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Number of cells

Battery banks for switchgear and control applications are made up of many cells.
These cells are typically wired in series to achieve a desired voltage and may also be
wired in parallel to achieve additional ampere capacity. Sizing of these battery banks,
therefore, includes selecting the number and type of cells to be used.

The terminal voltage per cell varies with the battery's chemical composition. The
required number of series wired cells to achieve the more common DC control
voltages for switchgear control is shown in Table 1. Selection of the type of cell is
based on the required peak ampere output and total Ampere-hour (Ah) output
capacity for the load and duration.

Load type

IEEE Standard 485-1997 classifies individual DC loads as

continuous, non-continuous, and momentary. Typical
continuous loads include lighting, continuously energized coils,
and power to protective relay and communications systems.
Non-continuous loads are less common and include critical
ventilation system motors and valve actuators with operating
times exceeding 1 minute. Momentary loads do not exceed 1
minute in duration and include inrush currents and circuit
breaker operations.

The duty cycle imposed on switchgear batteries usually consists of momentary high
ampere loading during charging of the respective tripping or closing springs, in
addition to the small continuous load of powering protective relays and lights.

While both motors for charging the tripping and closing springs can be DC, the more
common switchgear design uses an AC closing motor and a DC tripping motor. Such
a design reduces the total DC load because tripping is of the utmost importance —
particularly when a fault occurs. However, this only allows one full operational cycle
following a power failure because there is no AC to charge the closing spring.
Sizing battery banks for switchgear and control applications is commonly performed
using software designed specifically for that purpose. Just input the required load
profile, and the program selects the optimum battery configuration. Although this is
quite simple, an engineer should be capable of performing a straightforward hand
calculation — either to confirm the results of a software-generated solution or to
serve as an accurate design for a simple battery system.

Do you know how to perform these calculations by hand? If not, then read on. This
article will help you understand the basic premise of sizing switchgear battery
systems and provide an example calculation for clarification of the concept. IEEE
Standard 485-1997, “Recommended Practice for Sizing Lead-Acid Batteries for
Stationary Applications,” also provides detailed guidelines for battery sizing.

Number of cells

Battery banks for switchgear and control applications are made up of many cells.
These cells are typically wired in series to achieve a desired voltage and may also be
wired in parallel to achieve additional ampere capacity. Sizing of these battery banks,
therefore, includes selecting the number and type of cells to be used.

The terminal voltage per cell varies with the battery's chemical composition. The
required number of series wired cells to achieve the more common DC control
voltages for switchgear control is shown in Table 1. Selection of the type of cell is
based on the required peak ampere output and total Ampere-hour (Ah) output
capacity for the load and duration.

Load type

IEEE Standard 485-1997 classifies individual DC loads as continuous, non-

continuous, and momentary. Typical continuous loads include lighting, continuously
energized coils, and power to protective relay and communications systems. Non-
continuous loads are less common and include critical ventilation system motors and
valve actuators with operating times exceeding 1 minute. Momentary loads do not
exceed 1 minute in duration and include inrush currents and circuit breaker

The duty cycle imposed on switchgear batteries usually consists of momentary high
ampere loading during charging of the respective tripping or closing springs, in
addition to the small continuous load of powering protective relays and lights.

While both motors for charging the tripping and closing springs can be DC, the more
common switchgear design uses an AC closing motor and a DC tripping motor. Such
a design reduces the total DC load because tripping is of the utmost importance —
particularly when a fault occurs. However, this only allows one full operational cycle
following a power failure because there is no AC to charge the closing spring.

Sizing guidelines

Since the momentary load on a switchgear battery bank is much higher than the
continuous load, the required 1-minute (peak) ampere rate typically determines the
battery cell type. However the Ampere-hour rate should also be checked. The battery
cell type that meets the worst-case condition between the two should be selected.

These rates are tabulated in the manufacturer's standard literature at several final
voltages. Use the rates published at a final voltage of 1.75 volts-per-cell for lead acid
cells or 1.14 volts-per-cell for nickel cadmium cells. As an example, the data in Table
2 on page 43 is excerpted from a manufacturer's Web site. (The model designations
are fictitious.)

To calculate the required 1-minute ampere rate, assume the peak rate to be equal to
the sum of the loads (i.e. in-rush current for all breaker charging motors, load
currents for all relays and other loads, and ignore pilot lights).
Although momentary loads usually exist for much less than a minute — perhaps only
a fraction of a second — it is common practice to use the full ampere value for an
entire minute. Assign a required 1-minute rate equal to this peak rate divided by the
ambient temperature derating factor, the battery aging factor, and a design margin as
listed in Table 3 on page 43.

To calculate the required Ampere-hour rate, compute the average continuous load
and divide by the ambient temperature-derating factor and battery-aging factor, as
listed in Table 3. Use the manufacturer's data to select the battery cell type that
meets both the ampere and Ampere-hour requirements.

Sample calculation

To use a hypothetical real-world example, calculate the battery size for the 69kV
substation loads listed in Table 4. The battery type shall be lead acid, operate the
given loads for 8 hours at 125VDC, and be housed in a climate-controlled building.

Step 1: Calculate the required 1-minute discharge rate.

As can be seen in Table 4, the peak discharge rate is 96.2A. Divide this number by an
ambient temperature factor of one for a 77°F room, by a 0.8 battery-aging factor, and
by 0.85 for the design margin.

Required 1-minute discharge rate = 96.2 A ÷ 0.8 ÷ 0.85 = 141.5A

Step 2: Calculate the required Ampere-hour (Ah) rate.

As can be seen in Table 5, the total Ampere-hour rate is 27.1 Ah. Divide by an
ambient temperature factor of one for a 77°F room, and by a 0.8 battery-aging factor.

Required total Ah rate = 27.1 Ah ÷ 0.8 = 33.9 Ah

Step 3: Select the appropriate cell from the manufacturer's literature.

Referring back to Table 2, a Model A battery has a 1-minute discharge rate of 177A
and an 8-hour Ah rate of 180 Ah, down to 1.75V. This type of battery is, therefore,
more than sufficient for this particular load. The 125VDC, 180 Ah battery bank would
be composed of 60 Model A cells.

Back to basics

So whether you're one of those people that refuses to trust a computer farther than
you can throw it — or you simply feel more comfortable double checking calculations
by hand — possessing the knowledge to size battery banks for switchgear the old-
fashioned way is a good skill for any engineer to master. Not only will you impress
your peers, but you'll also feel more confident about recommending a rock solid
switchgear solution.

Table 1. String together 37 individual Ni-Cad batteries in series to achieve a control

voltage of 48V.
Battery Type
Control Voltage
Ni-Cad Lead acid
48VDC 37 cells 24 cells
125VDC 92 cells 60 cells
250VDC 184 cells 120 cells
Table 2. Ampere-hour and ampere rates for four different battery models offered by
one manufacturer.
Nominal Rates at 77°F (25°C)
Final Volts Models Amperes (A)
8-hr 4-hr 3-hr 1.5-hr 1-hr 30 min 15 min 1 min
A 180 142 132 65 81 109 134 177
B 250 210 195 98 126 172 219 303
C 330 280 260 130 168 230 292 404
D 410 350 326 163 204 285 362 500
Table 3. Design factors to be used when calculating Ampere-hour rates for Ni-Cad
and lead-calcium batteries.
Battery Type
Derating Function
Ni-Cad Lead-Calcium
Ambient temperature
77°F 1.0* 1.0*
32°F 0.7 0.67
0°F 0.5 0.8
Battery aging factor 0.8* 0.8*
Design margin 0.85* 0.85*
Table 3. Design factors to be used when calculating Ampere-hour rates for Ni-Cad
and lead-calcium batteries.
Battery Type
Derating Function
Ni-Cad Lead-Calcium
*Per IEEE Std. 485 recommended practice
Table 4. Peak discharge rate for a hypothetical 69kV substation load.
125VDC Load Description Quantity Current (A) Subtotal (A)
69kV circuit switchers 2 15.0 30.0
69kV substation relays 8 0.2 1.6
5kV vacuum breakers 9 7.0 63.0
5kV switchgear relays 8 0.2 1.6
5kV switchgear indicating lights Ignore 0.0 0.0
Total 96.2A
Table 5. Required Ampere-hour rate for a hypothetical 69kV substation load.
125VDC Load Description Quantity Current (A) Hours (h) Subtotal (Ah)
69kV circuit switchers 2 15.0 0.016* 0.5
69kV substation relays 8 0.2 8.0 12.8
5kV vacuum breakers 9 7.0 0.016* 1.0
5kV switchgear relays 8 0.2 8.0 12.8
5kV switchgear indicating lights Ignore 0.0 8.0 0.0
Total 27.1 Ah
*0.016 hours = 1 minute
IEEE 485 Lead Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
This standard details methods for defining the dc loads and for sizing a lead-acid battery to supply
those loads in full float operation. A brief description of the method presented by the standard
follow. For a full and accurate description, refer to the full standard.

Load Definition
Loads are classified as:

 continuous - loads continually present

 non-continuous - loads lasting for a specific period
 momentary - loads lasting for less than 1 minute
Continuous Non-continuous Momentary

Lighting Emergency motors Switchgear operations

Continuous Motors Fire protection systems Valve operations ( < 1 min)

Converters Valve operations ( > 1 min) Isolating switch operations
Indicating Lights Field flashing of generators
UPS Motor starting currents
Control Systems Inrush currents

Typical Loads

Note: commonly momentary loads are assumed to last for 1 minute during battery sizing calculations.

Duty Cycle Diagram

The standard recommends a duty cycle be drawn showing the anticipated loads (in [[Ampere]] or
power) for the required duration of battery backup time.
IEEE 485 Std. Recommended Practice for Sizing Lead Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications -
Typical Duty Cycle

 loads and times where known should be shown
 random loads should be shown at the most critical times

Calculation of Battery Size

Number of Cells and Cell Voltage - the number of cells is estimated based on the maximum battery
voltage and float charge voltage:

The minimum battery voltage is the minimum system voltage (including voltage drops across
cables). Given the minimum cell voltage the minimum cell voltage is given by:

Temperature Correction - at temperature decreases the capacity of a cell decreases (and vise verse
as the temperature increases). Manufacturers quote cell capacity at a given temperature and
appropriate correction factors should be used for other temperatures.
Aging Factor - battery performance is relatively stable through out its life, dropping of rapidly towards
the end. To ensure the battery can meet the design requirements throughout its life the standard
suggestions the initial capacity should be 125% of the design capacity.
Design Margin - to cater for unexpected circumstances (increased loads, poor maintenance, recent
discharge, etc.) it is common to allow a design margin of 10% to 15%.

Sizing Methodology - the required capacity of the cell FS is given by:

Where S can be any integer from 1 to N depending on the section being calculated and FS is
expressed in watt-hours or ampere-hours depending on which Ct is used.
The required uncorrected cell size F, is then given by:


 F - is the uncorrected (temperature, aging and design margin) cell size

 S - is the section of duty cycle being studied (containing all previous sections)
 N - is the number of periods in the duty cycle
 P - is the period being analysed
 AP - the amperes required for period P
 t - the time in minutes from the beginning of period P through the end of Section S
 Ct - is the capacity rating factor (for a given cell type, at the t minute discharge rate, at 25 °C, to a
definite minimum cell voltage
 FS - is the capacity required by each section
Capacity rating factor
There are two ways of expressing capacity:

Term Rt
The term Rt is the number of amperes each plate can supply for t minutes, at 25oC to a defined
minimum cell voltage.


Term Kt
The term Kt is the ratio of ampere-hour capacity, at a standard time rate, at 25oC and to a defined
minimum voltage which can be delivered for t minutes.


Rt is not equal to 1/Kt because each factor is expressed in different units.

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