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Please read the each category (with codes 1 to 5) for given scale of agreement and insert a code
(1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) against each statement of the questionnaire.

Scale of agreement:

1 2 3 4 5
Disagree Slightly Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
(0%) (25%) (50%) (75%) (100%)

Sr# Statements Insert Code

Good relationship between teacher and students helps in creating
1 relax atmosphere in the class.
2 Cooperative learning is more goal oriented.
3 Use of English dictionary is important tool in learning.
4 Teaching manners help in gaining required task.
5 Value of reward lift up the degree of motivation.
6 Repetition is valued in creating better English learning performance.
7 Use of computer/internet is helpful in English language learning.
Reinforcement with sight words strategy is an excellent supplement to
reduce anxiety.
9 Fear of punishment helps in English language learning.
Good test performance of classmates encourage in learning behavior
of students.

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