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PE R S PE C T IV E Toward a Culture of Scientific Inquiry

ested laboratories, in both aca- the primary social goods pro- Cell and Regenerative Biology, Harvard
University, Cambridge (M.F.) — both in
demia and industry, will be need- duced by a university teaching Massachusetts.
ed if such efforts are to spread hospital: the linkage of scientific
beyond a single teaching service. inquiry with actual medical prob- 1. Broca P. Perte de la Parole, ramollisse-
ment chronique et destruction partielle du
The number of physicians con- lems that drive the questions to lobe antérieur gauche du cerveau. Bull Soc
ducting research has declined be investigated. Our early experi- Anthropol B 1861;​2:​235-8.
since 2003.5 There is little doubt ence with the Pathways Service 2. Cushing H. The hypophysis cerebri:
clinical aspects of hyperpituitarism and of
that medical training and prac- suggests that sowing these seeds hypopituitarism. JAMA 1909;​53:​249-55.
tice are busier and more con- during residency training may be 3. Brown MS, Goldstein JL. A receptor-
strained than ever. Some observers feasible, rewarding, and a critical mediated pathway for cholesterol homeosta-
sis. Science 1986;​232:​34-47.
might even argue part of the effort to foster ca- 4. Hall JM, Lee MK, Newman B, et al. Link-
An audio interview
with Dr. Armstrong
that erosion of the reers steeped in patient-driven age of early-onset familial breast cancer
scientific mission on scientific inquiry. to chromosome 17q21. Science 1990;​250:​
is available at
the wards is inevi- Disclosure forms provided by the authors 5. Physician-Scientist Workforce Working
table as the efficiency of patient are available at Group report. Bethesda, MD:​National Insti-
care increasingly takes prece- tutes of Health, June 2014.
From the Department of Medicine, Massa-
dence. But accepting this shift as chusetts General Hospital, Boston (K.A., DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1712474
inevitable risks the loss of one of R.R., M.F.); and the Department of Stem Copyright © 2018 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Toward a Culture of Scientific Inquiry

Becoming a Physician

Becoming a Physician

Toward Competency-Based Medical Education

Deborah E. Powell, M.D., and Carol Carraccio, M.D.​​

C ompetency-based medical ed-

ucation (CBME) reconceives
medical training by recognizing
in accord with local conditions,
to meet local needs.”2
An attempt to implement CBME
petency-Based Medical Education
Collaborators, requires frontline
faculty willing to serve as asses-
that not all students or trainees in the 1980s failed, probably be- sors, evidence-based assessment
master all necessary skills at the cause of difficulty in determin- tools, and direct observation in
same pace. Rather than insisting ing how to assess competence. the workplace over time. Evidence-
that a medical school or residen- In 1999, the Accreditation Coun- based tools addressing the broad,
cy class proceed through medical cil for Graduate Medical Educa- diverse domains of competence
education en masse, CBME focus- tion (ACGME) and the American are limited at best, and extended
es on all trainees demonstrating Board of Medical Specialties periods of direct observation are
the competencies required for car- (ABMS) responded to public con- precluded by brief rotations for
ing for a population by means cerns about health care quality by trainees and service assignments
of time-variable transitions from resurrecting CBME. They mandat- for faculty. Also key to assess-
training to practice.1 ed a shift to outcomes-based grad- ment in CBME is a partnership
The ideas behind CBME aren’t uate medical education (GME), between the learner and the as-
new. A 1978 monograph written which broadened the requirements sessor based on the sharing of
for the World Health Organiza- for graduating residents beyond formative feedback, which allows
tion explained how a medical ed- appropriate patient care skills learners to gauge their progress
ucation system based on achieve- and medical knowledge to include toward competence.
ment of competence might help competencies in practice-based The first major breakthrough
focus medical education on a learning and improvement, com- in assessment came with the
country’s specific health care munication, professionalism, and ACGME and ABMS Milestone
needs. It stated that “the intend- systems-based practice. Project, which called on each
ed output of a competency-based For the next decade, GME specialty and subspecialty to de-
programme is a health profes- programs again struggled with scribe levels of performance for
sional who can practice medicine assessing competence, which, ac- each of its competencies (see table).
at a defined level of proficiency, cording to the International Com- This project took assessment out

n engl j med 378;1  January 4, 2018 3

PERS PE C T IV E toward competency-based medical education

Definitions of Educational Constructs.*

four medical schools to test a
CBME model across the continu-
Term Definition um from UME to clinical prac-
Competency An observable ability of a health professional related to a specific tice, known as the Education in
activity that integrates knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes. Pediatrics Across the Continuum
Since competencies are observable, they can be measured (EPAC) project.5 Three or four
and assessed to ensure their acquisition. Competencies can
be assembled like building blocks to facilitate progressive students interested in careers in
development. pediatrics apply for and are
Milestone A defined, observable marker of a trainee’s ability along a devel- matched to a residency position
opmental continuum. within their institution, usually
Entrustable profes- An essential task of a discipline (profession, specialty, or sub- before their first clinical year.
sional activity specialty) that a learner can be trusted to perform without Now in its eighth year, the proj-
direct supervision and a clinician entering practice can per-
form unsupervised in a given health care context, once suffi- ect has used entrustable profes-
cient competence has been demonstrated. sional activities from the AAMC
for entering residency and from
* From Englander et al.1
the American Board of Pediatrics
for general pediatrics as the frame-
of the realm of scales ranging a true continuum from medical work for assessment. Leaders at
from poor to excellent and intro- school to independent practice all sites agreed on standardized
duced brief narratives that creat- forced medical educators to face qualitative and quantitative as-
ed shared mental images of per- CBME’s greatest challenge: how sessments for all schools and on
formance at each level along a to implement a system of fixed criteria for assigning levels of su-
developmental continuum. Assess- outcomes and time-variable train- pervision to provide consistency
ment requires context, however, ing, especially within the GME in decisions regarding readiness
and the competencies (e.g., “gath- domain, in which education is to transition to GME. Of the 12
er essential and accurate infor- tied to service. students in the first cohort, 8 were
mation about a patient”) were In 2009, the University of To- ready to advance to GME during
context-independent. The intro- ronto adopted a competency-based the first semester of their 4th year
duction of the concept of en- modular track within its ortho- of medical school. The remaining
trustable professional activities pedic-surgery residency program 4 students were ready by the mid-
— tasks that physicians entering in parallel with its conventional dle of the second semester of that
practice should be able to per- training program. In 3 years, this year. Three additional cohorts are
form unsupervised — provided track enrolled 14 residents. Train- at various stages of UME. The
the necessary context.3 These ac- ees reported being highly satis- next step will be to follow these
tivities can be linked to the com- fied with the program, and two students in their GME programs
petencies necessary for making of the initial cohort of three and compare their progress to
entrustment decisions. They also trainees completed training in that of their non-EPAC peers
provided a new assessment strat- 4 years, rather than the 5 years from their own and other under-
egy focused on the level of super- that had previously been required. graduate institutions.
vision needed to safely and effec- Two of 14 residents took longer Medical education is strictly
tively perform a given activity. than 5 years to complete train- regulated in the United States,
Soon after members of the ing, and the modular approach and many obstacles must be over-
GME community began identify- allowed faculty to structure an come if programs like EPAC are
ing the entrustable professional educational plan to address their to succeed. For example, both the
activities for their specialties, the skill gaps.4 In light of this suc- Liaison Committee on Medical
Association of American Medical cess, some administrators involved Education and individual medical
Colleges (AAMC) started defin- in the program have launched a schools will need to allow learn-
ing its own entrustable activities time-variable CBME approach in ers to advance in a time-indepen-
for graduating medical students, all GME programs at Queen’s dent fashion. State licensing
setting the stage for a more seam- University in Canada. boards will need to adapt to the
less transition from undergradu- In the United States, the idea that medical school may be
ate medical education (UME) to AAMC and the American Board completed in less than 4 years.
GME. The possibility of creating of Pediatrics have partnered with ACGME requirements for duration

4 n engl j med 378;1  January 4, 2018

PE R S PE C T IV E toward competency-based medical education

of training will need to be flexi- early decisions about career both UME and GME and the
ble, and specialty boards will need choice. This possibility opens the emerging availability of valid as-
to allow trainees to take certifi- door for “mini-rotations” early in sessment methods, we are on the
cation exams when they are medical school to expose stu- verge of creating a true continuum
deemed competent, rather than dents to various specialties, fol- of education, training, and prac-
at a fixed time. lowed by longitudinal tracks lead- tice. CBME now appears to be
Challenges exist for entities ing directly to residency and not only possible, but is also an
such as the National Resident replacing conventional clerkships. innovative model that could create
Matching Program, which relies A key element of EPAC is the a learner-centric education system
on a fixed schedule to match stu- partnership in curricular design that, in turn, helps bring about a
dents to residency positions. Res- between clerkship and residency patient-centric care system.
idency programs will have to program directors, which pre- Disclosure forms provided by the authors
adapt their curricula to trainees pares students for the transition are available at

who enter and complete training to residency. From the University of Minnesota Medical
when they are ready to do so. We believe that UME’s long- School, Minneapolis (D.E.P.); and the
Training experiences will have to standing goal of producing un- American Board of Pediatrics, Chapel Hill,
NC (C.C.).
focus on predefined outcomes for differentiated physicians ready to
learners, not the requirements of pursue specialty training requires 1. Englander R, Frank JR, Carraccio C,
staffing a clinical service. Faculty reexamination. The alarming costs Sherbino J, Ross S, Snell L. Toward a shared
language for competency-based medical ed-
and learners will have to be edu- of UME and associated student ucation. Med Teach 2017;​39:​582-7.
cated in various ways of giving debt, the increasing volume and 2. McGaghie WC, Miller GE, Sajid AW,
and receiving focused, construc- complexity of the knowledge and Telder TV. Competency-based curriculum
development in medical education:​an intro-
tive feedback and working as ed- skills expected from trainees, duction. Geneva:​World Health Organization,
ucational partners. New models and concerns among GME pro- 1978 (http://apps​.who​.int/​iris/​bitstream/​10665/​
for funding innovative residency gram directors that students are 39703/​1/​WHO_PHP_68​.pdf).
3. ten Cate O, Scheele F. Competency-
training will also be required. In unprepared for residency suggest based postgraduate training: can we bridge
the meantime, program leaders that change is needed. CBME the gap between theory and clinical prac-
could consider establishing more holds the promise of producing a tice? Acad Med 2007;​82:​542-7.
4. Ferguson PC, Kraemer W, Nousiainen
flexible residency-to-fellowship better-trained workforce — and M, et al. Three-year experience with an in-
tracks within their institutions or for many physicians, this training novative, modular competency-based curric-
developing creative partnerships could be accomplished within a ulum for orthopaedic training. J Bone Joint
Surg Am 2013;​95(21):​e166.
with community practices for shorter time frame. 5. Andrews JS, Bale JF Jr, Soep JB, et al.
transitioning trainees into inde- A key challenge for CBME has Education in Pediatrics Across the Continu-
pendent practice. been assessing competence. With um (EPAC): first steps toward realizing the
dream of competency-based education. Acad
The EPAC model has demon- a framework of competencies, Med 2017 October 11 (Epub ahead of print).
strated that appropriate social- milestones, and entrustable pro- DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1712900
ization allows students to make fessional activities developed for Copyright © 2018 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Becoming a Physician

Removing ERISA’s Impediment to State Health Reform

Removing ERISA’s Impediment to State Health Reform

Erin C. Fuse Brown, J.D., M.P.H., and Ameet Sarpatwari, J.D., Ph.D.​​

S tates are assuming an increas-

ingly important role in driving
U.S. health care policy. Hyper-
this arena, however, many state-
led health care reforms have been
thwarted by the Employee Retire-
issues that states have sought to
address are prescription-drug costs
and surprise medical bills — ex-
partisanship has made it diffi- ment Income Security Act (ERISA), cess charges resulting from the
cult for Congress to enact reform a 1974 federal law that estab- involuntary use of out-of-network
— and what action is possible is lished minimum standards for services. Both problems warrant
likely to reduce federal involve- private employer-sponsored ben- urgent attention. Between 2014
ment in health care. Despite the efit plans known as ERISA plans. and 2016, gross spending on re-
growing importance of states in Chief among the health care tail prescription drugs rose by

n engl j med 378;1  January 4, 2018 5

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