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Code of Hammurabi Analysis Sheet

Name: ________________________________ Date: ___________________

Choose five precepts (laws) in the Code of Hammurabi. List the number of the precept in
the far left column. Each precept must be from a different section of the Code. In the
middle column, re-phrase the precept in your own words. In the right column, write one
or two sentences describing one thing about Babylonian society that this precept

Precept What does the precept say? What does the precept illustrate
Number about society in Babylon?

There’s more questions on the back… turn over when you’re finished!
Now that you’ve finished reading the Code of Hammurabi and you’ve practiced
analyzing specific parts of the Code, it’s time to make some more general observations
about society in ancient Babylon. Answer the following questions in complete sentences
and list at least one precept from the Code as evidence for each of your answers.

1. What specific actions did Hammurabi take in his attempt to provide for the good order
of society and the basic welfare of his subjects?

2. What evidence is their of class distinctions in Babylon?

3. What was the status of women in this society? Did they enjoy any protections or

4. What was the status of children in this society? Did they enjoy any protection or

5. Mesopotamian society has been described as a patriarchal (dominated by male heads

of household) society. Does the evidence in this collection of decisions tend to support or
refute that judgment?

6. What seems to have been the principles and assumptions that underlay these
judgments? In other words, what does this collection reveal about the world view, basic
values, and ideals of Hammurabi’s Babylon?

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