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International Journal of Medical Informatics 55 (1999) 87 – 101

Patient care information systems and health care work: a

sociotechnical approach
Marc Berg *
Institute of Health Policy and Management, Erasmus Uni6ersity Rotterdam, P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Received 9 November 1998; received in revised form 20 January 1999; accepted 25 January 1999


Those who face the difficulties of developing useful patient care information systems (PCISs) often stress the
importance of ‘organizational issues’. Building upon recent sociological insights in the construction and use of
information technologies for (health care) work, this paper underscores the importance of these insights for the
development and evaluation of these systems. A sociotechnical approach to PCISs in health care is outlined, and two
implications of this empirically grounded approach for the practices of developing and evaluating IT applications in
health care practices are discussed. First, getting such technologies to work in concrete health care practices appears
to be a politically textured process of organizational change, in which users have to be put at center-stage. This
requires an iterative approach, in which the distinctions between ‘analysis’, ‘design’, ‘implementation’ and ‘evaluation’
blur. Second, a sociotechnical approach sheds new light on the potential roles of IT applications in health care
practices. It is critical of approaches that denounce the ‘messy’ and ‘ad hoc’ nature of health care work, and that
attempt to structure this work through the formal, standardized and ‘rational’ nature of IT systems. Optimal
utilization of IT applications, it is argued, is dependent on the meticulous interrelation of the system’s functioning
with the skilled and pragmatically oriented work of health care professionals. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All
rights reserved.

Keywords: Patient care information systems; Health care work; Sociotechnical approach; Electronic patient record; Medical
decision-making; System development; System implementation; Evaluation

1. Introduction putting a man on the moon had been’’ ([1] p.

464). Although we hear much more about
‘Developing a comprehensive medical in- successes, certain benefits and the need to
formation system’, Morris Collen concluded implement patient care information systems
in his historical survey of medical informatics (PCIS)1 in health care, the fact is that most
in 1995, appears ‘‘a more complex task than applications to date have failed. Large num-
bers of systems never make it off the drawing
* Tel.: +31-10-4088555; fax: + 31-10-4522511. table—and if they do, they do not appear to
E-mail address: (M. Berg) be transportable out of the specific context in

1386-5056/99/$ - see front matter © 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 8 6 - 5 0 5 6 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 1 1 - 8
88 M. Berg / International Journal of Medical Informatics 55 (1999) 87–101

which they were developed [1–7]. Although distinctions between ‘analysis’, ‘design’, ‘im-
precise data are lacking, a general handbook plementation’ and ‘evaluation’ blur. Second,
on management information systems esti- a sociotechnical approach sheds new light on
mated that from the large systems that end the potential roles of IT applications in
up being used as much as 75% should be health care practices. It is critical of ap-
considered to be operating failures. They proaches that denounce the ‘messy’ and ‘ad
might be in operation, but they are too cum- hoc’ nature of health care work, and that
bersome, too expensive or too functionally attempt to structure this work through the
deficient to be even remotely called a ‘success’ formal, standardized and ‘rational’ nature of
[8]. And in a recent overview of clinical data IT systems. Optimal utilization of IT applica-
systems, Jeremy Wyatt mentions a staggering tions, it is argued, is dependent on the metic-
figure of 98% of software built for US gov- ulous interrelation of the system’s functioning
ernment use that was ‘unusable as delivered’ with the skilled and pragmatically oriented
[9]. work of health care professionals. These im-
Those who are facing the enormous plications will and cannot take the form of
difficulties of developing useful PCISs often ‘formulas’ for successful system development.
stress the importance of ‘organizational is- Rather, the sociotechnical approach is inher-
sues’ [10,11]. Building upon recent sociologi- ently critical of overly methodical ‘guidelines’
cal insights in the construction and use of promising success. The implications this pa-
information technologies for (health care) per will sketch are intended to reorient the
work, this paper underscores the importance way we tend to investigate and manage these
of these insights for the development and processes. It attempts to offer new perspec-
evaluation of these systems.2 A ‘sociotechni- tives rather than a list of ‘critical success
cal approach’ to PCISs in health care will be factors’; it engages in constructive critique
outlined. After introducing the central start- rather than in delivering yet another set of
ing points of this empirically grounded ap- guidelines for design and implementation.
proach (Section 2), two implications of this This does not mean that the sociotechnical
approach for the practices of developing and approach is ‘philosophical’ or merely aca-
evaluating IT applications in health care or- demically, research oriented. To the contrary:
ganizations are outlined (Section 3). First, we claim that for a successful management
getting such technologies to work in estab- and realization of concrete development pro-
lished practices appears to be a politically cesses, such an approach will ultimately
textured process of organizational change, in prove to be more useful.
which users have to be put center stage. This
requires an iterative approach, in which the
2. The sociotechnical approach: starting
PCIS is a broader term than e.g. ‘electronic patient record’,
but no sharp terminological distinctions are intended here. All Some 20 years ago, the term ‘sociotechni-
these systems denote IT applications whose core users are cal system design’ was used to indicate design
doctors, nurses and other health care professionals. approaches that stressed the importance of
Development remains an important topic even in the cur-
rent era of off-the-shelf PCIS products. Such products are
job satisfaction, workers’ needs, and skill en-
never turnkey systems: they require extensive tailoring and hancement [12–14]. These approaches put
redesign to match local circumstances and needs. people and their working relationships center
M. Berg / International Journal of Medical Informatics 55 (1999) 87–101 89

stage and formed a long-needed antidote to the same people and tools, and often as part
the technology-centered and top–down ap- of the care process itself [23,24].
proaches that dominated system develop- The tools, documents and machines are
ment. In current times, the term has drifted ‘constitutive’ elements of these work prac-
from this direct focus on workers’ emancipa- tices. If one would pull away even a simple
tion. Embracing a user-oriented perspective, object such as the order form from an aver-
sociotechnical approaches emphasize that age Intensive Care Unit, that work practice
thorough insight into the work practices in could not continue functioning in its current
which IT applications will be used should be complex and smooth manner [25]. The roles
the starting point for design and implementa- and tasks of doctors and nurses are tightly
tion [8,15,16]. This is especially important in interwoven with each other and with the op-
organizations that pivot around the work of erations of these other elements. Just like the
professionals [17]. Since any potential benefit tasks and position of doctors have changed,
that IT might bring to health care has to be historically, with the coming of the stetho-
realized at the level of the concrete interac- scope and the emergence of laboratory tests,
tions with these tools, it is here that any the current roles and tasks of health care
development or evaluation process should professionals are intertwined with the func-
start. Building upon previous research and tioning of record systems and the architec-
literature reviews [18–20], the specificity of tures of their work environments [26–29].
the sociotechnical approach to IT applica- Simple forms and room designs structure the
tions in health care is characterized in the way their work is organized, the way their
following three points. responsibilities are distributed, and the nature
of the doctor–nurse relationship.
2.1. Health care practices are seen as The elements that constitute these net-
heterogeneous networks works should then not be seen as discrete,
well-circumscribed entities with pre-fixed
In the sociotechnical approach, work prac- characteristics. Rather, these entities acquire
tices are conceptualized as networks of peo- specific characteristics, roles and tasks ‘only
ple, tools, organizational routines, documents as part of a network’ [30]. A ‘physician’ is
and so forth [21,22]. An emergency ward, only a ‘physician’ in the modern western
outpatient clinic or inpatient department is sense because of the network of which s/he is
seen as an interrelated assembly of humans a part, and which makes his/her work and
and things whose functioning is primarily responsibilities a reality. Without nurses,
geared to the delivery of patient care. The record systems or the stethoscope, the Medi-
work of doctors and nurses articulates with cal Doctor as we know it would and could
the functioning of monitors, of order forms not exist. Because of this tight interrelation
and laboratory routines to keep an Intensive between elements in a network, the introduc-
Care patient stabilized, to treat an acute tion of a new element (as when a PCIS is
traffic accident victim or to provide long term implemented), or the disappearance of an
care to a chronic diabetes patient. In per- element (as when a hospital stops training
forming these primary goals, secondary aims junior residents) often reverberates through-
have to be served as well. Teaching interns, out the health care practice. The introduction
doing clinical research and meeting budget of the patient centered record in the US at
objectives are all to be achieved by many of the beginning of the twentieth century, for
90 M. Berg / International Journal of Medical Informatics 55 (1999) 87–101

example, necessitated changes in hospital ar- ‘issues’ and ‘factors’ are transformed as well.
chitecture and the emergence of the new pro- An IT application in a health care practice
fession of medical record managers. It was should be seen as forming a seamless web
also tied to the changing position of the rather than a Technology in an Organization
physician from an enterpreneuring gentleman [22]. In addressing, managing and studying
to a methodical member of a team: it this network, one should not attempt to pry
changed record keeping from a private affair it apart in a ‘social’ and a ‘technical’ system.
to a matter of cooperation with (and poten- ‘Technology’ and ‘organization’ do not oc-
tial criticism of!) colleagues [31,32]. Similarly, cupy separate domains or operate according
shifting from paper-based recording practices to separate logics; nor does their relationship
to electronic record keeping often makes develop in some unilinear way (the former
work practices (and especially the record-cre- ‘causing change’ in the latter or vice versa).
ating activities themselves) more visible, in- The interrelated elements constitute an as-
spectable and manageable. This can have sembly that should be dealt with as a whole
large consequences for the interprofessional rather than as a Technical subpart for the IT
relations within the hospital [33,34]. engineers and a Social subpart for the social
Yet although the effects and functions of scientists [2,21,36,37].
IT applications in work practices can be
highly consequential, the precise shape they 2.2. The nature of health care work
take is not pre-determined. They evolve
within the specific, socio-political contexts of The core activity of health care work prac-
these practices. As Kling and Scacchi phrased tices is ‘managing patients’ trajectories’: do-
it, the introduction of technologies in work ing investigations, monitoring, intervening
practices is ‘embedded in a larger system of and re-intervening in order to at least tempo-
activity, (has) consequences which depend on rarily cure or palliate patients’ problems
peoples’ actual behavior, and (takes) place in [2,24]. In all but a few instances, managing
a social world in which the history of related patients’ trajectories is a collective, coopera-
changes may influence the new change’ [21]. tive enterprise. Even the individually operat-
The sociotechnical approach, then, is hesi- ing general practitioner communicates with
tant to speak of ‘organizational issues’ or his/her colleagues. A fundamental character-
‘human factors’ in its analysis of IT applica- istic of this work is its pragmatic, fluid char-
tions in work practices. Although it is crucial acter. Like other complex work activities, it is
to stress the importance of the ‘social’ in a characterized by the constant emergence of
predominantly technology-oriented environ- contingencies that require ad hoc and prag-
ment [17,35], there is no distinct set of ‘issues’ matic responses. Although much work fol-
that has to be ‘dealt with’ in developing IT lows routinized paths, the complexity of
applications. Nor are there pre-fixed ‘human health care organizations and the never fully
factors’ that inevitably come to play. In the predictable nature of patients’ reactions to
practices that are at stake, technologies and interventions result in an ongoing stream of
humans are closely interwoven, with more or sudden events. These have to be dealt with on
less frictions, aligned towards the perfor- the spot, by whomever happens to be present,
mance of common tasks. Which ‘issues’ and and with whatever resources happen to be at
‘factors’ are at stake depends on the network hand [2,24]. In addition, and partly because
in question. When the network changes, the of this phenomenon, health care work is typ-
M. Berg / International Journal of Medical Informatics 55 (1999) 87–101 91

ified by ongoing negotiations about the na- adequate knowledge of local

ture of the tasks and the relationships be- circumstances. …[Since] no formal descrip-
tween those who execute the tasks [38,39]. tion of a system (or plan for its work)
The sociologist Hughes [40], for example, has can…be complete…every realworld system
documented how experienced nurses often thus requires articulation to deal with the
help inexperienced residents by suggesting the unanticipated contingencies that arise. Ar-
way towards the diagnosis, or by hinting ticulation resolves these inconsistencies by
towards the necessary treatment. These are packaging a compromise that ‘gets the job
subtle interactions: the doctors are formally done’, that is, that closes the system locally
responsible for these actions, and their social and temporarily so that work can go on.
status disallows them to be too ignorant too [38] (cf. [24,43])
openly. Likewise, physicians in Dutch hospi- Although it can be seen as the ‘glue’ that
tals often informally negotiate with nurses holds complex work practices together, artic-
that the latter order routine drugs, or give ulation work tends to be paradoxically invisi-
intravenous injections, while they are ‘offi- ble to outsiders [44,45]. It does not result in
cially’ not allowed to do that. clear-cut ‘products’, it is not highly valued,
Health care work is further characterized and it is generally not even recognized in
by its distributed decision making, by ‘multi- work descriptions or by managers. It will
ple viewpoints’ and by its ‘inconsistent and come as no surprise that in health care, pri-
evolving knowledge bases’ [38,41,42]. During marily nurses and assistants perform this
the patient’s trajectory, many authors and work.
events exert their influence on the course of The sociotechnical view of ‘work’, then, is
events. There is rarely one individual who at odds with traditional views of work preva-
truly oversees the whole chain of events and lent within IT development in at least two
decisions. More often, the shape of the trajec- ways. First of all, it emphasizes the need to
tory is the contingent result of small decisions address ‘cooperative work processes’ rather
and steps taken by individuals from diverse than discrete tasks for individuals. Most dis-
backgrounds and with varying viewpoints cussions and concrete attempts in health care
about what is the case and what should be informatics focus on the individual doctor or
done. nurse, and model his/her ‘decision making
All these features of health care work point process’ as if that could be depicted as a
towards the importance of the last character- sequence of logically distinguishable steps
istic to be discussed here: the ‘articulation’ [18,46,47]. Most concrete designs ‘seem to
work that keeps such complex practices go- encompass a rather restricted view of collab-
ing. The sociologists Gerson and Star, speak- oration’: a design that assumes individuals
ing about complex work activities in general, using the computer alone, for individual
describe this work as such: tasks, which have to be completed before
all the tasks involved in assembling, another user might continue [48]. They might
scheduling, monitoring, and coordinating focus on the importance of order entry, but
all of the steps necessary to complete a they will rarely focus on the way order entry,
production task. This means carrying for example, is intermingled with the ‘larger
through a course of action despite local process of assessing/reassessing patient
contingencies, unanticipated glitches, in- status…and developing the care strategy’
commensurable opinions and beliefs, or in- [49]. And they may pay much attention to the
92 M. Berg / International Journal of Medical Informatics 55 (1999) 87–101

development of a nicely looking clinical given the dangers of importing too much
workstation, but just how this workstation’s pre-fixed structure in health care work, and
functions will be used in meetings or by given the resources that are currently spent
residents that are constantly interrupted on creating more fine-grained, more directive
rarely receives sufficient attention [49,50]. protocols for more aspects of this work, it is
Second, the sociotechnical view of ‘work’ imperative to continue querying what ‘good’
fundamentally undermines the idea that the all these efforts will bring. In the light of
‘essence’ of work practices can be caught in increasing evidence that too much structure
pre-fixed workflows, clinical pathways, for- obstructs worktasks and puts additional bur-
mal task descriptions or other formal models dens on health care personnel [55,58,59],
[38,51]. Such descriptions are useful (see also careplans are being produced and promoted
further), but it should not be forgotten that as if ‘more is better’. In the light of abundant
they are only highly incomplete, summarized sociological evidence as to information-rich-
and rigid depictions of the modeled work ness of free text and the practical efficacy of
practices. There is no a priori or algorithmic brief, handwritten notes [16,28,60], such prac-
connection between any particular formal de- tices are being scolded as ‘non-scientific’, ‘un-
scription of an action and its specific occur- professional’ and ‘outdated’ [61,62]. This is
rence [52]. Any concrete work activity only not to say that there are no problems with
unfolds ‘in the doing’, in constant interaction current practices, or that formal tools hold
with the contingent circumstances that make no promise-far from it (see Section 3.2). Yet
up the situation in which it is located [51]. A as I will argue in Section 3, we will only be
gynecologist confronted with a newly preg- able to fully realize these benefits when we
nant patient, for example, can leave the ‘stan- adapt a more empirically informed view of
dard’ path of actions because of a myriad of the work of doctors and nurses, and a more
reasons. The patient might be so insecure modest view of what these newest ‘solutions’
that she foregoes some routine tests in order can bring.
to comfort her; she might skip a standard
blood test because she knows that a colleague 2.3. Empirical orientation, with emphasis on
whom is also treating this patient will per- qualitati6e methods
form this test anyway; she might not ask
certain ‘standard’ questions because of a par- It follows from the above characteristics
ticularly painful history of a stillborn child. that the sociotechnical approach emphasizes
The list is endless. the importance of deep empirical insight into
This issue is important to stress because the work practices in which an IT application
rationalist, technology-centered discourses will be used. It is imperative to acquire in-
are still all-pervasive within our field. Such sight into the ongoing workflow and ‘negoti-
discourses emphasize the messiness of current ated orders’ [63] of these practices before we
work practices, the need to weed out variabil- can even begin to consider developing (or
ity in practice, and the opportunities of buying) a system. Similarly, we need to know
PCISs, protocols and other such tools to what the specific network that constitutes a
finally bring ‘structure’ and ‘rationality’ to health care practice looks like before we can
the work of doctors and nurses. This issue is think of realizable implementation strategies
complex and multifaceted, and cannot be sat- or meaningful evaluation criteria. The socio-
isfactorily dealt with here [2,53–57]. Yet technical approach is thus skeptical of ratio-
M. Berg / International Journal of Medical Informatics 55 (1999) 87–101 93

nalist models in which the existence of Qualitative research methods are similarly
common goals, predetermined tasks and a essential to any thorough evaluation of an IT
limited number of formal procedures is implementation. Simple quantitative mea-
assumed and therefore found wherever one sures (such as user satisfaction, usage indica-
looks [15]. Models may aim at universality, tors, time studies) may be useful, but
at being generalizable over individual they need to be grounded in qualitative data
health care practices, but this should be a so that their meaning can be understood.3
bottom – up exercise, generalizing from Why is satisfaction high for function A
empirical cases. It should not be a top– but low for B? What is the reason for fluctu-
down approach of creating universal ‘domain ating use times? Such questions can only
information models’ in which all concrete be thoroughly answered through detailed,
instances of actual health care practices qualitative research [35,67]. The broad,
should fit. Nor should we loose ourselves socio-cultural and political implications that
in trying to map the ‘basic structure of IT applications can have in health care
medical knowledge’; to create a ‘foundation’ practices, moreover, is an additional argu-
upon which then all individual instances of ment for using qualitative evaluation meth-
medical action could be easily mapped. Such ods. Since impacts can be wide-ranging and
exercises are fruitless at best—and all too unpredictable, pre-set measurement instru-
often result in stifling and rigid frameworks ments often miss the most relevant changes
[64]. that take place, or loose track of the way
The required empirical knowledge can variables affect one another [68,69]. Finally,
be made available in two ways, which qualitative research methods are the most
should both be used. First, end users should suitable way to study changes in tasks, roles
be involved (see Section 3.1), and second, and responsibilities. We may do a time-study
qualitative research methods need to be em- of documentation practices, but if the nature
ployed. The use of interviews is generally not of a nurse’s tasks changes, the time-study
adequate for the level of insight required: looses most of its relevance. Typically, imple-
ideally, participant observation forms the menting PCISs generates such changes, and a
starting point of any sociotechnical develop- central focus of the system’s evaluation
ment or evaluation process. It is difficult to should be a thorough investigation of these
acquire a feeling for the intricate interrela- [2].
tions between health care professionals and
(paper or electronic) documentation tech- 3
More complex quantitative measures — such as overall eco-
niques without having seen the work patterns nomic return, or overall impact on health care outcomes—
itself. Likewise, to get a grasp on the flows have proven to be methodological nightmares, and have only
rarely yielded unequivocal results. Reasons are, amongst oth-
and forms of information a health care ers, the broad and diffuse impact of the implementation of IT
professional handles in a specific ‘patient systems in organizations, and the state of general structural
care scenario’ [49], we cannot limit our- change in which most health care organizations find them-
selves. In a network in which professionals’ tasks are changing,
selves to interviews or surveys. Without new views on quality are emerging and cultural notions of
detailed, on-site insight, an adequate grasp what proper documentation means are transforming, it is
of what IT functionalities should be avail- virtually impossible to distill and causally link the influence of
one fixed variable — the IT application — on another. See Ref.
able in what form is practically impossible [66] for a fair juxtaposition of quantitative and qualitative
[65]. evaluation methods.
94 M. Berg / International Journal of Medical Informatics 55 (1999) 87–101

3. Implications of a sociotechnical approach The sociotechnical approach argues that

development projects should be seen and
Adoption of a sociotechnical approach has managed as being the politically textured,
implications for a range of issues within the organizational change processes that they in-
development and evaluation of IT applica- evitably are. Closing one’s eyes for these real-
tions in work practices. It changes the way ities can only lead to failure through
we think about the very concept of medical ‘resistance’ and even ‘sabotage’ by users who
information [55,70,71], it transforms our view are not taken seriously [3,17]. System devel-
of the way IT is embedded within organiza- opment projects, then, need to be user-cen-
tions [72,73] and it problematizes any sugges- tered. This implies more than a GUI, good
tions of a ‘formula’ for successful system communication or adequate training pro-
development [3,11,37]. It is impossible to do grams. To obtain this support, to generate
justice to all these implications in the scope of commitment and to ensure user-driven design
this article. Here, two implications will be and implementation, users need to be in-
developed in some detail: the merging of the volved early, thoroughly and systematically
activities of development and evaluation in [49,78,79]. This is easy to state as a slogan,
an iterative, cyclical process, and the posi- yet hard to achieve in practice: balancing the
tioning of the formal IT application within do-ability of a project and the granting of
the fluid and pragmatic nature of health care user-input is a very complex task. Preventing
work. conflicts between users to thwart the project,
preventing the project to become a mere
users’ wish list, and keeping an overall, co-
3.1. An iterati6e process in which system herent information strategy in place are just a
de6elopment and e6aluation acti6ities merge few of the challenges that await any such
project [8,80,81].
Developing an IT application in health The work of PCIS analysis, design and
care practices can never be a process of ‘sim- implementation, then, can itself be described
ply installing and using a new technology’ in the same terms as health care work has
[15]. The deep intertwinement between tech- been described above: it is a collective, coop-
nological and human elements of the net- erative enterprise, which is characterized by
works at stake implies that any design and the constant stream of contingencies. Ongo-
implementation attempt is necessarily related ing negotiations about the scope and aims of
to widespread transformations in these net- the project, the role of the project manage-
works. Whether the system developers are ment and the responsibilities of the project
aware of this phenomenon or not, these pro- team members are the rule rather than the
cesses are inevitably political. They affect the exception. Here as well, decision making is
distribution of responsibilities and the hier- distributed, and work is guided by multiple
archies between professionals and between viewpoints and inconsistent and evolving
professionals and management [45,70,74]. knowledge bases [38,82–84].
Different groups might see the technology as Because of the political nature of these
a way to achieve their potentially conflicting processes and the importance of the user, and
goals [59,75], and the technology, conse- because of the fundamentally unpredictable
quently, may embed values and assumptions nature of these change processes, an iterative
that are not shared by everyone [64,76,77]. approach to development is required. Start-
M. Berg / International Journal of Medical Informatics 55 (1999) 87–101 95

ing with central organizational needs, feedback from early implementations imme-
systems have to be developed step by step, diately informs further analysis and design.
so that the changes in technology and With design continuing during implementa-
work practices can evolve together [11]. tion, and ‘evaluation’ informing analysis and
Contrary to top–down design and implemen- design, ‘analysis’, ‘design’, ‘implementation’
tation attempts, iterative approaches ac- and ‘evaluation’ become co-occurring activi-
knowledge the impossibility to foresee ties. These processes should be organized and
all consequences, and they can creatively managed as such, and the different expertise
draw upon encountered problems or unantic- required should be integrated in any PCIS
ipated use in the further development of the project team.
system. For traditional, top–down ap- A modest and imperfect example of such
proaches, such inevitable effects can only ob- a process has been described in this journal
struct the implementation and proper before [16]. In the adaption of a com-
functioning of the technology. Iterative ap- mercial PCIS package for Intensive Care
proaches, on the other hand, allow for cre- departments to the specific needs of a IC
ative, organizational and technological in a Dutch Research Hospital, IC nurses
co-development. and an anaesthesiologist from the depart-
ment in which the system would be placed
Successful development processes, then, do
were trained so that they could take full
not emerge from attempts to install ‘hege-
responsibility for the tailoring process. In
monic’ systems whose rationality and power
this way, the distinction between ‘users’
subsumes all other elements. Rather, ‘power-
and ‘designers’ truly blurred, and ongoing
ful technical systems comprise…artful inte-
evaluations from real-time use were con-
grations’ between working practices and new
stantly fed back into the ongoing tailoring
and old devices [37]. Such integrations should
process. The pressure and presence of
be allowed to gradually emerge rather than real-time demands, and the ongoing co-
brought about through enforced revolution occurrence of design and evaluation continu-
[39]. This is even true for such seemingly ally ensured an artful integration of the sys-
technical and elementary issues such as stan- tem with the surrounding working routines.
dards (compare, for example, the success of Part of the success of this implementation,
the pragmatically structured, flexible and bot- however, was due to the small scale of the
tom – up developed Internet protocols with sociotechnical change: record keeping proce-
the small impact of the formalistic, layered, dures in the wards around the Intensive Care
inflexible and top–down structure of the remained unchanged. This obviously gener-
ISO/OSI alternatives) [72,85,86]. ‘Growing’ ated problems when patients were transferred
such systems implies entering ‘into an ex- between wards. A larger sociotechnical
tended set of working relations, of contests change might involve introducing similar
and alliances’ [11,37]. In such a process, the packages on these surrounding wards—yet
distinctions between system ‘analysis’, ‘de- one problem that is encountered is that the
sign’, ‘implementation’ and ‘evaluation’ blur. vendor of the IC PCIS package does not
Strictly speaking, within a sociotechnical per- provide ‘general ward’ packages that would
spective it hardly makes sense to consider suit the needs of a surgical or internal
them as separate activities [81,83]. Users are medicine ward. (See for other examples, e.g.
involved from early on in the analysis, and Refs. [11,49]).
96 M. Berg / International Journal of Medical Informatics 55 (1999) 87–101

3.2. The PCIS as a tool in health care work and higher levels of complexity in work tasks
can be achieved [20,57,87,91].
What is it that IT applications can do in Several important observations follow
health care work? If we ban all advertisement from seeing the tool as being interrelated
rhetoric and tendencies towards hegemonic with other elements in the performance of
systems, we can discern two modest yet po- overall tasks. First of all, conceptualizing IT
tentially powerful roles that PCISs can play applications as tools that form ‘artful integra-
in health care work. Information technologies tions’ with health care professionals and
enable professionals and organizations to ‘ac- other instruments focuses the attention away
cumulate’ data-elements into meaningful from overly ambitious attempts to ‘replace’
wholes and to ‘coordinate’ complex processes the paper record, or to ‘clean up’ medical
of interaction and collaboration [87]. They decision making. IT applications should be
collect and aggregate data entered (into a developed so that their practical strengths
graph, list or possibly a reminder) and so articulate optimally with the practical
afford new levels of overview, and they link strengths of health care professionals and, for
activities of doctors and nurses across differ- example, paper documents. This is a different
ent times and spaces [88]. IT’s potential to and more fruitful focus than attempts to
take over these tasks is often greatly exagger- ‘mirror’ doctor’s reasoning or to create a
ated. The active and efficient way in which ‘paperless’ environment. Too often, designers
paper-based documentation technologies can and managers mistakenly invest in ‘smart
perform these roles is generally underesti- machine’ solutions because they overestimate
mated. Also, even when IT applications are the self-sufficient powers of IT, and overlook
omnipresent in a workpractice they only the skills that are already present in the work
touch upon a part of the information han- practice. In such circumstances, a more
dling and coordination that takes place ‘dumb’ solution, with a retraining of already
[18,87,89 – 91]. Yet PCISs obviously may per- rather skilled personnel, would often be
form accumulation and coordination func- cheaper and easier [95]. Similarly, because
tions more powerfully than traditional paper designers and managers underestimate the
based documents could. IT applications can richness and ‘ecological flexibility’ of paper
bring their computational power to bear to documents, useful resources and work rou-
create summaries, graphs or reminders [92– tines are often destroyed and replaced with
94], and fast electronic links can ensure coor- much less flexible and more expensive ‘solu-
dination between events taking place in tions’ [48,95]. IT is better in repetitively
geographically separate locations. amassing and monitoring data than in mak-
In general terms, then, information tech- ing patient-specific judgments about them. It
nologies afford networks to span over larger is excellent in fast transmission and search
numbers of entities. Larger numbers of data capabilities, but it lacks paper’s ability to be
can be assembled and dealt with by the same shuffled around, leafed through, and provide
professional, and more events in more dis- overview [48,89].
tinct spaces and times can be brought to- Finally, this analysis returns us to the
gether. This is the generative power of formal seeming conflict between the fluid, coopera-
tools: in the interlocking of such tools with tive and necessarily ‘messy’ nature of work
human work activities, new competencies for practice and the formal, standardized and
health care professionals can be produced, comparatively rigid functioning of IT. As
M. Berg / International Journal of Medical Informatics 55 (1999) 87–101 97

stated in Section 2, one of the largest mis- properly developed PCISs, the functioning of
takes that PCIS developers can make is at- these systems in their turn enhances the pro-
tempting to ‘replace’ the messy and ad hoc fessional’s responsibilities and competencies.
nature of that work with the straightforward- In well-designed systems, coding data and
ness and ‘rationality’ that the system seems to working upon preset carepaths can generate
promise. One of the most dangerous yet the possibility to do research, or alleviate the
widespread tendencies in the field of PCIS burden of routine tasks [57,87]. In the IC
development is taking the tool’s characteris- PCIS system described above, for example,
tics as ideals to which the work practice the system helped calculate the fluid balance
should be molded. Rather, the optimal uti- in a way which saved the nurses time and
lization of PCISs is dependent on the meticu- gave them continuous access to the current
lous ‘interrelation’ of the system’s functioning value of the fluid balance (whereas with the
with the skilled and pragmatically oriented paper system, the actual value would only be
work of health care professionals. First of all, calculated once every 24 h) [16]. Similarly,
formal tools such as PCISs only survive in several general practitioner PCIS systems
health care practices because of the skilful have well-developed, simple coding schemes
work of health care professionals. Tools that built in, so that the GPs can ‘code’ their
embed pre-fixed sequences of steps in a care diagnoses and actions with a few simple
process, or that only allow certain modes of mouseclicks [94]. In a well-guided develop-
data input would perish amidst the contin- ment process, the application and the health
gencies and pragmatic needs that characterize care professionals ‘enable each other to affect
health care work—were it not for the balanc- each other’ in their mutual interactions.
ing acts of health care professionals. These When tools are carefully inserted in the prag-
professionals translate vague answers into matically structured activities of nurses and
one of the preset ‘codes’ on the form, or doctors rather than seen as a ‘solution’ to this
modify a proposed care path so that a patient ‘messy’ nature, their skilful interaction with
can spend a weekend with his family, or do the tool will afford it to exert, in its turn, its
several diagnostic tests in one batch. They generative power.
often establish ‘workarounds’ to trick the
system so that it keeps on functioning with-
out interfering with the acute, practical situa- 4. Conclusion
tion at hand [96,97]. (One workaround, for
example, is a nurse resetting the computer’s The sociotechnical approach cannot be
clock so that orders can be entered post hoc seen as a simple ‘solution’ to the many prob-
[87]). Formal tools such as PCISs, then, para- lems haunting PCIS development. It does not
doxically seem to be kept ‘alive’ by the very automatically yield a list of superior system
same ad hoc and pragmatic activities that requirements, nor does it answer the every-
they are often set out to erase. The ‘irra- day problems of a manager in charge of an
tional’ practices that the ‘rationalizing’ tools implementation project. The approach raises
would smooth out actually are a ‘sine qua several issues that have no easy answers: how
non’ for the tools’ smooth functioning to find the optimal form for the iterative
[2,96,98]. development process in an environment full
The skilful activities of health care profes- of economic pressures for ‘fast results’, diver-
sionals keep PCISs functioning— and in gent interests, and inflexible IT applications?
98 M. Berg / International Journal of Medical Informatics 55 (1999) 87–101

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