effect on the stress-strain behaviour of the clay carried out at UniversitC Laval without back pressure on
similar to that observed when varying €, in the CRS specimens 19.0 mm high and 50.8 mm in diameter. All
tests. other oedometer tests were performed in three, identi-
(e) Single stage loading oedometer test (SSL) in cal, specially designed TUL cells (Samson et al. 1981)
which a unique load corresponding to 1.5-3 times the in which a back pressure of 100 kPa was applied at the
anticipated preconsolidation pressure was applied to the top and the excess pore pressure measured at the base of
specimen. According to Leroueil et al. (1980), the curve the specimen; the samples were 15 mm high and 55 mm
showing the vertical effective stress at the base of the in diameter. The oedometer rings were always coated
specimen plotted against the logarithm of time develops with silicon oil before testing.
a step at an effective stress equal to the preconsolidation The anisotropic triaxial tests were performed in
pressure. In such tests, o;is reached in a very short time conventional triaxial cells on specimens 76 or 71 mm
and is associated with very high strain rates. high and 38 mm in diameter. Drainage was permitted at
806 CAN. GEOTECH. J . VOL. 20, 1983

1. Geotechnical properties of clays

Number cu
and Depth w St field vane ad, a;,,
Site symbol (m) (%) WL Ip IL fall cone (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) Reference

Berthierville Samson et n l . 1981

Morin et 01. 1983
St-CCsaire Samson et nl. 1981
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/22/14

Gloucester Samson et nl. 198 1
Leroueil et nl. 1983
Varennes Samson et nl. 1981
Joliette Samson et 01. 198 1
Ste-Catherine Samson et nl. 1981
Morin et nl. 1983
Mascouc he Leahy 1980
Marchand 1982
St-Alban Leroueil etnl. 19780
Leahy 1980
Fort Lennox Leahy 1980
Paquin 1983
Louiseville Leahy 1980
For personal use only.

Leblond 198 1
Batiscan Bouchard 1982
Other sites Authors' files

both ends and radially to the circumference of the Strain rate dependency of the preconsolidation
sample. pressure
For the oedometer tests, the measured vertical dis- More than 150 consolidation tests were ~erformedfor
placement was corrected for the filter papers and system the present study. Results obtained on thedifferent sites
compressibility. In the CRS and CGT tests, the correc- are consistent with those reported for the Gloucester site
ted strain E, = A H / H O or void ratio e was related to an by Leroueil et al. (1983) and will not be described in
average calculated effective stress a: using the follow- detail here.
ing equation (Smith and Wahls 1969; Wissa etal. 197 1): All tests carried out show that there is no unique value
for the preconsolidation pressure for a given clay at a
given depth, but that there are as many values of a;
where u, = total vertical applied stress, uo = applied as testing techniques. These results confirm previous
back pressure, and ub = pore pressure measured at the observations by Crawford (1964, 1965), Jarrett (1967),
base of the specimen. Sallfors (1975), Vaid et al. (1979), and Leroueil et al.
Leroueil et al. (1980) have pointed out the limitations (1983). The last authors, however, have shown on one
of [2] when a(, is close to a; in sensitive clays. On the site (Gloucester) that the results obtained from the
other hand the measured values of ub at u; were such different tests are consistent if the strain rate dependency
that the error on a; could generally be considered of the preconsolidation pressure is considered.
negligible. For the CRS tests, the a; values can be directly
The preconsolidation pressure was defined for all tests related to the strain rate €, applied to the specimens.
except the SSL test in a e - logut plot by the During the CGT tests, the strain rate varies continuously
Casagrande method and is given in this paper with a but it is possible to associate a: with the strain rate at
small range straddling this a; value and taking into the moment when the soil specimen is passing the
account the uncertainty associated with its determina- preconsolidation pressure.
tion, as shown in Fig. 2 of Part I. The oedometric curve In the MSL tests, the strain rate also varies con-
could also be drawn in a E,-u: diagram in which E, is tinuously during each incremental loading and the
the vertical strain; in fact, for Champlain clays that are stress-strain plot is established using the experimental
sensitive, the preconsolidation pressure is well defined points determined at the end of each loading period.
in both e - log a: and E,-IJ: plots. Considering that in these tests the preconsolidation
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strain rote Q,,% /min

FIG.2. Variation of ureconsolidation uressure with strain rate in oedometer tests at the Gloucester site (from Leroueil et 01.



10-7 10-6 10-5 l

0 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 .



I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

FIG. 3. Variation of preconsolidation pressure with strain rate in oedometer tests at the Berthierville site.
CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 20, 1983


ld8 Io -~ 10-6 I 0-5 lo-4
I I 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 111
bn 2 CGT
130 -
z (MSLIp 1
% P
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/22/14

lo _


90. D
Depth 6.8177
I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

FIG.4. Variation of preconsolidation pressure with strain rate in oedometer tests at the St-Ctsaire site.


iB8 to-7 ld6 I 0-5
0 90 I f I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I l l I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
For personal use only.

b 1
80 '

L] C O N V E N T I O N A L 1
a (MSL)W

2z 60 @
F . .. . .. ..
. . ,
Depth: 3.8 rn
50 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1

FIG. 5. Variation of preconsolidation pressure with strain rate in oedometer tests at the Ste-Catherine site.
pressure value depends mainly on the normally consoli- relationship between the preconsolidation pressure and
dated branch of the e - loga: (or E,-a:) curve, and the strain rate for a given clay at a given depth. It is worth
particularly on the two or three experimental points noting that the multiple stage loading tests with a load
immediately following the preconsolidation pressure, duration of 24 h, (MSL),,, and the conventional tests,
Leroueil et al. (1983) have suggested associating this correspond to the lowest strain rates and consequently
preconsolidation pressure with the strain rate range provide the lowest a; values.
observed at the end of the loading periods corresponding The a;-€, relationships presented in Figs. 2-6 are
to these two or three points. similar in shape. The magnitude of the strain rate effect
The a;-€, values obtained in this way from CRS, per log cycle of $ on a; is between 14% at Berthierville
CGT, MSL, and conventional tests are plotted in Figs. and 10% at Louiseville and suggests that the a;-€,
2-6 for the Gloucester, Berthierville, St-CCsaire, Ste- relationships can be normalized with respect to a; at a
Catherine, and Louiseville sites. given strain rate.
In spite of some scattering in the data which could be Figure 7 shows the variation between the strain rate
attributed to the natural variability of the tested speci- and the preconsolidation pressure, normalized with
mens, the seven series of results demonstrate the respect to the a; value obtained, for each series of tests,
consistency in findings obtained from the different on an average a;-€, curve at an arbitrary strain rate of 4
consolidated tests, and confirm the existence of a unique x 1 0 - ~ s - ' . This strain rate was chosen because


Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/22/14

Depth: 9.2m

FIG.6. Variation of preconsolidation pressure with strain rate in oedorneter tests at the Louiseville site.


I@ I 0-7 10-8 I UJ 10-4
A O T T A W A ,C R A M F O R D , 1 9 6 5
For personal use only.




'P" 1.0 ,

-a ',-X
b 0.9 U

b" a

0 /o
0.7 /--

I I 1 1 1 1 1 1

FIG.7. Normalized preconsolidation pressure - strain rate relationship.

numerous results with strain rates close to this value All data shown in Figs. 2-7 suggest that the magnitude
were available and because it was in the middle of the of the strain rate effect on IT; decreases with decreasing
investigated strain rate range. For reasons of clarity, strain rate.
only average values of the preconsolidation pressure and This relationship means that, in a first approximation,
eventually of the strain rate were plotted for each test. the relative effect of strain rate on a; is unique for all
Overall, 112 test results are reported in Fig. 7; they were Champlain clays, irrespective of their plasticity, degree
obtained from 14 series of tests on clay samples from 11 of overconsolidation, sample quality (70 mm diameter
different sites in the Champlain sea basin (Fig. 1 and piston sampler and 200 and 300 mm block-type sam-
Table 1). The scattering is relatively small for this kind plers were used to obtain the data shown in Fig. 7), or
of data since all the experimental points, except four, are testing technique. As pointed out by Mesri and Choi
within ?9% of the average curve. Data by Crawford (1979), such a unique IT;-& relationship is consistent
(1965), also plotted in Fig. 7, fall within the same range. with the existence of a C,/C, ratio in the order of 0.04 as
8 10 CAN. GEOTECH J . VOL. 20. 1983

established on a variety of natural clays by Mesri and

Godlewski (1977); this implies that the normalized rela-
tionship shown in Fig. 7 could well apply to clays be-
sides the Champlain clays. This warrants further research.
Comparison between uk from different tests
All conventional and (MSL)24 tests analysed in the
present study are in the strain rate range between 5 x
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/22/14

s-' and 3 x s-', and a strain rate of lop7 s-'

is considered typical for these tests on Champlain clays.
Since u; variations with i, are small in this range of i,,
a nearly constant ratio should exist between the
preconsolidation pressure obtained from conventional
or (MSL)24tests and those from special tests carried out
at any fixed strain rate. For example, a direct correlation
between,,,,T;( and cr; obtained from CRS tests at
strain rates between 3.5 X and 5 X 1 0 - ~ s - ' was
obtained on clay samples from 16 different sites as
shown in Fig. 8. A relatively good correlation is
observed which corresponds to:

Considering an average strain rate of s-I for the

For personal use only.

conventional oedometer tests and an average value of 4 F R O M C O N V E N T I O N A L TESTS, k P a

x 1 0 - ~ s - ' for the CRS tests, the preconsolidation
pressures ratio deduced from the average curve in Fig. 7 FIG.8. Correlation between the preconsolidation pressures
would be 1.23, which is close to the 1.28 obtained from determined from CRS tests at 3.5 to 5 X s-' and
direct correlation. conventional tests.
The CGT tests were monitored to ensure a constant
strain rates at the moment when a; is measured. The
pore pressure difference Aub between the top and the
SSL test should thus produce high values of a;. Figure
base of the specimen. The strain rate needed to maintain
9 shows a correlation between the preconsolidation
this constant Aub is a function of the compressibility and
pressures obtained from SSL tests and the conventional
permeability of the clay (Wissa et al. 1971); it is thus
or (MSL)24 tests. The scattering of data points is
variable not only during any single test but also,
surprisingly limited and the following linear correlation
depending on the clay properties, between tests. For
is defined:
example, at the passage of the preconsolidation pressure
and for a Aub value of lOkPa, strain rates varying
between 3 X s-I and 3 X lop5 s f ' have been
As for the results of (MSL), tests, the duration of
observed on samples from the various sites. This range
primary consolidation as well as the strain rate at the end
is sufficiently large that it does not seem reasonable to
of primary consolidation vary greatly from one clay to
search for a reliable and simple correlation between
another depending on the permeability and compres-
u ~ , , ~ and
, the preconsolidation pressure obtained in
sibility. As a result, (T; obtained from such tests, while
CGT tests, particularly since the latter is obtained in a
greater than the results of conventional oedometer tests,
range of strain rate where €, effects on u; are
cannot be directly correlated to a; ,,,,.
significant. The anisotropic triaxial test (ATC) is different from
In single stage loading tests (SSL), the preconsolida-
the oedometer tests since the drainage boundaries and
tion pressure is defined locally at the base of the
possibly the stress paths are different; therefore the
specimen and cannot be directly related to the average
preconsolidation pressure obtained in this test may differ
strain rate of the specimen. Moreover, the total stress from oedometer test results. The only way to compare
applied instantaneously to the sample is high and the the test values is thus empirical. Figure 10 shows a
strain rates are certainly not uniform throughout the correlation between values obtained from ATC tests and
specimen. For these reasons, the results of SSL tests those from conventional tests; in spite of some scatter-
cannot be properly analysed and compared with the ing, a reasonable correlation may be defined, corres-
results of Fig. 7. In these tests, however, the time ponding to equation
needed to reach u; at the base of the specimen is short,
usually about 10 min, and one would expect very high

For sites a n d symbols, see Table I For sit, and symbols, see Toble
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FIG. 10. Correlation between the preconsolidation pressures
determined from ATC tests and conventional tests.
For personal use only.


consolidation tests. To apply the laboratory preconsoli-
FIG.9. Correlation between the preconsolidation pressures dation pressure to field conditions, a number of factors
determined from SSL tests and conventional tests. must be considered. The factors known to influence
either the laboratory preconsolidation pressure or the
From this study, it appears that the conventional relationship between field and laboratory preconsolida-
oedometer preconsolidation pressure can be,Au tion pressures are the sample quality, the stress path,
correlated to a; values obtained by oedometer tests at which may differ between laboratory and field condi-
other strain rates, or by other techniques. In a very tions, and the strain rate effects.
general form, u~~,,, can be written
Sample disturbance
[61 &on,
-- Figure 12 shows results of two typical CRS tests
a2 carried out at the same strain rate on samples taken from
in which refers to the preconsolidation pressure the Berthierville site at the same depth using two
measured using a given laboratory consolidation test different samplers: the 70 mm diameter Geonor piston
technique and a2 is a consolidation test coefficient sampler and the 200 mm diameter Lava1 sampler. The
depending mainly on the strain rate, but also on the type most noticeable difference between the test results is in
of test used. the compressibility of the clay in the overconsolidated
For the CRS, CGT, and (MSL), tests, a? is only a range. For all the oedometer test results obtained in the
function of the strain rate. The experimental data in Fig. present study on Champlain clays, the strain at the
7 was interpreted to obtain the a2coefficient relating a; preconsolidation pressure varies between 2.5 and 4% for
at any strain rate with the result of conventional samples taken with the 70 mm sampler and between 1.4
oedometer tests which correspond to a typical strain rate and 2.5% for samples obtained with the larger 200 and
of 10-' s-'. The a2 vs. €, relationship is shown in Fig. 300 mm samplers.
11. For SSL tests, from available data, a2 would be On the other hand, Fig. 12 shows no significant
equal to 1.6, whereas for ATC tests, or2 would be equal difference in a; between both tests, indicating no
to 1.1. disturbance effect on the preconsolidation pressure of
the samples taken at the depth of 3.8 m. By comparing
Estimation of the in-situ preconsolidation pressure test results on samples taken with a 70 or 75 mm sampler
from laboratory tests and a 200 or 300 sampler, similar conclusions were
Based on the findings reported in Parts I and 11, reached for samples taken at depths less than 5 m at the
reliable prediction of the in-sit14preconsolidation pres- St-Alban site (Leroueil 1977) and at 4 m at the Glouces-
sure may be derived from the results of laboratory ter site (Leroueil et al. 1983).
CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 20, 1983
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, 5-I

FIG.11. Variation of the a2coefficient with strain rate.

A more detailed comparison was made at the Ste- oedometer preconsolidation pressure incorporates the
Catherine site where four different samplers were used: effect of the degree of disturbance of the tested samples
the 200 mm Lava1 sampler, the 75 mm Geonor sampler, on laboratory determination of the preconsolidation
the 70mm modified Geonor sampler, and the 51 mm pressure. For samples taken with the 70mm piston
Geonor sampler. The a; values obtained from conven- sampler, el values are those given in [I]. A different
tional oedometer tests on the different samples are sampling technique may require different values for the
shown in Fig. 13. When comparing the test results on the a l coefficient.
70 and 75mm diameter samples with those on the
200 mm diameter can be seen that at shallow Stress paths
depths of less than > m the a; values are similar, It is well established that the effective stress state at
indicating no significant disturbance effects on the which a clay is destructured and starts developing large
preconsolidation pressure at these depths, and confirm- volumetric strains, referred to as a; or more generally
ing the results obtained at shallow depths on other sites. the "limit state," depends on the effective stress path
At greater depths, however, the preconsolidation pres- followed up to that state. Thus the a; or limit state
sures obtained on the 70 and 75 mm diameter samples condition measured in a given test will be directly
are lower than those obtained on the 200 mm diameter applicable to the design of a particular foundation only if
samples. the effective stress paths in the test and under the
It can also be observed in Fig. 13 that the samples foundation are identical (Tavenas and Leroueil 1977,
taken with the 5 1 mm sampler systematically give lower 1979).
values of the preconsolidation pressure even at shallow Few data concerning the stress paths followed during
depths. Such behaviour was also observed at the sites at oedometer tests on natural clays are available (Sallfors
Gloucester (Bozozuk 197 l ) , Louiseville (Leblond and 1975; Lefebvre and Philibert 1979). They show that the
Tavenas 1980), and Batiscan (Bouchard and Tavenas initial stiffness of the intact overconsolidated clay,
1981). associated with the slight remolding caused at the
sampling disturbance, therefore, has some effect on periphery of the test specimen when pushed into the
the determination of the preconsolidation pressure of oedometer ring, often results in the development of
Champlain clays. The coefficient in [l] relating the small lateral effective stresses and a stress path such as
in-situ preconsolidation pressure to the conventional OA (Fig. 14), in the overconsolidated range. The limit


0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280

average ground surface
I !
sample d i a m e t e r
H 2 0 0 mm
&-A 7 5 m m --
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/22/14

BERTHIERVILLE: depth = 3.8 m

sample taken with Laval University sampler

( 2 0 0 mm i n d i a m e t e r )
For personal use only.

---C R S (4.5 x I O - ~ S - ~ )
sample taken w i t h a 7 0 m m p i s t o n sampler
FIG.13. Conventional p r e c o n s o l i d a t i o n p r e s s u r e o f s a m p l e s
t a k e n with d i f f e r e n t sizes o f s a m p l e r s at t h e S t e - C a t h e r i n e site.
FIG.12. Effect of sampling d i s t u r b a n c e on t h e stress-strain
c u r v e at t h e B e r t h i e m i l l e site.
which can practically be produced in the laboratory. The
method suggested to account for the strain rate depend-
state and the preconsolidation pressure are thus reached ency of uf, allows only a comparison of the results of
at point A, and the KO,, = u;/u; = 1 - sin line +' different tests and a transformation of af, measured in
CRS, CGT, or (MSL), tests into reference uf, values
(BC) is followed only in the normally consolidated
range. corresponding to the conventional oedometer test.
Leroueil et al. (19786) have investigated the genera- The effect of strain rates on the in-situ behaviour of
tion of pore pressures under embankments. They have clay cannot be properly assessed at this time. At the
consequently obtained some indications of the type of Gloucester site, Leroueil et ril. (1983) compared the
effective stress paths followed in clay foundations. In preconsolidation pressure - strain rate relationship
clays with low OCR the effective stress path generally deduced from laboratory tests and in-situ observations.
appears to be, like IPDE (Fig. 14) under the centre of the The results are encouraging but need to be confirmed by
embankment, reaching the limit state at point P, close to other similar studies. Under these conditions, strain rate
the KO", line. For higher values of the overconsolidation effects must be treated together with other factors
ratio, say in excess of 2.5, the stress path I'P'D' (Fig. affecting uf,, by empirical correlations between field
14) is closer to the isotropic axis, resulting in a lower and laboratory values of a; as done in Part I.
limit state at point P'. Thus, with reference to the same Derivation of in-situ uJ,
oedometer test results, clays with high OCR should It has been demonstrated that a number of factors have
mobilize lower in-situ uf, values than clays with low an influence on the laboratory and field preconsolidation
OCR, as is indeed shown in Part I of this paper. pressures of Champlain clays. These factors are too
Here again, as in the case of sample disturbance, the complex to be treated, at this time, by a rigorous
effects of effective stress paths on u; in the laboratory analytical method. Therefore, the estimation of the
and in situ cannot be directly measured and are in-situ uf,value to use in a specific engineering situation
empirically accounted for in the coefficient al of [ I ] . must, by necessity, be based on an empirical approach.
Such an approach has been developed in Parts I and I1
Strain rates
The effects of strain rates on the preconsolidation and can be expressed by combining [ l ] and [6]:
pressure of the clay have been presented earlier. These a1
effects were identified only over the range of strain rates PI u;)in sifu = - uf,lab
CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 20, 1983




Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/22/14

FIG. 14. Typical stress paths followed in oedometer tests and under the centre of an embankment.
For personal use only.

Type of laboratory test

D e t e r m ~ n a t i o nof u6 l a b

Determination of ui
a 2 functlon of (,
using G
; - (, relat~onship
corresponding to d ~ r e c tempirical dlrect e m p i r ~ c a l
or direct correlation
a 2 = 1.0 correlation correlat~on
ub i n the test
lab a, = 1.10 a 2 = 1.60
u p conv ' - (cf. f i g . l l )
( c f . r i g 10) ( cf. pig. 9 )

I t I I
OCR < 1.2 a, = I I

Determination of G{ in s i t u
1.2 < O C R < 2.5 a , = 1.0
f r o m empirical correlation
2.5 < OCR < 4.5 a l = 0.9
Gp in situ = a l up conv valid for a 7 0 m m piston sampler

up in s i t u for design purposes 1, crP i n s l t u : u'p l a b

FIG. 15. Proposed method for the determination of the in-situ preconsolidation pressure of Champlain clays.

where a, represents the coefficient relating the in-situ M. Bozozuk, who was scientific authority for the
a; to the laboratory a; obtained from conventional contract, is gratefully acknowledged. The assistance of
oedometer tests, and a2 is the empirical coefficient J. P. Le Bihan in performing the laboratory tests is
relating the a; obtained from a special consolidation greatly appreciated.
test to the a; measured in the conventional oedometer The work carried out at UniversitC Laval was support-
test. Figure 15 depicts the empirical method proposed to ed by grants from the Ministries of Transport and
derive the in-situ preconsolidation pressure from the Education of Qutbec and from the National Sciences
results of any type of laboratory consolidation test. and Engineering Research Council of Canada. The
contribution of R. Bouchard, D. Leahy, and P. Leblond,
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/22/14

Conclusions who performed the laboratory tests as a prerequisite to

A series of conventional, MSL, CRS, CGT, SSL, and their M.Sc. theses, is gratefully acknowledged.
ATC consolidation tests was carried out in the labora-
tory on samples from 1 1 different sites of the Champlain BOUCHARD, R. 1982. Effet de la vitesse sur le comportement
sea basin. cedomktrique de l'argile de Batiscan. M.Sc, thesis, Univer-
All oedometer test results are consistent and show that sit6 Laval, Quebec, P.Q.
for a given clay at a given depth there is a unique BOUCHARD, R., and TAVENAS, F. 1981. Etude du tassement
preconsolidation pressure - strain rate relationship. de remblais par CONMULT-Remblai autoroute 40 Batis-
These tests on Champlain clays also show that multiple can. Rapport CGS-8 1-05, UniversitC Laval, Quebec, P.Q.
stage loading tests having a load increment duration of B o z o z u ~M.
, 1971. Effect of sampling, size and storage on
24 h (conventional or (MSL)24) correspond to a strain results for marine clay. Proceedings, American Society for
Testing and Materials, STP 483, pp. 121-131.
rate which is typically equal to lop7s-'. CRAWFORD, C. B. 1964. Interpretation of the consolidation
All the a;-& relationships obtained in this study can test. ASCE Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations
be normalized independently of the sampling technique Division, 90(SM5), pp. 87- 102.
For personal use only.

used. It follows that the conventional preconsolidation 1965. The resistance of soil structure to consolidation.
pressure value can be deduced from any special consoli- Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2(2), pp. 90-97.
dation test by using an empirical coefficient which HAMILTON, J. J., and CRAWFORD, C. B. 1959. Improved
relates to the strain rate and eventually to the type of test. determination of preconsolidation pressure of a sensitive
By combining this correlation with the one established clay. Proceedings, American Society for Testing and
in Part I between the preconsolidation pressure mobi- Materials, STP 254, pp. 254-271.
lized in situ and the conventional laboratory preconsoli- JARRETT, P. M. 1967. Time-dependent consolidation of a
sensitive clay. American Society for Testing and Materials,
dation pressure, it appears possible to empirically
Materials Research and Standards, 7(7), pp. 300-304.
estimate the in-situ preconsolidation pressure from LAROCHELLE, P., SARRAILH, J., TAVENAS, F., ROY,M., and
special consolidation tests. LEROUEIL, S. 1981. Causes of sampling disturbance and
From a practical point of view, the irz-situ preconsoli- design of a new sampler for sensitive soils. Canadian
dation pressure can readily be estimated from conven- Geotechnical Journal, 18(1), pp. 52-66.
tional or (MSL)24 oedometer tests or, preferably, from LEAHY,D. 1980. Contribution i 1'Ctude du comportement
CRS tests. The ATC test could be used but presents no cedomCtrique des argiles. M.Sc. thesis, UniversitC Laval,
particular advantage; the CGT and MSL tests could also Quebec, P.Q.
be used but the estimation of the in-situ a; is more LEBLOND, P. 1981. Mesure et caractCristiques de la permCa-
complicated as the coefficient must be determined for bilitC des argiles Champlain. M.Sc. thesis, UniversitC
Laval, Quebec, P.Q.
each individual test, depending on the strain rate. LEBLOND, P., and TAVENAS, F. 1980. Etude du tassement de
Finally, the SSL test must be used with caution since remblais par CONMULT. Rapport GCT-80-07, UniversitC
the a; values obtained are much higher than the in-situ Laval, Quebec, P.Q.
values and as the coefficient a2 has been established LEFEBVRE, G., and PHILIBERT, A. 1979. Mesure des pressions
only on a few sites, more test data would be required. IatCrales durant la consolidation unidimensionnelle d'une
argile structurie. Proceedings, 32nd Canadian Geotechnical
Acknowledgements Conference, Quebec, pp. 2.61-2.75.
The study presented in this paper was performed in LEFEBVRE, G., and POULIN,C. 1979. A new method of
cooperation with Tenatech, Montreal, and the geotech- sampling in sensitive clays. Canadian GeotechnicalJournal,
nical section of UniversitC Laval, Quebec. 16(1), pp. 226-233.
LEROUEIL, S. 1977. Quelques considCrationssur le comporte-
Part of the research program was carried out by ment des argiles sensibles. Ph.D. thesis, UniversitC Laval,
Terratech as an unsolicited proposal sponsored by the Quebec, P.Q.
Division of Building Research of the National Research LEROUEIL, S., TAVENAS, F., TRAK,B., LA ROCHELLE, P.,
Council of Canada and was financed by DBRINRC and ROY,M. 1978n. Construction pore pressures in clay
and Supply and Services Canada under contract No. foundations under embankments. Part I: the Saint-Alban
1SX79-00026. The technical support provided by Dr. test fills. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 15(1),pp. 54-65.
816 CAN. GEOTECH. J . VOL. 20. 1983

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dian Geotechnical Journal, 15(1), pp. 66-82. SALLFORS, G. 1975. Preconsolidation pressure of soft high
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A new approach for the determination of the preconsolida- nology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
tion pressure. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 17(3), pp. SAMSON, L., LEROUEIL, S., MORIN,P., and LE BIHAN,J. P.
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LEROUEIL, S., SAMSON, L., and B o z o z u ~ M.
, 1983. Labora- D.S.S. Contract No. 1SX79-00026 Report prepared for the
tory and field determination of preconsolidation pressures at Division of Building Research of the National Research
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/22/14

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trolled gradient consolidation test. ASCE Journal of the and Foundations Division, 95(SM2), pp. 519-539.
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77-97. time on yielding of clays. Proceedings, 9th International
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MORIN,P., LEROUEIL, S., and SAMSON, L. 1983. Preconsoli- WISSA,A. E. Z., CHRISTIAN, J. T., DAVIS,E. H., and
For personal use only.

dation pressure of Champlain clays. Part I. In-situ determi- HEIBERG, S. 1971. Consolidation at constant rate of strain.
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