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Writing a film review

One month ago I watched a film Jungle.It is an adventure drama.The director and
producer of this film is Greg Maclin.The film stars Daniel Radcliffe,Alex Russel and
Thomas Krechman is (are)actors acts in this film.Daniel Radcliffe is a famous actor
in the whole world.He was filmed in Harry Potter.
Film Jungle is based on a true story ,about a man which got lost in Amazon
jungle.The film was filmed (produced)in Australia and Columbia.It begins /In the
beginning of….(with…who) that young guy leaves home and went (goes) to search
for herself in Amazon jungle.He travels in secondary ways,while together with
two friends meets a mysterious man.This man to offers them go to the
undeveloped jungle.The film finished /at the end that their dream turns into a
terrible survived/val test.
(There are not many…in this film)!In this film is not many the special
effects,because it based on a true story.In my opinion this film is one of the most
interesting among that I watched.Besides,film Jungle got an Oskar in the last year
for the best a true story.

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