V. Police Q'S

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Police operational planning /records and personnel management

1. These include both expandable and non-expandable commodities

except real property.
a. Personal property c. Non-expandable supplies
b. Expandable supplies d. Supplies

2. They are commodities which are durable in nature and when used
do not suffer any substantial alteration in form and size.
a. Personal property c. Non-expandable supplies
b. Expandable supplies d. Supplies

3. They are perishable and consumable in nature.

a. Personal property c. Non-expandable supplies
b. Expandable supplies d. Supplies

4. In directing the efforts of subordinates under a particular

command, which among the following is not considered as an
efficient means in attaining proper direction to achieve pre-
determined goals?
a. Observation c. Guidance
b. Inspection d. All of the above

5. Training required for promotion to the rank of P/Insp.

a. OSEC c. OBC
b. POAC d. OCC

6. It is derived from repeated practices and custom, duties and

responsibilities vested upon a certain organization and rules of
conduct for common observance and benefit.
a. Authority c. Responsibility
b. Law d. Delegation

7. The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines

mandated the creation of the Philippine National Police, what
provision of the fundamental law prescribed that it would assume
an identity of civilian in character and national in scope.
a. Article VI Section XVI c. Article III Section V
b. Article III Section IV d. Article XVI Section VI

8. It is a function of management, which makes the supervisors

and superior officers within the chain of command to make
decisions in advance.
a. Organizing c. Directing
b. Planning d. Staffing

9. It is part of the functions of management wherein the proper

allocation and distribution of able personnel into positions for
which their capabilities would afford optimum output.
a. Organizing c. Staffing
b. Budgeting d. Planning
10. It refers to entrustment of a particular workload to some
other person within an organization making him accountable for
the accomplishment of said undertaking.
a. Command Responsibility c. Directing
b. Delegation d. All of the above

11. Obligation imposed by law and regulation on any morals of the

personnel for the proper use, care and maintenance of supplies
entrusted to him.
a. Property accountability c. Personal
b. Property responsibility d. Responsibility

12. Primary obligation to keep forward and maintain actual record

of equipment, supplies entrusted to an office/personnel.
a. Property accountability c. Personal
b. Property responsibility d. Responsibility

13. An obligation imposed by regulation and law to the property

custodian to keep and maintain informed records of supplies and
equipment entrusted to him.
a. Property accountability c. Personal
b. Property responsibility d. Responsibility

14. Performance budgeting is a concept generally contrasted with

budgeting by:
a. Object expenditure c. Distance and time
b. Revenue d. Economy

15. In order to be ascertained that essential supplies will be

available when needed the property custodial or supply officer
a. Undertake monthly inventories.
b. Order supplies in advance
c. Decide on a reserve minimum on every kind of supply and re-
order when the minimum level is reached.
d. Secure and estimate the need for a particular supply.

16. A superior officer may attain good professional relationship

with his subordinates by:
a. Being formal at all times c. Being mildly friendly to them
b. Being lenient at all times d. Helping them in times of

17. A subordinate who does better work than other but constantly
complains about his status and work to other men, which affects
the unit’s morale, should be dealt with by:
a. Giving him work overloads to minimize communication with
b. Transferring him to other units.
c. Secretly conversed with by the superior officer him to secure
cooperation without giving him special considerations.
d. Reprimanded for insubordination.

18. A subordinate who frequently asks his superior officer

regarding problems with decisions making:
a. Has not fully assumed the authority entrusted to him.
b. Has not been given proper delegation of authority
c. Has poor decision making skills.
d. Looks upon his superior officer like a father asking for

19. A subordinate who usually tries to please his superiors on

everything he does shows that he:
a. Lacks self confidence
b. Tries to impress and please his superiors
c. Loves praises and admiration
d. Tries to cover up for some deficiencies.

20. Most frequent cause of employee dissatisfaction.

a. Favoritism
b. Strict implementation of rules and regulations.
c. Failure to prepare employees in policy and procedural
d. Over-worked and under-compensated.

21. The policy making body of any organization is

a. Top management c. Executive board
b. Administration d. Executive officer

22. The implementation arm of the administration of any

organization is:
a. Management Council c. Operational Services
b. Administrative board d. Chain of command

23. It is a Graphic illustration showing the workings and

accomplishment of the department as a whole organization
a. Charts of Accomplishments c. Communications data
b. Chronological distribution d. Statistical

24. It is the apparent right or authority by which an officer

justifies his acts thru his police badge, certificate, writ or
a. De facto authority c. Color of authority
b. Delegated authority d. Deputized authority

25. A central or focal points of a police department at which

complaints are stated and recorded
a. Complaints Sheet c. Complaint desk
b. Complaints records d. Record book of events
26. It is distribution of authority and responsibility from top
management to lower level officers
a. Decentralization c. Command centralization
b. De-regulation d. Delegation of authority

27. Is a situation where there is an appointment of a person to

act for another or others. It is done in a form of downward
authority; whereas, the responsibility flows upward
a. Regionalization c. Decentralization
b. Delegation of authority d. Delegation of

28. Systematic assignment of functions to units in a police force

a. Police organization c. Police supervision
b. Police management d. Police personnel

29. Logical arrangement of duties and responsibilities to members

within an organization
a. Police organization c. Police supervision
b. Police management d. Police personnel

30. A police officer who demonstrates most serious lack of

leadership qualities is one who:
a. Seldom delegates authority to subordinate
b. Seldom asks others to do what he himself is not willing to
c. Allows his men to hold group meetings to discuss their work
d. Frequently praises subordinates in the presence of others

31. In the concept of Personnel management the most serious

problem currently facing Philippine Police Authorities is:
a. Discipline c. Recruitment
b. Assignment d. Promotion

32. The police organization unit that does the most jobs to
coordinate and relate together the other functional units in a
policy agency is:
a. Personnel Division c. Criminalistic Division
b. Records Management Division d. Finance Division

33. Is the organization functions that synchronizes all

operations and staff activities
a. Planning c. Coordinating
b. Controlling d. Directing

34. The executive function that combines for its effectiveness,

the use of inspection, periodic reporting, following-up and the
a. Planning c. Coordinating
b. Controlling d. Directing

35. A supervisor’s Span of Control is generally determined in

terms of:
a. Number of subordinates directly reporting to him
b. Number of superiors to who one reports
c. Number of superiors from who he takes orders
d. Number of tasks assigned

36. Liaison work as a related management job is mostly undertaken

while engaged in:
a. Planning c. Directing
b. Coordinating d. Controlling

37. Control is implemented among others by inspection: This means

that the main function of inspection is:
a. Maintain discipline c. Insure uniformity of
b. Acquire information d. Supervisions

38. In allocating authority in a police organization. Integration

a. Placing responsibility for final decisions to a Council
b. Providing administrator responsibility to refer all decisions
to the chief executive officer
c. Gathering into the hands of an administrator all
administrative authority for the agency
d. Delegating appropriate responsibility for each integral unit

39. Which of the following Procedures has least value to the

officer charge with responsibility for police functions.
a. Historical method c. Clinical method
b. Experimental control d. Case study method

40. The best measurement of effectiveness of each unit or

division in a police force is:
a. Its inter-relationship with the community
b. Its inter-relationship with all units of the police force
c. The condition of accomplishment of its primary purpose
d. Its inter-relationship with closely related units of the

41. One of the fundamental principles of leadership is “to know

your men”, as a newly appointed supervisor, you should:
a. Call a conference and compel full attendance of your
b. Talk with all of them personally.
c. Study the personnel records of your new unit.
d. Organized an informal get together to be acquainted with
42. A subordinate who never fails to comply with policy manual,
rules and procedures, should be:
a. Re-assigned to do legal and research work.
b. Advised to use police discretion.
c. Held responsible for an intelligent compliance of the policy
d. Ignored because he merely wants everybody to know that he is
more familiar with the rules than everybody else in the unit.

43. Dynamic elevation of qualified personnel to assignments of

greater importance based on merits and fitness.
a. Promotion c. Special promotion
b. Regular promotion d. Meritorious promotion

44. Total period acquired in a certain grade in permanent status.

a. Time in grade c. Performance
b. Eligibility d. Seniority in rank

45. Refers to the overall gross worth and capability of an

individual to assume a higher post.
a. Time in grade c. Seniority in rank
b. Performance d. Potential

46. They refer to procedures in coping with specific situations

at known locations.
a. Standard operating procedures c. Special operating
b. Tactical plans d. Operational plans

47. This maps out advance operations involved in the

organization, management of personnel, procurement and funds.
a. Extra-departmental plans c. Management plans
b. Office plans d. Operational plans
48. They refer to plans which are prepared to address the primary
police task.
a. Tactical plans c. Management plans
b. Operational plans d. Strategic plans

49. Intended to be used in all situations and serves as a guide

to officers on the field.
a. Operational plans c. Management plans
b. Tactical plans d. Field procedures

50. It covers records division operations as well as reporting

a. Operational plans c. Management plans
b. Office procedures d. Field procedures

51. The problem of simplification of procedures is best

approached by:
a. Prepare and analyze a work progress chart
b. Prepare and analyze a functional organizational chart
c. Analyze the position classification scheme
d. Prepare and analyze a work flow chart

52. A basis of organizational division of work least often used

in a police department is:
a. Clientele c. Purpose and objectives
b. Area of responsibility d. Time and process needed

53. A specialist in a police force to ensure functional

efficiency should be placed in charged of a particular:
a. Staff function c. Geographical area of
b. Line function d. Line and Staff combined

54. Among the police auxiliary functions hereunder listed, which

function should be excluded?
a. Record management c. Logistics management
b. Jail management d. Inspection management

55. Members of the police department on special occasions are

directed to report directly to their places of assignment is to:
a. Save on traveling time c. Eliminate roll call
b. Insure complete coverage d. Make it easier for men to

56. In organizing for shifting hours of duty, the highest degree

of efficiency is obtained when there is provided the:
a. Smallest load fluctuation between shifts
b. Smallest load fluctuation within a given shift
c. Largest load fluctuation between shifts
d. Largest load fluctuation within a given shift

57. In a police department where 8 hour shifts are used, which of

the following standards provides the best to determine the
breaking point for the watches?
a. Watches should be so broken that the need for patrol is at
the minimum at the breaking times.
b. Watches should be so broken that the need for patrol
services tends to be equal for all watches
c. Watches should be so broken that in each watch, the load is
greater in the first half than in the second half of the next
d. Watches be so broken to ensure maximum manpower at each

58. Budgeting as an administrative function is primarily a phase

a. Planning c. Coordinating
b. Staffing d. Directing

59. The concept of performance budgeting as differentiated from

budgeting by:
a. Economy forecasting c. Public relations
b. Human relations d. Police community relations

60. The bringing about of better understanding, confidence and

acceptance for a person or an organization is:
a. Human relations c. Community relations
b. Public relations d. Rapport

61. The best justification for having limits of authority and

responsibility in an organization like the police department is.
a. Some officers may be more competent than others
b. Some subordinates may be more educated than some of the
c. Responsibility is most properly mutual and interrelated
d. Overlapping authority will generally lead to conflicts

62. Which is correct grouping of police functions:

a. Training, budgeting, inspecting and investigation
b. Training, community relations, inspection and
c. Personnel management inspections, community relation,
d. Jail management, records management, property management,

63. In cases involving infraction of rules and regulations by

newly recruited policemen, the supervisor should:
a. Temper discipline with the understanding
b. Be strict to impress them with a sense of duty
c. Tolerate minor infraction for a short time
d. Treat any infraction alike regardless of the violation

64. In dealing with a new recruit, a good supervisor:

a. Praises the new policeman even if he failed to do what
should de done
b. Praises work done above standard
c. Constructively criticizes work done below standard
d. Comments nothing

65. One of the following, which one is the best way of beginning
a constructive critique of the report of your subordinate
a. This is quite ok, but I tell you can make it better
b. You know you can do better work than this
c. You’ll never learn how to write better if you keep this up
d. This is partly right, now take it back and fix it

66. A kind of supervisor who promptly conducts a complete and

formal hearing as soon as a dispute among his subordinates comes
to his attention
a. Democratic c. Tyrannical
b. One-sided d. Paternalistic
67. The main reason of letting the employee know about the
personnel policy of an organization is to:
a. Maintain morale and efficiency c. Induce their
b. Get them to accept the policies d. Work hard for

68. Which of the following is the best method to handle

patrolman’s grievances request which you know cannot be granted
a. Deny to request for not being timely
b. Explain why his request cannot be granted
c. Show him his request is reasonable
d. After due explanation, tell him to take it or leave it

69. A good attitude for a police supervisor to obtain the

confidence of his men is to:
a. Behave in a fatherly like attitude
b. Fraternize with all his subordinate
c. Make promises which can be fulfilled
d. Seek to know their problems before proposing a solution

70. Which of the following task of a supervisor may be best be

delegated to one of his subordinates under his subordinated:
a. Planning and scheduling
b. Assignment of Personnel
c. Keeping records and making reports
d. Cooperation/coordination with other supervisors/units

71. Encouraging policemen to ask questions about proper

performance of duties as best justified by:
a. The question and answer method is efficient when large number
of policemen are to be trained
b. The policemen who ask questions demonstrate a lack of general
job orientation
c. Learning by doing is an effective training rule
d. Confusion on even minor items can have serious consequences

72. To keep policemen on their toes, the most desirable method

for a police supervisor to follow is:
a. Employment of “private eye and ear “
b. Application of disciplinary measures for violation of
department rules and regulations
c. Encourage initiate via delegation of responsibility to
d. Conduct frequent test on their knowledge and alertness

73. The chief justification why competent superior officers

attempt to develop respect from, rather than fear on part of
their men under supervision is:
a. Respect is based on the individual and fear is based on the
organization as a whole
b. Respect of superiors is a general incentive, whereas fear is a
specific incentive
c. Experience has shown that negative incentives are more
effective than positive incentives
d. Men who respect a superior are likely to give more than the
minimum required performance

74. When subordinates do not make complaints, this means

supervisors are/ not:
a. Sufficiently approachable by their men
b. Devoting sufficient time checking on the men
c. Fault fingers
d. Pushing/inducing men sufficiently enough to maximum work

75. The statement, “We ought to recognize that our interest is

mutual and that by working together, we can achieve common
objective” is an approach by a supervisor discussing regulations
that is:
a. Good, because it promotes cooperation between officer and
b. Good, because it recognizes the status of the individual and
avoids favoritism
c. Poor, because such a method invites excessive criticism and
d. Poor, because appealing to the men is inviting to much

76. Command responsibility in police work means:

a. Each superior officer is held responsible for the acts of his
b. Each subordinate is held responsible for his act.
c. Discretionary authority should not be delegated
d. The chief of office alone is not responsible for all acts off

77. The basic objective of police discipline is to

a. Help train the man involve
b. Punish the offender
c. Prevent occurrence of a more serious offense
d. Carry out faithfully rules of department

78. The “ups and downs” of police morale is most closely

dependent on the:
a. Tightness of departmental discipline
b. Abilities of superior officers to lead/direct
c. Situation existing at emergencies
d. Day-today working conditions and personal relations

79. Subordinate personnel as a rule do not object to strict rules

if, they
a. See that results improve departmental procedures
b. Are aware that the rules are enforced without favor or
c. Believe the officer approves the regulation
d. See that the rules apply only to minor phases of work

80. It is sometimes more effective to warm subordinates than

institute for more service punishment is best validly supported
by the idea that:
a. Punishment is never deterrent
b. Punishment is often not appropriate for offense
c. Warnings may produce a more cooperative attitude
d. Warnings always create a greater impression than punishment

81. Training service work offers courses to new officers and men
of the Philippine National Police. What is the primary objective
of human resource development?
a. To improve their methods and skills
b. For advancement of their technical expertise
c. To refine behavioral patterns for job performance
d. To professionalize law enforcement and police service

82. Maximum tenure for the Chief of the PNP.

a. 3 years c. 5 years
b. 4 years d. 6 years

83. It refers to a quota allocated status change wherein the

candidate must satisfy all the mandatory requirements fixed for a
certain grade.
a. Mandatory promotion c. Meritorious promotion
b. Special promotion d. Regular promotion

84. For new applicants to the Philippine National Police the age
requirement must not be less than 20 nor more than 30 years of
age. However by way of the waiver program what would be the
maximum allowable age?
a. Over 30 years old c. Over 35 years old
b. Under 30 years old d. Under 35 years old
85. As to the provisions of Republic Act 8551, the Philippine
National Police shall reserve ten percent (10%) for its annual
recruitment, training and educational quota for women. Until what
year will said provision be enforceable?
a. 2000 c. 2002
b. 2001 d. 2003

86. What particular law mandated the creation of the Philippine

national Police?
a. The New Police Act of 1998
b. The Philippine national Police Reform and Reorganization Act
of 1998
c. The Philippine National Police Act of 1990
d. The Department of the Interiors and Local Government Act of
87. Total period of time has acquired in a certain grade.
a. Performance c. Time in grade
b. Potential d. Rank

88. What particular work area is involved primarily in the

accomplishment of the police purpose?
a. Line service Work c. Administrative service work
b. Auxiliary service work d. Training service work

89. Which particular agency of government is vested with the duty

of handling administrative control and supervision of the
Philippine National Police?
a. Department of the Interiors and Local Governments
b. Internal Affairs Service of the PNP
c. Peoples Law Enforcement Board
d. National Police Commission

90. After the quota for recruitment has been set by the DPRM, a
process of encouraging applicant to seek employment in the
Philippine National Police is set. What is the next process after
determining the most qualified applicants for appointment as
Uniformed or non-uniformed personnel of the PNP?
a. Training c. Staffing
b. Selection d. Placement

91. Which of the following supervisory tasks should never be

delegated to a subordinate
a. Write up of necessary reports
b. Supervision of a function for which he is responsible
c. Representation of management to the men and the men to the
d. Development of new procedures affecting all his men

92. A subordinate is emotionally upset when he reported to his

Supervisor with a problem; the superior should in all likelihood.
a. Allow employee to take his day off
b. Give immediate decision satisfactory to employee
c. Find out the policeman’s personal problem causing his
emotional disturbance
d. Help subordinate to calm himself before trying to discuss his

93. It is a function of management which deals primarily with

procedures as to what is needed to be done, who is to do it,
when, where and how it has to be accomplished. The superior
officer is then tagged with the proper guidance of his
subordinates to ensure the successful performance of said tasks.
a. Directing c. Supervising
b. Organizing d. Budgeting
94. Essential in the efficient performance of routine duties, in
the wise direction of police effort and supervision and control
of personnel.
a. Records c. Communications
b. Public relations d. Funding

95. This record maintains the arrest and jail booking report for
all persons arrested.
a. Arrest and warrant records c. Identification records
b. Administrative records d. Arrest and booking

96. Serves as the police department’s foundation record,

accomplished by the desk officer, or clerk, or telephone operator
receiving a call for police assistance.
a. Investigation report c. Complaint/assignment sheet
b. Case report d. Daily record of events

97. Theses records in personnel management are designed to aid in

assignments, promotions and disciplinary actions.
a. Case records c. 201 file
b. Identification records d. Administrative records

98. This general plan of action emanates from the highest or top
management and is intended to set-up guidelines in the operation
of the organization.
a. Originated policy c. Appealed policy
b. Imposed policy d. Procedures

99. It refers to the division of tasks of command among the

officers of various units.
a. Chain of command c. Delegation of authority
b. Command responsibility d. Personnel management

100. Any Philippine National Police uniformed personnel who are

admitted due to the said waiver program shall be given an
appropriate period to satisfy the accomplishment of the waived
requirement particularly referring to education and weight. What
would be his/her status while the said requirements are pending?
a. Regular uniformed personnel c. Permanent appointment
b. Conditional appointment d. Temporary Appointment

101. They are referred to as first level supervisors.

a. Administrators c. Executives
b. Policy makers d. Division chiefs

102. Rank and file means.

a. Personnel c. Staff
b. Subordinates d. Ordinary employee
103. It is leadership in which the commanding officer assumes
minimum control but provides materials, instructions and
information to his subordinates.
a. Free-rein leadership c. Autocratic leadership
b. Democratic leadership d. None of these

104. The art of influencing people in which the supervisor draws

ideas and suggestions from his subordinates by means of
consultation and discussion.
a. Free-rein leadership c. Autocratic leadership
b. Democratic leadership d. None of these

105. By this type of leadership, staff members are encourage to

participate in making decisions, goals and methods.
a. Free-rein leadership c. Autocratic leadership
b. Democratic leadership d. None of these

106. This refers to the ability to obtain from each member the
highest quality of service which he is capable of giving by which
the supervisor assumes full accountability for all the actions
and seeks obedience from his subordinates by issuing orders and
a. Free-rein leadership c. Autocratic leadership
b. Democratic leadership d. None of these

107. Executives are classified under the organizational pyramid

a. Top management level c. Middle management level
b. First level supervisor d. Second Level supervisor

108. Which among the following constitutes second level

a. Executives c. Administrators
b. Division chief d. Section chief

109. They are considered as the top management level in an

organizational pyramid.
a. Administrators c. Executives
b. Policy makers d. Both A and B

110. They provide definite guidelines to achieve consistent

treatment of employees.
a. Goals c. Policy
b. Vision d. Mission

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