They President Srhere - They She: I An F

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I l - One**. ,;,. t..,, ii ,,1t

1. Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense and voice.

Before you start on the exercise on a. When I (see) him,I wanted to go.
the right, what tenses would you b, They (like) fruit. They buy fruit every day.
use to express these types of action? -
c. The President (arrive) in Paris on Monday morning.

t regular action in the present d. Srhere you (go)?

t a present state/situation I to the market. I would like to buy some bread.
I an important offlcial event e. They -
(not eat) meat. They are vegetarians.
I completed action -
f. She (buy) a pink dress yesterday. She loves pink.
tr an action completed before g. This time next week, we (dance) at Mary's party.
another completed action I can't wait!
I a recent action
r a prediction based on present h. -
(be) you Mr Smith? You (have) white hair ten years
r action in progress at the moment i. -l^ast week I -
(eat) a lot of meat so I (not feel)
of speech very well now
r regular action in the past j. lnok at those clouds. I'm sure it -
r personal plans k. By the time we (get) home, Mum (finish) making the
r an action which will happen at an pie. I can't waitl -
unclear moment in the future
r an action which will happen at a
L Why you -
(not try) a different approach? I'm sure
you'Il accomplish your goal.
clearly specified moment in the
future m. I -
(see) "Brokeback Mountain" yet. you?
n. I (plan) on going to college next year.
What other kinds of actions can the
o. I - -
(give) you a penny for your thoughts.
tenses you've identified express?
p. There (be) nothing I can do about it:
If you got at least 9 tenses, - car
the (work)!
congratulations - you're ready for q. We (had) a pretly average holiday, but we still can't say we
exercise 1! (be) glad to be back to work...
r. He said he (manage) to buy the supplies yet.
1...2...3... problem (solve) eventually, I am sure of that.
s. The
4... 5...
7...g...g.,. t. She (take)abathrightnow,shecan'tcometothephone.
READY! u. My father (worD at a bank. He likes it there.
What (do)?

v. Considerable economic growth (expect) in the

next decade.
w. When I die, I would like to be able to say that I
(live) a full and beautiful life.
x. I half expected him to bring me a present, but what he
(do) was way over my expectations.
y. Please bring back some ice cream from the
supermarketif you (go).
z. When I was little, my dad (take) us kids to the
funJair every week. -


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