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2/24/2019 Debate on Banning Porn in India, Do we should Ban Porn in India,Simply Decoded


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There has been a stimulating debate from past few days to ban porn in India according to a petition filed in
Supreme Court to justifying that porn is one of the causes for exponential increase in sexual crime in India
and watching pornography to be made a non-bailable offense.

Before we open the floor for intellectual discussion let us jaw down few facts here.

There has been no proof until now that every case of sexual violence in India relates to watching porn.
There is no viable study in respect of India that relates pornography has direct contact withsexual
violence against women.
According to study 30% of women around globe watch porn as well.
Sec.292 of the Indian Penal Code, which came about by Act 36 of 1969, watching or possessing
pornographic materials is legal, but distributing such materials is illegal and banned.

Question is are we trying to figure out core reason for sexual related violence? Or it’s just the new
debate to avoid discreet fingers on Indian Police? Is that rape is a cultural not a biological phenomenon?
As mainstream Indian (even world) society allows it to fester, providing it an impetus to grow. Or can
education be able to help? As in many cases well educated people also indulge into these crimes. Or
banning the porn will be able to reduce sexual violence?

Please stimulate the debate with your valuable comments.

Other Discussion Topics:   Proactive Judicial Activism,  Banning Porn in India,  Mr Modi and the dead
horse of Godhra.

21 Comments Sort by Oldest

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Abhijith Colote
Banning porn is not really a solution. Since there are no real proof that watching porn
necessarily does not instigate a rapist to rape. I think it a big excuse to cover up the
fact that we are not in a position to take more drastic steps against rape. For
example. We could increase the punishment. There was also something about
installing CCTV camera's in police stations were FIR's are filed. In My opinion this is
an absurd waste of time.
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Ruturaj Rajendra Bendkhale 1/9
2/24/2019 Debate on Banning Porn in India, Do we should Ban Porn in India,Simply Decoded

I am agree my friend but see we can utilise our free time to do something
creative or useful RATHER than watching a shity video which dose not have
Tweets by @ParveenKaswan
any meaning.
Parveen Kaswan, IFS Retweeted
And also the things we watch, our brain will start imagine those things and
one day it will be in action too. Mini Mathur
So the best way is to avoid yourself from watching porn and this ban on @minimathur
pornsites will not work any more. The best thing you will see today
If we stop watching porn then automatically porn sites will shutdown just like
snapchet (their users suddenly become low). 1h

Like · Reply · 2 · 1y
Parveen Kaswan, IFS
Indu Shanky Bansal @ParveenKaswan
banning porn is not the ultimate solution. For a better #morning. An #Elephant family
happily swimming across the #Periyar river. In
Like · Reply · 2 · 5y
spite of their heavy body #Elephants are
Avya San excellent swimmers, gives them enough
buoyancy. They can swim for hours while using
Ban POrn and your going to have more this rape shit...that's just the way I see
their trunks for snorkeling. Courtesy: DFD
it...You've gotta give people outlets to vent their sexual energy. if it doesn't come out
Periyar TR.
the way it should it will come out in another way...I kow ill get the shit for this but I
hope we make prostitution legalised...controlled but legalised....that should in my
opinion ease the situation.
Like · Reply · 5 · 5y

Akshay Kris
Banning porn in country such as India is a huge mistake which some have
committed. It must bring chaos and should create controversy. This is the least that
can be done. It is actually not a question of whether you and I can watch porn sitting
in our living rooms or hostel rooms comfortably as well as legally as much as it is a
question of our freedom being squeezed out of our lives. If politicians have tried
relating watching porn to crime on women, then they not only have actually
Parveen Kaswan, IFS
questioned the intellect of commoners but also fueled the rage that we generally
possess against the great poli… See More
Replying to @ParveenKaswan
Like · Reply · 4 · 5y
A small spark can burn hundreds of hectare of
DrRahul Usha Kailashnath Pathak forests. Not that fire is always bad, but not
necessarily always good also. Additionally it will
ya I think porn should be bannedd in india one of the reason is that it is obivous that
give our staff sleepless nights. This is live.
at certain age the look of boys towards girls changes but after watching porn it
changes in the other wayfirst it was attraction and now its lust for sex and according
to indian civil judges more divorce cases are filed because husbands demand the
same position ti br imitated that one in the porn videos and those who fail to do sso
are often beaten and resultind to divorce so in all porn is very much disadvante to
india and is not that their mind set is different but the thing is that if a person
watches porn he gets aroused and at same time if he sees any opposite sex in small
or transparent clothes he gets very much aroused resulting in rape or my final descision it should be banned.
Like · Reply · 5 · 5y

Parveen Bhardwaj 13h

See we must remember the fact that we grew up with all female around in form of
mother, sister or even friends at schools and colleges...kind of education n Parveen Kaswan, IFS
upbringing we r exposed to, we as men r not animals...this abominable mindset @ParveenKaswan
comes from decades n decades of cultural n social conditioning....a child see his Dear friends. This is time when maximum
father beating his mother...abusing sister and presume that women are weak enough #forest #fire incidences take place. Time when
as they are not allowed to take stand in our society...its time for serious trees are shedding leaves & ground #load is
consequences and rules which may be implemented... high.
Like · Reply · 1 · 5y - Do not #trek or visit forest without prior
Parveen Kaswan - Inform FD if you notice any fire.
The Problem is that Government is just doing witch hunting. It is same as banning - Do not burn anything near forests.
advertisements of food stuff to curb the problem of diseases caused by Food
Be #safe.
Like · Reply · 3 · 5y 14h

Abhijith Colote
Embed View on Twitter
Not really a debate if everyone wants porn.. lol
Like · Reply · 5y

Syko Facto
" It Must be Banned. " it encourages violence, Victimises Women & children, makes
men more weak, kills Ethical & Moral Values.......Any human who watch such things
gets Subconsciously Influenced by it so becomes weak.thz Becoming weak makes
people Lack self control & Discipline.. 2/9
2/24/2019 Debate on Banning Porn in India, Do we should Ban Porn in India,Simply Decoded
also Research says ' Every experience that is drawn through any of the senses has
an effect on one's health'..
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Vineet Sharma
Firstly, "banning" something is not feasible in todays webbed world.
More importantly, Who will enforce the ban and how?
We already have one of the lowest cops is to citizen ratio, is the police ,
overburdened , as it is, expected to enforce the ban?
Further, the legal system has a huge backlog of cases, adding Porno of fence
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40 thoughts on “Debate: Banning Porn in India”

Apoorv Agarwal
April 25, 2013 at 10:33 pm
When we talk about porn, I would like to point out that there are studies that have stated that watching it
helps in releasing sexual tension and makes the person feel better. Our society is not open when it comes to
issues that talk of sex and porn, even though many people watch it or have watched porn, they will
condemn it publicly. Just like always, we are again trying to find a scapegoat and some genius has come up
with this. Tell me dear readers, what are you going to ban next? Co-Ed Schools, or women in public for you
can only rape if you see the woman.

We need genuine solutions and not a witch hunt. People need to change their mindset and themselves.
Then only will disease that is sexual violence be eradicated.


Suarez karla
October 30, 2015 at 1:00 am
Your right


April 25, 2013 at 11:04 pm
it doesn’t make any sense rather than govt have to find some way so that prostitution take legal shape it will
help in curbing down the problem of sexual assault as well as will create more familiar enviornment for those
who are already in this. banning porn will in no way the no. of sexual assault against women we have to
change our holy book, mentality, selfish society along with change in the mindset of women.last one is
foremost imp. if they want security, justice, opportunity then they have to believe that they are not inferior, do
not ask separate bus,school,college,reservation just they have to unite at all places and i can bet no one will
dare to even say anything. one more thing banning porn deteriorate prevailing condition.


Suarez karla
October 30, 2015 at 1:02 am
Your Al right


Ankita Rastogi
May 6, 2013 at 7:41 pm
I dont think it would help in anyway…people do what they want…and watching porn is no crime at all…
coming to the exponential increase in rape cases i would say that Sex Education and awareness should be
tought at very basic level…there can be some pshychophant..those should be identified and get treated as
soon as possible…


May 8, 2013 at 2:45 pm
Porn of the softcore variety is generally harmless and pleasing to the psyche… but it is an alarming recent
trend that beastiality and violence and degradation of women has been passed around as hardcore porn. 3/9
2/24/2019 Debate on Banning Porn in India, Do we should Ban Porn in India,Simply Decoded
This is harmful to any impressionable young minds(believe me..they will find it on the net) and delinquents.
Ban harcore porn and bestiality. Porn isnt bad… degradation is.


June 8, 2013 at 10:36 am
banning porn is not the ultimate solution. making children not to access the porn must be considered.all the
countrys internet centers should install softwares that wouldnot allow to access porn . . it prevents the
children from watching porn. to some extent.


June 25, 2013 at 6:15 pm
Just banning porn is not going to solve the problem that is plaguing the Indian youth psyche. In this age of
technology circumventing the state digital blockade is not a big deal. People in a democracy are entitled for
choices be it right or wrong and should be equally prepared to face the consequences when a wrong
decision is made.

Porn is objectifying females in the society. Degrading,objectifying,typifying badly the half of the population is
not going to serve well for the moral fabric of the society.the recent Delhi gangrapists had watched porn
before commiting that heinous crime. in this age of mobile phones lots of juveniles are exposed to porn at a
tender age.Right from the young age many kids are rewired to view women as a sex object instead of
looking them as mothers/caring sisters/ teachers.

Some of the measures that the governement can take in addition to banning of porn are-
1. Check the vulgarity,skin shows in movies and tv shows which portray women in a stereotypical sexist
2. Educating among school children about the harmful effects of watching porn.
3. strengthen laws to punish those who are distributing/exchange porn materials
4. Strengthen and implement laws which punish atrocities against women.


July 31, 2013 at 11:35 am
this point is most appropriate!..going at the very basic level..the root cause of these women centric
crimes do comes from watching porn..


jay jain
August 11, 2015 at 10:52 pm
its correct


July 25, 2013 at 6:10 pm
COUNTRY hahaha. but seriously talking I mean no you can’t ban porn.


Arun Nair
August 6, 2013 at 12:54 pm
Cutting the supply will not curb the demand, for example in any drug de-addiction camp the action is on
cutting the need/demand/urge and this once achieved will gradually cut the supply.
“Watching Porn” as such is not the issue, well everyone of us goes through a phase in life when hormonal
changes leads you to a lot of curious explorations specially “Sexual”, and it is more than often this piont in
time when someone gets introduced to watching “Porn”, so the point is to have an effective “Coaching” in
place. Unfortunately in majority of the families talking about Sex is still a Taboo and this needs to be
changed. I think the Society should take the First Step by allowing open healthy discussions on these
matters and the rest will fall in place.
As such SWITCHING OFF porn is not going to bring any Radical Change rather it may have even Adverse
effect which we do not speculate or anticipate at this point in time.


August 21, 2013 at 8:34 pm 4/9
2/24/2019 Debate on Banning Porn in India, Do we should Ban Porn in India,Simply Decoded
Think about this before watching porn [thereby supporting porn industry]

1. The sex industry trafficks hundreds of thousands of women and children every year.
2. The industry is racist; white women get paid more than black women.
3. Porn is used by pedophiles to groom children for sexual abuse.
4. Major themes in modern porn are to do with abuse, not sex.
5. Studies show that porn addiction ruins people’s sex lives.
6. Studies show that men are more aggressive towards women after watching porn.
7. Porn addiction is now the leading cause of divorce.
8. Domestic violence and sexual assault/abuse perpetrators get ideas from watching porn.
9. There are high rates of injury, infection and long term health problems among porn workers.
10. Workers in the industry are not protected by industrial or workplace legislation.
11. What about men who “choose” to watch people being abused in order to get off?
12. Men don’t buy porn to see sex; they buy it to see women being punished. sex has nothing to do with it;
porn is not sex;
13. When profits are involved, ethics and integrity go out the window
14. There are confirmed studies that a person loses his natural ability to get excited if he is addicted to porn
15. Pornography harms women. Pornography is not fantasy. Pornography happens in the real world, to real
women; everything you see in pornography happened somewhere to a real woman.


August 9, 2015 at 9:12 am
all wrong because of sudden influence of women by western styles of dressing makes a man a rapist


August 29, 2013 at 9:56 am
I want to ask simple question to all who say porn shouldn’t be banned. ” would you encourage your child to
watch porn along with u so that he gets more knowledge about sex sitting beside U?”


November 16, 2013 at 5:59 am
Watching porn is not the only way to get sexual knowledge and what is bad if a person gets
knowledge about sex from their parents


May 6, 2014 at 7:18 pm
no i won’t but i don’t think banning pornsites will stop my or any kid (for that matter) will stop the
curiosity about sex. no matter what he/she will want to know about sex. have you thought that may
be this curiosity will make the kid force/coerce someone to have sex with him.


September 8, 2014 at 7:32 pm
yes u r absolutely right … what a grt question… do one thing cut off ur penis so that ur children will
learn from u that it is the root cause for all sexual stuff.


September 1, 2013 at 2:48 pm
Simultaneously carrying on two cultures that are sharply contrasting in terms of materialism and worldly
pleasures i.e. Indian and western. Till the age of say 15 years, a parent in India completely tries to prohibit
exposure to sexual stuff to his/her child and tries to keep him/her outside this purview. After that critical age,
the grown up child now with means to severe exposure to porn and materialistic stuff is bound to commit
such things, the peak of which is called rape or sexual assault. Either mild exposures from childhood or
completely banning porn material is the key, in my view.


September 10, 2013 at 12:53 am 5/9
2/24/2019 Debate on Banning Porn in India, Do we should Ban Porn in India,Simply Decoded
.sex education is must from the teen age level, so that every boy and girl in that age must know this along
with the changes in their body as well as in their, desires/erection. This is the right time every boy and girl
must know about sex, so that they must know the merits and demerits/as well as what to do and what not
to do, and to get rid of child pregnancies/and to be careful/preventive methods should be taken to get rid of
sexually transmitted diseses and the awareness of AIDS.

Unfortunatey PORNOGRAPHY will encourage only towards having sex by means of legal/illegal, which is
freely available through internet and lack of sex education leading them for crimes or repenting after getting
dreaded diseases/or child pregnancies or finally getting addicted to DRUGS.


varun ansal
October 30, 2013 at 3:22 pm
Hello friends , porn cannot be banned if it is banned the crime arise and 80 percent indian watch foreign
sites when something can be pressured it can nolt with high speed and then noone can stop


November 5, 2013 at 7:11 pm
Personally, I don’t think banning a porn in a country is the full solution . India is a vast country . We know in
gujarat liquor was totally banned then also every nite many people in gujarat drink peacefully with friend in a
corner of the house . If we ban porn. Then people become more agressive to watch and then ,result is
diffrent then rightnow. We can see in last 5 to 6 years rape case file more then a decade ago. I think
play a 60 to 70 per cent role for sexual aabusment thing. If we provide a red street in every city legally then
per cent of rape should be decrease. Sex is a natural felling no one could control overit. In india , if a person
want to do sex then where he go ? If this red street available then this type felling can be fullfil . Scientifically
prove that liqor is dangerous for human body . Then also liqor shop made just because it affects on govt.
Lockers . Just because of profit liqor shop build. So why can red street available ?


January 4, 2014 at 12:05 am
Banning on porn is partial solution to decreasing sexually assaults, from the basic level it adheres to
implement an act against them who are accused to likewise heinous crimes against women. The internet is
a basic source of watching and uploading related porn contents over it.most of innocent women’s were and
have been blackmailing though this kind of source. The govt. Should installing survalliance devices cctv at
all corners. Women’s should be change their dress pattern and are banned to wear transparent dresses. If
we are really want to get hold on poronograpgy and other related happennings we should change our
consicence and make sex education manditory at school level.


Hari Krishna
January 19, 2014 at 12:02 am
yes there is need of lot of discussion on this issue, mainly two fundamental things exist in this. whether
watching pronography is morally and legally, right and wrong and moreover is it leading to sexual
harasment? So far sexual harasment is consider, there is no ample evidence of sexual harasment is resulting
of watching porns. But if culture of India is take into point, we would say that pronography is quite wrong
and immoral. Ofcourse, there is a point of debate here that, even fro ancient days we have a concept of
“Kamasutra”.(which is almost the same line on pronography.). But historians/artists could say that
Kamasutra would be see in the form of just one art out 64 arts (oftenly say). But in leagal rulings watching
pronography is not illegall untill and unless it harms the any person or showing any women(mention in sexual
harrasment bill). so i conclusion remarks i would like say that out right banning is not advisable, but needs
regulation on those websites and clear monitor y cyber experts and disallowing children below 18 years are
must. Moreover the complete ban may lead to increase of prostituism.


January 25, 2014 at 4:45 pm
Porn is part and parcel of Indian culture, Kamasutra, Khajuraho, etc etc. Porn should never be banned.
Instead sex education shuld be made compulsory for students before they reach puberty so that they
undertand sex and its functionality.


January 26, 2014 at 3:32 am
What a ridiculous idea is this that banning porn is step of conservative mind, then u open minded peoples
pls start watching it openly with your families like dad,mom,sister,daughter..n if can’t do this pls support to 6/9
2/24/2019 Debate on Banning Porn in India, Do we should Ban Porn in India,Simply Decoded
ban it till u become open enough.


Rhodes Grant
March 7, 2014 at 10:43 am
Banning porn will not achieve anything. It would only push it underground. If we are looking for a solution of
the problem off violence against women, we should make brothels legal and provide hygienic and sanitary
environment around them.


March 11, 2014 at 12:43 pm
Ofcourse..!! we cannot reduce the crimes by banning pornography in india.. But it had changed the
mindsets of adolescent children(11-17 age group).. And when observed the most rape cases are happening
on children,since they are easily targettable.
Especially in rural areas these are not coming out from that village outskirts…
And all who are opposing this should understand one thing.As per tbe latest statistics 96% of rapes and
abuses(especially children) are from the close relatives.
So lets help to save our children and sisters by banning this..


March 13, 2014 at 12:51 pm
I think every human being should have the right to do, to see, to say whatever they want without violating
others rights…
So watching or keeping pornography must not be a crime instead it produces violation towards other


November 8, 2014 at 3:11 am


November 8, 2014 at 3:17 am


Selina George
January 14, 2015 at 6:19 pm
And what about the soft pornography
/ masala content like bikini pictures, wardrobe malfunction, cleavage pictures
of actresses which we can access through glorified mainstream websites/media
like facebook, youtube,indiatimes,yahoo,daily motion etc. ? Is it illegal to watch any porn through these
sources ? Or these media are illegal ?………………………….quoted from Lalit


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September 14, 2015 at 8:39 pm
Of course porn should be banned n India. We belong to a country where mother is treated as god, indeed
parents. We belong to a country which has given birth to Swami Vivekananda, has has been respected for a
single phrase ‘My dear brothers and Sisters’. It depicts our culture, the way we treat them and it is ridiculous
now finding kids treating women as a sex object. Apart from crimes and all we are loosing our cultural
values our characters.
There might be people thinking that porn is a type of sex education and kids must know it. But in fact, there
are many ways a kid can understand it. There are many ways, ancient literature, many puranas, grandhas for
one to educate himself about sex without loosing our cultural values.
In spite of fact that people are now growing up and being truly educated , one who can accept a women ,
being not a virgin without blaming her character, they should even know how to respect a women, protecting
ethical values. 7/9
2/24/2019 Debate on Banning Porn in India, Do we should Ban Porn in India,Simply Decoded
And I don’t it is possible for a guy who enjoys someone else being naked, being abused.
LOVE and SEX are SACRED and are not part of enjoyment!!
People better know it and change their attitude towards everything.Well, it is not about freedom, it is about
your own brought up and YOU!!


Latische quly khan

March 31, 2016 at 1:50 am
One of the solutions to reduce porn access is to impose tax on porn sites and make everything paid

This will cut the access of many to such links ,including me.

There is nothing wrong watching porn and to satisfy yourself unless you harm or harass another person for
your pleasure


shirish supane
July 9, 2016 at 8:04 pm
I think, Ban pornography is the Best way for stop rapes & gang rapes because when some one person
watch porn clip he suddenly change watching the point of through to women & girls. most in case he will
doing the rape


Arun Jaiswal
August 26, 2016 at 7:49 pm
Just think the image of the world where every teenager sees a women who is a mother, sister or wife of
someone as a sex object. Before saying against of me just close your eyes and think about your mother, to
whom you love so much…. Mothers and sisters are the proud of the society, and never forget the life of
Maryada Puushottam Shree Ram Chandra Ji or the teachings received by your elders to you.


September 25, 2016 at 4:10 pm


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