Volume 8, Issue 10, July 18, 2010

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Volume 8, Issue 10 www.moosemountainchurch.

com July 18, 2010


ASSEMBLY TIMES It has been a long time coming, but I missing the target. In religious con- consequences) but how it functions to
think we can safely say that “sin” is texts, the word described actions keep us away from God. The longer
Sunday Morning: hardly a functional concept in our which fell short of some divine stan- we are away from God, the less
culture. As early as 1973, Dr. Karl dard or goal. Paul picks up this image clearly we can think about our sin.
NEW TIME 10:30am Menninger published a book entitled, in the famous passage from Romans: Therefore, it is important for the
Full Family Fellowship Whatever Became of Sin? In this book This righteousness from God comes church to remember that we have
he explores why “sin” became obso- through faith in Jesus Christ to all who been called to “interfere” in the lives
Thursday Evening: lete. He promises believe. There is no difference, for all of sinners. Paul said it this way:
7:00pm alternating … to review the events in the recent have sinned and fall short of the “Brothers, if someone is caught in a
rapid decline and disappearance of glory of God, and are justified freely sin, you who are spiritual should re-
weeks in homes
the word “sin,” not because any par- by his grace through the redemption store him gently. But watch yourself,
___ ticular word is so important in itself, that came by Christ Jesus. (Romans or you also may be
but because its obsolescence may be 3:22–24) tempted.” (Galatians 6:1).
a clue to fundamental changes in the There are several other passages that Whatever the world does with the
moral philosophy of our civilization (p. get close to defining sin in the NT as notion of sin . . . it will remain in the
1 Christina Street 27). well. For example, Paul writes later in church’s vocabulary. When we totally
Village of Kenosee Lake While the world has lost the notion, Romans: “…and everything that does lose the vocabulary of sin, we will
the Bible retains a rich vocabulary for not come from faith is sin” (Romans have finally arrived at the place where
sin (at least ten words in the OT 14:23) which touched on doing some- no one is responsible for anything.
Box 184
alone). The Hebrew word most com- thing about which a person is unsure.
S0C 2S0 monly used for sin in the OT means The apostle John will identify sin as Stan Helton
(306)577-2477 “to miss the m a r k . ” “ l a w l e s s n e s s ” a n d http://
onthe- When use of archery, “unrighteousness” (1 John 3:4; 5:17). snhelton.wordpress.com/2010/06/16/the-
mount@sasktel.net the word The problem with sin is not so much disappearance-of-sin/
referred the inappropriate behavior (which can
___ to be more or less serious due to the

Cameron Husband
Harold Floyd
Dale King
Jim Sedor

Rolland Bouchard


THRIFT STORE DAYS BERNARD AND ALICIA tioned in the bulletin, please talk to
We will be working the thrift store Bernard and Alicia will be coming Rolland no later than Thursday
August 10 &12 through on August 24th, which is a each week. Thank you for your What does it mean
September 7 & 9 Tuesday. We would like to organ- cooperation with this. You can call to live the life
October 5 & 7 ize supper potluck for that day so 577-8419 or email of God in this
November 30 & December 2 they can do a presentation on their info@moosemountainchurch.com world?
December 28 & 30 work in Mexico. To find out how
 you can contribute speak with Looking different in
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Owen. a world where every-
Starts Tomorrow. To find out what  All these people were still one wants to be the
you can do to help, or just have a GAMBIA MISSION living by faith when they
question, talk with Laurie for more Trevor Mountney will be bringing us 4 lessons in July
information. We will be setting up a presentation on his recent mis- died. They did not receive and August 2010
today after church, and will begin sion trip to Gambia today.
tomorrow morning at 8:30am with  the things promised; they only
Registration. CAMP IS UNDERWAY saw them and welcomed
 Family camp has just finished, and
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED there are more weeks to come. To them from a distance. And
If you are interested in coordinating find out how you can contribute at
our children’s time, or being part of the camp please talk to Rolland.
they admitted that they were FOR INFOMRATION ON HOW YOU
some practical lessons in the  aliens and strangers on ear th COMPASSION OR FOR A WAY TO
talk to Rolland. If you would like your event men- Hebrews 11:13 www.compassion.ca
Volume 8, Issue 10 July 18, 2010

THE FAMILY THAT PRAYS TOGETHER... Activities for Assembly

July 18th, 2010

 Marie McMillan—Continued health con-  Our small gatherings.

Welcome, Announcements and
cerns  Tammy Windley—upcoming wedding
 Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard - Mission-  Cheryl Lynch went in for treatments and Offering
aries in Mexico was told she was clear of cancer, amen.
Children’s Time
 Joe Fox—Surgery for His hip and conse-  The Lonechild Family—
quent unemployment. I Stand In Awe
 Catherine Taylor– continued healing.
 Our Shepherds—leadership and care
 Pamela’s Sister was in a recent accident Unto Thee O Lord
 Chris Cornforth—continued health con- that caused her to be in Hospital for a
cerns. Living For Jesus
few days. There was a complication with
 All of those struggling with grief. her medicine causing some severe side- Above All
effects, but she is home now recovering.
Because He Lives


More Precious Than Silver

Seek Ye First


Presentation on Gambia: Trevor

Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus

zhlou:te (dzay-LOO-teh) present, active, indicative, plural. This type of verb occurs the most
in the New Testament and it describes an action taking place in the present. 1) to
burn with zeal 1a) to be heated or to boil with envy, hatred, anger 1a1) in a good sense, to be zealous in the
pursuit of good 1b) to desire earnestly, pursue 1b1) to desire one earnestly, to strive after, busy one's
self about him 1b2) to exert one's self for one (that he may not be torn from me) 1b3) to be the object of the
zeal of others, to be zealously sought after 1c) to envy
ejpiqumei:te (epee-thumee-eh-teh) present, active, indicative, plural 1) to turn upon a thing 2) to have a
desire for, long for, to desire 3) to lust after, covet 3a) of those who seek things forbidden
James 4:2 You want things, but you do not have them. So you are ready to kill and are jealous of
other people, but you still cannot get what you want. So you argue and fight. You do not get what
you want, because you do not ask God. NCV

Puzzles and Cartoons used with Permission. For rights and permissions see http://biblewordgames.com and www.reverendfun.com


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