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Volume 9, Issue 5 www.moosemountainchurch.

com September 5, 2010

Joseph: Betrayed for the Mission of God By Stan Helton

ASSEMBLY TIMES The Joseph narrative begins in til the day Potiphar’s wife ac- executed; the other restored
Sunday Morning:
Genesis 37 and continues to cuses him of taking advantage to his position. The one who
chapter 47, thus, constituting a of her. So Potiphar has Joseph lived promised to mention Jo-
10:07am Class sizable portion of Genesis. seph to Pharaoh but forgets
11:03am However, in the main story about Joseph for two years.
Full Family Fellowship line of the Old Testament, More marginalization.
Joseph is a sidebar. He is not
Thursday Evening: a direct ancestor of King After years of being on the
Will resume Sept. 16 David or Jesus yet his story margins, God will raise Jo-
Small groups still active is crucial to the survival of seph to the second in com-
___ the family of Abraham. You mand in Egypt. In this posi-
CONTACT INFO can almost sense the mar- tion of power, Joseph will be
ginalization of Joseph: This is able to save his family—the
1 Christina Street the account of Jacob. Jacob! family that betrayed him—
Village of Kenosee Lake Yet what follows is mostly from famine. Sometimes,
the story of Joseph! w e feel like we are on
Box 184 the margins, too. We
S0C 2S0 Joseph spent most of his life should never forget that
(306)577-2477 on the margins. First, when God may have us there for a
he was young, God gave him reason and his mission may
special dreams. Because of well include our marginaliza-
LEADERSHIP this gift, his brothers de- tion. The mission of God
spised him, plotted to get rid does not require that it al-
Elders: of him, and finally, sold him ways goes well for us, but it
Cameron Husband into slavery to the Midianites thrown into the royal jail— does mean that God can and
Harold Floyd who will transport him to back to the margins again. will use us to accomplish his
Dale King Egypt and resell him to Po- mission—whether we are in
Jim Sedor tiphar, an Egyptian official. In jail, Joseph’s dreams come the center or on the margins—
back to him and he accurately that is, if we are willing to be
Minister: In Potiphar’s home, Joseph predicts the fate of two other so used.
Rolland Bouchard becomes a trusted servant un- royal prisoners—one will be


We want to thank you all for your tioned in the bulletin, please talk
generous donations to our potluck to Rolland by Thursday each
lunches. Because of known aller- week. Thank you for your coop-
gies within our congregation we ask eration with this. You can call 577 Inhabitants of God’s Kingdom
FOR INFOMRATION ON HOW YOU that you do not bring any items -8419 or email will be marked by love that
containing pork. Thank you! flows across all lines. “love your
  neighbour and your enemy.”
SUNDAY TIME CHANGE CELEBRATION SUNDAY Christians are non-tribal under-
HAITI VISIT We will be returning to our regular Today will be a praise and wor- standing that “the blessed gos-
schedule NEXT SUNDAY! Please ship day in Celebration of the pel is for all!”
THRIFT STORE DAYS mark your calendars for that day. Victory we have in Jesus. Christians are clearly seen by in
We will be working the thrift store Our Bible class will be at 10:00am 
the world by our love for one an-
September 7 & 9 and our full Assembly will be at
October 5 & 7 11:00am. For more info talk to other, but how much more so is
November 2 & 4 Rolland. Congratulations!!!! the love of God seen in that our
November 30 & December 2  Trevor Mountney and
love for one another is stretched
December 28 & 30 THURSDAY BIBLE STUDY! Raysha Perry are excited to
 The Thursday evening study at the announce that they are now beyond the boundaries of a church
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED church building will begin again on engaged to be married. group.
Please check the bulletin board September 16. Please mark your
sign-up sheets to find out where calendars.
you can help.  Join us in September for this
POTLUCK REQUEST If you would like your event men-
Volume 9, Issue 5 September 5, 2010

THE FAMILY THAT PRAYS TOGETHER... Activities for Assembly

September 5, 2010

 Marie McMillan—Continued health con-  The Lonechild Family Celebration Sunday

Children’s Celebration
cerns  Catherine Taylor– successful and speedy Jesus loves the Little Children, Servant Song,
Stand up and Shout It
 Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard - Mission- recovery from her recent surgery. Guide Me O Thou Great
aries in Mexico  The School year and the students. Because He Lives
Remind Me Dear Lord
 Joe Fox—recovery from surgery.  Nancy Martinson—(Heather Kings Sister- Rise Up Servants of God
 Our Shepherds—leadership and care in-law) Pray for success in cancer treat- Communion Celebration
Come Share the Lord
 Chris Cornforth—continued health con- ments.
Faith Of our Fathers
cerns.  What A Friend
Faith Is The Victory
 All of those still struggling with grief.  We Shall Assemble
 Our small gatherings.  Communal Prayer

By Dennis Fisher
Our world has become increasingly noisy.
But according to a news report, science
has found a way to achieve absolute si- M E N
lence: “Scientists have shown off the blue-
print for an ‘acoustic cloak,’ which could
make objects impervious to sound waves.
The technology, outlined in the New Jour-
nal of Physics, could be used to build D O G
sound-proof homes, advanced concert
halls, or stealth warships.”

When we seek out a quiet place for devo-

tional time with God, we may wish we had
an “acoustic cloak.” But even if we could
silence all external sound, the internal noises of worry would still rever-
berate in our minds. We are told: “Be still, and know that I am God” (Ps.
46:10). But how do we calm our hearts in practical terms?

God understands our dilemma and has provided His own “acoustic cloak”
to quiet our hearts. It involves exchanging our cares for His peace. “Be
anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with
thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of
God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6-7).

As we place our concerns in God’s capable hands, we find a quietness

that only He can provide.

Be still and know that He is God

For pathways steep and rough;
Not what He brings but what
He is Will always be enough. —Anon.
God gives peace to those who are quiet before Him

Puzzles and Cartoons used with Permission. For rights and permissions see and

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