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Resting in Grace
We know the date, year and maybe even time we were born, but we cannot know when we will
leave this world.
If you were to die now, what would you take with you?
Can you take anything with you when you die?
Grades, relationships, jobs, etc….
The only think that matters are the things you have done WITH God, not for God.

Religion is what drives us to do something for God, but to God there is nothing we can do to show
we are worthy of entering heaven or receiving God. The most righteous acts are soiled linen in his
eyes in terms of showing our worthiness, rather, they are an expression of our love.
Just as how an earthly father may accept a piece macaroni art not for its aesthetic value, but for
the love it shows.
Religion drives us to do things for God, but a relationship with him makes us WANT to do
something with Him.
We do things not to prove our worthiness, but to show our love for Him because there is nothing
we can do that would make God forgive us for the sins we have and will commit. All we can do is
rest in His Grace.

In religion, I had to pray, but in a relationship, I wanted to pray and my prayers were all the more
powerful for it.
Choice is what separated the two.

When Peter's faith fails and he falls into the water, he chose to cry out for Jesus than to rely on
himself. The man's a fisherman and the Scripture references occasions where he demonstrated his
ability to swim. But he chose to cry out instead.

Resting in Trust
You believe He will take care of you.
No matter how much you stress or worry about something, it is wasted effort without God.
Psalms 127:1-2
There is enough to worry about today, trust in God to take care of you.
Even earthly fathers know to give good things to their children, how much more would a Heavenly
Father give?

You move in faith if you rest in trust.

He gave the testimony of Heidi Baker and her multiplying toys along with the testimony of the
multiplying nail polish as examples that God provides.
The reason we don't see that here is our lack of need not want..
Even at our lowest, we usually have several backup plans. It is only when we are truly desperate
that we see Him move.

Rest in Love
You need to know that God loves you and doesn't want to hurt you.
Many are divided between spirituality, neglecting the body to grow the heart and spirit or
materialism, focusing on providing for those of the faith.
Jesus demonstrates that He cares for both the heart and body.
When He resurrected a little girl in Mark 5, he told his disciples to get her something to eat.
He sees everything, even the smallest of details so rest in His love.
Because while medicine, business and engineering are necessary to sustain life, love is why we
stay alive.
Love is the most powerful force in the universe, not merely a bunch of signals in the brain, but a
motivating force…

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