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Revolutionizing of culture- symbols, ideograms, writings,only

implies that lifestyle of people has truly undergone drastic

changes and remarkable development that have made life of people

a lot easier and accessible across avenues and instances of daily


With continuous transition in a more modern world technology, has

paved a way for people to interact with others more quickly and

effortlessly- allowing transmit of information even from opposite

sides of the world possible within a minute or two. As often as

we use technology, it is likely unsurprising for it to stretch

out its influence- both the good and bad ones in the society.

In terms of what we call culture, specifically in our town,

Tuguegarao where Ybanag came from and grow.

Since 1995, the number of worldwide internet users has increased

from sixteen million to more than ten thousand million in 2012

(Brown 2013). In the face of evolution of communicating with

technology, email was one of the earliest mediums if

communication which is still popular and widely used today. It

had been the most common form of online communication'; an

astounding almost two hundred billion emails are sent per day and

there are three times as any email accounts as Twitter and

Facebook accounts combined ( Eastman 2013).

Aside from accessing internet with computers, the use of

smartphones for communicating is also maximized through social

networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. Twitter is an

online social networking that enables people to communicate

around the world. It is also social media that users always find

time to express their needs and wishes via 140 characters.

Distance matters are not a problem anymore and it has become a

very convenient means of communication. In terms of users,

Twitter's average monthly active users (MAUs) grew 6% y-o-y to

328 million in Q1 2017, adding a solid 9 million users over the

previous quarter.

On the other hand, Facebook has been the greatest advancement in

the information and communication technology industry over the

last ten years because if the billion of people using it and also

it transfers huge amount of information from others easily. It

provides a multitude of different way to communicate with anyone

and everyone such as sharing messages, instant messages, photos

and videos to a friend or relative. Facebook surpassed 1.5

billion as of their last quarter making it number one among

social media sites that user prefer to use.

The report, called Digital in 2017, showed that Filipinos spent

an average of 4 hours and 17 minutes per day on social media

sites such as Facebook, Snapchat and twitter. The data were based

on active monthly user data from social media companies as recent

as January 2017. According to the report, the Philippine's

internet and social media user's grew by over 25 percent, up 13

million and 12 million over last year, respectively. Mobile was

also a fast-growing platform accounting for 38 percent of all web

traffic in the country, up by almost a third over 2016, the

report showed. The Philippines, so far, had a social media

penetration rate of 58 percent, higher that the average of 47

percent in Southeast Asia.

Because of the evolution of communication with technology,

instead of meeting with a particular person to communicate

personally or something face to face, typing an email or going

online to convey that same information would be much more

convenient to most people, therefore, in way choosing

technological or virtual contact over human contact and replacing

face to face interaction with through the screen ones.

There is some concern that the decline of face to face

communication can have an adverse effect on a people's social

skills. The displacement of in-person social interaction by

screen interaction seems to be reducing social skills. (Wolpert

2014). The depth of our conversations has declined, and with it,

the connection we feel to each other when we communicate. Now,

people tend to be more communicatively passive and tend to avoid

meaningful conversations and these adverse changes are suspected

to have a negative effect on our generation's chances out in the

work force (Watkins 2014). Moreover, professors report that

students are losing their ability to focus as well the ability to

engage in effective face to face communication (Jayson 2010)

As technology has provide a faculty for daily information and

communication needs, determining its effect, especially in the

decline of interpersonal communication is an imperative for

recognizing both advantages and disadvantages of technology in

terms of maintaining and creating virtual as well as personal


Conceptual Framework

The aim of this research is to determine the effect of the

modernization in Ybanag culture. This involves exploring Ibanag’s

perception to their culture. The medium of communication they use

and assessing how much knowledge they have in their own culture.

The research was guided by the paradigm below. The paradigm

presents a set of concepts that underline the research process

and data collection. It also shows the different variables in the

study which will be analyzed to assess the effect of the

modernization in Ybanag culture. The main concept is the Ybanag

people and their culture- beliefs, traditions and foods. In the

process of conducting the research. The researcher will be

guided by the different stages namely: assessing profile of the

respondents, the assessment of the respondents themselves on the

effects of modernization.

Input Process Output

 Profile  Assessing  The effect of the

of the respondents modernization in

respondent profile Ybanag Culture



a. Age  Assessing


affecting Ybanag


b. Gender  Interpretation

of data

 Factors



 Survey


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to identify and assess the effect modernization

among Ibanag people and their culture.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. How do the respondents assess themselves to their engagement

on technology:

2.1 Social networking sites commonly use

2.2 Time spent on social networking sites

2.3 Particular technology being used on communication

3. What are the negative effects of the advent of technology:

3.1 Loss of social interaction

3.2 Addiction to techology

3.3 Addiction to social networking sites

3.4 Health problems

3.5 Psychological problems

4. Is there a significant difference on the effects of the advent

of technology among CNHS students' interpersonal communication?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the advent of

technology and decline of interpersonal communication?


The study was guided by the following hypothesis that:

1. There is no significant effect of the modernization in Ybanag


2. There is no significant relationship between Ybanag culture

and its transition to the modern world.

Scope and delimitation

The study is descriptive in nature and focused on Ibanag people

from Tuguegarao City, Cagayan. The researchers started the study

last June 2, 2019. The research sample is composed of 50

teenagers, 25 boys and 25 girls and 50 adults, 25 boys and 25

girls. The primary data gathering method used was interview to

determine the respondents perspectives on the Ybanag culture and

its transition to the modern world based on their experiences.

This research used purposive and convenience sampling in which an

equal representation for gender among the respondents was

applied. The gathered data were analyzed using frequency

distribution and coding. Verbatim quotes from the respondents

were used. The study is delimited to a group of Ybanag people who

reside here in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan.

Significance of the Study

The study is about the effect of modern world technology to one’s

culture. The results of the study will be of great benefit to the


Students- They will be more aware on the effect of modern world

technology to one’s culture. This study may also help students to

develop knowledge in the growing world and how it greatly affects


Parents- The study will be beneficial for they will gain ideas on

how they are going implant the knowledge of their culture, such

as their practices, beliefs, traditions and foods. Through this,

they can guide their children to develop and give importance to

their own culture.

To the future researchers- This paper will surely contribute to

the rich bulk of literature and body of knowledge. Future

research especially those who will conduct study on the same

framework will gain insights from the substance of this research.

Definition of Terms

Technology - can be the knowledge of techniques, processes and

the like, or it can be embedded in machines in which can be

operated without knowledge of their workings. The human species'

use of technology began with the conversion of natural resources

into simple tools.

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