Name of The Full Time Teacher PAN Designation Name of The Department

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3 Average teaching experience of full time teachers in number of years (10)

Name of the full time teacher PAN Designation Name of the department
Dr. Md Aref Billaha ATFPB629Assistant ProfeECE
ull time teachers in number of years (10)
Number of years of teaching experience (years and months)
9 years 6+ months
2.4.4 Average percentage of full time teachers who received awards, recog
Name of full time teachers receiving awards from state level,national level,
Year of award international level

2019 Dr. Md Aref Billaha

2019 Dr. Md Aref Billaha
2016 Md Aref Billaha
2015 Md Aref Billaha
who received awards, recognition, fellowships at State, National, International level from Government, recognised bodies during the last fiv
PAN Designation

ATFPB6295G Assistant Professor

ATFPB6295G Assistant Professor
ATFPB6295G Assistant Professor
ATFPB6295G Assistant Professor
tional, International level from Government, recognised bodies during the last five years (15)
Name of the award, fellowship, received from Government or recognised bodies

1. International Conference Committee Member for 2nd International Symposium on Power Electronics and Control Engineerin
will be held on Tianjin,China during November 22-24,2019
2. EditorIal Board Member in Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering(JEEE), Science Publishing Group
3. Joint Convenor of Faculty Development Programme on “Development of sensors and signal conditioning (DSSC-2k16)” durin
4. Joint Convenor of Workshop on “Microcontroller based Embedded System Design (MESD-2k15)” during 27th - 28th April, 2
” during 4th-5th April, 2016 held in Asansol Engineering College in collaboration with NITTTR Kolkata
April, 2015 held in Asansol Engineering College

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