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Volume 9, Issue 6 www.moosemountainchurch.

com September 12, 2010

Moses: Called to God’s Mission By Stan Helton

ASSEMBLY TIMES To speak of “being called” by God course of their lives. Additionally, meet these objections with reas-
sounds a bit presumptuous in our these call narrative have some surance (3.12) that God will be on
Sunday Morning:
ears, yet that is precisely the lan- consistent patterns that can in- the mission with him. Finally, God
10:03am Class guage the New Testa- will offer Moses several
11:03am ment uses to speak of signs (3.12; 4.1-5) both
Full Family Fellowship how God draws us to confirm to others
into His mission. Even that he is on God’s mis-
Thursday Evening: Jesus came to call sin- sion but also to assure
Alternating Thursdays ners (Matthew 9:13/ Moses that he is not on
7:00pm Luke 5:32). The apos- the mission alone.
___ tle Paul framed his
own ministry as calling While God’s call of us
CONTACT INFO people to “the obedi- may not be as dramatic
ence that comes from as Moses’, I do believe
1 Christina Street faith” (Romans 1:5). that God calls us in a
Village of Kenosee Lake Therefore, not only similar way: There
did God call Paul but comes a time when we
Box 184 Paul’s ministry to oth- “see” God, maybe
S0C 2S0 ers is how God called through a dramatic
(306)577-2477 others to follow Jesus. revelation of God but Moreover, the author of Hebrews form us about how God might be often it is through preaching,
___ refers to our “heavenly calling us today. teaching or someone’s quiet faith-
call” (Hebrews 3:1) and Peter re- ful life. But when we see God, we
LEADERSHIP minds us to make our “calling and Using Exodus 3 and 4 as a model, come to know his motives. He
election” certain (2 Peter 1:10). we find that Moses experiences a loves us intensely and wants to be
Elders: So, this calling of God is some- revelation of God (3.1-4). In this in relationship with us. However,
Cameron Husband thing God does but also requires revelation, God expresses his mo- we, like Moses will often object to
Harold Floyd our active participation. tive (3.4-9) for appearing to God’s interference in our lives,
Dale King Moses, which then leads into but God will again reassure us
Jim Sedor Beginning with the story of God’s commission (3.10) of that he is with us and he will give
Moses, the Bible contains several Moses to a special task. Moses us signs along the road that he is
Minister: notable “call narratives,” stories will, of course, issue some objec- there and that we have truly been
Rolland Bouchard where people have an encounter tions (3.11ff) to the mission God called by Him.
with God that alters forever the has just assigned him and God will


We are back to our original Sun-
day format. Make sure to be here Inhabitants of God’s Kingdom
FOR INFOMRATION ON HOW YOU for our Bible class at 10:00am will be marked by love that
followed by our full family fellow- CREATING LIFE CHANGING flows across all lines. “love your
ship at 11:00am. CONVERSATIONS neighbour and your enemy.”
 Christians are non-tribal under-
In the face of dramatically standing that “the blessed gos-
The Thursday evening study at changing demographics pel is for all!”
THRIFT STORE DAYS the church building will begin as the world arrives in our
Christians are clearly seen by in
We will be working the thrift store again this Thursday, September neighbourhoods, churches
16. Please mark your calendars. have an opportunity like the world by our love for one an-
October 5 & 7
November 2 & 4  never before to reach the world other, but how much more so is
November 30 & December 2 SMALL GROUPS! with the Good News of Jesus. the love of God seen in that our
December 28 & 30 Starting soon. Watch here for
love for one another is stretched
 more details. Teaching English to immigrants
POTLUCK REQUEST  through the gospel of Luke! beyond the boundaries of a church
We want to thank you all for your ANNOUNCEMENTS! group.
For training information or
generous donations to our pot- If you would like your event men- to find out how you can get
luck lunches. Because of known tioned in the bulletin, please talk involved in this ministry
Join us in September for this
allergies within our congregation to Rolland by Thursday each opportunity, speak with Owen series.
we ask that you do not bring any week. 577-8419 or email King.
items containing pork. Thanks!
Volume 9, Issue 6 September 12, 2010

THE FAMILY THAT PRAYS TOGETHER... Activities for Assembly

September 12, 2010
 Marie McMillan—Continued health  Catherine Taylor– seeing continued suc- Kid’s Time
concerns cess and healing after her surgery. The Steadfast Love
 Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard - Mission-  The School year and the students. He Is Able
God Has Smiled on Me
aries in Mexico  Nancy Martinson—(Heather Kings Sister-
 Joe Fox—recovery from surgery. in-law) Pray for success in cancer treat-
 Our Shepherds—leadership and care ments.
Humble yourself in the sight of the
 Chris Cornforth—continued health  Margaret Floyd—shoulder pain.
concerns.  Cody– off to Western. Message
 All of those still struggling with grief.  That we would grow continually closer Shine Jesus Shine
 Our small gatherings. to maturity in the Lord.
Announcements and Offering


By Anne Cetas The Elders, your servants and co-heirs,
Early on a sunny Sunday afternoon
after church, I headed out for a It is the desire of the Elders to improve our communications
walk around the neighborhood. A with the congregation. As a first step we have decided to post a note in
man was trimming his grass along
the sidewalk, and we greeted each the bulletin the first Sunday following all of our regular bi-monthly
other with the usual “Hello, how meetings. The hope is to let you know what we are praying for, planning
are you?” In a negative tone, he for and even struggling with. We ask that you join in asking God to bless
replied, “It’s just another Sunday.”
Later, I wondered what he had
our efforts and to help us to do what we can not do ourselves.
meant by that. Was he saying, I’m
If for any reason you would like the Elders to pray for you or others or if
just doing my chores—going
through the motions? you would like to get together with us, let us know, you will always be
Sometimes even church atten- welcome.
dance can become a matter of We have decided earlier this year that the Elders will not be
merely going through the motions
on just another Sunday. For the believers in the early church (Acts dealing with day to day administrative issues in our meetings. All such
2:41-47), joining with fellow believers was a source of excitement. issues will be channeled to the applicable ministry groups. We will
That was when the church first started and everyone was a new be- prayerfully focus as much as we can on growing faith, unity and love in
liever—so they were bound to be enthusiastic. But what about us?
What can we do to make each Sunday special? our congregation with an outward love for the lost.
Go with the anticipation of meeting with God. While He is with us all We met this last Wednesday and had a tremendous meeting.
the time (Heb. 13:5), God is with us in a unique way as we gather Here just a few of the highlights...
with others who know Him (Matt. 18:20; James 4:8). Bring your bur-
dens and praises to Him.  We prayed for recent visitors and those who have started attending
Go to learn about God. We may not learn something new every
regularly. What a blessing from God these people are to us all!
week, but we can always be encouraged by the truths of God’s Word
(Ps. 119:105). Expect to hear from Him.  We discussed what we need to be doing to support, teach, encourage
Go to fellowship with others. We need each other in this Christian
journey. Encourage others, challenge them in their faith, and pray for these people in their walk with their Savior
them (Heb. 10:24-25).  We prayed for all our members by name that are struggling with loss,
loneliness, grief, sickness and sin
 Rolland presented the Elders with his lesson series for the fall, “Seven
Kingdom Values” which includes 7 lessons starting Sunday with “Radical
Inclusion”. Looking Forward to hearing the fruit of his labour
 The Elders are getting ready to go through an open evaluation process
with Rolland. The aim is to help all of us to working at our best for the
Lord and the Church.
 We discussed how we might improve our Planning, Goals and Visioning.
We will be communicating with all ministry groups shortly asking them
to ready themselves for a Congregational planning meeting November
7, 2010.
 The Elders are very serious about praying, planning and visioning for
2011. We are planning a half day retreat to focus ourselves for a larger
planning meeting very soon. These meetings will direct many of our
paths in the new year. Pray for Gods hand to be upon us
 We discussed LST, Friends Speak and Sycamore Tree series. We want to
move ahead and do nothing to discourage or delay those who have the
mind to go ahead using these tools. It was decided that Rolland and
possibly Owen would make a presentation to the congregation on Sun-
Bring Christ Your day giving everyone the opportunity to show interest and find out how
to get involved.
Broken Life…
In His Service,
Matthew 11:28 Your Shepherds

Puzzles and Cartoons used with Permission. For rights and permissions see and

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